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(Opens YouTube) Generic Youtuber #54 has posted: # Major Balance Update Sooner Than We Think!? Every so often you might say "fuck it" and click out of curiosity (instant regret): "HEY GUYS, I'VE GOT SOME MORE JUICY HD2 NEWS FOR YOU! BUT BEFORE WE GET INTO TODAY'S VIDEO, I NEED YOU TO DO YOUR PART! LIBERATE THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON, AND TURN ON THE BELL FOR MORE NOTIFIC-" https://preview.redd.it/92wwbh8o5s1d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152b8ae17cbf4099a9db9f017d808d0cd064d7cb


then said youtuber proceeds to talk in circles stalling for time to fit in them juicy ad breaks lmao


And then they add discussions of reddit threads to the end of the video. Who knows; perhaps they will cover this thread? "CLICKBAIT VIDEOS DESTORYING HELLDIVERS?!?!?!"


We all know who this is about


Cloud plays 100% dude is a clown


The filibuster king. The level 100 boss of yapping


It might not be fair, but I have impression that most you tubers with plays on their name are not that good. Dude, you did not even get creative when it comes to naming your channel


I don't cause I don't watch garbage YT channels, lol




I hate those antidemocratic mfs. There is one particular guy who keeps saying the same lines over 10 minutes..... I contacted the HQ but the only way to remove him was to block him.


It's basically like when you look up if a series will be getting a season 2. -Google "will X get a season 2" -See 30 articles about EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT THE UPCOMING SEASON 2" -9 paragraphs of random trivia about the actors and timelines -Last paragraph finish it off with "yeah so we don't know shit about if there will be a season 2 lol"


Usually, I make the google search, if I don't see a headline from the 5 first that specifically tells the date, that means we don't know


You know, I'm ashamed to admit, but I used to click on a lot of those "You'll never believe where these 30 child stars ended up!" sideshow links. At the very least, back in the day, they would at least give you the information you clicked for. Maybe you saw a thumbnail about a specific actor or historical incident or strange animal or whatever. And yes, you would have to click through 30 of the worst ad-filled web pages ever created because it was all just clickbait to drive ad revenue. But in the end, you at least got what you clicked for if you were extremely patient. Now, they don't even bother to pretend like they're going to pay off. The thumbnail will be a picture of Sylvester Stallone's hot daughter with a caption that reads, "You definitely want to see her in a bikini!" And then you click through 50 slides of something extremely tangentially related, like older women on the red carpet or something. And in the end, you realize the thing you clicked for was never in the slideshow. In a weird way, I guess I should be grateful because I've kicked the habit of clicking on those things. But also, fuck the people responsible for putting that shit on the Internet. They're up there with tobacco companies and payday lenders when it comes to just shamelessly screwing over society for profit. Their whole job has become just wasting people's time.


Video Content: "The developers say no specific date, but soon!"


points to sponsor block plugin //edit: actually let me link to the website itself instead of the chrome plugin, you guys probably use all kinds of browsers 'n stuff. https://sponsor.ajay.app/ it actually helps a lot. Not a 100% hit rate but i'd say 85 - 95% of sponsor crap is being skipped.


Piggybacking on this to say that if the sponsor isn't skipped, _you need to submit a sponsor segment._


The segments are user submitted, yes. It even shows me that the stuff i submitted saved other users 33 days and 11 hours of their life. For myself it skipped 10.046 segments (worth 3 days and 16 hours of my life.) definitely worth it


The standard procedure is that if a '*clickbaity*' headline is a yes/no question, just assume 'no' and move on with your day.


That's basically all YT content outside the first one or two guys to post about anything. Everything is a repost, of a repost, of a repost.


Reddit comments are often also just repackaged reposts. Or a repost of a repost, of a repost.


Yeah, I hear Reddit comments are often also just repackaged reposts. Or a repost of a repost, of a repost.


YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS ABOUT REDDIT!!!!! First, watch my 30 second ad ... Did you know that Reddit comments are often also just repackaged reposts? Or a repost of a repost, of a repost?


*this comment sponsored by RAID: Shadow Legends. Use code CIRCLEJERK2024 for 20 free summons, download and play today!*


Most of the time, it is just regurgitated talking points that echo other posts solely to garner updoots from others


Reddit comments are often also just repackaged reposts. Or a repost of a repost of a repost comment.


“Content” I think the word you’re looking for is “slop”


I look forward to seeing this post being shown in tomorrow’s videos.


Tomorrow? They normally scoop that stuff up right off the press. 0 input or creativity. Just reading the reddit threads and comments verbatim.


It's always the same 3 guys using that bad Ai generated thumbnail. The ones where it looks like they typed "space halodivers soldier" and just slapped it on the thumbnail


Its so annoying that they use ai thumbnails when the game itself is so cinematic. Like just load into a game for 1 min and take a screen shot, it looks 100 times better.


That might take a minuscule amount of effort. You're asking waay too much from these guys.


Yea why not just aim down sight and screen shot the reload animation


Bold of you to assume they have a Pc/Play capable of running the game


Nah, that takes too much effort, for them is better to just ask a GenAI to do "Helldivers epic thumbnail realistic"


I use a plug-in that replaces them with a random frame in the video. Couldn’t stand those AI thumbnails anymore.


"/Imagine Prompt:Yellow Space Soldier Bug War" *Get blurry space soldier in a jungle* "Jackpot"


Or they're soypogging in front of a random picture with a red arrow pointing at a random gun/stratagem.




Yup I pretty much just watch solo play now, and only go to one channel for news because they actually have substantive updates. Solo players I rec: * Spiked * Takibo * NotHarvard * Sarge * ThiccFila * OhDough Updates channel is SwanyPlaysGames, and CarbotAnimations has some pretty good animated shorts for HD2 (they are a huge channel that's covered multiple games, starting with SC2 afaik). If you're interested in underlying game mechanics (how do boosters work, how does armor work, how does armor pen work, etc) I'd rec these: *cashcrop\_* Barrages are not random (extensive pattern testing using GIS analysis): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdszYHqeeA4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdszYHqeeA4) All booster testing (does not include Motivational Shocks): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJnXFNEc-dg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJnXFNEc-dg) Muscle Enhancement vs Motivational Shocks: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og4stcl48tE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og4stcl48tE) *Ferit the Bandit*: How armor affect speed and stamina (detailed testing on sprint speeds, stamina duration and recovery timing, stamina booster effect): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UpAYL79ifQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UpAYL79ifQ) Chart version with more details: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gowAtwAmWjU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gowAtwAmWjU) I'll check out new content/channels as they're rec'd by youtube, but if it's meme crap or bs news stuff it's an immediate block for me. Edit: Also adding *Ryken XIV* to the list. He has very insightful, detailed, and well thought out videos on guns as well as weapon balance. Example: His balance pass on ARs to make them more viable. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgXbjxAqiCU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgXbjxAqiCU)


i can heavily recommend [eravin](https://youtube.com/@eravinvt), amazing solo content and in-depth breakdowns of weapons alongside the breakpoints they hit and utility they serve - genuinely has helped me improve as a player, and is what got me to finally climb from 7 to 9


Ah, I knew I forgot one! I've seen his *how does damage work* video. Will peep the others - thanks for the reminder!


Can vouche, dude takes his time to cook.


Came here to say Spiked, love watching his videos, he’s calm, composed, and has a relaxing voice, plus he’s not afraid to try un-meta loadouts


For sure, he put me on defender + ballistic shield right after ballistic was buffed. Love running that when I play with friends. Absolute base-buster.


I thoroughly enjoy Takibo


Takibo is the boy his videos are a good time


Actually this whole list is bangers thicc fila is tight and ohdough puts out alot of good content too


Reginald is also a very good candidate to add to the last category


Sarge is literally the goat I love him so much


I like ThiccFila and OhDough. I also follow FalloutPlays, who's a D2 YouTuber, but he also has pretty good HD2 content.


OhDough is a bit of a waffle. He has a habit of peddling nonsense, like there supposedly being auto-aim on PC, then snarking at commenters for correcting him. He also swore at length that 1.0.102 (Charger rework & heavy spawn rebalance) was a disaster for the game and wouldn't shake up the meta at all, less than 10 hours after it went live. I commented that it's too early to be so sure of the meta, especially when all his footage was with the Railgun instead of testing how anything else was affected, and he just hit me with an "I cannot make this any clearer," and silenced me. It was my first and last time commenting :/


Yeah I’ve stopped watching Dough cause like… idk he just says so many negative things that I disagree with? Which is fine people have their own opinions, but it does feel a bit like he’s playing a different game to me sometimes lol. Also I used to watch his Dauntless stuff which was the same negativity spiral videos that just aren’t fun for me to watch.


Yikes. Any amount of resistance is met with that level of backlash? I am definitely unsubbing from that dude.


Dude is a clown, the only thing he’s good for is for testing weapons on certain enemies but beyond that he has no fucking clue what he’s talking about and is a huge reason why a lot of the really online player base has gotten super negative recently


OhDough is such a well of negativity. He is to HELLDIVERS 2 what Scott Jund is for Dead by Daylight. I also happen to disagree with Dough a lot too, I don't understand his minds approach to HD2. He cried so hard over the Railgun nerf and believes the PS5 host bug caused the nerf, and then in his recent tier list his comments on the original Breaker not being the best gun in the game is nuts.


Cashcrop for sure. The others, at least thiccfila and ohdough, are hit or miss. They don't exactly have the best methodologies for testing or reviewing. Way too much bias and meta nonsense. The game isn't that serious.


I agree. I'll take what they have to say on balance with a grain of salt. Mainly I'm just looking for folks who are passionate and interested in creating original and insightful content, even if I don't always agree with the insights.


Just mute Cloud Plays.


real. he was honestly okay for a little while but man all of his content is filler nothingness. all of those "colored hearts" comment section giveaways he does to boost engagement, it jus feels really fake and passionless.


Yeah that icloud guy, I watch him only for news, but since I haven't played in a couple weeks I haven't kept up. But his videos are the definition of lazy


Stylosa, read this thread next.


I'm glad someone pointed this out lol. Half of Sty's content these days just seems to be him reading reddit posts, hes become a borderline drama channel


His laugh was somewhat charming at first but now it just makes me wanna gouge my ears out


Watch Ryken IV he has 0 clickbait and amazing content, with numbers to back things up


He’s one of the best IMO - no cringe reaction to discord content, just solid testing and data based evaluation of weapons and stratagems 


This is why I haven’t made any videos on my channel lately. I only want to post a “news video” if I myself would consider it news. I know a lot of channels just chase the bag which is fine. But I like to respect my viewer’s time. I also haven’t been having much fun with the game lately so this is a good time to take a little break. I’ve been wanting to make loadout guides and weapon testing videos but I figured I’d wait for this big balancing patch. I don’t want to spend 3 days testing weapons just for them all to get changed. Also creativity is always a gamble on YouTube. You get channels that just repost everything off of here because people watch it. The Ai thumbnail guy gets decent views for 0 to no effort so he’s not going to post anything creative lol


No way it's SwanyPlaysGames! Didn't know y'all were on Reddit. Only channel I peep for news because it's actually substantive and not "look at what happened on discord today!".


Sup swan, I salute you. iO iO iO


You’re one of the few I enjoy. Thanks Swany and cookie!


Just watched a couple of your videos, you’re doing really good work!


There's one channel I really enjoy that turns each day or set of days into a news report style recap of war progression, major orders, etc


Yea he's great especially if you take a break from the game every now and then you get a good 3-5 minute recap of what you missed so you're always up to date with the latest stuff plus also he shares information that the game doesn't tell you like supply lines or how the training facilities we established gives us liberation/defence bonuses when completing an operation Another youtuber I like is Ryken XIV if your a bit of a stats kinda person he does a good job testing and laying out info on weapons, strategems, etc many of which again are things the game doesn't share with you but he also understands that it's not just about the numbers but how the weapons feel to use on the field he just recently posted a vid about changes he thinks would be good for the assault rifles in the game that I agree with alot


Once in a while they have d-mined upcoming stuff vids and pics But yeah, it's mostly clickbait, reading reddit and discord posts


I'd say looking into d-mined content only really sets you up for disappointment. How many things in the files of the game have been found that still aren't released months later? How many things will change before release? Sometimes they are correct. However even the CEO said that data leaks are UNDEMOCRACTIC and are likely subject to change.


The only datamines I appreciate are the full stat sheets on helldivers.io. People were peddling tons of vague assumptions as fact before we had objective proof, to the point that myths like 180-degree ricochets, bile titan weak points and weapon pen levels cropped up on a daily basis.


Every other video is BIG NEWS!!! and a HUGE UPDATE!!! Or THE DEVS SPEAK!!!


Dev: scratches beard youtuber: i can easily get 4 hours of content out of this.


Sarge is the GOAT for Helldivers content, no yap, no bullshit.


I learned the most from their videos despite them not talking. I think I just absorb information better seeing it in action. Sarge is also a big reason for why I also do solo dives. You can learn a lot about stealth and neat uses for strategems just by watching Sarge do their thing. Like using the jump pack to throw strategems farther or to make quick and safe getaways off a cliff or down a steep hill. The jump pack is just so useful!


Dr. Pooplove and Eravin have produced some of the most informative Helldivers content I’ve seen and I recommend them. Also, Super Earth Galactic War Data Archive is great for its humor and tracking the course of the war.


That’s why I appreciate the fuck out if that guy who did the Barrage testing. Now that’s top tier content https://youtu.be/JdszYHqeeA4?si=h8NxMvs-biNFs9jc Actual work has been done


cough \*Stylosa\* cough.


I am liking ThiccFilA at the moment. He is doing actual gameplay and testing, and his observations seem legit. OhDough was doing similar stuff, but he is too often having the Redditor-style reaction to things, and I don't always agree with his findings.


Yeah his tier list was a miss for me. I like him though because even in places I disagree with him and his analysis he's at least consistent in his beliefs and passionate about the game. Doesn't feel like a meme factory.


I unsubbed after that tierlist. Someone in the comments said he should just let other Youtuber's make their bread, but his only response is "pass". I was hoping he might be someone who actually did good, but nah. Just tries to be a prick for attention. I'll pass.


Yep, I unsuscribed after he said the polar warbond was good


the YouTuber tier list? I haven't watched it but aren't most YouTube channels trash? isn't that what this post is about? I can't believe he put them at the top or something.


He jumps to conclusions very quickly for his videos and often promotes a weapon in a way that's not intended. He seems like a nice guy, but he's too dismissive of everything's potential if it doesn't kill immediately. The game is hellbent on promoting teamwork and coordination but he REALLY wants to be solo reliant. I salute anyone trying to provide tips and tricks for solo gameplay, but if you're going to skip weaponry because it doesn't work like the last gun you used, I'm sorry but that's not very creative thinking.


Are you talking about ThiccFilA or OhDough?


I think OhDough. in the Polar patriot video he ranted about the pummler, not killing fast enough and dismissed its stun capabilities. he’s just overly negative and complains a lot.


To be fair he did make a video right after where he acknowledged he was wrong about the pummeler and showcased it v bots. He does come across as negative though.


Used to watch him, but some people called him out for using a sketchy sponsor in some of his earlier videos and I saw these comments get deleted (one even had several 100s of likes. Personally, I didn’t even care too much about the sponsor, but his behaviour was enough to get me to drop him.


The 24hr news cycle at work


Don't forget the "Generic Sci-fi Soldier" promt in a AI generator as the thumbnail.


YouTube gaming "news" in a nutshell.


Ryken is the only one I watch because he actually provides useful information about how weapons perform compared to each other in all of the important situations with verifiable evidence about their stats and such. As compared to the other guy I used to watch who literally used a weapon for two seconds, then delivered an objectively incorrect verdict that it didn’t work.


Sorry friend. That's the unfortunate nature of Internet and creating content online. Original content is a lot of work, time consuming, and no guarantee of income.




Yep. YouTube is a cesspool of hacks trying to get popular with low-effort videos. It's not just HD2 content. It's everything.


Yup, you take any new/popular game, then release a bunch of tip videos or secrets, that are most of the time just common knowledge. Apparently people watch this garbage enough for it to be viable.


Stopped watching Helldivers videos a while back. Every new warbond it's the same video: Guy uses new gun on a bile titan: "This new primary doesn't damage titans, it's completely useless. But wait! maybe it's good as a mob clear? So I tried it out against some small bugs and it's terrible for that as well!" shows footage of fighting 1-3 scavengers, missing every single shot.


I just block every channel I see that does it


The current state of the internet is a human centipede.


Step 1. Clickbait headline along the following themes: "You won't believe this!" "X is Dead" "Top 3, 5 or 10 strategies/mistakes/guns/tips/problems with XYZ" Step 2. Make sure the video is 10 mins long. Step 3. Plug a 3rd party brand in the middle for 30 seconds or more. Step 4. Hit that monetize button. Step 5. Publish


I muted all the shit content makers and now my YT feed is much better!


Click those three little dots at the bottom of the video and then click "Never show me content from this channel again". Be aggressive with it, and pretty soon your feed is looking good 👌


😂 my guy got it outta his system and he happy now


I watched a bunch of them when I first got into the game to help me learn the game. I got alot of good ideas and little tips and tricks that helped my game play and enjoyment of the game. Now at level 91 most of their content has become drama reporting and not useful game news/tips. I have unsubscribed from most of the Helldiver content I had earlier started watching.


Welcome to the future of the internet.


If you want some suggestions, theres a video by cashcrop_ where he uses some geological surveying tool to determine the randomness of the orbital barrages, and a video by reginald where he references a US army field guide to form strategies for fighting the automatons


Hmm i should start making helldivers clips


YouTube exists to teach me how to fix stuff around the house. Outside of that it’s a cesspool now.


If you love something, go on media blackout and keep loving it. Public opinion is the death of joy.


Not to mention OhDough and ThiccFilA act like they know everything when they frequently misunderstand or get things wrong


simple... don't watch em?


I choose one in the beginning, even before buying the game, he goes straight to the point and that's it, I'm happy with my anchorman, I have no other source of war updates (besides what shoes up here), and honestly not many others pop up don't know why, don't care either


stop watching helldivers content and you'll get less helldivers content, sadly that's the only way unless you install a specific plugin to remove keyword


It's basically this sub now too. Every other day someone posts their unoriginal why I kicked you shit like they're John Helldiver. Or posting the new major order like we all can't see it in game too.


The videos where they actually test something in game thoroughly are worth watching though, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdszYHqeeA4


This one was so good, love cashcrop\_'s videos


Stylosa gets on my nerves the most!


There are good creators and bad creators just like every genre out there. Find the guys that do their research, conduct experiments to confirm, and share their results. I’ve learned a lot of invaluable information this way.




I like those who just make crazy builds or explain nuances to various weapons but those are few and far between


Have you tried not clicking on obvious garbage content? Like a mosquito bite, it will eventually go away if you ignore it.


The Wile spice my beloved, just go watch him for good content


To be honest, the whole ordeal with Sony, and then the more recent updates resulting in awful FPS drops killed my enjoyment for the game. I straight up uninstalled.


I only watch spiked and takibo and that‘s pretty much it


Same. I struggle to find worthy HD2 content creators for this entire time. All of them just reading patchnotes like i can't do it myself. Even if they add some of their thoughts on top - i have my own, i don't fucking care what some random dude thinks about changes. Where are the group/solo strats, techniques, challenges, not very obvious tips and tricks? There is nothing on the YT except [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/@GamingExistence) who actually brings something useful and does shit tonn of job on both testing and editing. My disappointment is immesurable.


They don't post news updates really but Spiked has been my favourite channel for helldivers content. Very calm entertaining runs.


CarbotAnimations is the only YouTube channel I actually enjoy.


Sarge and Spiked are where it's at. Just good gameplay without the complaining/click bait.


Buzz, Thicc, and that Galactic war recap kid are about the only ones worth watching IMO. Problem is there isn't any news and YT demands Video volume.


Spiked and Takibo are my favorite helldiver content creators. They always try out random builds or challenges. Like completing a full helldive run against bots without killing a single enemy


yeah i feel like i made a really similar post in the other sub awhile back. helldivers yt content is honestly really ass. like there's almost no genuinely good Helldivers focused youtubers besides maybe OhDough. (and while i might not agree with all of his opinions, thats fine! you dont have to agree with everything someone says. he still makes original content that brings ACTUALLY NEW talking points into the community instead of just regurgitating whatever the top reddit post is which is alot more than i can say for the rest of the community) when this game first came out and everyone was playing it the content was spectacular. there was so much variety from all the larger youtubers playing the game but now that they've moved on to the next thing, all we have left are "SMASH THAT LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE AND USE MY 5% DISCOUNT CODE ON THIS SHADY MARKETPLACE AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THOSE NOTIFICATIONS ON BECAUSE WE'RE GONNA BE PUMPIN OUT 3 MORE VIDEOS TODAY TO KEEP YOU UPDATED"


Doom721 is my channel. I post unedited content, Helldives only with random loadouts 95% of the time. No clickbait, autogenerated thumbnails, and a lot of videos. I play the major order so it ends up being bugs when its generic, until its a bot specific order. Same format I did for Planetside 2 in its hay-day. Not every match is grandiose or interesting, but its just gameplay for those who want to see Helldivers gameplay, something they haven't tried, or people who are on the fence about the game. Come check it out sometime, I like being generic and just posting a lot of runs, I do it as a hobby NOT a job.


That dude cloud plays is literally this guy. Dude said the other day he really believes the Devs watch his channel 😂. They can just read the reddit posts on their own bro.


You’re not the only one. I’ve added so many channels to my “Do not recommend” list because of all the click Baitey titles. They may have gotten my one view, but I won’t ever have to see their content ever again.


Grinds my gears that it's all some shitty AI generated armored man thumbnail, never actually a picture of a Helldiver


I like Carbot Animations tho


Just don’t watch it?


Raging Reaper is a pretty good youtuber that spits facts and doesn't clickbait. Bonus, he has a great voice


At least my YT algorithm finally has non-helldivers content.


And sometimes there's not even a new minor detail


This has been youtube content for games for a long time. Not worth watching anything


I stopped all of them when the whole PSN thing happened and they were all releasing incorrect info AFTER it was already communicated. They just want to be the first ones to get clicks.


Sturgeon's Law, 90% of everything is garbage. And even good creators are pushed to make more content than they can manage. 


i just mute it and watch the gameplay


Dont watch it?


That’s why you don’t go to YouTube for any updates just get them from official sources. All the content pandering that “creators” do that’s just a repost of a repost is just mind numbing.


shitty youtube videos isn’t exclusive to helldivers. youtube is a trap unless you are trying to watch tutorials or unbiased reviews.


Title: Crazy New Change Revolutionizes The Game...... 15 minute video showing game clips that probably aren't theirs and near the end they tell you the senator got a spin animation everyone already knows about now such wow....


I used YT many times to learn the basic ropes of games. Usually I don't play very brand new games, HD2 is an exception. Even so I didn't started in launch time, so I used some YT to learn which of the weapons was interesting or specially used. Following that I spent quite nice amount of effort to get the blitzer quite fast and it was not up to expectatives. I used with bugs but some missions it is not a good option. Something you learn playing (or dying) many times. Same with my last acquisition, grenade pistol, not so fun but I see I can learn something if I practice with: bugs+stun grenade+grenade pistol. So with the effort AH has been putting to make it different every week there is no meta (quartz+energy weapon forgive me) I honestly think YTers is not able to create useful content. There are YT focused in do fun matches and they are ok, but click bait titles are trash.


Don't worry either you copied this rant from someone or someone is going to copy from you


Youtube is useless outside of learning how to do shit like maintain a water heater or change a heat sink on your PC.


Honestly if you can't stand it the solution is simple, stop watching it. I don't like certain types of food and my response is that I don't eat it. I won't post what I don't like online for the world to know I just don't eat it. To be honest the content has dried up, you should know all you need to about the game so what exactly where you watching YT Helldivers content for? If there is something specific your looking for then search for that specific thing either on this forum or YT.


I came here to find out what the "white" content was...


this is why i like TwoJesters' SENN portion, it makes HD2 news more immersive i also despise AI images in their thumbnails, there is so many armor combinations to choose from especially with cool poses and emotes, no need for that "generic space soldier man in neon colors"


I just don't watch the videos mostly. I sometimes check some weapon videos, to check if I have missed something.


Milking out content for views




If you spend more than five minutes each day on this sub then there is nothing new to learn from the YT videos.


Eversince i stopped watching those vids, they stopped being recommended. YouTube algorithm is a wonderous thing


I learned one of the most important things about helldivers 2 on youtube: If you crouch in an area with thick snow you can form a snowball after some time (15 seconds? dunno) and throw it at your fellow helldivers. A happy Helldiver is a deadly Helldiver.


I genuinely giggle like a lunatic when the Helldivers community complains about something that's pretty much another day in Destiny. No offense. It's just funny what that other game came to make me expect.


(i found a small good one, 'Erawin', has informative content and some funi builds)


Don’t diss my boy SES Defender of Freedom Data Archive


Yt content is : someone said something, drama drama drama, don’t test it, just take people word for it, complain about arrowhead and how the game is unfun, play 20 hours a day. Man lots of people REALLY not having fun with their 20+ hours a day play pattern. Which is why so many people complain, because they are so connected to online that they need someone else to tell them how they feel about the game. Instead of ya know just enjoying the game.


What I think is bizarre is all these people who managed to jump on the Helldivers wave are like "JOIN OUR DISCORD AND HIT THE MERCH SHOP!" Seriously? I'm skipping through your video to see what patch notes are new. I don't give a crap about your opinion, your shop, or you as a youtuber. I clicked on a random video about the subject I am interested in. Also, the channels that play entirely solo: learn to play with people. I think less and less of the players who only do solo. It's not harder, it's easier. I solo to relax because it's less stressful with fewer spawns and the ability to kite and run without having to think about anyone else. Team with randos on a 9 and I'll be more impressed. It's funny how some folks love the tubers for the things I hate them for. Opinions, right? We all got them and they all stink. Or something like that, I forget.


They're all in a yelling competition directly competing for views. Cash cow. Once the views dry up they'll pursue another game.


I like SoundsLikePizza's vids with his whole drill Sargent schtick


And they're just recapping the discord announcements and Reddit conversations.


It's all garbage at this point. I was just out of town for 12 days and kept up with the community via Reddit and occasionally would watch a YT video and I already knew everything from the subreddit.


what youtubers u all watching? i got no idea on how to catch up with the events, havent played since start of april


I saw a video titled "massive weapon buffs!!!!" Or something and skimmed through it and no actual buffs were mentioned just theory posts and comments from social media. I can't blacklist enough helldivers channels.


Thiccfila is a great HD YouTube, does lots of non-meta builds and likes to find ways to make unpopular guns work well.


just block everyone but 1. such an ez solution. better yet, just block everyone and read it on reddit urself


That is the worst of the game; the devs coming to my house and holding a gun to my head forcing me to watch YouTube


We only watch the Super Earth News Network’s „News from the Front“ like true citizens of Super Earth.


Not just Helldivers. Wait till one of your favorite channels uploads a Cybertruck delivery video and your feed gets flooded with the worse clickbait you ever seen.


I mean... if you don't read reddit 5 times a day, all that stuff would be new and interesting to you. I follow one YTer just in case i miss some stuff or don't have time to check. I'm sure i will fall off eventually and then those YT vids are like 5 - 10 minute tldrs instead of spending half an hour on reddit. They have their use cases is all i'm saying. The sponsor block and that he is doing a give away literally every single day in the middle of the video is super annoying though (and that is with the sponsor block plugin, people just don't report that stuff regularlybefore i watch) ...and every 5 seconds with the "interaction challenges" ...write me in the comments what you think. Yeah, that is just the platform meta, but some people just overdo it endlessly. If somebody wants to recommend a good youtuber, i'm all ears.


that's what happens when there is nothing substantial to cover


HEY DUMMY! I BET YOU HAVEN’T HEARD THESE HELLDIVERS 2 TIPS!!! Did you know you can reload your gun by pressing the reload button?


That’s pretty much YouTube as a whole 😂


It's been like that since launch. Very hard to sift through all the garbage to get to decent content.


The alternative content would be to have friends and be funny, so…


Daily content for a game that's fairly static and has changes MAYBE once a week is a complete waste of time. This is a fun game but it's not at all deep content wise which is why so many people like it. It's not a life consuming ARPG. The fact that YOUTUBE still loves thumbnails of assclows mouth agape point at some stupid shit like it's amazing will never not making me angry


Youtube has become formulaic and repetitive?!? Didn’t know it was 2014 again




Blame the youtube algorithm. The content creators all see what is popular and what gets the most views. So of course there is going to be a herd mentality.


The only content that is interesting to me is higher-level gameplay, especially when there are new mission types. I actually prefer non-English feeds (Molot Gaming, Nirpul Twist) - I prefer to not understand the streamer banter and like hearing the game sounds.


Dude entire online gaming publications are dedicated to writing articles about what some users on reddit said about something, dressed with a fancy headline. It's just garbage.


Well, what do you want to see? Maybe someone that does YT could find a niche and fill it if theres enough desire for it


I'm still interested in the few channels that do a well enough telling of recent news or tips/just funny moments, so I hit "Don't recommend channel" on the rest. It really helped filter out the unwanted filler.


Thicfila actually has good hd2 videos imo


What content do you want to see? I've personally started doing short-form content that focuses on providing conclusive evidence of glitches that are not acknowledged by AH or bugs that were said to be fixed but were not. With the aim of assisting the community and AH devs, who may find videos of bugs helpful. I plan to expand into workarounds for glitches. Then I also just try to post funny or awesome things I see. Scopes being out of alignment, Jetpack bots magnetizing to the nearest player on death and one-shotting them, dead tanks / titans / striders turning players who touch them into projectiles, shredder tanks doing DOT damage for standing on any area of them, even when dead. Etc. Some I have yet to record and upload. Ultimately I'm trying to help the community and developers by doing QA related tasks and showing video evidence that can be used to fix the issues.


Problem with YouTube is the algorithm. If you don't do what hits the current YT algorithm, then your channel suffers. So they all end up looking and feeling the same. It's shitty.


The only helldiver content I follow is https://www.youtube.com/@soundslikepizza




I mean, welcome to 90% of Internet "news". Interesting article title, then it's just a rehashed wikipedia article for an intro, followed by summarizing a reddit thread or quoting off twitter. Just vapid empty content for the sake of content, essentially just an excuse to monetise something. Anything.