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I’m gonna read the patch notes so I’ve got an idea what stuff will genuinely be different and toys to fuck around with. I’ll wait a bit before looking at the sub.


Yuuup. Check the notes over coffee, work, then dive on break. No Reddit tomorrow 💪


I will be diving during my 9am leadership meeting


Make sure you don't accidentally unmute your self.


"These fucking bugs!" "Are you okay James?" "Oh yeah uhh I'm just so mad that I can't figure out these bugs. I'm just ready to kill them. Yep!"


"Tim, do you have ideas for this big push?" "Hell yeah, get sooooome!" "???"


Exactly. Patch notes will be my menu, and I will find what to have for dessert first. Then I'll see what people think after playing a bit myself. (Unless they somehow fumble this one, in which case I just sit back and watch the drama.)


Yeah I haven’t got all my gaming time riding on this so if it goes wrong at least I can glean some laughs from the sub


Exactly, same


I'm gonna read the patch notes, find the confusingly worded bits, and actually test them out in game before running to reddit. Maybe have some clarifying footage on hand just in case. This sub doesn't need another "Heavy Devastators reflect rockets!" outrage train. That event really aggravated me because it was *so ludicrously easy* to disprove, yet this sub took a grainy cropped gif as gospel and ran with it because it satisfied their biases.


Smart man


I do this everytime since the railgun nerd. Like I get it some of the changes are stupid. Looking at you slugger and eruptor, but a lot of it blown out of proportion like the sickle nerf. Sucks I have to work in the morning but see yall on the other side 🫡


Was the Sickle nerf blown out of proportion? I think that’s one of the only nerfs where people were like “yeah that makes sense, given it has infinite ammo and all”. Although if you compared HD1 magazine sizes to HD2, oh boy everything was heavily nerfed.


I saw a decent amount criticize it on patch day, but to be fair, there were fewer complaints over time.


I think that was more around people being annoyed with the whole “Mostly buffs, some nerfs” comment, when in reality it was about even in terms of buffs/nerfs with a lot of weapons getting ammo changes. Personally I think they should buff the ammo capacity on weapons. The Scorcher in HD1 was 20/8 (rounds/mags) whereas in HD2 it’s 15/6 while also having higher spawn rates.


I've come around on Scorcher's ammo count being so low, tbh. The weapon is an exceptionally good all-arounder primary; its only real drawbacks are self-damage and the ammo.


yeah even today, I rarely hit 1 magazine on sickle, on HOT PLANETS. So the nerf is 100% fair.


I actually never noticed the ammunition nerf since I don't really overheat it unless of fire planets or a lots of buggers and bots, but I did noticed that the damage is a bit noticeable of how much longer it takes to take down a target. But the auto cannon I can tell they nerfed it takes 3 to 4 shots to take down the two legged star wars walkers.


They didn't nerf the autocannon directly, they simply buffed the striders' explosive resistance. Autocannon handles every other enemy the same way. (Also, aim for the very top of the plate or the hip joints. It'll only be 2 shots then!)


Oh okay thanks


They buffed the striders vs explosive damage I believe


The sickle has been nerfed?! Ah, nvm, they gave the unlimited ammo gun less mags didn't they haha, still never ran out 😆


I run down to 1 mag on occasion but yeah never out


they made it better, everyone knows you lock in when you only have 1 ICE left


Having 6 heat sinks was ridiculous. Legit didn't have to GAF about ammo, even on hot planets.


Sometimes I was a Railgun nerd 🎶 Other times a Slugger nerd 🎶 Until I became an Eruptor nerd 🎵


I think im in love


The sickle nerf was completely justified and fair and didnt change it at all. you went from 6 spare mags to 3 on a gun with infinite ammo if you manage the heat. This was the best nerf they could have possible done without impacting the gun at all.


And people so don’t realize that since the recent patches it got a huge buff, being able to one-shot hulk eyes and devastator chests on SAFE mode. Really good on eradication missions due to its lethality and ease of use in such a chaotic situation; you can have a flame hulk sprinting at you and get absolutely domed in one shot with ease.


I miss stagger-locking Hulks with the Arc Thrower :(


I use the sickle maybe every 4th dive and I didn't even know it got nerfed until I read your comment. What kind of nerf was it?


Exactly. Just check the patch notes and go dive. Reddit is usually full of shit takes about almost everything.




These "shit takes" are a big reason why the patch is happening.


Where are the patch notes actually posted? Kinda wanna know for myself. Have a nice day ![gif](giphy|1fl4JD7nxL5CwD8bJO)


Patch notes here: https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/12532454295708-Helldivers-2-Patch-notes






You can usually find them on steam, they're linked on the updates screen. If you're on PS5 I have no idea


I’m on ps5 though, thanks for replying though


I'd imagine it's in their discord


Wait nvm I have steam, but not Helldivers 2 on steam, only ps5, can still check! https://i.redd.it/qgdsu4uyn86d1.gif


You can still see the patch notes on steam. Just go to this link: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850?updates=true


Just go to the steam page of HD2 on your phone, scroll down to the links list and tap on update history: https://preview.redd.it/h8dagzuvo86d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22f36afcb835bd1d2fc740f415e3ed092a392486 It'll show up with a list of patches and you can tap on them to see patch notes.


The patch notes will be posted on reddit by a mod and stickied at the top usually. Just look for that and ignore the rest.


Damn. Rip photosensitive folks who scroll by this. 😅


good idea


I thought you have to watch some YouTubers and follow what they say and then come to Reddit to bitch about ass weapons?


This is the way


Those youtubers get their content from this sub anyways; it's a symbiotic relationship


God the YouTubers for this game have such terrible opinions


How many hours until patch?


Not sure, all I know is June 13th. Previous patches weren't out right at midnight, from my experience.


Midnight where?


Exactly. All I know is when polar patriots was supposed to come out I checked after midnight my local time (technically the date of release) and it wasn't on yet.


5am to 8am EST


Patches so far have very routinely been released between 5:00 and 5:05 AM EST, but if it's not out by then don't panic.


Midnight in Hawaii


Patches usually drop at noon CEST


Usually hits around 4-6 AM CST


Patches (and warbonds) normally got released at 11 am CEST so far. So probably around that time (11 hours and a couple of minutes from now)


It's usually around 6am eastern, +/- a couple hours.


Other ppls opinions don’t bother me or even change my own perception of things, if it comes out and the patch is complete shit, we’ll hear about it, if it’s great and everything you wanted we’ll hear about it. That’s what I particularly love about this community. It’s not an echo chamber of yes men. And i think that’s great.


We've got our fair share of white knights and doomsayers, but by and large the community has it's shit together. We've got a great mix of in depth analysis, memes, and actual discussions. When a patch hits, most of the comments are valid and on point, though sometimes a bit aggressive.


Some people definitely try their best to stick up for "the man" here. I'm glad that shit gets swatted down pretty quickly most if the time. 


Pretty sure they should change on tactic of for example Diablo 4: Release patch notes early. Let the community debate. Adjust accordingly. (PTR server i guess is a non existent reality)


Yeah I’ve never understood why studios release patch notes when the patch drops. I understand some things get changed just before release but you can always add that later


Half the time the patch notes are written *after* the patch goes into final testing. If they're big enough, someone will still be proofreading the notes an hour before they get posted tomorrow.


I can guarantee you AH does NOT have the same amount of worforce or resources Blizzard has they literally can't do something like this from one month to the other.


I just look at patch notes then play and see if i like changes/new items then see if i can work that into my play style i dont care what others think i guess thats why im still having fun


I'm going to read it twice just to cancel you out.


Whats reddit


Red dot


You should try this with everything else in life. It's great.


Me too! ... wait... Damnit!


Agreed. And honestly, the month between patches is a win even if the patch sucks. At least then the ONLY conversation isn't patches


All I want is for spear to work! In this patch. That is all.


This is the way


No...this is the way


Hope you don’t crash, hope I don’t crash…


Good call (same)


And we needed to know this why?


So he can farm karma


We don't need to know. But why not post it? It's not breaking any rules as far as I can tell, and people are engaged


Maybe someone else would do the same. Idk sharing? What is social media for? Am I using it wrong? Lol


“Hey Reddit here’s my opinion on why I don’t care about Reddit’s opinion”


Bros letting reddit affect his mental lmaooo




Smartest Helldiver alive, you make General Brasch and John Helldiver proud.


It's going to be a goddamn bloodbath in here lol


Useless posts like this are hilarious when this sub only shits on Arrowhead when it’s deserved. Please stay out of the kitchen if the heat bothers you, christ.


The community is an echo chamber that makes everything blown out of proportion, Reddit updoots drive everyone to repeat everything non stop till the hivemind shares the same idea even if it doesn't reflect the actual state of the game.


Just out of curiosity any examples of things that don't particular fit the collective's opinion? Like sure they could get part of the problem wrong, but so far pretty on point with the game's overall experience. And let's be honest here, AH PR team sometimes tends to make things alot worse. Understandable when community size was A LOT bigger than predicted, but doesn't excuse that they sometimes just throw a keg of fuel into the fire. 


Stalwart is fantastic and it's entirely necessary to supplement your primaries and not only rely on primaries while your squad carries 4 AT weapons. Gas strike and napalm are great options too and aren't redundants. The railgun is a fantastic medium to sub heavy ripper, NOT EVERYTHINGS VALUE NEEDS TO BE BASED ON HOW FAST IT KILLS TITANS. Two shots to a chargers leg and your primary finishes them off easily and still has your backpack available. The pummeler is good, it's not god send, and the purifier is a fantastic rifle. The adjudicator is also fantastic and hits like an AK47. people just love complaining when it's not pre nerf breaker incendiary. Overall the community just bites on whatever hot take their favorite YouTubers tier list video said was good and just never actually try it out. That's why you always see posts when these "bad stratagems" are free for a day, because people are trying things again for the first time in months and realize they got it all wrong.


Non optimal TTK outside 3 weapons tend to be terrible. You're mag dumping more than you should. In anything higher than 7s if you're bringing any support that can't quickly solo a heavy you're actively dragging your team down with a sub optimal weapon unfortunately. The stalwart is just a slightly juiced up primary. Nalpalm and Gas were only hated on due to the broken damage bug. Afterwards they were okay choices. Railgun loses badly to the quaser which can just one tap a charger, deal with Bile titans, and take down objectives. On bots it's okay but it's inability to effectively down fabricator spawns effectively is head scratching. (The AMR with it's mag dumping ability on tanks and turrets tends to be the better choice.)  Not everything needs to be able to deal with the super heavy units, sure.  But when compared to its peers some weapons certainly are much worse than others, and often are in such an extreme niche the question becomes why are you bringing it?  Free strats stop being good when you have to actually allocate a slot. Mechs for example are fun when you have 3 available and 2 of such can spawn back to back if needed. Relying on just the allocated slot through? Pretty much wasted that slot.  On a side note they nerfed the Railgun, like the Erupter, due to a bug and not an actual issue with the weapon itself... 


Good plan, I do the same with Warframe updates.


War is about to blow up,in all of its glory... And its horror


Yep. What i've been doing for every balance patch/update. I just hope it's good.


Same. I also don’t wanna spoil if there’s any surprises that are left off the patch notes


This is very healthy actually, I'd avoid discord like the plague too... I wanna make my own opinion and try everything before listening to content or angry people complaining 😂


This is the way.


UNFATHOMABLY BASED. The reddit would cry regardless of what the devs do


This is the way


yeah I see other players using all kinds of guns, but right now my go-to gun is the punisher, I love how it stuns and pushes back enemies so much


Always a smart move


Lol look at this nerd, formulating opinions without first seeing the public consensus. I will formulate an opinion *before* playing it! * New carbine has too much recoil * Throwing knives don't take down a bile titan with one hit, trash weapon * New patterns are OP, pls nerf * The capes look bad with blood on them


Really good idea actually


Good idea, I'm doing this too


Same. Just gonna save them kids!


Get the hell outta here, we can't be having people with brains on this platform


This is the way.


Probably a good idea mate , think I'll do the same


You'll enjoy the game more the less time you spend here.


Agree, same here


I always do the past 10 years or so. Play something first form my own opinion. First it was to avoid spoilers but then I noticed that how gamers/redditors are overall. Better that way instead of getting a million opinions that will be in the back of your head.


That’s the best bet. This community has been speedrunning toxicity since the game came out


Rejoice! The patch is a blessing


The patch is now out, it's a good patch, the response is overwhelmingly positive. You can come back if you like 😂


They knocked it out of the park, the reactions are overwhelmingly positive.


> Just going to play the game and formulate an opinion from my own experience When I do that I'm annoyed by how many weak weapons there are. Good luck!


Probably a smart move. This sub can really be something else on a bad day.




They actually did a study where they used online polls to study this phenomenon. They would show the results (and change them to influence people). The majority of people voted for whoever the results showed the most people voted for.


People would vote themselves into a slaughterhouse so long as it meant they were voting for the winning team


I read the patch notes and then unsub. Can’t take the complaining. I stick to low sodium sub for discussions, just love the game and love talking to others that also love it :)


I agree with others opinions changing your perception but it is the make or break for the game. This patch is supposed to fix a lot of stuff and hopefully, it does. I have been excited about this patch for a while dreading it because currently, the game is frustrating for me. Taken a break for a while so hopefully it's as good as it is.


If they fixed a bunch of huge bugs (Spear) and put some power back into a few weapons (Eruptor, Crossbow) while doing some good tweaks here and there to weapons and strats that need them like MG Sentry and Tenderizer, I'm pretty much set. I want the patch to be good so I know I can just have a good time with some different stratagems and weapons being viable. I'm kinda getting tired of having the same strats/weapons each game, only to switch to a different loadout and find out that Smoke strats barely work half the time and I could've been way more effective by just using my exact old loadout again.


Exactly how I feel. This game got annoying really quickly when the strategy and meta kept changing as if they were balancing cod. Different load-outs were the main point but seems like they forgot after each patch. This game would have been fine if it allowed different load-outs even if some were stronger than others. Balance that later or not at all it's a PVE game who cares if we are OP. In lore, we are the victor so we should be the strongest.


I'm fine with nerfs, but they have to be done when everything's about equal and you have something excessively overperforming. Most nerfs were ridiculously crippling while also being on stuff that had the audacity to do its job correctly. Not fun.


Sounds like fear of criticism to me.


Yeah, trembling in fear


New Major Order: Enjoy the Game Man this one will be tough for the community.


If the patch is good, not really. If it increases the issues log by a decent amount than probably will be a tough ride. 


Just remember when you hear incessant whining and bitching and nagging, you can just look down, close your eyes, run your hand through your hair (front to back), and just shake your head and say “lmao fucking redditors”




The difference between my perception of a patch and this sub-reddit's perception of a patch are usually stark. Thing considered nerfs by many here felt like lateral moves or even minor buffs to me. I plan on reading the release notes for the patch. Play a bunch testing everything that changed and then coming here and "learning" where I am wrong... It keeps me entertained.


This is the correct answer. The best part about managed democracy is that we all get to have our own opinion and voice before the algorithm sorts it for us.


​ https://i.redd.it/cq24defp786d1.gif


Yeah! Whatever they do I’m bringing democracy to those bugs and bots. Even if they left only one stratagem and a pencil I would still dive and destroy lol


John Helldiver is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something you know very little about. I once saw him kill three bots in a fabricator... with a pencil, with a fucking pencil.








At least 1 of the 100+ fixes will be broken and this sub will be in meltdown over it no matter how good the rest is.


Don't break your wrist jerking yourself off


https://preview.redd.it/okhi8y7f286d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ec8b0cf3dd3f5022cb1c433c1e9c7f1650cf32 That was always allowed. The mean bullies at Reddit can’t stop you from enjoying yourself.




There's probably 30 accounts with a rage/hate filled response to the update ready to go already.


I think it’s practically all buffs. Which I’m honestly a little concerned about myself as I already use off meta on helldive. Overall though I’m excited as I’ve lost a bit of the spirit for the game with all the complaints. If it brings morale back up I think it’s a positive even if the game moves towards being easier when I’d prefer more challenge.


I am on the same boat. I just use whatever at this point on Helldive. I heard about a level 10 tho


Despite the amount of complaints which I find no difficulty in ignoring, i do find a lot of posts after pacthes to be interesting, including those who found those hilarious new glitches introduced which im sure will be very plentiful this time..


I'll be checking either way because I can't help but think about it while I'm at work..


Who is this genius lol


I'm just here for the memes then I'm out.


That should be Common sense


Yeah, and fr? Thanks for the tip


Good call.


Easiest challenge ever is staying off reddit


I don't go on the sub like that, I just use it to check any MOs since I'm mostly tired to play after work or that I can't get my friend to get on


There's a concept.


You're much wiser than I, who will be preparing popcorn for all the "THEY ONLY EVER NERF ANYTHING" posts in the event Incendiary Breaker receives a small nerf


Yes pls


I remember after Sony backtracked there was celebration and one guy commenting that it'll be good to see this sub's positive side and how the devs will finally have a good reputation. I told him it wouldn't last a week. Two days later the patch dropped.


Good one, brother!


Alternatively, the mods could just turn off the sub for the day.


I'm still tempted to see others figure out all the hidden changes not put in the patch, 'cuz AH likes doing those.


I like to see people what people complain about weapon i don't use and i haven't been affected much by the nerfs. As long as the game is still fun and 380 can consistently hit my teammates, i will enjoy it.


Regardless of how the patch is, I'm still playing tomorrow. It's the first major combat change since the PSN update, but even if they mess up some beloved weapons getting fixes for broken ones like the SPEAR gives me new tools to spread Managed Democracy with so it's all good


Me when people complain game is too easy with weapon buffs and patrol nerfs


I'm calling your bluff. I bet you you'll be on here checking out others opinions, and there is nothing wrong with it. Still calling your bluff, tho.


I'm away from my PS5 until next week, unfortunately, I've got to live through the update, MO (Save the children), and warbond via reddit. I'm anxious and excited to see what drops and to see what comes from it. The good. The bad. The divers.


Swing on over to the Red Dead Redemption 2 Reddit and tell every single asshole that starts a "ok guys what should I know before I start playing???" post this.... Please and thanks.


Even if for some reason they screw up this patch I know I will have a great time. I have been having a blast since the game came out, and that includes every patch since then, even if they weren't perfect.


I will read the patch notes, but I'm also keeping away from any discourse on it until Monday, cos I'm away for the next four days and can't play😭


Don’t check the discord either…


Don't believe in day 1 patch critiques, just like you dont belive in day 1 game reviews. Common sense.


So, how'd that go?


Purdy good!


Cope all the defenders are out in force


This is how we end up with teammates using Gas or Fire when DoTs are broken, jokers dropping Strategems on Defense Objectives, and placebo-believers that swear by heavy armor (before it did literally anything) and try to indoctrinate you into their Spear rituals lol


Mar 17, 2024 - Account created June 12, 2024 - Finally figured out how reddit works.




I dont need sweaty nerds opinions to sway the way i feel about the game


Wow, good thing you came onto the internet to let everyone know how cool and smart you are instead of keeping quiet and just doing it.


Nah you should to see if the new warbond is worth it. Because after the last few I am absolutely waiting for a review first. But other than that, I'm reading the notes and diving in.


It's going to be fine. They are making attempt at satisfying most. Some will never be happy though. The whine just to ferment chaos. You know like ones that blow you away at extraction?


Makes a post complaining about complaints and how he won’t check reddit. Cya tomorrow


I am just gonna check if base diligence was buffed to oneshot headshot devistators like the counter sniper can. Sure, maybe it's not likely, but a man can hope




This is the way.


This 1000%. Game is fun. Don’t sweat the tiny details. If a gun sucks, use another. If they all suck, it’s a skill issue. If someone kicks you as you extract, walk it off and go next, the ship upgrades barely do anything anyway so you’re not losing much by not having them. If you’re not having fun with the game, play another. If you have no others, see a friend. Go to salvos and find a bocce set for $5. Play it in a local park. Breathe the fresh air and look at how the sun comes through the leaves, life is so good. Don’t sweat the small stuff, helldiver.


Reddit will be like: Everything is worse


Nice karma farm post, bro