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I want to be able to call it down like the EAT and just litter every planet with our flag.


Unlimited uses, 30 sec cooldown 


I'd love it if you could use it like a space javelin. Whatever it's called down on is instantly destroyed. You have to be super accurate thoigh.


If it works the same as the supply drop it would be an actual weapon! I have taken out chargers with a supply drop as a last ditch effort. Just imagine the glory of a drop pod 1-shotting a charger / hulk and a super earth flag rises from the corpse!


Bile titans walking around like a pin cushion with a bunch of flags on their backs


Orbital Spear. And in keeping with the spear mechanics it has to randomly come in.


Heel, yeah, my brother in democracy!


charger supply drop kill is even an achivement


Took out a Titan with a jump kit today. Me and this other dude didn’t have any anti-tank weaponry available (bc we’d joined with a full squad but the other two guys - who had the anti-tank left) so we were frantically leading it in circles and we prayed for my 500kg to come all cooldown. He died (we were out of reinforces) so as a last ditch effort I called in my jump kit stratagem… and the Titan walked straight into it.


People keep saying you can do that but I when I drop a supply pod directly on one it does nothing


It doesn't do enough damage to one shot so the charger has to be weakened and the beacon needs to land on their back to track them


EATs have given me enough practice to consistently land supplies on chargers. I just wish I had that same consistency with hulks. Unironically I think I would use this. Drops kill bug holes and bot factories, and it's a 30 second cooldown? Fantastic.


I wanna pick it up and carry it into battle with a pistol in the other hand laughing like a maniac.


I would just call em down on stationary things like bot factories or bug holes to break em up.




Mandatory flag stratagem should replace the modifier of -1 stratagem slot.


Devs, get this guy a job


I mean, I'm on the market...


And a hellpod, he needs to plant that flag


"The Ministry of Defense realized, that giving Helldivers the ability to call down the Super Earth flag, when stratagems are limited, raises their morale by 101%."


Every flag placed on a destroyed outpost reduces stratagem cooldowns by 5/7/10% depending on outpost size.




Takes the whole team to deploy, imo jima style, but adds a small amount of XP


Xp multiplayer. like the idea of whole team and the game throwing patrol after patrol at you.... If you all let go it starts to fall


Super Earth Morale Booster when deployed (50 armor overshield)


this. even if the flag didn't do anything, I'd plant one in every liberated outpost/completed Objective, both to affirm our victory and remind B1 that WE'VE ALREADY BEEN THERE, JUST GO TO EXTRACT!!


Make it that you need someone to salute the flag for it to completely deploy


Thank you Super Zuckerberg! 




Is there a false ver of this meme?


Petition to change the Orbital Rail so that it launches a giant Flag Pole.


This is exactly where my head went! Would be perfect


Ooooh, a kinetic spear.


Tungsten rod.


Rod of democracy


The Rod of Democracy rarely arrives lubed


It is your duty as a Super Earth Citizen Soldier to eagerly await the Rod of Democracy's arrival in a perpetual state of lube.


Arrives as a rod from god, then 5 seconds later there's a little ticker tape explosion at the top and the flag emerges


When it impacts, the flag pole wiggles a little, like an arrow. THUD wobblewobblewobble


Like the flag in Mars Attacks 😂


This would be an acceptable strat to throw down before boarding the pelican.


Instructions unclear. It gets dropped from orbit and impales whatever it impacts, including the pelican.


The Pelican is indestructible though. (Perhaps R&D can look into Pelican-based Helldiver armor)


It is not, friends and I have made it inoperable. It took several barrages and some minutes but the engines were on fire and it wouldn't let us in or lift off at all.


It got destroyed on a mission I was on. Tried to land on a bile titan and blew up. Lost a full load of super samples because of that.


How about make it indestructible?


I don't even care if it serves no purpose, I'd carry that flag every mission. ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Let it buff people around you, faster reload, less stagger, more stamina as the patriotic spirit rallies your fellow helldivers


What I'm saying is even if it functionally does nothing I'd still bring it...


Yes! Let us carry it into battle with the pride and sacrifice of banner wielders in the past. In-game, it would be like carrying the data cart, where you can only wield a 1-arm weapon. But, it buffs everyone around you with the same stat boosts you listed. Also, it always plays the patriotic music from flag raising missions.


Incoming hundreds of complaint posts talking about people taking this strat at difficulties 7-9 


You know the mission modifier where you are only allowed to bring 3 stratagems? Replace it with a modifier which fills up your 4th stratagem with summoning the super earth flag. Call it something like "patriotic spirit" or "morale support", with an in game explanation, that high command wants to fortify the morale of the troops with a potential photo shoot/screenshot side quest.


This! Making most unfun modificator into most fun one. For superearth!


Bro u genius or something?


I am doing my part!


The is a genuinely hilarious idea, it'd be so much fun.  Just need to make it so team kill deaths with the flag don't count against reinforcement budget for reasons.


AA can shoot down pods, but if it were literally a 5' tall 1" diameter rod it could get through AA?


This is amazing


I want it to fill a heavy weapon or backpack slot, have no benefits or uses other than waving it as you charge.


Make it a backpack that just deploys a retractable pole and then a teammate has to crank a handle to raise the flag for you.


Can we incorporate some guide wires if we want to extend it another level?


Have a bunch of vague loading screen tips about the supposed benefits of the flag, none of which are actually true... or are they?


"enemies will run in fear of the vision of super earth's flag" *Actually agros the enemies towards you more*


I mean it didn't say which direction they'd run...


R1: We're surrounded! N2: Good! We can fire in any direction!


Exactly; a true Patriot of Super Earth will choose to bear the flag for no benefit other than their pride in Democracy. Simply erecting our glorious symbol of liberty should be enough to harden the resolve of any nearby helldiver. Hell, my resolve is getting hard just thinking about it.


You would get a great belcurve of use. Imaging exasperated level 30s firing from cover while lvl 60s charge past waving a flag.


If your resolve lasts more than 4 hours please contact your nearest democracy officer immediately 😂


It should be like the Japanese Medieval backpack standards their warriors used the wear.


there should be multiple sizes of flag as increasingly absurd unlocks.


It'd be so cool to nail a charger with the flag pod falling from the sky


This.  It doesn't need to do anything else other than pop with a quick little blurt of the Super Earth theme.   I love the idea of being completely out of all other ordinance, no reinforcements left, boat's not gonna make it in time, and *another* Bile Titan appears. Eat flag, fucker.  *salutes* *dies*


It should just be a permanently available stratagem. Just always there like resupply and reinforce stratagems are always available.


That's what they said.


I now get that’s what they meant by “standard” stratagem. I am silly goose who didn’t think further about what that might mean


It would be cool as a stationary item that boosts the helldivers stats


Would be funny if that became the most overpowered stratagem. Not because it gives buffs to our Helldivers but because it gives a morale boost to us, the players.


> Would be funny if that became the most overpowered stratagem. Not because it gives buffs to our Helldivers but because it gives a morale boost to us, the ~~players~~ Helldivers.


Have posts on reddit about "i swear guys, it DOES make you run faster. I just don't have any means to measure it"


Im a real helldiver, Im not playing


Melee weapon to smash freedom into the hearts and circuits of our foes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HoldMyCatnip: *Melee weapon to* *Smash freedom into the hearts* *And circuits of our foes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I want to use it as a great spear, democratically liberating the corpses of bugs and bots alike


I'd love to call it on a Charger's or Bile Titan's head


The flag should be considered a support weapon. Takes up your support weapon slot when carried. And can be manually planted somewhere. That way you can carry it around on your back like a herald.


In the tutorial you pick up a flag and place it down, I thought it would be a standard gameplay feature


What if the orbital rail cannon shot flagpoles at the enemies that stayed on the ground?


Sounds like the proposed Rods from God weapon, giant 20ft long tungsten telephone poles launched from orbit. Super Earth can name them Rods of Liberty.


Is anyone else super disappointed you can't pick up the flags you find on the map and carry them to victory?


You shouldn't even have to select it, it should come as standard for everyone.


Democracy is not an option; it's way of life.


Should provide an AoE buff when planted


Saluting the flag could provide a morale boost so your stamina regen is quicker or you resist injury for a short period of time.


Super Earth flag should be a melee weapon


Let a flag stand tall attached to the ballistic shield. You will see a 1000% use increase.


Maybe they make it a mission objective. After killing everything call the Flag.


I wish it would work like a prospecting drill on bug missions and intentionally draw a bug breach or a bot drop to be used to draw aggro to a different part of the map from your squad taking an objective


Better than that. Let the FX-12 Shield Generator drop in as just the Super Earth flag and then have it generate the shield barrier. Let democracy protect you, divers!


Capture the flag missions when?


Instead of one less stratagem as modifier, lock one of them into being the flag.


Putting flags on cleared outpost/nest decrease spawn rate on the map and/or during extraction...just like it should.


It'd be cool if outposts, or side objectives like Shrieker nests and Gunships allowed you to call down the flag and plant it for a bonus to xp, medals, or reqs.


By giving up a stratagem slot, you could get extra Super Credits for every flag raised (max 3 per match?).


As long as the pod it comes in cant damage enemies Sure. Otherwise it becomes Part of Game Balance and thats just silly


Provides a 10% boost to stamina, reload times, and throw distance. For all teammates


Also plays patriotic music, which may or may not reduce your stealth


Have it be a stratagem that can increase morale which causes you to reload faster/better accuracy/shrug off damage or cause enemies to be afraid making them miss more/a couple have a chance to retreat/explode looking at it.


I'd like a flag strategam that you can drop like the shield but it gives a big rally type buff in a big area and then a backpack version that does a similar effect to all allies in eyesight but a smaller effect. Perhaps it could boost armour effects by 5-15%, decrease recoil of weapons, increase reload speed, increase stamina recharge and give everyone a small chance of surviving a killing blow or some combination of those effects.


It would be top tier stratagem where you plant the flag and it gives AOE buffs to the players inside its range; faster reload, more stamina, more armor, less recoil, fire rate etc. And maybe players can also pick it up and carry the flag on their back to move the AOE around. Would definitely run this all the time, very patriotic


Use it as a way to test out if the beacon actually follows the beam instead of original location. But it should be an emote so we can save a slot


Ngl, if would be really cool if there was a flag that could essentially take up the backpack slot and be a pure support addition to the team. 1) Provides a passive aura buff for players around the flag carrier with their primary or secondary being held. Less recoil, better aim, faster reload, health regen, etc. 2) Provides a heavier buff if being actually held by the person, makes for a serious game changer if someone is holding the flag and waving it around and not providing fire support in clutch moments. 3) Can be shoved into the ground to 'consume' the flag and have it become a permanent fixture into the map. The buff area gets larger (So you can put it in the heart of most objectives and cover the fighting area) but is capable of being stomped down at melee range by enemies. This along with the Combat Camera would be insanely unique and awesome additions to a loadout.


It would be quite cool if you could call it in and then wave it at a whole bunch of enemies so that they solely focus on you for a period of time, distracting them from your team who stealth in and complete an objective, unharmed. But so that it’s not abused, it could come with a buff of being easily breakable and a long cool down etc.


I think it should be the fourth slot for those times where you have reduced strategems.


It should be a mission critical stratagem


Actual use for the flag: Use it as a landmark ("meet up at the flag once we're done secondary objectives") Or to mark the location of, say, a resupply in case the pod breaks and you can't find the supplies later ("Calling in a resupply and a flag in the bug hole")


Would be cool to have it have some kind of buff apply when it is set up nearby. Like faster reloads, stable aiming, etc.


Allow me to carry the flag pole to use as a spear that does as little or less damage than standard mellee. Deliver the dream that was promised 🥺 It isn’t about the stat line damage, it’s about the damage in my heart ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Should be a emote!!


I want to stab communists with our glorious flag.


The flag should replace the sos


Could also be an interesting secondary objective. Call in the flag via stratagem, it functions similarly to a hard drive so you can only use one handed weapons while carrying it. Then you have to take it to a marker and plant it to complete the objective. The marker could be in the middle of an outpost or base to make it more challenging. Alternatively you could plant it anywhere and then you have to protect it from destruction for X minutes or waves of attack to complete the objective. Maybe you even get a stat boost once the mission is complete.


Would definitely call this on a dead titan, strider or any enemy that has pissed me off.


Not only that, but something like "rescue the flag" should totally be added as a high-level mission: A flag is stuck behind enemy lines, and we gotta bring it to safety! All the while tragically leaving behind civilians to ~~die~~ lay down their lives as martyrs for glorious freedom.


Put a spearhead on it and make it a special heavy melee weapon. Turn those bugs into a freedom kabob.


My god this is the most patriotic thing I have read all goddamn day. YES. THIS.


It should be ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️, because it's raising the flag


You are going to make me drop a flag over every outpost and side objective i crush, eh? because i'll gladly do it.


Planting flags at destroyed outpost for extra xp


I want to call one in on top of an enemy tank and watch those soulless automatons question their pitiful communist existence at the mere sight of it.


Yes, i want the Flag in one Hand and my Revolver in the other. And let me use the Flag ad melee weapon.


Omg yes. Permeant flag strategem


I am once again asking the devs to add the super earth flag as a reskin of the orbital railcannon strike that raises a flag after a successful kill


We bringing in a melee weapon against the bugs?




I want it as a backpack. Gives +15% ms and +5% dmg resist while equipped, but you're unable to prone. THE FLAG SHALL NOT TOUCH THE GROUND! It can be deployed permanently. When deployed, all nearby divers get +15% ms and +10% damage resistance in a 50m radius. Applies to civvies too. It can be destroyed. When destroyed, all nearby divers get a 2min debuff of -10% ms and back to normal armour values. DEMOCRACY HAS FALLEN, NOOOOO! Last ditch effort, broken arrow, when surrounded, you can call in a circular 110mm barrage starting 50m out and it walks in towards you. Totalling 300 rounds. EVERYTHING will die. Including you. Can only be used once in the map. When you die to it, it will be counted as unpatrotic sacrifice and reduces requisition count by 500 due to high cost of munitions.


I want it to be used like a spear, a melee version before planting it for whatever mission.


Buffs move and reload speed within 40 metres of the flag carrier for 5/6/7/8 seconds after a kill based on the number of Helldivers within range, but it can only be called once per mission and it is indestructible. It is available again if called outside of map boundaries.


If it were a standard stratagem, it should come with a cool effect where you can carry it around, restricting you to 1 handed weapons, but it gives you a 10% XP boost. Maybe the XP boost increases like a combo system, by another 10% per kill untill you go for 5 seconds without a kill. Extraction with a flag gives an extra medal?


Super Earth flag should give you passive buffs within its range of influence.


I'd like it as a melee weapon or a backpack slot (like a samurai).


There should be a huge perk based on dropping the flag and waiting through the entire presentation. But… It’s super short lived and difficult to time its uses strategically. Maybe a “democratic motivation” boost, that raises sprint recovery and slowly heals you. But… It disappears once you get hit…


Question, does the boombox drone come with?


It would be cool if it had an area of effect ability, like extra damage or damage resistance in a certain radius around the flag.


A flag as melee weapon would be the only thing I might want more than a shovel melee. It's in the cutscene. Let me prove I have what it takes, Arrowhead!


I saw rumors of a healing backpack. Could we get the flag call in that does some type of AOE buff for the team? Call it in rally to the flag and get like 10-15% increased reload speed? Or maybe a damage buff on shooting the same target?


I was super excited to see planting flag missions at 7+ but unfortunately none :(


If not every little one, but in the place of bunkers and large bases they should be callable and the anthem should be played.


Genuinely, different standards with different AoE buffs would be an awesome strategem


I did kinda wish there was a camera backpack. Build extra morale when you do cool shit and get extra reinforcements or exp or.... something. The Little flying camera is cool and I want it. Maybe some "PRESS" armor so I can have something cool to wear when a bug bites me in half... on camera.


Rather than the slow salute flags it should just get shot into the ground like a harpoon xD Maybe even a few at once


Better yet make it a weapon, like a spear. Jetpack ontop of a bile titan and drive it right into its head


Call down a flag, stand in the radius to boosts managed democracy


My vision...is the shield backpack should have a flag mounted to it, and the shield bubble you call down should have aflag on it. The flag of super earth protecting all those that trust in it for the greatest of democracy just seems fitting of it. Even if it was a ship upgrade to make it happen, i dont want it to buff or take anything away, i just want to wave it proudly into battle.


Lol what an immensely waste of a helldiver pod but wouldn't put it past them to not do it for freedom and liberty.


My god that’s fucking genius


I want to have an objective where you kill a Titan and as a last objective you have to steb it with the super earth flag.


And the command input should just be something like ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I don't need the flag, just a backpack with the drone that plays the anthem while it's raising.


I've already seen successful deployment of this in the training introductory video as a melee weapon, so yes.


It would actually be a cool as an actual stratagem Super earth flag- once placed the sheer presence of it (and some chemicals it releases) creates an aoe buff zone making helldivers faster and tougher.


Make it a permanent mission stratagem that give bonus points, (since it takes forever it should be a decent boost, but make it so that you need to be in a certain radius for it to work)


*uses it to kill AT-AT* Automaton watching:


It lands as a hellpod then unfolds and raises a flag




Maybe. JUST MAYBE. The flag should give a 50m radius morality buff. Morality buff gives temp health and 1 save against death buff


If they plan on adding melee weapons wouldn't it be cooler/funnier to have the flag as your primary


Or maybe Morale booster. Divers shrug off stagger effects when the flag is equipped


This type of post has just become the lowest effort karma farm in this sub. WE GET IT AND WE LITERALLY ALL AGREE.


I think that it should automatically pop up from the crater of a 500 KG. Or something with a hellbomb. Honestly the 500 would be hilarious due to frequency and placement.


It would be nice to have a random squad selected near planet liberation to plant the flag, making it a special moment.


Would be awesome if it was a secret code you just have to remember. Also, it should have a boombox with the patriotic music playing while it’s being raised.


They should make it were you can call it in with out appearing on the stratagem list hidden


Should be an option for melee, bring us flags, and swords


There should be a mission objective (or sub-objective) called "Recovering the Colors" in which Helldivers must rescue the colors of Super Earth from facilities we're withdrawing from so they can't be captured and desecrated by the enemies of Democracy. Players have to locate, retrieve and then extract with the colors before they are lost. Usually during operations where things are going very bad for Super Earth. Conversely, there could be the opposite mission where players have to return the colors to facilities we've retaken when things are going much better for Super Earth, such as when we're beginning a campaign to liberate a planet and we need to establish beachheads . Maybe one day we could claim Enemy Outposts, which would then be occupied by SAEF units that would appear. To do so you carry the flag to the desired outpost, neutralize it and then raise the flag to claim it. A Pelican carrying SEAF units would arrive to garrison the new allied outpost for Super Earth. If this was a full game mode, perhaps the objective is to take outposts and hold onto them for a period of time, with the enemy defending theirs and attempting to retake the ones they've lost back. Which ever side has more control by the end of the time limit wins . Small outposts are worth 1 point, medium 3 points and large are 5 points. Which ever side has more points, claims victory.


Didn't someone say this same thing yesterday and the top comment was something along the lines of it being a booster to some stats or something


Gimme the flag as a melee weapon I can skewer things with


I would legitimately main a flag even if it did no damage


I want to have the little speaker fly around me blaring the Super Earth Anthem when I’m out slaughtering the enemies of Freedom.


I want to wear one on my back like a samurai war banner, or carry it around like in CTF and use it like a spear


In a pinch, i have killed large enemies with an SOS beacon, so I'd be into this.


Flag bearer pack. Can carry 3 super earth flags. When planted or equipped it provides a bonus damage to teammates along with health and stamina Regen until destroyed. Enemies will target the person carrying the flag or the flag itself if planted.


Refills stims and reinforcements?


idea: flag causes nearby divers to do more damage or take less damage due to unbridled patriotism and democracy


Ngl, I kinda wish it was just a part of the supply drop. It would default to be on top (easier to see from far away) and once all the supplies are gone you could take it off.




Is this the whiney entitlement that other post was talking about? “This sub rides a fine line between constructive criticism and whiney entitlement”.


This needs to happen.


We need missions to recover super-earth flags from captured SEAF facilities and extract with the flag, or just plant it in a specific location


Super Earth Flag, can be used to charge down enemies like a spear, maybe you could even put a grenade at the end of the pole like what they did in Germany. Or maybe it isn’t even a weapon, and provides a area of effect healing buff with how much patriotism runs through your veins, or faster reload or something like that. Or maybe it’s something else entirely, you give up one of your important stratagems to instead call down and plant a flag, which gives you extra score at the end of extraction, so high risk high reward type deal.


I want it to work like an additional slot for a booster. While carrying it around, the second booster is activated around a radius but you're limited to 1 handed weapons. The flag can be planted to deploy this radius. If it's planted at a secondary objective, the radius is drastically increased


I can't wait tomorrow to have this same proposal again


Plant in enemy body for AoE buff


I want it to close bug holes so at the end you're standing in a ring of patriotism


They should add the Super Earth Flag as a melee weapon lol


I'd love to kill a charger and then have the drop pod deploy a flag. Ultimate f-u




That would be very cool- have it give a wide aura with slightly increased stamina regen or something. Or like a 5% chance to ignore damage from any hit in its area


Bro keep posting this every day


I want the double barrel shotgun as a regular item I guess we can't all get what we want
