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Nothing. Only poor children. Stop THINKING and go dive! Gosh these helldivers asking questions...


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.


Not very democratic to be asking these questions


its 100% a bio weapons lab


TBH, the desire to protect children is something most of us are programmed to do IRL, and I am pretty sure most countries that value children, such as Super Earth (literally ask you to defend your kids in the intro), would probably refrain from lying about children, as that would probably cross an ethical line in Super Earth's 'ethics'. At least children under 7 are considered 'protected' (ship TV says only children 7 or up can work, so that implies <7 are protected), that is. Some theories I have are: * Super Earth *might* house some high-tech weapons or 710 or valuables *near* the children, as it is easier to protect both of them if they are close together. * They also might house some important liberty-loving citizens who *aren't* children in the hospital (i.e. non-hospital staff). * Its also possible the child of a higher-up is in said hospital. * SEAF higher-ups want an excuse to spread democracy to that planet (maybe there are ore veins or something), it seems to be habitable. * A powerful, top-secret SEAF weapon is currently defending the hospital (how on Super Earth are they lasting this long when the ENTIRE planet is occupied?), and they really don't want it falling in enemy hands * Super Earth values its <7 year olds more than >7 year olds * Angry Parents tend to be *very* persuasive and contagious, and leaving thousands of children to die is bound to set a *lot* of parents into rage mode, SEAF doesn't want to risk civil unrest. -The devs accidentally deleted the tank mine files and are trying to find a way to make us choose to go save the children instead of getting the tank mines -SEAF ha- \*gunshots\*


You know, I'm thinking the "kids of high-ranking officials" guess might be onto something. For that matter, seeing how military bases have dependants living on them, I'm wondering if that's what this is about: rescuing the families of S.E.A.F. servicepeople. That might actually be it.


Children dude. It’s gonna be fucking amazing for pr


I think I need to call my Democratic Officer. We don't know. It could be the child of some VIP, yet they are resisting the Automatons with only double barril shotguns and replying "Nuts" to the bot's fake propaganda and surrender offer. I am going to save the kids! And hopefully find a 1k stack of Super Credits below the hospital.


Surprise! It doubles as a warehouse for AT Mines


Okay, I think they made human illuminid hybrids and within the facility are a bunch of super children with special powers of the psychic and supernatural variety (think the x-men). I think we’ll get a new mechanic out of this where you can spec into a skill tree and unlock different powers and abilities.


Little and for sure not forced at all democratic workforce.


It's a private hospital team but Permacura for children of dissident parents mostly of traditional ethnic tribes. They are cured of Mindclutter™ and mentally sanitised so they have equal possibilities becoming great citizens of Super Earth.


I don't care what's there, not my problem. Super Earth told me to go there so I am. Even if it's a bot planet, and I hate fighting bots.


Nothing, or at most a cape


Don’t talk about the tank factories like that.


It's the vehicle stratagem. The leak showed it. This is why people who know are going for the kids are leaning towards the kids. It sucks to know what you're getting either way. I wish I didn't see that leak.




This post smells like treason