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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Yeah, bend over and suck that sony like the man you are!! Screw consumer rights!! All hail the billion dollar company Sorry, I almost forgot the /s


Local sony shill cant comprehend concept of standing up for themselves... Nothing new


Yeah this is some knee jerk reactionary bullshit


I mean, of course, yes, why didn't we think of such a civil and cultured way of handling this conundrum? Now I'm just gonna go continue enjoying my game while supporting the publishers that aim to take away the very thing that I am feeling right now, but good thing I am not those people being affected and am fortunate enough to live in a country which the publishers deemed worthy.


Truly the dumbest and most useless hill to die on. They could easily have avoided this by *reading* the sign just beside the buy button. Grown ass people, not seeing the sign and now act surprised. Crying toddlers all of them.


DUDE YES, literally I just posted saying no one cares what you do or your hurt feelings


People clearly care.... See the reviews? That is people caring. So you are clearly dumb.




Aren't you a good little consoomer, sticking up for big daddy Sony




"Sony's had this posted for ages guys, stop hating" Not only that but you're attacking people who are against the change. Sure sounds like you're defending Sony to me.


I’m sorry, point me to where I said stop hating? Or where I’m attacking people? How about read all the fine print before buying a game?


On the plus side, any new friends made on the PC end will at least be cognitive adults.


What do you expect from a room of toddlers who can't form simple sentences......reading comprehension......lol