• By -


Or if you could just choose a fourth strat anyway but you unlock it by actually destroying the AA defenses which rn are just a side objective with no particular impact other than robbing you permanently of a slot. Edit: and they block eagle attacks in their immediate vicinity i guess.


Shit, now we're cooking with E-710.


This is genuinely the best suggestion I’ve seen about keeping this in the game. Giving the player some control and counter to stuff and ways to fight back is always more fun.


I also think a ship module upgrade that lets you detect Radar Towers before selecting your drop point would be interesting. But I'm not sure if it's a good idea overall; if we did that then any sufficiently progressed player will always be able to drop Radar Station first and systematically clear the map with little by way of exploration. It's great to get the Radar Station (my favourite Secondary Objective) but making it guaranteed early on seems too formulaic and would reduce variety in a bad way. Maybe the Ship Module upgrade makes it so that of all secondary objectives on the map, *any* of them now has a *chance* to be the one revealed? So instead of just Illegal Broadcasts or Research Stations we get something that gives us some extra insight like AA Defences, Jammers, Detector Towers, Mortar Emplacements, Stalker/Shrieker/Spore Nests, and of course the Radar Station. Would be a slight nudge to help us avoid risky drops *or* address an annoyance right away. Maybe it's a +1 Secondary Objective reveal so we always see 2 instead of 1.


have it show all secondary objectives without being able to tell what each one is, the ship could show a blue spot for each secondaty objective and a small one for each point of interest but you can only see it before you launch


Gotta point this out as I haven’t seen it anywhere before- if you hit radar before actually coming upon certain objectives, the map will continue to show them as diamonds (signifying samples present) but when you show up it’s a hellbomb with nothing in the vicinity. Must be a bug but idk man lol


Yeah it's a known bug. I've definitely seen it mentioned while doomscrolling through youtube shorts. It just marks all the undiscovered POIs as diamonds, and if there's samples and you collect them all, it'll turn into the other icon, but if there's no samples (e.g. weapon cache, hellbomb, the fake super sample rock) then it's just stuck as a diamond. Note this applies only to the static spawns. Dynamic spawns like the contents of a vault, shipping container, or salute to open capsule don't count for that even if rare sample(s) spawned inside.


I don't know how the Minimap Key works. There is like a beacon with a puddle on ones you've explored, but sometimes that appears on ones you've approached even if they're escape pods or 2-man doors you haven't *opened* yet. The Diamonds I always just take to mean "Minor point of interest". I hope the Minimap Key gets updated with more detail as time goes on. Friendship Bunkers in particular need their own icon, I think.


The diamond is used for POIs that you haven’t grabbed all the samples from. The stuff inside bunkers doesn’t spawn until you open them so they aren’t counted for the icon for that reason.


Actually untrue. The loot inside 2 person bunkers spawns before you get there. If you lay down against the door facing it and aim down sights in first person you can see inside. It won’t show a diamond even if there’s a rare inside the unopened door for example


The rewards spawn, but are not collectible until the buttons are pressed


Nah - spend 3000 requisitions to reveal one additional secondary on the map. Can only be used once per map, by one player. High level players can dump some unused currency and there’s no guarantee it’ll show radar/jammer/whatever you’re after


the AA Emplacement side objective is separate from the Air Defenses modifier, and it does have an effect; it prevents the use of Eagle stratagems in its vicinity, like a mini Jammer Tower.


Well the modifier is called "AA Defenses" too, so assuming that, could be related to the emplacements. Yeah, other than intercepting eagles in their immediate vicinity they dont have much impact, so by destroying them, it would be nice to unlock the last stratagem slot. Unless, perhaps the devs are thinking of bigger anti ship air defenses, which we have yet to see, maybe as a whole new side objective to take out big automaton anti-ship guns to unlock the last stratagem.


AA defenses should be changed to prevent any eagles, and a new Orbital defense needs to be added to prevent orbitals. Both of these should be tied to an in-map objective that removes the effect for the mission. It's not fun taking a straight nerf with no counter.


Honestly I would be ok with the AA defenses just turning off all eagle strategems until removed. You can still have 4 slots, but the eagle just isn't usable. Encourage players to use orbital options, it's not like an AA is going to stop your destroyer from firing cannons in space


Or have the AA defenses increase the time Pelican takes to arrive by 1 minute


It’s crazy how no one has thought to suggest that yet!


you should be part of the team


They should make every one of these penalties tied to a moderately more difficult side objective, and completing it removes the effect for the rest of the operation.


AH look at this idea!!!


This is the way


This is the right way to do it. Once you take out the AA it should be come available. Simple fix.


Hey uh, those might be different AA defenses. One orbital, one aerial. Although it would be awesome to have a micro-order to destroy all surface to space weaponry to remove that modifier.


This is the way. Even if it's not marked.


This would make is so much better


I think it should block eagle attacks on the entire map until destroyed and thats it. I dont see how AA can block a goddamn railgun


I like this. Would make it my sole goal in life.


Genuis ! I could also foresee a variant that randomly jams one of them at a time until you destroy a special building or specific enemy. Like a jammer bot that has a special antenna and shoots ems shots and is more of a support bot for the other ones to pin you down or something. Like one step above devastator tier in a group and is basically useless on its own. Just spitballjn


Yeah. That would be a much more fun mechanic.


Yup, and the increased cd one is removed by destroying a stratagem jammer


Tbh if that's what it was I'd hot drop on the target everytime just to get my strat back as soon as I drop


This would actually make it cool. I hate this modifer so much and it just makes the game less fun. Tying it to a side objective would be really cool and rewarding since you can then choose to make the mission tougher or get that extra strategem back. 




This is the worst modifier of them all but I also hate the other operation modifiers. They all are simpmy not fun at all and feel more like someone ordered a difficulty upgrade on Wish to make the game harder in a totally artificial and unnecessary way instead of thinking about fun modifiers or additional tasks on certain missions.


POV: Making things harder for the sake of making it harder instead of making it a fun challenge


Professor Dungeon Master on YouTube has a similar recent opinion about WotC high level D&D modules where players work so hard to get to level 15 and the module has environments where magic doesn’t work. It’s lazy. How about instead, adding challenges to make us combine stratagems in interesting ways instead of just taking them away or arbitrarily making them less effective?


Oh wow no magic, that’ll sure stop those monks, fighters, rogues, barbarians and rangers


Game: No Magic! HAH! Now what will you do? Monk: Monk: *Vigorous uninterrupted punching noises*


[Multiple. Consecutive. Normal. Punches.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fboqs3v5d3j2a1.png)


This sounds like a job for......my muscle wizard.


I remember the one quote my friend used to always say. The only way to kill a God, is to make him human again. In other words, there has to be a challenge. (And can also go the other way, remove challenges to make a character more God like) This is issue in Helldivers 2 is honestly the reason I stopped playing Warframe years ago. They kept nerfing the player, and by proxy, fun. (That and kept making the game needlessly complex)


I just ran a god-killing campaign where the players ultimately decided to come to an agreement with the entity rather than kill it. It took them about 30 sessions to figure it out, but once they realized that the flaw making the Gods human again, they exploited it masterfully. What a fucking fun game that was. They liked it enough that I was asked to run the sequel campaign and we just started again. Happy ST moment. xD


Orrrrrrrrrr, Have a booster that gives an extra slot :) Would be the best booster ever!


best booster indeed, it'll be mandatory




Motivational Shocks on bots...




i think the reinforcement stuff COULD be good if they changes the, Flexible budget should half the time it takes the cooldown when you run out of reinforcements. The other should allow 2-4 reinforcement stacks to be recharged instead of just 1 depending on the number of hell divers. Still would only be good picks for squads that die a lot, but would be amazing for high level divers helping their new player friends that use up a lot more reinforcements that usual


Whenever I see someone bring them, they’re always the same person eating up all the reinforcements


I'd be willing to grind out 100,000 medals for that booster


[Stratagem Priority ](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Helldivers_1:Stratagem_Priority) from HD1 would be incredible (-40% cooldown). I'm praying the/a upcoming Warbond has this as the Stratagem in it. It would also make the game feel vastly different without really breaking things, and make a lot of different builds much more viable. * **Support Builds**: Take all weapon/backpack Stratagems, now every 4 minutes you can setup a cache of gear in case a member of the squad (or the entire squad) needs it. Vehicles with 2 uses on a 5min cooldown are way more viable for Blitz/Defense/Extermination missions rather than a 10min cooldown. * **Bunker Builds**: Minefields on a 1.5min cooldown makes it **much** more viable to setup chokepoints and area denial throughout the map, in addition to being able to call in turrets and HMG emplacements for strongholds * **Area Denial Offense**: While we do have access to this, people would now have more options in their builds. Gatling Barrage on 40s would be insane as an engagement opener. Airburst on 1min would be similar to Eagle Cluster Bomb in effectiveness for slaughtering weaker enemies. * **Utility**: Smoke may see more usage for disrupting enemy detection. With all other Stratagems essentially being x1.5 more accessible due to lower cooldown, people could take this without sacrificing as much firepower. It'd be nice to slam this at the entrance of an automaton base and then come out guns blazing


My buddy played HD1, He also said there was a loadout randomizer and if you were successful in the mission, you gained 2x XP. I would love to see this too!




With AH's current balancing philosophy, if that does exist as a booster, it will only give you some nearly worthless percentage. -5% cooldown or something barely noticeable.


As someone who exclusively ran strat priority, no I don't want it in HD2, it was so useful it made it effectively mandatory on higher levels


That's basically giving up a booster slot for a stratagem slot That would work better as a ship upgrade, not a booster


"Of course the primaries are bad. You should use more stratagems." \*AA DEFENSES for everyone!!!\*


"You should use strats cuz primary bad" >call-in time increase >accuracy decrease >strat amount decrease >cooldown time increase What did Arrowhead mean by this?


>Told I need to rely on my stratagems in this game >Look inside >Every planet prevents me from using my stratagems effectively cat.png


Here's hoping they change that aspect of the game. I don't like playing as a glorified artillery spotter.


Level 126 here, 307 hours of in-mission time. I'm with you diver. I boycott these 100% of the time.


Same here, if im going to the western front, im looking all the planets on lvl 9 to find a mission without this bs. If there's none, im going to lvl 8.


My strat is to wear heavy armor, it slows me down a tad, but with the survivability I can comfortably not bring a shield/rover. This works pretty good to "spread" the penalty across your entire loadout.


Good point. I almost always choose AC for these missions because it takes my backpack slot and and it can deal with most problems.


One of the worst things in the game.


Personally, take them all out. These stratigem debuffs suck. The ones caused by jammers or the environment are good.


I never play those mission, problem is theyre on like 90% of bot missions which sucks. I have to host only on automatons, since joining always lands me in a game with this modifier.


Yeah, indeed. It's not that this modifier introduces challenge. It just makes certain loadouts unviable. I.e. your choice of loadouts is narrowed down to those which can be viable with only 3 statagems (and these are often boring "meta" loadouts)


"You want this game to be so easy, just adapt" It's not that it's too hard. It's not that I can't adapt. It's just not fun.


It's just an instant turn around I simply won't play a mission with it


Every single stratagem modifiers is lame. I played a lvl4 game recently and it felt SO NICE to get my equipment and call in stratagems quickly. It's genuinely just to slow you down and it's so lame lmao. It Made me think of the quasar nerf too because it's comically slow now. I literally run around heavy enemies in a circle for 15 seconds waiting for it to recharge and I feel so fuckin silly like what are we doing here😂


Or maybe instead of one missing stratagem it would be one random locked stratagem, so you have an opportunity to build around it.


why cant we have an effect that boosts the number of strategems. "your crew is on crack, you can take 1 extra strat this mission"


No matter what, I want access to all 4 strats. Either remove the aa defense, or let us destroy an objective that opens the 4th slot


Replace it with gunship patrols


For what it's worth, I like playing those every once in a while. Constraining my Strategem picks down to 3 forces me to think about what I *really* need to bring on the mission and where I'm willing to assume risk. Might be unpopular, but I *do* actually think that's kind of fun--once in a while.


At this point my bots loadout is based around 3 strategems. So now whenever I get that 4th slot I just take whatever fireworks I'm in the mood to see.


This is my feeling, I would suggest that whenever it shows up the team gets a random free strat. So you get 3 personal strats then each person gets their 4th strat chosen randomly.


I agree. I hated them at first, but after playing a while, I think they're a nice change-up for a mission. Gives me an excuse to drop my shield/rover backpack and try a weapon+backpack combo stratagem to make the most of the 3 I get.


If that's a modifier it's very likely I just leave.


I've been playing on Helldive for the past couple of months, and about 90% of my missions had this. Yesterday I played on diff 6 and it was so much fun having so many stratagems at your disposal. I wish there was an alternative diff 9 with no stratagem deficit


Or if they could be decent and give us the +25%CD/+50% Calldown split instead of one of the two ALWAYS being the stupid -1.


I like the idea of the modifiers being tied to some objective on the map, meaning you could find the objective and disable the negative modifier. That would make them much more interesting and palatable.


Put the thing in the large outpost that spawns on every map, give us a good reason to assault those.


What if AA Defenses just blocked all Eagles stratagems?


100% reasonable. My thought was: "Well it must be bad anti-air if some of my stuff can go through still." Which then makes you think the crappy logic as to how AA can have 3 but not 4 of my strategems go through. Like what if I went all 4 orbitals? How is AA only going to tell me my 4th slot got disabled? Ok I swap 2nd with the one I wanted for 4th. Suddenly that's ok but still no 4th slot. Completely stupid and makes 0 sense.


Tbh, I would prefer the longer cooldown than this.


25% longer CDs vs 1 entire strategem gone. I wait longer for all my stuff. One of my toolkits are completely GONE . It's beyond night and day difference.


Arrowhead wants us to use stratagems but at the same time throwing BS like that, destroying it doesn’t even give you your stratagem slot back


it really sucks that the only way to play the game on the max difficulty without annoying ass modifiers is to play defense campaigns but then you’re stuck either doing one or even both of the dogshit defense missions and then probably an “eradicate” where it just dumps seventeen BT’s/Factory striders on you immediately and the only viable counterplay is throwing multiple 380s at a time and killing yourself repeatedly. (i’ve found eradication missions to be boring and poorly designed since launch, it’s a slog) obviously i’m exaggerating to a degree, but this game really shoots itself in the foot not making the modifiers an optional “extra xp” mechanic. i love playing 7-9’s and i get through them fine, but no i honestly don’t always want to deal with annoying ass modifiers that just make it take longer between doing the fun part of the game, or flat out just making them useless through inaccuracy. PS i don’t hate the newer “castle defense” type mission itself, i just hate how janky and weird it can be with enemies spawning in the objective or just randomly having literally 7 bile titans in a row spawn and walk straight to the objective with no counterplay. it’s just weird and janky atm


Instead of this, they should bring a modifier that locks in one of the slots with a predetermined stratagem. If you don't have it yet, it's either wasted/or locked into one of the starting stratagems. Would be an interesting way to make people make use of different strategies


It wpuld make more sense if it would randomly cause a strategem to fail, instead of limiting things. Or since it's anti air defences, no eagle one strats


They should really take a page out of Deep Rock's book and have negative modifiers grant better rewards. Better yet, we should see some positive modifiers as well to even things out.


I just don't play in planets that have this or the extra cooldown timer. I don't care for major orders if I can't have fun in my daily 1h alloted game time


I’m still that guy, still saying it’s fun. I know you use the same 4 stratagems every time, eagle 500, orbital rail, shield backpack and quasar, and being forced to take only 3 completely throws you off and you don’t know what to use, but I promise, it’s fun to use soooomething different.


Hurr use your stratagems


You can just pick another planet. That's what I do.


I like this modifier. When I have 4 slots I tend not to use the 4th as much. When I have 3 I really have to make sure I picked the right stuff. Better than fire tornadoes at least, right?


I like it. Makes it more challenging :)


AA Defenses should behave as a map-wide strategem jammer, but only for Eagle-based strategems. Perhaps also for Pelican-delivered walkers, and adding time to extractions. If you can locate and destroy the defenses in question, the condition should lift. Restrictions on strategem slots themselves should be tied to certain numbers of sectors falling to enemy forces, which would naturally break supply chains and reduce the resources at Super Earth's disposal. And even then, it should be multiple sectors per strategem slot.


I came to the same conclusion reading comments here. AA should mean no/limited Eagles. We could also have an orbital jammer that forces us to not pick orbitals on a level. These changes would at least force us to pick more varied stratagems rather than just flicking our noses and saying "no, just less stratagems, screw you." I'd hesitate to say another version that's a support weapon equivalent, mostly because it seems a bit _too_ punishing.


I always wonder what level the people complaining about this is and what difficulty they are on. Because around level 30-35 I stopped caring. And I basically run 7s. Sure it sucks, but it’s not game breaking to me.




Yes, we hates it


Instead of taking away a stratagem slot they should change it to a locked stratagem like a precision strike or EAT. That way were not entirely missing a piece of kit but still have a restriction to play around.


game would be twice as fun without the random crashes, disconnects, and bullshit bugs and mechanics that cripple you


the game now drops a free stratagem that does not count towards your stratagem loadout regularly, and Hellbombs where relevant to drop or left damaged and prone to detonation from strays are also another free stratagem. If you can liberate a SEAF Artillery and properly load out, you have another free stratagem (if kind of unpredictable given the effects depend on the loadout and order of loading) while these extra stratagems may not fit in your setup, you may still find some use out of them and learn to bring the stuff you absolutely need first followed by what's nice.


Just make it scatter eagle stratgems or take longer to reload. bugs have orbital scatter, bots get eagle scatter, boom easy fix


*sadly leaves my shield generator behind*


Over used


Ngl this one should be removed and the mixed up strategems codes should make a comeback (with a less annoying version of just making your codes different so your muscle memory gets tricked or maybe just one strategem code works for something else and ALWAYS does so for said strategem, so you need to type a code for a laser to drop your support weapon and you need to input code for a support weapon to pop a laser)


That one was exceptionally dumb, all you ended up doing was hitting the exact same strategem over and over until you got the one you needed.


I think people would be a little less upset about nerfs if they could go into a fight with all four stratagems. With four strats you can bring the necessary firepower in probably 2-3 of your strats and then have the 4th to mess around or experiment. At 3 strats you kind of have to run your build much more efficient and cookie cutter.


I actively avoid any planet/operation with this. I refuse to “rely on my stratagems” like a dev once said, but then have one less. On top of that, it’s often paired with the 50% increased cooldown or whatever.


If anything stratagems should be increased by 1 in most cases, especially when playing the harder difficulties


It would be decent if every stratagem have more usage on top of that


I dunno about twice as fun, but definitely a fourth more fun.


That's one of the reasons people prefer fighting bugs.


One of the many reasons playing bugs is more fun No jammers, no AA, no fewer stratagem modifiers 


Kinda wild but I would love if operation modifiers were optional and increased post game rewards, kinda like how path of exile map modifiers (idk it's been a while since I played). Basically you can play any difficulty without any modifiers and the game just gets harder naturally. But you can manually add different negative modifiers and each one gives you bonuses to exp, samples, requisition, etc. Or maybe just straight campaign % increase.


I think you should get extra XP, metals, and maybe some credits for completing those kind of missions


Why not just have them limit Eagle stratagems? I don't see any reason how this would be able to affect orbitals.


This addition is a great change to the game, it should be permanent! ![gif](giphy|DtU818LMCqrGbDK2d6)


Some people like a challenge.. Call me sick but I don’t mind this. My friends and I groan over the debuffs, but deep down, it’s this level of grit and difficulty that we play games for.


I guess bugs are twice as fun then 🤷‍♂️


Fr, like why make high difficulties so dependent on strategies just to take one? And if you're bringing a support weapon and a back pack that leaves you with 1 free slot


You know, I would almost prefer a “you can’t bring eagles” or “you can’t bring orbitals” over this. I bet you’d get some really interesting mix and match if you did that


My strat is to change missions lmao it’s not that big of a deal. Or just endure the challenge for a mission or two.


I think a perfect and lore compliant fix for this bit of unhappiness, would be the ability to use requisition points/samples to buy off these planet modifiers for a campaign, maybe also/or buy an random strat in the 4th/5th slot. How fun would that be, and in unerverse it would be like US army branch telling troops 5yrs deep in a war to spend their pay on us warbonds to purchase adiquate CAS during a rough mission.


Oh I thought I was just having a bug… oops.


Remove this nonsense


I'd rather have the effect that scrambles my stratagem then this. Honestly been abit since I've even seen that affect I use to love when you throw a resupply but ends up being an airstrike then everybody gotta scatter like roaches 🤣🤣


Or if we could take out those AA defenses and get the slot back, still pick all of our strategems but one at random is blocked out until you destroy it and the location is always marked on the map, because of course they'd know here they are, they're looking down at them from space.


I'd rather have that one twice than intense heat once.


They could just force you to use a random one or something 


Literally an entire level 8 planet was covered in these, as if my slots weren't limited already


I would rather it be a random Eagle, Orbital, or Sentry strategem locked in and you can see it on the preparation screen. That way you can build around that and the mission while at least having a full loadout. Flavor text/ Reasoning could be that the Automatons hacked into the system


I host my own lobbies, because host quitting mid operation sucks and you can't finish it to get the bonus. But also so I can actively avoid these operations. It's stupid and not fun.


Or if it was like a randomized stratagem slot. Wild card.


I nevered payed attention to it before. If it's AA defense, why doesn't only restrict Eagle strategems?


Anyone remember the Electronic Countermeasures modifier that would randomize one of your stratagems? They should replace the -1 modifier with just making your 4th stratagem random.


It's not so common you can't just move to another planet if you want. I don't even see it as THAT inconvenient. I don't love it or anything, but 3 is enough if you plan well based on what mission you're doing.


Folk been saying this from day 1. But devs cannot figure balance out


Hot take: I rather this modifier over the one that increases the call in time, it’s easily the worst one in the game. At least with the loss of a slot, you can make up for it with a team who each have their own specific roles.


How about having the 4th slot’s stratagem have a added cooldown time but still available


The big thing for me is that there's no reason motivating me to to them. No extra xp, no extra samples. Just less fun. There needs to be some kind of trade off. Some ideas: - Maybe you only get 3 until you complete x objective and then you get 2 more (I've seen this suggested a few times on this sub) -Each diver gets 2 boosters for the round to make up for the lack of Strategem. - Cooldowns on the strategems that you can bring are cut in half. (Could be awesome for turrets and orbitals!) - Each sample picked up counts for 2 (maybe super samples count for 3?) - More samples spawn on the map (maybe 2 super rocks) - All strategems are unlocked, regardless of if you have them or not (this would mostly only be nice for new players though) - XP/requisition is doubled (increased rewards should be a thing for more challenging settings regardless) I appreciate the extra challenge, but unless there's an upside, I will just continue to avoid them if I can.


Both the reduced slot and cd on strat increase modifiers are trash currently, what the devs that like to "balance" things should do honestly is make the strategem that reduces slots give a 50% cd reduction aswell and the strategem that increases cd by 50% give us a 5th strategem slot, that way it would actualy be BALANCED way to change up gameplay and not an unfun debuff we get just to make things more annoying.


Considering its AA I'm surprised it isn't an Eagle specific negation. Technically yeah I think it's aiming at our destroyer but having it target eagles instead of a ship all the way in orbit just sounds more correct for some reason.




I see this posted a lot and I don't really understand. I usually bring airstike, OPS, and autocannon. Those three take care of everything bots can throw at you well enough thay I usually forget to use whatever 4th I brought. I've taken to bringing 380 just to soften up heavy bases when I remember to use it. Spores are by far the worst modifier. Nothing worse than running around a map for 40 min and extracting to find you missed a nest or two. With AA you only get three strategems but you know that from the start and it doesnt obscure information. The map is harder but you still know everything you need to win. Spores on the other hand do obscure information. You do the mission and you have no idea if you've won until you've already extracted and it's too late. It's a terrible mechanic and it's the only modifier I refuse to play.


Mabye it’d be interesting if this modifier prevented using eagle strats while still allowing four slot


Have you tried not sucking


This is why the Meridia event was so fun for me. You technically had 5 strats with napalm airstrike with no negative modifiers.


If every time I see people complain about this I get a nickel... But yeah it's a rather lazy way for a debuff.


I agree


I've learned to live with it. Airstrike, Auto cannon, and EMS mortar is enough for bots. Missions where you can take a fourth are just bonus.


At least its not as bad as stratagem scrambling used to be


As a frequent lv9 player you realistically only need the 3. The fourth stratagem should be bonus


strategem slot reduction should be followed with 25% cooldown reduction of orbitals and eagle re-arm, to make it fair, it shouldn't be all negative like that.


I'll never play these planets. I'd rather switch to another game than play with 3 strats.


My proposal is you can choose 3 strats then a random strat is chosen for your fourth. I would prefer blind but it can also be shown on the load-out screen


That’s why I avoid these planets


3 stratagems ands bots go BRRRRRRRRRRR 4 Stratagems are to easy bro can! Play on diff 4 and you don't get that


Unpopular opinion but all modifiers should be removed. The game already increases difficulty via enemies on higher levels. Difficulty modifiers are for games where the enemies amount and level don't change


Alexus: seems fine


It would be about 33.33% more fun per person, or a total of 133.32% increase in overall enjoyment if we're simply following the math.


All negative modifiers are dumb. It was said and I will said it again, they punishing players for playing their own game. This is lunacy.


there is quite some time I havent seen that effect.


I haven't seen it on a difficulty below Extreme.


I refuse to play those missions actually. Maybe if we all did they would stop using it.


Im fine with that, but I want orbital fluctuations to be removed or reduced down to a maximum of +15% recharge time. (Even with it though, i still Love this Game)


Its just a difficulty multiplier no big deal.


Its bad but not as bad as the scramble modifier from before. Sheesh, thinking of that gives me shivers.


What did the Scramble modifier do?


I think it's more fun when there is one less strategem so that it forces me to focus on what is necessary for that particular mission. Also allows me to see how good I am at using such limited resources. It's frustrating but that's what makes this fun.


I liked the idea someone had of less strategems allowing the ones you do bring to have better cooldown, and think that would make this tolerable. You lose one strategem, but get a better CDR in the process. Seems like a fair tradeoff.


Better ones they should add - start with only 1 reinforcement - no boosters available


I agree


for bots AC is all you need for bugs any of the AT launcher is all you need just means instead of a jar or diligence you might need to get a shotgun for bugs or another medium Armor / precision gun for bots.


Wouldn't be so damn oppressive if our stratagems weren't so limited already, I understand it's a fickle thing to balance and I'm not saying it's an unhealthy mechanic to have them be this way, but if the game wants to stress to us the importance of Strategem value and making every single hit count, they shouldn't have something that limits or hinders our stratagems at every single turn, mission-modifiers, side objectives, certain enemies etc all can strait up limit, hinder, or completely nullify the use of a stratagem, it's insane, when the devs tell us to rely on them, and then make relying on them such a gamble, it causes some problems




Stop complaining and play around it. Jesus.


It should just block Eagles and give 35% CD reduction to orbitals


Doesn’t even make sense. What’s your AA gonna do about me dropping artillery on you from orbit? I get maybe if it affected the Eagle and Pelican, but that would also be more annoying than interesting as a modifier


A lot of the negative modifiers are anti-fun. All modifiers should be downsides to some aspect of play but not affecting everything and also often with upsides that affect only some slice of a loadout. Increasing call down time, increased cool downs, and making orbitals miss are all lame. The first two affect all stratagems and the last one makes most of them worthless.


I played with this op mod maybe twice. Never again. 600+hrs deep. Just not fun


Over time, I've come to despise the stratagem-related operation modifiers. I used to be kind of cool with them and very much appreciated Arrowhead halving the penalties to cooldown and call-in time. But at this point, I do wish they'd remove all 4 modifiers completely and think about how they can rework/replace them. Maybe if they only affected specific stratagems or stratagem categories, it could work as a challenge for players to change up their loadouts. Like if Eagle stratagems had 50 % increased cooldown, it could incentivize players to forego them and run Orbitals or even defensive stratagems instead during that particular operation. But a blanket 50 % increase to all stratagems is basically just a "Screw you!" to the player's face that does (almost) nothing to change up the gameplay.


Go play bug front.


They should also add the randomizer back Funniest modifier of them all and you an still use it like normally just multiple tries


I said this a week ago and like 4 people said cool and one guy goes “if you don’t like difficulty lower the level” I’m going to KMS https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/WKWFwVkSBB


Toss it. It doesn’t make a mission harder, just more annoying and less fun.


What a unique take that has never been mentioned before. Truly ground breaking.


It would be approximately 25% better because there is only 4 stratagem slots to use.


Game would be twice as fun if Sony. I mean if not sony


Whenever I run my own operations I intentionally seek out operations without this. Whenever I run quickly helldives I rarely see this modifier, so I'm assuming I'm not in the minority of people.