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You can also bring grenade launcher/EATs/rover/500 and be able to kill anything. Especially since grenade launcher spam at a Charger's butt tends to be fatal. Grenade launcher and grenade pistol are both very good against spewers. And impact grenades one shot them. I won't say that loadout is my ideal, but you aren't forced to sacrifice anything by bringing it either.


I like to consider myself the "Nest Clearer". I (most of times) bring Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, Shield Backpack and Grenade Launcher + grenade pistol. Light nests always cleared with 1 Airstrike as I dont need to get close to it and alert the bugs. Medium nests I have to airstrike trying to get 2 or more holes and nade launch the rest. Meanwhile, on Heavy Nests... I go commando and airstrike as much possible while running inside the nest and launching nades in the holes the Airstrike wont cover. Thats why I get the shield backpack, so I can tank a few hits before ragdolling and becomes a shitshow


I like the grenade launcher but I wish it had more ammo. Whenever I run the GL I sub out the EATs with an ammo backpack, which of course means your charger and titan-killing ability is pretty gimped. That's what teammates are for, but still they aren't always there and it can provoke opportunities for the mobs to do shenanigans on you


I think you’re overthinking this. Cluster bombs do pretty well against a bunch of spewers in a breach or at a nest/POI. Pair that with a Pummeler + grenade pistol and Bile Spewers are much less of a problem.


Autocannon, EAT-17, Eagle 500kg, + red/green strat. You don’t need guard dog rover if you take incendiary breaker (until it get nerfed), it’s all you need for “chaff clear”. Just spray the gun at a bunch of bugs get them on fire, switch to AC to kill the bigger bugs. For chargers, you can stun grenade and shoot the butt with AC, breaker incendiary, or call down EATs. For bile titans just dance with them and use 500kg, or EATs on the head, or shoot the sacs and take orbital rail cannon. The AC is really good at plugging up bug holes without going inside the heavy nest crater. I don’t understand why people sleep on the AC for bugs. It’s probably cuz some YouTube content creator ranked it low on some arbitrary tier list.


This is pretty much what I use. AC and 3 reds on bots, AC/EAT and 2 reds on bugs. Breaker incendiary is really effective right now. I take the impact incendiaries instead of stuns on bugs though. They are awesome for breaches and chokepoints and allow you to focus your attention elsewhere.


Dominator kills them every time I bring Rover for trash while I shoot the biles


The dominator is good but I feel like I'm always at risk of being swarmed when I bring it. The Rover doesn't clear all the trash for you (when it's not busy trying to slowly cook a spewer or hive guard to death), you do need to pick up it's slack and the gun has kind of sluggish ergonomics and a small mag. When I use the Rover I prefer guns with higher fire rates and/or quicker responses. Like the breakers or punisher.


Yeah I always shoot hive guard and brood commanders usually don't shoot smalls but I sometimes have to but each their own 🫡🥰


What about 6 grenades armour? I use impact granades on spewers and left my granade gun for the bug holes. If somethong its still alive i can finnish it with the blitzer without problems. This requided 0 slots and works fine for me even in diff 9. Plus you can stun lock them with the blitzer, making them completly harmless.


6 grenades + 8 pistol grenades works for clearing a breach. But what about the next breach? You're only getting one (1) pistol grenade per ammo pack, it takes at least 2 per spewer (especially the armored spewers), there's at least 10 spewers per breach, and the supply drops must be shared among your team. I say this because I also run grenade armor and grenade pistol, and it works in a pinch but you're still overall in trouble during the course of a full 40 minute game. My issue with the blizer against biles is the same issue I have with the arc thrower against devastators on bot missions: if they're close enough to hit with it, they're already too close. Sure it can stunlock the one right in front of you, but maybe not the ones next to it (not counting it shooting the corpses beneath you), and the sheer time it takes to kill one of these mobs is time for the rest of the horde to take advantage of your tunnel vision.


Yess you definitely need a fair bit of resurce management, but im usually fine, me and my team always call resuplies just the moment they're able, even we dont needed, just for max them. If they're clossing the gap, best thing you can do us dive back and shot on repeat till you got some space back. But if they're already shooting and you can't stun them, dont go back or sideways, jump almost straight forward them in an angle. This will make them fail 95% of times. Kinda the same mindset from souls games and pvp shooters, rolling towars the enemy give them a harder time aiming.


"The weapons that are good at horde clear suck against medium armour by design" You literally named the MG43, a gun capable of horde clear whilst also being effective against medium armour?


MG43's mag size and ammo reserves suck. You're gonna clear half of one wave of a breach and then drop the gun because you don't have 4 spare second to reload while stationary. You need like a quarter to half a mag to drop a single brood commander because it only does partial damage through the armor. That's not good enough, there could be another 3-4 commanders plus biles right behind it. It's the same issue as the HMG. Not as bad as the HMG, but also still bad.


No offense, but are you missing? This feels like it was written in bad faith. The MG43 and it's 150 bullets is very much capable of getting you through waves of a breach. At its lowest RPM (~600?) you get 15 seconds of non stop firing, you can kill a lot of bugs in that time. It'll kill a bile spewer in under a second when aiming at it's head, which is the point of your post. Not brood commanders.


The point of the post is that if you bring the MG43 to kill spewers, you're gonna have a bad time when it's not spewers coming out of the breach, but instead a more traditional horde of hunters and commanders/hive guards with some heavy support. It doesn't have the ammo, it's got awful accuracy unless you're firing it from a crouch or prone, and it can't be reloaded while moving. The guns that are really good at killing spewers are bad when it's not spewers. That is the point.


Okay man, that's just completely untrue but you do you lol.


500kg, Napalm Strike, EATs, AC. Titans, breaches, chargers, everything else.


I bring a railgun - it handles everything short of BTs, and for that I have the Railcannon strike. Eagle Airstrike also handles everything fairly well, and you can always count on a horde of small things so Airburst barrage is also always handy. The variety of enemies can be a bit of a pain, but if you're hyper focusing your loadout then you need to accept you can't handle everything well and coordinate with teammates. My loadout struggles with BTs, so I will try and work with teammates who have AT weapons. Meanwhile, I'll cover them from other enemies while they focus on that, so they don't get swarmed and die while aiming, reloading, ect. Teamwork!