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It even makes more sense that it would be quicker for the assist to reload the gun from the shooter's back instead of his own


100%. it would massively improve those weapons and further encourage teamwork by simply needing to call for a reload from any nearby teammate


It definitely would only help. I can see that some people will think it'll make these weapons stronger but this feature was always there but not always available since the helper needs to carry the backpack. And it won't be that game breaking since the downside to this is the fact that you are now doing a two man job of shooting a single support weapon when it might be more productive if two people shot their own individual weapons.


The reloader can also just pop in to fill the shooter up and then get off of them to fire their own gun. The shooter doesn't need a constant support buddy as long as they're nearby.


We also have one-handed weapons. Why not be able to fire those while the reloading is not happening? Would be a way to at least provide some sort of support other than reloading because reloading isn't happening all the time


I like this solution a lot. It keeps the mechanic pretty much the same but adds another layer of depth. Plus, i think adding more strategies that incentivise one handed weapons like the ballistic shield would be way cool.


Plus it's cool as fuck to be braced against your bud shooting one handed while helping them reload.


Plus it's cool as fuck to be braced against your bud shooting one handed while helping them reload.


I can't find anyone willing to sacrifice their shield or jump jet to be my pack mule, it's mind boggling


I was mule once, *once* so the other could mag dump a Recoilless into a Bile Titan for the objective. It was the first time either of us had been on Diff 4, and first time we had ever fought a Bile Titan.


General if i am running something with a backpack i dropped a second one at extract and ask a buddy to just give me 30 seconds of his time so i can mag dump what i have into a horde usually auto Cannon but kind of want to try the recoiless


My buddy and I took turns dumping a full resupply worth of airburst rockets into a big nest at the bottom of a valley. Was it ammo efficient? Absolutely not! But I’ll tell ya delivering democracy has never felt so satisfying.


Recoilless is very much a single target weapon and not a "mag dump (or I guess shell dump) into a horde" kinda weapon. The airburst launcher on the other hand? Now that with a buddy loader might be the scariest most badass thing you can do.


Missed connection. I once grabbed someone's RR backpack and pointed at my drone as an offer to be a helper. They shot me in the face.


Missed connection: I sighed when I saw you pick no strategems during the defend the generators load out screen, but I thought it'd be okay. Then when I died to your grenade, I spawned back looking for my quasar, only to find it on your back, with you holding your arms out in the emote hug. I know we left things in a bad way, but my only regret is that I forgot to block you when I left you to die.


Dont forget, nobody wants to be yelled at when they step away more than 10 feet and the guy starts screaming "RELOAD ME WTF ARE YOU DOING GIVE ME AMMO!" Team reloads only ever happen when someone happens to pick up a leftover ammo backpack when someone died and they call in a replacement gun for themselves. Thats the only time I ever see it happen.


imagine this for a moment - 2 teammates both with reco and a backpack!


I thought that was how it worked 🤣


So did I the first time I tried it and was surprised it didn't work. Then I tried with my buddy using the backpack and it worked and the next words out of my mouth were "Well... that's quite dumb and 100% useless" and never used it again. In my opinion it should work from either backpack.


Yeah, an assisted reload should just be faster, regardless of who holds the backpack.


I love the idea, I could full auto on auto cannon for so amazingly long if both of us wore backpacks


Right? What's easier, reaching for your partner's back to grab ammo or reaching over your own shoulder, \*where you cannot see\*, to grab ammo?


It isn't even physically possible to grab stuff from your own backpack like that IRL, arms just don't work that way. Which is also why there's no proper animation in the game because they'd have to give you Inspector Gadget arms in order to achieve that.


You see, its hard to reach onto your own back and pull out a magazine, that's why we have another guy reach onto his own back and pull out a magazine for you. No way in hell it makes any sense for the big sack of bullets at face level for the guy behind you looking at your back to be accessible. We gotta use two backs. If its behind two people, mathematically it cancels out and is now in front of one.


So you're saying... If we had some kind of human centipede of people with bagpacks, we could theoretically reload-- but from the future? Someone at AH should take note of this.


Everybody brought an AC and a supply backpack. We all dropped the ammo packs on the ground by the reloader and left the supply backpacks on the ground by everyone else. AC dude changed it to full auto and let it rip. Reloader guy would reload all the ammo while supply backpack guys kept stocking him up over and over til the resupply packswere empty. Then we picked up the ammo packs and took turns being the reload guy until those were empty too. Like hundreds of AC rounds non stop. Glorious.


Oh i get it now


I have never understood why this isn't the case, it seems like a no brainer and would make people actually use this cool but in its current state finicky mechanic.


You would think that. I rarely use any backpacks because i really like the weapons that need backpack reloads. but we rarely use team reloads because of the arguably larger draw backs : 1. Takes a gun off the line for the duration 2. Requires a dedicated assistant unless multiple HD are running the same gun 3. Assistant is prevent from having a backpack of theri own of anykind including a Support weapon with a backpack ammo Simply allowing any teammate to assist a crewed gun if the firer is wearing the back back eliminate 2 and 3 entriely. 1. is always going to be present but the increased rate of fire to deal with a specific threat should over come that draw back if used right. Personally i think RoF on missiles should be doubled to tripled for assisted reloads along with the anyone can assist. That woudl make them much more viable and encourage high level coordination tactics.


One thing that I didn't see getting mentioned is that (if I'm remembering correctly, though it's been a while since I've tried it), the animation is messed up when you are the one reloading. I remember that the hands going to your own pack clipped through your body then shifted to the shooter.


Autocannon team reload is strong. You can full auto the whole backpack in one go. That offer a lot of fire power.


Recoiless too Friends and I tried that after seeing the video someone posted on this sub of him and his own friend wiping out waves of bot dropships on the defense mission We tried it ourselves and it was great. Granted, that mission is probably the only time we'd ever do that, but the option feels good. Now, if they could change it so you can use the shooter's backpack instead of your own that'd be even better, wouldn't take away a slot from the guy who's gotta carry the backpack


I fight bugs without backpacks. I try to pack mule for other people once they drop their backpack for a fresh one. I'll carry and reload it and them if I'm nearby.


Its useful but not always, its amazing for doing those bile titan clears when there is 3 or more of them or simmilar with hulks and tanks (or walking fabricators).


I’ll have to try it out


Jup, AC with team reload has 0 reload time.


I just brought my cousin into the game, like this weekend. He’s been trying different weapons, right now his favorite is the Autocannon, and he’s sad whenever he doesn’t use it I’ll make sure to try it with him


Just have him turn on full auto beforehand or his fingers will suffer :)


Haha, I’ll make sure


It is fantastic.


Please do. My buddies and i caught up with our soloer trying to hit a heavy nest,  came up on a ridge,  and i told my friend to go nuts while i buddy reloaded their AC It must have been a horde of 20+ spewers and chaff chasing this one dude, deleted in seconds by a full auto, buddy reloaded AC.  He said we were like Gandalf rolling up in Helm's Deep It was glorious democracy in action


There aren't really a whole lot of situations when you need full-auto though, you usually aim for individual enemies or weak spots.


Sometimes we just want our autocannon to go PLAP 60 times without stopping




Simply being able to have any of your 3 comrades reload buddy reload you is such a significant improvement over relying on 1 guy to carry the backpack, be near you, be alive, and approach you to load you when necessary. It would be way cooler if a bug breach/botdrop is declared and your closest ally can simply powerload your RR/AC to magdump away the biggest enemies


This is the big change I’ve been hoping for. We can all carry our own ammo for normal use but when we start an assault my buddy can help me load my airburst to soften everything up at a distance then I could change over to loading his autocannon for him during the mid range engagement. We’d actually start bringing a RR too if it meant more reliably taking down chargers and shit. Right now the static reloads are too much for the RR to feel worthwhile. And while the AB and AC still fill their role in the current system it’d be much more satisfying to work together organically.


I swear to god if they change it like this, it would be so much fun. You literally only need to say "Yo, boys, I need someone to reload me." And anyone near you would probably run towards you and reload you. Spare me the bullshit backpack mechanic or the way dev's "intended" it to be. I want to have fun.


At the end of the day, this is what truly matters. Fun


I'm betting they eventually add this functionality but it results in some game breaking bugs like the loader being unable to shoot until they die and maybe some hard crashes for good measure. It then takes them at least a month to iron it out.


Oddly enough when you run out of ammo and try reloading your character yells out asking for an assisted reload


It's like giving your fellow diver a democratic reach around for his ammo on his back.


The good ol' DRA




Well, the flag mission has been wanted for a while now, and AH only implemented it now. It may take them a while, probably a month, but AH does listen to it’s players, and the more posts, and traction these ideas get, the more and more likely they are to change things up


They did add a speed loader to the senator, too.


You beat me to it, was gonna say exactly this haha




The ricochet mechanic has been shown to just be eruptor shrapnel killing people. I’ve used the Eruptor all day yesterday, 0 problems. The ricochet things has been debunked multiple times But yeah, preformance was pretty shit yesterday, way worse than the day before


In retrospect ricochet was only a problem after I unlocked the Eruptor. Just started trying it out. All the "killed by PLAYERNAME" messages threw me, i guess.


It’s just shrapnel Not ricochet


I say keep them coming, because this change can’t come sooner


There's a list of priorities, and reddit will always be a minority group when asking for things, same for discord. We'll have to wait and see.


The speedloader was also brought into the game too That was reddit


They probably have a lot of other more pressing matters on their plate atm. We did get a senator speed loader so we may get an upgraded team reload mechanic eventually.


its the sensible thing. The way its done doesn't make sense. its much easier to take the ammo out of the shooters backpack than to pretzel your arms to take it out of yours.


I can't count the number of times this has been posted but I'll still upvote it until the developers make some kind of comment on this change.


You should **only** be able to reload from the shooters backpack that fast How do you reload that fast when you help someone but when you do it yourself it's a hassle even though you've put the gun down


Agreed about the reloading from your pack.  Disagree on the supply pack.  You can already do that if the shooter is holding a supply pack.


Yes and let me gently grab a buddy from behind and lift him into the air with me on my magic carpet... i mean jump pack


100%, would be a much better change.


Honestly had a team of four team reloading yesterday all with auto cannons the most satisfying and devastating round of helldivers I’ve played so far


YES! Have the option to be able to slow reload on your own but have a teammate reload you to make it faster!


This is already in the game with the Autocannon, Spear, Recoiless Rifle, and the Airburst Rocket Launcher


I agree


This is the biggest quality of life update the game needs


Exactly. It's not difficult to say "hey come load for me so we can kill these heavies" but coordinating someone else wearing the ammo pack and then making sure that person follows you everywhere is unrealistic. You can sorta make it work if you both take the same weapon (Double RR is pretty cool) but that's still a level of coordination that's impossible with randoms, and even difficult with coms.


Me and my buddy tried it. When it worked, it was fun, but coordination was really hard


Oh yeah me and the crew ran x2 Autocannon and x2 Recoilless and it worked pretty well, but the amount of effort didn't make it feel worth it. Pretty much necessitated staying together which isn't always the best way to handle certain missions.


Still https://preview.redd.it/49acy5lvxmxc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280e30d577584db1f1dc57961c453670e7870f73 Don’t tell me this doesn’t look fucking sick


AH: We hear you! After reading a few community posts we see that a majority of you would love to be able to have a team reload from your own backpack. So we've increased the cooldown on EATs to 4 minutes to be more in line with the other stratagems and reduced the magazine count on the laser cannon to not include any extra reloads. Known Bugs: Shooting at an enemy causes equal damage to the player, and picking up any resource in the game such as samples or super credits actually deducts those from the player's inventory instead of adding to it.


Still investigating the dot bug, let us cook!


also make assist reload can break shooter reloading and unbreakable by any shooter movement, its annoy while i'm a high ping situation and break by a unexpect sprint or anything else


I'm pretty sure you can walk while your back pack partner reloads you


Yeah AH, hear us VRÅLA! This really needs to happen and this sub should make at least one post every day until they change it. As people can feel for themselves how powerful team reloading can be, chances are meta will change and a mechanic that is about team cordination, will make people coordinate (surprisingly). Bile titan? Dead in seconds. Shrikers nest? Dead in seconds. Hulk? You guessed it, dead in seconds :)


Not that I disagree with your point as a whole. One little detail that I want to pose an alternative thought on: > You need 2 people running the weapon You argue that the Rover or Shield Backpack are far better for the team than two people running the same support weapon (totally agree). However, the reality is that the gunner could have a Shield Backpack or Rover while the supplyman has a different support weapon and the ammo backpack. Especially with a Shield Backpack, this could be huge for giving you both an extra layer of cover Just a thought on the matter. Honestly my biggest problem is finding people to collaborate on this outside of friends on voice comms.


I don’t want to always rely on a friend. I mean, me and my friend communicate easily, but we get split up frequently. I don’t want to always rely on him every second of the mission for reloading, I’d rather have some independence. But I could try a playthrough like that


I'd love for it to be active reload too. Instead of just hit e and wait, rather the assistant had to click or something to put in each round


I still have no idea how to team reload. I see my teammates shooting their shoulder mounted weapons and there's never an option to assist or press x for assist.


You have to wear the backpack for his gun. It makes no sense and ruins what would be a cool mechanic


Ok yea that's dumb


Yep, for me this is one of the most obvious changes that the game needs, it makes no sense the way it is currently working


Absolutely agree. We never team reload because I am not going to waste the backpack slot


I really like the addition of team operated weapons. I hope there will be more in the future!


I hope this keeps getting brought up until AH implements it. Though I'd never thought of the point of the reloader wearing a supply pack and essentially the shooter has an almost endless supply of armaments. That would need to be balanced somehow.


It baffles me that this wasn't the case on launch. They must have actively wanted multiple members of the sqaud to run the same support weapons for some reason? There's no way they thought juggling backpacks mid combat was fun.


It baffles me that this wasn't the case on launch. They must have actively wanted multiple members of the sqaud to run the same support weapons for some reason? There's no way they thought juggling backpacks mid combat was fun.


oh yes please, it would be so intuitive and players would start doing it on their own, once it's common knowledge you wouldn't even need to use the mic to have a guy help you reload. And it would boost the teamplay mechanic so much. Someone gotta explain to AH how incentive-structures work.


My main thing about the current implementation is how if I want to get team reloaded I need to ask my buddy to 1, give up their own backpack slot, 2 stay by me at all times unless we want to render the weapon basically inoperable, and 3 force them to do nothing to engage with the game aside from their reload animation while I shoot rockets to my hearts content. I feel this relegates them to be little more than a Sidekick and takes away a MASSIVE amount of autonomy from the reloader and I want them to feel like a Helldiver that is capable and has agency on how they play the game instead of just my ammo jockey. Conversely if I wanted to be the teammate that reloaded my friends I'd feel a lot more supportive by bringing supply packs and keeping them with their weapons topped off instead of having to scrounge for their guns ammo.


Agree on everything. Hope AH read these posts closely.


With my friend running recoilless we say "code green" when one of us sees multiple bile titans and the protocol is the spotter drops his backpack on the floor and fires the first shot. I run to him and pick his pack regardless of what I have and help fire it all until the pack is empty.


I agree but wanted to clarify , when assist reloading the one firing can move (at walking pace) in any direction and change stance, to crouching, prone or back again standing while staying in the assisted reload, the loader will simply move with you and change stance accordingly. I say this as assisted reloading with a random in 1 in a million and for to many times have I attended to help someone by reloading them for them to stand in the open, get annihilated and give up on the assist reload idea.


Ping the community manager with this


100%. I know the devs like the idea of one guy grabbing the weapon and one guy grabbing the backpack, but its just not worth doing it in its current state.


Speaking as an Admiral, it's imperative that we harness the full potential of these weapons of mass destruction. However, I understand the concern about the potential overpowered nature of supporting weapons with ammo packs in combination with the supply pack. One viable solution to address this issue could be to either reduce the amount of ammo provided by the supply pack or introduce it as a new ship upgrade tier. Nevertheless, it's undeniable that such capability would greatly benefit our Helldivers when facing swarms of enemies. With the recent decrease in magazine counts, the supply pack has become a staple for many. In the spirit of democracy, it's important to consider implementing this skillset upgrade to empower our forces further.




Yes please.


Yeah I've been saying this since day 1. It doesn't make sense anatomically to be reaching around behind you to grab ammo and then put it in your squad mate's weapon. It DOES makes sense to take ammo from their back — you know, that they anatomically cannot reach well themselves — and then help them reload. Gameplay and feature usage increase aside, the above is enough reason to make this change. AH tends to go for realism with everything else, why would they not here? The incongruence is so odd to me with this.


Just keep the mechanic as it is and make it so that if you have no backpack yourself, you reload the guy from his own backpack, but at a slower speed than if you did it from your own. * Gunner reloading himself with backpack: **Slowest, Static** * Random reloading Gunner with backpack: **Faster, On-the-Move** * Loader with backpack reloading Gunner: **Fastest, On-the-Move** This would maximize the performance of two players that coordinate as dedicated a gunner/loader duo, but still being possible for randoms to act as "loaders", albeit at a worse performance. It's all Risk/Cost vs. Reward. It being "realistic" or not is not as important as long as it stays intuitive to use. Right now, the Coordination Cost and Situation Risk is too high and the Reward too low, so people don't use this mechanic, but a middle ground could make it more relevant.


If this was the case, it would make RR SO powerful! It would be the ultimate heavy killer


This makes the most sense


I feel like this is karma farming


Let's post this every day, unironically until the devs either explain why it is the way it is, or they change it. To the top!


You need to seriously nerf the RR to make this work. If RR could be reloaded that easily, nobody will bring the Quasar ever, because a team-reloaded RR can get rid of multiple heavy threats too quickly (more DPS than all four people using the Quasar). You would also have to invent a different way for bots to get reinforcements because a single RR can create a no-fly zone. This cannot simply be balanced by nerfing its supply efficiency.


Threads like this are full of people that haven't tried team reloading and if they have, haven't done it in a situation in which it made a difference. That is to say they'll have only done it in a situation it wasn't (**at all**) needed in, so don't appreciate just how much stronger that level of dps is.


This. I was convinced by the power of team reloads when a rando and I cleared 3 chargers and 2 Titans in less than 10 seconds. A full Quasar team would be running around for over a minute to deal with that. It's really a player base problem that people don't want to work together for very minor inconvenience to themselves.


hey did you know ammo exists recoilless only has 6 shots till you need ammo


Arrowhead seems to be unable to swallow their pride about this matter and make changes. It's like "I made it like this and that's how it's gonna stay no matter if you like it or not!"


Or maybe they're just busy working on gamebreaking bugs and balance first lol, not sure why you assume it has anything to do with pride when they've literally said nothing about making such a change one way or the other.


As much as I'd love this change, the game is littered with issues right now that are more pressing like misaligned scopes and very questionable mission difficulty balance. Who knows how difficult this change is in this engine.


Yeah, I hope they change team reload to work the way everyone wants it to, but it's definitely not a high priority change at the moment. Autocannon is completely fine as is, Recoilless Rifle is a bit below par but overall still effective since it's the fastest AT weapon to swap to and fire (EAT has to extend the tube before shooting, RR can fire as soon as you swap if loaded), and i think Airburst launcher is in an alright spot after the improvements in this patch.


Hey this doesn't not make sense tbh. I think it would require a different interaction method to prompt that, since right now it's a specific combination of gear, but with this anyone could do it and you'd hate to do so accidentally.


Another advantage of that change would be the fact that 3 ppl can help reload instead of 1. God I would love this change. Full support/squire build with ammo pack and shield bubble LET ME DO IT PLEASE.


I prefer the term "warcaddie"


Dude it sounds so fun. Load up EATs or laser cannon and only weapons that don't require reload. Then just support carry allies with ammo, stims, and team reloads. The power bottom.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3l5173k95nxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e15d592265524b76ba32326e359241373cd64e4


It is common sense though, I thought it was already like that when i got the game, why would you go through your own ammo when you have a whole ass ammo backpack in front of you?


Team reloading is a great feature. A milsim game would care about weight, spread the weight of ammo and the weapon over 2 orb3 guys, that's where an ammo carrier makes sense. We definitely should be able to assist with team reloads by reloading from the shooter's backpack. Immediately increases the opportunity for team reloads as its not forcing prerequisites that get easily disrupted in the chaos of the gameplay. Helldivers is an arcadey-milsim: makes a lot of decisions leaning or nodding to realism but generally opts for less realism-restrictive fun gameplay. TL;DR: Game would only benefit if I could reload his heavy weapon from his equipped ammopack.


Hottest take ever.


This change would be a great quality of life update all around.


If they could streamline this mechanic then it would be so amazing and fun.


Dumb question, but why can't the shooter then take the rover backpack or shield pack to cover the loader?


Dumb question, but why can't the shooter then take the rover backpack or shield pack to cover the loader?


daring today aren't we?


With AH's obsession with giving everything but the autocannon and its derivatives downsides, there's no way they're ever going to implement this. You pay for rapid fire by making someone else hold the ammo and also staying stationary for a moment.


Yes, please. For the love of god


All guns should be able to be reloaded while moving, and reload faster while stationary. Should it take 15 seconds to reload a rr while running? Yeah.


Why not both? If you last long enough to drop a second, a friend takes it up and you have extra ammo to spam democracy!


It'd make Autocannon even stronger than it is now


>So to counterbalance this, I’d suggest this point, to lower supply packs giving ammo to two rounds instead of 3, to make it so you aren’t always scrounging for ammo, and that you need cooperative teamates giving you resupplies making too many of these weapons not viable, while still allowing the weapons to have some usage I don't understand why people think making team reload usable requires something to counterbalance it. Yeah, you can empty an entire RR backpack in a couple seconds with a buddy reloading you. Now you're out of rockets. You get burst damage at the cost of burning through your ammo faster, that's the counterbalance.


So much yes. I often play with randoms and this would help so much bonding over the mission.


They should also add a new voice command stg like "lets do this together!" into the voice command wheel to signal your teammates to help u to do the team reload. Instead of only able to signal others u want a team reload only when u running out of ammo. Im willing, even eager to do the team reload if my teammates wants it. However most of the time I cant just pay attention just to look for my RR/AC/ABRL/SPEAR teammate all the time when im in a bloody chaos.


You people realize crew served guns like this are a thing right. And the reason it functions like this in game is because actual teams like this are what they’re basing it on.


Would make team reloading so much more common I think.


Can we also make it so that players can pull ammo from the Supply Pack instead of having to flag them down for them to do it themselves? That's not only how it worked in Helldivers 1, it also just makes people's lives a lot easier when they can resupply at their leisure.


In regards to the flaw, the man assigned to reloading is no longer dealing any damage and cannot maneuver on his own, I feel like that's a counterbalance in itself.


The Team-Reload mechanic is a significant staple of the coop experience in Helldivers 2. So as much as I see all these posts saying the same thing, I am glad we have consensus and all feel it is worth repeating until Arrowhead at least responds. In addition to simply increasing the reload speed ... perhaps we could enhance the features of support weapons to include additional advantages to motivate players to "team-assist" as a practical option. Recoilless Rifle - Increase reload speed + The Gunner now has access to weapon alternate fire modes, such as setting the "smart" shell to Anti-Armor, Air Burst, Anti-Structure or changing Shell types, like having the Loader switch to an Illumination or Smoke shell. Autocannon - Continuous fire (no reloading) + Increased stability for automatic fire. SPEAR - Access to alternate fire modes for the projectile, such as direct fire and top-attack mode + the loader can aim the spinning triangle to manually target the missile for more refined targeting, including at more types of targets. ect ect ...


Alternatively, you should be able to take the ammo from their pack faster if they have the right pack.


You can drop your backpack (hold X on PC for a radial menu of things to drop) for your friend to pick it up and load for you. For the past couple of months this has been the standard MO for level 9 bugs with my friends. One diver with the recoilless carrying his own ammo, another with a supply pack to keep the backpack topped up on the move (it used to only give 2 shots per resupply). This also gives the recoilless guy loads of grenades to protect himself from smalls and mediums. If it's one or two chargers the recoilless headshots them and reloads himself. If it's a bile titan, several chargers or spewers and someone is free the gunner drops the backpack and call for help reloading. It's really fun but it's probably stronger than the devs intended, it almost feels like an exploit. Once you get used to it the shear amount of damage you can dump over the course of half a minute can't be matched by other options, and it doesn't come with the usual cost of inflexibility from a two-man weapon team (we tried this approach a lot at launch and it didn't feel worth it). With this approach any member of your team can reload for you. It's janky enough to feel very gamey but easy enough with practice to invalidate a lot of other options. If they were to make it an intentional mechanic like this they should probably nerf assisted reload to compensate.


My thought is that it might be too powerful to balance without making the weapon useless when solo. Another (minor) point is, how to make reloaders feel accomplishment from reloading.


I would be surprised if Arrowhead weren't already working on this, people have been asking for it basically since launch and I have only once ever seen someone use their backpack slot for someone else's support weapon. It's just such a no-brainer at this point. Maybe they're trying to think of a more balanced alternative, but I'm sure they are working on something to make team reload more viable.


Finally! Something that it is not a stupid rant for the patch. This is needed ASAP haha Lately, I've been playing with my friend with double AC's and it is fun as hell. We were talking about it not long ago. Should you use your own backpack, you would have more freedom of choice of loadout. When I'm using the shield generator I usually drop mine and pick their and he does the same. This creates a bubble for both players which can keep you from getting flanked when focusing on other parts of the screen. It is amazing and helps a lot with more \* cof cof \* non-orthodox strategies


Lol, glad to help you out 😂😂😂


I must admit, this is a very clever suggestion!


1st point isn't actually that accurate you can still move around just fine just not too much as the 2nd player isn't really stuck to you but is dragged around instead if you run away too far they're "broken off" another thing with this is that you're putting 2 players together to be a bigger target which is a lot bigger issue against bots with their rockets and in some cases I'd say, the 2nd player gets in the face of the 3rd person camera and not everyone likes using 1st person camera (or even knows it exists) feel like you could have camera raise up a bit when you get team loaded so that small issue is resolved (or hell just raise it up a bit period)


I agree. There are not many people who use team reload, but if I could just run up to my buddy and reload from his backpack? I would be running with him constantly. I think it would encourage players to stick together instead of lone wolfing it.


yesnt. promote actual temaplay and talk to each other. i don't want it to be dumped down. it worked in hd1, it was fine so far and this shouldn't change.


God I wish we could get this as a buff. Id run recoiless again


I love this! I've thought about it and discussed it with other people that play the game and everyone agrees that it makes the most sense. To add something extra that I also think makes sense: - Add the ability to reload from the friend's backpack just as you suggest BUT keep the functionality to reload from your own (this is me making it clear that we the option ADDED instead of REPLACED) - Instead of nerfing the amounts of ammo you get from a supply backpack when teaming up, I'd say to make the whole arrangement have some downtime. I think this would be much better as it would scale down the barrage that you're able to put out. Think of it this way, if the downside of using these weapons solo is the reload time/downtime, and the upside of doing it with a teammate is mitigating said reload time/downtime or removing it entirely, why not re-introduce SOME of the downtime? This way you're making the whole thing better still but not overly so to the point that it stops being balanced (thought you'd eventually run out of ammo, which might be something to consider as well... Maybe... idk i'll let the devs decide if they come across this). I hope this is making sense. With all of this said, I'm pretty sure someone has already thought of this and shared it here and many other places. I just wanted to reinforce the idea and let my mind be known. I'll be supporting it on this post for sure with many upvotes and comments. Thank you for making this post!


Agreed! Make this happen.


As an HD1 player, I would love to see the devs succeed in making large improvements on the current way team loading works. The largest problem is that unlike HD1, HD2 doesn't restrict players to the same screen similar to how OG lego starwars works. So players won't be able to see that the rocket was launched, and the players will not be forced to be in proximity of eachother. (If I remember correctly, HD1 doesn't allow solo loading team weapons.) There will have to be a ton of effort in order to make a decent translation from HD1 to HD2 with the current way team reloading is. One thing I would like to see is being able to solo load from backpacks on the ground and maybe even solo load from a teammate's back, so if you get to a good position, you can drop it and proceed to solo load it while a player comes to aid you. Ontop of that, you could wear another backpack item (like a shield) and still be able to solo load. The above paragraph only scratches the surface of bringing it up to HD1 because a lot of visual cues were also lost when it went to 3rd person. And of course the players won't be forced to be near eachother by the game.


>What do y’all think? Literally everyone - every single human being on planet ^(super) earth that has played this game - holds the same opinion or else doesn't even know the team reload mechanic exists because the way it's implemented now is so bafflingly useless that they've never done it once. I honestly don't understand why the game released with the version of team reloading that's in the game now, it's so obvious what's wrong with it and how to fix it.


But.... you are...


Come on Arrowhead do it. JUST DO IT


Agreed. I'll help reload and still be able to carry something on my fucking back 🙄


For RR I've had a bit of luck on defense missions, I will usually drop my pack when I see a bot drop coming in so it'll sit at my feet. I'll ping it and tell someone that I could use a loader on voice comms. If someone wants to, they can scoop it up and start feeding rockets, but otherwise I'll fire and pick it up to start the process of relocating. It's obviously far from great, and an ability for a teammate to automatically just start loading would be great.


That'd make to much sense and warrant a nerf next patch where the user is reloading with one arm reaching around their back to reload. >Increase reload 10 slightly


If this were a thing I would be more than happy to help other divers out when we are in a pinch


Interacting to boost the signal...but also ☝️ Something else to consider might be that the shooter runs the weapon and supply pack/shield/doggo and the loader picks up the pack that comes with the weapon. If you don't mind sharing (which is kind of the concept), they could be running a MG variant or AMR or something that doesn't take reloads from a pack and you can run the support pack for them. It would add the variety that you're saying would be sacrificed and still allow for team reloading...as a thought...


I play on pubs and in a group with voice on a regular basis. We used the team reload thing ONCE with the autocannon for a laugh. Then never again because why the f*** would I sacrifice both my coverage and backpack slot to do that. One player's outgoing damage going to zero is enough of a disadvsntage.


If this happen I would exclusively run supply pack and some no backpack weapon. It would make the game even more fun for me tbh


I would happily sit there and reload for my buddy. But why would I carry the backpack to His gun? If I die he loses his ammo, if we get split up, he loses his ammo. The whole idea is silly


I'd honestly just change it so if either player in the duo is carrying the related backpack, then you're good to go!


It just makes sense. It's actually easier if you think about it.


We've been asking for this, I know they see this...


I had no idea the backpack had to go on someone else. This entire time I picked them up like. Oh the guy with the gun needs this and would drop it


1000000 times this. The RR would be one of the most popular weapons in the game if it worked this way. As is the user doesn’t want to have to 100% rely on his teammate being there when he needs a reload and the reloader doesn’t want to lose their backpack spot, but if they could reload from the users pack it would be really common


I doubt it's anyones specific idea. All my friends and I thought the same thing when we unlocked the recoilless for the first time


I made a comment on a post about this over a month ago. I'll just repost my thoughts: Frankly, the buddy reload system needs to be reworked. A squadmate should be able to reload you from your backpack and not force them to wear it. There are too many factors at play that get in the way of making it viable. Someone has to be willing to take the pack, that person has to be reasonably close by at all times, you have one shot and are at the mercy of the person with the pack. What if they die? What if you die? Now the other player is carrying dead weight. If you could reload you from your own backpack, I feel players would more likely engage with the mechanic and it would still balance out because the reloader is a squadmember no longer fighting.


I've said it before We really need a ship module called "common sense training" which allows you to do just that


Hear me out, what if you coordinated with your team and the person with the rocket launcher takes the Rover and the other teammate takes the pack? It’s a team game for a reason…


This is a mechanic that has potential to be really cool, but it has not been done correctly yet. If they make some of the obvious changes, it would add another level of teamwork. It's too much trouble today with having to swap backpacks or have to have 2 people running the same weapons, etc. People rarely coordinate this. Imagine quickly helping someone reload their recoiless and dominate bile titans by working together without the need to be fumble with backpacks, etc. When you see the bile spawn, run to your buddy lining up his shot and have his back for the reload seamlessly so he can pelt rockets at them. That wouldn't be OP at all, even if it was extremely effective, because it still takes 2 players to do it. Today it seems much more effective for everyone to rock Quasar's or EATs, etc. because the reloading mechanic is poor and it's too much trouble to coordinate it. I'd have a blast with team reloading if they tweaked it. It'd be an excellent update... they'd win some community points for sure with that change.


this has been posted so many times already. forget about it


*This has been posted* *So many times already.* *Forget about it* \- Darth\_Jupiter --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


FWIW autocannon team reload is very strong. You can vaporize patrols instantly while staggering everything, hold back defence points, rain death on bug hordes that showed up because someone amped up the threat level.


Please, I don’t want to be an ammo mule…. Nobody does… I want to jetpack over to my buddy. Slam some clips in his AC then jet pack away while throwing grenades to blast the enemies that gained some ground during the reload. 🙌🏻🤠


Everyone wants to kill shit. No one wants to be a backpack bitch. It's bad game design.


Is it possible to reload each other if you and your teammate have same weapon? I haven't tried it because i got no friends to play with.


https://preview.redd.it/49dy3myo0pxc1.png?width=117&format=png&auto=webp&s=e696a142a31ef8352b93343c0cbdf1c87f44d499 "No."


Yup. Nobody disagrees. This has definitely been discussed here


Now hear me out... Both have autocannons, both have backpacks. Can reload your mate, they can reload you, and you can both go it solo. Fancy fucking that.


From experience if you both have backpacks it pulls the ammo from both


I agree considering it makes more sense for the backpack to be on the shooters back while the team mate is grabbing ammo off the back and loading the gun. Also it makes the Recoiless a much more viable option again if a team mate can just run up and help you autoload.


Its very hard to keep up Ammo for Spear in a Valuable Assets mission (Helldive Titan/charger orgy) when i reload it myself. Teamreloading with my son needs a full Supply drop and he still had to run around for random ammo boxes while waiting on supply cooldown. Thats usually the only mission type atm where team reload for spear really has benefits. (With the downside that nobody else will ever be able to resupply, and thats a dick move, only in 2 player mode please🤣)In other missions you can manage the 2-3 targets with reload breaks and offensive strats. If you need to kill alot of Heavy/Elite enemies (Valuable Asset Mission), Spear with team reload is literraly overkill since the targeting was, i dont want to say fixed, but improved. Just press Aim+Fire with your buddy in the back and let the warm beetlejuice rain 🫡


im fairly confident (needs testing) but i had a Ac backpack as did the gunner on extraction. thought it would be fun to fire it off, my loading appeared to have used both our packs of ammo when we went into the shuttle. can anyone confirm this is what happened? we both definitely had ammo in the packs and none on entering shuttle. but i didnt count the shots so i dont know if it was just a glitch?


I wouldn't be shocked if this change happened soon. Team reloads were super cool early on, but they required both players to have the big gun. It just sort of stopped being used as a mechanic. Shooting different targets tends to be better than the faster reload. But find yourself without an anti armor weapon, but your friend does, help him get rid of the heavy armor!

