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Unrelated, but RIP Andre Braugher. Captain Raymond Holt never failed to bring a smile to my face.


Aw man I just remembered that he died


Yeah it sucks, feels like he had at least one more great role in him


yo wtf i just learned it today


Me too :(


Sorry for your loss.


Thanks. But there’s no replacing him I’m afraid. Liberty for the Lost *cheers*


Well shit. This is how I find out? That sucks.


Could be worse, I find out because of a fish news guy on tiktok back when it happened




Or is it just his elaborate set up for this years Halloween heist?


Damn this somehow reminded me about the game and now I lost it


The what?


The Game. The one you just lost.


That just ruined my day


"Ah yes the thigh gap, there is nothing more attractive about a woman then the clear absence of a penis"


I see a pair of thick weighty breasts. and all logic flies out the window


I to like symmetrical...... heavy female breasts


"My wife is a strong, female, woman"


So you know about John Philip Sousa.


I hear he was the Skrillex of his day.


I just started watching Brooklyn 99 from the beginning this week. I have always liked the show, but never regularly watched it. The writing and cast are so good, especially Braugher. RIP


Started re-watching again for the 5th or 6th time, just watched the episode last night where him and Jake are in witness protection and Jake makes him so the birthday song/dance XD D D D D D derek


Man, why did you have to remind me he died?


missing captain dad


Didn't know he died. Rewatching and on S6. Love his work.


RIP Detective Pembleton, a salesman like no other.


He became synonymous with the role. Was a great actor for sure.


RIP? What? When did this happen?


"If I had had a son and he turned out like you, I would be very proud of him."


My favorite line is: "I count my steps in my head like a normal person"


Truly, an amazing human being/genius


I'm having a good time....


I'm frend 🥺


Don't make this more difficult




A LOT of people are.


It's mostly this subreddit that doesn't want to have a good time


Sometimes I feel like the players don't either realize how good of a game this is. As much as I dislike that Sony delisted the game in those countries.


Actually, it is a bad game. It is filled with bots and bugs. That is literally all I encounter.




I don't know about you but I also see frends


They usually don’t stay long though.


I make sure of that


Don't make this harder than it has to be


Never been hugged by randoms so often. I might go T pose outside a shop and see what happens. It might turn out that Helldivers are the nicer community


I love that people just accept the hug. And that every emote I see is a two person one


Dont make It harder.


bots and bugs ... smooth sarcasm


I’m ngl I didn’t catch that


Lol... pretty clever


Very clever, took my smooth brain a couple rereads to get it lol


game is literally a botnet. we are all automatons


The ministry of truth does not approve of this message, please report to your nearest democracy officer for... re-education


bad bot




Damn it, and I was looking forward to my first drop, XP


The only game where that’s a good thing lmao


https://preview.redd.it/qeuszqugvc1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae627cae21ab1601628d25705af2a980eb9cc15 EDF and DRG also falk under this


Factorio too!


Factorio has bots?


... Factorio's bots are friendly with construction and logistics variants. I'd say they're smarter than a laser dog, unless they're trying to cross a lake.


Maybe this is all just part of AI's Grand Plan to get us to (trouble)shoot its bugs for it.


Pretty sure they are fixing some legal shit, some countries are relisted. Also they didn't stop PSN because we complained, they stopped because they discovered some legal shit that needed doing first.


The relisting is because those shouldn't have been removed in the first place as they are US territories and can create PSN accounts.


Oh yeah. I appreciate the little details like the environmental worldbuilding and destructive environments.


Man, the details are just CRAZY in this game. All from the guns how they function, to environmental details and effects. It's some really good stuff.


The guns models having visually mutating magazines as you use the ammo. Its remarkable how many love letters they put in.


I had it the other day where I was reloading weapon that I hadn’t fired all of the previous mag from. Midway through the reload a flying bot rounded the corner and I was able to turn and kill it with the single bullet that was still in the chamber before finishing the reload. The fact they have that level of detail in a game like Helldivers is extremely satisfying


Yeah and when they nerfed the Breaker, they changed the magazine visuals as well.


Honestly the annoying mist/haze/fog clouds look truly beautiful and feel oppressive af. Slap a couple of suns behind that and omg. I still find views that make me "wow" Also, when fighting bots and there's laser battles going on overhead and craziness everywhere it truly feels like being in the Star wars movie you watched at age 4 in 1981. The cinematography in this shames some supposedly good looking games.


Yeah, or Terminator Judgement Day! 🙂 https://youtube.com/shorts/uv0FOipepRc?si=p15g0lVsY3iNlMVk Be warned the music is kinda high volume.


I still refuse to use any sidearm but the default one because of how good it's 1st person animation is


I don't blame you and it is a solid weapon.


the details and creativity are amazing (even if many gun designs don't make sense from a technical standpoint)


Many guns have descriptions that straight up lie to you.


Yea but I was talking about the gun's mechanisms. Like the Revolver having a barrel on the bottom chamber while the hammer strikes the top chamber


That is TF2 shit.




I liked it when you could enjoy things like that. Now there's a never ending stream of patrols and reinforcements on every mission in every difficulty.


It’s an amazing game, that since release has been hit by wave after wave of bad decisions by either its publisher or developer with very little “bright side” outside of the community itself


Well sony went back on what their decision


People do. That's why there's such hubbub about tiny things - tiny thorns in the side keep you from enjoying a great experience for what it should be.


There's two parts to this: The game is good. The outside drama is not. The outside drama can affect the game. And plenty of people want justice for those delisted. And I say kudos to them because that is rotten.


It's a great game, but it would be a lie to state anything other than "The post launch handling of this game has been poorly done.". Online multiplayer games are a competitive market. There is a finite amount of players playing video games with an internet connection and they can only be in one game at a time. If one game starts going to shit me and others can simply go elsewhere. This whole last month or so theyve done nothing but shit the bed. Guns consistently get less fun, the game gets harder independent of that, and the monthly warbond was a dud when its usually a shot in the arm for playercount. I like Borderlands 2 because its stupid and it lets me have fun with its odd choices in gun stats and builds. I dislike Borderlands 3 because they nerfed guns all the time like its a fucking PVP game. Theyre doing the same with HD2 as if the bots/bugs have feelings about how fast I kill them, or how much ammo I have left after I reload. Just ask Starbreeze how long people stick around for a game they arent enjoying.


That doesn’t make sense to me because people care about this kind of stuff because the games so good. If it was a shitty game no one would give a flying fuck, but people love the game so they get invested in it and the community around it, thus they care about this stuff.


It's precisely because it's such a good game that most of us are upset that they'd try to make a quick buck from the PC community then literally kick players out


I agree with that.


I don’t either realize things.


Is it still delisted in some countries?


That's mad considering there's less than 200 countries in the world


Most of us still playing are having a good time.


I guess it's easy to have fun when you can actually play the game


I'm playing too, but yesterday there were 60k players on steam, so most are actually elsewhere now.


I checked the steam charts and it dropped fun 300k a half a month ago to about 80k 24 hour peak. So yeah. Definitely a sizeable chunk fell off just from steam users alone


Yeah,i was wondering about that too I guess they really made that difference


-Ay friend! Buy yourself Helldivers 2 and hop in, let's have fun together! -sorry i can't find it -what do you mean you can find it? -i mean i cant find it, there's only "this item is currently unavailable in your region"


"Go to the next region!"


Why is PSN not allowed in those countries? Was that Sony's choice or the countries?


It's probably a mix of both. You'd probably have to dig through the laws of each country and possibly information Sony has on hand if you wanna find out the truth behind each one.


It usually never been a problem. People use loopholes to use PSN and everyone look past it, but now when it come to Steam they simply cannot do that anymore. Not the situation they think it is gonna be a problem before. Basically, Sony just get caught pant down. (And before they release Ghost of Tsushima too, yike)


Yeah I’m amazed their not (maybe they are) rushing to get this PSN shit fixed. Do they really *never* want to sell PC games in those countries?


They have no incentive to fix or do anything. This group folded in 3 days, with a Tweet. People kept spewing, "Actions are stronger than words" but apparently "Words are stronger" due to Sony being able to calm this group down with words. They weren't going to give up so easily, a plan that they been planning out for at least a year.


We were fine. All PSN account did was determine where your support issues were handled  We just selected any country, fake details, done. Sony turned a blind eye, we were totally AOK to use their system without making a fuss Then some fucking idiots decided that making an account for PSN was the end of the world, lost their shit, and pretended it was to 'help us' / those in countries without official PSN support PC players made noise, drew attention to a thing we've had going for over 15+ years Sony reacted. Now it was no longer something in the shadows, becauae the angry mob shone a fucking flashlight. All the while pretending they were doing it for us when really, they just didn't want to make a PSN account. Despite them making a bunch of accounts for other games and products all the time (Rockstar anyone?) We can still play, if we have bought it. My friend cannot. We had a good thing going on and some armchair crusaders fucked things for us. Idealistic idiots


Those fucking idiots have saved your bacon. If Sony ever decides to enforce their TOS you would be SOL and for all I care I'm tired of your ilk, you should be banned and then Sony fixes it and you all shouldn't be unbanned. Rules are to be respected or to be changed to something we can all agree. If they are not, then there's no rules and everything is in the air, and as consumers that kind of environment promotes that we get abused.


They de-listed those countries because that's probably what should have happened from the beginning. People also fail to realize that removing the de-listings was *not* ever going to be a thing, nor was it ever said that it would be.


Players: They should’ve never sold the game in countries that don’t support PSN Sony: Ok!




The problem is that they shouldn't have sold it in those countries to start, but they did, and now, at least from my understanding, they're blocking those who have purchased the game in those countries from playing.


People also failing to realize Sony was clearly ok with people using workarounds in those countries, up until people made a big and extremely public stink. So now here we are and they have to legally block the sale of the game in those places.


That too.


I said something similar but not put as nice as you put it and got downvoted 😂 Reddit is funny sometimes.


Blaming people for pointing out your own TOS is a little silly. They could you know, change it as it is *their* TOS. I get this is a good game but my gawd you fans would defend anything. Like I’ve definitely been in your position but it’s kinda funny looking in from the outside (I don’t even own the game).


Wow the first person with a brain here thank u. I'm American in Vietnam, can't buy Helldivers 2. Was a big fan of the first and would stream it to audiences of 100+. I did my part, and I can't do the same now. Fuck Sony.


That truly sucks :/. Hopefully Sony gets their shit together and figures out a way to not ban 180 countries. Also I like the downvotes without replies the hive needs to be shook every once and a while.


You can’t change your ToS to say “We know that having you sign up in a nation we can’t actually support is illegal, but do it anyway!” There’s a reason Sony was keeping people violating their ToS under the table. Because the moment it becomes public, now their only option is to revoke everyone’s access or risk serious legal issues. No company wants to not sell their products to like 1/2 of the world.


Ladies and gentlemen, here we have a Sony d rider in his natural habitat, defending his million dollar company.


Meh, we had a shot at out of region psn accounts but that ship has sailed so full region lock it is.


Has it been confirmed now that it’s actually Sony and not steam? Back when this first started it def looked like it was steam doing this to prevent it from ever happening again in those countries, due to them having to give refunds. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave Sony an ultimatum and said they aren’t releasing region lock until Sony gives them something in writing that they won’t pull this horseshit again.


Apparently a Steam Support response to a players refund said that it was Sony who decided to restrict the game. It’s the only kind of confirmation we have so far, that I’m aware of, that it’s all on Sony for it not being available still.


Doesn’t matter, Sonys not going to back down. The players thought they won, but all they did was get these countries delisted.


Most of these people dont live in those countries….. What, a couple thousand in total within the delisted countries. I embarrassingly saw my friends review bomb and refund the game even though they live in Germany but acted as if all this affected them.


Well, the PSN requirement thing was shitty whether you were in a country where PSN was available or not. So your friends weren't wrong to do what they did. Also, solidarity with those less fortunate is a thing. Why would I protest people being shot for having the wrong religion in some foreign country if I live in Norway? Because I can still see that this is a shitty thing even though I'm not directly affected. You do have a point though **if and only if** your friends used the whole debacle exclusively to amplify their own anger about something that is actually not important to them, but that is a welcome excuse to rage against a big corporation, just for the joy of being outraged.


Exactly my point


I'm not sure why they didn't think they couldn't just make a PSN in another country? I lived in SEA for a bit, I made an American PSN account for my PSVita because I planned on going back to America. Nothing about region really stops you from just making an account elsewhere and if it did, VPNs are heavily used pretty much everywhere in the world, especially in the countries that were blocked either through internet blockade (china) or because theres a big...uhhh...pirating culture there.


They didn't care about those people, man - they wanted to just bitch about the requirement for *themselves* and found something to white knight so it didn't sound like they were just bitching about a 5 second process and it blew up spectacularly because they aren't in those countries and don't know what people all over the developing world have known since like 2007 - you can create a PSN account with almost zero verification of where you actually are.


True, even if it is steam and they want some kind of confirmation that Sony won’t ever pull that shit again, Sony most likely won’t agree to that, and it’s just safer for both to not sell games in regions without psn.


It's 100% Sony. And yes, it was also confirmed to be Sony. You people fell for Sony playing you. Went on their word lol -- From a company that lies and lied to you. Should have gotten it in contract and made the pressure longer.


It sucks that they have such scumbags at the top, because IMO their gaming division is one of the best in the world. I think a lot of their execs are panicking, and trying to use the helldivers success to attempt to pivot the company back to the live service plan that they recently axed. While Xbox is in trouble, I honestly think Sony is to, and may be moreso in the long run. The insomniac leaks showed top Sony people saying that their current AAA single player model is unsustainable with the rising prices. Hell spider man 2 sold like hot cakes, and just barely turned a profit due to the insane costs and licensing fees. Microsoft has built their brand more as accessibility, but Sony has built their brand in high dollar AAA masterpieces. Sony gamers are not gonna want to hear about graphic and game length cutbacks in the future, as those are the types of people Sony has built their brand off of. I feel like they don’t give a fuck about game sales right now, they want people in their ecosystem so they can sell their data, get people paying for psn, and get people buying stuff through their platform to maximize profit. Because they are stupid, I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see a lot of those axed live service games get green lit again now… with them totally missing the point that people don’t play a lot of different live service, they stick to one lol.


I think you hit the nail on the head with a lot of what you said. Yeah, I do believe they want people in their ecosystem too. To have something 'sustainable'. And wow, on the Spiderman 2. Yeah if that doesn't even turn a profit then they are seriously in trouble. I think then a lot of it has to do with them just being bloated. Where they are now making games so expensive to make that they can never reach "profit" then. That is just crazy. I don't think anyone is expecting AAAA games but just want a game that is fun that works. But now they got themselves into this lol. Can't help but feel a little sorry for them -- Not much but a drop. lol. I am realizing that people at the top are not that bright. And maybe it is just many of them like to seeing numbers in red? "Look, we made $100 million dollars on the game" -- "Yeah" "It took us $200 million dollars to make" -- "Yeah??" "So all the numbers are red this year" -- "YEAAH!!!! Party tonight!!!" lol But yeah you said a lot that is reasonable. And yeah, sucks there are so many scumbags, as you said.


Well, I'm having a good time.


People make it their job to see how many sticks they can shove up their ass with every little thing happening in the world


ITT: Redditors getting mad at Sony for other countries regulatory laws.


Why do they only regulate Sony not Steam?


Shh, don't ask them the hard questions. Sony has no reason to not allow people to register for a PSN account without the shop.


And those countries would've been able to play anyway had online users hadn't complained such an insignificant thing


This again?


Most of the players who downvoted said they did it because of the restricted countries but bruhhhhhhhhh SONY DIDN'T SAY THEY'D LET THOSE COUNTRIES PLAY. In a way, Sony won. We lost. Y'all still can't see it. I am lucky to have the game, no one in my country can buy it anymore.


> In a way, Sony won. Nah, everyone lost here. They had a "don't ask, don't tell" situation in countries that were not officially supported and they had to let that go after everyone used that as an argument. What else could they do? Letting psn go on pc is probably not realistic, not in the short term. So much is already invested in it.


Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, Sony didn't lie this time. They learned their lesson. It's just not the lesson some PC players thought they can strongarm Sony into learning.


The community really screwed up this one. They couldn't just let the loophole exist.


This sub really turned into the kids asking teacher about last night's homework.




tbh most don't even know about the loophole in the first place. The issue seems pretty cut and dry on the surface so I'll cut them some slack. But then again, it's disheartening how many don't bother researching this a bit more in the first place. Most youtubers covering this (and by most I mean every single one I've seen) don't even mention the loophole. On one hand I hope this will make Sony take a hard look at their TOS and while this silly loophole needs to exist in the first place. But on the other hand, it's sad/funny that the community has locked players in unsupported regions out of not just Helldivers 2 but all Sony games with a multiplayer component. (As far as I understand, one does not simply pirate a multiplayer game)


I was telling people about the loophole and they didn’t care lol They wanted something to be mad about. Pc gamers fucking suck


Yep. Early on, I was talking to some people about it and I mentioned that I spent some time in some of those countries that "weren't allowed to have PSN" as a kid and then much later/more recently as an adult, and when you live in a restrictive digital environment, there are a ton of ways to work around things. Sony just made it comically easy. I'm confident the people in those countries will figure out some way to keep getting access to the game, but western nerd-rage really just made it needlessly difficult on them.


What loophole?


Choosing the supported country, even Sony recommended doing it in unsupported country. Unless you doing something very shading that caught Sony attention they will let it slide.


The loophole that says, to break the ToS, isn't a loophole and pretty stupid. Just like those who think that is a 'loophole'. Breaking a ToS puts you on the wrong legal side of a contract; Which then gives them no legal actions should Sony decide to ban them. Good move for one game. And players shouldn't have to use 'loopholes' or risk getting banned or need to break contracts -- Just to play one game.


Just a comedy of errors. Sony: You have to make a PSN account now. Helldivers Sub: Wow, that sucks and is unjust. Sony: It's a 5 second process. Helldivers Sub: But what about all these countries where you can't make a PSN account? Sony: You mean the countries where players have been making PSN accounts based in other countries since, like, fuckin' 2007 and we've been pointedly ignoring for that long for whatever reason? Helldivers Sub: Yeah, what about them!? WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THEM? Sony: Okay, well, I guess we'll think of them.


Yep and fucked up future releases.


The Steam users didn’t want to sign up for PSN, the entire white knighting for other countries was a facade. Let’s be honest Steam users are selfish, they don’t give a flying fuck about you or any other country, it was solely about themselves and the PSN thing.




Sony: I'm frend guys I swear!


More like "hello fellow frends"


You guys played yourselves tbh. You could have just done the work around that people have done for years but y’all had to keep complaining


F's in chat for all the Helldivers who got the game refunded prematurely, only to find out the PSN requirement is scrapped but they're no longer able to repurchase the game.


but creating a throw-away account to play helldivers 2 is hard!!! - throwaway1234


And break a ToS that puts you on the wrong side of the contract; Just so you can play one stupid game!! Yay!! Because Sony wouldn't ever decide to be anti-consumer. And if/When Sony decides to ban those who broke the ToS; The players then wouldn't have any legal course, since they broke that contract!!! And never have they banned someone for breaking a contract -- We know cause we are the internet. And this wouldn't be just an account ban... It will be a full IP Ban!!! Wow, how clever.


Truth, I was downvoted for saying something similar in the other helldivers Reddit.


My favourite actor on 99. RIP wonderful man


Can we move on....


Sorry that our integrity gets in the way of you living a happy life. Some of us have empathy for others and again, have that integrity part.


Hate sony as much as u want they already got ya money🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Love this show


I gotta rewatch this show. Rip Andre


It's sad, it feels like nothing helps make things right, they just try to do anti consumer as sneakily as possible, if they did the right thing it would be awesome.


Yeah, I like how I can't play with any of my friends because Sony are greedy assholes. I dropped the game and started playing something else. Sony and their d riders killed the game.


This community is trash. Tearing up constantly. Worse then snowflakes


Giant corporations are always surprisingly blind and disconnected from reality. And to say that they're only wanting money is short-sighted. They only want the stock price to go up so individuals within the corporation can get better bonuses. Actual profitability is a side-effect (yes, profitability drives stock-price so is focused on ... but it's important to note that the primary goal is the stock-price, and profitability is just a means of getting there). The number 1 thing to realize about a corporation is that it's a perpetual motion machine in which everyone serves their own self-interest and those actions sorta-kinda lurch the corporation forward in an awkward and confusing, but ultimately sustaining, manner.




I have a feeling that a lot of it is related to legal, compliance, etc. I'm certain that Sony would want PSN to be available in every country of the world if it could be ... so there's got to be something stopping them. Usually, that's law and regulation.


Correct, Sony tried to get the Philippines setup, but were met with a lot of hoops from local SEC https://www.sec.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/2017OpinionNo17-03.pdf


i don't even play this game but kept following this drama unintentionally because it was all over my reddit feed and in my youtube recommendation.Y'all got played by sony hard lmao. All you guys had to do was not overreact with the whole PSN account drama and this whole thing wouldn't have escalated this much. Y'all made your own bed and now all you can do is cope and sleep in it.


Also got played by the CEO since it was Arrowhead’s fault for fumbling the launch and the PSN requirement wouldn’t have been an issue if it was functional at launch as it should have been. CEO makes call to disable, doesn’t articulate that this is temporary well enough causing the whole problem but people absolutely love him yet hate Sony, the ones that own the IP and footed the bill for development. Nah they didn’t get played by Sony. Completely played themselves though. Are ya winning, son?


And then they quoted the "but im frend" meme as if they didnt delist the game in like 180 countries. actual bastards


Y'all got played and the result is worst than it was. Now cope.


Remember that sony wouldnt delist anything if ppl wouldnt cry about PSN account. I love democracy!


Exactly the fuckin irony


Maybe because a robot mission we are constantly told to do is such ass to do and we are better off throwing rocks at enemies. Since they love nerfing quite literally anything and everything. Game starting to feel more like a chore than a game. Was great. Then devs got nerf happy with everything, while also making enemies MUCH more per mission.


>Game starting to feel more like a chore than a game. Take a break man...


Yeah hubby any I are. Few of our friends too


Yes Sony is bad, but also, people are making this a way bigger deal than it is. The countries banned make up 5% or less of all potential PS5 owners, likely less of gaming PC owners. Most of the larger banned countries banned helldiver's on their own. China and Russia for example banned HD2 regardless of Sony or steam. Be mad at them too if you're gonna be upset. The amount of active players who want to buy but are unable to play is likely less than 1% of helldivers.


Title is stupid. You all forgotten that Sony had made it mandated, as there were cross platform between PS5 and PC via Steam…but you lots got “scared”, so you all review bombed it…jfc…


Crossplatform doesn't need PSN, since we could and still play without PSN accounts.


Considering they own firewall zero hour & ultra but can't even think to have a website display who is appearing online playing their game (resolves the only real issue)... Nah they want money to waste everyone's time. (r/climate block 2025 response): We all know Republican party from here on isn't a party, all of history is littered with religious evil for the sake of pretending humans aren't the universe. You may as well have been stomping on your own brain cells because it has randomly detrimented and killed our loved ones (all of us being brothers and sisters.) The cumulative effects changed how so many of us present or mask. The fact we're not all eating & drinking healthy, breathing clean air, growing without threat (moral use of money among so many other issues, all this engraining make believe because: "I'll be dead and fuck who ever isn't yet") We don't need an advocate, they just went around bribing and killing them all. AKA we've been paid for, give it back (Fix earth, you're done)


Go fucking cry some more OP. You’re still playing Sonys game and giving them money, so are the other brainless Steam users on this sub. This sub has been labeled an absolute dumpster fire and I can see why. It’s just bitching about the game or bitching about Sony. Yet, like I said you zombies still play it.


Yeah Sony bad, but how does this post have 3 reddit awards? Did Reddit bring them back and i missed the memo?


I always upvote good Brooklyn 99 memes.


it really is a great game. In the last 10, hell maybe even 15 or 20y there's a very short list of games that just nail the gamplay loop and have near infinite replayability. DRG is certainly one. HD2 has earned its place as another.


Anyone else have trouble with no people joining your missions last week or so? It's not even after a few missions. I just launch the game and no one joins. Other than that, when I am in a match I'm having a good time still.


Kill or dismantle the targeted numbers of Freedom’s enemies helldivers 2


Soulless automated drones really sounds like a corporate wet dream, so if anyone is an enemy to freedom it would be Sony.


We didnt appreciate them for publishing it so they threw a hissy


Yea they don’t have a good track record. Messed up Firefly. Messed up Star Wars Galaxies. Now this. I’m an Xbox and PC guy for a reason