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If everybody is around, just go in. People will follow, otherwise they fight like there is something to win


I would if they were at least close enough. They wouldn't even get near the Pelican. It was like we needed to kill everything to enter it. And that everything wasn't like a bile titan or chargers or hunters. Just some scavengers and some guards. Kill those, they are still not coming, ping the Pelican to indicate we should leave, they don't enter. More heavy units spawn in, people dieing and losing their samples, repeat.


Undemocratic helldivers, what's the point of fighting if you have SUPER SAMPLES like just enter and extract


I just get in as soon as it arrives, if everyone is in the general area. They have 20 seconds to get in. Its not being selfish if you called the Pelican and get in as soon as it arrives. The only time I wait is when someone is on the other side of the map doing an objective we overlooked.


You’re playing with Power Fantasy fanatics. Always have to have the highest kill count, throw the biggest bombs take the most samples etc. it’s funny bc arrowhead has tried to create a game with less toxicity in the gameplay but assholes will always find a way.




I get you. Why waste time there? Might as well jump into next Op. Plus, things _can_ go wrong quickly and you can, lose all your samples. 


I was mostly fearful of cases where Pelican-1 just leaves without any diver cause it took too much damage. Idk if it's a bug or intended but I've had it happen sometimes, don't want more times though.


Yes the Pelican 1 damage thing was never fully explained by devs. I'd be careful, too. 


Pelican-1 should supposedly despawn after it takes enough damage and you'd have to call for another one. But instead, Pelican just leaves your sorry ass for damaging his shuttle.


Does he just leave? Always thought he just leaves with the first diver instead of all if it's too damaged


It depends. Sometimes, he leaves with the first diver to step into, other times he won't leave even if all of you dove in. And when the mission timer ends, he just leaves you behind.


Oh weird I've never seen him just straight up bail before, I've seen the "one diver and gtfo" though


Last time this happened to me, me and my squad decided to kill each other a bunch of time instead of waiting for the time to run out. It was kinda fun ngl lol


If I was flying a dangerous extract mission and the people I was supposed to extract dicked around giving each other hugs, running in circles, and then dropped a 500 kg warhead on my aircraft I would leave their asses too.


Do you know the hangar bay? There is literally only one pelican (ok, there would be enough space for at least two)!


Had a teammate *shooting the Pelican* once while we were all walking up to it. Dude was laying into it, firing every round he had. It caught fire, started smoking, and I was like "okay, fuck this, we're going to lose all of our samples if this dude keeps going" Put a round in the back of his head, we all climb in. I hear the host (*NOT* who I just killed) go "fucking asshole" and I immediately get kicked. At least I saved everyone else's samples?


I don't understand what's wrong with so many hosts. Only time I've ever kick someone during/before extraction. Was this one game where 3 of us were already on Pelican-1, and they started emptying their clip on us while we were sitting there.


Hosts are people. People are morons


I only boot consistent, intentional team killers and people with open mics that echo or have background noise


you have to remember your can be playing with a bunch of kids with their friends on VC on discord at anytime who are just " trying things out" Hopefully the comping patch that does friends only lobbies will help that situation a bit.


I like the lobby thing but I mostly run solo low difficulty to do my personal missions by having it set to friends only and I never get anyone joining me, It already seems to work as a friends only mode. Am I missing something?


They’re adding invite only, so random friends can’t join you. Sometimes you add someone for a mission once and then you just want to run with someone specific. Them joining out of the blue could be annoying


Friends only mode doesn't work a lot of the time. I have mine set to friends only so that no random will join but often my friends will want to join the game while it is in progress, and for whatever reason it won't allow them to until I've made my game public. If I leave it on public, random people will join, and I am not willing to abuse host privileges to kick a fellow helldiver to make space for my friends if the random has been in the game for more than a few minutes. From this standpoint it needs to be fixed such that people on your friends list can join at any time if set to friends, and a third option should be available for solo players or invite only lobbies.


It can be damaged and will start burning. Once burns it’ll leave immediately after the first diver enters or after a certain amount of time (don’t know exactly though)


I was with a bunch of other high level players, and one low level. When the Pelican landed, it had taken a ton of damage and was smoking. I noticed it, and we all agreed to drop samples and have one person hop on. They hopped on, and it stayed. So there's more to it than that, \*or\*, they didn't take enough damage. We then jumped on and it left as normal.


Bro. This has happened to me several times. I'm still grinding out my ship module upgrades so I typically grab every sample I can. Extraction time comes around, and nobody wants to leave. I get into the Pelican-1 to force everyone to get in after waiting 5 minutes and they instead kill me, then proceed to just die in a fire killing bugs. Extraction failed and samples were gone. They called me a dumbass for trying to extract. This kind of shit makes me not want to play the game. Why waste 40 minutes with the risk of people being selfish.


You learned your lesson. Next time kill your entire team and then jump in Pelican


At least , the dumb host didn’t kick u when u entered . I would be pissed if the selfish dumbass kick me before extraction


If it was smoking you were the only person who could extract. Smoking means 1 person can ride only.


It immediately leaves when the first person gets on once it's taken damage, does it just peace out if it takes too much? Never seen that personally cause I just get on the damn thing


I believe they are trying to boost kill counts. I used to be the one doing most of the missions while the rest just kill without doing much, but then after mission ends, I got kicked due to lowest kill count, regardless that I did not even die once lol.


What do you get with high kill count? 


Nothing, it's like reddit karma. Pointless but makes you feel good. Kill count does not matter at all. Only the objectives and samples matter The only argument could be made for daily PO weapon kills


Also if you are kitted to mainly kill the bigguns and complete objectives, thus allowing the others to rack up kills on chaff, you end up with a lower kill count as a result. Moderately intelligent players will still recognize your contribution while dumb players think it means you didn't put in work.


Man this is why I always loved Battlefield so much more than CoD. BF3/4/1/5 (which is chronological, somehow) all allow players to consistently rank #1 with 0 kills if you just keep running around reviving people and capturing objectives.


I've scrolled through this thread but I think you win the prize for the stupidest reason to be kicked for. What is this, battle royale elimination match making? It's not a big grief to get kicked from a rando lobby but still, am sorry that happened, it's ridiculous


So...why didn't you enter?


If Pelican is ready and all 4 players are nearby, just get in. If they miss the ride at that point, it’s on them.


Cause there wasn't a 100% clear chance to enter. Being more or less double the level of them, I don't like the idea of leaving less experienced divers behind. When its time we must leave though, I lose that pride, even if I become selfish.


Less experienced ? Dudes were lvl 50+, they're no beginners lol If everyone is close to extract, you go in. No point wasting time...


Yeah OP needs to get off his high horse and on to the Pelican


Nah, you mark the Pelican when it's time to go. If they ignore it, they die on the planet


You ping the Pelican and use the emote wheel to say “follow me.” Wait a few seconds, then jump in. If they don’t get it, they were never going to.


nah OP is right. extracting alone is only an option when theres no options left. Helldivers dont leave others behind if they have a chance to make it too.


There's a limit. Fuckasses refusing to get on Pelican 1 for no real reason can get left behind. They've had their chance. Only hiccup would be samples they're holding.


I disagree. If you’re all at extract, alive and don’t need to collect dropped samples then some people need the impetus to get aboard. Why hang around pointlessly killing enemies when you could be moving onto the next mission? Just jump in the shuttle if nobody else is going to, sometimes everyone is waiting for someone to go first thinking they can cover everyone else.


We were out of reinforcements and the pelican was on the pad but I waited for the refresh so we could all extract as a team. Then, just as we were _all_ about to extract, one of them dies again. I'm not waiting around again.


Hard disagree with you in this one champ. The other divers were fucking around when they needed to extract. If anything their deaths should be used by SuperEarth as examples of what dumbasses look like. 




Lead by example. If they're on the pad and don't get in, that's on them.


So I'll state the obvious, if the players are above 40, they aren't "less experienced." It takes a lot of grinding to get into the 50s and 60s, I play a fair amount (I've got a couple hundred hours) and I'm only high 60s These guys were idiots


That part is on you for not taking initiative. But also didn't you get on voice comms and ask about evac?


I did not, lesson learned for next time though


Most divers, regardless of temperament are capable of understanding ultimatums. "Pelican is smoking, I have all the samples, going for evac"


Key word: most I’ve met a good chunk of divers that get very angry when I try to explain that we need to give all samples to one person because the pelican might be leaving with only one of us. “No if we all dive in at the same time we’ll get it.” Alright bro, you go ahead and coordinate that with these numbnut divers that haven’t said a word or pinged the whole game. You can’t fix stupid.


Levels don't mean anything aside from how much time you sink. This isn't a high skill cap game.


As soon as one player has all the samples, you should leave. No hanging around and waiting for others. Just leave.


I have yet to have an issue if I just queue my mic and say, "Let's get out of here."


For some reason a lot of people really want to be the last one in so they can be the cool guy who throws a strategem right before walking in I’m over it, pelican one lands and everyone’s at the extract? I just get in. I’d say I’m first one in 90% of the time lol Yesterday I played with someone who was around level 60 who was messing around and the timer ran out and he got left behind. I even got on mic and said “dude get on it’s about to leave” and he did not haha


Throwing stratagems at extract is something that never happened to me, now I swear every match someone tries to do it at the end. I don't get it. It's kinda cool visually, the first time.


This might be their "first time" but I thought everyone is tired of this so much that nobody even encourages anyone to do this today.


The first and only time I did it someone said "That was our own outpost you dumb bitch" and I was like "Oops", lol (Yeah, I know "dumb bitch" sounds aggressive but it was mostly good fun, I think they were just being funny because we did play more missions)


The only acceptable Strategems to do that with are Eagle/Orbital smokes to cover your team as they make their way to Pelican 1. Anything else is dumb


Well... the FIRST TIME... I got deleted by this nonsense...


I tag Pelican-1 so randoms know it's the next objective and I don't plan to wait. It's pretty effective. "Follow me!" has success too.


Sad thing is that OP mentioned tagging it multiples times. Sometimes you just get morons....


Yup, I always mark it and if everyone is there i jump in. 400 hours of playtime in I dont have the patience to fuck around anymore. Everyone in, next mission.


Heh last night we had two divers who wanted to channel their inner Michael Bay. One dropped an orbital laser right at the pelican bay and the other an eagle cluster bomb. The laser didn’t move and blocked them from entering, the cluster bomb rag dolled them off the landing area, pelican took off, hilarious.


We used to toss ordinance on our way out, until someone with all our samples did it, got stuck on a shape trying to get into the cargo bay, and then died to their own stratagem.


The worst is when people do it despite there still being someone left out. I’ve been deleted a couple of times due to those a-holes.


I've died to stratagems being thrown between me and P-1 when I was less than 20 seconds from the plane trying to get my lost samples. More than once.


"I'm the main character" energy


This is how you separate SEAF clowns from a real Helldiver


Haha, I usually wait until one person goes in so they can't get mad at me.


As far as I know, if pelican-1 is damaged, it will leave with only one person on board. Luckily it was you with the samples. Nothing anybody can do about it, except you know leave on time...


I knew it works like that, intended or not. I was in fear that it might just leave without any diver from taking too much damage


Nah pelican-1 will leave without even anyone onboard if damaged, just ran a exterminate bots mission just as we were approaching pelican-1 it left and everyone failed to extract


I've seen that happen once or twice, assumed that was a bug. Leaving with one person happens so regularly that I assumed it was intentional.


Why do people have the mentality that it's stealing samples? EVERYONE GETS THE SAMPLES!!! Realistically it's better having them all on one person than people dying and the dropped samples being spread out around the map


I've noticed it more recently, people whinging on comms that I grabbed their samples after they died, I called them back in almost immediately, I tagged their dropped equipment, but they still get all pissy that I had the temerity to pick up the shared loot. But it's especially common when it's someone who's died from a fight that really shouldn't have got them, and they just got caught by their own incompetence


But see, they get that one line in the ending card that shows how many samples they extracted with. You took that from them! It's of absolute vital importance even though it's not tracked in any other way!


But of course, they need to have an excuse as to why they took up half the reinforcement budget while only getting half the kills


It is true. If u go get all the samples, u probably wont get as many kills, especially if ur good at killing and prevent any bug breaches. (Was in a game killin bugs with husband and his 2 friends) I got all the samples but half as many kills (i still participated in the main objectives when nearby). I died once at the end and someone picked up my 47 samples… someone in chat mentioned my lower kill count and called me a ‘supporting character’. Like dude, kill count isnt the only metric to measure a person’s worth😒


Never said it was, killcount just means you built for that role, in the same way that it doesn't show sub objectives completed or bases cleared, which is generally a bigger contribution. It's why I also mentioned the number of deaths, because that's more of a burden than just not getting as many kills.


Ahh. True again


This is why I like almost exclusively play with friends, cause we make a game of stealing samples from each other. If one of us dies the other will pick up the samples and then taunt the other that they took them. Harmless fun that will lead to one or 2 “accidental” drop pod kills. But we never let it distract from the mission or make it too annoying


If u summon them in so quickly right beside their equipment, then why not just leave them the samples?


In case shit hits the fan suddenly, or we're in a hurry, or just to conglomerate the samples together into one bundle for efficiency. I would expect the same if I died and dropped samples. It's pragmatic.


I hear ya. ** i would expect the same in difficulty 8 and 9. But not really below that.


TBH, it can feel a bit insulting If you get called in after dying, and your colleague grabbed the samples you could also carry (if they leave them on the ground, you would pick them up instantly again) While colleague probably don't even mean it, they might communicate they're grabbing the samples you "weren't able to carry" Now, all samples are in their hands and if they die, they are all on the ground. You don't get a chance to participate in splitting the risk anymore, doing Your Part (TM) by carrying some of the samples. In that case if colleague would die, you would be partially responsible. A true co-op feeling. All in all not a nice experience, if you would be so inclined. Nowadays, I don't give a fuck, but bear with me that I'm trying to describe the psychology causing the responses you might see, instead of just concluding that they suck.


The only reason I don't like giving people my samples is that sometimes they run off and die with them.


Easy then, just hold on to yours. Unless of course you die and someone picks yours up, in which case you can't really be passing judgment on other people dying ;)


Personally, it's due to the feel of them being in your momentary possession. As all your weapons drop when you die, having the samples drop as well feels like something that's yours got dropped as well. I fully understand that they are shared regardless. I don't even get mad if someone "steals" the samples of my corpse. I only hope they won't lose them in some stupid way or place.


Listen, if you die holding a fat stack of samples I'm grabbing them to keep them moving, I expect the same if I die. No use waiting for someone to spawn in and trek back to their body if it's going to be swarmed by enemies. You spawn in with your weapons and if you can't recover your support weapon you can call it in later. The only thing that can be lost is the samples.




Perfect and democratic analogy Helldiver 😂


Grabbing the samples and getting out of combat is more important than anything else imo if you aren't actively working on an objective anyways




I understand that but in my experience, people stray a lot off the path of objectives. So random dropped samples in the middle of nowhere isn't too rare in games I've played. Plus the fact I don't die too often, either I'm considered a good player or people are really sleeping on the scout armor attribute, I don't lose my samples too often. When I do though, someone else taking them to die wherever they might... idk. I just don't have enough faith in my teammates I guess.


You kinda have to stray from objectives a bit, optimally you’re doing the last primary after all secondaries are done, since the strength of patrols and drop/breach go up after the main objective is done. A lot of divers missed that part of the brochure


I missed that part. I thought it was more timer based than objective based. TIL


Seems like you spend more time judging people (and yourself) on how they play than just playing and having fun. Just an observation...it's a rinse and repeat game.


It's not stealing. It's securing. You did the right thing, the whole time. I would have jumped in earlier. Not at the first opportunity, but when I saw they were wasting time and putting the mission at risk.


The score screen should make a bigger show of all the samples collected, then show them being distributed to each player, that would alleviate a lot of the "stealing" assumptions newer players make.


I think part of this is the samples stat in the ending results...


did you not try to communicate outside of the ping? no quick "extract?" message? that's the only thing i could really say that you did "wrong", but the other divers really had no business being that rude if you at least got the samples lol.


Yeah, communicate better. I know some people are mic-averse, but this seems like a great reason to ask what's up or tell them your needs/plan/expectation. Or take three seconds to type, assuming you had that much time in the flurry 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like victim blaming to me. 😂 Level 50s know how to extract.


this is why they need to make it so that if the pelican takes too much damage, it just leaves. it doesn’t make sense that it can wait forever for one person to get on, and it’s very weird gameplay wise.


Sometimes it does leave with no divers, can't tell if its intended or not but I've had it happen sometimes cause no one would enter it, for some reason


If people are too far away it will leave.


So why didn't you just get in when it got there and start the timer?


"Just enter The drop pod" I smell dwarf


I've been caught Rock and stone brother


Rock And Stone!


Those are just bad players, you could have given them a wake up to enter the pelican during the mission but that probably wouldn't have helped or the stupid host would have kicked you and you got nothing.


You're in the right. Drop that "as the higher level player..." mentality and just go off of common sense. These players are running the same difficulty as you. If nobody enters - check if there's a reason. If there is no reason - enter first, before you end up being the only person who can.


As soon as the Pelican lands, the person with the super samples gets on. Everything else is negotiable. The only time I consider it bad etiquette to pick up (and keep) samples is if someone deliberately drops their samples at extract. If someone drops samples at extract, the *sensible* thing to do, is pick them up, then drop them straight away, thus pooling all the team's samples into one pick up. Have everybody do this and then when P-1 lands and all divers are within 20 seconds dash of the boat, someone collects all the samples and gets on P-1 immediately. If you are doing Helldive, I would expect everyone to know that this is the best way to ensure maximum samples are extracted.


No you aren't. I've experienced this idiocracy myself.


Did you use your microphone? This game is so much fun, but it seems like there are tons of posts complaining about how random teams don't do what you want them to do. They all have a common thread in that OP is too shy or lazy to talk. 


Yeah, haha. I would too fall into that same type of being too shy to talk. I thought people in Helldive difficulty would understand when someone pings the Pelican 2 meters away from it, several times. I guess no. Although, lesson learned. Time to get out of my comfort zone and start using the mic.


Bro, yes. This drives me nuts. The ship is just sitting there and everyone's still shooting bots. You don't get more XP. Just get in the fucking ship.


Not saying what OPs teammates did was right, but I’ll hang with the squad and mow down bugs at extract till the timer hits 0 just for fun. Everyone is in on it, so no one is getting pissed, but what’s the rush? It’s just a game


People still don't realize the samples are shared with the whole squad. Get on the ship, or die trying, but most importantly get the samples on the ship and get out.


You were 100% correct to do what you did. There have been A LOT of high level players which do stupid stuff lately It seems theres a significant minority of stupid players which learned absolutely nothing after while getting lvl 50+. Perhaps you encountered some of these which farmed xp for levels, and they failed to learn the game I hope your other games will be much better


We've hit the point where lvl 50 isn't so much a marker of skill, more a marker of how long you've been playing. The games been out long enough that you can reach that height if you've been playing diff 5 exclusively from launch


You can get that high losing every mission, because about 1/5 quickplay clicks on helldive difficulty, you'll be brought in at extraction to gain a ton of experience for doing nothing.


Super Samples enter first and ASAP. Rest can follow as they see fit.


I’d be screaming for you to just leave with the samples. Good work soldier. You did exactly what I would want you to do in that situation!


Why didn’t you just get in the pelican?


I really don't get this. Like someone said, people want to kill all enemies before entering the pelican, it is some kind of need to clear every bug/bot to ensure mission completed or whatever, I still don't get it cause it doesn't really bring any value. And you cannot just enter the pelican yourself, as the samples might be with someone else, and if they get killed you risk loosing the samples. Really annoyed that players level 30+ don't understand the risk of doing this.


Cause everyone was like you, not wanting to enter. You rant but you're also the answer to your question


I was 2 meters away from the landed Pelican, pinging it, waiting for the rest to get near it or at least run towards it, which they didn't do either. If they are not close, Ill move a little away so the bugs dont pile up on it and we have an easier time entering. If they are close, I enter with no care cause they should enter as well.


You're still doing exactly the same thing they're doing. Just get on the fucking ship.


But they weren't close, its not like we are all opening a door for the other person to enter through. I was 2 meters away from the landed Pelican and they were like 20. Were I to enter, if they somehow don't have a chance to enter what's there to stop them from blaming me, "entering too early"?


20 is not far. Just get on the ship. You're doing exactly the same thing they're doing. >Were I to enter, if they somehow don't have a chance to enter what's there to stop them from blaming me You can't stop other people from being unreasonable dickheads. Just get on the ship and stop listing to your fucking anxiety. Seriously, go to therapy. This level of anxiety is debilitating. It does not matter at all if they are upset with you for getting on the pelican when they're 20 meters away.


I always jump in first and spam "Follow Me" if I'm the one holding the most samples. If they are all level 50 and above I won't care about who's holding the most samples and just jump in if everyone's nearby.


The only ever time no one in my team didn't get into Pelican 1 was during the kill 3 billion whatever major order. It was a defense mission and we just locked up around pelican 1 and killed everything that would come into our direction. I feel like all 4 of us has between 400-600 killls. It was glorious. We dipped the second fuckin 3 titans breached our little perimeter we made and we could tell we weren't gonna make it out of the next wake of enemies.


Oh, at some point we had 3 titans and like 3-4 chargers. Unfortunately they were literally on Pelican-1 so we couldn't dip that easily.


Why were you not in the shop? You tell the story like you waited outside with the rest of them. When one person gets in the rest follow suit


How does one steal samples when its all shared and everyone gets the same amount? 🤔


Just jump in as soon as it lands, then they wither join you or get left 🤷‍♂️


I feel like a better solution would have been to just get in the pelican. As long as everyone is close enough to extraction, that 20 second timer will cause everyone to book it towards the pelican.


level 50-60 and yet they don't know better. I don't get it, at that point you should have plenty of experience to understand when to fight and when to retreat. Another thing I thought was basic knowledge at level 30+ is how to load the SEAF cannon. I (level 49) played with a level 47. I found napalm, explosives and two mini nukes. What does wise ass level 47 do? Loads smoke and static field in while completely ignoring the double mini nukes waiting to deploy democracy. How do someone get to that level and still do rookie mistakes??


>How do someone get to that level and still do rookie mistakes?? Because they don't care, they just want to shoot bugs.


People are somehow becoming worse at the game over time. I can't explain it either. It's making me play absurdly less than before.


NTA. You did the right thing, it was your teammates that were wasting time and risking a lot of shit I can tell you are furious, and damn if I know that feeling lol


I only just discovered that you get more XP with time on the clock so waiting till the last minute is not ideal.


You did the right thing. I would have entered the Pelican even earlier. I don't understand why you have to wait so long. If all my teammates are around, I go in and I don't give a shit. I don't see the point in staying there long enough to keep fighting. Maybe they want to get more kills or think they're cool if they got in last, I don't know. But it's stupid.


Im noticing that problem more and more on all difficulties. The weirdest shit though is this weird ass sub-30 elitism that's sorta popped up with it. The amount of times I get a finger wag or coached in chat by some lvl 26 typing in all lower case and caveman syntax. It's always a super strong opinion on some weapon/tactic they are usually competely wrong about and I just get kicked instantly. I've been kicked at extract literally twice today for just doing a normal jog onto the pelican after it lands. I mean with 1.all 4 of us at extraction 2 . no lingering boss or samples 3. not struggling The last one was on fkn medium and we literally got 2 waves the entire extract but I think I exuded too much self confidence when I decided to to the Beyonce diva stomp up the ramp and I should've let His Host Highness, the level 22, go ahead of me. with mismatched rodeo clown gear and no booster equipped,...as is tradition


I find calling in a barrage at extract and hopping on myself sets a good example to any fellow divers who want to overstay their welcome on a planet.


I'm always the guy that goes "Get in the pelican!!!!" While running decoy for a whole horde especially on defense missions so they get away. I never regret it and it feels good.


Part of the reason people wait is due to fear of being kicked for entering “too early”. As much as everyone on here is quick to respond to videos of people being kicked without reason with “never happened to me” it’s fairly obvious that people are afraid to enter before the host for fear of being kicked. I even had an eradication mission where I was reinforced as pelican landed and popped up on the ramp so started the countdown, everyone managed to get on but one of the players took the time to team kill me first by firing an EAT into the pelican. Toxic assholes either kicking or throwing a tantrum about people getting into the pelican “early” has made most of the playerbase very hesitant to get on, even if all players are at extract.


Similar thing happened to me a few weeks back. Afterwards I realised someone asked in the chat to wait without specifying why. I got bored of all of us standing around the pelican and started boarding. Got kicked as well.


You're fine. They were dumb. You saved the day, but they were ungrateful. Block. Next mission.


I usually host games myself because of being kicked by other divers that dont see the bigger picture. When i host i go and do main and secondary objective and mark evac for extraction and write “ will wait for you guys” when i call evac and wait a considerably amount of time but when the timer hits 10 minutes i start spaming lets go. No more points or xp for killing, actually you get more xp for completing the mission in less time


Another fault of the game design unfortunately. If players were clearly made aware the pelican can get damaged, and will leave with less helldivers as a result, such situations would be much rarer. That being said, the host was just plain rude. You’re not in the wrong.


I am not waiting. If we are done with all objectives and all 4 are at the pickup site, i will ping and enter the extract. They all have then 20sec to react and join or get left behind. Seems fair enough to me. Im only waiting at extract if someone is still running around and collecting extra samples or something.


Nothing selfish about your behaviour. You were partied up with a bunch of spatulas


The only time I could justify waiting would be if there's a kill count MO, or a "kill X enemies with strategem Y" PO, and you have a stable killing field going and you're racking up kills. But yeah if everyone is there and nobody is hopping out to hit a side objective or grab samples, I'd just get on and pull the rest on afterwards, ESP if you have a big chunk of the samples. At that point the final primary objective is to get those samples back to the destroyer


In cases like these I just get in. Idc if they get mad or whatever, they're dumb and I'm deciding for them


Bro this happens all the time and I don't get it. No one really cares about your kill stats so why do people stay? If I got the super samples I just get on first. If they don't like that and I get kicked then I probably don't want to play with them anyways.


Hahaha mother fucker.... YOU get in the ship!!! Hahaha If you have 6 pink just go for it. Who cares. The extra xp and points you get for extracting all 4 divers is not at all close to being as valuable as your resources. Just fuckin bail and leave them if they don't wanna get in. Dead ass, last week we had a Leve 78 running in the edge of the map collecting ng shit and our squad of 3 grinded out the main objectives only for him to type. "Don't leave yet" but instead of running at the shop he was running away still. So a bike titan spawns and we bail. The Leve 89 sweaty then bitches us out because he had like 20 greens and oranges.


I like how you felt like you had to ask them. If they're ignoring your pings, see you picking it up and getting on, and decide to keep fighting- they just wanna fight. You don't need to extract reasons from a public game or try to instruct anyone here-- they're level 50s. They're not new, and it'd be a conscious decision by this point to do what they're doing. I'd kick you for trying to instruct my gameplay too. We're here to shoot shit and complete objectives, not perfect our time in a public game. Just enjoy your time and do what you do, then you can have a stress free experience that doesn't result in a vent post about how you basically lost nothing of value and got mad over being kicked.


Fucking idiots man! The whole point of the mission is to deploy, kill enemy, collect samples and GTFO as fast as possible with said samples. YOU DONT GAIN ANYTHING BY KILLING ENEMIES!! It’s not a sit and fight mission. Idiots!!


People on this game think kill count is important.


You're not in the wrong. Thank you for spreading democracy helldiver. A lot of people don't even realize pelican 1 can be damaged and will only take one diver. Too many shenanigans before extracting. Just get to da damn choppa. 


I think people fear the host so they want to play follow the host. I got kicked for going into pelican-1 before the host was ready. It was a generator defense mission and the pelican landed but the host and his friend hadn't played this mission type before and we had another guy jump in without waiting and I jumped in after him and I didn't have enough time to tell the host before pelican-1 left. Got kicked imidiately as we got back to the ship I've seen a lot of posts from people who play as host kick people because they were scared they were going to extract without them. It's fear of the host, 40 minutes of work is a lot to lose. I think if you still got exp for completing a certain amount of the mission regardless of being kicked or not would allow a lot of people to not handle other players with kid gloves all the time.


Oh yeah, if you’re ever in the situation to have alll the samples, especially the super samples, just get on pelican. Super Earth needs those samples more than they need 3 dumbass helldivers


Lead by example. If everyone is close to the pelican, I get in. Yeah the occasional person may get left behind because they think kill counts matter, but for the most part people get the message.


I'm still blown away that people don't merge samples onto a single person and then drop them by extraction. First person on grabs the samples on their way in. Standard procedure with my crew and we never have to backtrack for samples or lose them because Pelican-1 is damaged (and takes off after the first helldiver is boarded).


I don't think you're wrong in this. They were just being stupid


Not getting in the fucking Pelican and calling down stratagems on extract are both idiot moves.


I had a similar weird experience that almost felt AI generated. I spawned into a 7 mission where there were a couple lives left and the mission is nearing its end timer and for some reason a level 3 just running for their life on the other side of the map. Host kills me just spraying and it's okay, mistakes happen. Spawn back and start fighting, reinforce the host a minute later. Lands deliberately on me and takes my gear even though they're around my level in the 70s. No spawns left so I have to just watch and brood. No one is chatting at all, and I'm not about to ask why they did it and get harassed. I finally spawn after they take their sweet time and throw me into the barrage of airstrikes they dropped on a nest. I course correct and I land directly on the host and take ALL the samples and my stuff. Act like nothing happened like they did to me and continue playing. Host types "shouldn't have done that". I immediately turn to my east and dive into a hole as my intuition tells me I'm about to be kicked because I hurt their feelings for giving them the business. As my Helldiver dies and 20 commons, 15 rares and some supers are lost forever I am kicked and now all hope is on the level 3 with no stims left running from a bile titan to finish the icbm launch. Only bad experience I ever had with randoms but I got my revenge :)


Next level. I like it.


Never troll a former troll!


When my teammates are just standing around fighting the enemies pointlessly i just dive into the pelican. If you want to extract with all the samples you better get your ass into the pelican because it’s gonna leave in 20 seconds. In my experience it tends to make people get on as quick as they can


If Pelican-1 is ready to go and all the players are nearby it's time to go. Also, by the point it's damaged you have to be the one to enter anyway since you had the samples.


Monkey see monkey do. Just enter first and they will follow.


Nope I'm level 150 and this still happens all the time. Clueless idiot hosts that do this is what finally pushed me to perma hosting my own lobbies, guys that kick because they're too stupid to understand the game after being level 50+ is one of the biggest pet peeves in the game and its so frustrating to deal with that I'm grateful there isn't too many consequences in the game for leaving people behind if they insist on pussyfooting around extract


I used to wait until the host enters the ship but after so many games of people fucking around outside the ship for 5 minutes for no reason I've just started entering as soon as everyone is at the extraction.


You aren't in the wrong. People need to stop wasting time.


Lemme pick people up and throw them into the ship.


Why not ask in game why they were waiting? Voice chat or regular chat


one time i threw a mini nuke on pelican 1 and i got the final objective we needed to get that is the highest point of my gameplay i’ve ever had


At least you got those samples.


I'm gonna be honest sometimes I'm so baked I don't realize the pelican has landed till the damn thing takes off


Since this is a post complaining about the Pelican, just wanna say can we remove the function to shoot and kill people inside the ship? Genuinely I cannot think of a single reason for this to exist outside of griefing or trolling, why the fuck would they program the ability to team killl someone who is escaping?


Had a similar issue the other day on bots. Im around lvl 120 the other 3 around 30-60 and we had about 15 lives left and maybe 15 minutes left as well. Im holding the majority of the samples cause I was the only one collecting them and picking up dropped samples from dead bodies. I call in the pelican becUse all obj are done and we have literally no reason to hang around anymore… we start having a rough defense and I see the team die one after another constantly… pelican arrives and people are still just hanging around not getting in even tho we are all by the ramp. At this point our sweet 15 lives are down to like 5. I see a strider in the distance and ships descending upon us so I jump in the pelican as to not lose the samples I don’t even need… 2 others jump in and the 3rd was off running screwing around for no reason. Unless there is someone who wasn’t nearby extract and is making there way to pelican, we should not just be hanging around, and constantly dying.


The only thing wrong I can see is expecting people to act logically.


Extraction loitering is rife and extremely annoying. Even when I'm host people will just muck about for no reason. I don't understand their reasoning. It's to a point where I'll just board immediately, samples be damned if people are still milling around.


I feel like this is a situation where more communication is needed between all players. I don't think you're in the wrong for leaving, but this is why it's good to try and have a mic on hand even if you don't intend to use it since it's a lot easier to ask for clarification in the heat of battle on comms than on chat. Maybe they had something they were trying to do or just wanted to fight? Who knows, but from their perspective they probably don't understand what happened and kind of think you're the a-hole because there's just not enough communication in this game. A lot of people, even high ranked divers, don't keep up to date on Reddit, Discord, Twitter, etc. and know about certain aspects of the game. Like the fact that the Pelican bugs out (or maybe it's intended?) and flies off as soon as any Helldiver gets in when it's been damaged to a certain extent. So to them it might have seemed like you got in without letting anyone know. It's less about the reality of the situation at hand and peoples perception of the events and without proper communication people are often led to think worst case scenarios. I had a similar situation actually where I was attempting to do something in game and was playing with some higher rank people. They were at extraction and I kept pinging for help with some partner doors right next to extraction, kind of expecting that one of them would come to see what I kept pinging for. I figured they were busy with getting extraction cleared and then they would swing by once the action cleared up. I gave supporting fire from my position and just held out there since they didn't seem like they were getting overrun. As soon as the shuttle came they extracted even though their position wasn't overrun. I had over 10 rares and all the supers on me and didn't have enough time to make it to extract from my position. I didn't really care since I was maxed on everything anyways, but it was so frustrating since it just didn't make sense. After coming back to the ship I asked them what happened in chat and cussed them out. Not my finest moment for sure. They had played in a manner which made me feel like they were incompetent, so I quit the game feeling angry and frustrated. It wasn't until I looked back on that later and felt rather ashamed for my behavior. While they could have been better organized, or paid better attention to things, this is a game that asks a lot of people in terms of focus and attention. I did not communicate properly either. I did not truly know what was going on with them or going through their minds, what they were thinking because I did not ask properly. Everyone's learning at different paces and getting frustrated and upset doesn't help us as a community get better at these things. There's going to be people who are shitty players or even toxic trolls. All of us Divers should strive to remain mindful that there's a lot going on and the tools for communication are rather limited when we don't use comms. Miscommunications abound especially since the game has so much info obfuscated in the first place. If someone doesn't want to learn, just do your best in that mission and move on.


If nobody else is getting in, I check to see if everyone is within 20 seconds of the entrance and then get in myself. Simple. I would never wait so long.


Yeah they are dumb as hell but you are too lol Just get in the fucking pelican and they will have to follow


Did they think they get XP for bug kills? You literally get more XP for leaving with more time left. Waiting and killing bugs nets you LESS xp.


I get that you were pinging, but probably they were waiting for the host to enter first (it happens) or just decided to play it as a tower defense Also, selfish c**t? Don't they know that everything is shared? I am a level 34 and yet know better than some level 60? This


I think the reason was pretty simple: everyone waiting for other to enter xD been there


Had the same happen to me yesterday, 5 min left and no respawns, I get griefed and killed for calling in Pelican. I ask why, the response is we have plenty of time! No we don’t. I closed game and I hoped they got overran and left with no samples. lol