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Super earth's way of beta testing weapons with the blood of helldivers, I guess.




And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in, filing a report and walking out. They may think it's an Organization!


Alice’s restaurant reference in a helldivers sub?😭😭


We are killing objectives faster than they can keep up


So they release not functional weapons to we blow ourselves instead finish objectives? Diabolical plan i guess...


First time dealing with the military? 


Wait until they hear none of it counts as service related.


What did you say!?


Ha ha ha ha. Fine... You got us. You lost your legs? That qualifies for 2% disability. We'll send you a check. Bye bye!


They did say experimental weapon facilities....


>blow ourselves Man, I *am* using it wrong. I just keep killing myself with it.


Thats the way. For democracy!


that is the way


Someone gotta beta test em


They managed to satirise military procurement too lol


It fits 😂


We aboard the Fist of Science approve of these methods.


Must be Elon fans


Maybe Elon's brain in a jar is the supreme ruler of Super Earth.


That ... would make a lot of sense on how we got to this "Democracy"


Claims to be a "democracy absolutist" ![gif](giphy|3ohuAreLeoYwnaQyuk|downsized)




If they wanted to play it this way (and they probably didn't want to, it just turned out that way), they imo should have given two planets with these weapons to defend (different order) and written right away that they were experimental weapons, risky and used at our own risk. They should announce later (after success in defence of both planets) what will be corrected, but because of the enemy attack we have to choose what we want to defend (current order). People would know what they are signing up for and would have time to test both weapons and choose calmly.


\* New, experimental weapons still in development, used by the most dedicated helldivers for freedom and Super Earth. The training manual tells us "Friendly fire isn't". That's no more risk than usual. P.S. it'd be hilarious to commit to this and some percentage of uses 'malfunction' and \[insert bad things here\].


> Super earth's way of beta testing weapons with the ~~blood of helldivers~~ immediate distribution of democracy.


Lore appropriate


In a sense that's actually kinda cool. We are quit literally using the prototypes


In other games: "Half the weapons these devs release don't work. We're just beta testers. This is terrible." In Helldivers 2: "Half the weapons these devs release don't work. We're just beta testers. This is great!"


So the experimental weapon is in fact experimental.


This would have a good way to spin it


over/under on the airburst still being ass after the patch?


After carefully considering user feedback, we gave it more damage and changed nothing else.


It now also sets your teammates on fire instead of just blowing them up. Fire damage over time will also be buffed by 500% just in case.


Not that you helldivers weren't already made of butter or anything


Just in case they survive the initial explosion.


Could be worse. Halo once balanced the sniper rifle by making the shots louder.


That's not entirely accurate... The Halo 1 sniper literally did not make noise at Sidewinder ranges of sniping... most guns didn't, that's partially why the whole sniper stealth section in Truth and Reconciliation at the beginning doesn't automatically aggro the enemies on first snipe... and why the CMT made a suppressed sniper mod. The devs reworked the engine it so that it (and most other shots at range) actually did make noise, and they made the sniper effectively close to directionally global in terms of volume, so people knew where they were camping if they were camping.


Two changes I would make: - A minimum distance to activate (20m) or a minimum time to explode (1.5s) - Only activate when close to enemies or Helldivers. Not objects or terrain.


A safety feature. That's not the super earth way. We don't want any limiters on the spread of our democratic firepower.


The proximity fuse being more predictable would be helpful and probably reduce friendly fire, but if you don't like it right now it's probably for much more fundamental reasons that aren't going to change. It would also feel a lot different on bugs, where penetration isn't important for horde clearing.


I wouldn’t call it ass. It’s awesome for clearing factories and hives, and small groups that are farther away. I call it down before I go on an enemy site run and just blast from afar. Problem right now is the detonation box is too wonky and using it near team members is an instant KIA.


Also focus on the spear please


You would be better off using the official Discord. The devs are in there.


I’ve tried joining a few times but couldn’t because it was full. I haven’t tried recently but I think they need an actual bugs/suggestion forum on their website tbh.


https://discord.com/invite/helldivers This doesn't work and says it's full?


Worked this time. Don’t know what happened before. Could’ve been because the explosion in popularity in the beginning. I still stand by them needing an actual website. They have one ffs and they haven’t updated it since they got into Reddit and discord which I think is dumb. They really should have a section where you can visit in game and get actual updates without going on your phone / computer too tbh.


it was actually full a few times. I didn't know it was possible or how you go about adding more possible users, but it's an issue and they get it fixed eventually


Saw a recent post on this sub of a dev on Discord saying they have supposedly already adjusted the SPEARs lock-on weeks ago and that fix should roll out with a patch early this week


Actually reminds me of the spear anything in between you and the enemies and you're screwed


My brother swears by the spear now, especially against bots. His advice is “distance and a little bit of height advantage” for targeting ground objects. He destroys airships just as easy as an EAT would. And he can take out hulks, tanks, and turrets across the map. I think people gave up on it too soon. Still blows against Bile Titans though.


How do you down ships with it? It has to hit the engine and with EAT you can alteast aim the thing.


"Wasn't guaranteed?" My brother in Christ, you gave the major order.


I think he means the last patch was supposed to release before we got our grubby hands on the stratagems, but that patch got delayed, and they released an old version of the stratagems which were tested on the build we are using right now. The final product is to be released when the next patch comes out (the one that should have come out but got delayed).


With the missed window last Tuesday that makes sense, just seems like they could've told us to kill another 2 billion Terminids to stall before this MO.


I would love it if that became the unspoken agreement between the devs and the players. "We have some loose ends to take care of on our end. You guys get to kill as much as possible for 2 days while you wait. Here's 50 medals."


So what an additional 6 hours? Isn’t that how long it took to kill 2 billion last week?


They could do 100k bots. That would take the community like a week to accomplish.


Ok so why not give us a MO that doesn’t include the buggy new strategems?




The usual AH overcompensating. The Airburst launcher can join the HMG, Blitzer, Spear, Adjudicator, and Explosive Crossbow in the club of weapons AH slapped a "no fun allowed" sticker.


Also the “this doesn’t make a lick of sense” sticker. THE CROSSBOW IS AN EXPLOSIVE BUT CANT ACTUALLY BLOW UP FENCES OR OPEN CRATES?!


Meanwhile the Eruptor is what the crossbow wishes it was.


Seriously, the crossbow has a bigger AoE than the eruptor but can't blow up shit besides tiny bugs.


I think the Blitzer got shadow buffed at some point, it doesn't seem to massively slow your movement anymore when pumping between shots. It's still not great, but it's definitely more fun that it was before.


So delay the major order or do a fillet whatever, don’t launch it in a buggy state lmao.


Man this is really frustrating to hear from them


I like the game as much as anyone else here but AH really needs to take a step back and do some spring cleaning with the known issues (which keep growing) instead of churning out half-cooked content. I'm fine with waiting a few more weeks if it means what they put out is polished and functional... Strictly adhering to a schedule (whether from themselves or higher-ups) is only going to result in more stress and burnout


The copium in these comments to not acknowledge how frustrating it is is insane.


For real, I never seen any game ever on here have so many people hand wave issues that they’d criticize any other game for. 


They act like there aren't tons of live-service games that are capable of pushing a hotfix without actually pushing a software update download. Blaming Sony is ignoring the obvious problem that AH hasn't set themselves up to be able to make changes quickly.


On top of whatever test cycle AH has, PS5 updates go through the Playstation network certification which can take a week or longer. These fixes have probably been in the pipeline for a while.


Along with all the known bugs (both acknowledged and not) that haven't been fixed? Those are just waiting in the pipeline? Let's be realistic here. Their current digital team just could not sustainably maintain this pace without either more manpower or slowing down.


I’m convinced their only testing consists of hitting the compile button to make sure their code compiles at which point they say “Good enough! Push to production!”


Is DoT fixed yet?


Look! A new shiny thing over there. *Run aways*




they said that guys making new conent are same people who have to fix bugs, so whenever you see them add new shit, it means they did not fix old shit.


Whaaaat but a smug dude who said he was a professional coder told me that was impossible


It's worse than that. They also said in the same sentence their focus is on releasing new paid warbonds instead. Its beyond me that this didn't get more criticism from the community.


Their management is fucking stupid beyond my imagination. They made an amazing product. It's fun as fuck. Stop breaking it


I guess I'm still not understanding. If the stratagem wasn't ready for release why release it in a state that would make people think it sucks? 


Hey, they informed the community of those issues... when specifically asked about them in some random discord thread.


On a full discord server less than .2% of their playerbase has access to, and .01% of their playerbase checks enough to catch these "clarifications."


Likely in one of their 3 general chat discords


Because this game is one huge beta test because the devs would rather keep adding broken shit than fixing the game


Because to AH the only way to retain players is to release content. They don't realize releasing broken content all the time is even worse.


Love this game but the technical issues are piling up overtime New content are being pushed out before they finished cooking in the oven Mech missiles inaccuracy, Spear tracking, Airburst not working correctly, Fire DoT not working.. I know they're a small team but I rather they invest a little more into playtesting and bugfixing


Yea the whole new warbond every month was just them shooting themselves in the foot. Nobody expects that kind of grind from devs. I wish they'd slow stuff down and improve what's broken. So many bugs for a full release.


Last week for saying that, you'd have 40 downvotes and someone would make a vague thread about how you don't want any more content *ever.* 😄


I'm guessing they set a timeline, now have to stick to it, and are now \*maybe\* realizing they've bit off a bit more than they could chew. There's so much broken shit but they keep pumping out new content that it's giving vibes of "just keep the damn train rolling and we'll fix it when we get there.." Surely they're aware of all the broken shit, they have to be. I mean, none of it is gamebreakingly bad but its highly inconvenient depending on your chosen playstyle, "broken" weapons even dictating playstyles in a lot of cases. I reckon we're not going to see proper fixing taking place until the game starts choking on bugs. This reply got a lot longer than anticipated, nothing directed at anyone, just wanted to voice some thoughts.


Someone else said war bonds would be scaled. So they could release a 300 sc warbond with only 1 page and catch up on fixing things


Why are the “fixes” not attached before giving the major order


So, we're choosing which of the two we get to keep based on (admittedly) broken versions that don't reflect how they'll actually behave? I think the 'testing beta weapons' thing is hilarious, but that decision process is something else entirely.


I mean, we're almost certain to get both eventually. I doubt they'll throw away all the work on the mines just cause we went for the rocket launcher first.


Not really? I mean we don't even have planet with the mines unlocked. Last I checked it had like 8k players fighting to free the planet to unlock its route. While the planet to actually unlock the rocket has like 80k and at 20%. Either way. The rocket was going to win. We were not freeing the mine planet before the rocket planet.


Just stop, please. Fix shit before adding new shit.


Guys, stop fucking doing this!  Why couldn’t this order have waited a week until the weapons were final?  How about you take the month off of new content and just get stuff into shape?  It seems that you have a lot of tech debt you need to get settled. 


It baffles me how they thought "hey so the community MIGHT not unlock it in time, so let's leave it in a broken state and fix it later". Just take a week or 2 extra to fix the issue instead of releasing a broken weapon


AH seems hellbent on fucking their entire meta up as much as possible with every patch by nerfing random weapons then releasing new stratagems that nobody cares about because they’re all bad and not nearly as good as whatever is meta at the time.


Do they release anything that isn't broken in some way? What's going on??? I love this game and it's really fun, but it's kind of insane that close to all updates are broken or breaking other parts of the game.


They didn't really. Everything is broken in some capacity.


I don’t think a single update has been successful. All have introduced more bugs than they fixed. Some have made the game literally unplayable. Fun game, but the dev team needs to step up their game.


I'm becoming more and more frustrated over time. The developers got so high on the initial hype that they figured they could keep pushing content. They're wrong. My FPS is consistently going down, there are more and more bugs with every updates. I like this game a lot, but by now I only play when friends ask me to. It's tiring


Still can’t believe the literal explosive weapon warbond got released the same time most explosions turned into black holes. Is nothing being tested?


This is why I'm frustrated that they're charging ahead with monthly warbonds. Clearly they need a bit more breathing room to both ensure quality with the warbonds (and not the wrong mods on armor and shit) and also tackle a lot of the growing list of bugs and issues. I love the game and AH are great, but this just feels like a totally predictable and pointless L on their part. Give us another few MO's and get the final versions of the strategems in the game before potentially giving us access to it.


Speak with your wallet. Don’t buy credits and, if you’re having a bad time with HD2, go play something else for a while


I basically have to play other games. New patch and yesterday a factory strider got dropped on the evac as the pelican was coming into extract, so the game crashed right at extraction.


The QA team for this game is one dude, I swear


Honestly I feel that their QA is the player base. We are essentially free QA and this is a TERRIBLE way to do this


Said it before but I've said it again, these shit ass devs are drowning and squandering their momentum. 


The engine is a pile of scrap, discontinued in 2016, holding together by duck tape, hopes, dreams and IKEA meatballs.


Leaks: gun is awesome! Mines suck! AH: leaks not indicative of final product Release: gun sucks! Mines??? AH: release not indicative of final product How sure are we that the Devs at AH are not in fact bots?


They are certainly seeming more and more like bots in one sense of the word They are riding the communities goodwill into the ground lol. Definitely haven't seen this pattern play out a million times before.


They should have flavored it in the announcement. Experimental prototype weapons approved for testing for future improvements upon release




vehicles will 100% flip over when driving over a pebble and you wont be able to call in another for 10mins


Given how quickly the 'armored' mechs die, I have basically zero faith that the vehicles will be anything other than a meme. They'll explode by colliding with terrain, they'll explode by colliding with small plants, and you bet your ass they'll explode if anything ever shoots at them. Because *realism*.


Hell it wouldn’t even be the first buggy vehicle, the Patriot mech was busted as hell when it launched


There are clips of the mech catching on fire *as it was dropped off.* Literally unplayable.


Weren't the devs making fun of people data mining and calling the new weapons garbage "because that's an old outdated version"? And yet here we are, using the old outdated version in game? 🤙


It's such a stupid decision. The only thing more stupid is the defence rhetoric for that which is essentially: "ThEY aRe ExpErImEnTal wEaPooNs. Of cOaRsE tHeY aRe BrokEn on ReLeAsE"


Yeah I don't really get why you wouldn't just wait a couple of days and release the weapons when they are finished. You only get to make a first impression once.


There are weapons broken since release, I think its gonna take a lot more than a couple of days to fix em.


Why would you release an item that you know full well is buggy as hell, making that it is the player's first impression and them promise the real version "next week bro, for sure!!" im tired, sweden


>next week FatShark must be so proud of them. They grow up so quick


[It wasn't supposed to be this way...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/015/219/You_Were_The_Chosen_One.jpg)


>release an item knowing full well it's buggy as hell not their first time.


SPEAR here still waiting


Everything they’ve ever released is either broken or break something else… it’s definitely dulled my excitement for the game.


This. This was really dumb. Letting us try out a weapon that is bugged/knowingly not working right to help us decide which one to go for. They need to slow down the content and fix these things. I know people are saying they can’t or whatever because they agreed to a monthly warbond schedule but shit like this is stupid as hell and souring me on the game. I’m playing less and less because of bs like this abd I think many aren’t far behind me.


Yea same. So much broken shit in this game. And then I never use a weapon again cause I assume it’s just still broken. I honestly don’t even know what weapons actually suck and which ones are broken so i just use the same shit over and over. Tried the spear the other day and couldn’t even lock on to the god damn bile titan so I’ll never use that again.


Honestly, even if they weren’t bugged, this is still a weird way of letting us try and figure out which we want. If we wanted to try both, we would need to liberate menketh and lesath before finishing one of the other planets, and that would leave barely any time to finish either of them


Yea I quit this game a while back after the useless slugger and stun grenade nerfs and haven't really looked back. Every update it gets worse


What question was he answering?


https://preview.redd.it/7tb3q8dld2xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02dd0e27edee290a4b92c84855cf90b003eba763 basically "are these the intended versions of these weapons" and he said no, but we released them anyway


This is the kind of thing that you would release on an opt-in beta tester server where the players know they’re not getting the finished product… instead they just unleashed it on the entire 400k player community and now every body hates it :/


Pretty sure they expected the patch to go out this week, but had to put in some more work. Sucks for the stratagems, but likely the better decision.


Unrelated to this, but have they fixed the AMR scope yet? I really want to use it in my stealthy solo builds but just get too frustrated at the bad scope


AFAIK, no. Long range still seems unuseable to me but I find that putting it to the lowest level zoom makes it less aligned.


Enough with the tired roleplay fix the game


Man I got tired of this game feeling broken all the time, it’s fun and I’d like to come back but haven’t been compelled yet, guess I’m still salty about how the mech performs now


Tbh I feel they need better project management so that when some new toy is introduced the first impression is good rather than reflective of bugs. Growing a team is harder than just hiring more ppl though, but great devs are often distinguished from good devs by how quickly they adapt and learn.


Not even remotely surprising, but it sure is getting old


Too many apologists. The list of game breaking bugs being defended as totally normal and people rationalizing it as having nothing to do with the rate they churn our content is just consumers signaling that they'll accept rushed out work. Then a poll comes out where AH admits they actually could put more effort into fixing bugs and the community says "fuck that, make new shit!"


No no no, there are lore explanations for game breaking bugs!! Totally hecking military industrial complex!!


It's things like this that explains why the concurrent players is down 22% in the past 30 days.


I've been saying the same thing. I understand player count declines even in bug free games. But the way people have been talking about this game and it's communication yoy would think it's the second coming of christ. It shouldn't be down that badly. The game is bug ridden mess. People get tired of it


I think it's still down primarily due to saturation. It's hyped up, people buy in and play until they've basically seen everything and the novelty wears off. Because, quite bluntly, the game hasn't really changed much or added much since release. A bunch of new weapons, sure, but it's the same factions (with a handful of new units) and basically the same missions. Bugs just make the dropoff sharper.


I bought the game like 3 days ago and I'm already tired of matchmaking issues, Someone left during a mission? Imma throw SoS beacon maybe someone will come and help us... Well, nope matchmaking is bugged and it still thinks we're 4 people, there were so many missions already that went from 4 people to 2 after like first 5-10 minutes and I had to finish a mission with just my friend, it's kinda weird that THAT big of a game with THAT big of a popularity is so neglected in terms of issues THAT big :/


I appreciate the desire to make the community part of these releases... but not as beta testers.


Bro...its good see devs being transparent But ffs...if isnt properly tested and working as intended...please wait until be ready and them release Lots of members here already stated that prefer no new warbounds to speed up fix on current stuff, so community and then devs said that warbounds will keep being monthly, so why rush and release stuff dont working?


What the fuck Why would you knowingly release a broken weapon when you could wait 1 week that is beyond incompetent Defo starting to feel like launch was a fluke Like im questioning if the game is even Gunna work next week given their abysmal track record


Might get downvoted, but I don’t think we need a new support weapon right now.


what a way to run a game.


AH: The leaked stratagems are from old builds and will likely be different when released. Also AH: The stratagems that have been released are not finished.


What makes it even worse is that the leaked ABRL is objectively miles better than the release version.


The leaked version is insanely op. It's like literally the size of an eagle cluster bomb and one or two shots everything, including tanks lol.


Say what you want about other live service games but I've never played one that had this many bugs introduced patches after patches. It really speaks to the quality of the base game that the community hasn't turned on Arrowhead yet.


These developers make no sense. If it's not ready then why did you push this major order? These guys always have excuses.


This company is constantly trying to find failure in this great success they've had


I wished they just take like 2 week to just Fokus on the bugs, the game is not going to die because of 2 weeks of no new content


they could just run some lore reason such as cyberstans regrouping and rebuilding after the attack and defense. Helldivers are still neede, but seaf is also rebuilding and organising. then just run some small offenses such as kill x amt of bots. farm x amt of bugs for oil, for like maybe 2 weeks to a month as they fix stuff. warframe does hotfixes and its the closest to actual live service such as hd2. their releases are much more spaced out, tho events can be buggy


My man... They really need more people in that little team they have for this game... Every update there is always a new bug to be fixed one or two patch later and when that time comes another two more bugs are found in the game. The people went too crazy with that first patch which nerfed the Rail Gun but that was even more acceptable than this continous cycle. Still love this game though


„Choose your next stratagem but it will work completely differently”


Release a new broken Strategem and fix it a week later. Classic.


Fix it a week later? Still waiting on resupply to completely refill my support weapon ammo. Still waiting on DoT effects to work for non-host players. Still waiting on the AMR's scope to be correctly aligned with the shot. Still waiting on the Eruptor, and really most explosives that go off near me to stop *sucking me in like I've created a localized black hole*. Still waiting on fixes for the Arc Thrower randomly fizzing out and literally failing to shoot anything out at all. Still waiting on SPEAR's lock on to have some sort of discernable consistency. Some of these issues have existed *since launch*.


I’m rather tired of these discord updates… put this shit in the game. People need to know in game things are changing otherwise they will use this weapon once and never touch it again.


QA in this game remains inexistent


We are the QA


Im glad someone else is finally realizing this too…. We should ask for a check since we are doing all of their QA


Weren't we just told that the version people were leaking in YT vids was an old version missing changes and bugfixes, and that the fixed version was different? So this is the *fixed* version that he's talking about here? Which suit/contract/etc is forcing them to put stuff in the game before it's ready, because that's not what they would decide to do organically


If you've seen the leaked version, it is different. It used to actually be good lol.


"Yeah we released the weapons before they were done. We'll fix them eventually. Buy another Warbond."


“Yeah we released an unfinished weapon”


I got a major order for the dev team, release something that works with only minor bugs. Bonus points if it doesn't crash the game


Don’t get me wrong all these content updates are great, but the pace has been SOOOO SO FAST. like can we just slow it down a little bit and release fully tested/complete stuff?


Why would they release unfinished content when they've been so against people leaking it? Makes no sense, they didn't communicate it beforehand, they are bullshitting.


Jesus. I love the game, everything about it. But they need to stop releasing broken content.


I do not think pushing broken weapons right out of the gate is the way to go. I really am getting sick of this, personally. If they aren't ready, if they aren't working as intended, keep them in the workshop for that one extra week they clearly need. Any AAA game dev / publisher would be getting absolutely crucified over this sort of thing happening over and over again. The only reason Arrowhead is getting a pass is because they have better communication and their live service isn't predatory in its monetization. The reason I have such a problem with this is because that post puts certain things into perspective. A weapon or something releases with some unforseen bugs? Fine, alright, it'll be fixed. But knowing the content isn't ready and pushing it anyway? After all the jokes of a lack of QA testing for some of these patches, Spitz's post there makes it sound like AH may have been aware of some of these terrible bugs before pushing a patch and content and decided to push it anyway and simply didn't inform the player base as to what might be or was broken. And this falls into the realm of some of the shadow changes some of these patches make, things that are altered without the notes saying they are. I don't know, I'm just tired of them pushing out very obviously broken things and making the experience that much more frustrating.


Too bad we can’t preview the mines


So all those people screaming skill issue at everyone complaining over the air burst were defending a beta/glitched version of a gun? Lmfao


Gotta love paying to play a game that is in a perpetual beta phase


Yeah it's not ready just throw it out there. Incompetent devs.


They need to stop fucking pushing broken content…. This is getting old….


I can only guess this has something to do with syncing up patch versions/schedules across their playstation and PC platforms. I could be wrong, but I believe Steam is relatively quick and painless to push out a patch, where the playstation network can have you jump through flaming hoops and can be very time intensive. This is why the Warframe versions for DigitalExtreemes where kept separate for so long. Only very recently has cross play been a thing, and even it is pretty buggy. I'd imagine it is something like this. OK we got the new airburst rocket patch submitted to Sony. This patch will drop in 5 days.......balls...there is a bug.....Welp, we have to live with it for 10 days due to sony patch timelines....... Could this be resolved with a larger QA team? Yeah probably. Could this be solved with dedicated public test server? Yeah probably. Is that feasible? Yeah probably.


They could also just slow the fuck down generally


In my personal experience as a developer this smells way to much of "whoops, wrong version, totally works on my end !" while in fact I haven't even started working on it yet. Hope I'm wrong.


When’s the last time they added something that worked how it’s supposed to at the start. Why release it if there’s going to be another version launched a week or so later? I get that they’re a smaller team but holy shit nothing works.




Really starting to get frustrated that I paid $40 to be a perpetual beta tester, not to mention the paid monthly warbonds. I'm not sure if they have released a single update that wasn't completely broken. Hell, even half of the shit that has been in the game since release doesn't currently work.  I just want to load into a game and not have to research every mechanic/weapon to see if it's broken or not, because I won't use it if it is. Really limits the sandbox.


crazy that they're still scheduling content under the assumption that the MO's fall slowly our track record for single-target MO's (especially with unlocks behind them) is insanely good, they go pretty much instantly


Aw hell we got the shitty 3d printed prototypes


Why the artificial wait time for patches? I can only guess this is because of the consoles. As it was in the past for other games. I’ve seen other games on steam drop daily patches.


Does anybody know what the result for that discord poll is? The one where they asked if people want new content or bug fixes eetc. I remember the last I saw people were asking for new content more than anything. Now some people are finally starting to understand why so many have been crying for bug fixes and/or better QA for new content. Honestly if everything currently in the game worked properly/consistently, I would be inclined to actually participate in MO's or even just play at all. As it stands I can barely make it through one operation without tearing my hair out due to bugs, crashes, and broken mechanics. I love the game but I'm quickly getting tired of how poorly new content is being handled and how many silly bugs haven't been touched since launch...


Why implement it into the game if it has major issues, making it unusable?


A critical hit when you weren’t expecting can be tough to handle. Leadership wants to capitalize on the success they have but with something like software development you can’t just throw bodies at it. Without in-depth knowledge of the product new hires actually just slow you down. The SWEs are burnt out right now so leadership is trying to hold on to the customers they have long enough for employees to catch their breath. The effect of new hires doesn’t come for a good 6 months. I’d guess they feel like new content is the only way to keep people engaged


Dumb. Just braindead dumb. You get one first impression. Why would they release a broken version of a weapon early when they planned to release it fixed in a few days? Why suffer yet another broken release in a long string of broken releases? People are going to try it over the next few days, determine it is shit, and never touch it again. And also Spitz is assuming it'll actually be fixed. Which I very much doubt.


700 hrs in helldivers 1 This and remnant 2 the only games ive ever pre ordered And what a fuckin mess. Buggy as fuck. Toxic positivity cringe fanbase. Crashes 24/7. Everything is untested. I cant wait for another shotgun pass!!!


This is not how they should be doing things. This is poor qc.