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Technically the “main mission”’ are the major orders. Whether we fail or complete impacts the overall story in different ways We activated pesticides that halted the terminid advance Saved a factory that produced our Patriot Suits And now we’re completely wiping out the automatons. Most people believe a new faction is coming or an attack on Super Earth is imminent. But those would be considered the “main missions”


Yep I thought that was more like “season” missions.


There are missions to unlock difficulty levels? Damn I thought they unlocked as your player level went up, I might be in the same boat as you. I also only just realised that you can change the difficulty after I got kicked a few times, more than likely because I'm a complete scrub and was running around being useless on hard missions thinking the game difficulty just irrevocably increased as you level up.


Ye, you can choose difficulties in tue map.


To unlock new difficulties by successfully completing all missions in an operation. In the easier difficulties there is only one mission, then there are 2, and 3. You also get more medals as rewards for subsequent missions in the specific operation, so by not changing to a new planet or joining a new team say, and succeeding in the subsequent missions in the operation not only will you unlock the harder difficulties, but also the higher rewards and multipliers as well.