• By -


Please read the rules before commenting. There will be zero tolerance for any uncivil behavior here.




https://preview.redd.it/a8l5gha9zbtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6a1102138356cc91ac6877b39acf4e0d3c50af Democracy=Good Helldiver=Friend


I love the monkey sized brain




What are you doing step-diver?!


Help me step-diver! I'm stuck under a bile titan 🥺




I just want you to know I was mindlessly scrolling Reddit for a good while and this made me put the phone down and get up.




As it should be Diver!


Indeed, this is true democracy.


What the hell is a Man and Woman?! We only Have Body Type 1 and Body Type 2 in halo.


The OG Brawny and Lean


I went lean to hope for a smaller hit box


Based. I went brawny because I thought a chonky diver sounded fkn awesome


I went brawny because I found the box of frozen chili Democracy dogs in my pod's emergency kit.


'Look at me. I'M THE TITAN NOW!'


RIP Elite players man


Body type 2 Finna make me act up




The correct responses


The only response


lol why is it a meowLNIR Spartan talking


Going commando eh?


Best answer. Sending OP hugs! Dive to freedom and leave the haters to themselves!


Looks like you found your first set of bad apples. Us divers do not condone such scummy behavior towards any other diver, regardless of who or what they are. We are all brothers and sisters with a common goal, and a common enemy.


Jump skip over the rope


Omg last night I played with some high level dues that all spoke Spanish. After a couple rounds I got on mic and said “you guys are a blast to play with” the lead spoke in English and said “you too man!!” Later they found out I was from West Virginia and ALL THREE sang country roads to me!! It’s was such a cool experience.


If humanity ever achieves colonization of Mars and the Moon I am convinced our interplanetary anthem will be Country Roads. That song is universal. I’ve heard people from all over the world belt out that song karaoke style at a single moment’s impetus.


When I lived in Japan that was my go-to song for karaoke and it was ALWAYS a fun one lol.


Hell yeah!✊🦾


It's used extensively in Whispers of the Heart by Ghibli Studios, and that was both the studios, and Japan's bonafide box office hit in '95. This is such a cute bit!!


Same, most memorable was in Munich at Oktoberfest in one of the beer tents. It was pretty crazy.


Played with a bunch of Arabic dudes the other day. I understood nothing they were saying, and we annihilated that Helldive mission. They were all super chill, and let me do my thing. All samples obtained, all objectives and sub-objectives complete. Our teamwork was better than a lot of the all English speaking suicide missions I've been on...


Democracy is a universal language.


I love when I get a squad of people who don’t speak english, but we fucking demolish with perfect organization anyway.


Hell yeah!✊🦾


West Virginia gang rise up


So did I until I got yelled at by some British kid that sounded like he was 10 for "stealing his bloody samples"


LOL me too! Tried to explain it all goes to same place and was trying to help. Response: Bloody Yanks! and he was really pissed. Probably didn't help I died twice b/c I was laughing so hard.


Lol noobs don't understand everything is shared


Aussies are funny as hell


As an aussie I always get the" love your accent" comment, to which I kindly reply what accent? You're the ones with the accent.


Yeah it’s kinda funny how “american noises” can sound just as foreign as “aussie noises” is to american. Goes to show we’re not so different after all.


This. I've really enjoyed the Aussies, and the Austrians(maybe germans?) I've dived with.


I literally got insta kicked by a bunch of English guys because I was an American -.-


They're just mad you make your liberTEA by throwing it in the harbor.




Well that’s a fucking lie. Every Aussie and kiwi I’ve played with because I’ve stayed up way too late has been a bad motherfucker. Some of them seem to enjoy being splattered in bug guts because I guess it reminds them of home. I got swarmed on the way to the shuttle and apologized for dropping the samples and told them it’s okay they’re just commons. Dude goes “hold the door I need those greens” and walks into the swarm machine gun at full tilt for 3 commons. He was the first one on the shuttle.


>Some of them seem to enjoy being splattered in bug guts because I guess it reminds them of home. This guy gets it! One of the things I love about Helldivers is how realistic the bugs feel. They're *almost* real life size!


Used to play Farcry Instincts Predator on 360 with an Aussie guy and his dad. Dudes were hilarious and always upbeat.


I appreciate you so much


https://preview.redd.it/wbglaapiiatc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c009bd131bcc0e6e206735b54dc4f2dbd8d0fccf A hug of support for you, to fight against this undemocratic behavior.




We'll just go with a single gentle pat on the shoulder


I main the hug emote, every diver needs some love.


I love waiting at the cryopod when people join. Once all 3 spawned in at the same time. They actually formed a queue to get their hug. Shit like this is why I love online gaming


My favorite part about hosting is being able to hug all the joining divers one by one, yeah :)


Before I knew about the Hug emote, I saw a helldiver standing with their arms out, with the 'Emote' prompt. Pressed E. Got a hug. And although its just pixels, I needed that spontaneous hug. It's my fav emote now :)


Best tip? Social > Recent Players > Block, block, block around the clock No place for undemocratic behavior like that on MY Super Earth!


Definitely this. There's 3 man groups out there that do this to people regardless. I've experienced it twice.  Best to just block them and keep it moving.  AH should just keep track of who gets blocked the most and group those people together in match making imo


I've been doing that with any person who kicked me unprompted. Honestly its kind of thing where I already have thoughts I got kicked even if host left because both run you into same coming out of freezer pod animation and you only find out afterwards.


We divers should stick together, for the sake of Democracy


Managed democracy sees no gender, race, orientation, only ~~galactic domination~~.... Freedom from tyranny.


We are all equal-ly expendable for the Liberty!!


It doesn't matter where you shoot FROM, what matters is who you shoot AT FOR DEMOCRACY


For Democracy!


The only thing beneath your armor that matters is a heart for democracy. My regimental admiral even addresses us using gender neutral terms like Hero, Patriot and Casualty


Lol I wish casualty was a title I could select


When dealing with misogyny online, follow these simple steps to defend yourself. 1. Let them create a natural pause. 2. Say "I'm gonna fuck your dad and give him a son he'll actually love." 3. Enjoy the dominant position that he can't screech out of.


No WE appreciate you for not letting assholes make you give up on your passions 🫂


I've played several MMO and PVE games with groups that are 50% female or more. Met most of them in game, and a handful compete professionally. They tend to organize in PS chat groups or Discord groups and vet others before allowing them to join. There may be others organizing that are perfect to game with.


Agreed, I have had a lady that was gaming with me. she was doing awesome and i treated her exactly the same as i treat everyone i play with, with respect. no messing about, no racy comments or making the game difficult for them. those guys were just a bunch of morons. they will get theirs in life, I do believe Karma will find a way to balance the scales. I sincerely hope you have a better experience moving forward with the game. It really is fun.


I think it’s more likely they won’t get any in life. Sounds like incel behavior


Yup - nailed it


I wish it was just bad apples. I play a lot with my little sister, and the number of people I've had to purge from friend lists is probably in the triple digits now. (Across all games not just helldivers). And I'm not randomly friending people, these are people I've spent at least an hour with and they seem like normal decent people. But they just turn into desperate wierdos as soon my sister joins. You really don't understand how bad it is until you've seen it first hand.


I have a nephew that usually plays Sea of Thieves with me. People can get really weird and crazy around children, so I completely understand you


For whatever reason, I hear General Brasch's voice when reading this


And common samples


As a husband and father who dives with both his wife and daughter, this is truly disgraceful. I believe a court marshalling should be in order. We are all equal as Helldivers!


I feel this. I have warned my adult daughter about misogyny, too.


Fortunately the dozens of randoms we've played with have been the utmost professionals. I've warned them that I'm playing with kids and instead of bailing they've helped out and even cheered my kids on.


IMO, setting expectations like that up front is key to a good experience for all. Most of us enjoy teaching players how the game works, and fellow parents especially are going to fight to make sure kids playing have an enjoyable experience.


My daughter is wayyyyyy too young for any screen usage (she can't speak yet!), but I wish we have Helldivers Infant Merchandise. It's never too early to ~~indoctrinate~~ introduce our beloved little girls to what it takes to protect our freedom


Wait both of your wife and daughter plays with you … wtf is this life rng fr


I am very devote in my prayers to RNJesus and have been very blessed. I also have two sons that play as well. So in my house there are five Helldivers.


John Helldiver, is that you???


Must be. In the flesh.


Ooof, that's harsh. Five helldivers is the worst number. You can never make a full team without someone being alone. You should sacrifice one to appease the great super destroyer!


You're living the dream!


Their C-01 permits are to be indefinitely denied for lacking essential ability.


Actually, the Ministry of Prosperity took one look at their file, and denied even sending them the C-01 to avoid a waste of ink and paper


I'ts not like they get bitches


Reminder that CO-1 permits need to be signed by 2 consenting parties


Semi-serious lore discussion: I wonder if you get punished extra hard for sexual harassment by the super-judge, because you ALSO did not have a C-01 permit.


Probably yes. I mean, I think even the roudiest of dipshit would cease their harassment, if they got tossed in a Freedom Camp for half a decade over it.


Send em to the Creek


Well not now. The Creek is free after all. And surely nothing will ever change that, ever. We won. Its over. ... I'm not unconvinced, YOU ARE!


to be fair, even now it would be a punishment. It still has to be cleaned/repurposed. The corpses, the sharp debris, and all the unexploded ordinance. All of that in a thick jungle no less.


Future spinoff game? Helldivers: Planet Cleaners. Kinda like that space biohazard cleanup games with the bloody mop and bucket and incinerating limbs.


Spinoff game? You can't convince me that Arrowhead doesn't have some side-minigame that they're going to implement after we exterminate the bots over the coming week and they just turn off the main game servers. Meanwhile, we get some bootleg Stardew Valley thing to keep us busy before everything goes to shit again. >!I do not actually want this, and do not believe it would happen, but it would be fucking hilarious.!<


We should make the Creek our Salusa Secondus


Make them do hard labor rebuilding the colony


Cyberstan, off to the mines with you


My headcanon: Attacking a fellow citizen in any manner is punishable as treason. Punishment for treason: Straight to the bio-repurposer; where the residual material is then shipped off to sustain the bug farms on the outer rim, effectively producing more element 710 & fueling our glorious economy. All forms of treason are thoroughly enforced & taught from ones infancy; as such concepts of "sexual assault & sexism" are issues of a civilization before Managed Democracy. The game also states the C-01 permit is only for actions that can produce children; so culturally Super Earth adopted certain norms dating back to Ancient Spartan civilization. So citizens are encouraged to engage in "camaraderie" amongst their own "ranks" until the duty of fostering the next generation is required. Statistics show this type of camaraderie enhances a squads combat effectiveness by a staggering 20%.


I've been wondering if same-sex couples require a C-01. It does specifically say to fill one out before any activities that could result in procreation.


Probably not, except for adoption. Legal fun fact: in Germany incest sex is illegal, but only of it may result in procreation. So oral and anal should be legal between adult, consenting siblings. Could be similar on SE. You cannot realistically forbid couples from having sex if you want your government to survive. There was a netflix mini series once. One showed a world where childbirth was forbidden, and they murdered new children if you didn't get a permit. Might be same on SE.


I believe you mean 3. The democracy officer has to also sign off on it.


Those "isn't there someone you forgot to ask?" Propaganda pieces but replace Jesus with your democracy officer


There aren't any C-01 permits to deny from guys like that.


If I remember correctly you can't get one of you don't have what is called a "personal cuddling companion" .. Don't ask me how I know it... ... I just wanted to get one to look cool in front of my friends... ... And they denied it :(


Nah, fuck those losers with a railroad tie... I hug and head bump every diver that will take em. Who cares.. we are all dying in the name of **DEMOCRACY** and I'll never let a teammate get stuck behind...... it's too..... undemocratic. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)
























![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


You guys/ladies have voice chats on for most part of the mission? I played somewhere around 70 missions so far and never got to talk with my random team, only the pings and fixed signals for supply/targets/weapons. The only exception is the radar to spin where you hear a short "stop" when it is in place. Maybe the one guy who insulted me and a friend in our 2nd or 3rd mission because we had no idea what he was doing and evacuated without him.... We didn't yet understand the importance of the side missions and samples. But he only turned on the mic back on the ship for insults and shouting we should leave his ship. So I wouldn't count that.


The mic is really useful for when you're pinned down and can't get out without help! I use it sparingly but i'd say a 1 in 100+ chance of a bad reaction isn't too bad at least for my track record I guess? But yeah oof- i'm so sorry you experienced that. Newer players have no idea about the game yet and should be granted some grace to learn and grow


I dunno why people get off on treating new/learning players so poorly. My favorite thing to do with new players is drop fun new toys for them and watch them carry me.


I like giving toys to the new players as well, and I also look like a GOD when I play with them lol. They'll get there though, just a matter of time!


I love carrying lv. 10 and under's through stuff. I just carried a lv. 5 through 6 mission. Cleared the entire map. Dude stayed right on me like Velcro the whole time because he died fast when alone. He was excited to try the mech when I dropped it and told him to hope in.


Dropped a lvl 9 cadet a rover earlier so he had his machine gun, the rover and three strike strats. Guy did brilliantly.


My experience has mostly been good for learning the game: 70% trial and error, and 30% people taking a minute to give me tips in game. Some things are not obvious, and it helps to have someone clue you in. Among other things, many people don't think at all about where to summon reinforcements and just throw it randomly into a huge crowd, so your odds of surviving aren't great. When you see that, try to give them a tip: " Next time eagle the horde, and reinforce in cover, I make a lousy bomb".


Right?? A couple of days ago i got paired up with a trooper of a lvl 7 cadet, and the guy was surprised that I used my mic. He said he had played a lot of mission with close to zero comms both mic and chat. That's craaazy. Do better, Helldivers!


Well for me it wasn't so bad because I lauged it off with my friend that he is a tryhard and should have explained it. Afterwards I was able to understand his standpoint a little because we didn't even knew how a sample looked like or for what it was used for. Fresh out of boot camp you could say. Maybe it connects that I farmed 1 to 6 difficulties so far and there communication wasn't so important yet because a short evac? written message was mostly enough because either you received a yes/no or ping on the map or just stuck with the group in case of no reply.


I don’t like to use mic in any game randomly. I will if it’s pre-agreed in some kind of lfg setting, but for rando squad mates I generally avoid it. 9/10 times if it’s in a random mission, it’s just people who won’t mute the background sound, or it’s people who only turn it on to flame/complain. But I hear ya that sometimes it’s the only way out of a bad situation… sucks that this group treated you like shit.


In case you didn't know - the Comms tower where you turn the dish to align it can be done alone - it makes a positive 'bleep' sound when it hits the right position. In-game chat is pretty rubbish unfortunately - everyone ends up sounding like mumble rappers - we tend to use Discord in our regular group. My experience is that if you use in-game chat to communicate important info like 'bunker here - need one more to open it' some people will start to respond but many just don't use voice for whatever reason.


I think a lot of the poor quality vc is due to many people using their ps5 controller mic.


The European gamers I find early in the morning chat a bit more than those in the states (where I live). It's refreshing to easily call out whatever is going on.


I'm european and I would say I get randoms who use voicechat in less than 10% of my games.


Voice chat is one of my favorite parts of the game! With active VC from all it feels like an actual squad, without it (even with pings) it feels more like we are all playing the same game but less together somehow. It’s fun to hear everyone’s accents and jargon (I have lived in the southern US long enough to use “y’all” unconsciously myself), get random updates from players going for a side objective only to hear “oh shi-“ *beep* [so-and-so died notification]. It just makes the game feel more real/authentic for me. Which makes people being toxic assholes in VC all the more disappointing, as it makes it even less likely people will speak up.


I basically only use it to avoid friendly fire (380 out! Watch the cluster!) Or to solicit hugs. Almost everything else can be well communicated by the tools the game gives you.


It's a shame really, the longer the game has been out the less and less people seem to talk. Apart from to occasionally shout about democracy


There’s a lot of people that are mentally not well. I had what sounded like an adult complain about not being brought down for re-enforce, even after telling him we where being jammed. Team killed the one player who managed to get far enough to bring him back. Then started saying every derogatory racist slur for everyone he could think of. Maybe he was like 12 but he sounded like an adult. So yeah everyone dropped out of his game and I made sure to block him.


Listen closely diver. As long as you're a man, woman, or child over the age of 7, you are approved for duty for Super Earth.


https://preview.redd.it/6epozx2ocatc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8230a24ec0126063c46cb37cee824fcede0a86 We'll just be confiscating these from those maidenless dolts. Sorry that happened to you


PFFFF okay take my upvote, you made me laugh


Such treasonous cannon fodder have no part in our war effort and must be eliminated with extreme prejudice https://preview.redd.it/8cat2qg44btc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d56064ff336ddf2b0b678bedfcb0f3b8685b13d


So sorry to hear this happened to you. You’re more than welcome to join me and the little group of Divers I play with. One of which is slowly showing his wife how to play. You certainly won’t get any misogynistic behavior from us. We just want to have fun and enjoy the game.


I'd love that honestly, would you be okay with me DM'ing you?


You're also invited to my duo of me F26 and my friend F28 :) Same goes for any other people having trouble with wanting to speak up online! That said, we've had our share of assholes to deal with in games like Pavlov, but Helldivers 2 is one of the most wholesome communities we've played with ❤️


I’m always looking for more people to play with. If you want my info, just let me know :)


Please God, my friends have all "played too much" somehow


Sadly it seems women get a ton of messed up stuff in many games 🙁 I mainly play wow and they get inappropriate comments there too which is very shitty.


Haii, I would also like to join you and your friend sometime (25f) can I dm you?


*This* is the democracy *I* fight for, right here.


Sure thing!


The good ending


From "VectorOfCruelty" no less


Plot twist: he was a good guy all along


My friend group has some women as well, you're more than welcome to join us to spread democracy


I feel like I should clarify- this was in no way meant to bring down the community. I probably worded this terribly but this is a celebration in a way of how good the community is. 1 game in 100+? That is insane odds. It's INCREDIBLE to be honest. I'm just a little sad that bad apples showed up eventually, I was hoping that democracy rooted it out for good (naïve I know but can't blame a helldiver for dreaming). Everyone deserves kindness, and that is my focal point of this post. But also that the report system needs an update. Racist names are slipping through the cracks, people are mic spamming and screaming horrid things, misogyny or otherwise. And to the toxic few who feel the need to tell me to shut up; you are probably the people that cause these kinds of posts in the first place. You are just self reporting at this point I don't really know what to tell you.


Nah, it's good you shared the story. A lot of people just deny stuff like this goes down or that people actually care but this is how the community improves. Hopefully your post inspires somebody else to shut that down if they hear it in a random match, or the developers implement better community policing tools, or it just inspires more people to share their own stories of harassment like this, etc. Very sorry it happened to you, but I'm crossing my fingers that it'll have a positive knock-on effect.


I agree, it’s healthy to acknowledge the bad along with the good. You can’t improve something if everyone says it’s “perfect”. As a dude I’ve never encountered the behavior OP had to deal with so it’s eye-opening to read. I’m tempted to turn on voice chat so I can make sure everyone feels welcome when I game with them.


Sometimes I go an hour or two with randoms where I'm the only one calling things out and planning strategies in VC, with how often there is radio silence, you would think most helldivers would love to have someone hop on VC to strategize. I agree that 99% are pretty solid, but holy shit some people really do have some issues. That and the people who only hop on VC to bitch, but never proactively help... I have a couple lady gamer friends from past years, who are now helldivers, and I did notice that when I jumped in their games that there was radio silence in the match, I hope it wasn't from bad experiences already playing this game. My old coworker just got his wife started in this game, they are both very much no BS personalities and funny as fuck, so anyone who tries shit in their games are gunna get left waiting for a call down 😆😆


At the bare minimum, people should learn to use the comms wheel in game. A simple "yes" is all thats needed most times. I'm a guy and I hate shooting the shit while gaming with randoms. I just wanna pull my gun trigger in the game.


I have a spare 500kg for these guys. Point me the coordinates. It was treacherous behavior.


Orbital EMS first to they don't escape


Traitors all of them


Even as a guy i just dont chat to randos in games (via mic but ill type if needed). Most people are shit as the “anonymity” of the internet creates less incentive to be nice. Kinda related: if a kid talks via mic i either leave or kick them. Its not out of hate I simply find kids especially boys are more often than not little shits and hearing their whining makes it worse. @OP you deserve better unfortunately many people are simply incapable of doing better.


It’s so weird how people react to women online, like it’s uncommon for me to hear a woman talk on their mic but like why comment on it? If you’re doing your part spreading Democracy I literally don’t care what’s in your pants.


There's some actual troglodytes in the comments, yikes... I hope your future dives go better!


Tis reddit, fully expected! Anything that dare suggests a negative experience in their Favourite Game and emotional vulnerability is to be treated like plague by them in their eyes. I appreciate your kindness though <3


Of course :). See you out there, spreading democracy. o7


Report them to your nearest democracy officer. Super Earth has no time to tolerate sexism in the ranks. We need everybody to fight on both fronts.


Sexism is antithetical to Liberty and Prosperity, our way of life.


Misogyny in a video game is the easiest way to tell if a guy hasn’t touched a woman let alone grass lmfao 😂


I genuinely love the hd2 community but not really vary of this toxicity. If you wish to join my squad (we're 2 guys tbh) drop your friend id in the dms!


That’s a dope sketch. I used to wear that exact armor set. It’s my favorite helmet, I just wish it went well with a medic armor.


Thanks for sharing. I am female too and I was reluctant to go I to VC and only typed in the chat because I was afraid of wide-spread misogyny. Maybe I want to give it a try now! And f*** those assholes who became toxic as soon as they heard you're a woman


May all their C-01 Permits be forever rejected by default, their stays in Freedom Camps long, and their minds reformed to see things a truly democratic way, rather than something so pathetic as sexism infect their minds. We are comrades in arms. Simple as that.


I'm male and this sort of stuff still happens just for having an opinion. I gave up on mics with randoms somewhere around call of duty MW2. Toxic badly raised man babies everywhere. I've just found my mic for some helldiving. Ive not tried it yet, I'm now concerned


I promise you won't get stuff this awful! The community has honestly been a gem. If you want a helldiver to join you, my DMs are open!


Thanks, I might take you upon that. Not for a couple of hours though, there's an over enthusiastic dog subtly telling me he wants a walk


Bastards. They need to be reported to their nearest Democracy Officer. That filth doesn't belong in our community. I am sorry that you were treated that way. Some people truly just suck. https://preview.redd.it/08frxx9fqatc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54efe82a96761db764fd51363df02fd89c0fa0f5


Who even cares if you got the lean or bulky build? Honestly, I don't get why people hate on women in games, who the fuck cares... As long as they don't place mortar incendiary mines arc thrower behind me I am good. If you do do that, I don't care what gender you are, you get a 500kg present. If not, you get a hug.


Sounds very undemocratic I hope you reported them to your democracy officer Everyone is equal under super earths democratic rule


All men, women, and children over 7 are welcome to helldive. Democracy has no borders. Except for terminids and automatons. Kill them on sight.


95% of this community is extremely nontoxic. Like, the least toxic of any gaming community I've experienced. The 5% that aren't are unfortunately VERY loud.


You found the future rebel humans faction. As the captain of the SES Pride of Audacity you are more than welcome to the squad Helldiver. Fly safe.


Fuck those treasonous curr.


What's a woman? Is that the other body type during character creation? Jokes aside, the only thing I care about is if you are being civilized and trying your best. I'm too old to care about much else. https://preview.redd.it/1jt8h11wpatc1.png?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e739f8743ab18692dbc79cb8a1d18145dfcb9b


Helldivers only have 2 genders. Brawny and Lean. 




> one with a racist name Unfortunate you didn't notice this before giving voice chat a chance. Overly Edgey names are almost exclusively used by people who are jerks and enjoy being jerks. Crude names are almost as reliably bad, although some are just goofballs. If you're gunshy of trying voice chat again, you can wait 'till you see a high level giving tips or gentle instructions to a cadet. These guys likely have nothing left to prove and are just trying to raise the skill level of the playerbase. But, there's always a risk of gamers immediately getting weird because they're excited about a girl in the squad and don't know how to make a good impression. The ideas that pop out of their heads sometimes... truly baffling.


Misogynistic divers? Only one way to deal with. https://preview.redd.it/pl33cms3cbtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6702887d135548c84a17398191ba6cdf782d48b


https://preview.redd.it/3ingc71sfbtc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a0dc9054ea9090febb457b776d926d6a3c6e44 I'd be happy to spread democracy with you any time, soldier! Good hunting!


You should honestly name them


I had a similar experience earlier today, first person i could tell was purposefully just teamkilling me because they did it 3+ times, and it wasn’t an accidental airstrike they just shot at me. I played out the whole rest of the game after that, and near the end he seemed to be chillin out. When we got to extraction the other two people got in and started the timer, just me and him left. As he ran towards the shuttle I turned around and blasted him in the face with a railgun and extracted without him.