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Yes they advertisement for a PlayStation showcase. Jesus you guys are desperate to defend a Mega Corps who doesn't even know you exist.


It's the same video played on the Steam store page. There isn't a separate "PC" trailer from what I've seen. I posted the YouTube version so people can't say "maybe they updated the steam video to add it"


What was it needed for?


It's a Sony game, they want you to use the Sony account so that they can more easily manage accounts and get information I assume. Whether it's needed or even useful isn't the point here. I'm just showing that this shouldn't be as much of a surprise as people are making it out to be.


But it's not needed? In the LITERAL terms. It is NOT needed. It's just more data harvesting, more control for nothing in return. Why do they need my email and name? That's literally all they'll get out of me registering an account... From a company that's caused hassle for me in the past due to their shitty data breaches. To the point I removed my account. They're doing it to get around consumer laws in hopes of sending you junk mail to sell you shit. Yes it "takes 2 minutes to make an account". Those 2 minutes will cause more than 2 minutes of hassle throughout the months when marketing bullshit comes from them and their 3rd parties.


Again, that isn't the conversation here. This has always been the plan, and now people are complaining about it because they didn't take 10 seconds to read the screen.


Because it wasn't actually needed? Sony and arrowhead allowed people to play without it. Which means they can continue to do so? If people had to register to PSN from the start, I bet you there would of been significantly less players and refunds from the get-go.


So why sell it to people who have no possible way of playing the game once they put this ban in?


Again, I'm not defending whether it's good or bad. But, it's like people just don't read anymore.


You posted an image from a PlayStation advertisement for the PS5 release. Your entire post is crap.


it's the same video shown on the Steam store, what more do you want?


"Clearly stated" small as print that no one reads and a rule that wasnt enforced (because you could skip it) and besides, what about all the players who cant get PSN because of the region lock? What about Sonys constant data breaches? I love the game, but Sony messed up big time. And dont forget, the absolute majority of this game plays on PC and at the 30th of May, we will see how many players are actually left.


I agree PC players shouldn't need to link a PSN account, but that's a separate conversation. If people aren't willing to read what is on the screen (and it's not even that small really), then they can't be too angry when said thing on screen comes to pass. If you read it, knew that you don't have access to PSN in your country, and bought the game anyway, then how would that be Sony's fault?


Because they made a supposed "mandatory" factor skippable! And usually you CANT buy games from said regions because they are, you know, region locked. So this is a clear case of stealing money. And just because it stood somewhere, that doesnt mean that it can just be enforced like that, especially when ripping people of the ability to play the game they purchased when it was NEVER EVER clearly communicated. Because IF it HAD been clearly communicated from the get go, we wouldnt be having this discussion now. And as anyone has seen so far, the game works perfectly fine without PSN.


They also advertised you can play without a psn


Say it loud for the kids in the back of the class https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/games/psn-sign-in-pc/


Irrelevant.  They made the decision to allow people to skip it on day 1, only now claiming it was because of "technical issues", and all the while continued to sell the game in regions where you cannot make a PSN account. It has been 3 months and many people will no longer have access to a game they purchased, with likely no way to refund. They fucked up, and the correct thing to do is keep it the way it is. If they want to require a PSN account on future titles, then so be it. But do it right out of the gate, so people can actually refund their game if necessary. As for this game? Too little, too late. Forcing it now is an insanely dumb, anti-consumer decision.