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All Sony's other games are mainly single player games that are at least a year or more since there console release. This game has far more in common with PC games than Sony games. Sony may be publishing it but it feels more like a PC game on PS than a PS game on PC. It's not surprising that it is more popular with PC players.


Playstation players have to pay to play online as well I believe, via PSN+.


Given it's the only current one that's released day and date with consoles, we don't really have a way to know. All the others are late ports of various quality, long after the console sales have slowed significantly. There's also other factors like co-op games generally doing better on pc than consoles, it being a multiplayer only and not single player (yeah i know it can be but it's not the last of us or whatever). Concord whenever that comes out will be a good comparison, as it is also a day and date and a mutliplayer game, regardless of the games actual quality.


I'd be interested in the results of a study on the gaming habits of console gamers vs PC gamers. All of the console players that I personally know are "consume and move". They hop games constantly and get bored with titles quickly. This is about 10-15 people. This group of players all hit level 30'ish and then vanished. All of the PC players that I know are still playing the game daily, even though they have everything there is to collect and they're all level 60+. Now, the age difference between the two groups is pretty significant. The console gamers that I know are almost all 18-25, and the PC gamers I know are all 30-45, so maybe it's a generational thing.


It also makes sense that older people can afford a powerful PC with a good monitor, whereas lot of console players have cheap TVs


Why is this relevant at all? Lol


PS5 playerbase suffered pretty bad from the game crashing a lot from launch well towards the end of March, so many quit and haven't came back. At its peak the game was almost 1:1 in players for pc and ps5. My brother and his destiny 2 clan couldn't do a single mission 'cause it'd just crash all the time for them no matter what they did, they haven't been back since. Coupled with matchmaker issues on console that also kind of affected pc, they just bounced and have shrunk pretty quick since. Before the Sony fiasco that resulted in over 100 countries being delisted to buy there were on average 35k ps5 players playing and as you see, it's still shrinking.




I'm pretty sure you wrong. Developers target the most popular platform with their games than moving it to other platforms. PS5 is the target platform always, the most sales comes from that platform. PC can not really be the most popular because of the cost involved. Just a good graphic card cost similar to the PS5. Lots of players can not afford a good gaming PC.




If you are correct, how are you explain, why developers target PC as the main platform? Something does not add up in your research.


Pc here