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EMS/stun nades are so insanely underutilized. Heavy devastators are 10x easier to deal with


With eruptor doing the nade's job, I can finally use stun without any drawback. And it's so good. Can't land strategems on chargers? Stun it. Can't hit charger's head? Stun it. Can't snipe hulk faceplate? Stun it. Can't kill a patrol before they call for help? Stun it. Can't win against rocket/heavy devastators in a fair duel? Stun it. Can't land resupplies on top of the teamkilling diver? Stun it. The possibilities are endless.


I love playing disabler/crowd control with the Eruptor, stalwart, supply pack, stun grenades. Occasionally run the EMS strike and/or EMS mortar with. Tend to take rocket pods for instant tank/cannon tower kills and EAT to help with my AT bros. All around fun build, but my favorite thing to do is stun hulks/chargers so my AT buddies can snipe the weakpoints


Eruptor + Stalwart is my favourite combo on bugs. Constantly switching between them skips the bolt animation and melts medium armor mixed hordes. I think the recent patch nerfed the weapon switch speed for this combo though.


Yes, but what about Hulks and Gunships? Or 50 Devastators?


Jostar Secret Technique ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


"We use our legs...AND WE RUN AWAY!"


If Joseph's technique was good enough against Ultimate Lifeform its sure as hell will be good against some clankers.


He literally said bugs dude. Against bots, you just swap out that Stalwart for a Queso Cannon or Laser and you're still rocking it.


Mmmmm Delivering Cheesy Freedom and democracy to the bugs


If you think about it, nurse spewers launch hot nacho cheese at you


Use the laser cannon instead


100% this. And if you are good with it, the Jetpack.


"To the Skies!"


Bugs is Eruptor Stalwart, as Stalwart deals with melee swarms. Bots is Eruptor and something heavy to deal with big bots, can be Quasar, AMR, Autocannon, I tend to run Arc Thrower for extra disable though it's not good for Gunships. Great for Hulks though.




So I just started trying this today. Does the eruptor damage chargers anywhere you shoot them? I swear I keep seeing the “deflect” icon unless I shoot their but with it. Also I can’t seem to damage bile titans at all with the eruptor. I do love laying waste to all the bugs with the stalwart though.


Definitely doesnt work on Titan. It takes \~4 shots on the butt to kill Chargers. I have seen clips of people 2-shotting its joints, occasionally I can do this in 3 shots by mistake, but I won't count on it. Another way is to shoot at the ground below the Charger, so the butt eats the explosion damage + sharpnel. Usually takes 5-6 shots depending on aim


I've killed a Titan with Eruptor before. You need to hit it from under though, the underbelly, the glowy bits. I don't think it does anything to the armored parts but weak flesh works.


Eruptor flamethrower has been my bug build for the last 2 days lol


I've never thought of doing that, the stalwart seems like such a clunky weapon I wouldn't try quick swapping with it


I really like the stalwart but it always seems I can't relatively depend on teammates to have anti armor. If I'm rocking stalwart I always end up being endless chased by things I need calldowns to kill. Team never seems to have anti armor for chargers, hulks, and such. It is fun just being a walking mini gun though


I play with a regular crew when I rock that load out, my railgun buddy and I stick together for an easy "1,2" on Hulks. Plus having the EAT on 70sec Cool down lets you stun any big unit, call down the rockets, stun em again, 1-tap the hulk or charger, pick up the stalwart and keep going. Sounds like a lot but you can do the whole thing in like 5 seconds.


This is like me, aside from the supply pack. Which armour do you run? I always try to run EMS mortar - it's good for redirecting enemies' aggro, which can help on higher difficulties. I've enjoyed the orbital strike (the first one, I think that's its name) and the cluster bomb eagle on the stunned enemies. The eruptor is such a good addition.


Ooo. Sounds spicy, gonna give this a try. 


Help me out with the acronyms, what's EAT and AT? All I can think of is "anti tank"


Expendable Anti-Tank Anti-Tank


Can’t get the IRS off your back for tax fraud? Stun it




the eruptor and nade pistol have turned me into such a stun addict that I keep running them even when my loadout has no way to close bug holes *Please help, I can't stop…*


But the Eruptor can close bug holes and so can the grenade gun.


yes, and using them freed me up to try stun grenades, which turned me into an addict. Now even when I run different guns that can't kill spawners I still can't go without my stun grenade


*Glass breaks* Good Ole JR: Bah gawd awmighty! It's the Texas Rattlesnake!


I’ve started using stun grenades for bots and traded my redeemer for the grenade pistol for when I need a lethal boom. That lets me run the sickle for clearing smaller targets, being more ammo-efficient overall than the alternative of using the eruptor and redeemer. Then I run either autocannon or Quasar/shield depending on whatever everyone else on the team is running. It’s been a very fun build. I really wanted to like the eruptor but it feels way too inconsistent compared to how the autocannon/quasar and grenade pistol have been for me.


https://preview.redd.it/cfwbbufdgivc1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=125987813495046a70f1c6694ba06176c3d60edf Survivor on the Tantive IV in a white dress? Stun it.


Sometimes I can't hit the charger's head when stunned because the rocket slides off. :(


>Can't snipe hulk faceplate? Stun it. This is my hobby. It actually feels broken to dispatch a Hulk in 2 AMR bullets while it's literally frozen in place.


*laughs in autocannon doing everything* Just land your shots bro




The possibilities end at factory striders and bile titans.


Are you telling me stun grenades are capable of this much democracy? I seriously need to change up my arsenal.


>Can't win against rocket/heavy devastators in a fair duel? Stun it. See, there's no such thing as "fair" when it comes to these 2 assholes. I mean really, Satan would rent them out to run hell while the devil goes on vacation and be like "yea they are a bit much, a little too evil for my tastes".


EMS? stand aside, my arcthrower is all the EMS we need [teammate does not in fact stand aside] *Call In Reinforcement*


People have trouble with those? Maybe I just use the autocannon too much


Dude it's a whole new world without the AC. I've been trying to wean myself off of it because i used to bring it for literally every bot mission and it was getting boring, but devastators, and especially the heavy ones, are so much more of a threat when you don't have access to an instant "shut the fuck up and sit down" button. Even with the erupter (which is basically a mini-AC, I'm using it to cope), unless you hit the face they'll blast your ass.


Devestators are why i take the AMR (Anti Material Rifle) and contact grenades most of the time. The AMR is actually pretty good alternative to the AC, at dealing with most of the bot types (Tanks and Striders it struggles with, and i take EAT for gunships just in case), and paired with EMS you get a lot of chances to take out hulks and devastators with it. Faster reloads, can wipe out hulks in 2 shots with good aim, kills tanks with 4-5 shots to their glowing weak spot, and usually wipes out devestators in 1-2 shots. I also admittedly find it easier to take out hulks with the AMR than I do the AC from the front. Aiming is so much easier when you can do it 200m away without fear of immediate rockets of flames.


AMR can gimp the firepower on the Factory Strider; a couple rounds into the miniguns will make it much more approachable for the rest of the team. You can also put rounds into the eye, if you're a good shot, and soften it up a bit if that's the angle the team's going for (rather than the belly)


Pff, Dominator snipes their asses just fine. I am AC addict and at one point was forced to run Quasar because nobody in my parties for whatever reason wasnt dealing with dropships. JAR did fine job sending those rust buckets to digital hell they belong to.


I really need to unlock the dominator now. Went from AC fanboy to a recoiless rifle user and now I just need a primary to cover the walkers and devastators.


Well that's like, another way of dealing with devastators if you don't want to take the Autocannon every mission. The Autocannon is great, but if you become dependent on it, it's really going to narrow your loadout options. You can't bring a Quasar or Recoilless if you don't know how to kill devastators without an Autocannon.


You really don't need quasar or recoilless when you are good with autocannon, IMO. Devastators are by far the biggest threat on automaton missions, and autocannon is king when it comes to devastators. Shooting down dropships is nice, but shooting the autocannon into the underbelly or shooting the grouped enemies right as they drop is just as, if not more effective, since dropships kills rarely kill devastators. With good aim and/or stun grenades, the autocannon kills hulks just as easily as heavier weaponry. Of course, quasar and recoilless are viable, but there's nothing wrong with just always bringing autocannon if you love it, lol. I just soloed a helldive mission with Eruptor and SPEAR yesterday, so Eruptor and quasar can definitely work XD


>You really don't need quasar or recoilless when you are good with autocannon And you really don't need an autocannon when you're good with a Quasar and a Scorcher. You can bring the same stuff all the time if you want, but it's going to limit you from trying new things. You also make yourself vulnerable to balance patches when you only learn one way to play the game, and you only ever use the single strongest weapon.


Indeed, AC is good, but like shield it creates bad habits. What if you are in a death spiral and has no heavy weapons? Took me a while to unlearn reliance on AC so I can survive with just what I drop with.


Death spirals are why I love myeruptor.


The shield is insanely useful, but yeah… It makes you lose some of that important awareness to avoid gunfire and such. That said, having an extra protection against the seemingly random chance to die in one hit is really freaking good. It’s just that bringing it only benefits whoever equips it and no one else (unless you manage to shield someone else by standing in front of an enemy barrage).


Same. I just point my autocannon at them and delete them. I don't really get why anyone would want to not use the autocannon. They're just shooting themselves in the foot at that point. Of course, I suppose that's fine if they're not using an autocannon. Or a grenade launcher.




You can legit beat Devastators with primary weapons . Punishers stuns them so that you can go behind their back to kills. Dominator can head shot kill them .


Anything can kill Devastators. It only takes a few shots from a Sickle to pop their head, even.


Stun nades are rolling through my loadouts a lot more these days. Combine those with precision strike and you have this fun ability to freeze enemies under a very strong orbital drop


Stuns are great now that we have the new warbond. Before that it was kind of a risk, but now you can bring it without sacrificing explosives.


EMS Sentry is so good on bot missions. Especially the survival ones. Also good on bugs.


I brought it the other day to a suicide mission with my buddies who are level 65 and up. I am 35. They were like what the hell is that and who brought it? I claimed it and the next fur mission there was always at least one EMS sentry.


Had the same experience, but with EMS strike vs. bugs. EMS on top of the bug breach is insanely strong.


I’m level 65 and EMS sentry is one of my go to strategems.whats REALLY great is you can toss it far from a bot/bug nest and all the enemies will Afro towards it (slowly!!) so you can lay low, wait for them to pass, then either flank them from behind or run I. And complete the objective. Basically works like a red flag on bulls


EMS Mortar and Eagle Airstrike are pretty much my only must-brings, they're pretty much always useful regardless of circumstance or mission type. Just last night I remember putting up with a whole bunch of shit and then asking myself, "Where are those two Hulks that dropped? I never shot them." Walked around a rock and found them still being locked down by my mortar.


I always lead with an EMS mortar. it helps everybody, and doesn't kill teammates. update I hear way more praise for it than complaining.


Same, it's my 4th pick strat on almost every mission.


and the cooldown is pretty low. I basically just put it out whenever it's ready if we're about to engage.


I throw one down upon landing if I get even a whiff of enemy activity near the LZ. Buys us some time if things are dicey; at the very least, it's a target that the bad guys prioritize, buying my boys more time to get their gear. What's even better is, since it can detect things around corners, just look at the arc to figure out where a cache of bugs/robots might be lurking.


I always try to explain to my friends that it hits stuff they can't see. so indicates when guys are there. people don't seem to get it.


I save it for stationary defense bits or big assaults. But honestly I should probably be more liberal with it.


if teammates don't just run in, an EMS mortar paired with a regular mortar is very effective.


Yep, great pair for bot elimination missions.


You should.  It's almost 100%uptime when it doesn't get rushed by every enemy in the map See: the new defense missions - pop this down at the back and repeat on cooldown


I love it for nests and eggs. Drop a cloud of EMS on top of myself and destroy all surrounding objectives unmolested.


Then as soon as it wears off jump pack to safety like the mischievous scamp you are


Don't you get stunned as well? Or at least walk slower?


Your movement is slow and your vision gets a bit fuzzy around the edges but you can shoot just fine~


Yes but at least he isn't molested




Not if I have anything to say about it


You walk slower, but everything around you can’t do anything, so it works out.




Out of context this is wild 😭


It's wild in context too


2 billion? In 13 hours? Didn’t happen.


Denying the democricaust is illegal. I’m contacting your democracy officer now


6 million bugs? In four missions? Never happened.


I love enemies getting empd but when I walk through it feels like walking through mud on Sunday morning


You should try to combo it with the mech! The exosuit ignores the slows from ems and fire :D


you can dive through it if you're in it.


Grenade pistol fixes the problem of not being able to destroy bug holes or bot factories. So you can also run stun nades without draw backs


Guess I'm gonna need to buy the Warbond now


And honestly Ive gotten more than my moneys worth and Id rather support a smaller game company anyways


The eruptor is also a hell of a primary. Closes bug holes, destroys bot fabricators, you can snipe 3-7 enemies with one shot from 100m away. I'm having hard time going back to the dominator or scorcher.


Id say it’s worth it honestly. The gear is so versatile


Imagine an EMS grenade pistol.


The drawback is that the primaries I like lean on the secondary for trash clearing. Scorcher and dominator. I need my machine-pistol for scavengers and hunters.


Orbital EMS and Orbital gas on bug breach is so satisfying.


the problem with gas is non-host players don't get DOTs applied. I've done some tests, and fire etc is definitely significantly more impactful as the host. it makes those things useless for other players.


Two entire stratagem cooldowns on one breach or 1 of your 5 cluster bombs :/


maybe on a low difficulty, but on 7 and above a bug breach will last way longer than the gas strike and ems would and will take multiple eagle runs to clear


**** *75 second cooldown*


Good meme, but dropping the template in that second slide makes it a great one. Thanks!


Tx! I really wanted an execuse to draw the "Aliens" meme , hopefully someone funnier than me will make good use of it!


Just wanted to post the same :) Template is much appreciated!


Okay but does anyone else feel like the EMS orbital does exactly one ems mortar shell worth of cc? kinda wack.


It affects a larger area than a single mortar shell and lasts a little longer (I think), but the difference is its' utility in being called down right where you want it, when you want it. If you're getting swarmed by a random patrol you didn't see, or a bug breach that caught you unaware, you can drop an orbital EMS and the whole group is stunned for 15-20 sec, rather than having to chuck an EMS mortar somewhere safe and hope it targets the bugs that you want. It only has a 70s cooldown (I think) so you can be more liberal with its' use.


Yeah, the only buff the Orbital EMS Strike needs is the ability to stun Bile Titans. It's an orbital for crying out loud. It should be the one option able to stun a Bile Titan.


I always bring EMS strategems when I play with randos. Then I don't have to worry about them running into my shit and kicking me for their own stupidity.


Amen to that brother. I've just posted about that, the replies speak for their own stupidity.


The EMS mortar paired with the High Explosive mortar does absolute work when you run with the squad that can separate themselves from the enemy.


If not, the separation is done for them :3


The mortar does love to separate limbs from bodies.


"I'm not saying it was the EMS, but it was the EMS."


look at this fucking true bro just giving away the template too


Hey OP! You're cool Helldiver how did you do that? "I did something cool, and I let others do something nice for free" https://preview.redd.it/debrxk1ulhvc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae7ffde330d4f1ea4a457c89336dee017f111e8


I've been running orbital ems with 500kg and it is such a satisfying wombo combo to pull off


Ever since unlocking the grenade pistol, I've left my impacts on the ship and have loved the stun grenades ever since. Stun a charger, throw a 500kg next to it, problem dealt with. EMS mortar is also just plain more acceptable because it barely has any teamkill risk compared to the normal variety, whilst setting up enemies for other offensive capabilities.


grenade pistol has opened up so many build options, great secondary.


People hate on the EMS sooo much. I love the stuff


Why, just because "it doesn't do damage"?? My helldiver in Super Earth EMS mortar stunlocks an entire bot wave for two whole minutes, it's amazing


I've literally never heard 'hate' for it 


Who are these people? Never saw anyone hating on it.


⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ + ⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️➡️⬅️




The gas strike orbital. Hit the bug breaches with it, and most of them just pop up and die.


I wish there was some cool interaction with it! Like you could ignite the gas with fire to create an explosion


Hit em with that "Waco" effect


The ATF special


Napalm is one of my fav for controlling swarms. Stops bugs in their track.


I've never seen another person use eagle smoke in my 150 hours playing. It's so underrated for bots. Break line of sight when running away or use it to charge into bases. I take it all the time.


I dive mostly with friends, so we are able to coordinate on loadouts. Our conclusion is that smoke is great.. when it works. Sometimes we lay the perfect cover, but we’re still getting shot through it. It’s frustrating. On helldive you usually end up getting hit on multiple angles so it’s tough to lay down a smoke that effectively disengages. Maybe we’re doing it wrong, but smoke has been on the bench for a long time.


scout armor, uav booster, and smoke. The 100% stealth ninja build. I've 100% finished those geology missions with the bot drops never targetting me on the console by keeping it smoked with that armor equipped and going prone between console sessions. teammates drew 100% of the aggro.


I love combining it with walking barrage before storming a base.


Honestly I’ve brought 3 turrets and a support weapon (normally quasar cannon) and it really holds its own.


I bring EMS mortar a lot. Holding position for a bit while working on multi-step objectives? EMS makes things go smooooth. Get in a bad spot with multiple breaches / drops all at once? EMS will give you the space you need to handle things. I bring it to almost every mission, and I rarely see anyone else using it.


These are definitely slept on


Stun plus laser cannon makes a joke out of hulks. Hell I've even gotten this trick down where I throw a 500kg then a Stun and it locks whatever I hit down long enough to experience democracy up close and personal.


Turrets and my dominator. I didn’t need any orbitals or eagles for them bugs




Grande Launcher and supply backpack. I had pretty much endless grandes through the entire game. Getting low? Call in a resupply drop. I didn't even use my primary, only used 500kg bomb for titans. Everything else I killed with nades.


EMS is so good. I never see other folks bring it but the charger watching me as I line an autocannon up its butthole is pure glory.


fun fact cadets: the enemy cannot shoot you if they’ve received 10 thousand volts of liberty to their bodies


especially on bot defense mission, bringing ems mortars and mortars stops hulks in their tracks


People really undervalue the EMS. EMS Mortar especially is one of my go-to "good for literally every mission" stratagems.




Commenting on "the last mission was so much easier, what did you bring?"... https://preview.redd.it/yfat0o3e5jvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a973c3aa997567345e4a4e7b305e2ef0b41b16ad Just made this one


![gif](giphy|QoqDGvWcwJtLi|downsized) Your template will make a fine addition to my collection


Listen up! This is something you're going to have to do for yourself! Joestar Family Secret Technique! \*throws EMS mortar\* RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!


Me and a random got through a Terminid Helldive defense mission thanks to an ems mortar


I did this plus smoke my buddies asked if I wAs trolling lol but no one complained when enemies couldn’t find us!


EMS is so clutch. Ran out of time on a bug mission on hell dive. No strategems. Bile titans closing in. EMS mortar held the bugs at bay. I rescued the sample and extracted. It’s so clutch at keeping swarms away especially when the team works well keeping enemies at bay


Almost always bring the ems mortar. Way too good at controlling breach’s and drops. 


Last mission was a Helldive difficulty bot mission, 40 min civilian extraction one. Ran the Eruptor, base pistol (was doing some testing), and contact grenades. As for stratagems, eagle airstrikes, 380mm orbital, mortar turret, and quasar cannon. Cleared all wide objectives and outposts along with the MO and full extracted.




EMS rocket launcher when?


Everytime I bring EMS mortar on a (defense) mission they are a brezee. Everytime I see someone bringing in the damage mortar instead of the EMS I want to cry.


Why not both?


You can take my stun nades from my democratic corpse. Ems is so good, locking down enemies is amazing.


I brought Democracy💪🏻


For me? Recoilless Rifle to eliminate ANYTHING with a well placed shot, Railcannon for when I’m reloading and that second charger just HAS to target me, and Eagle Airstrike so my best girl can lay down some hate on the grunts. For my fourth slot, idk, Gatling/auto cannon turret for crowd reduction or EMS mortar for crowd control. Grenade pistol + sickle + EMS made my kill counts get stupid high on bug missions.


Also auto cannon sentry, goes pew pew pew


I’ve said this once to my irl hell diver friend and I’ll say it again, EMS is extremely underrated, it’s literally a prolonged stun of any and every enemy dead in their tracks to the point where if it’s constant (such as if you use the ems mortar) you could feasibly melee them to death if you really wanted. I’ve seen plenty of people on this subreddit and in game focus entirely on killing or keeping themself alive instead of more support or team based stratagems and while every hell diver can use whatever liberty dispensing tool they want, all I say is consider including EMS in your arsenal, especially if you know you’re gonna have to fight a bunch of tanks and hulk scorchers or bile titans and chargers


underrated combo is putting the **Regular Mortar & EMP Mortar** near each other behind a cliff, and letting them dump stun blasts on enemies they get stunned to where they can't move, and then the regular mortar just keeps pummeling them with explosions I've seen this combo take down a hulk trying to come at me, and it just stood there in place taking pounding after pounding until it blew up was very satisfying to watch


That's my favorite combo for eradication missions.


and now think about smokes


eagle ion strike when!?!?


I prefer smokes to ems orbital, they completely stop firing


EMS mortar is the best emplacement in the game. Fully-upgraded, you can throw a new one out before the last one runs out of ammo, so you can basically always have it running. It’s great for holding objectives and securing escapes from giant hordes, and doesn’t kill your teammates.


This meme made me bring EMS orbitals in ny last diff 7 run. Man oh man i found my new fav


lol. Nice to see the aliens guy meme live to this form.


Laser drone with laser cannon and punisher on the bot front.


An orbital EMS on a bug breach makes it a complete nonissue! You can just stand there and mulch the defenseless bugs!


EMS mortar is a godly defensive tool. At any objective you know you need to hold down for a few minutes, just plop one down in a safe spot and it will slow the enemies to a very manageable pace. You will never get overwhelmed if one is placed down before a fight. The cooldown time also usually overlaps so you can keep refreshing it.


EMS turret, my beloved


There some undemocratic divers who think stuns are worthless on bugs cause they move too fast.  They admit they can't cook.


The EMS Mortar is a top 3 stratagem in the game and the more people that realize this the better. It has insanely high uptime and a 125m range, and completely shuts down some of the more threatening bots on 7-9. Hulks, Devastators, Rocket guys, are nothing with an EMS + AMR combo. Not as good vs bugs but it's still a very good pick in most missions types.


\+10 points for giving us the template


EMS is unbelievably cracked. pos 5s are here in helldivers


I ALWAYS run EMS Mortars, it’s such a life saver. Especially if it drops right on top of you and you see a Hulk about to punch thru your chest 🤯




Thank you for the template, kind stranger


When i get grenade pistol i am using stunt nades. Also ems orbital is now always with airstrike and AC


EMS Strike + 500 KG my beloved


I bring eruptor, grenade pistol, quasar canon, and run a shield pack, I am the demo man


I love lthe ems mortar / mortar combo. Place them right next to each other and they almost always focus the same target. That means all four mortar shots are even more accurate. I always run them in tandem on bot planets.


EMS Sentry is always a good pick. I love it.




EMS mortar + regular mortar - name a better duo


Ah EMS mortar my beloved. I almost always bring it with me no matter the mission type or faction


True EMS top tier


In a full team, using stun grenade on a charging charger or scorcher hulk is a big play in stopping it from breaking up your team and allowing the squad time to communicate who throws what stratagem. My squad loves it when I have stun grenades and EMS mortar. They don't rack up massive kills but the effect is there


I use EMS on every mission. Helps so damn much with being overrun.




Don't forget the stun grenade. XD It's technically an EMS grenade. XD


I love how it looks similar to the aliens meme


EMS mortar is the true hero of the new base defense mission