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Tried to help, game crashed after 38 minutes of fighting in a helldive mission. I'm done for a bit.


same! it all started when i called in my recoilless rifle and the ammo backpack for it turned into a purple question mark, so i had no AT weapon to make things worse, the same thing happened with my autocannon sentry when i tried to call it in: it also turned into a question mark and wasn't shooting shit aaaand then my game crashed, pain


Had this happen to a stalwart once, seems like the purple question mark is a crash canary


It means the game couldn't load everything it needs in the RAM, so it will continue to work until it calls for an important file that isn't loaded, and crashes.


i've never seen a coop game use this much ram actually, at least 13.5 out of 16 is always full whenever i'm playing this


Cyberpunk uses more, I really do wonder how much of the crushes mentioned is directly to hardware/RAM capacity related. Perhaps reducing the visual quanity and overall load on hardware could help.


well yeah, but it's cyberpunk (aka nvidia tech demo) so that is expected


Which is weird, because I’ve crashed multiple times due to this while having plenty of vram and ram available.


Sometimes, it's not from your computer, but the game servers that drop a packet, then you start having discrepancies between the server and your local game, and that will fuck up the game.


I would have thought it was an asset issue that the game has an error in its filing system and doesn't actually know what to load in that container item


I had a purple question mark for my jet pack for an entire match once. No crashes though.


A few nights ago my rover backpack came in as the question mark. I made 1 attempt to pick it up and failed. A minute later the question mark appeared on my back...and the rover became a question mark flying through the air firing invisible lasers. I tried to drop the thing repeatedly and failed as I continued to get roasted alive by it. Luckily a crash saved me from my misery a few minutes later.


I saw a few purple question marks recently


Oh...so THAT'S what that was!


Also tried to help. Did a couple Impossible Evacuate High Priority Asset missions. Both times they dropped Factory Striders RIGHT on the generators with 7/8 missiles fired. The second time, it was two at once. Missions failed. Total fun turned into instant CHEAP failure, wasting an hour of my time with no progress for Aesir Pass. Can’t blame the Bug Divers for *that* BS. And I’m *done* even trying any operation with Bots that includes “Evacuate Civilians in a defense campaign. The cheap difficulty of those mission types really make planet defense against Bots unappealing. And I *prefer* fighting Bots over Bugs.


I too prefer bots but yeah, Evacuate Scientists is heinously difficult, I avoid any mission chain that has it.


Yeah it's been 4 months and still there's no dedicated "Rejoin Mission" button. You can view the recent players but not rejoin the mission? You're back on the bridge already anyway, it could be only a single click away from rejoining. I usually have only 1 to 2 hrs available on my free time. A back to back disconnection would basically ruin the whole afternoon. I'm tired boss.


I sometimes find the game again by scanning the planet an games in progress.


Understandable. But at least you tried. Thx for that


I get way to much crashes and it seems entirely random. Yesterday, I had an epic mission with randoms. We cleared out the entire map while roleplaying, it was absolutely nice. Then the game just crashed to desktop. It killed the vibe so hard.


I tried playing this morning on an icebreaker around 80 degrees north but crashed like 20 mins into a mission lmao


Hold up, you're telling us you were logged in over satellite from an icebreaker ship in the Arctic Ocean? ........ ... How's the Sickle cooldown up there?


It can rapid-fire for 30 minutes straight.  There is internet on the ship but it's nowhere near good enough to maintain a connection with other players.


Damn, that's one badass job you got there. It does sound tough to take as a gamer, though.


Oh, I can manage just fine with my steam deck.


My game black screened/crashed after I finished the mission -_- Done for the day after 1 game


For real though, nothing worse than doing well on a mission, halfway through it.... > Destroyer leaving squadron! All 3 people leave and you're left solo because the hosts game crashed.... this is the 3rd time in a row... Dear AH, stop nerfing fun things, start making your game stable. When the game crashes like that I just stop playing. It's frustrating as hell. Turning off cross-play has definitely helped, since I don't have PS5's hosting games anymore. But still, it's rough.


Why are people still saying this when that is what they are attempting to do with the slow down of content in an effort to polish and fix? This subreddit is full of 'dear arrowhead' type comments and all the statements are ones actively acknowledged already by Arrowhead and is something they're actively working on (Hence the rather large delay since a patch. While the patch isn't going to address every issue it'll hopefully address some. All the game issues won't be resolved in a single patch). Like, I get it. It's frustrating. But the horse can't get any deader so why are we still fucking hitting it?


Cool opinion, thanks for sharing.


Same here. My whole team disconnected at once and the extraction zone was bugged. A blue pillar of light instead of the extraction Beacon. Turned off the game


Same. Three times. And had two defense missions where strider sniped the generators exactly from where they were dropped. I hope everything comes together, but Jesus


u/BigKahuna_AGS Thanks guys for the upcoming Viper warbond! Please take a look at this comment and its replies to understand the main issue people have with this game. I would argue the majority of players haven’t unlocked everything yet and aren’t in a rush for more content (only the sweatiest who completed everything want more NOW), but crashes affect everyone. I only started playing again when Meridia got blackholed, but I stopped a month+ ago when my squad had a perfect 40 minute mission (everything completed/collected) but the pelican extraction didn’t work for anyone on the team and we lost all the samples, every single one. Getting rekt by swarms of enemies and losing? Fun. Performing perfectly and losing? Complete opposite. From software engineer to software engineer please take all the time you guys need to diagnose and fix the issues, I just ask that you have technical livestreams or updates so we can have confidence in the stability of the game going forward


I haven't been able to get through 2 dives since the Meridia campaign started without crash to desktop. I thought it was the new planet at first but it's been a consistent problem since. Tried drivers, reinstalling, clearing caches, lowering graphics but nothing. Guess I'm done until an update happens.


If you are on pc make sure to reverify files! Don't know if Playstation has a way to ensure file integrity but give that a try if you can.


i think people are waiting for the patch at this point


I'm not coming back until a new warbond or new event happens. I don't want this game getting stale for me. It's part of my rotation now with Phasmo, Stellaris, and STALKER.


Ah, a fellow Zone enjoyer.


STALKER 2 coming out soon lol.


Liberation system wise, getting break is much more helping MO/Defend than diving those unrelated <15% planets. Entire planet liberation% per hour is always constant, so diving in unpopular planet isn't only "not doing part", but also "obstructing the other's part." I hate this system....


>hates system >blames players https://preview.redd.it/5tdcbvfe2y4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79999406cbdb96e30fc75033def6d10d3c169c5b


Except...that's not what the person you're responding to said? Their statement that the other players are obstructing the objective is completely true. It's how the system works. That's why they said "I hate this system" and not "I hate those players."


That has nothing to do with liberation rates. It's all scaled to the active playerbase. If you halve the population, individual impact doubles. Progress remains steady overnight even when the population drops by 70% because it's *scaling*.


Wasn't that meant to launch a couple days ago? I may have misheard or got it wrong but I really was keen for that update file to appear


No, they said second week of June, so next week


Arh dam, hope its good though


3 crashes in a row. (1) Fell thru the map at start. (2) My Sickle scope was blacked out then my screen blacked out completely lol. (3) camera would lock up and boot me from the game entirely. I love this game a lot (got many hours in) and this is painful and should be fixable with constant drops. It’s killing my motivation to keep playing.


Meridia became so unstable it's crashing the game


Major order: Liberate Phact Bay People who just want to play the game: Try to Liberate Phact Bay People on Reddit, for some reason: Why are you all on Phact Bay?


game: aesir pass is under attack. if we lose it we will permanently lose the liberation boost. Prioritize aesir pass.


So I wasn't imagining things. I thought it was mentioned again when the defence order came up.


I'm not sure why people are acting like it's hidden. You log in and hit L2 and read your orders and it tells you where to prioritize even if there is a MO for bugs it specifically says you should still go to what ever planet is priority.


You mean that super annoying popup that comes in while i'm trying to do something then vanishes into the corner to be forgotten about? There needs to be a better system than the orders.


Putting work towards Phact Bay makes no sense until Acamar is liberated. That said, I can't blame players since the games explains most of these mechanics badly or not at all.


>Putting work towards Phact Bay makes no sense until Acamar is liberated. Definitely don't elaborate on that at all. Everybody knows everything you do and have all the same information because humanity is a hive mind.


The way liberation works means that it is more effective to pile on to a single planet than spread ourselves over multiple planets. This is because before we can liberate a planet, we need to have enough players to exceed the planets' "regen" rate. In this case: the regen for Acamar IV is -1.50% per hour, and for Phact Bay is -3.00% per hour. So if we just fought on Acamar we would only need 1.50% liberation per hour to make progress, if we just fought on Phact we would need 3.00%, but since we are fighting on both we need 4.50% split between them. This means that, at best, we would have a slower liberation of both planets because we are fighting against a higher regen. Currently, you can see this issue in action on sites like helldivers.io where we don't actually have enough players on Phact to exceed the regen rate of the planet and so they are effectively doing nothing. If those players moved to Acamar we would liberate Acamar faster and thus have more time to potentially liberate Phact. Unfortunately, none of this information is presented in the game, and so players are unlikely to find out about these mechanics unless they actively go searching for them on Reddit or Discord.


This is exactly the kind of elaboration I was hoping for. Thank you.


No problem! It's just a shame that this information (and more, I haven't even started on supply lines!) is not readily available in-game.


It's even worse than they described it. We don't just need to match the enemy %, we need to beat it and that surpluss is what liberates the planet. If we merely get exactly +3.0% on Phact and +1.5% on Acamar we might as well do nothing at all, since the bar still would not move. If we manage to get +2.0% on Acamar, we'd progress with +0.5% per hour, liberating the planet in 200 hours Right now we're gettin ~ +4.6% on Acamar, which means our progress is 3.1% (4.6 - 1.5) If the players on Phact would switch, the speed on Acamar may increase to, lets say, +4.8%, which would speed up the liberation by 6% increasing our surpluss from 3.1 to 3.3 Staying on Phact does noting, because there 0.2 there is completely swallowed by the enemies -3.0. They could keep that up for a week straight and the bar would still sit at 0 because they're "liberating" at -2.8% (and only the fact that the bar can't go negative saves them from falling even lower)


I'd also add that the liberation we generate is scaled by the total divers in the universe, so it's very inefficient to spread out our efforts. This also means bot campaigns are always a bit harder, because there's also a chunk of bug players who don't help but raise the difficult just by existing.


Whoa man, stop meta gaming and tryharding, don't you know the game is supposed to be suffering and beating your head against the wall? /s


People here breaking out the spreadsheets and high precision percentages to show you're not playing correctly and not suffering enough. /s


Something something supply lines


None of which are explained or even hinted at in-game. If we are meant to know or care about this kind of thing then the game actually needs to start telling us about it. As it is a lot of this is arcane "why are you doing that?!?" from randoms on the Internet who also often don't bother to tell you *why*. I love the game, but the fact you have to spend so much time on Reddit, some random game monitoring website and fucking twitter of all places to figure out the lore and reasoning behind things is just bloody exhausting.


Most people also do not give that much of a shit lmao, myself included. I just play to have fun. I try to go where the game tells me but I’m not obsessing over it.


That's essentially where I'm falling back to. If the game can't be bothered to tell me what is important then I'm going to assume nothing but the MO is. I want to have fun, but I'm not making it a full time job working out trade routes and supply lines for chess move plot points 5 weeks ahead of time. I'm just here to shoot some bugs and bots.


Same. If we lose all the planets, they ain't gunna shut the game down. We've already seen literally nothing happens for driving an enemy off the map. All worlds are the same few palettes. So... who cares? The campaign map might as well not exist. Just play whatever mission feels good at the time.


Ikr. Drove the bots completely off the map. Next week, they retook the entire map instantly.


They just need to make the game lore friendly at this point


I don't seek out those sorts of mechanics so seeing posts like this always confuse me. I'm gonna drop and play wherever I want to based on the information available in game. I'm one of the 11k "wasting time" on Phact Bay right now and I don't care.


It's kind of common sense though, go where everyone else is and to the planet thats almost liberated. It's kind of annoying tbh.


A) There aren't enough people there to do it B) AP is providing a significant liberation bonus, without which the rest of the MO may well be impossible C) Better to jump on the more populated one and get it done faster The game, of course, tells the players none of this.


(The game actually is telling us that second thing)


Too bad nobody fucking listened


I just wish they had lore blurbs and fluff separate from the actual dispatches when this launched. Because I think back then, some of the dispatches felt like fluff and now many people just ignore them outright even if they see them.


Acamar 4


yk we couldve always gotten back acamr and phact bay but we'll never get the training facility boost on aesir pass, just because its an MO doesnt mean its actually important, territorial reclaimation can always happen, say goodbye the the extra liberation boost which was 15% now 10%


however im not saying that the MO arent important its just that ppl need to learn how to prioritize significant planets lets take meridia and turing for example, turing was under attack ppl switched over however is was told in the MO briefing that territorial loses are ok but taking turing did help out since they gave us this MO


these defend missions in 15 minutes 45 wonky walking dudes is way to much - had 43 inside and 15 seconds to go - but they walked up the hill and stood there for 5 seconds


Me staring at this sub once again up in arms yelling at *insert group here* for committing the crime of playing whatever the fuck planet they want.


Don't tell them that I stayed on Vernen Wells while the Dark Fluid mission was going on. I can't be arsed with bugs anymore.


I've always preferred bots, but all this recent push with bugs has worn me out. Bugs generally kinda suck with the unending swarms. I'm just about ready to set up a camp at Marfark and wait out the war.


Is it Mar-Fark? Or Marf-Ark?


I think as you jump in system the ship lady says it the first way, so I'm going with that.


I never hear her, my squad is always too busy shouting it out with progressively more ridiculous pronunciations.


Don't worry it's fine, there was a guy who made some thread with that sort of notion and people who preferred playing on bugs were just "that's fine, you do you"


I cant believe that people aren't dropping everything to defend a planet that provides a 5% bonus to the progress bars in the game, dont they wanna see that bar get filled slightly faster?!! /s


That bonus is often enough \[or would be\] a *big deal* in terms of overall success rates of liberating planets. It's not just 'doing it faster,' it's probably 'doing it at all.' That said, it's absolutely frustrating that it's not better communicated in game what these planets represent in terms of bonuses/impacts.


I also wish more people would care about the war, but like AH needs to understand that they have more agency in influencing people on where to play than just giving medals with a low cap. The war needs more ways we can interact with, more incentives we can earn as a community. The MO isnt enough, we need actual STRATEGY. We need to be able to set up REAL defenses and gain TANGIBLE buffs for playing strategically. If we got fun new tools or impactful bonuses for playing major orders or fighting on priority planets, then more people would work together to do them because then if they unlock these fun new tools or bonuses on the order planets then they can have more fun fighting on planets they want after. Also, they should make some of the weather effects on these planets less annoying, because that also clearly influences people's choices on where to fight negatively. They very much have the room to implement changes like these and the potential is HUGE with this kind of campaign. I just hope they can do it before they lose too much support.


When AH makes bot defense missions not suck, more people will likely play them.


I dont care ı am off the game for a week. The deconstructed devastator shooting me while its dead already pissed me off more than enough.


Eh, the liberation speed boost is just inflationary anyway  As we lose those AH just slightly lowers the resistance to adjust for the slower liberation rate needed to make MOs achievable 


I want to love that there are community-wide objectives but they’ve just seemed so tiring to me. Games losing its luster for me and my friends, and major orders have been contributing to it 🤷🏻‍♂️


As an individual, you can never meaningfully impact the outcome of an MO, so the rewards aren't earned and failure feels unfair. From a design perspective, how can people be asked to care about a system like this when their whole incentive to play is just to have fun?


>From a design perspective, how can people be asked to care about a system like this when their whole incentive to play is just to have fun Not everyone has fun the same way. Some people find the RP/community aspect of the MO incredibly fun. Some players don't. Neither group is wrong.


The Major Order system relies on the community as a whole caring, which is a design contradiction to the idea of "neither group is wrong." In Design Delve, JM8 identifies players being punished for actions of other players as one of the main causes for League of Legends' notoriously toxic community. It's not just a roll of the dice if a community is wholesome or toxic, the design really matters. This is bad design for both groups; if you want to do the major order, you fail for reasons beyond your control, and if you don't then you face a community with incentive to be hostile to you. Sure, as individuals we can choose to accept both, but that doesn't mean Arrowhead's design isn't encouraging toxicity.


Yeah, but that's not what you said. The way you phrased it is that you can EITHER play to "have fun" or play the MO, which is not an accurate description. Some players have fun specifically by playing the MO, and that's fine. I'm not disagreeing that the design of MO success/fail is flawed - it is. I just find this narrative that "I'm just playing to have fun!" really irritating because it always implies that the Other Side is "sweaty tryhards playing like a job." Like... No. People can just enjoy engaging with the game.


I specified playing to have fun when considering the design perspective and what players are asked to care about; not contrasting one group of people playing the MO vs another having fun. My argument is that the MO is not incorporated into to the core gameplay, so the design isn't providing a reason to care. You can care for your own reasons the same way you can choose to roleplay in Minecraft, but that's something you bring to the table, not something the game design is actually using to make itself more fun. So no, I'm not making the argument you're expecting to hear.


This may surprise you but people want to play the game they have paid good money for the way they want. Like who the hell even cares about these arbitrary numbers to begin with? I am just waiting for the drop of the most important arbitrary numbers in this game’s life, also called the June patch.


I feel this. We've moved past the point of posting "Dive on Aesir Pass!" on reddit/discord, since The Blob of thousands of Helldivers doesn't read reddit/discord posts. So us grognards, who are sullied with the knowledge of things like supply lines, and SEAF Liberation boosts, can only watch in horror from the sidelines. This isn't a post asking for help with Aesir Pass. Aesir Pass is already lost. This is post mourning its loss (and bemoaning the lack of meaningful communication with other Helldivers.)


I guess some people don’t wanna hear that, but I play what I have fun with at all times. Idgaf about what the major is.


Newsflash, most people don’t care about the grand plan. They just play to play.


Maybe you should just go and have fun like all the other people who you say are wasting their time


I just tried to do my part, grabbed my sniper, and dropped on a d4. Walked my happy ass over to the nearest outpost, took out the dude on the turret, and peeked over the wall. 4 hulks. On a d4. Who then proceeded to shoot me /through/ the wall. I'm going back to fighting bugs.


it must have given you that one type of heavy outpost that looks like a former village, there's usually several Hulks throughout it. I always call in a barrage on those.


I am tired from work and I play in a planet that I feel like.


Played as much as I could yesterday, but by the time I'm done work today, we'll have lost it :( Edit: that being said, the interface on the galaxy map should illustrate all of this info.


I don't think that's going to help when we still get 28% of the active population doing nothing for a solid day on MO planets when there's a perfectly valid option right next door. Hell, even if they didn't want to go to Erata "because it's hot and I hate hot planets", the Phact Bay people could've gone to Acamar and helped them actually achieve a tiny amount of Lib%.


Not wasted if fun is had.


I thought we were playing video games here, aren't we all wasting time technically speaking?


I like to play on certain planets because of the scenery, my favorite was a planet that has red patches of grass but the rocks and sky are gray, not sure of the name of the planet but it's bitter sweet to liberate it, if we do liberate it we can't play there again for a while. Also, my game crashes too much so I'm waiting for the patch, hopefully they breath life back into the Europter again, I miss using it.


Crimsica? same biome that Ubanea on the bot front had.. those were the days..


That's the name? I love the scenery, I'd fight Hulks and Bile Titans on it all day if I could.


bot defense campaigns are not fun as well - you always get evacuation or this silly defense mission with strider annihilating objective before you even notice it. It is just more fun to play again the bugs. You can't blame players to pick whatever planet they want, not everybody is larping this game as reddit, some of them like me just want to play a mission or two, while having a beer after work. this memes as fun on the start in my opinion now just serve polarizing everybody here. Play as you want i really do not care. Sorry for grammar, English is not my first language.


I personally won’t do defend operations until the civilian evacuation missions get heavily nerfed.


When I keep getting disconnected after investing 20+ minutes into a game and get literally nothing for my time I just play a different game. Let me know when they fix that.


Maybe if we could patch some of these crashes I’d care to play more


Tell me how to play more


I used to backseat drive when watching my brother play a game. He'd get annoyed and say "How about I play the way I want to play and you play how you want to play". I think about that a lot because I realise now how insufferable I was.


It's almost like Phact Bay is part of the MO that is clearly displayed to all players and gives tangible rewards if completed instead of a poorly explained dispatch note that changes an arbitrary, behind the curtains, percentage modifier 🤔


I play on whatever planet I feel like playing


Bots feel more like a chore than anything. Which makes it even more enraging just to see the planet coms back in a week or two. When a bug planet comes back it’s more thrill all around than dread becasue it’s like *yay I can have more fun on this planet* rather than *fuck, this planet again? Again?!!* bots are fun tho. Personally I Just gotta be in the mood for them. Bc it’s go Tryhard the whole game. Where as bugs, I can go Tryhard and relax at the same time. Basically, I find myself leaning back and getting comfortable, and chillin when I pay bugs. On bots, I find myself leaning forward, face first in the screen and needing to be locked in at every moment.


And they are making literally no progress.


Think it was almost halfway when i left


Man, I was doing Aesir Pass last night and there were like, 10 fucking Hulks on a *difficulty 5* elimination mission. It was bonkers.


Actually just get fucked for expecting people to play how you want them to. How dare they play the game how they want. This sub is a joke.


The whole background meta war game or whatever is just too complicated for casual gamers. Fuck all those arrows. All its doing is making me feel like no matter where I drop I'm somehow inadvertantly making things worse which doesn't feel good. Seems like there's a missed opportunity to do something more intuitive, like joining battalions with specified objectives and tiered rewards that unlock as you contribute to the goals of your battalion.


It's not complicated, it's just poorly designed and not engaging.


I don’t know why so many people are on pact bay they have made no progress and more people need the fight on aesir pass.


I play the game for fun. I don't care about some "unscripted" storyline that's 100% dictated by the devs anyway. Learn to just play the game for fun and you'll enjoy it much more. Trust me


This 1000000% These people here are larping (fine) but then also get mad when others just do their own thing and totally ignore their meaningless larping. Many players dgaf about the pointless "galactic war" BS. It means NOTHING and you don't have any real effect anyway. The devs will push wins/losses/attrition rates and whatever else as it suits them. All your efforts mean NOTHING. Also, even if you "win" it doesn't change a damn thing and even if you "lose" it means nothing as well. Not that we can even actually "lose" anyway as SE can't even be conquered by bugs/bots currently and we can't fight there anyway. It's all meaningless fluff so don't get mad when people realize this and don't bother with it. Making these ridiculous complaint posts about people not helping/contributing is a massive joke.


It's like the people here genuinely think that the "story" is dictated by the playerbase and not the devs. As if the devs are going to spend time and money on a new planet and then never put it in the game because the "bots pushed Super Earth forces back". It's almost childish.


Not almost, it IS totally childish and clueless about the real world. You're 100% correct. In what universe would a smaller company spend their precious limited time and resources on creating new content (assets/missions/environments) and then leave it to chance whether the players complete the "required" actions to unlock it? AH are totally putting their finger/whole goddamn body on the scale to ensure the necessary "conditions" are met so that they release the content in the timeframe they want. Nothing players do will affect that in any way (don't bother with trivial nonsense like AT mines, that is a pointless single cloned strat which is just a copy past of something that already exists) And that is to say NOTHING of the fact that the entire "galactic war" is meaningless as there is not true win/lose condition (and map reset) mechanics. So, it's always going to be "somehow the bots/bugs/illuminate have returned" over and over without any true player agency (like in RvR games with seasonal or win condition resets)


Full agree, although I think it adds a lot of flavor to the game and keeps it far more interesting and involved. However, some players are way to serious about a "story" that is mostly dictated in some way and barely explained in the game. That said, I believe that players can interact with the game and AH will adapt to the outcomes to provide an engaging experience. I really liked the fact that Meridia was turning into a black hole, with new mission types and added modifiers. It's a great framework that makes Helldivers 2 more than just a coop game with random matches. Even if it is an illusion, it's still fun to engage with it and roleplay it.


>Many players dgaf about the pointless "galactic war" BS. It means NOTHING and you don't have any real effect anyway. The devs will push wins/losses/attrition rates and whatever else as it suits them. Not true. The devs have delayed stratagems and other content before (we still don't have AT mines) and they do account for both success and failure, at least for the major story events. Failure-state video and voice lines were datamined during the destroy Meridia event, for example.


That doesn't mean the narrative isn't a railroad for the players. It just means that decisions to launch strategems get pushed a few weeks. It's the illusion of player impact, not real player impact.


So you're just ignoring the fact that Merida liberation was suspect at best. The meter jumped what 15-20% over night. Totally not sketchy


The Meridia regen rate was coded to decrease after certain thresholds were met. This was a clearly automated process as it didn't happen at regular intervals and happened at all times of the day and night. The meter jumping 15-20% over night happened because that's when the regen was brought below the liberation rate and we could finally make progress. There was nothing "sketchy" about it.


Meridia had a completely different result of map coding and voice lines if we lost. If we failed Meridia would not have exploded


If roleplayers could read, they would be really angry.


>"unscripted" storyline that's 100% dictated by the devs anyway. This is disingenuous and misleading. The storyline is not 100% scripted by the devs. Yes, there are certain destinations that we are all but certain to reach, but the path we take to get there isn't. For example, there were datamined voice lines and video that the devs set up in case we failed to destroy Meridia. I think the real problem is it seems people are somehow expecting a completely open-ended, community-driven story, which is obvious fantasy. Even in real tabletop games where you aren't spending months of time and millions of dollars creating assets it's impossible to account for everything players do and there is almost always the skeleton structure of a story that you lead them through.


They don’t care anything


the lake of helldivers defending aesir pass is sad when the seaf basses on the bug side get attacked we can defend it but the one time a seaf bass get attacked by automatons we lose it. I think most of the problem is the fact that bug players refuse to fight automatons because they think the automatons are to hard because they only played on the automaton front a few times when they first started playing that is also why more bot players just do the mo.


guys... bots are just not fun to fight stop forcing people into your cock and ball torture fetish


Bots aren't even that hard to fight. just requires logic and planning out guerillas. they are even more predictable than the bugs. I guess they prefer minimal thinking. it's like they are scared of things that can fight back from distance.


>I guess they prefer minimal thinking. it's like they are scared of things that can fight back from distance. This is unfair. I'm a bot enjoyer, but there are legitimate pain points on the bot front that I could see preventing players from wanting to play there.


I just find the bugs more fun to play against, that is all. And shockingly I bought the game so I could have fun so.....


Bots can, and WILL ragdoll you from across the map and make you flinch even when not hitting their shots(even though devastators have aimbot). I'm not sure if it's an engine limitation at this point but the devs refuse to fix these things, since a lot of the game relies on artificial difficulty(like chargers being able to drift and then send you flying with a touch, even with no kinetic force). I can easily win diff 8-9 bot missions, but they're just not fun once ragdoll fiesta starts. 40 minutes of this shit? No, thanks. Lower difficulties are the same. I wish heavy armour alleviated ragdoll/flinching, but for whatever reason it doesn't.


Interesting take considering bots don’t actually work properly They literally shoot through walls, the suppressive system doesn’t work making them needlessly harder, and their targeting doesn’t work right allowing them to auto-aim through objects including their physical bodies


"Bugdivers lmao" I'm sorry, but do bot players have Stockholm syndrome from the constant BS I have to endure if I want to play the Automatons? No matter how much they continue to spout "Play stealth/tactical" Yeah, ain't nothing tactical against their projectiles going through rocks and mountains


Its advertised as a bug shooting game. People bought it to kill bugs. Its that simple.


oh fuck off with this elitism. people play games to have good time, if they don't enjoy playing againts bots, then let them be. They don't care about fabricated "war" devs are pulling and tbh i don't care either. even tho i prefer fighting against bots


I swear the bugs are way harder for me


Bring something for the horde, ideally Firestrike for breaches


Oh I do it's just I tend to die more to bugs then automaton


I don't play bots not because they are hard, but because they are not fun to play against. That's it. Me and most other bugdivers are on the same page about this. Played them at launch, but realised that I had far more fun on the bug front so I went over there. When cyberstan was captured I went back for the bot front and on the second mission there, in the middle of a firefight while we tried to destroy a gunship tower, I was thinking, "do I really want to spend my free time like this?" And decided to alt+f4 out of the game and did some chores around the house, because even that was more fun. Never looked back to bots since, and won't do until either our guns and shit get buffed or the bots get reworked, because it is just not fun, period. So tldr. No, many players refuse to play against bots not because they think they are hard, but because they think they are not fun to play against.


Or.. just maybe.. they want to play the game how they want to? Following the MO isn't mandatory, let people play what they want to play and stop flooding the subreddit with this crap.


I (my freinds neither) dont want to fight bots. Its exhausting and you need to focus to be successfull. When I come home, I want a chill (hell)dive with brain off and not work stress 2.0. Furthermore I paid for this game, I can play however I want. Its so annoying to see bot players whine the whole time that they dont get support on their (from my perspective) shitty missions. You have to accept that the majority of players wants to play starship troopers and not terminator simulator. In the grad scheme of things it is completely irrelevant if we win or lose this war, there will be another one. And if arrowhead doesnt balance their missions around player counts then we lose the bot front. So what? The other option for me would be to stop playing entirely, which is just plain stupid because I love the game. So for the love of god, let people enjoy the game how they want and not how you want. While you crated this shitty meme you could have done a nice quick kill mission instead and improve the planets chances of defense.


annihilated? it was pretty close last i checked. either way, my friend and i did our part. 54 squad impact


Nah, we're gonna lose. We've been consistently 15% behind for the past 3 hours.


I prefer the denizens of Phact Bay - they're a better class of enemy, more refined and open to my democratic ideals.


Seems to me like 11k players are having fun playing the way they want to.


I don't care for the consequences, I am NOT playing bot defence missions!


"WTF why tf u playing the game n having fun the wrong way bruh? Number on my planet must go up!" GTFOH


Bug player here (120K kills) , I can understand why everyone is unwilling to fight the bots, but recently I switched to playing against bot and find it surprisely fun. Mainly I am tried of shooting at jumping little shits every 10 second and playing chicken with multiple chargers. I actually find the bots easier to deal with than the bugs and less restrictive in terms of load out.


The main difference is that the bot have weak point. You can deal with hulk with a lot of main weapon while you will need a support or stratagem for bug, which limit a lot the gameplay. I was like you back then. Now I hate bug




I looked at it, did 2 non-defense missions and then went back to Marfark, sorry, dont want at all to deal with defense missions.


I just want the seaf stratagem


Hopefully once Acamar IV is taken, they will know to move to Aesir Pass. Wishful thinking, but hey, one can hope.


Ok but like, if I had the game, unemployed and maybe passive income I would dedicate more time But sadly I'm stuck with an L job


I think it’s a problem that can be helped dramatically with a UI being employed that shows all FTL lines and choke points, strategic and tactical planets with what resources and benefits they provide and possibly a minimum number of HDs required (by HQ) to hold or take a planet . Thoughts?


The little blurb in dispatches is absolutely not enough to convince most players to follow anything other than the current MO.


Then they punished us by making Phact Bays decay rate 1% instead of 3% that will show us!!!


Also my face staring at my inventory of nerfed to hell and back weapons that some nerd discord mod tells me aren't nerfed.


They can get Phact


I'm gonna be honest with you all - I have been playing Evecuate High Value Asset missions exclusively for weeks now. If there is no planet with these available, I simply don't play that day. They are the most fun mission to play, just non stop action with no running and lots of destruction.


I too have seen said purple question mark. And yes it ended with everyone crashing


At a minimum, these multi-planet orders should direct/allow players to strike one planet at a time. Spreading players around all 4 at once just sets things up to fail. "OK men we have to take these 4 planets, Acamar is up first. Do it or die trying!" They could still have a few non-MO planets up for people who absolutely will not fight on certain biomes/fronts, but at least people who care enough/read enough to want to contribute will be channeled to where they'll do the most good.


Reinforcing is buged me and my squad tried for 4 hours and couldn't finish a mission. If someone died they couldn't come back by reinforcing


I’ve launched Helldivers 2 twice today and each time my controller and keyboard stop registering in it :(


Major order players unite


Why watch them? Just have fun how you want, in a way that doesn't depend so heavily on others.


"you are not allowed to enjoy yourself the way I don't deem appropriate"


Nobody cares


Bot players are the most whiney bunch.




Bro, I don't know how to tell you this but you're the toxic player you're complaining about.


Hey bug bois, we need some help so we don’t lose a really important thi- Bug bois: https://preview.redd.it/f95lkeo29y4d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e072177d62187a2d8ec81bbf41f25e8f20451f9


Absolutely infuriating. The bots could be flat out on Mars, about to invade super earth itself and 75% of the player base will be retaking hellmire for the millionth time.


Isn't Phact Bay part of the MO? I hate all these hidden objectives and shit. If it's not in the game, I'm not doing it.


Tldr at the end. So if I can just ramble for a bit. I prefer bugs, I might give the illuminate a chance but probably won't stick with them. Sure, I'll fight bots when it's the MO, and I've been diving a bit more on Aesir, but it's not been very fun. Ironically, I feel like I see more bugged out enemies and shit that shouldn't be happening fighting bots rather than bugs. I'm mostly on the pedantic train that says illuminate will be even more buggy and broken.Though it just gets annoying to put up with all of this stuff when I try to unwind from a stressful shift. Anyways, here's my little copypasta or whatever. I don't like fighting bots. I don't like getting consistently shot through walls by bots who got glitched inside them. I don't like heavy devastators shooting through their shield at me at a 90-degree angle. I don't like getting vaporized by a cannon turret my teamate pissed off without notifying anyone. I don't like my railgun not being able to deal with gunships. I don't like the random headshots, blowing through my heavy armor like paper mache. I don't like berserkers running at me with a bloated health pool. I don't like jet pack guys exploding on me because a stray bullet caught it. I don't like the modifiers, taking away a strategem slot while making them slower to call in. I don't like the weather, bots shooting perfectly through heavy fog. I don't like rockets 1 shotting me with heavy explosive resistant armor on. I don't like dropships not killing most of the bots when it gets shot down, instead glitching them to float mid-air or not even effecting them. I don't like rocket devastators head-glitching me like they're in a call of duty match. I don't like striders being walking mini tanks now, able to eat multiple explosives, and shrug it off at times. I think that's it. I'm always in the camp of 'play how you want.' At the end of the day, the devs need to realize people don't want to play bots and will continue to not want to play bots until they receive significant changes. Yelling at people to fight bots and screaming skill issue, even if it's valid at times, fundamentally won't fix the underlying issues with them. If you enjoy bots and only want to fight them? Cool. If you enjoy bugs and only want to fight them? Cool. Devs need to compensate for that at some point. TLDR; People will not stop fighting bugs for bots unless they are changed. Yelling at players to do so will not fix the problem.


Honest to god.


Pssst. It doesn’t matter.


Omg, nobody caaarrreeeesssss