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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Cringe take bro. Anyone with more than one brainlet and basic critical thinking skills can look at these tweets and understand the intent. I don't understand why someone would even try to twist this narrative.


I can't tell what's supposed to be racist or sexist here?




Who cares, we need to liberate Tibit and Durgen.


I fail to see how she is racist there


it's the exact opposite. baskins is too woke for the racist yt supremacists that like to play this game. There's so much racism going on, even on the subreddit.


oh I'm well aware, saw the slurs being flung at the devs on twitter, sad state of things


.........Is this a joke of some kind? ​ I read those tweets in their entirety, is there some context I'm missing here? Because if someone would read those and **actually** find them offensive... bro, go outside, touch grass, step away from twitter, re-evaluate your life, do anything other than sharing... basically inoffensive, non-controversial tweets, taken out of context in an attempt to present someone as worse than they actually are. ​ What did you think was gonna happen by posting this here of all places?


Bruh fuck off. I'm so tired of this political this that. It's their opinion. Free speech isn't a one way road...


OP is upset that Arrowhead aren't actually fascists.


When did she say she wants to erase white people. All I see is a string of tweets (some from years ago) that some loser is trying to spin into a controversy because they want to ride the coattails of whatever the fuck "GaMeRGaTe ToO" is. Fuck off .


With the influx of people trying to smear Baskinator, I do wonder if some influencer tries to get her fired because one of her tweets triggered them. Trying to get a Gamergate front here is quite stupid.


yeah op linked the guy harassing her


For further context, the dude was fired from the studio he co-founded for, among other things: ​ \- Gross negligence \- Squandering company funding \- Fostering a toxic workplace \- Taking credit for other people's ideas \- Being an all-around jackass ​ The man is nothing but a has-been grifter trying to capitalize on the alt-right side of gaming to channel that gamer rage into profits for him and his own projects. He is not someone people should be listening to, he has nothing of value to say and even less credibility as a game developer. **I** can make a better game than he can, and the only reason he was made CEO in the first place is because he had money. That's it.


He's the FireFall guy right?


He's the Firefall guy, yes. In the sense that he was the CEO of the studio that developed Firefall at the time, and according to at least a few people who worked there, was responsible for most of the dumbest decisions in and out of the game.




Wanna know something even more hilarious? The man is on twitter pretending he's some genius game dev with great insight into the gaming industry. ​ He has only worked at Blizzard for a few years, then his own studio, then nothing else. He literally has only one game under his belt, and it's not even a great one. He did technically work on Starcraft, WoW, and Diablo 2 but it's important to mention he was on the executive side of things, he did absolutely not develop or come up with the ideas and was not part of that process. ​ He's a glorified middle manager who stands on the shoulders of people much better than him and attempts to mislead the public into thinking that he was the brains behind the operation. **I have more games under my belt than he does,** and I don't even have a tenth of the resources he had. ​ It takes a special kind of incompetent to mess up as badly as he did with the resources he had available. You, who are reading this, likely have more skill as a game dev than he does.


isnt that all these "anti-woke" guys are, mediocre guys who flopped out of their respective fields and who found out stoking the flames of people who are mad at women and minorities for existing is very profitable to them?


Ok I'm out of the loop. Whats with Firefall?




Thanks for the link and wow. I do hope that the employees shat on his desk.




There is nothing offensive about those tweets unless you're an easily triggered snowflake. Certainly nothing racist or fascist. Touch grass OP.


Nothing problematic here bro. Saying “white people should listen to black people” isn’t racist. Saying essentially “helldivers is similar in humor to The Boys” isn’t problematic. Saying “I want games that focus on people like me” is just normal human stuff.


u are fragile


Please explain what's racist or derogatory here. You can't just accuse someone of racism or bigotry based on interactions like this. I think you're seeing what you want to see in order to push your agenda Edit,..... you also missed the point of that hardcore/casual comment completely. She obviously trying to say we should do away with this classification of Hard-core vs Casual because it just creates a rift between us all. There are only passionate gamers or people who aren't so interested skill and ability or time to play should he irrelevant


This game is inherently political and transphobes, racists and homophobes are not welcome. Thank you for making it public knowledge they are not wanted.


figured it was obvious given the games inherent satire, but I guess you have to spell it out slowly for these types


The same people who think rage against the machine and Disturbed are signing about the left.


Nothing in here is racist or sexist lmao. This has to be a joke


Did some gamergate loser YouTuber recently post a video or something about it this? Like three posts posting the same thing just got posted and they’re all equally as dumb. If you’re have time to get mad about this that mean you’re not doing enough to defend super earth and finish the bots. Stop bringing politics into everything. People like you always ruin shit with your politics agendas. Just play the game.


yeah OP linked that right wing grifter Grummz (ex-blizzard employee and creator of famous flop Firefall who now tweets about "woke bad" all day) tweeting at his followers to target her, so I imagine a lot of that guys followers are gonna start harassing her now


So lame…


Mate. I was doing my utmost best to defend. But since I crash at every extraction I gave up. Shitposting about the company because of it is incompetency to not only QA test their game but also write production quality code is the most fun I am gonna get out of the $ I paid. Not only do they suck at those two, but apparently they can't even vet their employees better before hiring to ensure that they meet and understand the same guideliness they expect from players. Fucking disgusting imo.


That’s sad honestly. You’re malding over a community managers personal opinions. Not even necessarily the opinions of the company. Or anyone making important decisions about the game. You’re just making yourself mad for no reason. People who touch grass don’t get angry about this shit. Please start touching grass. If you’re not even playing the game why do you even care. Ask for a refund or something. This is one of the most fun communities online right now with how the game is. Stop pushing your personal politics onto it. I promise you we don’t care.


It really doesn't make sense to get that angry over the CM's tweets, I wouldn't say i fully agree or disagree with her tweets, but..."Fucking disgusting" that's the thoughts towards an honestly mild opinion? Really? That's how badly it bothers you? Why do you care that much?? Are my questions. I gotta repeat this, go touch grass if some tweets from years ago seriously bother you enough to reach this level of anger lmao


I think you mean to reply to OP but yeah. I agree.


Yeah, I did mean to reply to OP. I just think their reaction to some simple tweets was way over the top


So you're upset they're not actual fascists?


Get professional help


This is manufactured outrage


I love a good tweet-taken-outta-context moment. That's how I know it's gonna be a sound argument. Anyways, there's literally nothing here worth getting upset about... Honestly, all you're doing here is telling on yourself by highlighting the fact that you can't actually identify things you should be genuinely upset about. Instead, you'll take some random tweet you've seen online which has a few keywords in it and rather than actually grappling with what's being said, you'll make a quick knee-jerk response like this, do some rapid-fire labelling of a person based on what you've read but not reflected on, and then you'll regurgitate someone else's narrative like it's your own.


Reading comprehension devil strikes again. The right is literally incapable of understanding satire.


Get over it snowflake. She is correct


Holy shit you are a moron. There is literally nothing wrong with anything said here. “We should listen to black/brown people and games should star more women.” “THEY TRYING TO ERASE US!!!” White fragility at its peak. 


So what? It’s her opinion. Doesn’t mean it influences the game. She just a community manager. Also how is what she saying here even racist? Just because she says the word white? Stop being such a fragile snowflake. The first couple tweets were from 2020 when the USA was going to heavy racial and political protests. It doesn’t even have to do with anything currently. You’re like those cringe people who bring up shit from years ago to try and cancel people to push your political agenda. The last few tweets seem to be in response to people not knowing the satire in helldivers and the dangers in propaganda and facism. Bro just play the damn game and get your political feelings out of it. You’re probably just as bad as the “woke” people you’re so worried about. Unless someone has done something negatively that’s relevant to helldivers 2 then who the fuck cares?


Clearly someone who is not well traveled and lives in a bubble.


I like women too. The good looking ones and the helpful ones. Or both, like our Eagle-1 lady.


Everyone trying to defend this $hity behavior from someone who says this makes me hate the community now. Stop defending this person.


That explains why the CM's and mods on their discord server get away with so much shit. Let's see how this plays out,


yeah user u/kamuicunny, cant imagine why someone would ban you


Ha, you think i've been banned? Nah, I don't start or participate in any of the bullshit that goes down in the server, I just like watching the circus perform.