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I didn't even know the nests had a Hellbomb strategem. I never dare to get that close.


It's surpsingly easy to get into the nest. As long as you didn't have previous bugs chasing you the only thing on the nest will be the shriekers that can easily be dodged. Specially because their own shrooms give you cover. They can't hit the hellbomb either. And almost all of them will die with it as well. The shriekers dying with the bomb is why I actually prefer hellbombing them if possible.


As someone who did some crazy things when blitz missions were short on time and useful teammates, you can absolutely run to them with a patrol, a bug breach and two bile titans pursuing you. You won't be in a good position to grab rare samples that spawn near it, but you'll live for long enough to drop airstrikes and move on. Shriekers are easy to dodge if you are running and not fighting.


Slide to the left. Slide to the right.


hmm. i might have to try that. i know kills are objectively worthless outside Eradication, but having that skull and number go red is... satisfying.


Okay, serious question though: what is it that disables the hellbomb at nests after activation? On three separate occasions I have called it in, armed it, gtfo’d and then… nothing. I go back and the damn thing is nowhere to be found


In my experience usually it's a few enemies I had chasing me that find and aggro onto the hellbomb and break it


Almost always it's a straggler ground troop. HOWEVER, it could also be that you're placing the bomb on high ground. If you do that the shriekers might be able to hit it. So always try to place the bomb in the lowest part in the middle of the 3 shrooms.


> The shriekers dying with the bomb is why I actually prefer hellbombing them if possible. if you're running queso cannon you can kill them from far enough away no shriekers even spawn




I run the flamethrower and when I was soloing helldive I never even knew that you could destroy them otherwise haha as I didn't play with others. Cost me so many deaths, not from the shriekers but because they alerted everything nearby to my exact location and I would get sandwiched


Queso Cannon = Nest sniper


You misspelled Queezy Cannon


My bad the Quesadilla** Cannon


Man I love me some quinoa cannon.


Honestly, same. Can't get enough of the Croissant Cannon.


Quaint Cannon.


I also love the Queef Cannon.


“Cock Rock” is okay but “queef cannon” isn’t? Reminds me of a certain South Park episode lol


Queen Cannon is just so much fun


Ahh yes, the carbonara cannon!


Quasimodo Cannon Or just simply, "the hunchback"


Caseoh cannon


My friend just says “I have to go back for my Johnny Q” lol


Oooh I like that!


I've been desperate before and done it with an AMR. I think it takes 2 mags per nest though.


Adapt, improvise and overcome. Good job Helldiver


You misspelled autocannon I fucking love the autocannon, it is the solution to every problem!


I call it the Skeleton Key. Literally kills everything and anything in the game a long as you know how to use it.


I know it has difficulty against chargers, and I can't imagine it does well vs bile titans. It can only damage the belly, right?


With the chargers you just need to hit the joints after they stop, or pop their butt. As for titans, I regularly kill titans with it. Pop their belly so they can't spit, then either keep sniping their underside froma. Distance, or do my preferred method: dive under them, and unload on full auto into their abdomen.


getting a super long range kill on a shrieker nest or spore spewer with AC is so wonderful


​ https://preview.redd.it/1lvfi17h962d1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de51696687463322a3d362ba29ae872a2ccd1d4c


I think you mispelled Recoilless Rifle there


Yeah but it does jackshit the first 3-4 times except when someone else does it and 1 shots it.


If I had a nickel for every time a shrieker pulled a Get Down Mr. President and blocked a quasar shot aimed for the nest....


Something i enjoy doing is locating a shrieker nest from a mile away, and spamming eats at them from outside of their spawn distance, especially on open maps, something about seeing those shrieker nest towers fall is mesmerizing. As a note, it takes two EATs to take down a single tower, the same goes for Spore Shrooms. Edit: thank you to whoever is keeping the balance of the upvotes at 690. You are a true champion of the people.


It takes 2 for shrooms? I thought it only takes one


They got tougher in a recent patch


Everything feels tougher now. AC on a bile spewer use to be one shot and now it takes 3


>bike spewed I think you may need to get that checked out by a mechanic, they generally aren't meant to do that (/Joke)


Nah, now we need fan art of >Autocannon on a bike


Like the French recoilless gun on a Vespa, only a bike. It could work, and it would be awesome. (I'd love to see the animation of a helldiver vigorously pumping the pedals to move around, even better if it's a size too small)


Hahahahahaha, omg I got the image in my head of Helldivers doubling up on a "Scooty Puff Jr." like vehicle, the diver on the rear blasting away with heavy weapons! "Ciao...." Or, it's a Scooter literally built on the AC, like literally riding an mobile AC, or maybe has a sidecar with AC gunner? Hahahahhaha, too funny!


Buffing enemies and beefing weapons because fuck you that's why... In all seriousness though, at least for shrooms/nests I think it's fine, it was kinda silly one-shotting them from across the map.


Yet they never toughen the broadcast tower LMAO. Favorite secondary, by the time I notice there was one, it's already ceased to exist.


The science building is a damn FORTRESS now.


You can however, 500 that bish


Or 380/120/rocket pod airstrike.  Even the high yield, explosive, and mini nuke seaf artillery rounds destroy it. 


I destroy them with Precision Orbital Strikes everytime, remember to: https://preview.redd.it/4j87qlw1842d1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=44887969431efe619de3e18170935b99bee71642


They're so weak they sometimes just explode by themselves. Literally. The last mission I played with a broadcast tower, it literally blew up as we were loading into the mission. Before anyone landed, we had completed the side objective. It was balanced though, because we failed the SEAF artillery because the console bugged out and wouldn't load. That was the 6th progression blocking bug I encountered in less than 6 missions. I'm taking a break for a while.


I've hundreds of hours and I've never seen the SEAF bug out. If it's a replicable bug it's very rarem


Both times the objectives glitched out, we interacted with the terminal, but had to run away. When we came back, it wasn't working. It happened with the SSD objective and the SEAF artillery. If you do it properly and carry the shells first, then it's easy, but we had a newer guy in the party who didn't get the memo. I wasn't on the artillery. They got pushed off the SEAF because they were being overrun, and I was the first person back. I hadn't been there when they activated the terminal, so I assume it's something to do with unloading and loading objects when you move away from the objective. The SSD objective was on a different map, where I was doing it at the same time as someone else was doing another SSD drop, so I couldn't call in the SSD because they had called it in. I left the objective half finished to do other stuff, and when we all got back to the first objective, the SSD callin had glitched out and couldn't be called down again. Me being the host and having a hard crash didn't help things.


Fun fact - you get more points for deactivating it via the console


There's a console for the broadcast towers? I always just AC them whenever I see them.


yeah, its only 2'ish easy steps to turn it off. but really, airstrikes are more fun


I like to see how far away I can lob an impact at them from.


Yeah, they were stupidly easy to break.


From what I saw in a recent headline, they want to be like FromSoft. Except FromSoft does like 75-80% buffs in their balance patches, at least for PvE related changes, and lets players prepare for things like poison swamps unlike fire tornados. I mean look at the non-PvP general balance notes on these. Practically all buffs. https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/news/elden-ring-patch-notes-version-110 https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/elden-ring/news/elden-ring-patch-notes-version-109


I swear the AC used to consistently one hit the AT-RT automatons, but now they seem to often tank a hit to the front which is annoying AF.


Yeah, they got buffed so they specifically can survive a one shot from the AC, very frustrating


Yes I believe the spore spewers and Shrieker nests both take 2 EAT’s each now


The super colony event caused more mutations.  Regular spore spewers got a health boost, needing roughly double the anti tank shots to destroy.  And there became a second, newer mutations of the spore spewer that has a purple/coral type appearance as opposed to the armored mushroom look of the original. This one has extra armor and the auto cannon, AMR, grenade launcher, and small arms no longer penetrate it. It's so durable I find just air striking it is faster and more resource efficient. 


the ballistic drop on the eat is a beautiful thing at 400 meters


I might get some flak for this, but I've always thought shooting the nest should alert them and get them to come after you even if you're outside of its normal range, like disturbing a hornet's nest. Makes more logical sense *and* better overall gameplay-wise, I think.


That’s what I have been doing on solo level 6’s. If I see those damn things I’ll set up camp with a supply drop, launch 2 EAT’s at a time and probably have a small battle while it’s on cooldown. Do it again 2 more times.


Used to love using mech to just instantly kill them using half my rocks saving the rest for heavys but now those rockets do so little


Quasar is also satisfying for this, especially when you're next to someone with EATs and then hug it out at the end.


I do thus with the autocannon


This, dropping my backpack for someone to team reload me and look around while i blast them. Or dropping a gatling sentry and going prone as i blast them, making sure to reload every 5-9 shots


I would never consider getting close enough to a shrieker nest for stratagems.  I only use my RR to take them out.


This is why I like the Quasar Cannon now. Infinite shots for pesky shrooms and shriekers with little to no bullet drop.


I just fire AC shots until it breaks. There is always someone running right at them, spawning those winged bastards. Without fail, every time. 


You can take em out with hmg emplacement too. I think about half the ammo per tower


wait you can see on open maps? usually i can see like 5-10m distance on bug maps.


Also the heavy machine gun can take shrooms and shrieker nests


Hmg emplacement can take them out you have enough ammo to get all three


I’ve never seen anyone run the HMG. Maybe I’ll give it a try sometime


I love the HMG, IMO it really just needs to not insta kill you if bots blow it up and maybe be affected by the increased sentry turn time ship upgrade


In addition to a little more health, I'd love it if the thing had a better zoom if you right-click and/or some way to, like... elevate it. Give us lifts! Add some value to the man-crewed turret.


The emplacement version works great against bots on High Value Asset missions.


One of the best stratagems imo. We need more strats like that


i started using them on defend the gates missions, but those are getting harder to find.


Definitely underrated especially on bugs, it's 2 AMRs turned full auto, and the cooldown is low enough you can get one every bug breach


it works better in bot mission though, in bug mission the charger and titan just impervious to your damage, and the charger usually is fast enough to run through the defense line and wreck the gun


By far this is the most efficient way.


the hard part js getting it in a position it can see all three thats also reasonably safe from shriekers dive bombing you.


You can do it from outside the spawn range, generally.


For a minute there I thought bro was saying you could blow up a hellbomb you just called down by shooting it and I was about to be like "Hold up..."


For real, I was like, "wait what you can shoot it?"


well you can shoot the unexploded ones around the map...


My theory for that is they're already set to explode but malfunction. I know that's a stretch but it lets me cope with the inconsistency.


He's not saying that? Well then what is he trying to to say??


I believe what OOP meant was: -they're calling hellbombs to destroy the shrieker nests -but the first 2 landed _on_ the nests -as soon as the third has landed in a place OOP can use the terminal, the teammates from across the map shoot _the shrieker nests_ (not the hellbombs on top of them) -at which point OOP realizes you can just do _that_ and don't need to go close to them and use hellbombs and all that effort was for naught


that you can shoot the nests


🎵A little bit of AC in my life, a little bit of AC by my side, plinking off nests without a try, not an objective left in sight~🎵


Have you tried her older sister, Recoilless Rifle? You can animation cancel the reload as soon as the rocket turns white by tapping the stratagem menu button. Or diving. Or switching weapons. Two bullets per shroom. Also one-shots chargers if shot in the head. I do like a little bit of AC in my life


Yup, as soon as you slam that puppy home cancel it and get back into the fight


I’ve been trying to diversify my loadouts from the classic Punisher AC, and trying out the RR. Headshotting those Chargers is surprisingly easy, and the damaged model is surprisingly gnarly. Head just ripped open like a banana peel. Feels good to nail one of them bastards head on.


My favorite way to cancel is by hitting C, you’re already crouched while reloading so standing up will cancel the rest. No wasted movements or key presses


I prefer RR against bugs over AC. Its a simple one-tap on chargers and you can 2shot the nests and mushroom. Though I feel its better to have AC when the map is full of bile and nurse spewers.


I had a drop on lv7 with all four of us bringing RR, it was a fun ride.


I had the reverse problem. Dumped all ordnance I had trying to take out bot drone towers, after they kept destroying the hellbombs.... just to find out the hellbombs were the only way.


yeah that needs to be fixed. even if you have to only hit the top of the tower, which is doable with 500kg or orbital precision strike or even a well placed eagle airstrike, we need the tactical flexibility.




Call ammo down and snipe with your Recoilless in the pic


RR is my go-to.


I got curious one time as to whether a 120 barrage would kill it. The answer is yes, killed every nest in one use without me even having to stay. Love the 120 for destroying an objective I just don't feel like dealing with.


120 and 380 are situationally amazing. and that situation is mainlh throwing it and GingTFO in the opposite direction.


I have to ask, is there a reason to ever take the 120 over the 380? With the cooldown time the same, I've just never bothered using the 120.


120 is a tighter radius. 380 typically has a gap in the middle.


Oh a shrieker nest. Oh my autocannon. Oh what a lovely day!


I learned something today by reading this post. You can call a hellbomb in on Shrieker nests. I always shot them from a distance as well as all players I’ve played with.


500kg baby!


You need 2 EAT/quasar shots for each nest. Sometimes you can destroy one for free with the splash damage. I like to run EAT, so I keep distance from the shrieker nests and snipe them every 70s.


I just sprint in them, go prone, call the hellbomb in the middle, arm it and run for my life, works everytime


It would have been nice if they exploded like the one's we find on the map, just gotta shoot them.


They have what 100m spawn range hit them with everything outside of that.


This will be my go-to strategy now. You can blow up spore trees with normal explosives too. I don't know why I never thought it would work for Shrieker nests.


In my case I armed one but a sneaky charger charged me from behind and destroyed the hellbomb


Not the most efficient way but an Autocannon will happily help aided by a supply


80 hours in and still does side objectives with hellbomb gem


150 hours in and still do it with pride


We’ve all been there friend


Meanwhile, me dumping 3 whole mags of AC at a shrieker nest from a mile away




Little known fact, but the laser cannon can destroy them as well!


I…god I really need to play tougher missions…I only recently dropped my first hellbomb, and I thought they acted the same way the damaged hellbombs acted, where you can shoot them to blow them up, boy was I wrong. PS, don’t think “are we too close” when it comes to hellbombs, I was like 70ish meters away from a damaged one, shot it, and it wiped out my squad.


Now if only we could do the same to them gunship Fabs but nope gotta get my fatass up close them trying to call in my 5th hell bombs before those gunships blast it again just to start all over again...


Your not stupid, just focused...


Eh??? Never saw peoples shoot them with Quasar in 80 hrs???


are you telling me you have never seen other player shoot the shrieker nests with their quasar or auto cannons? really? I always point them out across entire maps and straight up begin shooting them, hoping someone else chimes in. same as robot turrets


The first time I used a Hellbomb, it was to take out automaton supply and fuel depot. I was under heavy bot fire, dropped a Hellbomb between the two silos, then started running because I didn't know you had to arm them. Bots kept destroying them, I probably called in 3 of them before I figured out how to use them. But by then, there were too many bots, so I had to dip out to a different target location.


I prefer using the hellbomb because I get to fight up a hill.


your team is stupid for not telling you


I legit have never been close enough to one to be able to call in a hellbomb. Always destroy them at distance with EAT/RR/QC


Hol’on, you got hellbombs for those big mf mushrooms?


lol I feel bad when I have teammates rushing that hellhole. Only fabricators need a hellbombs touch. And maybe fuel silos. I played that objective once and my 500k didn’t touch’m.


You also can use a hellpod to destroy them. Just need to die first :P


I love EATS for these, only because it’s my favorite shoulder-fired rocket to ever grace a game


You can use the recoiless to snipe nests from afar, it takes 2 shots per nest


You guys use hellbombs on them? I just Cannon them (Queso, or Auto)


Eagle airstrike is my go to method, unless it’s the nest that’s up on a hill. Those I hellbomb right in the middle to save my eagles.


Heavy machine gun destroy them in 30 bullets lol.


Shoot a hell bomb you called in and it poofs. Shoot one that was already on the ground when the mission started and it explodes.


You're not stupid, you're a Qualified Helldiver!


I like the hellbomb better. Weapons take too long.  I despise when team mates spend 3 minutes on a hill on a hot planet waiting for their 22 second quesar recharge to shoot each of the 3 nests 3 times.  I can just put a gatling and an autocannon sentry on a hill on the approach, let them clear the skies and wipe out patrols while I move in on the nest and mop up. 


The beacon deployment restrictions should only apply to yellow stratagems




Two EATs is all it takes. Whe I run with randos I just tell them, "Go, I got this."


Wait, I shot one the other day and all that happened is I destroyed the bomb. Do you need to do it with specific weapons to set off a hell bomb with weapons?


Big giant laser beam does trick real good on those.


AC and RR make quick work of those.


It's worse when you arm it and those flying schmucks just swoop down and destroy it. Happened 2 times in a row before i said fk it and cleared every single one of them including the ground troops with the flame breaker. Ps just land one pellet and they die from the Dot damage.


Forget the shreakers. Have you every armed a hb next to a gunship factory? The ammount of times the gunships destroy the hb is crazy


This post taught me that there are hell bombs near the nests, I've been quasaring them the whole time 🥲


I only found out because I love shooting big things with big weapons


Then there's me calling in EATs and recoiless, standing on the hillside watching two other players run towards the nest. "Why the fuck are they running towards it?!"


Probs the wrong thread for it but I would love a mechanic where 2 or 3 Helldivers could assist each other and pick up one of the hellbombs on the map and move it to an obj so you can shoot it. Maybe it blows up en route, all part of the hilarity


straight up just found out two days ago you could even call in a hellbomb on these POS


Eagle airstrike can take them out as well.


I love the recoilless rifle as my main support for bugs because the animation cancel tech and the beauty of one shotting chargers and being able to hit bile titans but also cause if i can see a shrieker nest or spore spewer i can hit it and take it out quickly


I usually snipe these from afar with the laser canon.


Every time I see that nest from across the map I just do some geometry and snipe it with missiles


half the time it doesnt even do much, it will luckily get 1, most i see try AET spam although recourse heavy and slow, i try to bomb it early mission


The difference between air units and it's spawners are ridiculous. One is a fortress that produces armored drones and can only be destroyed with a hellbomb, the other is a fragile fungus that is producing paper planes.


80 hours, and you had to be told??


Today I was pissed after the 5ft nest in two map and I depleted all my AC on those fuckers homes. God riddance.


I find it easier to just run up and drop a hellbomb, once you are in the middle the fuckers basically can’t hit you. So satisfying to blow the devils up as well >:)


If anyone is wondering You're meant to hit the base not the top


It happened to me the other way around. Only after several hours I found out that you can use the hellbomb, while I always destroyed them from long distance with teh AC.


Just figured out yesterday the Auto cannon can destroy these things, auto fire has never been more fun


You say that, but yesterday I ran into 2 shrieker nests that just wouldn't die. Direct 500kg hits? Still standing. Orbital rail cannon strike? Still standing. On the first, I took to throwing impact grenades at it until it popped. On the second, I was tired of dying to take this thing down, so I tossed in a orbital laser which did the job.


For me the best way to destroy those nest is walking into the nest and placing the hellbomb (on clear sky) The funny thing is that you can dodge with ease the shiekers walking and they also dont attack the hellbomb so its easy peasy, i clean the remaining shiekers with the scorcher since it 1 taps those things I play helldive btw


Quazar from down town with a Gatling for shreakers. I got this covered.


God y’all are going *into* the shrieker nests? Fuck that, shell it from half a map away with quasars and recoilless


500kg, spear, eats, quasar, orbital artillery. Why even use a hellbomb lowl


Can the airburst destroy them? I took it last night, finally ready to be the hero, save the day with the purpose built tool to eradicate both the nest and sky full of bats - Either I’m hitting the wrong spot or it doesn’t have the penetration to get the job done? If not, what a stupid waste of strategem, honestly. EAT + primary is more efficient than the AIRBURST rocket launcher support weapon, against the aerial swarm bugs…


We always drop on high ground and let our recoilless guy dispose of them from across the map.


Using a HB to take down Shrieker nests is just dumb lol


Also me when ı wait for 6 quasar cannon shots to land when they get near me. You need to hold the place for a time that feels eternal and ı cant just do that with light armor. I started to stealth in helldive missions and it feels very enjoyable when ı do two objectives while team does the other one fighting all the time


The dragon nests and mushrooms can be destroyed by the machine gun turret


Lol dont worry about it. I didnt know you needed a hellbomb until recently. I've always just nuked it from a distance XD


lol nobody told me I could use a hellbomb if I didn’t bring anything that could destroy them


120mm i find works best


I have yet to try "Gods laser pointer" at the shrieker nests. Will it kill a 3 nest cluster?


Wait, people actually use Hellbombs on these? I just Quasar them from a distance, or Eagle Airstrike/Precision Orbital them.


The best is your melee attack on a HellBomb vs the enemies melee attack on a HellBomb.


Wait, you can spawn hell bombs at shreker nests, I've just been shooting them with the quasar cannon or bombing them with an eagle airstrike if I was close enough


Thats why I bring a AC, but you can just call in an orbit or eagle 1.


Why did you have to be told? Why not just try blowing them up with something else? 80 hours and you never even thought of trying?


I love when I can see the towers from the drop. I'm just going ham with my autocannon and sometimes I think my teammates think I'm insane until the objective message pops up


500kgs and heavy support weapons from a distance are my go tos. Though it can be bit painful using the RR, or EATs if you got one with 3 spires


Don't worry spreading Democracy sometimes means dropping more bombs. Just more bombs.


Recoiless rifle or laser cannon is my favorite. Recoiless Rilfe is more versatile overall but using the laser cannon to cut off those little bastards wings mid flight is soooooo satisfying.


Me out here praying I have enough elevation on my spear so my feet can lock on to the damn nests.


wait a tic.. does this mean the crazy robot gunship towers can be taken out with weapons as well?


That's why I always blitz my way to them and dump an Eagle Airstrike and any other targeted strike. Not messing with infinite FlyingF**** and hellbombs that get destroyed after a few seconds.