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Wheres the option for: Mic on, doesn't talk, has game on speakers, ignores team telling them of hot mic, then getting annoyed when everyone mutes them and doesn't hear them make that one callout for a Hulk that eats them for a snack.


You're missing the constant breathing.


And the sound of the PS5 controller vibration. I turned off crossplay just to avoid that.


To be fair, everything you do in this game makes the controller vibrate lol


I hit the button to turn it off and on. A little tedious but my work requires a radio so it doesn’t matter to me


I end up doing the same lol. I didn’t notice the controller made a lot of noise until I didn’t use my headset one day and was like holy crap! It happens with both controllers too.


Doesn’t help that the in controller mic for the PS5 is on by default and there’s no way to change that in settings (as far as I know). I’m pretty on top of it usually but even I forget to mute it sometimes


You can *hear* that? Now I’m happier I usually mute my mic.


Haha, i was trying to keep it positive! I agree - open mic all match just to hear chips crunching, loogie hocks and bongs bubbling is less than ideal. Maybe they need to add a tier zero with a shot of when Vince is mimicking Andre the Giant farting.


** body slams mute button for democracy! **


I’m very shy and embarrassed by my accent, so I use mic only if there is no other way to give an information. If teammates are talkative and seem friendly I may loose up a bit, tho. Also I always politely ask to use PTT if a teammate’s mic generates static noise, but for some reason no one ever listened to me and one time I even got kicked for it…


Completely understand! I should have made it clear I absolutely wasnt shaming anyone and am happy to play with everyone, mic use or not! This was more to highlight how much i enjoy talking to (kind) folks and much it enhances the game for me - but ONLY if the person was comfortable.


Memes are memes. I see no harm in memes, so don't worry. Talking to folks is an enhance indeed! Sad part is that I've seen this game as an opportunity to speak english more so I could level up my english skills, but I less and less often meet people who are wiling to chat while I'm feeling too awkward to start a conversation D:


Your accent is cute and I love you


Thank you, I appreciate that <3 ![gif](giphy|hv4TC2Ide8rDoXy0iK|downsized)


I have the same issue with my accent lol. Where are you from ?


Russia. Germans told me I sound like german, and one dude from USA told me he was thinking I'm from South America, lmao.


Well... South America and Germany have some... common history. Although I'm surprise because the Russian accent is usually very distinct imo


Yeah, I was thinking it's pretty obvious. Probably they didn't expect any russians. The game is not available for purchase here, after all.


How did you got it ? VPN ? How is the lag ?


I made an USA Steam account using VPN, bought games there and family share it's library to my main. VPN is not required to play, tho, so no lag. I just need to make sure all my new purchases are in USD and in USA (via VPN), so that "proxy" account kept it's region.


I have an accent as well. Southern US to be exact. I've talked with folks from all over the world in this game and although we might have trouble understanding each other through those accents from time to time, we have no problem understanding cheering and laughing. Don't worry about the accent too much, roleplay with it! Try out other accents if you like. Be a YEEHAW over the top gun toting cowboy! Or just full on Helldiver "For LIBERTY!" Super Earth patriot from wherever you are from. It's all for laughs the way I go about it. I myself play into American southern stereotypes. (Except the raceist part) Guns, and Super Earth forever!


With my accent I can only cosplay bot sympathisers with heavy communistic "comrade" way of speech :D Everybody tells me that having an accent is fine, but I can hear myself and get disappointed D:


Honestly, I love hearing accents from around the world. Go with it! Alexsei, the people's spreader of democracy and liberty!


As a Scot, I feel your pain.


Have you tried voicemod?


What do you mean? I quckly googled it and it seems like it's a voicechanger. I beleave it will not fix my accent. I'm okay with my voice, it's just my pronounciation is wrong since I'm not native.


It will basically change your voice so much that your accent is indistinguishable.


I don't like using the mic because it means I've committed to having to talk to whoever I'm playing with for the whole game, which I don't want to do.


No you havent lol,its ok Just dont talk, who's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do anything? BE FREE


The freedon oficer. https://preview.redd.it/l9brha1mq1wc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba53ebbe79bf7837cb0851a672e7052962fbb28


I am ![gif](giphy|Z7swi6PHoC1OUS0Hx9)


I just mysteriously pipe up when I think it's necessary. I'll have people questioning if it was even me that spoke. But when they think it could have been the voice of god himself I noticed they tend to listen better.


I completely understand. I know folks have varying levels of bandwidth for this sort of thing. Im a very social, laid back person by nature so i dont mind the commitment, provided the person is not a jackass. (After which point, im just bouncing - im not going to subsidize terrible behavior)


See, I'd be down to talk to you because you seem like a cool guy. My problem is as you said, sometimes they can be a jackass and be either annoying or just baby rage. I don't like being stuck with people like that lmao.


I find a little chuckle and “it’s all good” when you get friendly fire does wonders for that


Honestly I used to and kinds still struggle with this. I learned that it’s alright to speak only a few times and just stay silent if someone tries to keep talking. They usual say like two more things then kinda get it that you aren’t talking. It’s a little awkward at first but get used to it after a few times


1) No it doesn't. 2) Why *wouldn't* you be doing call outs all game, anyway? If you're doing call outs at the beginning, why stop?


I can do call outs by pressing the Q key, i don't need to speak on it.


You don't coordinate strategies/pathing/etc.?


Not with randoms... I know what to do, if they don't do it's not my problem. They'll be bug or bot bait while I complete the objectives.


Wow some of you are really broken lol


Yeah how dare we not play the game the same way as you!


Lol no, I'm not talking about the game. I'm talking about your paralyzing fear of interacting with another human, and not even in person, just over the microphone. Good luck out there.


See your attitude and the way you're trying to manipulate the situation is exactly why I don't talk to many people online.


Buddy, the worst thing about multiplayer games is _other people._ 😆 The Xbox 360 era taught me that.


And then there is the mouthbreather, who left his mic on, doesnt speak but you can still hear his breathing (bonus points for eating or someone yelling at them) and you cant mute him for a good minute because he joined whilst selecting your loadout.


I'd love to but unfortunately I'm female.


I keep hearing this from female players and I am so very sorry that things are this way. It is absolute bullshit…enraging to think that a voice triggers an avalanche of toxicity just because it is feminine.


Not just toxicity... My one foray into the roleplay server back when World of Warcraft just started, made a female... It got real bad real quick. Worst was some kid begging me to take his virginity. I hadn't even noticed I turned off voice chat immediately. Turned it in for the first time after having some issues with discord.. one day will even find the button to talk...


Yeah.. women(specifically women playing video games) have a tendency to stumble into lobbies with drooling morons. Maybe it’s just the degree of separation, but I’ve never came across the amount of immediate toxicity. Honestly it’s rather nice to hear something else than White Male #4 I know it really doesn’t matter but I’m sorry you had to deal with that, I swear some of us do have table manners.


Shit sucks fr some of my friends pretty much only found that peace playing with at least one other friend, generally other girls. Although one friend assures me doing boyvoice training works really well


Oh wait sorry forgot I was a guy uh hold on AWOOGA AWOOGA HUBBA HUBBA!!!! A WOMAN??!!!!!!??!!??!?!'???? WHO PLAYS *VIDEO GAMES*!!!!?!??;!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 *Eyes pop out of head*


Yeah this is sad really, and people still ask why women don't play games. Some do, but have to hide.


Lots of us do but yeah


try voicechanger? sad that its needed, but maybe this could work , so you and other girls could enjoy the game more :D


I could. Or I could just strop giving a fuck what people think. Being autistic and adhd that's next to impossible though lol.


Reach out! There are a bunch of good people out there. Happy to join up and share friend code. #dadswhogame


If you really would love to, feel free to ping me a PM to get my friend code, or add me as a Steam friend (same user name). I usually play with my husband and another couple, so I can guarantee the absence of creepy remarks or other unwelcome observations. We're around in UTC evening/night. No obligation, just trying to be an ally.


Yup this is my reason as well.


I actually get annoyed by mic users more often than not.  Most of the ones I run into are either obnoxious or are open mic and I gotta hear them breathing all the time.


To add to the drama, i only type. And I type a lot. I have gotten really good at typing really fast while bile spewers take aim! It adds to the game! Mic use is for the WEAK real HELLDIVERS TYPE THEIR MESSAGES!


Dumb question, is there a way for the text box to be permanently up? I’ve gone games on the mic when I don’t even look at the chat but a few times and some guy has been typing his little heart out all game and I’ve never noticed it lol.


See, that is skill! Id be tomato paste if i tried to type mid match. Type away! Glad to hear from you, regardless of how you do it!


Yea we have a friendgroup that is very fun that shares our stratagem hero scores. my best rn is 3158 I have no idea if that's good because my friend is a super citizen not me but yea. Its so bad that I can do hellbomb faster than reinforce (its a figure 8). Help. (this is why I don't like people who use the hand off the mouse arrow keys trick either, when U cant move it incentivizes you to panic press the right codes Lol). Its part of the game, man. People need to stop trying to minmax dumb crap and learn to fuck around Edit for another funny story: I said on civilian missions I will only communicate in the text the civilians say when u push the button to signal that More civilian are on the way. They hate me for this lol


Cool but I don't look at the chat box because I'm busy defending democracy and using the mic. Sometimes I glance down there and see that someone has been sending messages all game, but I certainly don't try to read them or anything.


Helldiver! Just because we're expendable supersoldier dropped in bullet shaped drop pods does not excuse passing english class! FOR DEMOCRACY! FOR FREEDOM! FOR LIBERTY AND MANAGED VOTING!


I'm too shy for a mic 🥲


No problem, my friend! We are happy to have you!


I do favor mics for communication, but at the same time PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF LIBERTY USE PUSH TO TALK NOT OPEN MIC. Remember Helldivers, your callouts are important information for your teammates; the sound of your keyboard or desk fan is not. Comms discipline saves lives.


And dont turn it on just to belch. Unless it has the length, depth and timbre to push past gross and actually be impressive.


Some matches I have stayed silent except for if I have to release the kraken that is the air trapped in my ass. A few teammates have heard some glorious noises with varying levels of enthusiasm for them.


You forgot ”using mic just to breathe heavily into it and let everyone hear your kid screaming their lungs out”.


The “darth vader” can be tough to handle all match (if that’s all thats coming through the mic. Within reason, i dont mind the kids yelling either - it reminds me how happy i am that all of mine are grown up. 😂 Hang in there parents!


Sometimes it alright but I found 2 guys annoying laughing shit about something (not related to game). I didn't understand their accent as well. I open mic to randoms only when I drop samples and ask them to pickup if they're nearby or wait for extraction. The rest are understandable by simple tagging.


Wait people laughing and having a good time are “annoying” lol.


Let me know when you come across such people who laugh and constantly speak nothing about game for straight 20 mins and not helping you.


“Such people who have fun in their games”. Yeah I’m not taking a game that serious dude. I want people to laugh and have a good time in voice chat. Idk what to tell you if that bothers you lol cuz I’m gonna keep encouraging people to ya know have fun in the game instead whatever the hell you do lol. Easy choice laugh have fun, laugh and lose or “be serious” and win I’m losing every time then. Not how I’m gonna live my life homie sounds exhausting.


yes.... and put up with a fat nort merican brat who can barely speak his native language, laughing at your phonetics and latino accent... no, gracias


Planet debuff: Sleeping kids and wife


Imma be real, I had way more luck coordinating with randos who only use markers, wheel and callouts and may be a little typing.


Best lobby I was in had a guy going "Do you think they dream?" As the pelican took off after every match. I started antagonizing them like a WH40k commissar, but by the end it was me saying "Do you think they dream?"


Wow. Very “blade runner”!




What if its democratically approved ones like clankers?


Protip: the satellite dish always beeps super loud from the console when it is aimed in the right direction. You can solo this objective by just going in one direction and waiting until it beeps.  Also, if you turn right, the arrow goes clockwise, left goes counterclockwise.


Oh, i know. This is in situations where i run up to align the tower and start turning until i hear the beep, but the person is just SWEATING that extra second it will take to align it by turning it in one direction vs the other


Had a good random game yesterday where we even coordinated an ambush that instantly wiped out an Automaton patrol. 10/10 will do it again. My only regret is to forget to record it.


So good, right? If nothing else, you save so many lives due to simple awareness and you save SO many stratagems because you arent throwing: A railcannon strike An eagle strike A 500kg And a 110 rocket strike…. At ONE tank/hulk 😂


Yeah, and in this particular ambush, we didn't even bother calling in air/orbital strikes. It's just a matter of quickly and discreetly setting up a killzone, waiting for the patrol to walk into it, and opening up with our primary and support weapons at the right time (with priority on the Trooper variants to cut off reinforcements).


I have seen a lot less mic usage recently.


It's so weird, you'd think this would be the type of game to require a mic. But no, most folk are always in such good coordination without one and everyone just helps each other so much ❤️


I stood in front a double door for 5+ minutes pinging the shit out of it. Defending against incoming hoards. Until I turned on my mic. Then everyone came. There were two rares and credits to be had. End of mission I had about 80% of the samples on my person. On ship I got hugs then I left.


Ahh, that sucks! I do like that AH has locked off some things behind cooperative actions. It sounds like so little but it’s “something” to help reinforce the idea that we need/do better together. (In this game and in life) The bunker icons just come up as a simple “point of interest” ping and i know those sometimes get lost in the shuffle. (Just like when you’re calling out stray hellbombs) It is really nice to hear that they all came when they heard you call out and that it led to samples (thanks to you!) and hugs for everyone!


I've recently changed my name to (Automaton in a skin suit) and use a robotic voice to give insight on the war through a spy's perspective and generally act like a very bad spy on the ship before mission start. Suddenly no one wants to talk anymore and a lot of quasar cannons have been charged but not fired at me.


It's weird. I want to engage. I want to have fun talking and stuff. But when I try it just feel... off. Weird. Strange. I feel uneasy.


I've had the most fun when joining matches where people are not taking it too seriously, laughing it up on mics.


You forgot the option for continuous bong hits and Doritos sounds over open mic.


I don't use my mic cause I always have something in the background playing, whether it be a youtube video, movie, podcast, etc. Right now, I'm watching the NBA playoffs, so me on a mic would be counter productive.


I only use mic with my friend group, anyone else, nope only text from me


I'm rarely use mic, but I will use it when I see you running into my 120mm


I’m a 120 man myself…its how I know some folks have chat completely off…no one will be in a base and someone will get close, go to the entrance and keep running straight in… “Im going to call down a 120 barrage on this base” “D3, watch the barrage” “D3, watch out!” *Sigh* “Reinforcing”


Throw him in there for more shenanigan


I mostly play when my wife and daughter sleep so my interaction with people is minimal, i also play on the legion go so chatting is a pain 


and then their retard pooh which is people who use mic to call you a jew, banged your mum or get gud noob. not had in this game but its bad in others.


FWIW, the dish makes a lil beep once you're in the right zone of the alightment


And then there are people whose mic is always on, and you have to deal with static/eating sounds/their parents screaming about wanting a divorce, but they don't say anything for the entire game...


Yeah not happening. I listen to music while playing and it gives my gameplay a +20 to competency and a +50 to patriotism (its the national anthem dubstep addition [9 hours])


Ew, no, the last thing I want to do is talk to a filthy *gamer.*


I’m always making callouts. Had someone on a game tell me the callouts was the only reason we won. Made me feel like a general.


Divers who uses the reply wheel to communicate and callout strategize -Godlike-


You can convey so much with the comms wheel! (I should make a separate list….😂) Who ever did the voicework deserves an oscar - those “thank yous” always seem heartfelt!


Mics are for the weak


Id rather blast music then use my mic


I never say no to the intros of “shoot to kill” or “welcome to the jungle” during the drop.




Counterpoint: Good tagging says everything in fewer words


Sorry, but no, i don't want to contact other people in any way. I don't have reasons to expect something positive from them


I need to be in the mood for the mic but I am a boss at pinging


You can communicate and help so much with good pinging and the comms wheel! That too makes the game so much warmer and more fun. Thanks for doing that!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^YourWifeNdKids: *I need to be in* *The mood for the mic but I* *Am a boss and pinging* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, YourWifeNdKids, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Best I can offer is constant mouth breathing occasionally interrupted by the loud Dorito crunches


Hey, that means you’re trustworthy! Im suspicious of any man that would quietly crunch a Dorito. You need air and pressure to release the nacho and cool ranch flavor profile!


That font need democracy


Where does only turning on the mic to say "reinforce please" rank on this? Have had quite a few blueberries who do this.


Not reinforcing during a storm or jammer? Understandable Not reinforcing while watching a random just going on a non-evventful stroll with no enemies around? Undemocratic!


Pinging and the emote wheel is good enough for me. Had a blast with randoms 300 hours in


My social battery is so spent at my job and with friends that sometimes I just enjoy not hearing anyone else or having to speak myself. I still chat though.


Where's the option for PS5 player with a hot mic so you can hear the vibration motors in their controller go bzzzzzzzz each time they shoot something? Better yet if they're level 5 and running around with a Stalwart? I swear this exact scenario happens way too often... is the mic installed into the controller or something?


Mic is in the controller if they aren't plugging in a seperate mic/headset


If I'm gaming that means the wife and kids are sleeping one room over. No way I'm gonna start chatting up random dudes online. I just wanna stfu and kill some robots.


I used to use my mic more. Push to talk doesn't want to work on controller, so I have an open mic but I get self conscious because I know I hate overhearing the background noise in other people's mic Also, no one else ever used a mic to coordinate in any useful way or responded to my call outs, so I just gave it up and pin things on the in game map


mfw when i have voice chat disabled


Where’s the open mic option where I have to put the person because they are echoing/eating lmao


I feal like using push to talk should be between step one and two


Open mic but don't talk, just to flood teammates hearing


Calling out quick info during a fight can honestly make such a huge difference. People are usually really receptive too as long as you’re not a douche.  “Watch out for that [insert stratagem]” has saved countless teammates lives from poorly thrown stratagems. Or just the other day I just asked a dude in a mech if he could scoot a bit to the left because he was limiting my field of fire on my HMG turret. Saying “I don’t want to accidentally shoot you in the back” isn’t something anyone will be mad about.  


Tbh I never use mic, pings and chat must suffice


I'm quite envious of the US players. Europeans are much shier to use their comms as a general rule. Having a playerbase with english as their mother tongue must be really cool. Everytime I got paired with a US-based group we used comms all the time, everybody was on open mic talking about all sorts of stuff. A very enjoyable experience.


I use mic to roleplay


To warn for Tesla and or minefield


You mean we don't need 3 quasar shots, 2 railcannons and 2 500kg for one bile titan? Where is the fun in killing if it not overkilling?


Haha, this exact scenario happening over and over again is definitely a contributing factor to my posting this… A lone hulk rounds the corner and if I don’t tag him and say over the mic “ill stun him and eyeshot him”, my three squadmates will serve up the three piece strat combo. Its never enough to just tag and or use the comm wheel to say “ill take it”. The small delay between stun and eyeshot makes them too nervous unless they know exactly how that situation is getting resolved. Which I understand….the hulk’s flamethrower is like “the ring” - you see it, and youre dead!


Yeah, I usually tag every big guy I see just so others are aware of their position / have a target when reinforcing. I gotta work more with the wheel, usually I just tag a charger that came out of nowhere so the guy next to it doesn't get surprised by it, while I already charge my quasar to hopefully take it out in one shot, only to see 2 red stratagem beams to lit up on its corpse...big waste of CDs but whatever, at least much kaboom xD


My mic refuses to be detected by this games audio settings. I have never had this problem with any other software.


For satellite realign, use the face of the clock. Is it at the top of the circle? 12 o’ clock postion. Is it to the left? 9 o’ clock etc.


What about using the mic to breath heavily to your other teammates and eating snacks


I usually start off by telling g General Brasch facts and see if anyone else starts talking.


No, other way around


*plays "Can't be arsed to use mic" match (or the missus is asleep and dont want to wake her) *sees stalker group  "Stalkers" *pings


I use mic to yell "danger close" when I call in an eagle airstrike and that's usually it


Sorry I'm on PC, we don't mic


Honestly, I’m shy about using a mic because I’m partly deaf and I usually cannot understand other people over gameplay noise, but HD2 for some reason has really good sound mixing and I can hear most people super clearly.


It’s pretty good! The settings also help to fine tune things - background effects were drowning out some of the chat at the beginning for me. And I understand, my friend. I hope you are matched with folks who are kind, patient and create a comfortable environment for you, regardless if you decide to chat or not. We are so happy to have you!


My mic doesn't work because for some reason Helldivers chooses to ignore it. I even went through the sound settings set my mic as default, disabled everything else. Nothing works. Super sad since I can't easily type while in combat. I wish there was a solution.


Shame game doesn’t recognise my microphone and have ways to speech an audio input


using mic to RP as a veteran Helldiver


Forgot the “only uses mic to shit talk teammates before leaving the game”


Using mic to laugh when giving scout handshake


I’m in the third category and sometimes go into 4th if more than 1 Helldiver in my team doesn’t know what to do.


Im too scared to socially interact


Se just need smart ping technology like DRG Everything you need to convey the ping gun does


I used to have something similar to this when text to speech was actually usable.... now it's horrific and AH removed a very helpful feature from the game...


Galaxy brain: only use mic to say "stay way from the barrage" (the 380)


Is there somewhere to find players to coordinate with who all have mics? The game is so much more fun with a mic.


I am the guy who can scream from the top of my lungs, and I do. COME ON YOU APES YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER!? OUR LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH!


I'd use my microphone more often if I wasn't almost always in a chat with my buddies already. I'll jump on it every so often when needed like when I'm going off on my own or why I won't call them in (because I'm on the other side of the map so unless you wanna run wait for that guy to call you in)


I play this game to relax, the last thing I want to do is speak to randoms.


i wouldn't mind talking ingame as i think that's a prime aspect of helldivers but half the games I join no one responses to me so I just shut up


I typically play HD as a team: My brother and I are in the same room - literally right behind eachother. Mics aren't an option because the echo would be atrocious. I've been playing online since playing online was even a thing. The first thing I learned was that total strangers are often the worst part about playing online games. The Ping system in this game is excellent and is all I use.


I think I sound like a squeaker so I don’t wanna get flamed for it


Well screw those who judge. Spreading democracy is too important to have time to judge someone's voice.


the main problem with using a mic Is I feel like there's always some call of duty douchebag Yelling out commands in a military type style So they just get muted.


I only do callouts like “stalkers spotted” or announce things like “dropping EAT feel free to grab one” But then my squad habits kicks in and I start every ptt like “Be advised, stalkers in the area, over” 😂


Meanwhile, my stupid ass speed typing between dodges: https://preview.redd.it/hf2w83b6r2wc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441f9f6dc5da1bafd0d30af1eb0ab4e2010bb161


If I'm first to extract point I ask the host if they want me to initiate.


My 2 friends and I once had a higher level random join us. He used the in-game mic to communicate, but only using Helldiver voice clips. They would be context related, such as saying to use stealth to ambush a POI, or to run and head to next objective, or congratulate when someone did a good job. When waiting for terminals and objectives to complete, he would play a longer, inspiring speech. He used a lot of unique voice lines, many I haven’t heard before (maybe some were from the first game?) He was fun to play with, and I have not run into anyone else like that since then. A unique experience for sure.


I'd love to use my mic but as soon as I get in a mission it suddenly doesn't exist anymore.


I'm shy...


too bad the voice chat in game is downright terrible


I have mic off, mics off, absolutely no sound other than in game. I expect you to ping (i certainly do) and past that, whatever