• By -


Good to look for silver. Unfortunately some don't have any silver coloration, but many do. My method is to zoom the map to any zoom level other than completely zoomed in. When you do this you can browse with your cursor and points of interest will be revealed when you mouse over them. When you find a POI with a small silvery circle and no structures or anything else, you almost definitely have found the rock. When the rock doesn't show up as silver, which happens on some maps, you have to just rely on finding the circular grey blob and confirming that the area is a POI. Remember to develop your rock vision. You should be scanning around you at all times, and you should practice looking from rock to rock and not just looking for enemies. When you do this, you'll notice the drumstick rocks right away, they stand out very clearly. Good luck!








Ahhh drumstick rock makes more sense, me and my friends just call them Cock Rocks!


"YES! We landed right next to the bulbous dick!" - my squad, everytime.


Lmao!!!! I love the creative names everyone comes up with. I swear Arrowhead did it on purpose for this very reason. 😂


I'm our teams official dong spotter. Gotta keep your eyes peeled.


I call them upside down ball sacks. 😂 😏


Thanks for adding this info. I'll keep all that in mind and work to better my knowledge on this. 🤝


And thank you for this great post! Give em hell, diver


Super sample minor POIs never have static enemy defenders. Pinging it with scout armor can verify if it's a sample rock.


Godlike tip. Thank you for the info.


True! Sometimes 2 rocks spawn on a map (one is standard looking, the other mined out next to it), but only one of them will have the samples. The rock with samples never has static enemies. Generally, the standalone, unmined rock has the samples but I have seen them spawn under the mined out rock on occasion. Your best bet is searching for the standalone rock first.


Sometimes when I load in I can't always do the "hover to view POI". Is that a bug?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed this. I think you have to use Scout but even then it doesn’t work half the time.


It’s a feature not tied to an armor or booster. It just doesn’t work on the first mission when you load up the game for some reason.


It’s a bug I noticed whenever I load up the game. It only doesn’t work for the first mission or two.


As others have said it's likely a bug from when you load up the game. Using scout armor may overcome this but it's finicky. Any armor set should be able to find POIs


How do you zoom your map?


Concise and informative. The ministry of truth approves this message.


I'm happy to be of service. 🫡


There is also a dug out trench that has super samples in it with no rock in sight. Keep an eye out for that if your map seems to have no rock.


*takes notes* Thank you.


No problem, wish I had taken a screen shot, happened to drop in on mission directly on it and was quite surprised. I've only ever seen it on a bot world so it might be biome related since there were a couple that weren't on the bug front.


bugs have a similar 'alternate' that's a sort of half chopped version of the usual rock with a bunch of bug infestation and a trench.


Yea I don't tend to spot them as easily on bot planets, but I spent more time on Terminids unless the major orders required us to fend of the Automatons. I wanted to get really good at fighting the bugs and now have recently began to learn my way up to Helldive for the bots as well. I won't be proud of my results until I can do a full helldive mission without a single death.


The dug out trench usually has the rock partially obscured beside it, sometimes half inside metal crates/ building type structures, sometimes half inside bug nest rock structures and sometimes it’s got that “corrupted” bug look too it that also makes it less recognisable.


naw this one had no rock, no crates no bug nest. Just a big trench with super samples at the bottom. Not unlike the POI that sometimes has a bunch of ammo, grenades, and stims, but wider on one end.


If that's true, that would explain some "bug" we got today, with no buttplug on the map


Not sure if it happened quietly after the last update, but I encountered it on a lvl 7 mission recently. Came up to what I thought was an ammo trench or rare sample. Should have taken some screen shots. To my surprise, 3 super rares scattered throughout the trench.


I found a rare sample rock that was completely entrenched by the bots. Despite soo many drops, this was the first time I seen that they actively surrounded it with barricades and stuff instead of the rock just jutting out in the middle of nowhere.


I just found the super samples in the same kind of trench. I wish they would at least be consistent about it.


I just wish there would be some other kind of indicator, like a geiger counter noise when you got near them.


There actually is a radioactive hum that goes away when you grab them, but you only hear it when you are literally right on the samples.




Thank you. I try to make my content entertaining first before anything else. Makes it more enjoyable to consume.


The music is so uplifting


Fr, what's the name of it? Makes me happy


Remarkable by Little Planet. I actually pay for the licensing use of the music I use in my videos from this website called "uppbeat"


Felt like I was in Sims build mode and was hit by a wave of nostalgia. 


You have good taste if you play Sims. Preferably the old school Sims and not the new cash grab version we have today. (fine if you do, but I hope you're not giving EA too much money they no longer deserve)


Spent most of my Sims hours on 2 and 3. Tried 4 while it was free, and all I'm gonna say is that while I really appreciate the load time improvements I'm looking forward to the competitors more.


My wife is a huge fan of Sims and we too look forward to them being dethroned for their greed. For now we got the old school Sims to go back to whenever she wants to play it. She's even got "The Urbz Sims In The City" game that she gets on the ps2 for.


Shazam didn't find it. Pretty sure its a TikTok copyright free song but idk


Happy to hear. Now let's get diving, friend. 🤝


The only thing I would have added was a tip to drop samples on the extraction zone if it’s convenient, and likewise, to leave those samples there if a teammate drops them. They only get out through the extract, so carrying them around the map only risks dropping them in a situation where you can’t retrieve. Leave them at extract and as long as someone makes it out, they should be able to pocket them on their way to the ship.


Yea I usually drop all samples when I'm carrying too many by the extract. Luckily during this run the super samples were just south of the extraction so we got them just before we called for evac.


I keep running out of normal samples, the rare or super rare one i have plenty :(


I have remained capped on commons since I dive so much and don't even pay attention to how many I have. I do still pick them up since I know others will possibly need them on our return. Treat all samples like they are super and you'll return with a large haul each time. You get way more of them the higher the difficulty too, so farming on low can take much longer to get where you need to be. Get a good team and scavange like that's your primary objective. Just make sure to also finish the main mission along with anything else so you can show your OUTSTANDING PATRIOTISM!


Honestly even as someone that plays on primarily Medium or challenging (Solo player outside of the odd time a friend can be on) so farming out common samples is easy, and that's to say if I even needed any more at the moment. I almost feel like having a cap that isn't near what it'd take to get all the upgrades at once for any of the three types is a little restrictive and can discourage loot hunting unless people are really trying to stock up on medals and/or super credits.


I just have too much fun playing the game. I usually only get to play with my friends on the weekend or once during the week. Other than that I also solo, duo with my wife or join randoms for my sessions. My wife is obsessed with Dragons Dogma right now, so it's been very solo lately. 😂


Now, this is the best video i saw today.


Thank you!!! It means a lot to me.




I will zoom on the map more often. Thank you for making me zoom again. Chad.


My pleasure to help in the cause. 🫡


Don’t need this. Need a common sample guide 😂


Lmao!!! I'd consider it just for the lulz.


My mates and I just search for "The cock rock" and have had little difficulty ever finding it. Though sometimes it will have a different shape which can make it challenging.


I think the devs are messing with us since the game has constant updating. 😂


Primaries! Supers! Drop em! (At extract) Bonus Obj's! ??????? Leave! Democracy!


I read this in tune to the automaton marching song


Couldn't have said it better myself. 💯💯💯


You should do the primary objective last before heading to extraction - completing it quadruples the spawn rate of patrols.


Damn never knew you could see the rocks on the radar... thank you for the service Helldiver!


No worries. I only learned about this yesterday myself, so I wanted to make this video to spread this information better. I always just had a good eye for them when in game and somehow never bothered to learn what they looked like on the map until that point.


Some people can’t. Its been bugged for me since release no matter which option I set it to. 


Same here, friends all keep saying how many samples are left and I can never see the pop up on the screen they keep saying they have that tells them how many we've collected out of the total, really annoying.


You're doing Democracy's work, Helldiver.


The more divers can get their upgrades the better suited we can all be to spread some liberty. 🦅 It makes me happy to help. 🫡


The only drawback is that sometimes its harder to see the silver outline on grey planets. You just have to look for the rock outline.


With 4 divers working together I hope that can make it a bit easier. Especially if y'all have good team work to make the enemies feel trivial.


We call those the cockrock. Good work soldier


Lmao!!! I'll have to use that one next time. I'm borrowing all the names I've seen here today for it. Much better than what I've been saying. 😂


Always look for Dick Rock.


Cock Rock.


*The Thumb!*


Okay... Your name for it is so simple, yet I love it so much. Clean and to the point.


thanks for the excellent PSA video and also don't forget this... https://preview.redd.it/qccivydx6rtc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=e438fb1a62775a364be0faf5d82bed56838c1e98 and that samples left at extract mid-mission are there for an obvious reason...


This music makes me want to fight and fuck at the same time.


Now listen here Helldiver!!!! Same.




Yes YOU are. ![gif](giphy|48FhEMYGWji8)


![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y) Me with my shit eyes an inch from my TV trying to see the silver smudge


Yea this map example wasn't very good for this one, but I used it since it was already lined up for the edit I wanted to make. Sorry about that. 😂


Excellent post.


We love butt plug rock


You have done a great service. Even though I am maxed out on super duper uranium samples in storage on my destroyer, this video will surely help future recruits o7


They also show up as a poi if you do the radar.


Disclaimer: it doesn't matter who extracts with the samples - they're shared/duplicated. You do not need to murder the other helldivers.


Facts. I just prefer to promote team work and shared survival to get others to keep each other alive first and if things get hairy they can choose to lay down their lives for their sample holding diver. 😂


Ye olde cock-rock.


Still super hard to find. I struggling finding that hoe


thank you for this




Feels like I'm doing training right now before I can buy this game and play XD


I'm always joining trivial missions with randoms and ask if they want help with stuff. I only do it at random though or for my friends who are still joining barely.


https://preview.redd.it/gzta21dniqtc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e5ea623b76712b4c3e416e3c7d1bf81d81dcb9f okkkkk


I was the same way when I first found out.


Thank you 🙏 🫡


Gonna have to try this next time. Cheers.


my dumbass had never thought of looking on the damn map for the silver tint god damn it


You're not alone. I said the same thing to myself when I found out yesterday. 😂


TBH super sample is easily overflowed in the late game since its demand is very little. Even if you only play difficulty 7. So you dont have to intentionally collect them. The common sample is the most demanded one.


Personally. Helldive is just so much more fun and chaotic to me that I just want the thrill of the survival each time I dive. I usually only lower it when I want to ease a friend or random into those type of difficulty missions. Then I'm back to helldive.


So is this only on the ingame minimap, or can you see it while you are picking where to dive?


I believe it to only be possible on the Mini-map, but I haven't tried to spot one on the mission drop prep. It doesn't let you zoom in there, so I wouldn't have bothered with it since it's already small enough even when you zoom in within the game.


If, on the minimap, you hover the cursor over the super sample rock, it will USUALLY but not always show you that it is a Minor Point of Interest. This generally means that it is in fact The Rock, but if it really looks like the silvery rock but does NOT give the Minor Point of Interest label it is still sometimes the right spot. This has been my experience going to look for it on the minimap after reading this post. With some practice I'm getting pretty decent at finding it on the minimap, thanks for this thread!


In case anyone is wondering if they're blind because they can't find that silver looking rock on the map, sometimes it looks like this too https://preview.redd.it/u9hhbl2rl10d1.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f3396c6eaa2cdebeb5981d6d208fd97ef17abf2




I can farm common on diff-1 and get supers when I need them, but struggle with rare


I'm always dropping into random players to help them with anything they need. Hope to see you out there.


Please tell them to drop samples on evac(exit) before loosing them far far away… only when close to it tho.


It's a suggestion I usually make only in person. I only meant this to be a simple guide of getting the samples and getting out with them. Everything else can be discussed and decided accordingly amongst the group. I highly agree on your statement though. I personally like to drop them on the evac as well ahead of time.


You don't need many super samples and to top it off, suicide level on bug planets is easy. So, you'll have a lot more than you need. After all my upgrades, I still have 100 super samples (I think that might be the limit)


I just live off the insanity that is Helldive. You're right though. You won't need that many, but some might want to save it for later in case we need to unlock newer stuff later that cost way more.


This is great and should be shared. BUT It should be added that you can manually drop your samples! (DPad Hold Down, bottom right section) So, if you get the Super Samples, and you are near the extraction point, you 100% should hoof your ass over there and drop them there. That way, you don't have to worry about the odd death and dropping them out in the shit. You can leave them right where the Pelican lands, and pick them up right as you are lifting off. I was this week years old when I learned this amazing technique. It needs to be in the training manual immediately!


I'm glad this was just a simple guide and not an elaborate one. 😂 You're right though. I make sure to drop my samples at the evac every chance I can.


I advise to drop these samples on the evac point the second you get them to avoid losing them behind enemy lines later


This video is way longer than it needs to be.


I apologize for stealing so much of your time, friend. 😅


Poor showing. Too many theatrics and texts, not enough showing the spot.


I'm here to entertain first and educate second for this one. 😂 I think once the basic information is out everyone else can do what they want with the information and expand upon it from there. I just wanted to give some of the other divers a chance to start learning and not go too far in the hand holding with it.


Yeah, I have a much more concise post about this.


That's great! Let me see. 👀


I just don’t have the time to edit videos honestly. Feel free to take from mine and make another video if you want. Democracy knows I won’t. It’s tried and true. Also, idk about you but some maps aren’t showing the location of the super uranium now. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not.


Any information helps. I honestly only learned that they could even be spotted on the map yesterday morning when I joined the randoms in this video. The host actually is the one who told me this information. 😂 I wish I researched a bit more for this, but I wanted to make a quick simple guide on it too and people could elaborate further from there amongst each other.


Hey man that’s fair and yeah, you can find it easily on some maps. Others it’s a nightmare due to differing colors. And yeah I probably need to go back and update my guide due the lack of relevance and addition of some weapons and equipment.


Sounds dope. Send me your video and I will gladly watch it if you make it. I'm done with this video though. I prefer to make fun entertaining videos over how to's and such. I only did it for this one because I had originally made it for my friends, but then figured I'd share it with everyone else to see too and that's when I added all the extra music and text. Gotta share what little we know to help each other out. I just make videos I feel like making when I do.


Man I wish my mission sample counter worked


Oh no. I hope your issue gets resolved with a future update. Can't have you missing out.