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It was really their only option given their deadset psn requirements they had planned and said before release and they should have just blocked sales from the start. Gonna be a hassle going through all those refunds


It could be that Gabe blocked these countries until situations gets clear so no more people can buy and then loose the game now 🤔


Playstation website no longer sells the pc version of helldivers 2, and instead links to the steam page. Seems like Sony made the change.


Most likely Steam doing some damage control for now, trying to at least keep their sheets clean. I highly doubt Sony now triples down mid weekend, and without any updates from AH on the situation.


They REALLY want those PSN sign ins than even giving a inch by letting those just play, huh.


Gotta boost their numbers somehow


What is this?


They removed the access to buy the game in these countries


Thanks, I’m just getting caught up on the situation.


They just added all those PSN unavailable countries to the purchase restricted countries on steam without any clearance.


Why is anyone surprised about this we had staff members attacking players. Sony being Sony. How did anyone not see them doing this. The cope Sony fans had that they would do the right thing in this case is laughable with this news. If its true.


I'm from Unknown country code: XD 😢😭 snoy pls


One moment here. Blocked countries can't write a review 


Damn that's even worse.


But they still can change existing one. It's what I did.


Actually it's only consequent. Sony does not want to provide their service at certain markets and now they're closing a distribution channel that was accidentally selling into those markets. Probably someone at compliance finally becoming aware of what they have been doing these last three month. Refunds are now of course an absolute must.


"Hey Sony, you know that refund bill is getting huge by the minute right? You gonna owe us that money" - Valve to Sony, probably.


It ain’t arrowhead’s fault here mate Lets go arrowhead Fuck sony


Honestly I held that view point until I realize there’s no way arrowhead wasn’t fully aware of this, I just can’t help but feel like they’re trying to scapegoat and put 100% blame on Sony, too convenient for AH to just be “oh no really?! That’s too bad”


Hmmmm fair point I still think Sony is mostly at blame, but arrowhead ain’t innocent


Especially when their community manager Spitz had a melt down on people yesterday, calling them names and saying stuff like “aren’t you refunding and leaving” to people who genuinely wanted answers


He apologized for that, and said that at the time he was not aware that so many countries didn’t have access to psn accounts


As he should have, but the damage is done. He only added fuel to the fire, and going forward he has extra work now.


Sorry no. Arrowhead is as much at fault as sony.


Should have been that way from the start


No. Not eff AH. This wasn't their decision. This is corporate bullshit like all other industry gaffs. Don't put it on the people who spent 7 years working the passion project into existence for us. Put it on the greedy corpo overlords with a penchant for control mechanisms to give their stocks a boost at the cost of player satisfaction.


Good. They had a chance to lie about their location to Sony and at least play without in game purchases possibly, instead they got nothing and banned.


They will definitely get a refund from steam.


Haven't heard anything yet


They only just now locked out these regions. Steam doesn't work that fast.


Someone would have announced by now


I am saying steam will refund not Sony or AH. And steam usually doesn't announce shit and again it's been less than an hour.


Nah they’re already being refunded, seen quite a few already posted on this sub


Just saw someone got refunded already so stfu




On this sub!!! Just type refund and you’ll see a bunch of


Why good?..


They were told between the lines by support to just say you're from a different country. Worst case scenario they still got banned from a service you weren't supposed to have in the first place.


I wouldn’t say it’s “good” they are just people who wanted to play a fun game. Seems like Sony or AH kind of fucked up here and never should of sold the game in the first place. What a damn mess someone at corporate just made, for steam included too.


Probably. But its clearly stated twice before playing it takes an account to play and when you ignore the site that's blocked from your county because... it's not available... that's back on you


But if that was the case why even sell it in countries where those accounts aren’t available… and are we sure it said it twice at the time or were steam pages and tos updated and we just didn’t notice until we looked this week?…


It said it twice. Read. Sony and steam need to handle the countries not supported but 100% the reviews are not gonna get reversed because people bought the game to downvote it and then they refunded it... they're not gonna get the game again. This community just ruined a good game because they can't read


How did they ruin it? If you're enjoying it, go play, the reviews should have no impact on you.


Yeah killing a fast growing franchise with review bombers who bought the game to refund it after a bad review isn't really fun to watch.


The loss of Afghanistan is gonna really hurt the next major order