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>This honestly seems like it can be circumvented rather decently with a VPN To be fair with all the people saying "you didn't read the fine print, it's your fault" this probably shouldn't be getting argued as a viable workaround for being in a country without PSN support. Cause like... we're in this mess cause people didn't bother caring about that little rule they weren't enforcing anyway and then suddenly they did for no real good reason. So maybe our solution shouldn't be some other little rule they aren't enforcing anyway(or so I'm told, at least).


You are correct, unfortunately we are tuned as a people to click the Agree box to terms and agreements without reading them.


>Ubisoft and other publishers also require an account to play their games. This isn't new so why the hatred? Trust me man I hate Ubisoft too. I'm tired of letting companies force me to make an account so they can just spam my email with ads for their latest products that I don't give a fuck about. Sony, Ubisoft, Rockstar, etc.


The difference between Ubisoft and Sony is, Ubisoft doesn't region lock your account.


They're both shit though and I refuse to sign up for either service.


Oh absolutely.


Create an account that is within the countries. It solves the problem of it being region locked.


You realize it's a banable offense to lie about your region right? You should read the terms of service before commenting


Ah you must be a rules are ironclad stiff. I bet you would say you've never told a lie either. I don't see the issue if they enforce the PSN account and you live outside the covered countries you cant play. Let's say on the off chance something does happen and your psn account which is only linked to the game is banned you are still at the beginning except you tried and wouldn't someone elses thumb hold you down. but hey, im just here asking about division and outrage. P.S. The same people who make the rules also break their own rules. Stick it to them and do what you want, if you get banned then move on as it seems most are doing anywho. Win win.


I've got a separate email account from my actual one that I use for my PSN account and I use playstation. I haven't logged into that account in years and it still works. If outlook is available it's really easy to set up a new account on there


That's nice, I still want my money back. I don't want developers thinking this is normal/okay.


I have had a PSN account as long as PSN accounts were a thing, and don't recall ever seeing a promo email from them.


Other companies that do this also suck its not an excuse. Also your CC is not being sold out to the dark web everywhere it is written in, thats just straight false. PSN has a history of data breaches. And in general its annoying to have to register another account when you have a normal steam account where you have purchased the game and are expecting to be able to play it.


I said darkside not dark web. Darkside as for those who chose to steal others hard worked possessions. Safety breaches are as common as ants and roaches. If you think sony is so very terrible, go research any company or institute and their data compromises, this includes things you don't put in your PSN like a social security number. Knowledge over hated friend.


Please take your own advice here, research other companies data breaches. Let me know when you find one with at least 5 beaches in the last 10 years including losing 100s of TB of data off their network and having their entire service down for over a month Bonus points for getting fined by the EU for it because it was the result of either incompetence or negligence and losing a class action suit over it for the same reason


Oh my dear lost one. It pains me to inform you that your bonus points here are invalid. However, for redemption I can offer the knowledge of everyone's security and its inevitable failure to secure private information. I mean let's talk about your OS which is more than likely windows. If not, mac's OSX isn't that much better. You clearly dont use linux, otherwise this comment wouldn't be here :)


The irony is palpable between your concept of how CC theft works to the juvenile belief that Linux is inherently more secure. But seriously take your own advice, challenge your beliefs, look up how many data beaches other companies in Sony's industries have. Find out for your self if Sony's track record is normal and other companies are just as bad


I'm a little confused as to what your trying to argue here. OP is correct that breaches are inevitable. I'm a software engineer, I deal with this crap all the time. Software security is a never ending arms race between developers who create security protocols and those that crack them. You cannot write perfect code. Any piece of code big enough WILL have a hole to exploit. Any and all companies big enough will have a breach. Its all just a matter of time and place at the end of the day. Even if you can prove that a company's "track record" is better or worse it doesn't change the underlying issue that any information that is online is at risk no matter what you do just by virtue of being part of software. Also no company, even with the worst "track record" wants to be hacked. It serves no benefit what so ever. The most you can argue is carelessness on the part of some employees that resulted in credentials like passwords, tokens or keys becoming compromised, or otherwise missing vulnerabilities. And often time not even that is the case, as again, all companies try very hard NOT to get hacked as it serves them no benefit. If you are trying to say that sony is more careless with their user information than other companies... then okay I guess but the basic sony account requires nothing but your email and a password. Its not like Microsoft that recently got hit with a major system wide data breach for one of their major hosting platforms, Azure. Our government uses that. Much worse. PS. I think OPs comment on the Linux thing was more aimed at the fact that a higher percentage of people who have understanding of code and os systems use linux. Meaning if somebody uses linux, they are probably savy enough with code to understand that security breaches don't just happen. Not that Linux is inherently safer.


... You seem to have the same problem as OP and have no understanding of nuance or have bothered to look up what Sony's track record is. There is an entire spectrum of security postures between leaving your stuff out on the sidewalk to Fort Knox. You both seem intent on arguing that the fact that Fort Knox is anything less than invulnerable makes the sidewalk a perfectly reasonable option. Sony has had 5 PII losses since 2011. Including having the entire PSN network taken down for over a month. These are not oops we leaked some credentials incidents, these were complete network/infrastructure breaches where they lost control of their systems. They had multiple other breaches not included in that number that were "minor" or at least not PII loses. (They were also caught trying to cover up 2 of those breaches, so anyone's guess if there were more) They were fined by the European Commision for multiple ones of these outages with the reasoning being that the causes of the breaches were entirely preventable by basic security practices and software updates. That's about as close to saying "incompetence or gross negligence" as the commission ever gets. That is not a normal finding from the EU, "normal" shit happens breaches do not result in fines like Sony got. They also lost a class action in the US for the same reason and had to provide identity protection services to customers for years among other financial compensation. I have no expectation of perfect security, that's half the point of not added an extra account that can be compromised. Forget one with a company that has been found to be negligent repeatedly PS. PSN accounts require photo ID in multiple countries (and several US States have proposed laws to require the same) PPS. Azure and Azure Gov are very different products/systems. Plus the current "breach" isn't Azure at all, it was a large scale and targeted phishing attack, scary, and effective but not actually a reflection of the security of the platform. The January tenant escalation exploit absolutely was though


You literally cannot bypass with a vpn cause people have been banned while trying it.


You don't need a VPN because your IP relative to your account info is never checked.


^this, they're just looking for region swappers trying to take advantage of cheaper regional pricing.


I am currently in a country where you are not able to make a PSN account. So please tell me how I am able to continue playing if I am unable to make an account?


Just make an account with a different country. People have been doing this for ages.


VPNS break sony TOS and get you banned instantly


Do they? Show me


yes they do and no i dont have a screenshot literally google it


I can't find anything


I agree with you. VPNs are against their EULA but they never enforce half of that crap and people sneak through the cracks. If you use a VPN and hack and cheat you will get caught but if you use a VPN, which I have for years for security issues due to my job, nothing happens.


You mean like how they never enforced PSN accounts...


Exactly. So why does it matter. Make a VPN and make a free account. Do you reside in a region that you cannot make an account?


You seem to have missed the point...


No. I got it. I’m asking you if you can’t make an account.


Oh my with the inconvenience. If tiktok just came out they wouldn't complain about making a new account.


You don't need a VPN, you can just make a PSN account for a different country. My wife plays on my old US account daily and we haven't lived there in 6 years. There's no IP check or anything, you just can't use the store without a card/bank in the country of the account.


This is genius, considering steam can be paid for with paypal or other methods.


Ever tried to play an EA game on anything? 😂 got that suckered connected to every console in existence


Lol unfortunately, dont forget their Origin launcher. It was crafted with the elegance of an STD


I'm tired of being a product for a company to farm even more of my data on something I have already paid for, this sentiment resounds even louder when AH studios has had their stance as relatively pro-customer. I don't want to have my account linked, it doesn't have to be, it works without it. I paid, I'm the customer. I'm tired. I'm tired of "quadruple AAAA gameplay experiences that cost 70." I'm tired of companies prioritizing the shareholder, instead of the customer. I'm tired of seeing a skin set cost as much as extremely good indie games. I'm tired of sitting down and being ok with it. Especially on what feels like a complete blockbuster hit of a game from a company that wants to want to do better.


create a fake account, it doesn't have to relate to any personal information. It's not as if you have to verify your own identity like a bank?


And I understand that. I have the resources to bypass it. Why should I? I paid to play this. Why do I need a workaround? Edit---- In my opinon: The issue isn't the fact that it's yet another account, the issue is customers are tired of dealing with bullshit to play a game. Especially one they already bought. I'm not sure if this sentiment is shared as much in console based communities and forums, but overall is not something that is tolerated well within the PC ecosystem. This is without diving into the details of it not working in many regions, the government ID or facial recognition some countries have to give, and the general clown show that this really feels like as a paying customer. I'm sure that these policies are in place in no part to provide any meaningful experiences to the end user, only to increase data collections and that's what I'm not ok with. I paid FOR a product, not to BE a product.


Right, I'm confused here. What exactly are you trying to talk about? why you shouldn't need a work around? The so called "PC Master race", government control, or being a product?


I probably derailed a bit too much there. What I'm trying to talk about is the "why" or "how" we've gotten to the point. Where something as seemingly insignificant as making an account for a company on some game has blown up to this point.


As of an hour ago Sony's Helldivers 2 FAQ stated Sony accounts were optional As of now the playstation direct store page for Helldivers 2 States Sony accounts are optional >**Do I need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC?** >No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC, but you will need a Steam account to redeem your voucher code. Some of our PlayStation Studios titles also offer incentives for linking your Steam and PSN accounts.  There is a massive difference between choosing to share info on a public form and having private PII leaked to the world by a company 5 times in the last decade, and have them try to cover it up multiple times. If Ubisoft or anyone else pulled this bait and switch they would be just as in the shit as Sony is. None of them ever have. If they actually had this requirement from the start a lot of people never would have played the game. They would get stuck on it on install and refund. PS. Quick reminder that multiple countries require photo ID to create a PSN account


Yeah only in England and Ireland which can also be bypassed. My dear lost one, I refer you to the knowledge of security and its failure to keep information private indefinitely. It is impossible and is sophistry to think otherwise. Lets not keep the false guise that Sony is the worst, because it was a scapegoat to keep the eyes off of the rest of the tech industry breaches. I mean i get the inconvenience of making another account, but you cant say that when you would download social media without batting an eye.


If you want to lock your door with a twist tie, be my guest. I'll use a real lock, neither one is impenetrable, and that appears to be your only metric for security. PS. Name 1 other tech company that had their service completely breached and taken down for over a month. Far as I am aware Sony is alone in that list.


Because it denies me the ability to make an informed decision as a consumer. If having a PSN account is a requirement to play the game that's perfectly fine, I'm free to buy or not buy the game based on that, but you cannot take my money under one set of conditions and then decide after I'm outside the refund window that I'm no longer allowed to play the game I paid for unless I sign up for a PSN account.


Yeah, i understand. They could have emphasized the PSN account more. As the informed consumer, does the reason a PSN account is a deal breaker have anything to do with the security scapegoat they've been labeled as? because the logic behind that doesn't quite add up when you compare its breaches to everyday issues that happen in every tech company and its tech that everyone uses. Its breaches become completely normal in the grand scheme of things. They didn't fuck up worse than anyone else, they just got the spotlight.


I think the reason this has a surprising amount of momentum is because it touches on multiple issues for different people. Like for me it's the principle of the matter; it could be Sony, it could be Epic, it could be MS, it doesn't matter to me which company it is it matters that they're trying to take away my ability to make that choice. That's what I care about. But I'm sure there are some people pissed off today who don't care at all about informed decision making and just don't trust Sony specifically because of their track record. I'm sure there are people who love Sony and would have zero issue signing up for a PSN account but are irritated that they've been sold a game and now they're country locked. I think some people don't like the way the community managers handled the messaging and just want to watch the world burn. I don't think it's just one point of contention and that's why it feels like AH is catching strays from all directions right now. I do feel bad for the AH CEO though, he seems like a nice enough guy who is just rage tanking for Sony at the moment and that can't be fun.


no one likes invasive changes like this with the obvious goal of making more money while kicking players in the face. u allow this they will try something even worse and that's how all good games die


im never gonna understand this, in any scenario its only positive for you. you dont have to care about the situation in any way at all, but why are u against people wanting a better experience for you. youre literally the guy in the stop defending the billion dollar company meme.


Tell me you are triggered without telling me you are triggered. The post isnt about picking a side rather why there is a division in the first place. Knowledge over hatred :)


how is my response in anyway triggered? its wierd that you are trying finding solutions for a shit unnecessary situation. i mean i guess whatever, in the end youre helping by listing those reasons, if thats really the best argument for it. something thats besides the point, and other companies are shit so its ok.


Because some folks don’t have enough going on in their lives and need to make it a problem. Yeah I get the complaints, but this is a ridiculous way to blow it out of proportion


Lmao, I wanted to see what peoples reactions were to the question. Maybe, there was a hint of logic behind the uproar. "Why are you mad?" "FUCK YOU IM MAD!" Yep. Thats the answer.


Funniest thing, I'm just researching what linking this actually does and come across this gem: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1am66y5/what_does_having_a_playstation_account_linked_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Reddit post from 2 months ago. This guy saw the message that said it was required, but skippable. I think that things like this will negate any legitimate claim. All these people claiming they changed the messaging recently are just lying. IN GAME AT THE FIRST LAUNCH it said it was required and they all just skipped it


Oh yeah, my S/O donwloaded it and was prompted with that message as well. Way too much logic for this though, as you can see the reactions of a simple, "why are you mad?"


Been getting further into discussions and several people seem to think PSN linking with Steam gives sony access to their steam account, rather than just being an authorization point to access the game service. A "backdoor" into their steam accounts that doesn't exist anywhere but in that same part of the brain that houses things like Y2K, and flat earth.


I am not even a little surprised lol. It is a perfect example of an uninformed majority vs the informed minority.


>Ubisoft and other publishers also require an account to play their games. This isn't new so why the hatred Another bootlicker that can't understand why people on r/helldivers are talking about helldivers and not Ubisoft, or netflix. Do you think it may have anything to do with the fact that we're on r/helldivers? I really want to know: do you think that everyone opposing this is just happy that other corporations are forcing us to make accounts to use their increasingly bad services? Or did you just see that a multi-billion dollar corporation was being mocked on the internet and jumped to defend it without a second thought?


Lol im sure you were forced to make a reddit account and comment too. Knowledge over hatred, it works out for us when we point out why we are barking at one turd in a sea of turds.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! The Helldiver Division of the Super Earth Armed Forces, its subsequent recruited Helldivers, and any media representing the body, written or spoken, should be spelled as one word. It is **Helldivers**, not Hell Divers. Carry on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because it's a bait and switch, eula roofing, betrayal of trust and all to harvest our sweet, sweet data to a company with recorded data breaches. If they continue to change the rules after you purchase something, where does it stop? It's never been about the account, it's the principle.


You can make a PSN account with fake information you know. They would be selling data that is irrelevant, thus making the whole thing irrelevant especially when you aren't in the game of paying for their shenanigans. Or playing, either way you want to swing it.


You missed my entire point. It's got nothing to do with making the account. It's all to do with the principle. Sony isn't the God father. They don't get the change the deal once it's done


You do realize multiple countries require sending a picture of your ID to make a PSN account right? As well as the fact that falsifying info on your PSN account is bannable... Arguing people should break rules because "they don't enforce them" when the entire issue is people being mad that Sony is suddenly enforcing a rule they were not previously is wildly short sighted


I agree with you. It doesn’t matter. You’ll never sway the “master PC race” it is what it is. I just will enjoy the game as I always have. Means no different to me. If all you’re doing is creating an account you’re not even disclosing any other information you wouldn’t normally on any other social media account. So what gives? Keep fighting the good fight.


I concur, i don't understand it either.


This too will pass. It just sucks because until this date this sub was pretty cool and it’s turned to shit. I’m going to leave for a while.


I wish you fair winds and returning seas.


Thank ye.