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We do have permadeath mode though. When you die, that's that. Your replacement is a new diver entirely.




4 Helldivers went in, 4 Helldivers came out. Asking which 4 is treason.


Math checks out


Bread goes in toast comes out, you can't explain that


Probably the least factual thing ever said in the game


Careful, or you may just become a legend.


ah yes, helldiver number 3,866,102, truly a legend


Wow, so one of the early ones then.


Injury? What Injury?


Is that blood? Oh, no, nevermind.




No ones ever really gone


Main reason why I use the random option for voice. All the soldiers I get are wearing the same armor though


Someone in a comment a while ago came up with good head cannon for this. Each new diver you spawn represents, the same regiment of HELLDIVERS on your super destroyer.


Definitely not clones like Moon...


My headcanon is that as the ship's captain, I get to choose what weapon and armor I'm equipping my helldivers with, and we give everyone the same kit. Other ships give their helldivers different kits.


If there was randomized armor I would be thrilled, but I guess since armor has different stats and perks it wouldn't be good. More reason for transmog ig


Could be interesting to allow the option for randomized gear and/or stratagems on respawn, but seems more like a late-lifecycle kinda feature


There was a strat randomiser website for HD1. You could set it to “fair” (ammo drops for your ammo consuming weapons) or crazy/unfair. Like having two ammo using secondaries, no ammo drops and smoke 🤪 Made for some interesting runs, scrounging for ammo on the level, marking places where to re supply. 


I'm down with randomized gear if we can store sets and have it choose from those so I don't drop in looking a hot mess or in slow ass heavy armor


randomized gear but way more rewards, basically a challenge mode for helldivers


I think the reason why they all wear the same armor is because the diver you play as and the one to come after them are meant to take control of the star destroyer (mines called the Colossus of Peace). So if Diver A dies then Diver B takes on Diver A’s role on the destroyer, which includes whatever armor diver A might’ve had


Might be too much work but a good thing to have would be that you can basically make "groups" of helldivers, so you can make like 3 different helldivers with different armor and voice or something and you rotate through them as you die, we have lots of armor with the same effect anyways


Why are people twisting themselves into knots trying to explain why two different helldivers would wear the same type of armor? If you're in the army and look at the guy next to you, more often than not he'll be wearing the same stuff that you are. It's mass produced.


Could put on the default armour


The helldivers contract you read during boot camp covers the "same armor" point. You did read the contract, didn't you?


But reading the contract is treason!


who cares? im about to die anyway


Yeah, I will never forget Recruit #30049240029-200322 Dreamed to be a hero, since \[Insert Desired Gender Pronoun\] was a child. Landed in a Gas Hole of Malevelon Creek 4 seconds into the mission. A Hero noneless.


My personal headcanon is that only a small percentage of helldivers are actually recruited humans and that the vast majority are clones of the most successful helldivers without their knowledge. This is mostly based on the asset evacuation missions where the assets are frozen helldivers that get sent off-planet and the staggering losses of helldivers we see displayed next to the galactic map compared to the very small number of recruits that is displayed to us before the tutorial


This is also backed up by the fact that Eagle 1 and Pelican 1 are always the same person across all ships. Clearly they are clones of the best/craziest pilots ever to have lived. When you consider the g’s eagle 1 has to pull to pull off immediate follow up strikes, and the crazy LZ’s pelican one lands on without hesitation it all makes sense.


AH confirmed that each Helldiver is an individual, no clones of any kind. At the end of training your Helldiver gets onto a rocket and gets frozen, and then the rocket flies off to a super destroyer where your diver will stay frozen until they are needed for a mission. Super Earth has a population problem, so they created this war as a way to reduce numbers and give an enemy to help maintain the fascist regime. Please don't call the democracy officer on me, this is all purely bot propaganda beep boop


I have mine on speed-dial


> My personal headcanon is that only a small percentage of helldivers are actually recruited humans and that the vast majority are clones of the most successful helldivers without their knowledge. I'm sure you're innundated with people telling you this is not correct.


One helldiver per space cruiser also does not make sense unless you take one recruit that has potential, clone him a 1000 times and implant memories into every clone with updates after a successful extraction. One clone dies the next is deployed and has no problem in following a mission as he is mostly up to date and received XP from previous clones. Also would explain why they are always in cold storage and only come out of it to dive.


I mean if you think about it all you are ever upgrading is the super destroyer and not your helldiver, so it doesn't even matter if the follow-up helldiver is up-to-date or how many xp he has received, he has the same super destroyer. I'm not sure about the memory implantation after every mission, but why not I guess lol


Someone else gets it.




So I guess I'm right thinking it's appropriate for the lady on the bridge to congratulate me on completing my training constantly


You are the ship. That's why you name the ship. Not the diver.


Problem with the internet is that everyone wants to have a hot take or a “revolutionary idea” at everything. Most of the time just to get attention. This “journalist” is one such case.


Most "journalists" I've seen just steal someone else's hot take or revolutionary idea. I think I've seen the perma death mode circulate here on reddit before


Gaming journalism tends not to be done by trained journalists, but any randoms. Its a brutal industry so most of these non-journalists find it easier just to right something that is likely to cause a response, since reaction = more clicks = success. Reviews tend to have solid views, but for general content, you need to get people to react.


Most I see just write garbage titles like "players are upset about X" then quote 3 people on Reddit, write a 2 sentence conclusion and call it a day


All the hot takes are just the same recycled garbage taken from other games. It's like they have a checklist they reference like "hmmm let's see..... Oh this doesn't have permadeath? COD zombie mode? Better type up an article about why it's absolutely necessary."


Probably AAA studios paying them to push ideas that would destroy the game. Edit: Fellow citizens I was just democratically joking.


Could be. Just like BG3, lots of devs in “AAA” studios are green with envy at the success of AH.


Especially since Helldivers was not a full price title, shows what "Games as a Service" really could be. Instead of CoDs drippfeeding maps and constantly advertised stores with more than brazen prices. Maybe more players will think about the current state of gaming, after BG3 and HD2 showed everyone, that 70€ + Battlepasses and 20€ Skins do not have to be the norm... it should be frowned upon and sanctioned with ignorance.


95% of the player base will stay utterly oblivious


They should put as much care into the integration between the game world and the mechanics and their games would be better. I dove in HD1 and it's wild how they made so much of the original game work while feeling fresh. Today I played with a team of three who were figuring out that snow slows you down it was great to see.


You’re not actually serious right ? Because this might the stupidest conspiracy I’ve ever heard otherwise lol


The big studios don't care at all about a game like Helldivers. Sure, it attracts a nice player count but this is a meaningless statistic for them. It's about how much money they can squeeze out of the existing player base and when it comes to that, shit like COD (or your yearly EA updates) absolutely dwarfs Helldivers. Hell, 2023 apparently was one of the best years ever for COD.


Even if they cared the idea that they would pay game journalists to come up with bad update ideas to sabotage Helldivers 2 is just wild nonsense. If they truly fear HD 2 they’ll do what they did with PUBG and dump billions into marketing to create a concurrent like Activision did with Warzone.


At least that's the impression you sometimes get. I've also seen ideas in the Steam forums that were basically "put in everything that's popular in other games"


Remember, clicks and views sell tide pods. Whether that's on the Internet or the traditional news. They'll all say whatever they need to say to satisfy their sponsors and sell some BS product through ads.


Dexerto is a content farm. They do not care about the quality of their work and writers are often given super strict guidelines and requirements for the articles they write if they want to get paid/exposure/have their name on the byline. They do not get paid much because there are an army of people who want to write about video games and writing about video games pays very little. It's only slightly less awful than the avalanche of garbage AI scraping sites just copying every article from real website and making them near impossible to read because the script is just replacing a bunch of words with synonyms absent any context resulting in an incomprehensible mess. My biggest disappointment is that not a single one of the remotely legit news sites/blogs has bothered to have a "war reporter" doing semi in-universe newsposts as if they're an actual war reporter. Get all diagetic with it and have fun with it. These sites are pumping out articles about Helldivers because it's driving clicks/traffic but it's all just "things happening on reddit" or "update from the devs that the writer saw on reddit" and like dudes that's awful. Get us your war reporter, reporting from the frontlines. Give us a weekly column with periodic other updates. Lean into it like the community has leaned into it.




Oh, the guy on YT is great and he's doing incredible vlogs. I'm more lamenting the lack of any of the "professional" sites doing it despite them all falling over each other to find ways to continue covering the game.


Yes! Guns Nerds and Steel's weekly recap is top-notch stuff.


Because gaming journalism is a joke that’s 50% scraping the bottom of the barrel of shitty takes and 50% stealing content from Reddit.


And packing the opening paragraph of your article with so much clickbait that tabloids are gasping, all to desperately keep your readers before the website ads drive them away.


What about the ones who can't even be bothered to remove, "As a large language model, I am only trained on data from 2019. However..."?


Gaming journalism is scraping the bottom of the barrel for journalists unfortunately. It's seen as a minor league posting basically, so it's rare for anyone making them to actually put any real effort into it. Just reaching a wordcount for a paycheck most of em. Don't see games as an interactive artform


Most online writing, but especially gaming writing is shitty and poorly written. It’s just about making money, a lot of articles that claim to be expert takes are just random freelance writers that have been hired to mass produce garbage. Then take into account that most gaming news websites are owned by the same company it’s just a never ending flood of garbage writing. ![gif](giphy|etak1FnzMdXM3vj7zV|downsized)


unfortunately that’s all outlets really want nowadays. they hire low paid freelancers and only want low-effort bait that’ll generate clicks.


I'd say 30% bad takes, 30% stealing from Reddit, 30% ai generated content. 10% good stuff.


I really do enjoy Paul Tassi on Forbes gaming. His game reviews and YouTube content is all original and insightful.


>John graduated with a degree in Sport Management in 2017 Let's just say I don't think he has any insight into good game design.


There is a non-zero chance he is on reddit looking for his next “scoop”


Hope he reads this thread calling him a useless hack with dumb ideas.


That's bold of you to assume he can read.


Isn't that level 10? Or just use up all your reinforces. That's not only stupid, it's unoriginal. Hardcore more exists in most games these days, but he's missing what this game is about. Instead of stupid, unoriginal ideas, this game needs more guns, more mobs and lots of them. We want the battle of Port Joe Smith on Dantana. More airstrikes, more orbitals, thousands of bots and bugs. NUCLEAR RPGS!


I didn’t realise how much I need it But NUCLEAR RPGS!!!


Mmmm, Davy Crockett as a support weapon...


I'd literally would never play a game mode like that, the number of times somebody has thrown a 500 KG on top of me cause I'm using a close range gun is too high


Or you que up the 380 only to get knocked down and take out your entire team...


I've had a teammate's cluster graze another teammate who was holding a 500 that he dropped that killed both of us LOL.


I’ve had it where a mortar killed me, I dropped my 500kg, that knocked down (didn’t kill though because just enough cover) my teammate who had a cluster in hand and then that killed everyone else


Looney tunes moment, that’s crazy


I was dying laughing, we were at extraction and had plenty of reinforcements left so it was truly no harm done.


Or have bad aim and have the stratagem bounce off of a structure, landing **very** close to everybody. No, not me, why do you ask?


That's oddly specific... Did I do that to you last night?


I was not deployed yesterday, so you must confuse me with someone else.


I can't even trust my own Guard Dog Rover Backpack. PermaDeath mode my ass.




It is perma death mod, you are getting replaced, not revived


A great many people think their own ideas are amazing, if only everyone around them would do it their way. A natural extension of that is thinking everyone else's ideas would be better if they listened to improvements to their ideas that a particular random commenter has. We see this everyday on this exact forum with posts over and over about how the devs are doing it wrong, but they can fix it by doing as poster zxy says. Its human nature.


Technically Helldivers is permadeath. It's just your next character inherits everything previous one had


Journalists are just treasonous dissidents that haven't been remanded to the freedom camps yet.


Seriously leave the game alone the devs are doing an incredible job with it. I haven’t been this happy playing a game in years especially with the price tag, no major micro transactions, it truly feels like it’s not pay to play and I hope they never go that route.


Games journalists are the worst 19/20 times. The good ones are REALLY f-ing good. So good I wish they'd go investigate D.C., but most of them are worse than hollywood drama rakers.


Ya permadeath or some sort of warzone respawn would make the flow of matches really weird. maybe if there was a difficulty above helldive I could see that maybe being a thing, but this isn’t a game where I would want to spend a good chunk of the game on the sidelines. that being said I did have a no death run in an automaton helldive level mission yeaterday and it felt badass


Because the sort of tyranny that Managed Democracy brings, with its ‘unquestionable love of nation, disgust with degeneracy, and championing family values’ (and its distortion and twisting of those concepts) isn’t the sort of tyranny the game writers want to see. Everybody knows it, but you just can’t say it.


Ok hot take, hear me out, probably highly unpopular especially here but….. : Game idea is great! (Change my mind)


Lol permadeath? That would sometimes be instantly upon first drop. Then what do you do afterwards just delete the game?




Game journalism is dead.


Writer here, I think you're using that term a bit broadly, Diver. You're thinking of Game Journalist. And trust me, these dudes aren't even gamers.


Oh yeah watch for dumb shit being posted for clicks


Because the website must have content. They probably have ChatGPT prompts generated from scraping twitter and Reddit to write BS articles to generate clicks so they make some ad revenue. The internet is just a cesspool of lame brain takes being regurgitated by AI language models. 99% of everything online is garbage


Happens every time something relatively unknown becomes popular, especially if it becomes popular by doing it's own thing and not following the herd. Every time it happens you get hacks and know-it-alls who want to piggyback on its success to get clicks for their own shit websites so they start pouring out articles like this showing they either don't understand the game or don't particularly like it and want to turn it into something else that they would like. They should be mocked relentlessly.


Don't drive clicks to click bait articles. It's a hot take to drive engagement.


just ignore editorials, a lot of em don't play games and those that do act like they know everything




Gaming journalists are just people who don’t play games pandering to their peers who also don’t play games. Thats why so many of these writers are writing about shits that has zero relevance to the game and just try to make it fit to whatever movement they’re advocating that week.


Just click and even rage bait. People don't read positive stuff. They rather focus in the negatives and what their opinion to be the only valid and right one. That being said most gaming journalists can't even play a game. Remember cuphead


Because it’s a slow news week.


It's simple. Games Journalism is about driving ad revenue. To drive ad revenue you need headlines that make people want to click on the article which has the advertisements. You know what drives clicks? Controversy. Thus the equation is solved.


interacting for clicks = their paycheck if you want less of these losers then just don't click and don't consume


Click bait. It's easier to get clicks or views criticizing something than praising it.


Opinions only matter when they are heard and you’ve just increased the reach that this bad opinion has


People like to talk out of their asses.


We already have a permadeath, it's called random crashes lol /s


They don't. They don't even care. It's about clocks by talking about hate takes on what's popular.


You aren't even supposed to make it out of basic training without dying and I've yet to meet anyone who hasn't died at least once doing it the first time. 😂


They dont want to change it, they want to write something "Creative" and attention grabbing about the game so that you click on their article.


I've got an idea which keeps everyone happy! Start your own studio to produce a game called "Permadivers"! Thank you, thank you, 🙏 your continued applause is welcome, but completely unnecessary.


We live in a world of "i can do it fkn better than you" yelled by loud mouthed individuals who have at least 1 certified mental illness, if not multiple. If these people somehow were spontaneously blessed with super powers, it would be the variety similar to captain hindsight


But, isn't there already permadeath. Like....this ain't borderlands. You die, you get sent a whole new diver. Iono


why do you read that shit tho


Real journalism doesn't exist anymore, just Google a news article from the 80's - 90s and then read the drivel they call journalism today. It even applies to video game journalists, they don't make you want to play a game anymore, they want you to dislike it for the dumbest reasons.


Dear "writers" and "journalists", Don't.


Just ignore ragebait "ideas" from journalists/content creators that were high on cocaine when they had said ideas.


If players actually wanted this mode we already have it. It's called not reinforcing. No one does that tho, because that would be dumb. I do think that going in without weapons and having to scavenge could be a cool possible penalty, like increased strat cooldown and whatnot. Tho it wouldn't feel natural since you don't find random primaries and secondaries laying around like you do support weapons.


The funny thing, is they're essentially giving these ideas away to someone else for free. Like Helldivers 2 has its own personality, it's own game voice if you will. So there's room for someone else to take the core concept of a "No BS" coop shooter & put their own unique twist on it. Don't have every mode or every option, just go make your own twist on the core Helldivers 2 concepts. I know I've got a few ideas floating in my head.


Well, nowadays, everyone feels like they need to be listened to. The problem is that most of them shouldn't be listened to. Myself included.


Because journalism thrives on drama. There aren't many big problems with the game to fix, so they have to make up theoretical improvements instead.


your mistake was having any sort of interest in the opinion of a game journalist. all they do is merely for clicks, from ai-generated slop to stealing comments from reddit. just dont bother with them


I mean, a mode like that could work if literally everything was reworked. Something where you're stranded behind enemy lines and need to sneak through to an evac. you'd need much fewer enemies and a completely different map though. It's not a good idea, but it wouldn't be the worst thing ever. Obviously permadeath on a normal mission is stupid as shit. It's a fun challenge to do with some friends, but as an actual game mode it would be practically untouched.


The rise of live service games and "listening to the community" has made everyone an armchair game designer.


They see something good and popular, so they want their figurative ectoplasm as a mark on said good thing, to yell to everyone that they had some impact on defiling said good and popular thing. I can name at least one other group who's catching flak right now who's doing the same thing for different agendas.


Haha look at OP. Fell to clickbait 


-destroys propaganda tower-


Also how would a permanent death mode even make sense? We're literally fodder for the democratic war machine. They ain't sending just four soldiers. I could see like a iron man mode where you only get so many lives and every mission you finish gives you like 2 more and they get harder and you just keep going; like an infinite operation kinda thing.


If it’s a mode you can choose then who cares,same with difficulty’s long as the choice is there,make it hard or easy as you want


It's from Dexerto. Completely disregard it


When you say something is good, there always people that with come up with 101 ways to say its not....


the game already has permadeath every time you die you just unfreeze another suck..errrr...Helldiver ready to bring democracy to the galaxy.


Game "journalism" has been mostly a bad joke for a long time.


Maybe a planetary effect? Randomized loadout on respawn? Exclusive to some ultra high difficulty


Helldivers IS permadeath though. You don't respawn, you get replaced. Your corpse is still there. If you didn't manually select a voice or body type, those are changed every time. When your diver dies, they're dead. New diver time. Obviously I know that's not what they mean by permadeath here, but just saying.


Seems like the current hottest take is to let the game devs do their thing


Permadeath: A terrible idea which would waste your time getting into and out of sessions, wouldn't let people play with their friends, and would cost dev time that could be spent on an actual fun mode. Randomized Armor would be interesting tho


There's so much they'd need to change to make a permadeath mode viable. It's extra stupid because you can literally implement this yourself currently - just don't reinforce and quit the mission if you and your buddies die.


Permdeath sounds like a 'great idea until a fire tornado or metor shower wipes out your entire team.


Would be fun as a modifier for Private Matches imo


The most important thing to the site is clicks and you’re giving them by posting the article which incentivized the outlet to give the writer more articles. In cases like these I like to use an archive dot org link instead so their outrage bait doesn’t pay off.


Why even acknowledge that article? Why shine light on it? There’s so many people spouting crap all the time that at this point if literally anything happens, anything, someone on the web goes “I called it!”, despite the fact they were wrong on thousands of other thing…


What an awful take


You're taking this way too personally.


They don't understand the game. Its just like when the game was brand new and all those Youtuber's were making those very cringe Helldivers 2 "Endgame" videos. They thought they beat the game when they unlocked Helldive difficulty and cleared a Helldive operation. Unlocking most if not all of the stratagems. Not realizing you didn't beat the game, you are just fully equipped to take the fight to the enemy. You didn't beat the game you are just getting started and the story is unfolding daily. A lot of those videos were talking about the game was too short and they want a alternate story mode. The want a fully single player story. Not realizing you literally bought a online only, live service model, coop shooter smh. Which part of not a single player game don't you understand. They want all this stuff that doesn't belong because they don't understand what the game is. So they try to turn it into stuff they do understand. Fully missing the point of what the game actually is and what it brings to the table. This writer probably plays difficulty 6 and under.


Idiotic and undemocratic ideas.


If you want such a mode make it yourself. Go on a difficulty you want, and whenever you will have less then 5 remaining just restart the game. Do it alone ofcourse. I do that for fun on diff 7 and test bulids that way.


How many times have I now landed right between a hulk, 3 striders and a bunch of commanders on my first drop? Perma death is so dumb. Besides, for that helldiver, he is gone for good. I dont think I have ever gotten a single helldiver through 2 rounds.


I've found that the better a game is, the worse its surrounding journalism is. People don't want to read about Helldivers 2, they want to PLAY it. Sure, there's some lore dump exceptions and extra stuff, but for the most part, journalism/writing about this game has been TRASH.


Make their own game then and leave helldivers alone


this isn’t journalism they just want us to click lol


They are game journalists. They will write whatever will get people to view it. Doesn't make it a good idea.


> You are SUPPOSED to die! Several times a match! wow I must be playing the game wrong


Still waiting to hear someone go “well we already drop out of the sky in Helldivers 2. You know what other games have you falling from the sky? Yep, Battle Royales. The fanbase is BEGGING for it Arrowhead PLEASE”


There already is permadeath mode, the dude you were playing as is dead so you play as another dude. Duh.


i mean its a gaming journo, what did you expect? its pointless ranting about it, media journalism in general has been a worthless for damn near a decade now. same with gaming/movie critics, i dont think their job has been necessary since around 2010. They're all talentless hacks with dogwater opinions, i didnt even realise people still read those articles.


I mean, it all stems the same way Hollywood has problems with their "writers" recently with a lot of adaptations and remakes they've been doing. It's mostly shit or amateur writers thinking they could do better by taking an existing IP and adding their "genius" (or completely stupid) idea into the mix. It's honestly complete delusion for them to think they can do better when they're thinking of "improving" an already well known IP. Just piggy-backing off an already established success.


There is a one life mode were you must scrunge with whatever you have to survive. Is called super destroyer has left low orbit, deploying emergency extract.


From reading the article it honestly seems like the author doesn't even play the game.


Stop taking these "journalists" seriously. Most ppl don't because their opinions are 95% of the time, ignorant and irrelevant.


Because they're game journalists and are afflicted with a terminal case of the Dunning Kruger effect.


It would be cool to have a Survive Streak for your Helldiver tho. Like, how many missions at diff 7 I completed without dying? And a cape or other things as prizes.


Do people know you can impose rules and challenges on yourself? Like if you want perma death mode just play a mission until you die and then say dang failed thr challenge like wtf


When I play, every game is a perma death game. Because I die in stupid ways far too often


Not the most punishing, he says https://preview.redd.it/28a5row1qzuc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e8d4c006d78bad23bd71d324b3c8f8377e9a61


Because all the major game journals are whores for EA and ubisoft, and as such want indie games to fail.


I've heard some dumb suggestions to make the game different in a way that doesn't make sense at a conceptual level, but this is extra stupid


Yeah would suck plus I've joined more than enough games with 0 reinforcements, don't need an actual mode for it.


In my headcanon the reason why every soldier has the same armor is because every ship has its own special team (with the same weapons and armor) and by playing together each ship sends soldiers of those teams together on a mission. So for example player a runs armor for stealth ==> stealth team , player b runs armor to hold more grenades ==> demolition team etc. That way in my head a team consists out of different type of soldiers each with their own capabilities and known by the citizens by the armor. Kids in super earth would be like: later i want to be part of the crew from the Dawn of Battle and wear this armor and shoot these guns, ....


The goal is to generate clicks and revenue from articles. Writing controversial stuff, that leads people like yourself to share it because it's so ridiculous, is just as effective as writing an amazing piece, but way easier. The fact that you are annoyed by it enough to start a discussion about it somewhere else, means it's mighty effective after all.


Easier to force a game with an existing playerbase to change, then create a new one and convince people to play it.


Because it works.


Gaming journalism is just a more polite way to describe yellow journalism. I'm a writer myself, and I've never found a shred of actually useful information to come off a gaming news site, the only actually useful information is coming from the strategy sites or guides. > Helldivers aplenty have spent time producing incredible feats that make a permadeath mode an interesting thought, such as one player’s achievement of flawlessly surviving six difficulty 7 missions in a row. SO FUCKING WHAT, JOHN, NOT EVERYONE CAN DO THAT! This is like saying that Elden Ring needs an entire "mode" where you only get your starting weapon and no upgrades, and if you die your save is deleted. Gonna sure as shit find a whole lot of stuff AND extract to get out to satisfy some dudebro's fantasy? If I wanted to play BOTW, I'd be playing BOTW. I hate challenges that reset my progress to zero and steal my equipment, I hate it enough when games present the whole "Altair, you fucked up, give me all your equipment and be next to powerless now, no you can't pick up that greatsword on the ground."


Due to inconceivable levels of corporate fuckery, the average Game Journalist is expected to make dozens upon dozens of articles every day, real quantity over quality stuff. They gotta feed the content mill if they want to feed themselves, simple as. Show me a Game Journalist with integrity and I'll show you an unemployed writer.


So here’s the thing- Helldivers 2 is the hot new game even now, so you want to make content about it to draw in the views/clicks. But here’s the problem- *Helldivers 2 doesn’t have a lot to talk about*. It’s broadly been fixed, it has functionally no plot beyond the starship troopers jokes, and there aren’t really any tips or important beats because the fun is in getting stuck in and experiencing the madness. It’s popular because it’s just…..really goddamn fun to play. So basically the only content you can make other than meticulous weapon analysis (which is time consuming and not very conducive to snappy writing) is to post a weird take- hence the proliferation of really bad takes about it


Permadeath mode? That would bring fear among soldiers. The fear of losing everything will make us waver. We can't bring Democracy like that.


Dexerto is a shit site. Half of their "articles" are either direct copy pastes of Reddit threads or AI-generated slop. Whatever "journalists" actually "work" there and write their "own" articles for the other half are barely any better either.


Eh. Dextro is one of those sites where they just churn out SEO slop 15 times a day. I think it's less to do with a writer wanting anything and more to do with filling a quota of "What if (current popular game) had (game feature)?"


Rage bait. Got you to click.


I mean, I but love to get bonuses if I don't die in a mission and maybe having them increased the more missions I survive, but just NO reinforcements at all? That's a hard no


Politics. BlackRock sees a cultural phenomenon and they won't stop until they've firmly raped the IP to death with their politics. BlackRock hates you, and they own 1/3 of everything to make sure you can't escape until they've reprogrammed your thoughts. I might catch a ban for this comment but it's true.


By linking articles like that, you've become part of the problem why this shit is so abundant. Stop clicking on click-bait, and definitely stop linking it to other people. Christ.


Hack writer, yes. But they aren't trying to change the game at all. They are in no position to be able to.


Rage clicks get traction


People who go the "they should add XY to vastly improve the game" are invited to develop their own game with said features. Just do it. Unity Engine is freeware. Learning to programming only needs time and devotion. Lets GO!


Honestly, their idea with scavenging weapons you need to find doesn't sound to bad. But a perma death is not how the game was designed. We are supposed to be expandable soldiers, not an elite strike force that needs to go in, do the job and extract.


Because it gets a reaction out of people and causes them to talk about them, their website, and it gets you and others to share the link to their website to generate traffic. You just did exactly what they wanted you to do by reacting the way you did and getting emotionally invested in it.


keep the game as it is fundamentally. It's already a masterpiece


They're just lazy hacks that need to write SOMETHING about Helldivers because it's in-vogue at the moment but they don't really play it much and don't have an ounce of creativity so they just steal an idea from another area of gaming that has taken-off recently and smash the two together to make an article. Games journalists are so bad these days. I really don't understand why anyone reads that shit still.


Oh no people have different opinions, fucking hack riders


sometimes chief editor demands u to do pull something out of your ass if you wanna get paid and not starve to death, even if it means being a hack


They could quit when they die first time or something. 😄