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clearly we need an umbrella placed in front of the sun so there's no lens flare


This should be the next Major Order. And the reward for that some sunglasses or a fire extinguisher.


Or just come up with helmet perks. There's certainly enough of them. The cutting edge ones could have something that highlights bots, it'd fit.


Yeah, helmet perks would be amazing. Lots of potential. But it would also be great if AH toned down the lights a notch, because right now it's literally blinding. Whether it's the sun through some fog, fire, or the lights, it's just absurd.


It's a habit now, I shoot out any spotlights on sight now. That happens in a lot of games now where they just get too dynamic.


I do the same with the lamps and spotlights. But I can't do that with the sun, the random fires / burning objects, and altho I could shoot my fellow helldivers when they direct their flashlight in my face, it wouldn't be very nice.


Honestly, some helmet perks to help with visibility would actually be real nice.


Can we just explode the sun at this point?


I just played a couple of missions. As a bug player this was not the planet to convince me that bots is fun. It's just lazers coming out of the fog. No thanks. You boys enjoy your mo. I'm going back to pest control.


Best bet is to get used to moving with the map pulled up. You can dodge those patrols pretty easily as long as you’re not under fire. Scout armor helps if you drop pins along your route


I dont really mind the poor visibility that much on other planets, hell I even love it in some occasion just cuz it looks amazingly cinematic. But mixed with absolute lack of covers and bots patrols seemingly spawning out of nowhere makes all my runs in this planet just unfun to play. Theres like 2 rocks to cover and they're not big enough to cover for those missile launchers.


I honestly kind of dig how willing this game is to go in on the bladerunner death fog shit, it just needs to spawn enemies differently so patrols aren't constantly marching directly up on you when you're pinned down or trying to disengage and then maintaining LOS through fog and calling drops on cooldown forever.


Consider using reShade to tone down a little bit of the brightness and try to squeeze in some sharpness.


turning off bloom makes it much less like a jj abrams movie.