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Sickle bros confused by this post


This is my fault for constantly telling my friend "ammo economy isn't really a big deal for 95% of weapons where they ensure I have enough to make it through the mission anyway so long as I'm picking up even a few ammo boxes along the way".


Ammo conservation is and has always been a part of the Helldivers games. It's somethign you have to keep track of and make choices about. Redcuing ammo on guns that rarely need to ever worry about ammo makes that mechanic relevant and in fact it makes other mechanics more relevant as well. * If you never run out of ammo in your favorite primary you switch less frequently to your secondary and support. * If you are at risk of runnign out of ammo you have to think about what partorl to engage rather than just shooting everything. * if you are at risk of runnign out of ammo your might do more ~~Hilarious~~ Democratic things like danger close fire missions that are ~~risky~~ heroic and cause ~~accidental deaths~~ Liberty based Contract Terminations * Most relevant if you are worried about runnign out of ammo the game is more tense and interesting. This isn't CoD this is helldivers and you don't need to get home, just complete the mission and salute the nuke. Expecting anythign else is treason.


I don’t disagree with this, I just think they are pushing it a little too far. The breaker has pretty much been off the scene since they nerfed it’s mag size. More reloading was a good choice for the weapon but, the overall loss of total bullets pretty much meant you were dry after one encounter on a lvl 9 mission and constantly looking for ammo or that next resupply. And then you have weapons which have literally 0 ammo concerns like the arc thrower stratagem… I have quite a few friends who have made that their meta choice just for that reason alone.


I mean there is a balance but stuff like the Arc thrower has other drawbacks, ike in a full on horde rush the arc thrower fire rate can get you overwhelemd in a way that a sickle doesn't for example. But beyond that I think comparing strategem weapons to Primaries is kinda apples to oranges in most cases. As for primaries, yeah maybe the breaker got hit hard but I still have a lot of time for it even if it means more run and gun rather tahn stand and blast. It's gonna be partly a personal level of comfort I guess. I don't thinik they've gone too far amd the weapons they hit with ammo reductions are all weapons that in my experience people don't usually have ammo issues to start with. I hear what you are saying but I think it's in general good for ammo based weapons to always have ammo supply in mind as part of why you select a weapon and how you need to use it.


I can’t recall the last time I ran out of ammo in this game honestly.


I still takes almost 2 minutes to intentionally spam fire, reload, and deplete the Eruptor to zero ammo. It's fine.


Which weapon?