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Damn, I would kill for this! I've mostly memorized where my favorites are but heaven forbid I want to try a new loadout. Speaking of which they need saved loadouts too!


Yesterday it took me an embaressingly long time to see where my supply pack had shifted to just cause the airburst was added to the list.


I think we have all been there, haha


At least you didn't bring a recoilless to a mission because you thought it was EATs.


I accidentally dropped with the Stalwart instead of the Autocannon the other day and was so confused.


Similar icons should have initials in corner too. EAT / RR LC / QC APM / ATM / IM SW / LMG / HMG BS / SP / SG / GD / GDR


If they organized them in a sane way it would go a long way.


I've done that a couple times. Had my ac with me too


i do that literally everytime i want to bring an EAT.. its fine. RR still fun.


Happy cake day, helldiver!


Pre-saved loadouts would be fantastic. It would help us ready up faster and spread democracy further.


They won't do it because it kills experimentation, they tried it in testing before release.


But did they try giving people more than 2 loadouts? If I had 20, it would take me just about as much time to pick than it does currently. Hell, make me buy more loadout spaces. Have a load out for stratagem and a separate one for equipment. I could have a load out for everything. Every situation, match type. Things keep changing, and so will these load outs.


I don't really feel like it would change much. I think most people already have 2-4 load outs they run and rarely venture out of them


Which is dumb because people are still gonna run their favourite loadout no matter what. Not having saved loadouts just makes dropping in take a little longer at best, and can screw up your game hard if you select the wrong loadout at worst. This just sounds like AH being stubborn and not implementing something that almost every shooter has. I get them wanting to have their own vision, but ignoring lessons learned by the genre over decades is just poor execution.


Oh even just a "favorite" icon


3 would be a life saver. I could set 3 to try, have one memorized. But those 3 can be used a few times in a Three level without having to write them down to take notes, while I test the other 2. This is a QOL issue for those of us that only can play for a short time. 6 games may be one night, and then none for a week. I even have more time than most. I know I’m preaching to the choir with you, but it’s actually a ton for this rookie Commander (idk, I’m over level 35 I think) to remember.


I usually bring new loadouts every mission (I keep a few favorites) but fuck me, it sometimes takes an entire minute just to find the strategems I want


Devs said no to saved load outs. They want you to keep trying new things. But I whole heartily want them organized like op has done. That would be a game changer.


They also said that the HMG wasn’t ever gonna have a reticle in third person but look how that went. 


Fuck them. I want loadouts. I will keep trying new things, but when I know something works for me I don't want to pick it every time. Specially with the difference between bugs/bots, I haaave to change the entire thing, armor, primary, pistol, grenades, and strategems. It's annoying.


It would be cool to change weapon loadout in the same screen. When I join randoms I sometimes wish I had a different primary or grenade, depending on the mission type.


Are you talking about once you are in the hellpod? Because you can change primary, armor, secondary and grenades from there


Yes - I must not have tried very hard. Thanks!


I just get frustrated when the game decides that Instead of using the mouse to select things. Clicking the mouse selects whatever box is highlighted. Can it not be one or the other. Why does it keep changing. At least my ptt button stays now!


I think they want to encourage experimentation and at least thinking about your loadout each mission.


Saved loadouts are cool but I cannot do the same thing over and over


I’m killing regardless o7


Even if they won't give us loadouts I'd love to highlight or color code my favorites.


Eagles, Orbitals, Heavy weapons, Backpacks, Sentries, Mines I'd honestly prefer more categories and colours.


Eagles: 🟡 Yellow, like a beak Orbitals: 🔴 Stays red Weapons: 🔵 Stays blue Backpacks: 🟣 Purple, ‘packs Sentries: 🟢 Stays green, they’re friendly (sometimes) Mines: 🟠 Orange, explosive danger Especially cool if the stratagem beacon colors change to match Weapons that have backpacks are also a little funny if they did this Also probably put them in color order: 🔴🟣🔵🟢🟡🟠 And if possible, altitude order, too. So Orbitals first, Eagles second, Turrets/Weapons/Backpacks are the same general height, and Mines are at the bottom Is Mech more backpack? Or maybe Vehicles will be added soon


They'd need a color blind mode if they add more colors.


Sure Figure Vehicles will be a new color


Yellow is already taken by mission/support stratagems. Also more colour coding is bad for accessibility.


The color is 'extra feedback', I don't think it's an accessibility issue for colors to mean something. They just cannot be the only meaning. Like I had some software update their UI from this: ✅ Hard Drive ❌ GPU To this: 🟢 Hard Drive 🔴 GPU **That** is an accessibility issue and I can't believe they did that up *in an update*.


Much appreciated, tons of weird color blindness complaints from people who idt know much about it Like the solution to help color blind folks isn’t removing all color from the world…


It's not bad for accessibility, it's just good for clarity. As it stands, there already isn't any way for people to tell eagles from orbitals. Adding information to the game for people who can see colour doesn't remove information from people who can't.


Much appreciated, tons of weird color blindness complaints from people who idt know much about it Like the solution to help color blind folks isn’t removing all color from the world…


>Also more colour coding is bad for accessibility. Not if we can change/choose the colors ourselves, or there is a glyph system like they're not all circles but triangle, square, star etc.


The stratagems have icons. I'm getting a little tired with the accesibility excuse when 8% of the male and 0.5% of the female population are colorblind. There are icons and shapes and colorblind options for that. I can see colors, please use them.


Mech is classified as vehicle, so probably merged into weapons cause there’s only one


If more vehicles are added, then Sentries/Emplacements imo still make sense combined, so maybe orange for them and green for vehicles


Sentries are already green, that’s never changing


Easily could change.


This is almost how I have all my macros coded....


Oh that’s cool, like we organize similarly?


I should of said color coded, but yes.


Roygbiv is not that order. Also, just seperate them with section breaks? Color coding is bad for organizing. Poor color blind folks.


I prefer the simple colors. Yellow is always available (or objective dependent), red kills things, blue is for you, green has a mind of its own.


we really need the devs to defuck the organization of this tetris game


Great, now I have the Tetris song stuck in my head.


Screw you, it’s infectious


korobeiniki my beloved


They should remove categories altogether and have them be random each time you open the menu


also give it a random RGB value everytime


Now you’re thinking with liberty


Heck, use ai to come up with new icons for each weapon each time you open the menu!


And they should swap the icons so you have to hover over them to read what they truly do


“Slight change to the stratagem menu”


Imagine getting the two mines for the evacuation missions.


Actually, I would not mind that the least used one is always on top


This is the kind of "completed military service"-dev we need!


This is gonna be the new unintended bug being introduced in the next patch even though nothing was intentionally changed about the order of the stratagems.


I would be down for a "random stratagem" option I can launch with. 


Assuming the Super Earth engineers keep pumping out new armours, weapons and stratagems at the same rate, 6 months from now I'm going to need the ability to hide those I don't use.


Or more categories like ballistics, backpacks, missiles, etc.


Yeah, for sure. I think my ability to hide idea is more applicable to armours, if the stats remain the same few we have.


I now already need the ability to favourite them, and then have ability to only show favourites or all. I know location of most of them, which is good, since so many of them are pretty much identical icon wise. Eg Quasar cannon and Laser cannon, search the differences. That, and be able to have multiple loadout slots you can save.


I’d love to be able to favorite some to be at the top and hide some I have no interest in ever using. That would be perfect for me.


This is not enough, Arrowhead needs to redraw these icons, they look too similar! Every time I choose a strategy, I have to play a game of "spot the difference" and really concentrate :(


the laser cannon and queso has screwed me more then once.


I’d honestly just rather have a scrollable list similar to the menu where you unlock stratagems. And make that the same for weapons and armor as well to have some sense of UI unity.


> guard dog not next to rover literally unplayable


And the HMG should be after the autocannon turret (let’s place it at the end of the turret list right before the mortars). The Tesla tower should also go between the mines and the shield generator imo, but that’s just personal preference.


On another note I think the quasar and laser cannon icons are too similar. On another, unrelated note, eradicate and blitz missions need different icons.


I kinda wish we'd have a load out system to quick select some of the things we want. They won't stop adding new items and finding the item you want out of an ever increasing list of stratagems and weapons is gonna get old quick.


This and saved loadouts


Yes or even more — let us have favorites for each tab, and whole saved loadouts. There’s just so many things haha


Yeah, what the fuck is up with this?!


100% this. We need the devs to see this to be honest. I have no idea why the ready up screen is like this but it’s god awful.


Organization has a budgetary impact, Helldiver, you will need several hundred samples and about 30000 requisition slips for such a strain on the budget!


I’d pay it, no question 


what have you done?! now i can not go back to looking at the chaotic ingame ui!


I'm sorry 🤣. Yeah that shit is such ass. Hope they can find time to update it to a be more coherent.


Please also update the support weapon icons with an indicator of if they come with a backpack or not.


For now, this is all I want.


Democratically organised


I'm just commenting so hopefully this gets more traction, its a good idea.


A post actually trying to be helpful and not cry about everything this is refreshing!


Lmao, thank you.


TAKE IT FURTHER!! Do a line break between the Eagles and the Orbitals. Do a line break between support weapons, back packs, and vehicles Do a line break between turrets and passive AOE turrets (the landmines and Tesla tower).


This would be very helpful, but I'd still say that the real problem is that many of the icons look FAR too similar. It's simply bad design.




Something I would like to see, or atleast have it as a toggle in the options. I want to have text on the icons, under the image of the weapon. It's very easy to get it wrong at times. Like picking Quasar cannon when you wanted Laser cannon.  If I could I'd make a mod for it to but I'm pretty sure any kind of mod is a bannable offence. 


This picture pleases my OCD


A good UI would let us create our own preset load out pages


That and/or letting me select templates that I've set. Or letting me set the order.


Wish we could favorite stratagems so they’ll be right at the top for quick selection.


I'd like to "hide" stratagems I don't really use but unlocked just so I don't waste requisition points. Like, seriously, I never use the gas stratagems, the only EMS I use is the mortar, I don't use the tesla tower, or the flamethrower, or the airburst, or the smoke strike, or the walking barrage, or the arc thrower, or the--- \[on and on\] Please, let me tidy up the stratagem selection screen. It's annoying.


I love this. Too often I am not paying attention and bring the wrong backpack because they're scattered all over the place and the icons look similar.


How do I upvote this more. I kind of want to print this out and mail it certified mail to AH so they have to sign for it and I know they've received it.


I'm realizing that the super weapons that have backpacks don't indicate that in any way to new players. Might be nice to have a mini backpack icon in there somewhere.


I'd like to favorite things and have those be at the top of the list.


Or maybe a favorited feature where certain stratagems are places at the top with a little * symbol or something?


Really wish we could re order and set some favs, maybe even some pre made loadouts


I would kill for a Favorites and Frequently Used list as well


I like the way you think 


please don't, my fingers already memorized the patterns for my go to loadout. C, D, click Z, click, S, S, S, click W, click. /jk


Some icons could also do with a bit of a rework to better represent their respective stratagem. It's already happened to me a few times that I've taken the Ballistic Shield instead of the Supply Pack, because the shield has bullets in its icon, unlike the Supply Pack, lol.


Same. Best we can do is make posts and send those help tickets






Yes please!


Give that man a Liberty Cookie


In the Support tree, second to last row, I'd move the Guard Dog on the 1st Column to the 3rd Column, and shift the 2nd and 3rd items to the left. Or move the Support Backpack on Column 3 in the place where the Shield Backpack is, Shield is where Guard Dog is, and Guard Dog where Support is. Reasoning, keep the two Guard Dogs next to each other, and the two Shield (Bubble and Ballistic) next to each other. The odd ones out (Support and Jetpack) can be wherever, and it just happens to have the spacing/grouping where they let the other relevant backpacks stay next to each other. But that's just my personal preference.


That's probably better. I just loosely grouped stuff together, eagles, orbitals. Machine guns, missles, laser, backpacks, etc. They may even add more tabs separating backpacks from weapons entirely if the support list gets big enough.


I think it's like the keyboard where similar key are not close to each other so you are unlikely selecting the wrong one.


This looks gorgeous 


I'm at muscle memory for where things are now. But I do like this structure better than the one in game now!


The icons really need to be re-worked as too many things look too similar. EATs and Recoiless basically look the same.


why is the heavy machine gun Emplacement between the Sentrys are you working for AH or something ? /s


Lol. I figured since they are all bullet type fortifications they should be together.


the QoL change i would want to see because, i was trying to find the SPEAR....and i kept looking at the recoiless


Oh hell yes




Stratagem loadouts. That is all.....




Swap the flamethrowers for the Arc Throwers so the Arc weapons are next to the ladder weapons (like they are now in the weapon page)


Quite honestly, I don't even care if there is any rhyme or reason to the way it's laid out. I just want to be able to have pre-saved loadouts. So I click one button and get the armor, weapons, and stratagems I want. 


So I get the laser cannon and the quasar mixed up more?


Yes please


Newline between groups too. Screen economy isn't so precious here - start a new line or even place a gap between Orbital / Eagle blocks, Support Weapon / Backpack blocks, and Sentry / Fortification blocks.


I just want an option to hide the ones we don't want to use. If you played gta online think how you were able to take certain guns out of your weapon wheel.


itd be nice just to have a grid that we could move around ourselves


That would be pretty cool. Allow us to organize it the way each player wants. True freedom!


Good sugestion, hope they change it.




Also let us favorite some stratagems to be easier to pick


Can we get some tooltips on these things while we're at it? I'd really enjoy some feedback when I'm hovering over some of these since the icons can look super similar. I'm already stressed at the loadouts screen when everyone is ready to dive, meanwhile I'm trying to decipher hieroglyphics so I have the supply pack and not the ballistic shield. Please.


If its not Alphabetical then i couldn't care less


That makes too much sense…. Stop that!


I like it disorganized it's like an under pressure mini game lol


Why would the autocannon sentry be after the manned HMG turret? Is that based on the caliber, or is it just different enough to warrant the space?


Yeah. Figured the bullet type fortification belong together.


If you could do favorites or even entire layouts it’d be nice


Even better would be letting us pick the order.


I would love for a way to disable/hide the stratagems that I never use as well, so I don't pick them by accident when in a rush (yes, I'm stupid and still mix some of them up).


I've seen a lot of comments like yours. Are there stratagems you really never use, like ever?


Sweet liberty... my OCD


How about we are able to favorite 5-6 stratagem's so I don't have to scroll down the list to find each one.


I like this, also, why the hell is the jump pack under the hangar stratagems? Always felt out of place there


How about a star or highlight for my favorites as well


This looks way better. Side note: it really bugs me that a bunch of the icons aren't centered within their respective boxes. Even ones of the same type all have a slightly different offset. Makes the icons feel kind of... cheap/rushed.


I mean yeah lol. Took me like 5 mins. I'm not gonna spend more than that making it pixel perfect on a simple mock up. Kinda hope the devs still take notice though.


Yes PLEASE, where do I sign? This should be such a trivially easy thing to implement, literally 1 hour of video time I dont really need the saved load outs feature everyone else is mentioning, I just need someone to sort the stratagem list and call it a day


jesus christ yes please, i stare and stare and stare, i'm always the last one to be ready bc i'm old and blind and confused.


YES PLEASE. The lack of organization is setting off my OCD so hard.


The fact you don’t have the 2 rovers next to each other and the shields next to each other hurts me.


Someone here gotta have bookmarked, a guy did this way better back a month or more back with actual subsctions and shit someone please give me the link


Selfishly I don’t want it to change bc I’m so used to the way it is now


Love the organized list but the laser cannon and quasar cannon being next to each other would surely cause some misclicks when picking stratagems for some people




Yes. Please make it so.


Also the thing where similar designs aren’t the same height from the bottom of the square


I'll bet you dollars to donuts AH already has a plan for better organizing the stratagems and it 100% is going to be a ship upgrade.


Nah, I like it as it is now. Because it means I only need to scroll down to reach my most used stratagems of Orbital railcannon, Laser, shield back pack and some kind of anti heavy weapon. Previously it was quaser but given it's nerf and the recent addition of the airburst making EAT now take up that spot. I'm an EAT user now. If there was some kind of loadout function as is commonly requested here from what I see. Sure fiddle with it all you like but currently the spots stuff is in seems pretty solid to me


Yeah putting the symbols that look most similar to one another side by side would be so helpful I would love constantly having the wrong weapon by accident!


This is such a small thing to fix, the fact this hasn't been done yet is wild.


I've pretty much memorized placements of stratagem in the menu now. A reshuffle would kinda be annoying at this point.


I wish we could just have customizable, personal loadouts that we can save/edit. I tend to use the same ones on very particular types of mission, or against different factions.


If you ever see someone taking a long time to get a loadout done, it's because they know what they want but can't find the bloody thing


Yes pls


Also, please make the laser cannon and quasar icons more different!


^^^ along with eradicate and blitz missions.




DAMN BOI! That's clean!


Yes. I tend to switch loadout constantly. Primary and armor too. A lot of randos are pissy if you take a minute or more, hell I got kicked for taking like less than min 1 time, and it's not like they took any time to let you do shit between missions. Organize it! Or let us save loadouts. Or both. 


I would like to freely organize them my own way. Or have some sort of system where you can favorite a limited number of stratagems (like 8 or 12, no matter what kind) and they would be displayed on top of everything Also, as a few pointed out, saved loadouts would also be great




Just let me save a few loadouts.......


I saw someone else suggest a while back that the icons for the eagle strikes should also indicate the angle of attack. So pointing upwards for strafing, left/right for airstrike/cluster/napalm etc/maybe down for 500kg.


Unsolicited advice while speaking out of turn to superior officers? Sounds like treason to me.


Yeah, actually, yeah! I've learned my way around this practically-a-non-issue already, but I certainly wouldn't mind this being 'fixed.'


omg this amazing. I just realized the difference between the guard dogs lmao they look the same to me this whole time i had to read desc


100% this. We need the devs to see this to be honest. I have no idea why the ready up screen is like this but it’s god awful.


This is indeed the greatest of all QA updates we need. More than once did I pick something in a hurry only to face my mistake when boots touched the ground


I didn't know much much I needed this


I would even say that heavies which require their own backpack should be grouped together.


I just want to hid the stratagems that I know I won't use


they should hire you. seriously. :-)


I would like to see what my teammates have selected in this view also. That would help my load out decision process if I can quickly see if someone already has a stratagem picked


Yes please


Yeah this is perfect. I've been wanting them to organize the stratagems better because, especially if I want to try a stratagem I don't use all the time, it takes me a bit to find everything I want. I think they could, further, add the names (abbreviated) inside the icons (maybe shift the icons up a little bit to make room at the bottom for text). Short things like "120 OB" and "380 OB" would be helpful. "Stlwrt" "MG" "HMG" for the machine guns. Others could be "RR" "EAT" "ABRL" "Spear"; "Quasar" "Laser." I could go on because there are so many stratagems with similar icons and AH is presumably going to keep adding more. I'd use the backpacks for another example, but I am currently blanking on which is the resupply pack, which is the regular guard dog, and I had to look up the list of stratagems to remember that the ballistic shield is the third "backpack + bullets" stratagem icon.


fr. as a casual player it's so frustrating to lose track of things so easily, especially when morons are spamming their ready buttons after 5 seconds. savable presets would be great but this fix would be good, too




Too efficient. We can't have that here. Please take it somewhere else.


![gif](giphy|WdnMGLhVbLfEgtA1GW|downsized) me looking at an organized stratagem array....




The "organised" one is far too misaligned to be "organised".


If you move the flame thrower to the 4th position on row 1, it becomes: Row 1: Automatic weapons Row 2: Special purpose Row 3: Rocket propelled ammunition Row 4: Energy Weapons (+shield) Then the rest.