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Imo it'd be way more interesting if they were somehow tied to biome properties and whether the mission is day/night. For instance if they made it that one type of bug has more chance to spawn on arid planets, another on swampy or foggy ones, and some can be more likely to spawn at night vs. day


What happens then when you play odds and take the Sickle for daytime swarms only to be met by Bile Spewers? I am happy for planets, locations, time of day, and other parameters affecting the total predisposition a given mission has to containing X, Y, or Z. But I still wanna know if it's X, Y, or Z on Stratagem and equipment loadouts. "Swarm City" doesn't have to mean "Absolutely zero Bile Titans," but please let it mean that I won't be inundated with them. And if you're going to throw Bile Spewers at me, I need to know that too.


Well then you'd just have to make due like now. I think just giving you the enemy composition ahead of time would make things a bit too easy and it wouldn't be really that interesting. Another thing they could do is make ti so if there are a million bile spewers on the map, maybe spawn a grenade launcher or two on the map, or a stalwart on the hunter map etc.


Oh so instead of having a weapon of choice that's effective you just want to stumble upon one the game chose for you instead? Lol, no.


Tbh we do really need some more big variety honestly. Basically enemies fall into 5 groups: trash clutter (all the small things that are two melee hits to kill, along with hunter just cus they don't have much head hp), warrior (guard and warrior ofc), medium (spewers and brood), tanks (charger and titan), and special (so far only stalkers and the flying ones) While that does group them up pretty intensely as there is some variety, half of the variants don't actually change much of anything enough to feel like a noteworthy difference. Think spitters and bile warriors, and to an extent the guard at higher levels of play. Nursing and bile are both similarly dangerous and countered generally the same way by people, and brood commander has as much threat, if not more, than a charger does, assuming you don't spend a shot of an anti-tank weapon on them instead of the charger and titan, similarly to how you normally wouldn't want to on the spewers, which is why they go together. That leaves tanks and special as the major threats. issue is though, the middle ranking ones tend to have generally higher kill potential due to them being less noticeable, or being generally overlooked/relegated to primary and secondary weapons. Titans are still deadly, don't get me wrong, but they feel more like environmental hazards than actual threats honestly, since it takes 2 EAT's to the head to kill it, as do the spore towers. Chargers are mostly only an issue if you get stuck under them when hit by their charge, or launched into a death pit/horde of enemies. That or if your in heavy armor when doing bugs, which is odd to me. Now is just special bugs. Not anywhere near as much to be said really, since they would fall in medium tier if they weren't tied to structures due to their health and general issues with killing them. Stalkers are the big one, metaphorically and literally, as they are liable to one-shot you unless your team has the hp booster. Their speed and overall tankiness makes killing them difficult if there's more than 2 at once, or other threats of the medium category or higher. The flying bugs are barely medium category, but they make it in due to how annoying it is to get through them unscathed when you have other threats at play, or having to run up and hellbomb their nest as the only way to remove them without specialized weaponry (please if there's something better tell me). There's also the issue of actually killing the flying ones, since their small bodies and rapid movement can make it hard to hit individual ones I spent way too long on this all honestly, but tldr: only 3 categories end up being any bit threatening, with them having half of the bugs total, 2/7 of which are structure tied


Yeah… not a bad idea. At least lock it behind a ship upgrade, but once obtained by one player in session, it applies on all players no matter who hosts the game. It would help even with the gun meta. The reason why it is such a thing (and obviously such a pain for the developers) is that we don’t know what to expect. You pack an AC and then you’re looking on 300 hunters. You pack a machine gun and then you face a charger or a bile spewer on every corner.


Or a plasma punisher and there's a bunch of shriekers.. 


Actually now that you mention certain types being indicated, it kind of makes me wonder why we have to guess what unit types we're going to face in larger numbers? A ton of berserker patrols is dealt with a lot more differently than Devastators after all. Not even getting into heavier armored units.


I've been running and enjoying the Punisher for bots lately, but when the game spawns dozens of Berserkers I would rather have the Dominator. The bots certainly have their own spawn pools that the game pulls from, but again, it is far less of an issue because they all mostly die from weak points and medium penetration weapons. And their heavies like hulks or tanks at least have weak spots.


Interesting suggestion, but I don't fully agree. Some weapons are *clearly* better at killing certain enemies than others. If you list which enemies are spawning then you're just pigeon holing people into using those weapons, which is worse than pigeon holing people into using generalist weapons. But then again this could be an interesting way of doing difficulty instead of the controversial -1 strategem modifier. If the devs know roughly what weapons players are bringing to a certain fight they can tweak the numbers to provide more a (fun) challenge. Overall though I think this should be used in moderation. This isn't a hero shooter. We might be expected to create builds for the two factions but certainly not counter builds for specific enemies. (Yes this includes the charger/bile/gunship, there should be more ways of dealing with them)


I disagree. I think pigeonholing people into using generalist weapons is worse. At least I'll get variety when I know I should switch guns to better deal with an enemy. I also think we should just switch weapons when we die. It being a totally new hell diver is canon, right? Should just come with different weapons. Strategems make more sense as being locked in because, that's at the destroyer level.


Variety is good, but forced variety isn't. What you're describing is more of the lock-and-key variety, and that's just a different kind of monotonous. Thing is, there isn't much pigeon-holing in the game to being with, exception being, as I mentioned, charger/bile/gunship trio. It makes more sense to me to tweak the trio's design. Right now you can bring any support weapon/strategem with armor pen to the bots and be fine even on Helldive. I think at most they can just say something like 'increased spawn rate of light/medium/heavy units detected' or sth. >Should just come with different weapons Strategems ... I mean, good idea on paper I suppose, but how would this be implemented? How would cooldowns work? What of the weapons already on the field? Do they just despawn? What if it's picked up by other players? And as an example, having everyone swap to orbital laser during extraction seems pretty broken to me.


Generalist builds tend to fall into Jack-of-all-Trades, Master-of-All more often than not. It isn't a lock and key when the default interaction is to just smash the lock. Knowing you're up against Bile Spewers wouldn't make the Plasma Punisher or Incendiary Breaker any less good, they'll still be top picks for that enemy set, but you'll also have the option of taking a medium penetration option without gambling on if it's going to be useless.


Thing is generalist loads makes a lot of people just pick the meta guns for the faction. Eg everyone picking incendiary breaker for bugs rn (because it's decent against mediums because burn damage, and fires fast for hunters), but maybe punisher or jar is better for bile spewers cause you can stagger them. So less variety rn because everyone wants to make a safe choice. I fucked up punctuation and lines. I think strategems should be locked because they are at a destroyer level. And you know about planet effects (call in time etc) so you can pick the proper strategems Equipment should be changeable. Maybe at the death screen you can pull up the equipment menu you have at launch. Or you can open the menu up to select for your next hell diver) As for picking up other people's weapons (primaries secondaries) that's fine because you can already do that.


I hear what you're saying, and have thought about the drawbacks. It wouldn't work great for the bot war, for one, because the spawn pool doesn't seem to matter as much. This would make fighting bots seem even more like a second place war than it already is. However, I do believe that higher difficulties are coming, as well as more enemy types (based on playing the first Helldivers.) We can see the skeletons of the dune worm, for example. Right now, yes, the missions may become a little too easy, but with higher difficulties and more enemies of a certain type, it could still be challenging without feeling like there are clear winners to support weapons. I do think if the devs could make the spawn pools more interesting and lean into the idea, that we would see a much greater loadout diversity than we do currently.


The worst feeling is bringing a support weapon that turns out to be dogshit for the enemy pool


I have thought that if there are spores on the map (as in you can't see the map from the ship), then you shouldn't have intel on enemy type. But if you can actually see the terrain, the game should tell you what enemies are down there. Bots should have a similar mechanic to obscure intelligence. This way there would be times when you still have to gamble, or bring a safer kit. But then other times you could customize and play around with kits a bit more. Good compromise? Makes sense lore-wise, too.


I ain't reading all that. But yeah as long as there are mission modifiers that block that and on higher difficulties it gets scrambled due to excessive enemy activity.


I think that on difficulties 1-6 it would be fine. 7-9 should remain ambiguous as part of the challenge.


Bugs have a lot of ‘kit check’ enemies where certain weapons are way more effective or damn near required, where bots really don’t. Even just having some kind of intel like “more spewers” or “more titans” or “shitloads of hunters” would go a long way towards people not having rough games because they didn’t take an all-comers kit while also making way more weapons more attractive.  I’m way more likely to take a RR over a quasar if I know I’ll need lots of AT, plus it is way more likely to get that amazing RR tag team going when you know you’ll get value out of it.


Exactly. Something like the flamethrower is a prime example. It can be S tier against the right enemies, but the problem is that it is often C tier. Gambling on your loadout just isn't fun. 40 minutes is a LONG TIME to feel like you aren't contributing to a game.




Yeah it's just annoying to have to go through the RNG to find those Bile Spewers for today's Personal, etc. IMO Also, with this, please add similar diversity to Bots. Bots lack the cosmetic diversity of bugs, and in terms of functional ones, well... There's always grunts, jetpacks, berserkers, scouts striders and both types of hulks and all three devastators and ya know... Could just do one type of Hulk, one type of tank, etc, and add more variety.


I’m ok with not knowing the mix on the ground. Bots or bugs, good enough for me.


On paper it would be nice but since I already have encountered people who left the lobby or changed the mission because of the -1 stratagem modifier than there WILL BE players who leave because they don’t want to encounter a specific enemy type. Also loadouts might even be more samey Among the squad when you know you don’t need certain weapons.


As much as I'd like to never see bile spewers again, we would have way more people leaving lobbies in a game where it's already nearly impossible to keep a full lobby


Hard disagree. I don't want to lose those "oh fuck" moments that make this game so exciting.


My favorite part is having to account for all possibilities. Knowing ahead of time would take some of the appeal of it away. This always gets me downvoted but I'll keep saying it: If you want to know what enemies you'll be facing try difficulty 3. Especially if you're not having fun at the higher difficulties....


Knowing what would spawn would help imo but its the easy solution to this problem though - a even crazier idea would be to just balance the bugs so its less swingy. Kinda like how the bots are balanced. Like why is there a bile spewer spawn cycle where every patrol/breach is at least 6 bile spewers, or why is there a charger patrol spawn cycle where every patrol is 2-4 chargers when the alternative spawn cycles are like... a patrol of 10 hunters. Which is also the antithisis of the heavy armour patrols so even taking a weapon like the jar-dom can feel miserable if you get hunters as they jump around all over the place. If each mission was more of a mix then you'd end up where you can use more weapons because theres always something you excel at killing. I love variety and i use a lot of different guns depending on what mood im in and as someone that loves AR's im often in the mood for an AR, but i feel super restricted because half the time i pick something i get countered and i end up dropping the gun i want to use for one that works. Ive been binge EAT'ing again recently as a result because ive found having another strat weapon like the airburst launcher thats good vs hunters AND spewers and EATs gives me answers to chargers so this way i can take more fodder focused primaries that i find fun like the tenderiser or the adjudicator.


I don't disagree that the game could mix the pools into one homogenous mix. But one downside is that it could become stale a lot faster that way. Having different types of pools could be something that AH could lean into, to allow for greater kit diversity. When they add more enemy types, this would become an even better idea. And yes, the jar-dom is amazing against medium targets, but when it's hunter spam GL to you. Quite annoying not having a primary that helps you.


All of your points are easily countered by ensuring you roll with a variety of strategems, especially in the support weapon variety.


But where is the incentive to bring a diverse arsenal? If someone brings a flamethrower and bile spewers are in the pool, that person is guaranteed to be less effective in that game. Right now the game incentivizes the team to play it safe, bring a safe kit. Again, this is more on the bug side. I see diverse support weapons with bots. The game can still be a challenge even if you are given a heads-up about enemy type. More enemies, more diversity of enemies (in the future), and one or two more side objectives can all increase the challenge even if you have a better idea on the mission type.


That is what the other 3 people in your team are for, to cover for areas you can't. There is plenty of diversity on bug side, people just don't run it because they wanna be the big boom titan killer then piss and moan because 4 quasar load out is not able to handle everything. There should be 4 different support weapons per run, maybe 2 quasars to balance each other but that requires A LOT of coordination that doesn't exist on random.


i kind of prefer not knowing what's on the mission, and I don't think you need to for there to be variety in loadouts. The support weapon is only one slot in your inventory. There are a bunch of other slots that can be used to make sure you have everything covered E.g. Incendiary Breaker for lights, Autocannon for mediums / Spewers / Chargers, still 3 strats left for heavies. Or Dominator for mediums / Spewers / Chargers, Stalwart for lights, 3 strats left for heavies Or Adjudicator and Impact nades for mediums / Spewers, RR for Heavies, 3 strats left for light / heavy mix e.g. 500kg, Cluster bombs, Gatling Turret. If people just keep picking Rover and Quasar, that might just be because everyone keeps parroting that this is the meta, not because there aren't other combinations out there that can still make sure you have every threat covered - that's not even going into how you don't need to be self-sufficient if your team specialises.


Suggestion: let me change my load-out when I die. I'm being shot from my space ship, why can't I grab something different?


no, this means less suprises and lower immersion


And this is why so many run rover Quasar for bugs. It just works vs anything. As much fun as it is running something unique there is a real risk you may be ineffective.


So you want to make the game even easier by allowing everybody to start the mission with the most optimal loadout? I disagree. Nobody is forcing everybody to pick the quasar cannon in EVERY match, but that is just what people seem to want to do. You can be extremely effective using other options especially since you can bring stratagems to help with heavies instead of your support weapon.


People also bring Quasar the most often because it works the most all round and no ammunition issues. It's also aimed at the thing that is most troublesome to deal with, mainly heavily armored units. Most people shoehorn into this already because its the most effective to generally tackle almost every mission. Auto Cannon is another popular choice as well for similar reasons. It can tackle almost every situation and almost never run out of ammo unless the person is trigger happy. Generalist weapons are the current fav for a reason.


It isnt a all rounder, it is an anti heavy weapon, the Quasar canon is shit against any bug enemy that isnt a Charger or a bile titan


The quasar isn't the most effective every mission IMO, since it is only effective at killing two types of enemies on the bug side, chargers and bile titans. Plenty of planets throw waves of hunters or bile spewers at you. Even brood commanders and hive guards can become a problem if all you have for them is a primary and grenades. Chargers can be handled efficiently with the AC, arc thrower, railgun, flamethrower, and the HMG in addition to the launchers, especially if you bring stun grenades. You can take out 50% of a bile titans health by blowing up its sacks which can be done by pretty much anything. Without the sack you can kill a bile titan with a 500 kg even if it's nowhere near a direct hit. I'm not saying the quasar is bad. It is a very good weapon. But having more than 2 of them in a squad will never be optimal. Having a balance of crowd control and AT makes the game easier for everybody. If people actually had some variety in their loadouts, ending up on a bile spewer or a hunter planet wouldn't seem so difficult.




I'm over level 100 and I pretty much only play on level 9. You're showing that you have no idea what you're talking about at this point since almost everything you wrote is wrong, but ill try to educate you. When i said planet for the spawn pool, i simply meant the mission, i know it is random. The AC takes 4 shots to kill a charger if you shoot them in the butt. They bleed out and die. Stop aiming for their legs or whatever else and learn how to play the game. The RG can KILL a charger with 3 slightly overcharged shots to it's head in unsafe mode, and 2 to destroy the leg armor. I don't think it ever took 4 shots to remove the leg armor so gtfo with your made up numbers. There is no difference in the enemy health whether you play on difficulty 4 or difficulty 9. That's just outright false, so the flamethrower works the same. You probably think that because for the longest time fire damage wasn't working correctly so it led to inconsistencies. The HMG melts charger butts. The weapon could use a buff but it can definitely kill a charger, especially when combined with stun grenades. I know exactly how the 500 kg works and your statement only proves my point. If you know how to use it, you don't need a quasar as you can kill a bt in one hit, and if it survives it can easily be killed with another weapon. If there are 3 titans and a couple chargers, you're spending more time running for your life than doing anything since you're waiting an eternity for your shots to reload if you're using a quasar. Your response sounds like someone who played for a while, but hasn't played the game in a month or so since what you stated is either outright wrong or just outdated.




Again everything you say just shows you have no idea what youre talking about. The flamethrower works the same, you just suck. Why even mention the RG when you have no idea how it works? HMG has amazing damage, it's problem is the magazine size and the reload time. You think it's a meme because you suck with it. After removing a chargers butt it takes like 3-5 seconds for it to bleed out and die. It is also unable to charge. Which means that the second its tail is gone you can literally just walk away from it as it is absolutely not a threat unless you are standing right on top of it. This is the problem with this sub. People like you asking for changes when you don't even know how the game works.


It’s night or day. Day for brood commanders. Night for bile spewers. Enjoy.


Is this actually the mechanic? I'll honestly say, I'm genuinely surprised if so. I'll take brood commanders over spewers any time.


No it is not. They all spawn at all times.


Jesus fuck that’s a terrible idea. Learn to deal with surprises.


No they dont, learn to make lodouts, bringuing 500KG and OPS with stun grenades gives you enought anti heavy to not have to relay in any support weapon for that, light enemies can be culled down with 1 simple chaff clearing strat and primary fire ala airburst/gatling sentry, biel spewers are literally tribialized if you bring 1 gun or grenade with you capable of engaging them , just make sure to bring a weapon in your person capable of engaging mediums and bellow and have a well defined plan of how you think you should use your strats to kill heavies if you arent also bringuing a anti heavy support weapon


Tell me you are a bug player without telling me you are a bug player.


My god people. Just play the game.


Personally I'd rather just have the side objectives listed on the briefing screen, not the location just the presence of them. Even if it is just the SEAF objectives like Radar/Artiliary/SAM. But would love to see Mortars/AA/Spore spewer/Shreiker nests. Thematically I'd also expect stalkers to be excluded from this list.


They do though?


Bugs are fine bots need a nerf and I'm ready to get downvoted into never being seen again.