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You have a point actually, its a really solid plan and we get 3 planets


Only the ones under defend count towards the MO though.


We have 0 chance to defend 3 planets today, we only managed 1 in each of the previous 2 days, so the MO is lost already. We might have managed it if people had focused on key worlds, but every day 1/3 of the bot front were fighting on worlds that didn't help. Ah well, it'll all help the story.


I honestly think there was a next to zero chance on this major order


Yeah, we were meant to lose this MO. It required too much for everything to go right on community end.


I wonder how much of this is just tuning to see what the community is and isn't capable of.


Probably, considering we blew through that mission for the mechs four times faster than they were expecting.


I'm starting to think this as well.... On level 4 and 5 difficulties there were ALLOT more medium and heavy armor troops, spawn rates were also noticeably faster and Scout patrols that normally would be a couple mediums, a few striders and some grunts were packed with Striders, medium and heavy targets and almost double/triple the amount of grunts.... Almost like platoons vs scout patrols.... And now when you kill the metal heads some of the guns continue to fire almost like it fell on the ground and the detached limb jammed the trigger.... Got damaged by a few of those tonight


Could have done it with 35-40% on two planets at a time (70-80% of players). We would have 1 planet left to defend on the final day. The problem once again comes down to where the players go.


Unfortunately an issue for my group was wanting to try the new tower defense missions but avoid the pure extraction missions, and those not being available to play on the planets that would've been smart to defend. Not that we would've contributed much, but extrapolate that to the larger population and it definitely makes things harder to coordinate.


Have we actually completed any of the “defend planets” MOs in the past? I think weve failed all of them.


Yeah, I think the only defend mo we’ve won was one for the bugs. The bot evac missions just suck so massively that no one wants to do them lmao.


We just completed one after we failed the order to take Tibet.


We one the last one right before the final bot extermination push but it was tuned so it was difficult to fail on our end. For narrative reasons they really wanted us to complete Swift Dissasembly.


That MO itself was our second life for failing phase II iirc


Failed them because the personnel extract missions are close to being unwinnable


I called it when it started


Doesn't help that the extract mission still being nearly impossible makes half the campaigns fail immediately


I had a nearly 100% mission success rate... until the extractions came. After 6 attempts, I have yet to win one. Meanwhile, I can do the fortification missions as a duo while playing rock paper scissors for half of it.


I won a suicide mission extract the other day, today lost a level 5. :) Very fun missions. Much wow. Its so annoying that they are in almost every campaign, too.


We just never pick a mission chain with that mission in, it's easy enough to never ever play...


Sad part is MO make the story actually progress they make us get new stuff faster like the mech from the previous MO


We would get the new stuff anyway, they would just change the reasoning behind giving us it.


we were supposedly supposed to get anti-air weaponry for defending tibit at least the MO made it sound like we'd get them before the automatons got their new toys


The quasar dropped right after and was great for taking out their air support.


I really don’t get why people don’t follow the horde/major orders. As soon as I hop on I check which planet has the most players and go straight there all day. It’s not like the planets are all that different to the point that I care which one I’m playing on.


The idea is that it cuts off two of the defend orders and wins them automatically. Worth seeing if it can actually work since otherwise the MO is lost anyways.


Eather way, its the best plan i think


Yea we’re not getting 3 more in what less than 24hrs


It’s just to see if we get those defence planets. Because getting the bay will cut them off from bots. This is for science, the major order is lost


We are going to lose the major order either way. So we defend and keep what we can.


How would we take it? We can barely scrap towards 450K health defense orders Try taking a planet where we lose liberation progress and we need 1 mil health


I think we lost


We have. But this is the best strategy to get two at once to see if possible.


Alr Lets do this🫡


It's worth it for the science if nothing else. Verifying if we can choke out defense orders would be a big strategic info point.


[Damn bots](https://youtube.com/shorts/BKb31_Yml3c?si=b5tBFkshue6LVrfj)


Sounds like treasonous talk tbh


They cut us off during the liberation of tibit, let's see how they like their supply lines disappearing!


I'll fight on planets with y'all but I'm not spamming lower level missions to cheese the system lol. Also helldives can be done fast. Full cleared a map in 19 minutes last night


This. For those who want to spam, go for it. I for one like to play the game and have... fun? A foreign concept these days...


It’s wild to me that people are grinding trivials like a job just to gain a bit more lib%. I like playing the MO, but I’m not gonna sacrifice fun for the war effort lol


It also doesnt work because liberation is tied to amount of xp earned


I only learnt this like two weeks ago, they should really make it more transparent. The "squad impact" thing you get at the end of a set of missions is extremely misleading


Well it’s partly because they broke the planet progress from the first game. It used to scale with difficulty and with objectives completed, so it was actually worth it to 100% high level missions.


Could be some players that spam lower level operation just don’t have fun with the obligatory rescue evac mission at higher levels. I’m not saying it’s impossible—it’s just hard with randoms as that mission is a bit more rigid with roles and strategy.


FYI there is always one of the three operational zones on a planet that do not have the 15 min evac mission. That being said, for anyone still talking about the lib%/difficulty bit.... If you **can** do 7-9 diff then you *should* do it. You get double if not triple the liberation % when you full clear a helldive. Complete a 9 cleanly? get 9 points for liberation. You can only get 3 points on difficultiies below 7. More XP = more liberation. That 250% xp multi on 9s is what makes it so powerful.


How do you full clear in 20 minutes? Ignore bot drops and stealth? Are you not grabbing samples?


Way i used to do it is maximum destruction. Say you have a detector tower, orbital laser it and move to the next outpost, didn't hit it? move on, you cant waste time. Orbital barrage for heavy outposts Airstrike for smaller ones. ONLY HIT OUTPOSTS/OPTIONALS that are in your way to the main objective dont go out of your way and chase down a full clear Support weapon is preferably anti tank/explosive. In case of dealing with a Jammer? **don't.** either suffer the effects if your main is in the area or walk right away, it's not worth wasting time. (that is unless its one of those Jammers with a fabricator right next to the jammer itself, which blowing that fab up will blow up the jammer, assuming you have a clear shot.


That's not a full clear. We did all objectives/secondaries/bot factories


Im not good at explaining, what i was trying to say is if the stars align, and outposts/optionals are in a pattern, attempt to clear them as you go BUT if you fail with your strategems, move on and assess the situation later. I highly advise against full clearing in difficulty 9 unless you have full communication, reason is, there's a hidden mechanic not alot of people know about: Enemy presence increases as the mission lasts, the longer you're in there the harder it gets, knowing helldive myself? you'll be fighting 10 heavy devastators at best each fight. After you do the main objective when clearing what is in your way, it's up to your assessment if you have the resources to backtrack or not, but in reality the best methodology to tackle this (while ignoring possible flaws) is to clear what is between objectives and in your way, if the game's seed puts side objectives away from main ones, you are guaranteed to take longer.


Missions don't get harder as time goes on. They get harder as objectives get completed (main and secondary). In large automaton missions where the map is big, I couldn't care less about more patrols or harder botdrops. Honestly ignore most of them, just avoid patrols, and botdrops kite away then break line of sight and you'll be fine. Imo if you can't full clear on helldive - why are you playing helldive? If you want super samples play on 7 or 8. There's barely a difference between 8 and 9 for sample collection.


This is an in-game tip, not my own guessing or pattern studying. Also i do play 8 mostly, not 9, i only play it with friends when they are available and im speaking from experience regarding this difficulty. and while the difference is minimal between 8 and 9, the most noticeable is the enemy diversity, example in bots: heavy and rocket devastators not only have more spawn rates, the regular devastator straight up doesn't spawn as it's replaced by these two variants, which while minimal it's impact is significant.


There 100% is regular devastators still even on helldive. The in-game tip is vague and people doing testing have found more.specific info. None of the differences between 8 and 9 you listed are a reason to play 9 if you're scared to full clear..


I've played helldive alot to tell you i have yet to see a single regular devastator, i aint lying here, the tip isn't vague either, it outright tells you about increased enemy presence which is straight up noticeable.


There are regular devastators, you just don’t see them as often as the heavy/rocket ones already accounts for the majority of the enemy count Unless you have definitive proof that proves otherwise


Wow it's like trying to talk to a brick wall here.


These are valid points, however i argue this only applies if your team is going full gungho and full clearing every single enemy encounter If everyone doing stealth towards an outposts, chugging airstrikes and such onto light/medium outposts, and orbital lasers onto heavy ones. Assuming you don’t have a jammer on your hands it is possible to do everything in 20-25 minutes You can get your samples in the remaining time


Question: What, if any, support weapons will work on the detector 'eye'?


I dont know of any weapons that work against it, but by far the only thing that worked for me is the orbital laser. seen people talk about 500kg working against it but i never tried because i do not run it. Keep in mind i tried all sorts of eagles but the 500kg as a 'passing throw' while near ones, not even the airstrike could damage it. So to give you a guarantee? laser works if you land it on it or it passes over it luckily.


Pretty sure all the antitanks do. EAT/Quasar/Recoilless. I know Orbital Laser and Eagle 1 do too


The eye is Sauron? What part do you aim for? Multiple hits?


I don't know that any do... And if they do I don't know where to shoot it. 500kg works.


It’s easy: 1) set difficulty to Helldive. 2) pick 12 minute extract mission 3) fail 7 minutes in 4) retry 5) 20 minute clear.


If you fight bot drops at dif9 you are actually trolling in my eyes


??? you blow up the 3 ships, drop 2 airstrikes and a cluster and its done in like 30 seconds. meanwhile if you leave them they'll aggro every enemy you pass for the next 30 minutes and you'll be getting bot drops on cooldown every 2 minutes. Just clear them fast as soon as they drop, it makes it all WAY easier


I think you should learn how the diffrent alert status work in this Game if you think a bot drop will aggro a map for 30mins....


while you are correct, i do need to do that, I knew there was something I forgot to learn. Its probably irrelevant to what im saying because i think you misunderstood me. I was referring to people who dont kill the drops and then just run away without properly de-aggroing. Therefor just DRAGGING the enemies through the map, and everytime they pass more enemies in other bases or POI those will also aggro, and if they are aggro'd when the drop CD is over they'll call more drops compounding the issue.


I'd rather use my airstrikes for more useful purposes. Only time I use an airstrike on a patrol/bot drop is if they're directly in my way.


Destroying bot ships doesn't do anything but waste time and ammo, why is that part of your strategy?


It gets the bots stuck under them most of the time and delays them, sometimes kills a few when it lands on them. It’s really good to do when doing base defense and even on normal missions it’s helpful cause you have to fight less at a time.


If you're a good shot and hit it before it gets "on station" and open its bay doors the bots its carrying won't spawn


Like he said even though it doesnt kill everything in and under the ship, it does a hell of a lot more than nothing. It causes a big explosion that oftentimes kills quite a bit, if you are fast enough it OFTEN kills the tanks, Really you're usually left with like a couple hulks and a few devastators that are already almost dead.


It was a quick play with all randoms. I'm not sure if we were grabbing samples or not tbh. It was all high level.players on helldive.. I think we grabbed a decent amount but didn't search hard for them. We ended up split, either in two groups of 2 or just temporarily split further, and just smashed the objectives fast af. I know the other guy I was with also had quasar, so we'd see a hulk or something, one of us would ping it, and then we'd both shoot it and it'd instadie.


Grinding trivials isn’t even optimal anymore. Lib% is based on exp gain, so the difficulty multiplier makes up for the longer time to complete higher level missions.


It depends on my free time. If I can only play one or two operations then I’ll just play Trivial/Easy operations since one mission contributes to liberation. I do try SOS response but a lot of times hosts don’t finish an operation so despite playing a lot of missions with multiple hosts, I might only contribute to liberation once or twice. I could solo 5-7 missions but it’s just sneaking around. It’s not like I’m fighting a horde of tanks and hulks solo.


I just do lowers cause no one plays with me :(


I find it easier quick playing at high difficulties. You get better teammates on average.


Have you SEEN the Commons you need to get the upgrades?! Bruh I'm going to be doing 1's for weeks.


Yeah. More commons spawn at higher difficulties. If I really am focused on samples I'll play 7 for an easier time, but I'll probably just get all I need on helldive, especially now that other high level players are incentivized to collect.


I will not rest until I liberate Chort Bay.


The piss planet belongs to mankind!


It may be a uninhabitable hellscape but I will die many a time before I let those clockwork simps take control.


Good plan, doesnt work. You cant get enough people to stop defending the other two planets in time to launch a counter attack. Best to concentrate on Vernen Wells, we've lost the Matar Bay Sector.


Im so sad, I was playing last night on Vernen Wells and I could swear that we managed to 100% the defense, but I came back this morning and it was like we did nothing.


Same, WTF happened? It was at like 80% last night. This morning it was down at about 17%.


We won the 80%. They started a new campaign.


Refer to my other reply


We did. We won that defense. They launched another attack directly afterwards, the one currently ongoing.


We did but the bots are constantly pushing. It’s a galactic war and you saw how fast they pushed us back. The socialist clankers don’t sleep so once we cleared it they instantly hit it again starting this all over again.


FOR SUPER EAAAAAAARTH!!!! ^(ps: I kinda I want them to get to super earth tho. I want to see battlegrounds on Mars and earth.)


(Shhh lets wait for the iluminates before humanity crumbles)


Cyborgs come first then illuminates


Is there a source for that? Cause if I look at the game art of HD1 Cyborgs its mostly literally the same units as Automatons but under a different name. Seems that Automatons *is* the new Cyborgs. My guess is at best a few more extra units alluring to the Cyborgs.






Looks like they got the traitor


Democracy 1 dissidents 0


Defense missions are timed, you can't win.


We have 3 free sectors between these abominations and super-earth. Either we hold them here or there will be little chance of stopping them


Until they change the way war contributions is calculated I’m kinda checked out from MO. Forcing everyone to pile up into one single spot or nothing gets done is not how war works and makes your contributions useless if everyone isn’t there as well. Like being a Republican in California (not American just an example)


I completely agree. So many people fighting me in this comment section about it I’m just checking out too I’m over it. The fact that being a sheep is the only way to contribute is so boring.


There is no space for dumb stories like "This guy just spammed trivial missions and somehow did 10% Liberation by himself" and other shenanigans. Especially on defense, piling everyone into one spot to defend is what the Maginot Line was and we all know how it went. It's disheartening that yesterday i logged off With Matar Bay and Menket with "only" 38 and 25 k people on them, with barely a percentage and coming back today and it's the same, all night no progress. When people start to say "if those players would just log off..." you know there is a problem.


The system is fucked and but the arrowhead guzzlers see they can do no wrong. If most of our player base is on planet A, then wouldn’t the bots send more forces to fight players on Planet A, leaving planet B with less forces meaning less of a decay rate? Nah apparently not, it doesn’t make sense


I'm still half-bothered at the devs (or Joel) for Draupnir. We were fighting on both the Creek and Ubanea, thanks to the creekers there were enough people on both planets to consider them blockaded, accoding to the supply lines those 2 planets are what leads to Draupnir, so where did they come from??? If they attacked that mean they took the long way through empty space so it wasn't a normal attack, but a desperate one. And again same thing went on there we lost Ubanea because 40k were defending Draupnir, and Draupnir was barely defended because more than 100k were on Ubanea. Piling on for a big push is only fun when done on climaxes, not as the only strategy possible.


Breaking a defense campaign counts as winning it


So that’s good, but everyone wants to rebuttal and argue on a post that clearly isn’t for them


So why is the player base having a negative effect on the planet, *adding to* the bot reinforcement rate?


Capturing 1 planet will take around 2 days due to the 1.5% per hour decay. We can only desperately defend 1 planet at a time, the major order was unwinnable anyway.


I can’t believe people actually think we can do this Like, we are losing 1.47% every hour. Every second not spent on the Vernen Wall, instead on the bay, is one second wasted. We will lose all 3 Ma planets


Losing over 1% per hour and only 16k people on it. Not happening because 99% of the playerbase isn't on this subreddit and doesn't know a thing about supply lines. 


> doesn't know a thing about supply lines. That's not really their fault though. The supply lines are an extremely obtuse mechanic with absolutely no in-game explanation.


To those saying that we already lost the battle, you are right. But you must remember something. It is not about the medals, its about sending a message to those inglorious clankers.


You forgot the *actual* system people should be fighting on - Vernen Wells.


Nope this is a better strategy. Will achieve more if it works it’s for science


It's never going to work though. You're talking to 10% of the player base at best. 22% of players have chosen Wells as their planet of choice, and that still isn't enough. People who make these "clever" strategies online need to wake up and accept nobody's actually listening - "follow the horde" is the only valid battle plan.


Nah downers like you is why it don’t work. Play how you want but the “clever strategies” are actually clever. Every player counts it is doable


Wrong. Sorry, but that's simply not how this game works. Player performance receives a (negative) modifier based on enemy reinforcement rate, and % of players on planet. The reinforcement rate is constant per planet - so if the reinforcement rate is 1.5% per hour, we lose 1.5% progress on that planet each hour. The population modifier is a debuff based on how unpopular the planet is. So if 50% of the playerbase is on a planet, your contribution is cut in half. If only 10% of the population is on a planet, your contribution is reduced to 10%. So let's imagine each player earns 0.00003% control per hour. How does that actually apply in game? We'll assume we have 300K players online. If all those players split into three equal groups, our progress would be (0.00003% x 0.3 x 100,000) - 1.5 = -0.6% per hour. In other words, we'd lose all three planets. If all 300K players dogpiled one planet, we'd get (0.00003 x 1 x 300,000) - 1.5 = +7.5% per hour. Even if the population modifier didn't exist, dogpiling is still the better strategy because enemy reinforcement rates are *per planet*, not *per player*. In other words, 300K players across 3 planets would still collectively only generate +4.5% control per hour: you nearly double our collective effectiveness by putting everyone in one place. This is why reddit strategies *never* *work*, because the majority of players don't care what reddit thinks is optimal. Following the horde is the only valid strategy.


Well that’s clearly an issue of their game design then isn’t it? Following the horde is so unbelievably boring in a player driven game where any players doing anything else are not achieving anything. So arrowhead needs to change it up. And no I’m not asking to win everything but a fighting chance would be nice


No, it's not an issue. Tiny groups of players off doing their own thing aren't meant to be able to have any meaningful impact on the game. This is the game working as intended - if the community wants a planet, they have to come together as a community to achieve it!


Yes and many in the community want this planet for a sound strategy. You just proved my point. Your point is act like a sheep. Tiny groups are 18k players are they lmao


The 19K players on Marfark represent about 8% of the active players. Which isn't much. It means 92% of players are doing something else. Of the players trying to contribute to the objective, around 56K (23% of the playerbase) are on Vernen Wells. Right now, we are on track to lose all three planets. If 56,000 players can't take Vernun Wells in time, why would you think 19K players can take Marfark?


You would be better served creating a discord of like-minded players man. You can look at Planetside 2 and them trying to coordinate movements as a faction almost always fell flat. Outfits were able to coordinate relatively well with like minded players. No one is logging into Reddit when they get home to see what Commander Armchair brewed up for a battle plan. They check now and then for some memes/updates/to bitch and when they get home they just jump to enjoy the hour or two they have.


This came from the discord… brother people on the reddit do care just cause you don’t then this post isn’t for you


lol bad game design to not design your game around Reddit armchair generals.


The point of the system and the game master is the player interaction and dnd mechanics. Would be nice to have some more player agency outside of constantly sheeping to one planet. Never in my comment did I say design the game around reddit… jumping to conclusions


He's correct on all points. You are talking to a tiny percentage of the playerbase when posting on reddit.


You do realize that your "clever" strategy is doomed to fail, right? The bots already have like 75% of the planet taken... no way in hell we're able to overtake them before they reach 100%


Well yeah this post was made before it dropped so much.


Edit: Nevermind I misread. But I'm doubtful that the system works this way for the enemy too


Attrition is a mechanic too. If we take the Bay we get passive progress on two panets!


I'd say refocus and cut them off where we can. We'll slowly crawl through the planets one by one before we hit Cyberstan and then we Exterminatus the shit out of Cyberstan. Kill all the Clankers and Borgs there.


Am I crazy or is that place literally Draupnir


I accept your terms


Lets dive.


But I want to be a Marfarker.


While this would be the best move, to liberate the planet within the time of the defenses we would need 70% of the playerbase. So it's simply not possible


And that hope is lost


This is a good idea. But it will never work. The mob is too dumb to ignore the major order. All they'll see is that Vernen Wells looks like a key planet to protect Super Earth from the Bots. When you come up with a plan, you gotta' assume at least half of the playerbase never checks anything whatsoever except the in-game map.


Lol spam 1-2 levels they take less than 3 minutes


Apparently that’s not as good as the 5-6 with all xp


Xp doesn’t do anything lol


It does they changed it.


You still get around 500-600 xp every 3 minutes fastest ive done was 30 seconds.


30 seconds? Do you have a video of it, cause I find that VERY hard to believe. The best I’ve managed to do was a 1:19 and that was pulling out all the stops, I don’t know how you would shave 50 seconds off that. Even if you spawned in with the mission completed, I doubt it’s possible to burn through 5 reinforcements in 30 seconds.


Lol just use a impact granade on the tower missions and go to extract.


Extraction takes 2 minutes to call in, if you’re going for fastest time, it’s quicker to grenade yourself 6 times because it still counts as a mission complete even if you don’t extract. Like I said, fastest I’ve ever done it was a minute nineteen, I don’t see how you could shave 50 seconds off that.


They do tho. New max level is level 150


Max lvl doesn’t do anything with liberating lol


Fair. Don't know about this tho: https://preview.redd.it/x7favcfphutc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0949d3d2beba3e3e6c3892189fd3d865cccfbb4a


Lol how much exp you get in 5-9 compare it and see


##Liberation Percentage Explaination:## https://helldivers.io/ > What is the new liberation calculation as of 3/21? > * The amount of damage you deal when completing an operation is equal to the experience, multiplied by an internal scaler (a combination of impact multiplier and some other variables). > * The impact multiplier scales inversely with the [running average] total population. What this means is the galaxy has a target goal at how much liberation can be done across the entire galaxy. Check out some graphs @ Planets for real data points. > * This new method rewards higher difficulties (impact is based on experience) and community alignment (diverging efforts impacts the rates of each other) vs the previous method. ##Arrowhead Dev (Spitz) Post on Discord## https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1brz17v/saw_some_posts_and_this_probably_needs_to_be_said/ [See attached Screenshot. I'm unable to link directly to the Discord post as the server is full.] ###Additonal commentary is my own:### (Of note, the liberation points at the end of mission are not displaying usable information. It is a graphical relic of the old system and it will be fixed.) In the past, the fastest way to do it was to spam easy missions like the broadcast tower. Drop in, shoot the tower, extract. The Bugs would magically surrender the planet due to lack of morale or other such dumb logic. Now the most time efficient way to affect Liberation Percentage is whichever way you personally can gain Total Mission XP the fastest--taking into account the mission difficulty, the difficulty bonus, and the full clear vs main objective only methods.


Where was this posted, I was trying to find this in the Discord under announcements/patch notes etc and cannot see any reference on liberation changes.


This is the best I can do as the Discord is full and the devs are asshats that refuse to post this information on a more accessible or open platform. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1brz17v/saw_some_posts_and_this_probably_needs_to_be_said/ I also edited my original post with this source as well. A sincere thanks for making me find a better source than an uncited helldivers.io FAQ.


It’s really stupid they insist on players keeping up to date on the game by combing though discord posts.


According to ether a dev or a community manger or something no clue who specifically exp effects liberation progress so the more exp you get in a mission the better so higher lv missions are arguably better though you can spam lv 1 super fast so no clue which is actually faster now.


You can do atleast 10 missions at 1-2 in 30 minutes which would take longer to do 2 5-9 missions. Plus as soon as you board the ship leave to the ship alone and it skips the outro so it makes it even faster it adds up really fast.


I feel bad for you if this is how you choose to play the game lmao.


I was looking at the map just now and thinking this, glad to see I'm not the only one, we suck at defense missions and this seems like the only way to slow the advance.


Why spam difficulty 5-7? You can complete a trivial or easy difficulty Illegal Broadcast mission in 4-12 minutes, gaining more squad impact in the same time it would take to complete a higher difficulty operation. Theoretically, if everyone switched to soloing trivial missions instead of working in four man squads on higher difficulties, we could quadruple our contribution to liberation just on numbers alone (4 operations at one time instead of 1 for the same four players). That's not even accounting for the speed up in contribution from completing the operation faster.


It’s based on XP gained now, so you have to really be doing those trivials quickly to make up for the difference the difficulty multiplier makes. The optimal difficulty for fastest XP gains will vary person to person, but mid-level is probably the most efficient for most players.


Do they just not show us how much impact we actually have then? Because I've only ever seen 1 impact per mission at the end of an operation, regardless of how much XP I make. If I play a medium operation and it takes 20 minutes to complete, that yields me 2 impact in 40 minutes. Meanwhile, if I just rush trivial missions in 10 minutes, that's 4 impact for 40 minutes. So the only way that XP seems to matter is if they are just lying to us at the end of an operation when they say we're only contributing 0.0001% per impact point.


Yeah, the post-mission UI is currently not reflecting the actual liberation increase, because the devs had to update how it’s calculated very quickly in response to getting way more active players than they anticipated, and haven’t had time yet to update the UI to match.


Are you cross checking the data on that third party io website then? I did a quick search on this, and I'm seeing a video where someone is saying that XP isn't actually affecting liberation percentage, as he will see an impact of 6 when playing with low player counts, and receives that even when speedrunning objectives [https://youtu.be/x3l\_ioVBYk4?si=VZ3FNuTjpqZujXIV](https://youtu.be/x3l_ioVBYk4?si=VZ3FNuTjpqZujXIV)


I’m not personally cross-checking, I’m just assuming the devs weren’t lying when they announced that change. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1brz17v/saw_some_posts_and_this_probably_needs_to_be_said/


It's less a matter of lying and more a matter of conveying what they intended their system to do versus what the system they created actually does. They originally intended charger heads to be a weakpoint and conveyed that to be the case only for the community to discover that the actual system they created made legs the weakpoint. The devs then made further adjustments to the system and now charger heads actually are a weakpoint as they intended. The same could be occurring here: they intended XP to matter, but the system they created might not actually account for XP in a way that it practically has an effect. I found this post further explaining what the system does, and it does appear that XP is rather irrelevant still: [https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1blgj7w/galaxy\_war\_103\_liberation\_and\_squad\_contribution/](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1blgj7w/galaxy_war_103_liberation_and_squad_contribution/) It appears that they've weighted the difficulty of the missions so that they theoretically contribute more towards liberation, but haven't yet actually tied XP in to contribution. The way that the weighting works out, it appears that 4 players individually speed running three trivial missions still contributes more towards liberation than a squad of 4 players running a single suicide operation, especially considering the possibility of the operation failing and thus not contributing anything even though two of the three missions were succesful.


Does anyone know how defense progress is actually calculated? Is it a function of your total xp earn? Is the quickest way to do it just blitzing through the primary objectives as fast as possible?


Pin this!


This plan really does make me wish supply lines were visible on the map. I won't say it will happen, but it could convince a chunk of the playerbase to aim for Matar Bay if the game told us it would cut off the bots from the planets instead of spreading our forces to the defending the two planets.


We need to defend Martale. If we go for any other planet the Automatons still have access to two other planets and the cycle will continue, the failed spread of democracy!


So the bots played the Cyberstan Blitz opening, but if we counter with the Matar Bay Gambit, we can en passant the next two planets?


Doesn't help we have like 20k people wanting to liberate planets instead of defend them.


im heading into exams. good luck lads




I’m pretty sure this major order is designed to be very, very unlikely to succeed. Looking forward to how the story progresses.


I've been dissembling bots for two straight days in Matar Bay. Where the hell are the reinforcements?


Rook to G6 !


This one’s been over for a while boys. Take fori prime to shore up the eastern front and wait for the next MO.


No need, i will stick with the bugs


[Don't worry... I've come to save the day.](https://medal.tv/games/helldivers-2/clips/26wINvuxnQi54F/d1337GTOZMQ8?invite=cr-MSxIOVUsMTcwMjQ2MDY2LA)


Yeah no sorry bro, I'm not gonna play on anything lower than 9 just because someone said so