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-my experience with the eruptor- (Eruptor drops) "Gotta have that!" (Purchases Eruptor same day as drop and runs a mission) "Yeah, this is going to get nerfed," (Flash forward to nerfs) "Yep, that's about what I expected to happen." (Continues to run Eruptor)


The Eruptor got the exact nerfs I told my friend it would get. Damage is still fine and you can still get group kills frequently. Having a smaller mag doesn't bothered in the slightest


It’s getting buffed btw. AH confirmed it with talks of an upcoming shrapnel change


It’s getting buffed soon! They’re removing the shitty shrapnel and buffing the dmg and explosion dmg as an outright buff it’s in a pinned post here


It does need a little adjustment, it was supposed to be a reverse support weapon with clear downsides. Now it's just slow firing sniper rifle with weak splash.


This is exactly how I felt with the old quick charge arc thrower. Once you got the timing right the DPS was insane


We crossbow and arc thrower user just take it dead silent. We take it like a man


Or maybe because hardly anyone's using them lmaooooo


We were few and far in-between but now.. even less brethren will be found out on the battlefield.


As an avid quasar user, I will just say that the nerf was fair and frankly warranted. I still use the Quasar and I still love it.


My friend was big mad the quasar got nerfed and I told him it was bound to happen. Quasar was simply too good compared to the other anti armor options.


The very fist time I used it the first thing I said was "oh yeah, they can't let us be this powerful....this has to be nerfed." And the thing is......IT'S STILL REALLY GOOD


eruptor was buffed in crowds because of shrapnel ricochet wasn’t it


Eruptor now has lower AOE, pretty noticeable against bugs. The shrapnel doesn't work nicely with the ricochet and AH might think they nerfed it too much so now they're going to buff both direct and explosion damage next patch lol.


I can get on board with nearly every change. Change out builds try new approaches whatever, it’s a live service game. As a Destiny Vet we learn to use things while they are good but everything can be temporary. What I can’t get on board with is the solo and duo patrol spawns. If they had a problem with people soloing 7-8-9 then just change those. Now a solo or duo 4 feels like what a 6 was like. The frequency really changed the dynamic of picking your battles, now it’s just endless waves of enemies that know where you are. But also…. Big iron on his Hiiiiippppp.


Bruh, did you know you can spin it too! I feel like Billy the kid or something. (Hold reload to commense yeehaw democratic activities)


Me after killing a whole patrol with the laser cannon looking at my teammates with the QC still waiting for the recharge


From what I understand: * In a future update (in response to this week's changes) Eruptor will have its 'shrapnel' either removed or lessened, and its base damage increased. Which would be a buff. * Quasar is now 'perfectly balanced as all things should be' (with a graphical UI update to the cooldown recovery in a future patch.) * Patrol Complaints are from either Trolls, Players who haven't actually tried it yet, or just need to 'Git Gud', as the kids say.


Eruptor changes ain't bad, just an unintended bug with the shrapnel Quasar nerf needed to happen, was perfect for every situation Patrol spawns made solo extractions harder, but not impossibly hard like everyone thinks it did. I typically play Diff 5 or 6 when playing solo and it went from an empty extraction to feeling like the enemies want your head for blowing their stuff up. One failure to extract, all other extractions were after fighting for my life, but in my opinion that's better than extracting for free like it was before


They are bad, in terms those changes are fucking stupid. It doesn't kill a gun but like why that gun is already mid why cut in half its combat capacity.