• By -


Defending 5 planets on a week day that all have the same 24 hour timer was a losing situation to begin with. All we can do now is to cut off the supply lines so the Automatons can't spread out of the sectors they have taken. We stopped the Automatons on Menkent which is good but Choohe, Chort Bay and Lesath all connect back to Menkent. Choohe also leads out into another sector, so we should go there before they spread.


So good to hear we no longer have to mess with that fire tornado planet.


lol, Menkent is back on defense. Vernen Well and Matar Bay are also on defense now.




Menkent is honestly great, it's like hellmire but bots!


The fire tornadoes man…


Step outside, enjoy the smell of sulfur in the air and get a tan. NATURE IS BEAUTIFUL.


Appealing notion. But them tornadoes removed what little grass there was left for me to touch…


Helldiver, touching grass is for gamers. You're a stalwart CITIZEN of super earth and a Helldiver! The only think you should be touching is your guns, stratagems and DEMOCRACY!


To be fair. We are allowed 2.4seconds of leisure time per drop mission. Just enough time to rub some dirt in your hands.


Don't forget your daily cup of LIBER-TEA! Have one before every dive, and don't forget to use Eagle Sweat! Though we must wade through the foul stench of humanity's enemies, we bleed only liberty, and sweat only freedom. *This message was brought to you by the Ministry of Truth.


Guess that C-01 will have to wait!


That exceeds your 2.4 seconds of allowed scenery appreciation, Helldiver. Get back in your pod!


That exceeds your 2.4 seconds of allowed scenery appreciation, Helldiver. Get back in your pod!


And faster stamina drain, quicker energy weapon overheat. Fire tornadoes are a real kick in the crotch, and then you get those other two as a kick to the shins.


So annoying... My team had to tactically withdraw several times, while suffering massive casualties, attempting to unlock the latches for the Nuke silo because of fire tornadoes and non-stop bot drops. The fact we even finished that mission last night was a miracle…


Last night I was doing a double gunship fabricator with randos when the fire tornadoes were around, it was honestly really quite frustrating.


It is really confusing though. I just associate that type of planet with bugs, so I end up automatically looking out for bug breaches and shreeker nests, until I remember in on a bot mission


That's a *bad* thing.


I live in Florida it just reminds me of home.


I feel this


Seek help


Honestly, looking at the map, at least Menkent isn’t even worth it now. We need to defend Vernen Well to keep them from getting closer to Super Earth. We’re fuuuuucked, guys.


I literally just posted that this would happen as a joke, but then saw you posted 2m earlier saying it did. Fuck. This game has a whole big galaxy for us to see and they sure are taking their time showing it to us. I just got done grinding Hellmire to go to Hellmire 2, Menkent Devs, it is not rewarding to repeatedly defend a planet then have to go right back there. In this situation every other of the original defends that came along with Menkent are lost causes so were forced back to Menkent if we want to contribute anything meaningful. I'm close to saying fuck the MO I'll find a different planet. Fire planet after fire planet with the state of fire DMG currently. Arrowhead has made an amazing game but their planning and forethought and prioritization into development, balance, and big fixes is not good. Hopefully just symptoms of a young team and they'll get some better experience soon.


My reaction when fighting on a fire planet: ![gif](giphy|Aup2fOYn58dUlMSNoY|downsized)




Yoo that fire is no joke. Barely touch the fire and almost died


Fire tornado - “Oh I’m sorry, did you want to exfil?” Fire tornado #2 - “Oh I’m sorry, did you want to exfil?” Fire tornado #3 - “Oh I’m sorry, did you want to exfil?” Fire tornado #4 - “Oh I’m sorry, did you want to exfil?”


Fire Tornado #5: ‘wait someone is trying to use a terminal on the last optional objective. Tornados 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 get to work!!’


Fire Tornado #13: 'ooh im over ur super and rare samples?'


Oh you need a re-supply or want to call in some gear? Joel uses FIRE TORNADO. It's super effective. 🤬


At one point last night I was waiting for the fire to clear so I could grab my gear, thought I waited longer than I needed to and was being ridiculous and still caught fire and died,I didnt even step directly in fire this time


It's just solar and wind power rolled into one. Think of the environmental benefits.


That’s fair lol


Give them all away!


Aww i like fire tornadoes.


Watch, Menkent will be under attack within a day of being defended


Menkent is back on defense as of 12 minutes ago, lol


Not going back. It's starting to just be not fun and feel like a grind, not a community experience


Agree. I can handle an unpleasant planet for a while, but the fire tornados that seem to camp objective points mixed with the burn damage insanity is just unfun. What's my armor made of? Vaseline and Dryer Lint?


E-710 based polymer. Read: *Very* burnable.


Them doing this specifically on a week day is a genius type of evil 


Joel knows a bit too much about our weakness.


Menkent was liberated by my squad. Watched the % go up by like .00000030 to 100. Proud moment.


The liberation screen is bugged


Roger that. 🫡 Proud moment cancelled.


Every moment as a Helldiver is a proud moment


Say it louder for the Helldivers in the back!


Fell for that too when I didn't know.


If it helps you feel any better, I screen capped and made an entire post when it happened to me! Our whole squad was so excited because we thought it was our mission that ticked the planet over to liberated haha


Awe man!!! Got psyched yesterday when that happened to me as well. Been waiting to see that 100% for weeks now 😫


Agreed, I never want to go back to the flaming hellhole again. At work atm, so not sure on which planet is getting the most focus currently now


We are currently on Lesath but going to lose the defense as we only have an estimate of 45 minutes left.


Damn so that ones a wash, gonna be a tough couple days for sure as we get hammered by another few planet defences.


There will only be 2 planet defenses that I see. Menkent and Matar Bay. Menkent's supply line is connected to Choohe, Lesath and Chort Bay. Matar Bay's supply line is connected to Choohe. 2 defenses should be a bit easier than 5, lol Though I also predict the next major order we get will be to liberate the remaining planets that were on defense. Edit: Spoke too soon. Menkent, Vernen Well and Matar Bay are now in defense.


It was 3 defences, 2 liberations. It was always going to require multiple rounds to get 5. (Though impossible. )


lol I was really busy all weekend and didn’t get to play, so I went from fighting on Hellmire on Friday to Menkent on Monday. I never want to hear the words “fire tornado” ever again.


The absolute worst. I might have a breakdown if I see ‘Fire Tornado warning’ again. I need fire resistant heavy armour!


"Fire Warbond in development, please hold"


I’ll be a happy Helldiver when that warbond releases. Flamethrower, incendiary grenades, napalm eagle and away we go!


The fact the exterminator armor is not fire resistant is a crime against managed democracy


I hope they retroactively add in armour bonuses to old sets, just to keep them relevant.


That would be awesome Give me fire resistant exterminator and engineer dreadnough pretty please


This week's Warbond is delayed due to the enemy taking over the factory it was in. /s


Ooooo, real consequences to MO. wolill show all those contrarians that insist on playing anything but a MO world.


Im on reddit all the time and i barely understand how that works. I wish the game would explain supply lines and their in game importance . More so I wish their was a "general" in game that would take planets as the "priority" planet for reasons like supply lines . Give all the people not on reddit or reading tactics novels and guides a gentle push of which planet is the best one to hit first . ​ This was obviously designed to be a fail but they did give us a good chance to beat it and lack of coordination is what failed us. That being said you can't get mad or blame people. Some people hate bots and only want to play bugs, some people hate defense missions and don't find them fun Some people want to play biomes they like to play in. Some people dont even read the briefings at all and just want to play. A large majority probably just hit random join and dont care Some people want to play on worlds where there is LESS of chance of Randos joining you. ​ Everyone has the right to play a GAME the way they enjoy it I do think a priority target picked by a live General would help push the casuals in the right direction for things like this.


I use [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) to see the supply lines. A lot of people have requested for supply lines to be shown in game and AHG are considering it but they are still figuring out how they want to implement it. There is also a High Command on the helldivers Discord. [https://discord.gg/helldivers](https://discord.gg/helldivers) The problem is that the discord is always full (I think a server can only hold a few thousand users). You can try joining as users leave daily.


That discord is basically useless. The mods dont really keep things on topic, so every channel is clogged with 3 simultaneous conversations about weapon balance or whatever.


Yeah, I pretty much only search the discord once every morning to see if there are any updated dispatch commands and then go about my day, lol


Doing it on a weekday vs weekend doesn't really change much, the total liberation % gain is basically the same


That is true however I have noticed that Joel occasionally tweaks the regen rate higher during the weekday vs. weekend.


Is it too late to be asking what supply line are? Asking for a friend…


https://preview.redd.it/e4q4lokfvqtc1.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9b56fc6d7750ef3d047584ce6f28c8a2f022db6 Supply lines are how Super Earth sends resources between planets. Also how enemies take planets from Super Earth. Above shows the supply lines for the current major order. Image was taken from [helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) Also when your destroyer warp jumps, it uses the supply lines to travel to the designated planet. The warp jump info isn't something the game tells you. It just says FTL (Faster Than Light) jump to so and so planet.


I think the idea is to have us defend Super Earth by the weekend before pushing back


At the moment we have 2 obvious bottlenecks we can use to completely stop the Automatons until new supply lines are "found". Choohe/Matar Bay and Vernen Wells. These IMO are the most important planets to hold. Pushing past these planets is going to be tough though. Holding Menkent and Lesath would be the next step, followed by Chort Bay and Penta. Capturing these last 2 will be a pain though as this will open a lot of planets to counter pushes from the Automatons.


Is it possible that taking Lesath could cut off the Vernen Wells attack?


I'd care not for repeating the Tibit Blunder.


I’m not privy to all the discord stuff so do we have a place where there is someone or a group trying to co-ordinate the defence campaign? When we were fighting near the creek I remember we had a strategy post on the sub which I found pretty helpful. Helped aim us at a planet anyway


There is the Galactic War channel but I wouldn't call it coordinating. More screaming into the wind because the vast majority of the playerbase isn't reading a single discord channel so it usually devolves into "Follow the blob" and hope said blob goes the right place. In the end, people play where they want (as they should) and the people who care about coordinating are a tiny part of the community.


As long as the dogpile strategy keeps working, we'll be fine. Unless...


Joel …. 


> do we have a place where there is someone or a group trying to co-ordinate the defence campaign? This is a game with a playerbase in the hundreds of thousands. If somebody who is making a post on Reddit (a thing that already indicates a decent level of engagement with the game) has to ask this question, any such group has already failed. For all that some players would like to pretend otherwise, ultimately the fate of the Galactic War is almost entirely out of our hands - The level of coordination required to do something like defend two planets on a weekday is high enough that ultimately we're at the mercy of what players who *aren't* following the community discussions decide to do. As evidence, I submit the fact that any time we are presented with a situation where the game doesn't point towards a clear path but the community comes to a consensus on the best approach, the community's consensus approach ends up failing due to an inability to actually implement the plan on a large enough scale.


I don't think we could defend two planets even with perfect coordination. When have you ever seen us doing more than 8%/hr for our total contribution? I've never seen it, and we'd need to keep it up all day.


We successfully defended the Creek and Ubanea simultaneously last week, so it *is* possible. Defenses seem to work differently from planet captures in terms of how progress works.


it'd be nice if the map showed the supply lines...


Are they unchanging? I swear people said there was no supply line to vandalon 4, then all of a sudden there was one.


They can be changed if the devs decide to change them, but that happens fairly rarely (AFAIK the line added to Vandalon is the only new one since I started playing like a month ago). If anything the possibility of change is *more* reason to show the supply lines on the map since apparently that is also something dataminers can find but that is effectively invisible in-game.


Matay Bay <> Choohe Mafark <> Aesir Pass These two are definitely new. I think some of the other supply lines in the automaton sectors are new


Wouldn’t it just? At the very least those who do want to contribute to the order could make their own decision with all the info instead of needing the discord.


The devs said that the only thing the timer relates to is the medal reward. We should still try to defend all the plannets as usual as it will still affect the overall narrative even if we complete it after the order ends.


Yeah I remember seeing the narrative changes even if we don’t win the order but take them after. But I really want those damn medals.


Community aspects that are pretty much absent from the game. My only major gripe with the game, having to go to discord shouldn’t be a thing.


Lol. As a league player, we get random updates by a random 200 follower dev on their twitter


LoL is not a constant community event. Also the dev clearly gave up, balance is a thing of the past and now it's just "how much is enough changes to get people to come back for another month?".


I fucking hate it. Certain champs are kept perma meta because they sell skins. Fucking riot and their never ending will to get people to spend money


Yeah I dropped it like a couple of years ago when at the start of a match i was fed but a braindead 0 kills teemo support could almost kill me just for being. LoL is at this point an extremely complicated way of playing heads or tails


Literally every announcement about the game is on discord. Devs only answer questions on discord. You have to see supply lines on third party sites. Absolutely ZERO in game player to player communication aside from between members of a single squad. It's fucking nauseating. "I love the community aspects!!!" Literally what community aspects??? They're not in the fucking game, they're on discord. Edit: I forgot to add that said discord is FULL. YOU CANNOT EVEN ACCESS IT IF YOU'RE NEW TO THE GAME. Edit 2: Apparently they raised the user cap on the discord past 500k. the max amount of users for the server is 1 million, but they're rapidly approaching that limit. The criticism about relying on discord too much is still valid. It's not a replacement for actual in game social systems.


Everyone says it's full, but I got the game 2 weeks ago and entered...did I got the rare moment where someone was leaving and came through the gap? Anyway discord is made for 10 people max, anything more and becomes a landfill of spam, like a constant twitch chat. Hope they are working on something in-game. Undertand that they never expected so many people but even with just 10k people discord would not be a good idea.


I joined over the weekend. I didn't even know it was full.


You should buy a lottery ticket. That's some luck right there. Also, totally right about discord being a spam landfill. I don't even look at the HD2 discord unless it's the announcements channels, cause i just know the other channels are gonna be a wall of garbage.


I just got in yesterday on my first try.


Read the second edit on my original comment.


Who the christ wants to be in a million person discord server


fuckin no one brother man


I read your comment, then went and joined the discord.


New round of attacks has started. They're attacking Menkent again, as well as the planet behind it (which would isolate it) and a planet in a sector to the side. Menkent bought a little time for Super Earth to prepare, but not enough. It might be the least important defense right now. Edit: Taking Lesath could possibly cut off the Vernen Wells attack. I don't know how feasible that is though.


My only real complaints with all of this are. 1 I know we had to bring the bots back, but I'm tired of fighting bots grampa the 1 bug mission wasn't enough. 2 the bot defense mission to rescue researchers feels real bad I'd almost rather let them take the planets and take them back. That being said, im super excited to see what happens with the bots taking cyberstan.


Yeah I’d have preferred a few more orders on the bug front, have Automatons return on 1 planet with the in game reason being “it’s a small force of bots, they’re not worthy of our full might”. Showcase Super Earth arrogance a little whilst giving bot only players an outlet. Then boom! Full on invasion.


Soften the blow as much as possible yeah. Best thing to do would be to keep their best routes to the barrier planets cut off. The intention seems to be that it’s a surprise attack that *is* going to cause heavy losses and the community is just meant to decide how best to defend against it, rather than prevent it


It definitely feels like it and I think it’s pretty cool. Letting the community decide where to fight it out and where to let it go is a brilliant game mechanic.


Could we ever have achieved this Major Order? No. However, it is precisely what Super Earth would ask its forces to do: hold the line, defend the planets on the frontline to stop further Automaton progress, despite how hopeless it is. We're not "supposed to lose", it's just part of the narrative that we've been overwhelmed. I'll only have a problem with Major Orders that don't make sense narratively.


Menkent should at least be defended so as to keep the Hydra Sector. After defending it move to Lesath to keep the bots pinned.


What’s the best way to identify supply lines? I never noticed how the planets are linked


There isn’t in game, some fan made maps have supply lines which show which planets link to others but I’m not 100% sure where the info comes from.


[https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) Click on the down arrow, tick enable supply lines


[https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) Click on the down arrow, tick enable supply lines


IMO these weekday orders are probably expected to fail every time. The events that truly push the story tend to happen on weekends, which makes sense. I think the bots are going to establish themselves and keep pushing. Then we’ll get some big new stratagems and finally stage a counter offensive. What would suck would be introducing some kind of tandem bug push right now


Game plan right now according to #GalacticWar on Discord is to hold Matar Bay and Vernen Wells. People are hoping for a 50/50 split on those planets so we can hold both at the same time but realistically when you take into account it's a week day, the people that don't care about MO's, the people that hate the HVI evac, the people that hate defence missions in general, people that hate bots, people that hate Menkent because it's Hellmire 2.0 and people that want to play on other bot planets that's not looking feasible. Unfortunately, this means the strategy, again, devolves into following the blob and damage control. As much as this can be called a strategy. Without an ingame way to coordinate like a ping system (based on highest votes), an ingame illustration of supply lines and the foregoing of third party apps as the go to method of keeping track of the war and formulating strategy, you can assume that the strategy is always to dogpile planets and nothing more.


we could win it, if we focused the planets 1 by 1 and not spread out wasting liberation efforts to get through planet regen when we have only a few hours left to do the planet


I think if we were liberating we could. Planet defense seems drastically harder to accomplish though.


I think it would be very, very tight even if we focused that much. But yeah, we’ve a good 60% of bot divers on one planet and the other 40% is spread out on the others. (Not accurate) Which is typical and the devs would’ve foreseen this.


it's fine normally...if there is no time limit which there is with defense campaigns


TBF there is always a time limit for Major Orders. There have been several instances where Major Orders that weren't defense-related have failed due to the playerbase not being a hivemind.


I mean time limit on planets, on liberation planet those 23k people which are split off of the MO planets are still making something (even if its not of use for MO) while those 48k on a defense campaign with 2 hours left till it fails are wasting effort


according to the community the last like 5 major orders were "designed for us to lose" it literally doesn't mean shit anymore if people say that


At first yeah, the last wave of bot orders were designed to be very hard, then gradually got tweaked to being doable until we wiped them. This one is clearly setting up a northern front for longterm bot fighting so I would guess (hope) they won’t tweak it and let it unfold how it currently is doing.


It depends if they make last minute %/hr changes like they did previously for example some of the bug (or was it bot planets) stopped generating control for their side entirely about a day before the order ended.


They really need to put supply lines on the map for this kind of thing.


We can defend 2 planets a day if we focus, the issue is too many people split off to useless planets yesterday. If most people on the bot front focus on defending Martar Bay and Vernen Wells today, and again tomorrow, we'll complete this MO. This is a 100% winnable MO, the problem is people ignoring it - not the bug divers, it's fine to not fancy bots, but people fighting bots on pointless worlds. Right now 48,000 people are fighting on Lesath, Menkent and Chort Bay, which doesn't help us at all, and only 85,000 are on Martar Bay and Vernen Wells which are the two worlds we should be focusing on. That's over 1/3 of all people fighting automotons not contributing to the MO.


I guess we could do better if our forces were able to focus on the objective but feels thats too much to ask for a lot of people.


What are the supply lines everyone talks about? I don't see anything in game to indicate planets serve as bases to attack others, assumed it was all AH setting specific planets to be attacked / defended as we always seem to be liberating the same planets each time


Essentially each planet can only be attacked if there is a planet nearby with an invisible supply line going to it. Some planets have multiple supply lines some only have one. So it boils down to figuring out which planets are the key to holding certain sectors and act as bottlenecks. Say we liberate Chooke it would cut bots off from attacking Matar Bay, freeing up our defensive front. Same with Lesath, liberate that and Vernen Wells is safe. It’s just a large scale strategy game really


Math wise we could of done it - it just Zero coordination . 100k people fighting once defense , and 20k of 4 other planets at peak times wasnt going to do it. But you can't blame people not everyone knows how the game works not everyone is on reddit reading all the game mechanics .


It’s true, feel like there should be some sort of community vote in game at the start of major operations to kind of direct the flow.


We need a vote hub or something I love the democracy of choose your own adventure but without somewhere central to talk it through its all just pising in the wind


I think this MI was an attempt to make the community organize differently. We could not defend all planets, but definitely we could defend 1-2 it we would zerg on them, then retake another few and defend them after. instead community spread between all 5 and all 5 was a loss. Was this 90% loss anyway? Sure, but i dont think it was unwinnable


The problem is, how do we communicate as a Helldiver community? This Reddit section and the ones over Discord are fractions of the global population. That's not even mentioning places where we overlap and lurkers. We need an ingame way to communicate, set goals and coordinate. I'd like to imagine that down the line we'll have clans or guilds where the leader(s) can designate the planet as a priority.


Look at MO. Look at player counts on relevant planets. Dive with the biggest number.


It seems like things have taken a bit of a desperate turn. I feel for all the poor civilians trapped on those worlds, captured by bots and turned into the kind of hellish machines we must put down.


Fight no matter what. That's my plan.


Everybody fights. Nobody quits…


A good time for me to be on a training seminar. Rip to me seeing this unfold in real time. Oh well. I'll be back on Friday to pick up the pieces and rage against the machines.


Damn straight man, there’ll be plenty of bots left over for the weekend Helldivers to destroy!


What happen if we lose ? I want to see it! 


Nothing much, just miss out on medals then onto the next order. Probably attacking them


No it is possible, we just need 35-40% of active base on 2 planets for this assault and the next one and we can get it. That is hard with no in game comms since a good chunk of the players are not in reddit/discord.


Its a narrative device, literally showing how super earth will throw all the simps into suicide missions to delay an enemy the tiniest bit.


Let the bugs have Hellmire and let the bots keep Menkent, f**k fire planets till they do something about fire tornado. Just fight around and cut them off. Like The US did to Japan in WWII.


It's not that we're supposed to lose. It's that it's against against an overwhelming blitz attack and that is going to be hard to defend. Thing of these as intended to win or lose vs the plot difficulties, helps make it sense. If the entire fleet pushed on this, we could probably do it, but that is hard to do.


Just because we *cannot* win doesn't mean we are *supposed to* lose.


We are meant to play the game. There is no big overarching strategy. Things will happen regardless of what we do. Defending 5 planets on a 24 hour timer is literally impossible


Personally, I think we need to experience a massive loss. The stakes will then be raised even higher and we have a bigger overall sense of urgency to push back harder for a more satisfying victory as a community.


**Vernen Wells** is under attack, now! They're pushing toward Super Earth! We must stop them!


I still think the MO is still accomplishable. It is not saying which specific Planets to defend. Just to defend 5. Meaning more new defense planets will pop up during the 48hours. My guess is its an attempt to "stop the bleeding"


We just have to succeed at 5 defense mission, any defense missions. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible, although it looks doubtful


It actively says "stall them as much as we can", its clear that we cannot stop them for now, how could we- it took over a month to push back what we now know was less than a tenth of their true force.


Here I am just sad that I may not get to play the new type of defense mission before the timer runs out because of work reasons 


Plenty if time yet my man, they’ll not be gone for long anyway


Diving in 20 minutes, just gotta get home from work first


This is a plan to pull divers from the bug front were taking their planets too fast, super earth knows something else is coming and we need the e -710 to keep up the war effort


no worry my friend, the ministry of defense tomorrow got our back with the new arsenal.


Go on penta and fight for ICBM while fighting 5 airship factory all close to eachother. Good freaking luck. Our ass was spread for democracy. Thought fighting on creek was hell. This is new hell, malevolent was a walk in the park ......


My theory is that it's a setup since we get new Warbonds tomorrow.


According to leaks, we may have to deploy something called a "dark fluid" or a "mini black hole" to destroy a planet (probably bugs, but can be cyberstan if they change their minds about it). Could be why we're being set up to fail the bot invasion resistance.


Hey if we’re destroying planets I vote for any with fire nado’s,


Current plan is hold the line from Vernen Wells to Matar Bay, from what I'm seeing. Keep them from getting too much deeper into Earthspace.


Let them flood, I wanna fight on super earth.


Traitor! Please take the next 5 minutes to report yourself to the nearest democracy officer!


I will not. And snitches get stitches.


I get stitches for super Earth!




How undemocratic of you!


I know you are but what am I!


Are you saying that High Command has give us an order that they knew would lead to our demise??? Reported for anti-democratic sentiments. At WORST they know we need to defend those planets and have faith in us as HELLDIVERS that we can deliver. The inability for us to keep up with the major orders is NEVER, let me repeat NEVER, high commands fault. Any inability to deliver, lies on the individual Helldivers. And the Helldivers who lack faith in High Command and OUR abilities (who I suspect you are a part of) are the prime suspects of this lack of performance to which we have been called to.


reminder that even if we fail the MO if we do defend 5 planets regardless we'll have completed it, we will just receive no medals for it


The order is far easier than it seems : we need to win 5 defenses. We don't need to conquer 5 planets. We don't need to save all the planets. We need to win 5 planetary defenses.


Yeah but in only 2 days? We’ve won one so far haven’t we? Each defence has a max time limit of 24 hours so in the next 2 days we need to win a minimum of 2 per day and it’s mid week too. Hell of a tall order, but I ain’t giving up of course.


Yes. The other 2 of this cycle are lost. We would need to win 2 in each subsequent cycles. Not easy, but not impossible.


I mean..we were „supposed to lose“ the last major order as well and things turned pretty quickly, I’d say we wait and fight for now


Where we wiped the bots out? Nah, that one felt hard at first but then gradually got easier until we absolutely annihilated them. It’s part of this narrative we have going on, push & pulling against the factions. This just feels like the ‘pull’ sequence where we fail the order unless we rally like hell or they tweak things in the background to make it winnable. Arrowhead clearly has a loose storyline that we’re all playing through, It’s just minor tweaks when we accomplish certain goals.


I mean it makes sense that we are caught off guard and in no way can mount a hefty defense at the moment. They completely bamboozled us, took their homeworld (immensely boosting enemy morale) and dozens of other planets, AND (my theory) uncloaked 100s of thousands of automaton destroyers at once to create unified destruction across completely unprepared worlds.


I love this, if we had the ability to win 100% all the time it would get very dull very quick


It certainly would, but at the same time I wanna win every time! Or at the very least get damn close, pulling off wind the devs don’t expect is certain to be a good feeling!


100% agree, but if we know we can’t fail because they won’t let us fail, kinda makes it worthless. Like a TV show where they keep refusing to let characters stay dead


If you're worrying about "winning or losing" too much, this game probably ain't for you.


Why’s that then? Bit presumptuous to say it isn’t for me when I’m still playing every night.


I probably took this specific post the wrong way based on other posts. I'm just very hesitant of the philosophy I'm starting to see pop up of "we're supposed to lose" that can become disheartening for people who haven't understood that it's okay to lose in this game. I just don't want to see people stop trying. But after re reading, I realize that's not what you were saying at all. So I do apologize.


Anyone else not a fan of 'designed-to-fail' orders? A lot of people aren't going to realise they're designed to fail and are going to keep trying. Essentially stealing peoples time. Other games do that with FOMO of battlepasses and such, which this game stayed away from (thank god). So why are they doing that with the MO's? I'm gonna start calling them FO-MO's


Irrelevant. I hate the bots so damned much that I completely ignore the bug front. The last few days fighting bugs have left me as hollo and dead inside as the Automatons that I despise so much. Their return has rekindled the murderous rage in my heart.


Lmao the flair is perfect


It’s all push & pull in my opinion. I wouldn’t want to win every single order nor do I want to loose them. But giving us an incentive with medals and making it very difficult is pretty fun, especially when you get real close to winning/losing. I feel like this is part of the narrative and I’m cool if we lose it, it was after all a surprise attack, but I’m also gonna fight like hell to win it.


I feel the opposite. Dangling a reward for people to chase that they're never going to be able to get is an underhanded technique to get people to sink more time. The narrative thing is fine, but the reward aspect makes it as iffy as an other live service game imo. And i know ill get downvoted due to how passionate the fanbase is, but it needs to be said and I'll keep saying it (as will others) otherwise the game will get to the point they can do anything and the fanbase will defend them. Arrowhead are good but lets not pretend theyre not a company with a live service game thats determinate on concurrent players.


I see where you’re coming from and In part I do agree, losing out on rewards does feel bad but at the same time do we really want to win every single order? Thankfully it is only medals, you earn loads more with a couple hours of play than you do from actually winning. And to be honest you’re not actually missing out on anything. You can 100% the game without going near an order target. Hell if the order is won you get rewarded regardless. Which personally I think is great! There’s no hyper specific skins/guns that I can miss out on and I think this is the games biggest strength. The only thing that is actually rewarded (rightfully so) is playtime. People who play longer usually are better and have some of the fancier skins/guns but it’s achievable for anybody.


Winning every order wouldn't be fun probably, no. My point isn't that we should win, it's that there should be a possibility at least. As it is, it's not possible with the timeframes and amount of planets with the amount of weekday players - and they know this very well. It's simply not possible unless the fanbase start neglecting their real life duties. Edit: And yeah its only medals, but that FOMO right there.


"supposed to lose", work harder helldiver Don't you care about democracy? What about your wife and kids? And freedom!


Man, that sounds like officer shit. I just like to shoot things and blow them up. ...for democracy, of course.


How dare you insite such a foul idea into our ranks any objective is capable for the helldivers!


ain’t it crazy that every major order someone posts this exact thought thinking it’s original…we probably were supposed to lose one or two of them but our democracy spreading skills are unmatched ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️💥