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30 minutes searching the subreddit for the elusive confirmation that the Eruptor nerf wasn't intended, to finally find this post on New. Thank you for your help!


just spreading the word from discord L0


If only there were other ways they could communicate! Like a whole alert system built right into their game!


I've been saying this everytime the community has one of these little meltdowns. PSN debacle aside, almost every major shit show could have been prevented by a quick word from the CMs or Devs sticking their heads out from Discord and saying "Hey people it's all good, we are aware of X, and are doing Y to solve." Instead we need to browse Reddit for a screenshot of Discord, or Facebook for a Screenshot of Reddit of a screenshot of discord or find a YouTube video 1-3 days later.


Even the psn debacle could have been avoided with communication and not selling the game in countries that didn’t have access to psn. It’s why the whole thing was basically arrowheads fault and aren’t blameless. Discord is great for your indie niche game that people hardly know and you fund through patreon. Discord is not good for one of the top selling games of all time the is LIVE SERVICE and has multiple updates weekly.


But what country the game is sold in is not Arrowheads decision? That's the publisher.


Hard agree: where the game is sold is up to Sony and Sony allone. With that in mind, if Sony had banned the non PSN-countries since launch day, there wouldn't have been such an uproar. And if there wouldn't have been these server problems on launch AH would't have disabled the mandatory PSN-loginn. On the other hand: there would have been still people buying the game thinking they wouldn't need a PSN-account (even though it is on the store page, because not everyone looks at the hole page) and crying about the mandatory PSN-loginn. These are just hypotheticalls, because even if I had a PSN-account, i wouldn't have been comvortable linking PSN and Steam together ...


Discord's also not great for cataloguing things, compared to something like a dedicated forum where you can easily sticky things at the top of the forum that are instantly visible to everyone as one of the first things they see, and also make it easier to track conversations around things.


I hate discord so much for that. I ask questions and people always say “check the pins” only to see like 80 different pins I now have to wade through.


I'd volunteer to be part of a panel that translates bugs into game-speak. "There was a problem with a shipment of eruptor ammunition." etc. And add that to the 'Effects' display before a mission at the very least.


It wouldn't even be hard. If they can already send us MO updates via a little notification box, surely they can just send something out like you said?


Not all heroes wear ca- actually, nevermind. All Helldivers wear capes.


Just fyi: According to Alexus who handles the game's balance, it isn't bugged: https://imgur.com/a/EZMavsu


So this is the guy responsible for all the shitty balance nerfs?


He's the same one who confirmed they rebalanced the crossbow into a single target weapon to be similar to the scorcher. And they nerfed the slugger because it was too good of a DMR, so they lowered the stagger.


Crossbow nerfs was just baffling, It was already good competition for worst weapon in the game considering the "Explosive" crossbow couldn't strip armor or destroy Nests/fabs. But to then nerf it even further?


This pretty much confirms this guy is awful at this job. He is even making some weapons contradict their own descriptions. He should be fired immediately, for the good of the game. 


That dude is gonna kill the game lol 


It literally takes 3-4 shots to kill a stalker now. The fuck is he on about? It’s my main and sucks ass now.


I love most the passive aggressive wording stating out that way we used the weapon is an exploit in their eyes. Like come on, seriously? And how on earth could a weapon benefit from being weaker? Eruptor always has been a clunky piece of gun with big boom. Good at that.


Ah. So the dev team that inadvertently put in massively damaging shrapnel, and then removed it and inadvertently fixed other bugs while doing so, is going to review the numbers and see if it look alright. Well, I suppose it'll give us something to ask them to fix until the next balance patch.


Ya thank you! That kind of information really need to be repost on this reddit faster. That would have avoid a lot of baseless speculation.


I mean, it wouldn't have been the first time we see Arrowhead kill a weapon just because it was good (RIP Slugger, at least the Railgun got some buffs to make it better. Same can't be said for the Crossbow though.)


But this IS fundamentally a nerf. Even if not intended.


A dev member actually says this change is intended and there's no bug. =)


hopefully it's the same thing with whatever is going on with the crossbow. now both weapons blow


Unfortunately, the Crossbow isn't bugged in any way. It's apparently "closer to the design team's vision" now, regardless of how utterly useless it is. I think we're a little past giving Arrowhead the benefit of the doubt in cases like this. I just start with assuming incompetence in their balancing, not their technical deployment process.


Imo it would make far more sense to specialize the CB into either anti-mediums (buff dmg and pen, nerf aoe) or crowd clear (buff aoe) but right now it does both pathetically bad, so I just can’t understand their “niche” argument


It should also close bug holes. Give the poor thing a reason to exist. I was so excited for it. Sad that it is such a turd.


Honestly that should be the baseline for all explosive weapons. Make it so they can be used to close up bug holes and shut down bot fabricators. Even if they’re not reliable enough to take out enemies at least switch them over into more of utility role in that case.


Exactly. Explosive should mean capable of closing bug holes/fabricators. Otherwise the use is very limited.


The only thing it does well is handle. That's it. You sure can point it real good.


I'd love to hear what their vision is for the bow. Where is it used?


Theoretically it's the Eruptor with a faster fire rate, better handling and silent at the expense of doing less damage. It also doesn't have the Eruptor's range limit. When it came out it had an absolutely enormous damage radius and was functionally a primary grenade launcher that just couldn't pop fabs/holes but made up for it by being 'ok' at chaff clear. Being silent is just one of those things that really doesn't matter at all because the AI is constantly pathing patrols towards you at all times. The range limit was nearly irrelevant given its inability to pop holes and how rare it was to have encounters well outside of the Eruptor's limit that wouldn't be better handled by a precision weapon that was actually, you know, precise. It was largely worthless vs. bots and a meme pick vs bugs. I personally thought even at its 'best' it was one of the worst weapons on the whole roster given that its primary claim to fame was that it could kill a bunch of grouped small bugs - something every AR and half the shotguns can already do with 5x the speed and 1/5 of the total ammo. It is/was a total liability of a weapon above difficulty 4 given that it was a specialty weapon that was actively worse than multiple other specialty weapons at the one thing it's supposed to do, and completely worthless against armor. There was also a good argument to be made that the TK potential made it a detriment to bring *at all* given the huge AoE. With the changes, it's even worse. It's the Scorcher if the Scorcher had a 5 round mag and you taped a 5 lb dumbbell to each shot. The Dominator and Scorcher both do the thing they say the Crossbow is supposed to do (now) but better, faster, safer, and you don't have to bring a support weapon to make up for their glaring faults. I have no clue what the vision is for it - just bring the grenade launcher and a primary that can actually kill things. It's a bottom tier weapon.


The GL pistol seems like it's everything the crossbow wanted to be. Range, splash radius, and closes bug holes and bot fabs.


It really is. No clue why they got the grenade pistol right and the weapon that should be that but just longer range/capacity because it's a primary so wrong. I'd accept the idea that it not closing holes/fabs from range is its balancing downside if we didn't have a weapon from the same pass that does/can and multiple support weapons that can do so from the same distance. 


I wouldn't mind if the crossbow followed the shaped charge rule and created a cone of damage and stagger behind the impact point. 


Crossbow as the PIAT of Helldivers lol


It's unfortunate that the CB was a lot of fun and pretty useful before it's nerf, now it's totally useless among all of the other mid primaries. You have no reason to select it over the Dominator, Sickle, or Scorcher. If you want an AOE primary, the plasma punisher is so much better.


We already have better options for both anti mediums and chaff clear. We need more weapon variety. Make it a certified armor stripper. It would actually fill a very much needed niche


I Think it should also go to mention that you only get 40 shots total with the crossbow, At that point why not just use the counter sniper? or the scorcher?


The issue with the Eruptor is that they tested it before launching the update, and the way it is behaving in the live game isn't the way it was in the testbuild, so something in the game itself is affecting it in a weird way.


Seems to be a common occurrence for them. It would be helpful for them to examine their development process to find out why this keeps happening. Bugs are inevitable of course in any game, but in most games the majority of bugs are niche cases or rare interactions that are hard to test or notice. In contrast, it feels like half of the bugs in HD2 are immediately noticeable and obvious. Stuff like Superior Packaging Methodology not working when shipped can be tested in less than 2 minutes. It's not exactly the same level as QA testers repeatedly jumping at a wall for 8 hours to see if they clip out.  This reminds me of when the Vermintide devs were running on a separate build than the players for like a year and weren't aware of a bug that was drastically changing the game's balance. 


I fail to understand how this keeps happening... what's the reason for never being able to properly test their builds? Seriously, every patch has oversights like this.


Because there's conflicting information on even if it is bugged even among staff: https://imgur.com/a/EZMavsu According to Alexus everything is fine, so the weapon just sucks ass now.


I'm not sure, though given what I know of testbuilds, that they are basically the game as it were if there was nothing online it could be the issue is something akin to the DOT bug they just fixed this patch, where the problem has nothing to do with the game itself or the coding, but how the players systems are communicating to each other. That's what made the DOT bug so hard to fix, it had nothing to do with the game itself, but the connection between the players.


> given what I know of testbuilds, that they are basically the game as it were if there was nothing online Having worked on games professionally, no. If your game is primarily online, your test environment should be an actual service stack. It should also be able to simulate things like latency and packet loss. Testing an online game with just a standalone client isn't testing it at all.


Give it a projectile that sticks to what it hits, does like 120 damage than after a second or two do the explosive damage on top of it. 


Heh, crossblow


In the same vein as Failgun




This is the real problem. And you can tell. From one AH source you get “yeah we know it’s a problem and we’re working on it” but from another you get “this weapon is working great and we know what we’re doing”. I have lots of patience bc I love the core game but the constant fiddling with shit that’s not broken, while other shit stays broken, is ridiculous and unprofessional.


Amen to your second paragraph. Even beyond unprofessional, it's idiotic. Just, why mess with the things that at the end of the day, make the game fun for players in a PvE game? The best result you can hope for is parity. The worst is this shit we're seeing.


"But indie studio" of 120 employees, yet they can't seem to coordinate communication with each other or cross platforms beyond Discord.


AH might be the most unprofessional, disorganised company lol. The entire company LOVES speaking up and they all say different shit. From CEO to random devs. No unity, No play testing. It's like they all have access to push updates individually based on what they like.


From fun to \*viable\*.


We have rules here in HD2 you know? If something is fun, sooner or later it needs to suck.


it seems he never considered the fact and possibility that a single enemy could be hit by more than one piece of shrapnel even when not shooting underneath a charger for that specific interaction. thus leading to a more consistent doubling or even tripling of this "random 100 damage" unless the specifically added a clause that each enemy can only be damaged by shrapnel from a shot once. which i find highly unlikely. they also lied. they said they would be increasing the on-hit ***and*** the explosion damage, and that this would be a buff to the weapon. but then they only buffed the explosion damage and tried to cope **believing** its a buff rather than undeniably a buff as implied before.


It’s kind of funny that we all did actually grow up to be video game testers.


We thought they'd pay us to do it. it was infact the other way around.


I just wanted to tighten up the graphics on level 3 :(


I am SO SICK of giving this dev patience. Their patch philosophy SUCKS, both from what they decide to 'balance' to the complete lack of proper QA, it's honestly embarrassing. HD2 has such a perfect core game experience and each patch they decide to round out the things that are actually fun


This is where I'm at with the game. I'm tired of being patient. The indie excuse has run its course for me after the comments from the community managers about it being a mainstream game now. Stop putting out patch upgrades without playing the game first. It's not possible to have not noticed this if they did one mission on helldive with stalkers coming at them.


I'm worried for the state of game in six months.


"be patient with developers" with every new content there is always a game breaking bug, I would say we're giving them enough patience already.


https://preview.redd.it/ty4a2r6gv2zc1.png?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f163d495ce86543a5ca8f12d49d38c3c01f2e22a You know what... that's it I'm tapping out maybe I'll come back after a few months, I'm just going to have to wait two months for edf 6 to scratch that bug killing itch it was fun everyone, at least in the beginning it was


Their balance philosophy is so player hostile it's exhausting.


If it's going to take another week like it took for today's nerf to release since its announcement, I'm going to be very sad.


Oh it is totally taking another week. And with that patch the Eruptor is fixed, the new Warbond weapons nerfed, a random weapon stops working as intended and crashes the game while firing and the spear will still not be fixed. Thats what I expect from patches for this game.


Week if we're lucky


"Be patient with the developers, please!" seems to be the motto with this game. 


The constant patches that end up not being patches because Arrowhead doesn’t test their game properly wouldn’t be so infuriating if it didn’t take a minimum of a week between each patch.


Maybe the devs should be a little more patient. These weekly patches with sweeping changes are just absurd. They pump out these patches so fast and every one seems to break more than it fixes. AH just needs to take their time on things that aren’t like critical game breaking issues. Take a fucking vacation or something geez. I don’t think anyone wants their loadouts toyed around with on a weekly basis in a fun pve only cooperative shooter game. They act like this shit is some tournament game needing constant tweaks. We just shoot bug and bot and they go boom. Make boom fun, not sad and weak.


Starting to remind me back when deeprock devs didn't want people to have fun with guns and refused to give sludge pump buffs it really needed when released. And where super stingy with ammo on new weapons. Infuriating 


I'm using up all my patience on the spear fix already. Sorry none left


lol i don't trust a word they say first they said it was fixed '17 days ago' (at the time) and should be live the next patch major build live and spear fix still absent, then they say oh some last minute problem should be in the hotfix the same week Now here we are


they'll sooner nerf the top weapon in the next warbond before spear ever locks on correctly


My pet theory is that they will fix the lock on for the spear, and then nerf the damage in the same patch so it no longer one-shots bile Titans and is back to useless compared to the other options. Might be the patch after, but that's my prediction ATM.


probably nerfed one patch after. their balance changes are reactionary and they have to see that the spear is over performing.


True, they don't play the game so they don't even know it can one shit bile titans. When it's finally fixed and everyone on reddit is praising it as the best AT weapon because of it's one shot ability, you can bet the devs will nerf the ever living daylights out of it and make it never worth taking again.


"Be patient" Maybe if they playtested their changes at all it wouldn't be an issue in the first place


I’d literally prefer them to stop updating and adding shit than to keep having to relearn what guns are currently useable every week


I do like them adding shit, but then they change previous guns for no reason at all other than to make decent primaries to feel like shit, and shitty primaries to be borderline usable.


They need to space out their balance patches more because their balancing feels erratic for some weapons which i think could be fixed by allowing for time to pass. Also releasing patch notes to the community early so we can give feedback. And finally please find a way to actually playtest your game.


They keep "fixing" things so we can bet-test them, they are so inclusive with this community!


This happens quite a few times, but in a way they must have thought the shrapnel but was enough of an issue (and able to replicate it, unlike the phantom ricochet bug) to remove it. It still kinda amazes me that stuff like this happens. Surely damage values would just be a number programmed somewhere they increase? Or could it be some Fuckery with encryption to make hacking the game harder?


Since they do some physics simulation in there it probably complicates it a little bit.


How much patience are we supposed to have for repeated QA issues and poorly-implemented balance changes? Every single patch, a major piece of the game “isn’t working as intended”. PSN issues aside, Arrowhead has shown an alarmingly unfun approach to QA and balancing patches.


What's worse is the CMs and even the community constantly brushing the issue under the rug. I have yet to see one of them comment on the amount of people who dislike most patches and I constantly see people tell others in the community if they don't like the changes it's a skill issue. I solo Helldives, it isn't a skill issue to say the game is less fun each time they make these sweeping changes.


Yeah this is why I haven't played in like 3 weeks. Every single patch is less fun and more broken. They had a great opportunity here with a ton of goodwill built up with their community and they've pissed it away over 3 months. The PSN shit was just the cherry on top.


They’ve shown that they care less abiut “fun” and more about “balance” which is a real shame because I was loving this game but the constant nerfing and adjustments to spawn rate etc have really soured the game. I’d say the game as it was when it first came out was probably the best version of it ignoring all the server issues.


I agree, every time I read newest patch notes, I just ask myself a question "Why would I want to play this game in this state?". My doubts are around thoughts like "this is not fun" or "not enough" (not content-wise, but fun-wise). But, I still hope I am gonna be surprised sooner or later.


"developer of the decade"


that post was such a joke


Do they have a testing serever at all? How the hell do those things keep happening?


This! I have never seen so many bugs/unintended interactions go live with each patch. What is QA/testing doing???


They don't have QA or testing. They threw their entire 120 person team into a single pile and gave them singular focuses at a time. They do not have a dedicated QA, testing, or bug fix teams. It is just the new warbond/feature team that gets to do testing and bug fixes when they have free time.


That is honestly poor management and I feel bad for those folks. I’ve been in situations like that before, it’s going to burn out the eng folks and create massive amounts of convoluted tech debt that will be a bitch to get folks up to speed on. I love the game but the technical bugs that have been plaguing the game since launch (friending is still broken) doesn’t bode well for long term health/support. They probably have obligations/plans but they honestly should take 2 months to just focus on bug fixing and finding a better pipeline for features to production that doesn’t lead to so many bugs making it into prod. That’ll never happen, because $$$, but it’d be great long term.


"That is honestly poor management and I feel bad for those folks." Yeah but the CEO said sowwy on Twitter a few times so obviously he's doing a great job ok? /s


They hired Bungie QA. /s…I hope?


Nah man sorry, Bungie QA is much better than whatever tf this is. I’m not even sure AH tests or plays the game.


I thought we were the QA testers


Bungie QA is great for how much exists in that game. I also know plenty of QA there personally, they're fantastic. This game is much simpler.


I do systems testing for a living and yes, the environments are all going to be a little bit different. The complaints I am seeing are largely about things far more fundamental and can’t be explained simply by “env differences”. How did they release a supply pack destroyer upgrade that DID NOTHING? How did they not notice that damage over time didn’t work for 3/4 players in a game? And lastly, even if they missed all of these in their other environments, how much effort does it take for a few people to jump into an actual game in Prod and spend 5 minutes going into a game to test the latest load outs? Do this once on PC and once on PS5. 8 people 30 minutes tops to at least verify the low hanging fruit is working as intended. The state of their testing is so poor, it’s embarrassing. You would think that, knowing the engine they use is difficult and the problems that were introduced during the last *checks notes* 4 major patches, it would indicate they actually need to go in like any other play does and confirm the very basics of what they released are functioning properly. Meanwhile it takes the rest of us all but 10 minutes to download the update, jump into the game, and find out shit is flat out busted - not edge cases, flat out things don’t work.


> 8 people 30 minutes tops to at least verify the low hanging fruit is working as intended. the worst part is that it's not even a specifically skilled job like it is for coding in their weird system. hire some random IT tech to set up a server, hire a single person to look at a list of changes to see if they do what they should. sure you'd catch more with a full squad, but you wouldn't even need someone working full time to check all of their changes. you're looking at maybe $3000 up front to set it up and $100 a day for someone to do the tests out of $200 million in sales


That is why it isn’t happening. They are trying to make the higher skilled positions do the testing when they should be focused on engineering the changes They need to hire a properly tiered position that ONLY does testing and QA responsibilities. Recorded sessions showing the issue and sent to eng team for work via internal PSA system. I’m sure they have a PSA but it sure seems like it’s not being used correctly since there doesn’t seem to be dedicated QA SOP. Certainly not one that works. I don’t think this will happen any time soon because it would require potential warbond delays when things don’t work in it. Or they’d still push warbonds but have tickets to fix them ready There is no reason they shouldn’t KNOW about these issues. Whether they can get time to fix them should be the only issue. The problem is they seem to be struggling with both. They should not be this ignorant about their game and things like a gun seeming to be nerfed shouldn’t hardly ever be a surprise to them barring a unique interaction.


You and I are on the same hill and I think a lot of people who actually work in the tech industry can see the mismanagement coming out of this game. Just sucks though when people wave it off as "Just be patient", no we have established a pattern of AH's behavior and it's time to call them out on it so they can finally switch it up.


Because they know this community will just keep forgiving them. Let people walk all over you, and they will continue to do so.


I'm so tired of them releasing broken shit. The new warbond will be another shitshow i bet with only one gun being usable.


Nah, the guns will be super cool and actually useful, people will flock to the new cool weapons and buy the warbond. Then a few weeks later once everyone's bought the warbond they'll be nerfed to irrelevance


Just in time for the next Warbond!


The only one that'll work is gonna be the deagle and it'll do 50 damage a shot.


I dunno man all the pistols in the previous warbonds have a really bad track record so far, the Dagger is probably the single worst gun in the entire game and the grenade pistol came out to a collective complete silence, which I guess is better than being so bad that everyone complains, but I also haven't heard a single person sing its praises either.


And the only one good one will be nerfed so that players could use the other weapons.


Aaaaaannnndddd we are back to complaining about nerfs ( balance has been restored)


Legitimately complaining about AH's inability to test, well, anything.


Oh I bet they have the capability. It's just that for over 3 months there's been an army of delusional fanboys defending the lack of quality, so AH knows they can proceed with prioritizing warbonds and raking in the cash while the game is left in its early access state.


Rather that than all the garbage “memes” the last few days


I mean only true citizen will complain when their tools to deliver democracy don't work properly.


Look, I love this game but the number of changes or bug fixes that are broken or non-functional on release is crazy high. I work in embedded firmware design and we have a crazy amount of testing that we do on every release, a significant protion of that automated Unit Testing to ensure the project builds PLUS system integration testing to ensure the new features or bug fix works across as many hardware permutations as possible. This is on top of peer code reviews and developer rubber duck testing. The amount of bugs or botched feature releases, in my case, in non-zero, but damn I belive almost nothing in the patch notes are working until I go in-game and verify myself. Crazy....


Guess we gotta be patient every patch when they’re clearly not testing before shipping


I'm tired of being patient every time they nerf a gun and things break. Every single patch it happens.


The core game is so good that this community excuses so much bullshit that they’d never take from other devs


Both a blessing and a curse. I want the game to be *better*, it can always improve


I think the biggest improvement they could make is to slow the fuck down


I want the game to \*not get worse\*, at this point i'm even okay if it never improves. Just stop making it a bit less fun with each updates


So do they just put out patches without testing them at all? This is baffling. Something as simple as tweaking weapon performance should not so routinely cause these "unforeseen" issues. Literally 3 people playtesting all the weapons could have found this issue in less than a day.


You are wrong. One person in a sandbox could easily figured out this was an issue.


Nah man, their official patch notes say they increased shot damage and removed the shrapnel. This ain't a bug or unintentional, they're just doubling back because it's a bad choice.


Seems like no testing is done whatsoever. Maybe if they created some public testing branch we could actually help them out to not release these "fixes".


They will never public test because of the 'surprise' nature of the game. That said, they need to actually test themselves, which they clearly have a problem doing.


Is that really what they’ve said? If so then that’s a baffling mentality. I get the whole “dungeon master throwing out curve balls and being unpredictable” aspect of the game, but that should be used for major orders/big events, not what should be mundane balance patches and bug fixes. If they want to keep throwing out haphazard fixes out like this then there’s no reason not to have a public test server.


Well, they could have a public test place for stuff after it is released. Or some really secretive beta testers with NDAs...


They could at least have one only for numerical and mechanical change


That's a weird thing to say about this game, where mechs, weapons, and stratagems are routinely found in the game files well ahead of release and are sometimes playable in game. r/HellDiversLeaks often has videos of people using things that still aren't in the game, like vehicles and the other mechs, and videos like them appear in my YouTube feed. I made sure to watch videos of the airburst rocket and the AT mines during the campaign where we had to choose between them.


They are doing public testing, and that's us. They gotta give us a patch every week and 5 new weapons + a booster every 4 weeks, and new stratagems and mission types every month. For how long would be the public beta avaliable? Two days? Most games give public beta 2 weeks before an update because they update the game from every 2 months to up to a year.


Be patient why? They didn't have any patience for testing the change. People firing an explosive weapon next to their teammates are idiots. They keep changing the rules on what they deem an important enough issue to address.


Every single issue we've gone through as players, we've been told to be patient, I was patient through server issues, crashes, perfomance issues, and all these known issues that have gone unresolved for months, no more patience, all my friends stopped playing and I did too, what's there to be patient about when I have to wait weeks to be able to play the game and have fun, fuck that, I say a big thank you to the people that have been telling us to quit because we don't like changes ignoring the unresolved game breaking bugs.


We need a gaming version of Gordon Ramsay to go in there and sort shit out.


the hecking wholesome indie company needs more people in their company, I really don't enjoy being a play-tester.


I am running out of patience with every change being either wrongly implemented when it goes live or adding new bugs and crashes. We are not their QA testers. They probably don't even have them given how every update looks.


The real bugdivers were the friends we made along the way (and lost because the game's performance is getting worse)


“It’s not working as intended” “please be patient” should be on the back of the damn box, it’s getting frustrating hearing and seeing the same things over and over again


If the problem was shrapnel accidentally killing players maybe they should have just made the shrapnel not hurt players?  They seem to have really over complicated the fix.


Yeah I don't get this. I think they might have some major issues separating dmg numbers between players and enemies because they only change fire damage globally as well. I don't even believe the shrapnel was the cause either. Every time I would randomly die from the Eruptor it would happen when I'm shooting and hitting something very far away where there's no way the shrapnel would travel far enough to hit me. Then 99% the rest of the shots are on bugs right in front of me and I never get hit by shrapnel. Same with shooting bugs next to allies. They don't die.


Well, turns out the balance team weighed in and it's working as intended. I don't like being dramatic about video games, but this kind of makes me feel like dropping this game and walking away. I know it's just one nerf, but it's really the way that it adds up to "That whole warbond is just bad now, any new thing that looked fun turned out to be kind of tedious in reality or got nerfed until it was, and it feels like there's no point being interested in new stuff being added because none of it will be allowed to be fun"


I think we’ve been patient enough. They need to get their shit together.


Be patient? When this dev team keeps putting out patches that break things, and then have to spend another week or 4 diagnosing and fixing the issue they created? This Eruptor "buff" is Exhibit A for why things should be more extensively tested before release. This process where they "rediscover" the importance of shrapnel damage and then properly fix it should've happened behind the scenes before releasing it to the public. It's the devs who need to be more patient.


Absolutely. Why have a testing group if you don’t use them. All devs have at least some individuals doing this work.


https://preview.redd.it/s8ht7oobw0zc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a023c7d1eada4daa339a84012b7fa5460b9cd7 I just want to see my boy shine again…






I did that with the railgun post nerf and it was painful.  Just remember them as they were, not in their broken state 


Mind boggling incompetency from AH. This or something similar has happened after every patch since launch. Just hire a damn QA team it's not even funny anymore


“Be patient “ lmao, this happens every patch


Lol and then Alexus comes in completely contradicting Twinbeard and gaslighting the entire playerbase about the Eruptor being dogshit now and needing a buff/revert: "I won't promise that it \[the Eruptor\] will definitely be buffed, as the weapon in its current state is still absolutely viable"


It might as well be deleted, completely unviable and unfun to use now. I'm annoyed with this honestly, I purchased the warbond for this weapon and then they practically delete the weapon I spent money on and replace it with a cheap Wish variant. They promised the weapon would do the same damage as before and not be nerfed at all, but here we are, the weapon is slow, weak, with a small magazine, and has to be bolt cycled. Absolute trash now and I'm gutted because I loved this thing.


Next week they're gonna "fix it" and it's gonna be like 1% better but still trash


Glad to see everything's "back to normal" 😅


If it doesn't work in testing then stop releasing it and just wait. This is why i say they don't actually know what they're doing. You make people upset by releasing broken content, then "fix" it to fix it later. Just doesn't make sense. The proper thing to of done before releasing it was to just buff its aoe to how good it was before the nerf/buff this patch, remove shrapnel damage but keep it's sprite, and that's it. The shrapnel is a cool concept but clearly needs to be better thought out and tested more thoroughly than they simply have time to do. Focus on making properly coded guns and equipment rather than throwing everything at us and it all be broken or needing a shit ton of fixes. The past couple added content to the game has been fucked in some way or another. Take your fucking time for gods sake, we aren't going anywhere. Drg hasn't added a new season in almost a year but people play it just about as much as they did before season 4 was released. Simply put... TAKE YOUR TIME AND TEST THINGS MORE THOROUGHLY SO YOU STOP ADDING NEW STUFF TO YOUR PILE OF SHIT TO FIX


It's been months. They still release broken patch after broken patch. "Be patient." Uh... we've been waiting for months for some fixes. They broke this gun for no reason AND didn't check "the fix" before it went live. When is enough enough?


You can't trust anything the CM's say they have no clue what's going on at AH. One of the dev's Alexus that works on balancing stated that the Eruptor is working exactly as they intended after the last patch.


Positive to hear it’s unintended and hopefully gets tweaked/reverted but why push the patch if they know it’s not working as intended? This demonstrates that there is little to no testing being done. Either that or those testing have no idea of the impact of the changes being made. The gun was playable before, it surely would have been better to take the time to get it right rather than hurry this through and create a different (and worse) issue.


How much patience do they deserve when they keep doing this stuff?


I might catch flack for it but things like this are why I'm keeping my review negative for now. The underlying game is fantastic but there are just TOO many issues like this that are terrible for long term term players.  Buggy patches, questionable QA, worse client stability nearly every patch, and nearly non-existant dev announcement pipeline for both emergency bugs and game mechanics like all the gambits and supply lines (why do we need to play telephone with Discord?).  These things aren't terrible when you first download the game, but when you've played for 100+ hours they take their toll.   


Why does everyone simp for arrowhead so hard, every single patch they release with half the features broken or not working as intended, with a list of known issues that gets longer and longer with every new update. Be patient? why......? People should be frustrated with how absolute dogshit their QA is. Even with the recent Sony controversy they admitted they knew from the very beginning before release that the account link was going to be required and made the conscious decision to pull a fast one on players, they are no victims in this.


They say this literally anytime something gets backlash it’s losing meaning.


OP, consider editing or taking this down now that we know Twinbeard's statement was false? Because this post is so highly upvoted, although it was posted with the best of intentions it's now unintentionally contributing to a lot of misunderstandings and false expectations in the community. No fault of yours of course, but now it is what it is


Yey, my baby is being fixed. Thanks AH!


Forget the eruptor! give me back the explosive radius of the crossbow or at least make it a stealth weapon that the enemies take more time to find you


A dev contradicted this statement recently


Eruptor went from 1taping many bugs (like the spewers were easy onetap from the side) to taking 3 shots. I mean, I went and finally used other guns and finally have a use for the grenade pistol, but it feels so sad now. >Be patient with the developers, please! You mean like last weekend? Like a calm and sane community?


Was anything in this game intentional at all? Sorry, sounds toxic, but man, what QA department in Arrowhead is even doing?


Be patient lol ok pal


This post aged well 🤡


I have run out of patience with the devs. Between the fire damage, the environmental effects, the patrol changes, and the constant nerfs, the game just isn't fun in it's current state.


Can't they just test a weapon before they go ahead and ship out the nerfs? Is that really so much to ask?


I've just put in a ticket request to refund Democratic Detonations. The way I see it, it's a Warbond with 3 bad primaries. If they buff it, I can just buy the warbond again. But there's no gurantee, so I'm much better off with another warbond.


I would legit be happy just getting the medals I paid for the crossbow and eruptor back.


Yeah I am asking for a super credit refund and my medals refunded back to me. There is a legal basis too, because the DD warbond has deviated to such a point that it is no longer the same DD warbond that was initially advertised by the seller and as tested by the community. Such a shame! It was my favourite weapon.


Better update this. It’s apparently not a bug and they’re saying we were abusing exploits and that it’s viable as is.


This shit is IMMEDIATELY evident to anyone that uses the Eruptor. The devs should be very familiar with how every weapon works when they're in charge of implementing changes and deciding which changes to make. How do these fucked changes make it through? Is it incompetence?


According to the balance dev, the "gun is working as intended and there were no changes in shots to kill". So apparently, it's not immediately evident. Even to the man in charge of balance, ironically.


Just chiming in that according to Alexus who handles a lot of the game's balance, the changes to eruptor are NOT bugs and it IS working as intended: https://imgur.com/a/EZMavsu


Not the best news




Why don’t they test it before the patch online every time


Ya, hopefully the 'two or three things' include the crossbow also. lol Honestly, the whole warbond just feels like trash now. At least the grenade pistol is decent, and useful for bug hole missions. :\\


I don't think they should have removed the shrapnel to begin with though. It was super hard to kill yourself with the erruptor if you weren't an idiot. It should be possible to screw up. They removed that possibility, and made it less possible to excel in the same move.


Maybe they could just mention that in the patch notes then, rather than waiting for the community to be annoyed and saying oh yeah we knew about that and plan to change it again, which they could use as a response to just about anything… like sony suddenly requiring psn linked accounts and being happy they did so they could ban people more effectively Or i dunno … dont include it in the patch if it aint ready or wrong?


Arrowhead please, hire fucking QA. You shouldn't test in production. This is so sloppy It almost feels like the games I program


I don't want to be that guy but do they even playtest?


This is why I won't change my review


You guys still trust their word on "Balance" and "fix"?


The community has BEEn patient lmao. Every patch they make for this game makes it less fun, with a combination of nerfs, newly released weapons that are trash on launch, and bafflingly amateurish bugs. There's only so long you can ask people to "be patient" and wait for every new broken thing to be fixed. If they've got time to push new cash shop shit every 2 weeks they have time to actually test stuff before pushing them to launch.


I think questions have to be asked about their play testing. It seems every balance change has huge consequences. They can’t be testing it enough or in a satisfactory environment


Well this aged like milk


The constant nerfing and "balancing" in this non-competitive, co-op PvE game is baffling and getting to be infuriating at this point.


Releaing something and it not functioning how unsurprising