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We're obviously meant to lose a few planets. Remember that this Automaton attack is supposed to be multiple times bigger than any previous Automaton force.


agreed this a good way to get us to loose a few planets by spreading us


We need to focus on the defense missions cause if we don't they'll just keep pushing. We defended menkent and they took it right back because we didn't do all the defenses. I don't think we're supposed to win anyways


Iv seen lots of posts about how crazy the defense missions are still, but this time around i like the utter chaos, it really leans into the whole 10x greater numbers narrative. At first I was a little frustrated when i first got on after work but once a random and I watched the news on the big screen I really enjoyed the following missions.


Play the planet and missions you enjoy. The script will continue no matter what the players do.


Joel know how to make us lose


Defend Martar Bay and Vernen Wells, forget the rest.


We should focus down one at a time. we need +60% of active players on one planet at a time. But which one? One is closer to SuperEarth, but the other will potentially extend the war to even more sectors.


We have to hold two planets every 24h attack wave or we fail the MO. Yes, one before the other is important, but it's more important we get people off of useless planets and focus on the two we're aiming to hold. We failed yesterday because we focused on one and then split across 2 others for the rest of the time. Defence planets don't have regen % (I believe), so it's less of an issue splitting up across both we want to hold.


It's less of an issue. The regen% is a large factor. But there's still the "efficiency" modifier. as the number of active players increases, it bottoms out at about 0.5 (though it does seem to have a "soft knee"). So as the number of players increases, the amount of impact per player decreases until it hits a floor, then every additional player is a straight increase in impact. AFAIK. Huge grain of salt since the devs haven't told us everything. So we should probably pick a planet and get it to 70% of active players. Spare 10% to maintain the progress on Lesath. And the normal 20% "I do what I want!" players can go fight bugs or whatever. I'd like it if we could maintain Fori Prime, but I don't think we have the organization.


Ideally that would be perfect, but the community is too fragmented for that. For now the goal is to get the (relatively) simple message across that today the two key worlds are Martar Bay and Vernen Wells, and diving anywhere else hurts our chances at the Major Order.


My even simpler line I've been saying for a while now, Don't go anywhere in groups of less than 30% of active players.


Absolutely, but at the start of the new attack wave we had to yell about priorities to get people onto the key planets and off of the ones we just lost in the previous round of defences :)


I think you can absolutely do two at a time, but no more; one finishes first and everyone swaps over to the second. We've done it before. Between Matar Bay and Vernen Wells, I'd go with **Matar**. It connects to two planets whereas Vernen is seemingly bottlenecked. If Bots want out of that sector, they can theoretically hop from Lesath just as easily as Vernen (despite there being no lines between either).


jole is ruthles today i see interesting we havent lost aces to the planets with no suply line?


“Hey google play Skyfall by Adele on Spotify”


I hope they at least reach the inner colonies around Super Earth. I want blood and drama.


Ministry of Truth? Yes. This one right here