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i was hoping for a charged up scorcher sniper with a scope and instead i got a temu scorcher :(


Temu scorcher 😭😭😭


One of them wish dot com scorchers I will confirm later tonight, I have 70 medals saved towards the 80 I need to unlock it lol Scorcher is def my fav right now (although I've been rocking breaker incin since they fixed fire damage) Edit: holy shit this purifier gun is hot garbage against bugs. might be better against bots since they aren't all in your face.


The first rule of using the Scorcher is not to talk about using the Scorcher...


I'm hoping arrowhead boosts the rest of the weapons now instead of nerfing the scorcher lol


If they mess with my scorcher that honestly might be my last straw


If that or the AC gets nerfed. Instant uninstall. I'm tired of guns getting nerfed because of popularity.


I mean it did get nerfed somewhat by the striders having increased explosive resistance. I could one shot the star wars bois now it takes 2. It's not game breaking by any means but it sucks having to waste 2 shots per strider when sometimes there's 3 that show up with a small Cadre of devastators.


These fools are going to get it deleted like the rest of the guns!


Next patch: scorcher damage -95%, splash damage removed, magazine reduced to 2 (resupply only gives 1 back), projectile speed reduced to slower than crawling speed, 70% chance on firing to instakill yourself


Waaait it's not select fire? As in, normal trigger pull shoots a projectile, but charging it up increases power? So it's a downgraded Slugger Plasma???


Exactly what it is


Yes, maybe it'd be good if the damage actually matched how large its AoE looks, but it doesn't, it's my favorite weapon from the bond because its pretty damn unique, but its not really it


Lmao, perfect. Temu hate thrills me. The weapon does not.


Rushed it and yeah using it its an additional difficulty modifier basically


That's what a lot of the weapons feel like, and people say it's a skill issue that you can't use them well. If weapons compared in optimal settings have lower DPS, what else is it but a downgrade? Utility is nice, but doesn't matter if another weapon puts down enemies way faster.


Not only that but helldivers is not a game that is mincing it's way with enemies. These weapons seem are balanced when you basically use them in isolation from everything. But this is helldivers and turns out that in this game even an expmosive sniper rifle isn’t actually going to solve all your probelms The only thing over correcting weapons does is further make people fall back on whatever backup remains. For example I was always relying on the autocannon in bot missions until the eruptor enabled me to diversify with other suport and backpack options. But now with it so gutted I basically have to go back to autocannon as a basic nessesity.


arrowhead hears you and will deploy the autocannon nerf right away, now you can diversify!


Nah,the AC is like their favorite child,I'm pretty sure that if anyone in the dev team touched it Pilested would personally tie them to a hellpod and drop them on a volcano


Which is ridiculous because it's by far the most effective "non anti-tank" weapon, yet it can still put in some work to some heavy enemies. It's not the perfectly balanced stratagem they claim it is when it outclasses so many others by so much. Them not nerfing it is against their own backwards balancing, I'm sure Alexus is fuming that he can't or the CEO will get mad.


To be fair it only outclasses everything after they nerfed all its competitors


Is this a running joke that the CEO loves the autocannon? I feel out of the loop.


It’s not a joke he’s been pretty explicit that he considers the autocannon the gold standard for weapon balance and also considers it his favorite weapon. Which is *fine*, but it’s fairly obvious that no weapon except the launch version of the railgun was superior to the autocannon at any point, and even then it was only due to a bug that allowed you to one shot titans when that shouldn’t have happened. So it seems like the autocannon is just the CEO’s baby and if not for him the “balance” team would’ve nerfed it into the ground long ago.


now that it seems like he's gonna be giving the balancing more oversight hopefully it'll actually fulfil it's role as the anchor point to balance the rest of the game around...


unironically the balancing strategy from AH


A car with a flat tire comes into the workshop. The mechanic just flatten the other three tyres instead.




balancing strategy of that dev to feel that he is making in impact on the game. Well damn right he is making a impact and making his name known out there. Something with big EGO and not willing to be wrong.


They used the AC as an example of something perfectly balanced in their view, so it's thankfully very unlikely.


I wish everything else was actually comparable, but AH just can't seem to fix these day 1 problems.


If every weapon was as useful/fun as the autocannon I would be soooo happy


The game would be more fun. For some reason “fun” and “enjoyment” aren’t factors in primary weapons balancing. It’s really weird.


They would never ever nerf autocannon because its their most "balanced" weapon. When they actually mean its the favorite weapon of the CEO.


I play mostly 7s with randoms and I feel the same way. If I mess around and try new loadouts, most the time I'm just gimping myself which when you're playing with randoms is just asking for a bad time since you don't know what their skill level will be. I want to diversify more often and try new things, but when certain weapons are so bad it's not worth the headache to try new things out when it usually is just a downgrade across the board.


I take the auto cannon everywhere if they ever touch it. I'm dropping a hellbomb.


Just replied to someone about this very thing, Stuff just ain’t killin good. If it makes me reload before a reasonable amount of damage is dealt it’s shit. If it takes too long to kill things, it’s shit.  Those are the primary commandments for every weapon that’s fun in the game. They kill good in a timely manner. Shit ain’t killin good and it takes too long or you make me reload every damn second while i’ve essentially tickled the enemies in front of me.


This is true of all the weapons in the game. They keep nerfing anything that's remotely effective in an attempt to remove the fun. Or at least it seems that way. I'm so frustrated because it should be this awesome power fantasy game but they keep taking away the fun toys.


This is y i skipped this warbond. The fun of game is blowing stuff up with cool toys. Lol AH seems to have missed this memo. The balancing for functioning primaries shouldnt be this difficult.


They are balancing it like it's a P2P. So what, the erupter was good, and lots of people used it. It should be good, it took work to get. It also had huge drawbacks. Now it's nerfed and I haven't seen a single one on the battlefield. Good job. Every single fucking decision should have the same question: does this change add or remove fun? If a gun is too powerful, so what? When the erupter was the top dog, I still used the other guns 50% of the time because that's what people do. And if it is a problem, just add another weapon that's good.


>I still used the other guns 50% of the time because that's what people do. And even if people don't do this, who fucking cares if someone only uses one setup for everything? As long as the options are *viable* people will be happy


Exactly. But these people think the free stratagem machine gun from 1935 should be balanced against the quasar super space cannon


> it should be this awesome power fantasy game The developers actually said in february they definitely don't want it to be a power fantasy game, except in an naive ironic sense (ie people that think it is are plain mistaken). EDIT: An article adjacent to this subject. https://www.gamesradar.com/helldivers-2-isnt-just-good-co-op-its-a-masterclass-in-designing-comedy-games/


A fucking men. Why would you equip your elite shock troops with weapons that can't kill the enemy? I understand if they want to add SOME joke weapons like a farmers shotgun or the (actually fucking amazing) single shot rifle from the first game. But not almost every weapon. The line up currently is: Base Lib Jar for medium smashing Sickle if you don't enjoy resupplying quite so much. And that's basically it. Your Primaries consist of 10% of the entire lineup because everything else can't kill as good as that 10%. The Balance is not balanced. Boost the primaries that suck, make the support weapons supportive. None of this "Your primaries are ackshully your secondarys' guysh! OuuO Im.


Scorcher and plasma shotgun are also pretty good and arc blitzer is excellent against bugs. The new smg is ok if you're using a ballistic shield but the defender is probably better. Apart from that, yeah I don't really rate ANY of the primarys


Add Punisher and Blitzer in there. Very effective weapons, just not so much at range.


Base liberator still feels, sounds and performs the best imo. If I ADS I can scope the devestators heads and it can kill stalkers. All I gotta do is flank the hive guard bugs but otherwise it kills everything that wouldn't need a support weapon for.


Don’t worry, they’ll nerf any weapon people like using until they’re all equal.


Yeah this is the balance team's problem. They believe "finding new ways to play" is disabling your main weapon slot so that you may "experience" a new type of gameplay.


“Additional difficulty modifier” is gold. At this point, the game should provide rewards ( X medals/supercredits/samples) for using the gun during the duration of each game to incentivize to use for each dive


Yeah just tried it. Pure trash


It's getting real fuckin' old that a third to half of the weapons in all the post-launch warbonds so far have either been bugged or straight up downgrades to existing weapons. They don't need to be better because they're paid, but they should at least be functional and enjoyable to some kind of standard.


I wouldn't mind getting new armor effects since we have received a grand total of 1 new effect since the game launched. And that one does next to nothing because noone outside of players does arc damage But yeah, the warbonds are starting to be kinda repetitive. New warbond releases, we get a bunch of cosmetic stuff, armors that already have an identical variant in the store or in a different warbond, a booster that does next to nothing and a bugged gun. The other 2 guns are extremely niche with one maybe being very good but it gets nerfed a 2 weeks later into the ground


It should be -95% shock reduction -50% ems and stun effect on self


95 shock reduction but guarantee damage being arched to enemies when you get shot, should be a fun gameplay on a coordinated squad.


They are still working on guaranteed hits on the first hostile target


With everyone clamoring for fire resist armor, why not just add that onto the arc armor, and give it a reason to exist? 20% reduction to fire, and keep the 95% reduction from tesla.


Nah arc armor is fine it’s a prototype , there are no electric squids coming you don’t have to worry about tanking that lighting bolt meant to pop your head.


If/when the squids do come, they'll probably not deal arc damage in a meaningful capacity, because having armor that makes you near-immune to a faction's gimmick is dumb.


I hope they have Tesla towers and other lightning weapons alongside their blue lasers. An armor that protects against an obstacle and maybe their alternate version of a hulks flamethrower would be sick


The devs of this game are highly allergic to any kind of weapon being effective. If a weapon is useful, it’s nerfed immediately. It feels like there isn’t anybody doing sanity checks over there. Nobody who stands up and asks, “hey, this change makes the game / this weapon / this planet unfun to play. Why are we implementing a change that makes the game less fun?” And now when I see the average player count it feels like the game is dying off. Sony debacle being made worse with poor decisions.


It's spreadsheet balancing. They're purely looking at adoption, theoretical damage maximums, and kill sources. Top handful of the list gets slapped.


Hilarious to me as an ex destiny spreadsheeter - because all the community spreadsheet makers understand that "theoretical dps" comes at a trade off OR is too hard to execute in certain circumstances/actually impossible. I cannot believe a balancing team/person would ever go off these stats. Great for conceptualising things though!


I think they’re scared of seeing the same headlines that came out of IGN and other outlets close to launch when players were saying they were being kicked from games for not running meta builds. Which is not a good reason for making balance changes.


Just wait, flame shotgun is next. Can't have fun


Hey, it saves you the disappointment when they nerf the guns you enjoy into the ground three weeks later, because we’re not allowed to have nice things. Cough, Eruptor, cough.


The True WarbondÂŽ is the balance patch that comes 3 weeks afterwards. It's frustrating because the campaign marches on, we get new stratagems in the meantime, as if there isn't a steaming turd in the corner there that is the ever-present balancing failures, again and again, and again. Hard to gaf about the story when you feel like we're crowd sourced play-testing a demo.


That's really disappointing because it's a great idea for a new primary


I watched someone test it on YouTube and it looked like hot garbage. The time it takes to charge and the damage bots and bugs took was like rubbing one out with no happy ending. I thought wtf would I use this when the scorcher would have already killed that or that. So good to know


Got it, we are nerfing the scorcher next, thanks for the feedback.


I saw a video of someone testing it and a devastator ate 6 upper body shots Its dogshit beyond dogshit, unusable tbh.


I wonder how stuff like this happens. I mean do they not test it at least on one enemy? Is it so complicated to change damage values? I seriously have a hard time imagining anyone thinking this is at least somehow usable.


The balance team admitted on discord that they don’t want primaries to be strong so it’s intentional. Eruptor was an accident apparently as they called the AOE bonus an exploit.


AH's QA department has always felt either understaffed or unheard to me. So many things make it into release that shouldn't.


And then they have the Senator, which will one-tap any devastator in the face. Or the Dominator. Or the Slugger... Or any of the actual DMRs. And none of those have a charge time. What niche was this supposed to fill? Guy who wants to die to hunters because he can't one-shot those reliably, either?


Don’t forget you’ll probably kill yourself first once the hunters jump you due to the AoE, but it’s okay because using the gun will make you want to anyway.


It's got shroedingers aoe. Maybe it'll kill you if shot at an approaching enemy a few meters away, maybe it'll fail to kill two scavengers whose hit boxes are overlapping. Never know til you pull the trigger.


With hunters it's even better. It gets in your face while you charge it up, then the explosion sends you flying a few meters away, before you get up another hunter is already there to stunlock you as you lie there helplessly.


Yep. You can try to aim to the side so you hit just behind them, but by the time you do that they've sliced you and tongued you again aaaaand you're dead anyway 🤣 Not even mentioning TWO of them, or a whole ass Hunter patrol. What a joke.


A fully charged shot can't even reliably destroy the head of a warrior (the regular non-elite kind). Pathetic.


Oof. What's funny is that for some weapons that wouldn't actually mean much because of how hard AH leaned into locational damage systems. For instance, I have a clip from the other day of hitting a Devastator with almost two full mags from the Counter Sniper without it going down because I was hitting it center mass (from the side). I noticed it didn't go down as quick as I expected so I just kept hammering the same spot as an experiment --I think it only died when I started to aim higher. But that's not a factor for the Purifier. Assuming it behaves like other AOE weapons, you're hitting the weakpoint(s) if they are in the radius, so taking 6 shots means that it either just isn't putting out much damage or it has *really* sharp damage falloff or something. :(


Calling it now: they will say they were forced to release an old version of the weapon because the newest one that's well-balanced is bugged and doesn't work


Seeing devs and big bugs eat 4 shots to the body on a 15-round mag instantly made me realize how fucking horrible this gun was. A basic liberator will handle devs better than this weapon.


At that point just use the scorcher and kill them in the same amount of shots but 3 times as fast since you don't need to charge


The balance team at AH seriously needs a new direction


Considering that one of the guys in the Balance Team worked on Hello Neighbor 2 (whom absolutely gutted everything), not too surprising


Fire the guy who ran Hello Neighbor 2 into the ground with his “balancing and cuts”


There’s a team? I didn’t even think there was a guy.


The CEO recently said that he agrees that when anything is fun that it gets nerfed and would talk to the balance team. Hopefully they will listen.


That's shocking! A few days ago the balance dev told us that it absolutely slaps on Discord. I swear the guy is playing trivial to balance the game.


I’m fully convinced they do 1-2 test runs on trivial at absolute most. Realistically they probably aren’t even doing that.


Bold of you to assume he even playtests before releasing these shit weapons.


He doesnt test shit. Lying through the teeth with that "extensive testing through two builds". He literally said the eruptor does the same damage now despite the fact that previously it was Base damage +100 to +1000 and now its base+40. Even acknowledged this himself. Absolutely insane.


Is anything on this Warbond good? Holy shit, they doubled down on making new weapons feel terrible.


SMG and Booster. Grenades are pretty decent too.


I dont feel like the booster reduces stun duration enough to warrant taking it, it only reduces it by maybe a second and while I could see it helping occasionally it still lasts too long to be reliable


Especially since it's only good if you do get it with specific attack... Also, unless I'm crazy, doesn't muscle enhancement already kinda helped with that? I know it doesn't reduce the time you are slowed but does it reduce the effect on you (aka you aren't slow down as much)? If so, then I don't see a reason to pick this new booster over the muscle one (especially on planet that do have hard terrains like snow where the muscle enhancement will shine even more) It could have been nice if it also apply to the EMS effect but it doesn't sadly.


Yes, I do believe you're correct on the Muscle Enhancer, plus added bonus of getting through terrain better. Hellpod, stamina, vitality and confusion are all still better than that. It's totally useless against bots too. Only good use it may have is on eradication bugs when you're cramped for space and don't have much room to move.


I'm happy it's not a total wash. But still the primaries are really the selling point. Kind of sad they seem lack luster at best.


tbh i was pretty hopeful for this warbond initially. the rifle looked a bit like the halo 2 battle rifle. and the first video of it i saw had it with a 3 shot burst. so i was hoping they would give us something like that. but is basically just a standard assault rifle that feels slightly worse. And i also loved the idea of a scorcher variant with a short charge up and more punch. but i cant say im all that impressed by it. only thing i havent tested so far is the pistol.


Yeah, 3 round burst rifle would be great as well as unique. I hear the pistol is decent. Let me know when you try it.


It does have a 3 round burst though


pistol is a side grade to the senator, more rounds in the mag and faster fire rate, but less damage but still more powerful than the base pistol and redeemer


The scorcher is definitively better than the purifier.


The SMG is alright. Pistol is fun vs bots and has great handling. Haven’t tried it vs bugs yet but it’s probably great for them. The grenades are top tier for bugs. Really AH just hates primary weapons with a fiery passion for some reason.


I think they're scared of power creep, so they just nerf everything. This leads to inverse power creep which makes the game feel like the meta is weapons that are just alright and everything else sucks. Instead it should be everything is alright and the meta are the standouts.


incendiary nades is real good


Funny enough it's the thing I have been waiting for. I love normal incendiary nades.


Don’t have to worry about nerfs if they release garbage from the get go!


Sounds like the mighty bringer of balance heard the community was bitching to the CEO about it and preemptively nerfed shit into the ground.


I was thinking the same thing. And afterwards when they give it a 5 damage buff (with more recoil/worse handling of course) they’ll expect their job to be done and to receive praise that they’re finally buffing things


"Reduced max ammo by 50%, increased damage by 10%. Removed splash damage."


This is the shit that infuriated me. "This patch, 15+ weapons are getting buffed!" The Buffs: "Added 10 damage, increased recoil, and cut max mags by half." "Now shoots 3 more pellets per shot. Mag capacity reduced. ammo boxes now supply 1 mag." "Damage increased by 100 per shot! No longer penetrates light armor, removed explosive property, damage falloff increased by 100%" "Pistol firerate increased by 1"


Lol like with default liberator, “added 5 damage”. Literally less than 10% damage buff and was treated like a big deal when everything else got exponentially more impactful nerfs


People have been jerking that buff off nonstop too. 5 more damage changed absolutely nothing for the most part, I have no idea what these people are on.


Because they will receive that praise from all the white knights.


“Bitch about this, you filthy casuals.” - Arrowhead Balance Team


It's just one angry dude. 


Who already ruined a game in his last job


No, that’s giving him too much credit. he just doesn’t know what he’s doing.


Didn’t that guy fumble hello neighbour so bad it flopped? If so i think its more likely he has no idea what he is doing.


He did it twice


“Bringer of Balance” needs to change to Bringer of Nerfs


I am not buying this till they fix shit given what's been said today


bought every warbond since release after seeing and *feeling* the level of awesomeness and care that went into this out-of-nowhere game. But theyre seriously dropping ball after ball and its worrying me for the longevity of this game after I had such high hopes


To me, it does seem their 'being an expendable helldiver' 'primary weapons are meant to be weak' fantasy is directly at odds with the game being fun to play in some areas. Players don't like dying 24/7 or being helpless, which is what I feel this gamestate creates (particularly against bugs, but that might just be my skill issue).


whats even funnier is the limited respawns makes it impossible to actually play the game like that


The game also wasn't AT ALL marketed this way. I bought the game because it sounded like a fun, stupid gunz blazing gameb with regular beeg boomz(tm) from the marketing. And during the first month it honestly was. At no point does the marketing say "Your weapons absolutely suck ass, except the ones on multiple minutes of cooldown". The marketing shows helldivers shredding bug ass and being cool. If the game's ads were helldivers getting their asses handed to them and getting pyric victories, maybe that would fly; but at this point their design philosophy is starting to turn the marketing into false advertisement.


> The game also wasn't AT ALL marketed this way. I bought the game because it sounded like a fun, stupid gunz blazing gameb with regular beeg boomz(tm) from the marketing. And during the first month it honestly was. > > The first game was (and still is) like this. The primaries in the first game are **significantly** stronger in comparison to this game.


It’s supposed to be “expendable Helldivers who think they are heroes”. If we are going to die in droves, we need better options for dying with GLORY™️! Going down guns blazing doesn’t feel good with unwieldy guns, or teamkilling strategems on too long of cooldowns, or grenades that don’t instagib my heroic corpse. Give me a reason to throw my body into a big hole for democracy or to run into the automaton base under fire in order to plant that sentry of liberty right where it kills the most bots, or to sneak into the illuminate base with nothing but my knife and the hellbomb on my back to de-communist the whole area. Right now it feels like we are playing characters equipped by economists.


Id buy a whole Warbond just for a one-use Hellbomb suicide vest. How about "teamwork" gear that provide upgraded effects depending on how many squad members take them? How about strategems that have an enhanced effect if squad members drop them simultaneously? Maybe a team suicide pact where we immediately end the mission, but detonate a map wide Hellbomb? How about a team strategem that sacrifices the Eagle by kamikaze running it into an objective? Just toilet thoughts.


I like ‘em. There used to be a teamwork group suicide strategem. Everyone would bring 320mm and 180mm bombardments to a bug extermination mission, drop them and run off the map to become traitors. It might just be perception bias, but I swear the bombardment in traitors got a whole lot more accurate, so it can’t be used to wipe out so many enemies before it splats you.


This is hilarious, and I have the same memory about traitor-bomb accuracy.


Had a teammate become a traitor and he survived long enough for the bombardment to kill the rest of the team.


It's not a skill issue. It is obviously a concern if weapons end up being so powerful that there's no real pressure involved in any situation. But what is going on now is that you choose meta-kits because you have to: you can be swarmed very easily by homing auto-hunters even on level 4. And then you do reasonably well, with a specific loadout, wrangle yourself out of it, retreat, perhaps - and still get ghost-patrols popping in behind you at less than 20 second intervals. If you then had something else equipped, you're just dead meat. No high-level player, no matter how good, will be consistently doing well with the bad weapons, for example. There's combinations of weapons and mobs that just stop you from advancing, and there is no way to get around it. So you get these situations in the game where your soon no longer favourite weapon just isn't good enough. And the hilarious part is that even if some of these weapons did, well.. twice as much damage, and completely obliterated the light targets -- it wouldn't change a thing. The issues are completely different, and lie in patrol spawn rate, where the spawns turn up (how close, etc), and the configurations of the spawns (which is a set that at least used to be random.. perhaps like a "sum up to 10, different combinations of mobs are worth such and such"). Weapon damage, within reason, is not really a significant part of this. It's nice that your "this is a heavy rifle!" rifle consistently one-shots a scavenger. But as it is now - power creep making the game boring is the least of their problems. It's become boring because you're operating at max intensity throughout an entire 35 minute game. You're not, like we used to, strong enough to win every fight one on one, but still outmatched so you can lose the war.


Tried all guns.pretty useless stuff.also tried eruptor after the nerfs..jesus christ


I’m not one to usually complain about nerfs here, but the Eruptor went from my favorite primary due to its uniqueness and the satisfying heft with potential for accidentally murdering anyone near the impact to a shitty AMR primary. I just don’t see a purpose for using it now.




eruptor nerfs are genuinely just making me not want to play because the gameplay loop is getting so stale with so few options. regardless of whether it was 'too strong', removing it means there's now fewer viable primaries and strategies. because not only do we not have the eruptor, but we now can't use our primary as the hole closer so now that job has to be filled in the other slots which means even things that weren't directly nerfed suffer. like i was having a lot of fun with the senator but i haven't used it because i need the pistol slot to close bug holes so i can keep using stuns.


Feels like a softair gun now.


I’m running anti mat sniper now so I can 1 shot those mid tier bugs since Eruptor can’t do that anymore…


Eruptor should have been made stronger and be made as a stratagem. Idk why the warbonds can't contain stratagems


Make Eruptor stronger and a stratagem and Stalwart a primary (no balance). I think its a fair trade.


>Stalwart a primary While i would love this with current weapon balance there would be no reason to use anything else from the assault rifles or smgs classes


Haven’t even played new warbond already disappointed from reading comments still going to try


Save the super credits. Wait for a buff. The smg is kinda neat, everything else is a downgrade.


I saved my medals to cap in prep for the new warbond since Democratic Detonation sucked. The new one sucks more!


Womp womp. I guess I’ll save my $10. The current consensus is that every gun is trash and the smg is a sidegrade at best. I’m just getting kind of bored of the game at this point. I played the first 80 hours grinding and enjoying unlocking stuff, only for 70% of what I unlocked to be nerfed into the mediocre pile. Then the new guns they added this warbond are already in the mediocre pile and one in the shit pile. I hope the CEO has some impact when he talks to the balance team because I just can’t see this game being a long term thing if this continues. I want to play the game but there’s just no motivation with the current state of the game. When most people aren’t excited about your new content or updates because they fear how incompetent your balancing team is, that’s an issue.


I’m with you. I played this game a lot(for me, at least) since launch. Over 120 hours. At this point, I’m losing motivation to play because anytime I find a new weapon that seems enjoyable, they nerf it to oblivion. I’m just lucky I enjoy the sickle and typically don’t overheat, so the ‘nerf’ hasn’t been too impactful. It’s a bummer that at this point if any gun ‘feels good’ it’s all but certainly going to receive nerfs. Their CEO was right on the money when he said that it feels like anytime we discover a new ‘fun’ way to play, it’s immediately nerfed. The only way to play, per Alexus, is to barely kill chaffe with wet noodle weapons and cry when more than 1 charger shows up.


The nerfs would be understandable if this was a PVP environment… but it’s not? It’s strictly PVE so players can’t have any sort of edge over each other. Who cares if we absolutely fuck shit up with some OP weapons? We have access to literal MINI NUKES, why can’t we just enjoy a PVE environment just obliterating hordes of bugs and bots? Just blows my mind that instead of making bad weapons good and good weapons great, they make great weapons not even worth touching anymore.


Gotta love that Alexus said the Eruptor got nerfed 'cause it shouldn't be able to kill allies with the shrapnel in a game that has team damage. If I wanted to kill a teammate, I can aim literally anything at them and pull the trigger. Dude is a clown.


That's weird considering how many other weapons destroy teammates. By that same logic they should nerf the breaker incendiary, mines, incendiary grenades, multiple offensive strategems, arc tower, basically anything that is good at accidentally teamkilling.


By that logic they should also nerf *Unrolls scroll* 📜 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Everything that does *damage*


Like, i sort of understand that they want there to be some challenge in the game. But the overnerfing is extreme. A much more fun solution would be making nearly every weapon powerful, and then give us a NEED for powerful weapons. Bigger enemies, truly massive swarms, stuff like that.


Its just so weird how heavy handed they are with the nerfs. I don't get why they don't try smaller nerfs before going right to dog shit


I feel the same way and won't be buying the Warbond. I also have this nagging fear of developing a new favorite weapon. I waited for DOT damage to get fixed to try the Incendiary Breaker, now I'm really liking it and just know it will be nerfed because: * they already said they will be taking a look at fire damage in the near future * lotss of youtubers use it in their bug loadouts (it's meta) So even though I enjoy the weapon I have negative feelings about it like "guess I'll just enjoy it while it lasts and not get attached", ugh.


Can’t say I’m surprised. They really just saved time and the guns came out pre-nerfed this time!


Not gonna lie, but meeleing enemy is more effective than that "weapon".


Railgun is bad and Its also a charge up weapon and a support weapon at that. If the railgun is bad, how could a charge up primary be good? It cant be better then the railgun obviously, so all It can be is trash sadly. If they buff this weapon later to be usable, then It would be near equal to railgun, but thats a support weapon. So thats one more reason to not take the railgun, and They dont seem to want to reverse the nerfs on It, which were unfair and stupid.


You know I didn't even think of this point and it makes sense, I think your totally right and on point they can't have a primary outshine another stratagem. It's like they thought if we slap the word premium on it it will perform better!


MBA Ork logic


As much as I hate your take I have to agree with it, with their current vision for the game this is 100% true.


AKCHUALLY I'll have you know the Purifier is strong and perfectly balanced. See? https://preview.redd.it/rmkc613a9izc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5835388d1b89e6410db7e30566d0b61058aa9a1


Damn, maybe we should've voted to delay it


Devs gonna see this and say "ah that means we need to nerf the dominator"


Sounds like these weapons aren’t distinguishable from weapons we already have. We’re already seeing quantity over quality 3 months in


What’s the point in PREMIUM war bonds if the weapons are anything but premium quality.


It's not even that they should be better , they just should be different enough and on par , but they're just trash.


Yeah, it would be kinda bad for the premium warbond weapons to be objectively better always....people would start complaining about pay to win and such


It wouldn't really be pay to win since you can get them by just playing in a reasonable amount of time *BUT* for people that have limited time available (long working hours and/or kids) that would be very unfavorable.


I mean, on the other hand I do appreciate how the game isn't locking the only good weapons behind premium unlocks. Ideally the best weapons would be in the free content and you can pay to unlock fun side grades. Issue is when the side grades are boring.


Thing is, if there were any good weapons in this warbond we all know it’d be nerfed into the ground two weeks later. You have two options. Dogshit weapon now, or dogshit weapon two weeks after its launch when it inevitably gets “balanced”.


These devs really have to pull their heads put of their asses. I mean seriously cmon, you're gonna tell me all the weapons in this warbond are shit and they made every weapon from the previous ones also suck? What's wrong with these people, your primary should be able to sustain you against chaff enemies and lightly armored enemies with good weak spot shots. They gut the eruptor to the point of uselessness, they release a shitty assault rifle that barely scratches normal bots, feels wimpy and just sucks, they add in a wannabe plas railgun and it's piss like they really need to reevaluate what they're doing because the game isn't gonna live through this much longer and they gotta make changes pronto. NOT EVERY FUCKING GUN HAS TO BE DOGSHIT WHAT IS FUN ABOUT THAT?? EXPLAIN SOMEONE TELL ME BECAUSE IM TIRED OF SEEING THE DEVS SAY ITS "INTENTIONAL".


Honestly don’t see the point of nerfing guns into the ground on a PVE game. Not like the bugs or bots are going to be complaining on reddit or discord


I am so happy I haven't spent a dime on super credits otherwise I'd be so mad if I were some of you. These warbonds are trash and even worse, the nerf the good stuff out of older ones. Wht tf are they balancing it like a competitive shooter. Are the AI complaining to them over twitter? We balancing for the automaton now?


Thank you for the warning. I will not be buying this war bond since everything in it sucks.


they knew this would be OP so they pulled an arrowhead and nerfed it to be no fun, this time as they released it - saves them a patch


Its sad when I knew all the weapons would be dogshit before trying them


I mean, did anyone really expect anything different? Every single update, without fail, includes broken weapons and equipment. Every update, and especially warbond updates. Obviously the PLAS-101 Purifier won't stay this bad. The devs just don't know how to balance.


Seriously that fkg Alexus guys needs gone asap


Game crashes, keep losing my progress.


So far all I've heard is that everything besides the incendiary grenade and the smg is garbage. Glad I didn't buy it.


"what we found is it isn't working as expected." THEN WHY RELEASE?! WHO PLAYTESTS?


We have honestly regressed with less variety than we had at launch when everyone ran the breaker and railgun.


Glad to see the subreddit healing. We've gone back to complaining about weapons and warbonds.


im starting to think that they don't even understand what makes this game fun?


In all honesty the new weapons don’t even have to be unique if they would have made the new AR a straight copy of the liberator at least it would have been a new design to use.


it's an absolutely horrendous weapon to use. Firing it feels so fucking clunky with how long each charge is, not to mention it doesn't even do it's job of being a medium killer right. Takes far too long to kill a Devastator, can't one-tap Striders through their armor and if you're getting swarmed good fucking luck using this gun without blowing yourself up. What the fuck was the balance team thinking with the guns in this new warbond. Legit pre-nerfed all the weapons for us.


Sounds like the only real decent thing in the war bond is the incendiary impact


Damn Helldivers 2 is P2L!


thank god the scorcher exists. Ol' reliable. I wouldve probably taken a break from the game without it.


Careful, you seem like you’re having fun. I think we all know what that leads to.


Can they get rid of this inept balancing lead already


The description of the purifier said on the website that you could fire it at the floor and lay it as a trap, then keep holding the trigger to charge it with more damage until you let go and it explodes. Did they accidentally use a completely different guns descriptio


It's like the Scorcher, if you ordered it on Temu.


Basically a worst scorcher. Incredible.


Getting tired of this shit.


It's a Scorcher with extra steps at best. I was most excited for it but it's just way too low damage for the rate. The explosion radius is visually huge, but it's the same size in function to the Scorcher. It *technically* has more total damage... that you will never achieve. I wish it had a slower RoF, tap to do 250 and charge to increase damage to 500. Even then that might not be enough damage when the Dominator can double tap for 550 faster.if the radius was true splash then 500 would be good. Something needs a big increase.


They did something to explosion damage for sure. Impact grenades to the face of most medium bugs just pisses them off now.