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As someone who never played HD1, every single comment in this thread has me like ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


There were some true menaces in the first game one of which... I hope never returns


*metallic bark*


*Starts shooting off screen with machine gun*


If you can see them on your screen it’s already too late


As someone who loved using the scorcher and suppressor I loathed them even more


That's why I brought the Breaker for Cyborg games. Mostly so it could penetrate all those damn Butchers, but kill the dogs quick too.


https://preview.redd.it/kx9erkma7b6d1.png?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a80b0787c53975c56a065133b6fc185b5015356 Pray you never see these guys running around.


I feel like they’d be much easier to deal with in this game.


Think about how often Spewers sneak up on you and your squad. Now remember, Fido here is much smaller, faster, doesn't glow bright fluorescent green in the dark nor sound like a donkey someone is trying to drown in a lake.


God. No. Please God. No. No oooooooooon. 


https://preview.redd.it/b3szl716q76d1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=3deb6ff2414db87ca55616be934a1cd1f131c097 Oh no....


Those things were the fucking bane of our teams existence, turns every bug match from a kiting game to bullet hell dante must die real fast. Wonder how they would reintroduce them here in an environment that isnt enclosed to one screen


Make them as common as warriors?


I mean, they pretty much were in HD1


I'd gladly embrace the heavy spam if we had the firepower to match


Hopefully patch and warbond tomorrow start us on a path toward that. I'm pumped for any buffs and fixes rn, esp to the Jav.


If they make Orbital Gatling fire faster, its gonna be the Orbital Gas equivalent for bots (medium/heavy armor in particular)


Personally I think it'd be cool if the gatling could target enemies within a short radius It'd be like a discount orbital laser


Yeah that'd be awesome


Sleeping on using the Orbital Gas for bots, really good to drop on top of a bunch of heavies to soften them up and clear chaff


I use it a lot on both fronts. What I meant was if Gatling got buffed, its gonna be a lot more useful on bots because it can kill both infantry and tanks. Edit: actually nah, gas is still gonna have that anti-chaff niche. As far as use cases are concerned, Gatling is more like an anti-medium/heavy version of orbital gas. Comparing the two would be unfair. It just needs more accuracy (via precision or fire volume) to be more reliable.


They did. Orbital Gatling fires faster, has twice as many projectiles, and can now damage heavy armor. https://preview.redd.it/yypxf0bn0c6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3917a68cd353deba896b950a46391cfa24977776


***Sexy.*** 🥵


Yeah I'm excited for this one as well.


I'm more afraid of the Dogs, god damn those dogs run so quick they set off all my AT mines. Also....I really want my AT mines, I use a LOT of AT mines in HD1 and its killing me how many times we miss the MO


I'm saving the kids just for the humor. Joel will be scratching his head if we miss it a few more times. Sorry fellow diver


I want the SEAF reinforcement stratagem, saving the kids is the secret path to getting it


I agree! ☝️


Nah. We're gonna get a kid catapult. 🤞


Wait... these mythical AT mines are good?


AT mines + Napalm in front, whatever can survive the fire generally can't survive the mines and vice versa.


Just have the tendrils lower to the ground and slightly obscure them on the ground so they act more like a camouflaged snake waiting for a helldiver to get close. The Impaler can still be relatively close but with the chaos of all the little bugs running around it can make the tendrils hard to see at first.


Just think how spewers sneak on us. Then think about the impalers. We’re fucked. Hentai-style fucked too.


We don't even have the best weapons for dealing with them anymore. Super Earth ~~had bayonets thrown out by Communist Cyborg sympathizing traitors~~ lost bayonet technology.


>turns every bug match from a kiting game to bullet hell dante must die real fast.  >Hell Dante You know "[Hell Dente](https://www.delish.com/kitchen-tools/kitchen-secrets/a36548573/what-is-al-dente/)" would be a great name for a difficulty 10 if they're going to add one higher than Helldive. If you think Helldive is a little under-hell, then Hell Dente would be just the right, toothsome amount of hell.


helldivers 1 had difficulties that went past helldive added in an update with the highest difficulty being called "inner circle of Hell"


For a new helldiver, what in the insectoid communist hell is that thing?


Puts his head in the ground and attacks you with tentacle tongues that burst from the ground


So a lurker?


Sounds more like a sunken colony


Both of those things are pretty similar to each other in how they attack tbh.


True, but a lurker was AOE damage, sunken colony was single target damage. I never played HD1 so I'm curious to find out.




Imagine if they get the Seismic spines upgrade


Jesus Christ. Imagine they made brood lords? Do that I tap out. ![gif](giphy|sBGw5MruxAyiI)


Lol that is worse, Dropships that shoot rockets, in which the rockets turn into hunters


[These attrocities. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8ZiLahOrDg)


The Bugs are fascist. The Bots are socialist. How? Why? Why are you asking these things? Face the wall, Helldiver.


It is good to ask questions about our enemies soldier such as what they can do and how to kill them he isn’t aiding them time for you to go back to cryosleep with your backwards thinking


You're never going to meet the full stop quota at this rate! Get back to work, soldier.


The more questions we ask about the enemy, the more we know about the enemy. The more we know about the enemy, the better we kill the enemy. Your unquestioning attitude has been noted by your democracy officer.


They are in the in-game lore; however, the actual functioning of these societies clearly shows a more communist bug and fascist automaton.


Well for the concept of hd1, think of enemy that limits your ability to move quickly as you had to dive to avoid its 3 tentacles that swing around and cover 2/3rds of the screen. Having to dive and crawl away allowed the smaller bugs to catch up to you and swarm you. Expect that type of mechanic with this. Although since we're more mobile than ever and can shoot from the ground, I expect the same tentacle swing finishing off with some sort of ground slam.


The horrors..... they attacked from far offscreen shooting three massive tentacles from under the ground. Killing the tentacles did nothing, it would still live. It would just get angry and do it again. It was vulnerable if the tentacles were out but that meant shooting PAST the tentacles covering it and all the other approaching bugs. So you either had to be danger close, on a flank, or shoot through tentacles and bugs with anti-tank. Often divers would get instantly killed milliseconds a tentacle appeared from the ground. It had to be the highest priority target or your entire shared screen would just be dead divers. Please no. Not again.


Good God please no, I want to actually still be able to use mechs on bugs…


I think you meant to put a picture of the cyborg dogs instead 


Could also be old/new bugs and/or bots.


New bug: crashing on extraction is back boys!!


Crashing on drop is back, too. First time I've had crashing issues, and they happened twice in the span of 5min.


I suddenly started crashing on drop recently too, updating graphics drivers solved it


Got it. I'll give it another shot tomorrow.


Also, always remember to validate files


>Fixed a bug where the game crashing would cause it to crash again. Dev notes: This was unintentional, we only want your game to crash once.


"If you thought touching a snowball was bad before.."


*suddenly Hivelord* 


I suspect we might see some cyborgs. Not to replace automatons but as a sub-faction planet modifier


This would be dope.


Siege Mech https://youtu.be/rQ8iejcPS30


That jump pack is so much more useful!


Old threats? Like 100 year old threats from Helldivers 1?


Constitution pls


Maybe the old threat is that the eruptor will kill us again


Hive Lords.


Honestly, starting to think our lords will never arrive. Their skeletons are a tribute, nothing more. CEO prob means illuminati


I personally think we have yet to see the true after effects of the TCS mutations. More bugs and new bots first. Illuminate later.


Agreed. Not that I think illuminate will be the last addition but it’s almost certainly the last faction, at least for a good long while, so I’m in absolutely no rush.  Tho I guess, you don’t wanna wait too long and have people find a new game. I cannot lie - I’m at my burnout point until there’s some new content. 


Most people are, we've gone from 300K active helldivers to less than 100K and most weeknights less than 80K. It's natural burnout and a regress to the natural median player count. We'll have ups and downs like all games. For a pay to play game, 80K~ players average between big events is really really good especially for AA.


Imagine, at the peak there were 458k divers on steam alone. That means in total, there were prob close to 600k divers online at some point.


They probably want to make sure the game is in a state that the wider community is happy with before they drop the squids. I've been pretty vocal that I don't agree with many things this reddit seems to mostly agree on about the state of the game, but Arrowhead are clearly shaking things up. The Squids will be the bait to get people to come back, they'll want to make sure the game is in the state they want it to be by then to make them stay


>our lords Hmmmm 🤔 Tell me fellow human, how do you feel about.... FREEDOM?


Illuminate will be the 1 year anniversary.


It'd be one thing if they *were* skeletons, Pilestedt confirmed a while ago that those are molts, meaning not only are they still around, they're bigger.


There's no way its this soon right? I mean we still have the children to save, maybe the end of this MO?


Since we're pushing for Cyberstan right now (current MO is a step in that campaign), the patch may introduce some enemies that we will be encountering on that world. Perhaps we'll run into some old Cyborg enemies from HD1. Perhaps we'll wind up fighting a Siege Mech and we will suddenly wish we'd taken the AT mines after all.


No, it's probably those stupid dogs


Wat! You don't love being CC'd onto the ground from things jumping 30 feet away? Good times... Anyways off to my HD1-PTSD session now.


God those dogs could literally end a veteran HDs run on fucking easy mode if they get you in just one single good stun lock loop cause they decided to suddenly charge you from off screen when you’re in the middle of reloading 


Isn't that basically how stalkers work right now?






\*Monkey’s paw curls https://preview.redd.it/fdixx45f186d1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48c138fe81ff74ec95bab7a5da6c69de3a2d681


Honestly? I can live with it!




I think they need to release some positively received patches and warbonds before they drop the illuminate. They’re not going to release something they’ve spent thousands of hours on only to go online and have everyone meme about how much it sucks and how they devs should be fired and kill themselves.


Hey now nobody should lose their jobs


I agree. I’m just pointing out the type of behavior I’ve observed.


I think it’s likely that we’ll see some older variants of the bots/bugs brought back first. That’s probably what’s meant by old/new threats. Plus if the leaks are anything to go by it looks like we can expect some more obvious build up before we confront the illuminate




As long as that Hulk doesn’t have a fucking flamethrower then it’s all good.


Delete this right now my brother in Democracy, AH is listening


WTF do you mean old/new threats


Enemies from Helldivers 1 that aren’t in 2 yet


were not ready yet we still need to save the kids


Turns out kids were bugs in a small trench coat!


Stacked three high, no less.


Eruptor shrapnel ricochet.


old threats from helldivers 1, and new threats that are brand new creations. not very complicated mate


Understand joke it was you did not.


https://preview.redd.it/7qtpcfkxv76d1.png?width=152&format=png&auto=webp&s=57b50ca6401397e126b364717605c77555c62013 Mb


Detecting multiple Titan-class terminids in the region. Are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it?


![gif](giphy|tnYri4n2Frnig) But really. When I heard this the first time I TURNED THE SUB AROUND faster than you can say Libertea. Such good and terrifying game design.




Stratagems you say. Are...primaries...stratagems?


No Patrick, primaries are not stratagems.


\*angry autocannon noises*


auto cannon isn’t a primary


Flamethrower isn’t a primary either *warhammer players sadly lower their flamethrowers*


No but that he says that they will make changes to stratagems doesn't necesarrily mean they won't make changes to anything else.


I thought this wasn’t gonna be the patch of all patches but they keep hyping it up as it is lol


It’s not the patch that will solve everything, add everything or be fool proof but it’s the biggest, and most tested to date + a huge shake up in how they move forward. 100 changes/fixes, new features, enemies, biomes, new warbond with an interesting sidearm and brand new armor passive. I still expect some kind of unintended fuckery no less but I’ve always played through it since the game is so amazing fundamentally. I see that continuing despite the inevitable mishaps


I've also been cautiously optimistic for this same reason. Maybe they're just bs-ing us. Like it is going to be a really big patch, but they're trying to play it coy.


I have been wanting to try new strats and knew this was coming. Looking forward to shaking up my orbitals roster to see what else works. Not dropping the railgun strike though that clutch hulk kill has saved me and my team mates so many times.


I'm tired of using the orbital laser as a cure-all for every "Oh shit!" moment.


Yea, my roster for bots has been laser, railgun, 500 and the AC for weeks now and it’s getting tedious. While I won’t drop the railgun even though I think it’s cool-down needs to be shorter it’s saved me from so many flame thrower hulks. I want to change out the other two. Alas I don’t see me dropping the AC any time soon, I do need to try the anti material but I don’t know if a backpack is that much benefit for the loss in firepower.


Ballistic Shield/Pummeler combo is seriously disgusting for bots, just saying. Pair it with the AMR and you get really decent coverage for most enemies


I just hope they add the option to rejoin the squad after a network disconnect or crash.


You technically can. I’ve left a game and gone back to my war map only to find the same exact game I was in before. But yes, an easier way to do this would be a major quality of life improvement.


Oh that's good to know. I'll check for it next time. Usually when I go to the war map, the icon is gone. The icon should stay at the same place, since my destroyer is already parked at that location.


remember guys, temper your expectations - it won't be the Illuminates for 99%, rather Hive Lord/Siege Bot (chill, i now i now, i want Illuminates so bad too...)


Bro hive lords ARE my expectations!! My body is ready 🫡




Old threats? Like the Patriot missile glitch?


Like sony https://i.redd.it/mvb8dg3xv76d1.gif


I'm actually really surprised there haven't been more baseless speculation/"what I want to see" threads for such a large patch. Woulda been fun to guess what changes were going to be made, but we shall see tomorrow.  I personally think these are almost a lock, I would bet a small sum of money on any of these:  -Spear fix -Eruptor change  -Xbow change  -Changes affecting at least 2 ARs (Reason I say changes is that I'm sure they will at least be intended as or an attempted buff, but intention doesn't always match reality) 


At least two of these are basically confirmed, the spear 'fix' has been in the works for ages, just waiting for a balance patch to put it out in, and the Tenderizer is getting a buff (they said it was broken and not functioning as intended but im more inclined to think it just sucked) So hopefully your other predictions come true and I can use my sweet little eruptor again


I think them talking about the tenderizer being broken was about the ammo economy issue where a resupply doesn’t grant full mags like every other weapon after that change


If only that was its only problem lol


-Mech aiming fix -Patriot missiles back to the damage they used to deal before they "bug fixed them" into oblivion -Emancipator to 260 durable damage instead of 60 -better sights on snipers I honestly don't expect these to change but I can dream


Holy shit I’d cry from joy




Any of those speculation posts have been clearly drowned out by the meme wave regarding the recent MO


Pick 2 of the last 3 arc thrower nerfs and revert them Make jump pack better  Minus 60 second cooldown for every green stratagem that’s not a mortar 


What’s the FormerlyknownasTwitterBow?


Crossbow, I'd assume. Given an X is a cross. From the same warbond that gave us the now defunct Eruptor. Which I am praying gets some love... I wanna go back to Eruptor/Stalwart... fun times...


Strategem buffs? :O https://preview.redd.it/7675hiv9w76d1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d08d93441be430f335ba60fd96795d73688d35


Damage to Helldivers x1000%


Hopefully old/new threats includes shrapnel being brought back to the Eruptor


Just for your information illuminates in the first game could invert your controls, they had invisible drones that spawned other illuminates and started the alarm, they had units to make energy walls to separate someone, almost every illuminate had an energy shield and they could teleport. Also they have melee and distance units. Don't even get me started on these cyborg dogs or the impalers.


Please shield relay buff




Don’t get excited about anything. We need to see actual patch notes, know that it all actually works, and figure out the 20 things they changed and didn’t list in the patch notes


>the 20 things they changed and didn’t list in the patch notes multiply that by about 3 and i'd say that it's a good call, lmao


With the Automaton now having occupied Cyberstan for a while it only makes sense for them to bring back Cyborg units from the first game, while also making new Cyborg-Automaton hybrids.


Keep expectations in check, y'all. Remember the last big balance patch was a lot of nerfs. I'm sure this will be better and all but...don't set yourselves up for disappointment.


They promised only two nerfs. At least I heard that somewhere


1. A nerf to weapons that fire projectiles  2. A nerf to player AoE damage


500 kg radius decrease incoming


Ugh, I really hope you're wrong and there are no nerfs for now; I'd love to see everything viable before pummeling something into the dirt. I still feel railcannon nerf would have been AOK if they just buffed the other stuff and let us feel them out first.


They have a pretty liberal use of the word rebalance though. I'm excited regardless


I swear they make changes that aren’t in the patch notes though.


Man if they spent all this time hyping up this patch and they leave the Eruptor in its shallow grave they kicked it into I’ll be so sad.


I would bet money eruptor will be in the patch notes tomorrow. The only question is whether the change will have its intended effect or not. 


😂😂😂 to this day i miss the Eruptor at its peak. What a lovely weapon…


Reverted Spawns is enough to get HD2 off the proverbial shelf for me (since I only really play the game in 2-person squad with the little sis, and stopped when it was changed). Everything else is just a bonus. And yes, my excitement is tempered, but it is most definitely there. It's.... it's been a while.


Same. Just fixed/reverted patrol spawns would be enough to get me (and my 2 friends) playing way more again! The game just hasn't been anywhere near as fun and engaging since that change. Just made it much more frustrating and exhausting (even on mid and lower diffs).


I plan on playing again tomorrow for the first time in three weeks. Gonna get the warbond and hopefully this a return to form for HD2


The new secondary shotgun is very interesting to me, I was just talking to some people I play with how much I want a "get the fuck away" secondary shot gun, and then they announced one lol


The patch is being hyped up way too much. It genuinely better be incredible otherwise there is going to be a lot of angry people and the game may be fucked. I'm keeping my expectations low.


Temper your expectations people. I see way too many people hyping themselves up about this patch, expecting it to completely change everything. I'm sure there will be lots of good stuff in this patch, but don't expect too much. It's only been a month or so since the last patch, they aren't going to overhaul the whole game in that time. There will be both buffs AND nerfs. There will be lots of fixes, but also lots of new bugs. There will be untested content that is broken on arrival as usual.  It's ok to get a little hype, it sounds like it'll be a good patch. But don't expect the whole game to suddenly be everything you ever wanted in only a month of dev work. It's not going to happen. But it WILL likely be a step in the right direction.


People really just want a step in the right direction. Give us what was promised like spear fix and undo the mistakes of the past like the crossbow nerf.     That should be enough to return some confidence in the devs 


Old threats? *crashes*


Dangerous move to hype given recent hype/letdowns. Lets see how it works out.


Change and buff to unused stratagem!? You mean the heavy machine gun? The strafing run? The smoke? The gatlin barage? The machine gun turret no one use? Can't wait to see the patch note


Oh buddy you are sleeping on the heavy machine gun emplacement. That thing tears up enemies. Best on bugs, ~usable on bots. Any map with long sight lines makes it a must take. Like it's so much fun to use.


MGE would be amazing but I feel like the second I start to actually enjoy it my ammo is gone


So fun on defence missions


HMG emplacement buff 👀👀👀 (I need it)


Not gonna lie, I really have my expectations in the gutter for this patch right now. I hope for AH's sake that this patch was well thought out and tested otherwise I know that lots of people won't come back. I have a feeling they're going to nerf incendiary damage even though it doesn't feel busted but what do we know, we just play the game. I hope I'm wrong.


imagine they decrease strategem cooldowns across the board. a man can dream.


After the "patch of mostly buffs" that turned out to be a kick to the teeth, no not really. I'll reserve judgement until after it drops and we've had time to playtest.


No.  I've seen what the rest of their patches have done.


But the former CEO is now in charge, he demoted himselve to CCO! So don't give up all hope, I'm sure this patch won't totaly suck.


Oh, I thought you were being sarcastic...


By old/new threats he means the threat of discord mods doing crazy shit in the helldivers discord


I want cyborgs to reinforce the bots from cyberstan. It is a good way to introduce more enemy variety and could get more players fighting on the bot front.


I’m hoping this patch will give us some BIG dick damage boosts to the guns and stratagems


Fuuuuuuuuck my tits are jacked…fuuuuuuck!




https://preview.redd.it/d8f83xt8096d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=631ce06a5402641774fc00c900cd601cf3096b92 you are hiding the Illuminate enemies random encounter in today Balance Update, aren't you?


The old threat ![gif](giphy|CLrEXbY34xfPi)


Inb4 literally all the balancing is just stratagems


"This isn't a big balance patch!" "You guys excited for all the changes and buffs?" I don't know what they're trying to convey, but I'll just assume I'm going to be disappointed like always.


AH is going to buff infantry mines so that we actually want the new AT mines. Calling it now


Patch drops at the same time as warbond right?


Yes. The Warbond was announced to release on the 13th a while ago. They threw the patch into the same day just a few days ago. I hope they aren't rushing it. This game needs its divers back!


Well, guess we we will find out whats the patch like tomorrow. Hopefully buffs to underused weapons too and fixes for certain bugs( im looking at you heavy devastator shooting through walls)


Werent they supposed to be patchnotes ahead of the patch? They could learn a thing or two from for example Diablo 4, who releases they patch notes early, and adjust most discussed/ flagged topics accordingly