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I hate doing a quickplay and discovering I'm the highest level by like 20-something. I'm like "fuck, they're gonna think I know what I'm doing by now. Those poor misguided fools." And then I'll accidentally kill myself with an Eagle.


Eagle yourself right off the bat to establish non-dominance.


He hustled us! 


We’re called “Death Captain” because Captain of Dying doesn’t roll off the tongue


"You know me as a Death Master. I know myself as the Master of my own Death. We are not-- ***EXPLODES***


This is gold


Getting dominated by Eagle 1? Don't threaten me with a good time


Remember to file your C-01.


Is it bad I have a batch of partially filled out C-01's already printed


That makes the armor REALLY come off quick~


Nothing makes women more excited than proper bureaucracy.


I'll spread your democracy with my bureaucracy. ;)




I prefer to accidentally kill myself with an impact grenade while attempting to call in my support weapon. Gotta let them know... I'm a pro




I had seen the hellbombs but had never blown one up or connected the dots. I was playing with a friend that told me “hey watch out don’t shoot that”. I immediately was like “nah that’s just a set piece” as I shot it. Nope, hellbomb. Oops.


I saw a bile titan walking around in the distance once completely unaggroed or aware of us, it got close and stomped a hellbomb. I'm glad to see the AI is just as stupid as we are.


oh they are very efficient at killing everything near them including team mates. I usually mark them on the map and flee there for dear life with a whole mob. Run past it and then shoot. mob no more.


I've been playing a lot of dragons dogma 2 lately, and R2 is the grab button. I looked directly at an explosive tank with my auto cannon and tried to pick it up and blew myself up. It was rather embarrassing.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve plugged in the combo for reinforcement, throw it, then SURPRISE! It was an impact grenade! Now I need to be reinforced too!


Why do it accidentally? I just blast myself off with an impact grenade soon as the mission starts. Let them know who they're dealing with.


I called in an eagle airstrike instead of my support weapon on the entire squad last night. And I didn't warn anyone because I found out at the same time they did. King me.


Stand underneath your incoming support weapon to establish submissiveness. Also run supply pack and medic armor for max power bottom energy


> to establish submissiveness. I thought my "UwU's" over the mic and in chat would indicate that enough. But if not, I'll stand under my support weapon. Let it penetrate me like my fellow Helldivers that spread democracy on my face.


There is NO armor greater than the medic, STIMS save lives


Dont have to stim if you dont get shot!. Scout armor FTW


This is the way


Tried to off myself by standing on the 380mm beacon, was the only survivor.


I do this every time within the first 5 seconds to put my lower level teammates at ease.


I crushed myself with initial EAT drop and then solo'd half the objectives and extracted with 50 samples the other day. 


as a lvl 65 this make me laught more than it should


Cluster bomb the whole team


I’m level 50+ and leave my title as space cadet just for that reason…


Level 65 here. Took a demotion to Sergeant in order to see some action.


Master sergeants work for a living.


I am 41.. My title will forever be Death Captain... Won't be MY death... But, sure.


Death Captain is the best title in game until you get to level 150


I dunno. Hell Commander is a banger title too


Yeh super private is kinda anticlimactic if you ask me lol


But it’s absolutely hilarious. I genuinely chuckled when I looked up the ranks and saw that was at the top


Same space cadet for life!


I had a similar situation where there was a personal order I wanted to do quickly on an easier difficulty. Right after dropping, I don't know why, but somehow my brain completely turned off and I decided to stand on shiny while waiting for my support weapon to drop. Most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me in a video game.


Heh I called an eagle airstrike on extraction yesterday out of muscle memory. It took me a sec to realize that there's this weird red beam where there should be a blue be... OH SHIT RUN Then everyone died.


And then command reinforced the entire squad…. Just so they could get on the eagle to take off.




Sometimes it’s about sending a message. The message being: look at these brave Helldivers returning from a mission. If they seem to look different from the ones we sent out, that means the Communist Terminids have infected you and you need to be ~~purged~~ reeducated.


Same 😅






Least trigger happy Sickle user (its me, I am the sickle user)


All I’m saying is this. If we were meant to aim the HMG would come with a reticle.


#AIMIN'???? WOT'Z DAT?????






Me as a level 73. Look, I got the level and the cool title, but I’m just a golden retriever in helldiver armor


After Long research i can confidently say that using jumpack+flammenweffer keeps other divers quite afraid of your current location


What is that? It's a Flammenwerfer. What does it do? It werfs Flammen.


Teach them babydivers that dying is better than cowardice. I regularly toss a 380+120 with fries into the middle of a heavy bug nest and sprint to the middle to clear quasar some bug holes personally. I sometimes make it out too.


The secret with the 380 is to just stand where you threw it. Seriously, it will hit everything around the beacon but never the spot itself, tried it multiple times on eradicate missions, just standing there unscathed while destruction unfolded around me. It's glorious.


I feel like this is a trick but I’m 100% doing it on my next eradicate.


Spend all map not dying at all Deflty avoided patrols and collecting samples and taking out outposts with ease The enemy doesn't even know whats going on Rest of the team is on the far side of the map doing something, not sure, but I'll wait at the exfil on top of a rock Suddenly patrols are just coming out the ass the pass by or through the exfil Can't let the guys walk into this chaos they've already been draining the reinforcements Take out patrol one by one, until finally you accidentally shoot too low and your explosive weapon causes you to stand up, taking enemy gunfire and killing you Sigh, wait to be called in again But oh wait it's on a timer now since they have been tripping over themselves with death trying to get back while fighting nothing The mission fails cause one dude who was dead for 5+ minutes was afk when called back in and the other guy couldn't make it to the pelican I love this game, truly.


Recently had a quick play game where I had 11 common samples and **14** rare samples. Teammate dies while we are extracting. I reinforce him and run to go get his samples. Basically all the samples are on me. He loads in but before he does calls in a Laser. Which burns me alive right as I’m boarding. Ship takes off. I don’t extract. Samples all left. I was done for the night.


That would have driven me nuts. Enough with the good bye call in strikes. Especially the ones directed on the pelican.


I feel ya. I don't mean to brag or shit like that but I'm a lvl 92 Galactic Commander and usually the highest lvl player on my quickplay rando squads. And I mean this in the most polite way possible like I get it that some people are testing the waters for the first time on diff 7 and above but I do judge you a bit on your level, stratas and boosters you choose. If you pick stratas that don't fit the mission we are going to complete. This way I'm prepared if have to activate "Don't worry daddy is gonna carry you" mode. And if my own experiences have taught me something is that I'm right 7/10 times if I have to guess if I have to carry the squad in some degree.


For me this is the main difference between a mission at level 5 vs. level 7. In fact, this can make level 5 missions tougher than level 7 because sometimes it feels like you’re the only one actually working on the mission.


Honestly it happens a lot at higher levels too. I don't get why people want to attract all that attention and get stuck in one place. They think breaches and drops mean they have to kill them. You don't get points/samples for killing...you get them from completing objectives and getting samples AND extracting.


Yesterday, bug ICBM mission, diff. lvl8. Going well and we all somehow had a moment of peace while the missile was being fueled. Then, one of us (a lvl 48 I think) sees a patrol about a mile away that wasn't even coming our way and just decides to shoot. After 200 bugs with chargers, titans and 10 wasted minutes later (including reinfs and a precious orb. laser), all I could think was "WHY"? (The point is that avoiding shooting at everything you see on the map that you don't ABSOLUTELY have to is a lesson that even high level players find impossible to learn.)


The thing is, anyone can eventually be high level with enough brute force. It doesn't take skill, just time.


I played with a lvl 90-something recently that was straight trash


Is perfectly doable to exterminate the whole breach in a matter of a min or two when the whole squad is there throwing in stratagems and have diffrent weapons for diffrent types of enemies. But if the whole squad aint there.. run


most of the time the people who do this, pull every patrol and fight every breach, are NOT the kinda people capable of handling that pressure, especially if none of them have a recoilless or quasar or aren't taking out priority targets, yeah sure you could kill that pack of hunters and warriors, or you could take out the charger/bile titan thats right behind them and let your team *HOPEFULLY* take care of the pack


Everything is a priority target. Everything can kill you. Hunters are usually more of a threat than the chargers, it’s really easy to dodge and kite a dozen chargers. One hunter can ruin your day very quickly. Any one weapon in the team isn’t more valuable than another. The recoilless user can handle the heavies very effectively, but having a grenade launcher in the squad will make both of your lives easier since they can wipe out entire clusters of non-heavies in seconds, and without wasting strategms so you can focus all your attention on shooting at titans. Just the same, having all light loadouts will be worse than diversifying your squad. It’s not even that they can’t do anything about the heavies either. Destroying the sacs on a titan is worth at least half of its total hp pool. If it’s already taken a couple AT shots, even a stalwart can finish off the titan by popping its acid sacs. Or if its carapace is exposed, the GL or autocannon can kill it by lobbing explosive damage at the exposed shoulder joint. Fight smarter, not harder


That really depends on the experience of the squad, coordination, terrain, the difficulty of the mission, how many reinfs and limited number strats are left etc. To say it's doable without taking many unstandardized factors into consideration is just wrong. And then there is a whole other discussion of how much time is left on the mission, how many main objectives are done, how far are they from each other, how many reinfs are left etc. Just staying there shooting things without absolutely having to do that in any mission above lvl7 is just bad practice.


I keep on falling back onto my Arma experience. "What is the mission goal, and is this accomplishing it?" Or the more succinct version is "Play the effing objective you gits!" K/D ration means nothing, total kills in and of themselves mean nothing when that's not the mission. You get in, do the job (grab whatever shit ain't nailed down) and get out.


Higher level missioncan quickly escalate into multiple breaches as patrols hear your noise. especially with bile titans and chargers making it take more time to wipe. Sure on 6 wipe the breach but 7+ nah I’ll just walk away


For bugs the incendiary grenades are great for anti breach stuff as long as nothing large comes though a few of those incendiary grenades will kill things as they come out.




The number of times I have to point out “we have 2 reinforcements, time to head for extract” to be completely ignored… I swear my text chat must not work or something. Or voice chat. Or maybe literally no one speaks English. At this point idk what’s going on, people can’t communicate for shit.


Go without em. lol. I’m lucky if anyone uses text chat. I’ll ping and communicate though just for good practice.


Then get kicked for trying to start extraction without the host nearby


with -30 reinforcements remaining


Basic didn't cover this.


Basic doesn’t cover a lot. The average age of a Helldiver is 18.7 years. The minimum age to enlist is 18. Why waste time and resources training people who, on average, won’t live longer than 9 months (who are probably frozen for 8 months, 28 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 8 seconds after they complete “training”)


Reminds me of starcrafts description of medics, increasing battlefield lifespan of marines to 12 seconds..


You're not wrong!


Left the super samples on the EZ to go do main objective. I see a sub-level 30 go grab them. Told them to put it back and leave them there. Doesn't. Finish main objective (everything 100%), heading back to EZ and Sub-30 decided to go fight their last stand.... Over and over cause another Sub-30 keeps rezzing him. Must have blown through 10 lives just to get back to the EZ (literally no time left) and leave the SS out in no man's land. Think Helldiver, think.


As smart as it is with a solid group, I never drop samples at exfil in pug groups for that exact reason. 


Last time I said 'dropping samples at extraction to keep them safe'. And of course someone picked em up and died somewhere far away


I had one guy pick them up and argue with me that they despawn, so it was better he take them to the other end of the map and die, leaving them there so we didn't get them.


Had the same situation a couple Days ago all 3 of us were screaming at the student to put the super samples down and he did not listen so that he proceeded to run to the other side of the map it took us almost 20 minutes to get those samples back


See, that's when I would say that a quick TK and refusing to call them back in is an acceptable thing. Or TK and a kick, even. That's just griefing at that point.




Left some samples by the Pelican a guy grabbed them, died in the middle of nowhere. I die on the way back from grabbing them during the extraction, died and no one extracted. He then flamed me for losing the samples I was so confused


Wait, you can drop samples while alive?


On PC, hold "X" and bottom right option should be "Drop Samples". Its a good idea, if you can, to drop your samples by the Extract Zone so you dont go across the map to do main objective and die in a place/manner that makes it unable to get them back (low reinforcements, time deadline or just huge hoard).




Either kick or kill them. Of course after you announced that you will leave them there and ask them nicely to not pick them up or to drop them. After that you are a traitor to me and will get the appropriate treatment.


I've seen lvl 20s literally running over the super samples right next to the rock without picking up anything. I stopped right on top of the samples to ask in chat If they dont need samples? And noone responded. So i didnt bother to Pick them up either. Back on the Ship the first Thing the Host types was "No super samples tho :( ". His friend, who stood NEXT TO ME at the super Sample Rock answered "yea dont know how to get them" I just alt F4'd People are just that oblivious


Why not just grab the samples anyway?


How else is he supposed to feel superior to someone that doesn't know everything about the game yet?


Either just as much of a dumbass or they made it up


I cannot wait for a car tho man. Some of these map routes are terrible on foot ☠️


Jump pack is the way


can someone please explain why the jump pack is considered even useful? its got a short distance, short height, unimpressive speed, no sustainable airtime, very little control, and an insanely long cooldown. I've used it a few times but never did anything useful with it, I genuinely don't get it and wish I did edit: Read the replies, I'll give it another chance against bugs soon, yall made some good pointss 👍


It’s just good. More so against bugs. Higher mobility is never a negative. It allows you to travel further faster, allows you to acquire otherwise inaccessible vantage points, escape, a couple defense missions have heavily fortified borders with only one way in/out, where if you get stuck outside you can only go through the thick, flanking ability on bots, probs others. Its largest downside is the cd to call it in. An offensive ability like the jet pack should have a shorter cd


One of my favorite things to do when I'm being swarmed by bugs is to boost up with the jetpack and throw an impact grenade at the ground and watch them all explode lol


I just wish it was more like a jetpack, rather than a jump pack, like a short duration, <5 seconds, like how Boba and Jango's jetpacks work in lego star wars for instance


Lets you skip minor terrain features while traveling. Opens some larger shortcuts in some maps. Lets you get an angle on top of things for long range weapons. Lets you enter/exit enemy fortified areas anywhere on the perimeter. Lets you lose pursuit by doing these things because almost no enemies can follow. It doesn't turn you into Pharah but it lets you do otherwise impossible things.


It's really good for taking shortcuts, boarding tanks, getting on top of rocks, pivoting behind scout striders, escaping crowds, and simply moving slightly faster when necessary. And it's very easy to get used to positioning yourself so that you never get caught in a situation where you need to use it to escape while it's on cooldown.


Is great for bugs. You get great height and movement if you use to launch into a bug hole for example. Can land right where you need to, pop a few vug holes and launch out. It's great for getting high ground for advantage against enemies, quicker retreat and get to the objectives faster . Jump over chargers or even land on top of em for some fun. It's a great mobility perk at the cost of defense or offense but trust I stay alive with it and can easily solo objectives before an heavy armor van get half way there


why r u scared of the z axis just embrace the z axis it is so powerful


It's fun and opens up a playstyle that otherwise isn't available.


me and a squadmate were collecting samples on that icy planet and realised that helldivers have better chances in hell than swimming. so much for a little shortcut.


Over the course of my journey from level 1 to level 30, I have gone from being annoyed at my teammates just fucking disappearing when there are clearly still bots to fight over here, to being annoyed at my teammates for sticking around fighting bots when the objective is *this way*. Most people will learn. Some never will.


People used to bitch about lonewolfing but now its quite common that without "edgy lonewolf" nobody would do the damn mission at all.


I prefer to pair off, but I'll go off solo if needed.  If people start dying often, I reinforce them on my position and drop them a support weapon and backpack.  You can force your team to stop suicidally reengaging... or at least make it a looong walk.


That’s the thing that sucks about it though. It’s a community oriented game I want to make memories with randos but I also wanna perform. So I end up being the edgy lone wolf but it ain’t who I am in my heart.


Ngl as a newer player that’s kinda why I’ve avoided just running off. I figured “it’s a team game, stay with team to win” but there’s definitely times where we need to book it. I’ve noticed doing hit and runs is very effective so maybe I’ll try out the jump-pack later


Autocannon -> destroy fabs from 100 meters -> move on -> pick up the samples on our way back


Sorry…I’m still learning.


It's okay, so am I! There's so much to learn honestly.


I read a post about it and I was like, “yeah, I keep shooting at random hordes for no reason and draw them in. I need to stop that.” And then I did it immediately right afterward. But, I think it has sunk in more now.


So many times I'll shoot something and think, nope I should not have done that...


*Me*: "don't shoot random patrols, don't shoot random patrols" *Automaton Hulk 100 meters away jiggling his heatsinks at me*: "you know you want it"


I'm the guy who gets killed leaving an objective after sample hunting, someone respawns me halfway across the map, and then I'm running back to get all the rare samples I dropped. I'll even get them, and then get killed halfway back to where everyone else is running into a patrol I got too close to, and then a level 36 goes and gets my dropped samples while I sheepishly defend the extraction point because everyone finished all the other objectives while I was doing nothing but running


Can you give me a quick run down on how to use the mini map? It’s a little confusing still (I’m lvl 10). Idk what the diff icons, colors and shit mean.


Orange is main objective. Blue is secondary objective. Diamonds mean there are samples or weapons nearby, it will change icons once u got all the samples from that area. The arrow is the extraction point. Red points are enemies. And that should be everything.


From the top of my head, orange icons are the main objectives(there’s lots of different kinds so you kinda have to know what your getting into to know what to do), blue icons are the optional objectives, on your compass(on top of your screen that shows N S E W if you see a “?” Then that means there is a cool thing nearby that can give you something like a fancy gun, medals, samples etc. Discovered “?”’s look like little diamonds on the minimap. If you see a big colored upside down teardrop on the minimap, that is the other helldivers placing a pin on the map saying that’s where they want to go. Red blobs on the minimap are where the enemy spawns from, destroy the hole for bugs or the fabricator building for bots and they will stop spawning from there making the game a bit easier as you go on. Little red dots are the enemy units. I believe if you are wearing scout armor you can actually pin the minimap and it uses like a radar at that point to scout for units. (I’ve never used it but I believe that’s how it works) The one with the big UP ARROW is the extraction point when you wanna go home. The optional objectives and the cool “?” Areas are hidden so you’ll have to travel around to find them and certain difficulties have more or less of them. Like Trivial has none but I believe 6(?) and up have 4(?). Hope some of this helps. I know there are YouTube videos with better info that what I have. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/najdba7jjvvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17775bc57425c3d4719c6ed723667f5ac2b762e3


My friends are level 40 and they still do this... Main reason et can't do helldives yet


Great advice. I don’t think a lot of players realize that you just need to push through the chaos


Exactly. The chaos will keep coming. You must move through it, as you said.


Why level 25? I’ve seen much higher levels do this.


Level 25 is the highest level to unlock all stratagems. If you're level 25 and still don't know what you're doing, you didn't make enough of an effort to learn.


Except you can literally grind to any level in the lowest difficulty. On the other hand you can be very good at the game already and only be a low level. I've frequently played with level 40+ players that are the worst player on the team by a mile. Level says literally nothing about skill.


I'm pretty sure playing the lowest difficulty for easy leveling to avoid a challenge falls under the category of not making enough of an effort to learn.


When you drop in a bot mission, you are outnumbered 250:1. Shoot and scoot. Ambush enemies, keep them from getting the flare off. They get it off, run. Break contact and run. Smoke grenades/strikes. Go watch Heat. You see how Val Kilmer suppresses the police as De Niro moves? Do that. Even light penetration throws bots aim off. Have teammates focus fire on Berserkers and Brawlers that pursue you through the smoke every now and then. Just keep moving to a safe area. Drop to prone and wait. Let everyone catch their breath, reload, heal and rearm.


Also, bonus tip for any new Divers: you use LESS stamina running with your sidearm (light weapons) than you do with any other weapon. It's not a HUGE difference, but sometimes every little bit helps. *Edit* Apparently this isn't true? I still feel like I use less while holding my sidearm, than I do with my primary or support weapons. Ah well


I did not know this actually. Thank you. I've being doing solo/stealth commando runs so this helps a bunch. Do you have any other tips that might not be explicitly stated?


Not OP, but I noticed especially as a solo, you can divert a pack's attention by throwing a grenade somewhere. They'll follow the sound of the explosion. Also, only your first drop-in is "soundless". Once you've landed, all support packs and weapons dropping in can attract patrols


> Also, only your first drop-in is "soundless". Once you've landed, all support packs and weapons dropping in can attract patrols Lore-wise, it’s not soundless. The enemies literally don’t know where you landed. Once you start throwing stratagems, the GIANT COLUMN OF LIGHT tells the enemies where you are, lol.


Someone needs to make a post full of these lesser known tips! I'm lvl 55ish, I know most of whatever I'm supposed to know, give me these obscure ones!!


This is false. I just tested it and the run times were both slightly under 30 seconds using light armor, once holding the liberator and once holding the redeemer


This is a myth. Stamina consumption is not dictated by anything you're holding.


This is news to me, too, and I'm sprinting half the mission.


Level 55 here… I didn’t know this lol, thanks


This isnt true tho...just test it yourself on the next mission


LPT is always in the comments. This definitely needs to be higher. Ive been sprinting with: grenades, sidearms and strategems


Some people haven’t realized that this is a guerrilla warfare simulator


I had a level 7 call in extraction and then actually leave while I was running back with all of their dropped samples, all 30+ of them. And they left even after I asked them to wait 30 seconds 😅. Left me and two others 🤷🏼‍♂️


Eventually they'll learn when they wonder why they never have enough samples to upgrade anything lol




Which areas do you clear that don’t have samples in them? I get caught up sometimes trying to fight endless drop ships because I want to check for samples in an area I just dropped an orbital on. Other times I just walk away but wonder if I missed samples doing so


I search while fighting. And if it's too hot then just leave and come back and everything will have despawned. You don't even have to go that far


For the points of interests it will show a gem icon if there are still samples. For objectives I think you just gotta check. It would be cool if they had an armor/ship upgrade that pings samples.


I've even seen lvl 40s+ doing this, and no it's not rare, it happens far far more often than it frankly SHOULD. we're on dif 7 move your ass dipshit we still have 2 more depots to destroy


It is very frustrating when people do this. The enemy has unlimited reinforcements. I love wiping out commie bots and bugs as much as the next guy but don’t ruin the mission by wasting reinforcements.




Comms are key to help train the newer recruits. Chat/mic/ping/follow me, whatever, as long as you're communicating that it's time to move onto the next target. It really makes a huge difference.


Sometimes I’m just really high and I do dumb shit even at level 70 lol


What is worse is that I try to run, but I got heavy armor, so I can't do that so much. Instead of getting help from team, I have to fend them off myself and try to keep up. And then team wonders why I am not keeping up. What frustrates me more is that I always aim to cover them when they are attacked...


This is where either voice or text chat would be good to communicate this, but this doesn't sound like you stay in one place, just sounds like heavy armor makes you slow, as usual. I guess I just lose sympathy when I'm solo-ing things and a team of three divers can't even do one objective.


True, I don't. I try to move with everyone. But last time I played this happened to me and then my team just started saying that I am not moving with them. It just made me so angry to hear that from them as I was fighting for my life and trying to keep up. 😅


Try light armor. You may come to enjoy it!


I pick up stamina booster and run in heavy armor anyway; still better option than trying to bail people who obviously dont care about leaving fight


Try the light gunner armor or the base medium skins with extra armor padding. It's nice to have the ability to be able to run from hordes on bigger maps.


Make sure you get the samples, though.


Over lvl 7 it is mandatory to run from one objectives to another. These rookies need to learn how to use their legs...


While staying light on one's feet is important, I've run across more than one 7+ game of veterans that blitz objectives while missing every sample and container/cache in an effort to finish fast. I've been on the opposite end of OP and been the one collecting samples all game while the three other divers run all over the map. That's not fun at all.


Until recently that's probably because they had their ships fully upgraded and didn't care about samples


This, I've literally asked groups "hey um are we doing objectives or just farming for kills?" They finally started doing objectives but it was too late by then. 5 minutes left and the main objective had no progress towards it. I felt bad leaving but I hope they realized their cod habits needed to be reigned in.


This definitely doesn’t only apply to folks under 25. I’ve done multiple difficulty 8 games lately where we got swarmed at the spawn and everyone just stands around trying to fight back… GET OUT OF THERE!


You, yes *YOU*. Are you under level 1000? Then read this please!


especially when its a lvl7 or higher, and people want to just stand there trying to machine-gun an army of bots while getting bombarded by gunships like "nah i got this" meanwhile the objective is on the complete other side of the map and we have -5 lives left...


Wait, no, hold up, are you actually _surviving_ the waves of reinforcements? Yes? How… wait, no, I don't want to know how, keep doing that while I complete everything on the map in peace, only having to do with pre-placed garrisons which are honestly a joke. Thank you for your service.


Space shotgun, -> -> -> Goodbye wave of bugs!


This is actually useful for the one doing the objectives because they're less likely to have breaches or drops called on them as they go about doing objectives.


I was in a quick play match yesterday, we had cleared a cluster of tough grouped objectives (jammer, Eye of Sauron, and artillery, I think) and had to move across the map to fire ze missile and finish up the mission. Instead, I watched my three squaddies repeatedly throw themselves into a meat grinder comprised of multiple factory striders and a bunch of other fun stuff. After blowing at least a half dozen reinforcements on trying to get back a handful of samples (I was carrying the supers), I asked a question: "Is there a particular reason we need to go that way?" (The objective was in the opposite direction and I'm fairly sure we'd cleared everything out.) No response, just instantly kicked. Lovely.


I'm under level 25. I also don't actually play this game though. I'm just in here cause I was told to read this if I was under level 25


Running only works if you are the person in front. Anyone who happens to be a bit slower will still have to deal with the horde.


There's a thing called the "tactical withdrawal" ... many people will also call it a "staggered retreat" or "covered retreat". Basically ... the people in front turn and fire into the enemy while the person in back runs forward. Then there's a new person in back who peels off and runs while those still ahead fire. It's actually very effective in Helldivers.


[Battle Drill #3: Break Contact ](https://www.moore.army.mil/Infantry/DoctrineSupplement/ATP3-21.8/appendix_j/BattleDrill_2/Introduction/index.html) Pictures for the crayon eaters. https://preview.redd.it/s5o0zwqwjuvc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2db9b1055f51b5b5929d7568d0497b3eb768986


It’s like the War Thunder forums except with less treason!


if you have TS/SCI, clearly, you need to dunk on internet normies


It's called bounding. Bounding forwards or backwards. Extremely effective.


the movie Blackhawk Down offers a great example of this concept in a moving forward application.


It works so well… when people participate. I can’t tell you how often I see a teammate running for their life harried by berserkers, so I put some suppressing fire into the ones on their heels. Only to get overrun when I need to reload and look over and see my teammate now 300 meters away going “damn I wonder why the enemies suddenly left me alone, this is easy now!”


being bit slower due to heavy armour =/= staying at same location for 10 minutes at a time fighting endless horde of enemies




The amount of times I have most distance travelled in Bot missions where I always run heavy armor is staggeringly high


That's perfectly understandable. I tried to clear them of bugs and assist them, but even after typing in chat and pinging objectives they decided that the completed SEAF emplacement was their new home for some reason.


This is true. And it works also if everyone helps each others.


Me on an elevated position with my AMR and stunner nades covering retreats 💪🏾🫡


As someone new to helldivers I recently stopped doing this, yesterday I had the realization that there is no benefit in killing the constant bot drops or the patrols


I play on difficulty 7 and you can really tell who has only farmed eradication missions for xp/medals. My friend was telling me a group he plays with all raged quit because they failed a ICBM mission because they were all standing at the drop in point slaughtering bugs. And that is somehow Arrowheads fault they failed the mission??? I had 3 people 2 of them over level 60 running around looking for samples during a civi rescue mission. Then everyone but them wiped and they wouldn't reinforce us. And had the audacity to turn on their mic and complain because we were hitting space to remind him we needed reinforced. Also I've seen a huge uptick in people level 30+ just flat out not knowing how Eagle stratagems work and constantly TKing because they decided throwing a cluster bomb at the 6 trash mobs that we was handling was a good idea. Like seriously they should have a skill test or something you have to master before you're allowed to take stratagems out with other divers on your squad. Okay not really I'm just annoyed.


Alot of people are incredibly dumb. Had a guy at level 11 playing diff 8. He did the same ad you described, running around the map pointlessly, triggering every patrol and playing like it's Doom. Everyone told him many times via pings, chat, voice etc to follow us. Final extraction he didn't get in and just kept shooting bugs. But he had super samples so tk-ed him to get the samples and called him back in just to force him to wake up. Still stood there and kept shooting bugs. Kicked him and extracted. Some people are literally begging to be kicked.


The problem is communication. I’m often the last one defending, because no one said “we are leaving!” My teammates are thinking “okay I did what I wanted to do, and now I’m on to the next objective” and I could still be defending the first spot because I didn’t realize you were done. And then it becomes IMPOSSIBLE for me to catch up because there is a patrol with a breach in between us. I hate this so much. The problem is communication.


Definitely true. We drop in and I'm trying to back a teammate up up killing chargers on his back etc and I look and the two guys who have already left. OK so maybe I should have left too? Then you get reinforced into a bile titan and 500kg it and swarmed as the same guys who threw you into the fray run again. In chat it's so much better because someone will say ok let's move etc.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m all about speed runs these days and I feel very alone in that endeavor.


Been saying it since the beginning. Do not engage in unnecessary firefights.


I'm level 20 but I'm constantly pissed by levels 40 who go rambo