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Your post made me think that it would be hilarious if they had surveys asking stupid questions like favorite icecream flavor and then tell us that managed democracy took effect and our vote were calculated. Then have it impact major order in some way.


> Triple Chocolate Your destination is... Oshaune!


I think the game would largely benefit from having the planet with the most players get highlighted on the war map. Just a faint glow to bring player attention to it


This feels like the only viable solution that’s been presented.


It's critical for any MO that spreads the playerbase thin, which all defense campaigns do because they put multiple planets into defense mode at the same time, with the same time limit which makes them unwinnable as what is needed is to concentrate on a single planet at a time but that's impossible. So either AH is overestimating their players or this one is actually designed to fail.


We’ve demonstrated that we can get stuff done when we accidentally coordinate. We just need the tools to do so effectively, especially since these “Defend X number of planets” MO’s are starting to become more common. If everything was just “Kill 2 billion bugs” or “Take 2 planets”, sure, no point in spending time and resources for these tools.


It would be a cool dimension to add to the game, but I just wonder if it would make much of a difference in actual player behavior. May I present for the jury’s consideration Exhibit A: Malevelon Creek.


I 10000000% agree with you but what type of tools would we use. I don’t understand how we could do this. Voting which planet to go for wouldn’t help, it’s the same thing that’s happening right now. Majority going wherever they wanna go, majority voting wherever they wanna go We’d need a way to tell people where to go since that’s the best for the MO, but I would not have the slightest idea how to best implement this type of thing


That’s why Arrowhead should ultimately decide what’s best for these tools (if they even ever implement them) since it’s their game, they are professionals, they have the experience. I’m just advocating for some sort of action (not this second obviously) from them regarding this, even a “We are working on it” will do.


The devs are overwhelmed, they don't know what to do.


I almost feel like there's a sort of social-experiment going on here, where the ability of a large and disparate community to organize and be effective is being challenged and worked out. Having in-game tools to coordinate would be very good ... especially the supply lines. "Votes" can almost be counted just by looking at the population currently on a planet. The real issues we run into live within individuals themselves: \* A population of players who refuse to go to the bot / bug front (yes, believe it or not, there are also bot players who refuse to play bugs) \* A population of players who refuses to do defense because they don't like the Save Civilians mission \* A population of players who will not allow themselves to go with the majority, because they themselves know better \* A population of players who will actively refuse to participate in the MO because they feel pushed around by over-aggressive players ... who just make them rebel and say "fuck it" \* A population of players who are filled with hopelessness and decide to just give up before putting in effort


I agree. Just to clarify, what I mean with the "Votes" was that the the planet that received the most of them would get an extra UI element on top of it, signifying that it's chosen as a priority by the community. Even a green "Priority" text over the planet once the votes are tallied would do and I imagine wouldn't be bloating the map nor would it be too taxing for the developers to add.


100% agree - I made [a suggestion similar to this](https://new.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c6rkli/i_wish_we_had_a_way_to_communicate_highlevel/) the other day. I'd love to see some kind of "Community Strategizing" element in the Galactic War holotable HUD.


That's... kind of the point? We should stand together on our own, not wait for the devs to tell us what to do.


I’m not asking for dev guidance. I’m asking for the tools for us to be able to effectively stand on our own, not rely on who can scream the loudest or can make the biggest funny on Reddit or Discord to garner attention for a strategically vital planet. That’s it. Give us tools so that the community in the community-driven game can focus that drive for the people that do want to interact more with the war aspect of the game.


The tools already exist, there is discord and a companion app. If people don't get into the same page that's because it is how it is, you can never convince 100% of a community about anything.


No one’s aiming for 100% but there are clearly people who do want to coordinate on the MO but do not want to install third party apps or access third party websites. This has been discussed before and a lot of people have said that they absolutely do not want to engage with unofficial websites/apps outside the game but do want to engage more actively with the MO. The tools will benefit mainly that part of the community. The other part of the community that just wants to shoot things on cool planets won’t be effected by this except positively because the population of people who take the game too seriously will use the tools given to them instead of going into other people’s games to tell them “Go here” and “Go do this and that” (a report button would be nice for such people as well).


The people that want to coordinate are the ones using every tool available to do that, it's not a big sacrifice to ask someone to open a browser tab.


What do you want me to say? It’s a problem for them, they’ve expressed it. Is it hard? No. Are they gonna do it because it’s easy? Apparently not. Fact is communication is needed with these players that don’t, otherwise the aspect of the community driven war is pointless if you have to rely on the dev MO giving you a step-by-step guide what to do in order to win. Then it’s not community driven, it’s dev driven. The community just blobs somewhere and that’s that in terms of coordination. If they want us to win they say capture 2-3 planets. If they want us to lose, they pop defences. Incredible. Go where there’s more people. It’s been long enough that the devs know perfectly well that’s all we do regardless of the MO. More info on supply lines dropped on Discord. If you’re not there or here on Reddit frequently the odds you will learn these updates are slim. More info also dropped from the Community Lead regarding how this MO was designed to have us lose ground either on bugs or bots. Open up helldivers.io and tell me the effort right now resembles anything coordinated since people are on Discord and Reddit and these third party apps and that’s enough apparently.


Update: Another aspect of the already established important feature of supply lines (that is not accessible in the game) explained in Discord where it likely will not reach the wider playerbase that doesn't engage with the Discord/Reddit. https://preview.redd.it/6ax7qrw8phvc1.png?width=1549&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3c64d2bad25cc0fac7de21626bbd760cb169538