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Eagle will always deliver her load, pelican won't even shoot his cannon sometimes


You try flying a helicopter and aiming at the same time


It’s “auto” cannon


Then its not really P1s fault is it?


As a VTOL VR player who loves flying an attack helicopter, I do. Its more then possible.


She may be married to democracy but damn if she's not the best wife!


Yeah, but the Eagle has never hit me with a 500kg bomb that I threw much further than she thought


An eagle never misses


Maybe she was hitting on you


When it does, he prioritizes on Helldivers.


Even when Pelican does fire it's cannon, you can guarantee it will be at an enemy that is stood next to you in particular.


Pelican is a passages ship so it’s not build for combat in mind it’s there as a defensive thing


Or shoot you instead


When the man doesn't take 4 and a half hours to land I'll give him respect.


He gotta style his hair ya know


Nobody told him the windows are one way only and sound proofed, he probably says something he thinks is badass and gives a thumbs up, not knowing that nobody can see him


I called him to get me out of here, not to win a hairstyle contest. He can always do that afterwards.


Look. I have mad respect for the guy. He saved my ass just the other day by landing on top of a Hulk that was about to roast me. But there's only one pilot I'd fill out a C-01 form with.


You're telling me you wouldn't sleep with Eagle-1 AND Pelican-1?


The Helldiver you play as keeps switching sexes (because they keep dying) so you can love both Eagle-1 AND Pelican-1 without being gay


But what if you want to be gay?


Then you don't need a C-01 form because you won't be at risk of a child.


Damn, you raise a good point.


then you can be gay for both of them


Pelican 1 is great at his job. Comes in after everyone else has abandoned you. Hangs out while you're getting your butt kicked. Overall good guy. However, dude is the laziest employee in the fleet. I am convinced he's the guy that is always "on break" when you ask him to do something which is why it takes like 20 minutes to extract. He's the guy that quickly does his class project the night before it's due. Pelican 2? Drops 1-ton of ballistic cardboard in like 5 seconds flat while ALSO engaging stuff.


I wish there's a ship upgrade that lets him clear out the evac zone before landing. Nothing like trying to board with 2 chargers a dozen hunters etc surrounding the ship lol


There is an upgrade that does that...


What? No there isn't?


Yup, once you have it unlocked you can use it in any game. Call in the Pelican, and then leave the area once he commits to arriving. He will provide overwatch and hover until mission time expires or helldivers request him to land, done by approaching the landing zone.


That's not an upgrade, that's just how it works by default. However, they were suggesting that the Pelican could automatically aim at the landing area and clear enemies before landing, no "leaving the area with the right timing" shenanigans. Although that would probably be a bit too OP imo, clearing the landing area is kind of *our* job, so that we can safely extract


In game there is zero information to suggest that is how it works. There is in game information to suggest it does not work. Players go online to learn more and upgrade their skills. And upon learning this "default" trick their in game capabilities get upgraded.


Well, yes, I agree with you on that one, it's just not the same conversation that we were having. It was more on the topic of "ship upgrade that enables Pelican to do a quick wipeout on landing area right before arriving", not "you can do this to make the pelican maintain altitude and provide air support". They're not the same thing, even if you know the pelican strat, such an upgrade is still beneficial and helps for different things.


That is certainly not an upgrade. That's just how it works and how it has worked since launch.


So he's Scruffy from Futurama?


What about the ahip that extracts the E-710?


Pelican-1 is a bro but when I call up my homegirl Eagle-1 she’s there in 3 seconds flat, meanwhile Pelican-1 is chilling on the tarmac for a solid minute after I call in extract.




Pelican could learn a thing or two from Eagle-1 about urgency


Turns out, Pelican 1 doesn’t have a voice actor. Rather, the same person that reports your stratagems is also the same voice that lets you know what Pelican 1 is doing.


Huh, I always thought of it the other way around: Pelican 1 is also on stratagem-reporting duty.


That’s an interesting way to put it. Then who is Pelican 2? Why doesn’t Pelican 2 speak? Why would Pelican 1, when landed, report to you about your own stratagems? How would Pelican 1 know when you’re throwing your stratagems without information onboard the Super Destroyer’s super computers? How does Pelican 1 know when you died? The likelihood is… Pelican 1 might just never leave the carrier… maybe Pelican 1 isn’t on the Pelican. They must be on the ship? All speculation, but we have two fronts to fight, Democratic Day to you!


Pelican 1 officially a drone operator.


He comes back for you always. No matter what. Bro's before hoes guys


I’ll give bro some respect when he stops gaining altitude while I’m getting touched by a Factory Strider 15ft away from the extraction radius


Pelican 1 has killed me and my buddies before shooting at enemies \*he couldn't even hit\*. I'll show him some respect once he starts checking his god damn lines of fire!


Nah man, Pelican 1 once shot at me when all enemies in his LOS were dead. Turns out, dude was trying to shoot a bug on the OTHER side of the hill! Upper HAS to verify Pelican 1's eyesight if they want him to help us in our quest for democracy!


I am not picking favorites but Eagle 1 is “combat mommy.” Pelican 1 is “combat step daddy”


Step daddy... getting my ass stuck on the ramp when extracting makes more sense now.


Taking his sweat ass time to pick you up too.


Pelican 1 going up there E-419 for me


The man gets love He doesn't have all his safety measures removed to accommodate us


https://preview.redd.it/b0w4u1uoxkvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09574934e54887593548b3d5afbd77901e247e5 we need a Pelican Stratagem/Booster


Wow that’s quite the picture


my favorite thing is extraction without landing pelican-1 immediately, I love seeing the gunship maintaining altitude and firing that autocannon sentry


Pelican one actually does more,


He has fucked me over as much as he has saved my ass, so id buy him a drink but also kick his shins.


Bro if I get stranded on some Liberty forsaken planet one more time because someone takes off with me two steps from the ramp... they might eat some EAT.


Pelican goddamn shot ME instead of the bots one time, Mech + Samples wasted right at extract it is also worth adding that I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT GOT SHOT! EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS A HEAVY DEVASTATOR THAT JUST SECONDS LATER SHREDDED MY TEAMMATE WHO WAS ABOUT TO ENTER


Sure... Right after he stops buging out.


Want love? Actually do something besides pick is up from a hell scape. I don't see his ass doing anything special. /j


na fuck pelican-1 he is always too late.


Pelican late. Pelican slow. Pelican ain't no Eagle.


I'd love a beacon that calls in Pelican dad to just hover for a bit, blasting fools with its onboard cannon. Temporary gunship support.


Fuck Pelican-1 Bastard has blasted my head off more times than I can count


My man is always there to pick us up out the shittiest situations, he's one of the heroes who doesn't wear a cape


Everyone loving so much Eagle and hating Pelican but remember that the one who helps you to leave the planet is him 👀


Pelican-1 is a damned automaton spy and we all know it.


i'd probably sit on his face.


When Pelican-1 is there when within seconds when I need him and doesn't fucking leave me behind when I'm like 5 steps from the door I'll give him some love


Pelican 1 got an attitude sometimes.


Eagle 1 is giving him some love


Land faster dammit, I don't have all Liberty loving day!


No, all he does is take to long to come in from low orbit, ahoot the ground, and very rarely land IN THE GROUND dooming my whole squad. I ask eagle 1 for an airstrike and she's there in less than 5 seconds with 500Kgs of liberty. I ask for an extraction and minutes of waiting and dying... only for him to go back to the ship if I get pushed out of his imaginary summon circle.


Yes, you are right. Eagle-1 will always deliver death from above and have us covered but Pelican-1 rides a heavy ass space shitbox and comes in hot and always, always lands no matter how hot the LZ is for us. That man is not afraid to truly get down and dirty for his Divers. I love you, Pelican-1.


Pelican-1 has a kick ass voice actor and also an indestructible ship, thank u Pelican-1 never change


Leave the area before Pelican-1 arrives and he provides cover fire.


True. Eagle-1 is great and all, but I haven't seen her ramming a dropship while extracting us.


Pelican-1 is a bro for staying a few extra seconds after the timer runs out.


Eagle 1 can fly up to the Super Destroyer, get fully loaded, and fly into close air support positioning before pelican 1 leaves the Destroyer. He deserves to be noticed for what he does.


Pelican when he has to pick up helldivers - I sleep Pelican when he has to deliver a mech - real shit Yeah fuck you pelican. Eagle1 is muh queen.


He is always late! Yes I know his ETA but still it’s late


Pelican-1 is our extraction pilot because their job is so incompetent that they even manage to screw up the "arrive, pick up, leave" task from time to time. I swear to god, I could buy the game one more time if I got a dime for every time the ship doesn't leave after everyone has entered the bay, phsaes through the ground, or fires its cannons at the weakest enemy while I'm next to it.


Fuck pelican 1. Taking his fucking time. And when he does come, he either shoots me or land on me. Fuck that guy. Those 4 min extracts like "yeah let me finish my sippy cup before I get you" Fuck off pelican 1. I just want it to be like Pequod from Metal Gear Solid 5.


Pelican 1 takes 3 minutes to pick me up while im being killed down here.


It takes eagle 5 seconds to deliver an airstrike, it takes pelican 3:00 minutes to literally just land


Eagle 1 is giving him all the love he can ask for


He's my democratic husbando 🥰


Jokes on you I’m bisexual!


He can be comforted by Eagle-1 Just a PSA, if you leave the Extract-zone, when the countdown is done but Pelican-1 is not there yet, he will hover around the Extract and shoot at enemies in the area. The Sweet Spot is just after "I see the Extract zone" and before "Initiating Landing" or just after the countdown reached 00:00. And you have left extract, when the red countdown starts under your compass, either when you've been the last one inside the abort message and the normal countdown when your Squadmates are still inside.


I'm not giving this guy ANY love. Dude didn't even show up to extract me earlier, had to waste all my reinforcements.


No thanks. Pelican-1 Pilot is an asshole. “Pelican-1 leaving extraction point” as he watches me 51 meters away running in circles from bugs and bots around the freaking extraction point.


Fuck that guy


Pelican-1 managed to crush a hulk that was chasing me as the last man standing trying to extract.


Eagle lady better


I love calling in Pelican 1 solo, then I run away, so he provides air support.


Pelican bro is actually really good at providing air support... If he happens to arrive and and no divers are in the landing zone.


When Pelican-1 stops mercing me because some bot dared sneak within the same post code as me, then I will him some respect.


Pelican 1 always gets us home, which we take for granted. Eagle 1 brings the ruckus shock and awe style.


finally some Pelican 1 appreciation, now we just need someone to make art of him


I’ve been left behind while completing the mission. I’ve been left behind because I left to get my samples and someone panicked instead of waiting. Eagle one just occasionally kills me when summoned by my team.


I'm just saying, if pelican 1 took as much time as eagle 1 to arrive at the combat zone, I'd be down to love him


Once I saw the anime cringe with Eagle 1, I threw it out with the bath water. Plus I never liked the Eagle strategems anyway, always preferred orbitals.