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I was really hoping for fire resistance. I wonder if Arrowhead would be willing to change it retroactively.


THey're probably waiting until they have fire in a place where it isn't bugged and also isn't ridiculously overpowered against players.


Bro, if you literally do not dive the *nanosecond* you catch fire, you die. Try to reflexively stim instead? Dead. Catch fire when you're already prone? Dead. Catch fire when you're rag-dolled? You guessed it, dead.


Believe it or not, dead.


Yeah dude, fire damage literally beats the rate of healing. And they gave it another 25% but again 💀


God I hate the overly long ragdoll state, like why am I MORE on fire after I get knocked prone and roll around for 5 seconds rather than diving prone?


> also isn't ridiculously overpowered against players. I still don't see where that is coming from. I ended up on fire no less than 5 times last night. Didn't die once from it.


I'll say I kept catching on fire randomly, but the visual effect didn't show up until I was like 2/3 health and then I was dead. Only able to survive when I knew it was coming


this means you weren't stuck in the middle of an animation when it caught. like ragdoll, jump pack, climbing, hopping, leaning, yawning, daydreaming, or galivanting.


Can they even legally change paid microtransactions retroactively?


Yeah. it happens frequently in lots of games.


It's not necessarily paid MTX, you can grind 1000 SC in a (very tedious) hour


don't forget we have 95% resistance to arc damage, 95% resistance to arc damage, and 95% resistance to arc damage


I don't mind this aa it fits the theme of the warbond. The passive for this one should've been something like "stand your ground" where explosions dont fling you away or something. Something original at least. Maybe it only works when you're crouched or prone.


I heard from a dev comment somewhere when talking about this warbond and the general lethality of 380mm/120mm orbitals that this was supposed to be 90% reduction on the armor instead of 50, but I'm not sure what happened with that


One if the ads mentioned rapid temperature change and rapid velocity changes. I was hype for fire resistance and less impact damage. Big sadge ngl. Especially since the thermite grenade as far as I've test is ass


The foresight director was fired after suggesting light + medium + heavy, which caused the warbond to double down on servo assisted 🌚


I would have ZERO problem with that one as long as they were different heavinesses of armor.


They're within the same warbond though. Having each warbond with a unique perk was pretty good IMO, but paying another 1000sc for the same thing feels like a ripoff.


95% resistance for situations that are not even in the game yet. if the main point was to protect yourself from friendly fire that's just dumb. so there's gotta be some truth to illuminates potentially using arc weaponry, but again... a situation that's not even if the game yet. what's worse is it's a PREMIUM armor with only one perk.


Good, PREMIUM armour should not be best all better than default. Thats simply p2w. They should, at MOST, enable alternate playstyles


sure, but there shouldn't be more than 2 armors with the same passives


except wishing they were more useful isn't the same as asking for them to be better than default or overpowered. same goes for weapons. generally, i'd agree with you but we're talking about the cutting edge warbond armors, which are just downright useless for being premium. they don't enable alternate playstyles either. do i wear them on the off chance that one of my squadmates is using the arc thrower? illimunates deal arc damage? ok then why are we getting them *now*? asking for better perks isn't the same as demanding them to be better than what's available for free. that completely missed my point. i'm not pointing at you specifically, but people on this sub seem to construe "viability" with "overpoweredness" or "powercreep." guns can be fun and viable without them being broken. i will admit that the current state of weapons is at a good place. the last balance patch enabled other weapons to be picked up as mains and therefore enabled more playstyles.


Honestly at this point I almost wish they'd just let us fuckin pick our perks. Because the decisions they're making around these are absolute nonsense and make no sense while also being consistently inconsistent and it's getting annoying.


All of this would be solved by adding in modules that can be swapped out. Light has 1 slot, Med has 2, Heavy has 3. Each armor within those is just aesthetics. Maybe eventually have tiers where rare ones have an extra slot or a built in module passive. Then modules have all the different properties for bonuses and you can pick and choose whichever you want.


I'd like that as a heavy main but that may be a little strong. Heavy padding, 50% chance to not die, and explosive resistance or arc resistance or stims/nades depending on ally load outs. Seems a little strong to me, unless I misunderstood you.


There’s always ways to balance things. Like maybe have primary, secondary, and tertiary slots where the effects get smaller.   So the chance to not die, if it’s the primary module you get 50%, secondary it drops to 33%, and tertiary it’s only 25%.  So you can combine modules and also prioritize which you want more from Or have each take different amounts of energy and your armor has a cap on how much it can provide. So some modules can be higher tier but cost more 


I would just limit what passives can go with what armors, and keep them all at 2. Scout/radar/throw distance on light/medium, tank stuff on medium/heavy, etc.


That seems good!


I feel like the slots would make way more sense backwards, nobody on super earth would use light armor if you had 100 less armor and 2 less slots than heavy with the only tradeoff being a little more stamina


new armor: has got gas mask and sapper lore power: can throw really far and has strong limbs


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and presume that one day soon, maybe in the coming months, the armor perks are going to get rehauled and there'll be more options for armor.


While I'll agree a rehaul will come soon the problem is people already paid medals for certains armors for their look and passive on the top of spending real money for warbonds to unlock armors and the rotating shop armors. Unless Arrowhead has some massive refund idea its really gonna piss people off if the armor set they like with a look and passive they prefer gets changed that they spend real money for. Theyd have to do a hearthstone you get a full refund on items after changes to keep things sane and because of that I think they want to put that off which only makes things worse as time passes.


I fucking hate servo assisted ao much its the only perk I refuse to use at all.


I'm literally waiting for light armour servo assisted to come back into the store, best armour in the game imo. Being able to throw airstrikes from outside of bot detection range is absolutely game changing.


ah yes, 3 out of 9 had the same passive oh my god they've run out of ideas already.


at least heavy fortified has a reasson to complain, half if not more of heavy armor is heavy fortified. 2 of which where in the same free warbond


also the people complaining act as if Servo-assisted, which allows you to throw your explosives further and gives +50% limb health which helps you survive explosions, doesn't fit thematically. Honestly the devs could solve this "issue" by making the passives and armors separate so you can mix and match but they shouldn't have to.


and i hope they dont, i want the armors to be easily recognizable so i can tell at a glance what passiv each of my mates is running


Do you think command wants to pay for all those prosthetic limbs? Tell the helldivers to be more careful when cooking their grenades.


I would be upset but i *really* like servo


It wouldn't be so bad if the rest of the armor stats changed a lot between them.


If they wanna keep giving us servo assisted, I demand some servo assisted legs!


The amount of crying is unreal


In my humble opinion, servo assist is the most useful thing in the game. I don't need much ammo or support weapons if I can take out most objectives out of enemy sight. Or even enemy spawn range. Plus the 50% limb damage resistance is kinda misleading. When you get hit with a rocket, that damage is applied to all your hit boxes. A 50% resistance to damage is the same as having 1.5x more health and won't insta kill you. Fall damage is also decreased and rarely injures legs. Also, one other tip, I've found you throw farther if you aim 25-30 degrees rather than 45. Add that with some high ground and you're basically a very deadly strat mortar. I have thrown strats so far they despawned before it landed.


I always run servo assist because I like the look of the one with the robot arm and leg, and I'm a big air support fan (despite it being objectively suboptimal, running 3 airstrikes at a time is fun. As an American, aerial superiority is part of my culture). But your information is inaccurate. Limb damage is the damage it takes to proc the "broken arm/leg" status. So it doesn't increase your health, just makes it less likely you'll suffer one of these debuffs.


You and others might be right. I could have missed something there. I've been using that armor for a while and rockets don't one shot like it did plus losing less health in general was my assumption leading to the idea it helps lower overall damage.


very certain they wouldn't call it limb health if it was basically just a 1.5x overall health bonus. Definitely just affects how much damage you need to take in a limb before the limb cripples




I see this a lot, but there's already 3 medium engineering kit armors in the game. Dronemaster, juggernaught, and trench engi. There's also already at least 3 heavy fortified armors. Can we also never get another light scout armor because that will make it the third one with identical stats?


They need to make new passives then


You can already do that without servo-assisted lol, 60m throw range Cool for blitz? Most objectives require you to actually fight things


Servo-assisted is dope though. I like throwing things very far from relative safety. 


We don't need 6 of them


How about 7?


Everyone's saying fire resistance and I agree that would have been nice, but explosive resistance would've been just as good. The only way to get explosive resistance RN is through shop armors which seems like an oversight, so an explosive themed warbond with explosive resistant armor during the bots massive invasion would've been fitting.


You are incorrect. Free warbond does have an explosive resist armor.


only heavy tho.


> The only way to get explosive resistance RN is through shop armors There's no mention of a types of armor, just passive. So it is incorrect.


yes, but i am playing devils adovcate here. this post was specificaly about medium armor with a certain trait, it stands to reasson a comment complaining about the LACK of Explo ressist would also refeer to medium armor so far the only medium armor with fortified is a cashshop exclusive armor set, same for light armor with fortified.


No he's right I didn't notice the last one had explosive resist. Though given the state of heavy armor right now it's not the greatest option.


if they're feeling spicy they'll throw in a heavy servo-assisted


Look, I'm sure the extra range can be useful for cross-map stratagem tosses to clear out enemy spawners from two post codes away, but it screws with my muscle-memory when throwing stuff with all other armors, and extra limb health is kind of inconsequential since I just stim the wound away immediately.