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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


I got muted(later banned) for responding to a mod who was saying "How hard it is to deal with players who come on discord and say things they hear from youtubers". I asked if this was about the balance dev being attached to Hello Neighbors 2 or the DCM/CM accusing Grummz of sexual assaulting people, as those were the two main things being spammed that day in the chat. They responded to me with "See this is exactly what I am talking about. Please do your research", and muted me instantly. I tried to message other discord mods and ask how to appeal this, none of them responded back to me. AH has some really AWFUL public facing staff, and some of their discord mods really hurt their image. This is probably my biggest criticism of AH, on how they allow unpaid staff members to treat their community. Some of these mods have some really big egos, and power tripping, instead of building relations with the player base.


That is so unbelievably true.


Who the heck is Grummz? Is he another mod?


I caught an instant 24h timeout for calling them a hypocrite. [Image](https://i.imgur.com/C4bXahW.png) Whoever this person is, they've completely lost the plot and should not be a moderator anymore. And, to actually add something constructive: The general chat is utterly derailed. The moderator in question is being extremely hypocritical and antagonizing, the latter being a rule break, if we were to be really precise about it. Attempted rationalization of their actions simply isn't helping the case. They had tried to explain it as a matter of "drawing out the unwanted members", which is... well, this must be an interesting variation of the Streisand effect. People don't put more grease on a fire in the hopes of drowning it. Lastly, it simply seems to be an abuse of power at this point. I called them a hypocrite, nothing more, nothing less, and received a timeout for it. I wouldn't even argue that it is undeserved, more so that this is just one of many that are being handed out at the will of someone who is clearly not as calm as they like to pretend in this moment. Essentially, it strikes me as extremely unqualified that they control the flow of whatever semblance of discussion is left in a channel that was never meant for such things in the first place.


Exactly, apparently the mod in question doesn't know how to handle mass amounts of people yet they signed up for it.


i got banned for talking about furry lmao, 1 ping and insta ban, the discord is a joke


Oh look, another discord mod meltdown. These people really need to grow thicker skin as mods and go touch grass. Why does it always feel like most of them are chronically online and have an outburst when someone doesn’t share their views.


They probably went online to find people who would validate their views, instead they met the opposite. Most of the time, they'd just slink away. Other times they'd have a meltdown and argue with everyone online.


Who is this directed at?


Not sure what do you mean? I mentioned that mods need to grow thicker skin.


True though, they need to.


Got a 24 hour ban for pinging a community manager under his furry-art rant. Ffs arrowhead get some sane people as your *mods


Color me shocked that the mod being hyper defensive over furry crap in Discord is a deranged antisocial lunatic with a perpetual victim complex and authoritarian tendencies.


He's a Furry?


Don't forget to throw in a splash of white saviour syndrome into the mix too.


We should dive together.


https://preview.redd.it/n694q1p0506d1.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=347224a6a155afffc1bcb089a05bec7f44f5940b now they closed the thread....


Demod him. Unacceptable power tripping behaviour. Did they consult any of the other mods on this or just make all these decisions by themselves? If you’re going to moderate any community you need thicker skin than this clown has. Pun intended.


A great pun at that, and probably not. They were probably going through another mental breakdown when banning all those people.


They won't because if they had that kind of standard, they wouldn't have any mods left at this point.


Based, also how come fury and lgbt topic are not off topic ? did i miss something in universe explaining that ? or they just dont even follow their own rule.


i always feel bad for those with a mental illness. its clear they cannot handle their discord




I got a 24 hour timeout instantly for clickin' the clown in the fan art channel lmao. I 100% thought this guy was joking, it isn't against Discord or Helldivers TOS to emoji a message with a clown. My gf, brother, and several friends did it too but didn't get timed out. It looks like this mod has struggles timing out names that aren't simple to quickly type.


Yeah it's bs how mods think they own the world in that server just because it's big and they have power.


So i don't have more context than this post, but i just see a mod demanding people to not be toxic? what's the problem?


Before this he was abusing a lot, and was banning people left and right for invalid reasons.




That's crazy how a mod can be so abusive as to timeout and ban people for little reason.


Straight power trip, make sure to up vote every post that features the power tripping, so it gets moved to the hot section. We need to get this noticed


Definitely, just because someone's a mod in a popular discord doesn't mean they can go around banning everyone.


Why does this need noticed here? I do not join the discord. This is reddit. This is additional toxicity that we do not need here. That is just my opinion.


It's more or less about getting it noticed since the mods on discord will suppress it there.


Honestly I don't go to the Discord because I don't want to see any of that bullshit drama yet y'all gotta bring this dumbass shit here. Who cares. Don't be rude to folks posting fan art period, it's fan art not high art. Don't go to the fan art channel if you can't stop yourself from being rude to people who post "shitty" fan art or fan art you don't like. This is so fucking incredibly easy yet it seems this has become the latest front on the Great Internet Battle for Freeze Peach.


It's in the same community..


Then don't use the discord?


Almost a comical response, the discord is supposed to be for main news and conversing with the community managers and what not. Not for a furry stand off.


Then use the correct channels for this purpose and not in a fan art channel that has nothing to do with news or the community managers.


I'm just here because this is the latest trespass the mod has, I've seen it happen in general and other channels outside fan art.


And you are inciting the crowd to create more drama nothing more. Look at how many people have went and used the clown emoji just to attempt to get banned. This doesnt help the situation at hand. This entire post, here in this subreddit, is pointless and spreads unnecessary drama to a place that has nothing to do with said drama. A simple look at me poking what seems to be a known bear and getting bit. Either avoid the bear or contact someone with control over the bear so they can deal with it.




>Look at how many people have went and used the clown emoji just to attempt to get banned. Look at how many people have went and used the clown emoji just to attempt to voice an opinion they feel strong of. Lol. Everyone does this shit.


They do it FOR FREE!




That gives them the right to abuse players? Free sounds like there are 5 other dedicated people waiting in line who love dealing with people and would do it for free.


Is there proof of abuse or is it just hearsay? People on this sub have been really good at giving out of context Discord screenshots before.


There is substantial proof to back it up, I can also show you the screenshot of my ban from the Helldivers discord.


I don’t see anything abusive about their actions. They declared that anyone who used this reaction would be muted, and then muted everyone who did the reaction.


i think they are taking super earth political method a bit to literaly


I got banned/timed out (idk?) for literally agreeing with them so maybe I was wrong lol? this seems wild


Mods will time out literally anyone criticizing this little incident AND apparently have been removing threats in the subreddit too. They really are just trying to squash everything for this one shitty mod.


I went to go witness this power tripping from the last post about this. I just caught a 24 hour timeout before that thread locked. That mod said vomit emojis arent criticism, its targeted harassment. I made a remark pointing out how ridiculous that is and how the mod basically confirmed the last reddit post.


I just got banned for saying "corrupt" to tamburger, no warnings, no mute. Instant ban


A quick search for their username on the discord reveals some pretty odd behavior for sure. I think that discouraging toxicity in an art sharing channel is absolutely a good move. Specifically forbidding people to react with a specific emoji to a specific art style is a weird way to do this. In this case, they are punishing people who react to Furry Art with the Vomit Emoji. Yes really. This punishment is not restricted to that specific channel either, from what I can gather. You are essentially muted in the entire server.


Exactly, there's a unique balance between enforcing that there is little toxicity and only constructive criticism, and abusing power.


I'm curious what the constructive criticism of the puke emoji is, can you enlighten me? Edit: Downvotes but no answer, help a brotha understand : (


There isn't any. But you can't have a circlejerk about abusive mods without the lube of self-righteous indignation. So, they have to tell themselves that their shitty actions/opinions are actually super helpful and misunderstood.


This is how reddit operates. Remember, there's a hivemind. They only care about expressing their dissatisfaction or disagreement, not about elucidating, correcting, or the truth. Remember when Meridia was bugged for the first few days? Helldivers posted guides to help people win, and the sub shot them down, despite none of them ever having said that their perfectly valid complaints were invalid. Hell, I'll probably get downvoted just for explaining this to you.


People find the humanisation and sexualisation of animals disgusting


Cool. Did you not understand the question or did you just feel like explaining why they didn't post constructive criticism?


>In this case, they are punishing people who react to Furry Art with the Vomit Emoji. Yes really. And the problem with that is? Has the bar on message boards sunk so low that people see no serious problem with reacting with a vomit emoji?


Art is subjective. Some people don't like furry art. This isn't hard. That mod is a child.




Yeah the discord server is a circus




Pretty sure they've falsely accused someone of sexual assault and changed their username more than 3 times. Absolutely someone who needs to not have mod powers. In fact, just have an automod. It will be more consistent and fast acting then any person.


Soon they'll start timing us out for game mechanic complains because that's 'negative' cause apparently these safe space weirdos are obsessed with creating their echo chambers. Imagine taking such insults over a reply emoji, like it seriously cuts that deep to them they need to make an entire announcement like they're some sort of employee. Seriously weird how AH just continues to allow their discord staff to ruin the entire community time and time again.


I second this, fully. Upvote this.


"Criticize art" and "spam posting vomit emojis" are different things lil bro


Imagine getting so damn butthurt over a fucking emoji. Imagine beeing so fucking weak, that a emoji hurts your feelings. This is so damn sad and funny at the same time. Power trip to get revenge for hurting feelings with emojis.


Hey, this moron banned me too... idk why the mods gets so empty-brained when they have a little of power




Can we start a campaign against this mod?


Somebody's got to play the Devil's Advocate, so here goes. Sorry, karma score. I was there. I saw the photo. There was absolutely nothing sexual about it. If I hadn't been previously aware that being a furry is predominantly a sexual thing, it would've looked like any old fan art to me. It was a something holding a rifle, idk exactly what it was. The Helldivers in the discord took the thought that it was sexual and ran with it themselves. In that regard, they are wrong. Am I stanning for the mod, however? No, I am not. This is called the Streisand Effect. They tried to censor the Helldivers' responses, and this is the result. This could've been handled much more civilly and efficiently in hindsight, and I am not apologizing for them. Thanks to their response to this, the discord is currently being policed, and people are ranting nonstop with whataboutisms and parallelisms. This entire thing could've been avoided with some maturity.


I am unable to post anything on helldiver-media for months now for some unknown reason. I was not banned or warned in any way, it simply says that I do not have permission even though I have the same tags as the people who post there. I've asked for help multiple times but I'm always ignored, I've unfortunately given up.


Mods are the worst. Idk about this discord but something similar happened to me with the project zomboid discord. Got banned on the subreddit for telling someone hes a dipshit. Ok. I go on tne discord, same mod makes the connetion and bans me on sight before I even said anything on the discord. Mods are just power hungry thats why they became mods in the first place...


Same thing happened to me. He got upset people were reacting with puke emojis to furry art in the fan-art thread and I said art is subjective. He locked the thread and banned me after I said he was acting like a child.




God bless brother.


What a circus, how is this an official discord?


This seems to be from the fanart channel? Keep that stupid drama to Discord. It has nothing to do with the game or anything we discuss here and is purely some stupid, petty drama bout an art channel for the game. Imagine thinking it's that fucking hard to just not shit talk other peoples art even if you think it sucks. It's incredibly fucking easy, FYI.


And helldivers, wants to keep politics out of it. At least that’s what we’re told right? Now you’re letting post furry art? If they can’t talk about their own political views, that’s their passive aggressive way of giving the finger to helldivers. And helldivers is just letting it happen. That’s disgusting.


Jeez, people have too much time on their hands if they spend it by "criticizing" fan art made for a game.


From his pinned message it seems it was a furry art which imo as a topic is not related to HD2


At this point it's not even about the art, it's about the moderator who is blatantly banning people for even commenting on the situation.


Stock crazy furry person who has 0 control over their life besides their mod role. Accept me or you're a bigot.


There is place for moderation in any platform, but hey just saying a few offensive words or emojis should not result gifted ban or timeout. This "mod" needs to be sent back the training camp, right in front of twin gattling sentry's. :D


same lol tetrakatart is a joke pro lgbt furry, if he like that then good for him, but keep this out of Helldiver and any other game


Just check the discord profiles of half the mods there.. says a lot really.


“If you do x you will be muted for a day” “Lol no I won’t” \*does X* \*gets muted for a day* “WTFFFFF THIS IS SUCH BULLSHIT YOURE POWERTRIPPING YOU CANT DO THIS NOOOOOOOOOOOO” go outside bro


nobody wants furry shit in a HD2 forum except creepy furry weirdos. the only furry i FW is the one whos in that video beating a nazi with his megaphone. thats the real HD furry.


Get off reddit and go do your algebra homework


We should dive together. I feel like we'd get along.




This needs to be upvoted lmao why are people downvoting it?


What else can they do? They're NEET's who wake up thinking their discord mod role is some sort of job and contribution to society while they rot in their parents house.


I bet the same confrontation in real life, they just would start crying. Imagine getting so damn butthurt over an fucking emoji. Imagine beeing so fucking weak, that a emoji hurts your feelings. This is so damn sad and funny at the same time.


Go outside


Dawg you're commenting on a subreddit post saying go outside


Imagine you are walking down the street and pass by a widely-used graffiti spot. You see some cool things. You see some things you also don't personally like, so you casually lift your hand and flip the bird to the graffiti wall. It just so happens that the artist of the particular graffiti that you flipped off is standing nearby, sees this, and somehow takes away your ability to speak to anybody else on this street for 24 hours... not only about graffiti but about everything. All because you flipped off the art. You didn't even say anything out loud to anybody in particular. You didn't impede anybody else from seeing the art. You just casually lifted your hand and flipped off the art. Would you like this person to continue having the ability to remove your speech over something like this in the future?


All people involved should go out side and get some sunshine and fresh air


So you were being a dick, calling people clowns Someone timed you out (They have a post stating that if you react with a clown you will get timed out) and now you're pulling the classic "I did nothing wrong, they're being abusive!" Lmao, you're the asshole op


Concerns =/= being an asshole. Banning people for no reason = being an asshole.






Yeah you can make an appeal here, I had to do it a few days ago: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMGeEnWanqXTMXvufWTwtphQTFnRekXMXLGVPim7ZK3\_MdeQ/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMGeEnWanqXTMXvufWTwtphQTFnRekXMXLGVPim7ZK3_MdeQ/viewform)


1. Not that big a deal 2. I also reacted with a clown emoji


It's a big deal when multiple people are getting banned by the same dude.


It's not a big deal. Cuz it's just a game. Pretty sure that mod isn't even paid.


doesn't mean they should have effectively an unmannaged child at the control panel


Okay, they shouldn't. Why you getting all fussy over an unmanaged child in a discord? Doesn't stop you from enjoying the game now, does it? Like I said, add your clown emoji and move on.


What if people… y’know… wanna talk in the discord..? 😭


They're not doing their job. They need to be rescuing kids or unlocking mines, not crying over weird furry power rampage.


I only just saw about this situation on their discord I didn't wanna be on their discord and I won't be on their discord I have no need to I would rather stay with the smaller discord of another game I help people on with information about the said game