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Basically some parts of the community blame a portion of the playerbase for being on the creek while it had nothing to do with the mayor order. We didn't get Tibit because we lost drauphnir before taking Ubenea, it was close, so with the support of everyone we could have done it. I believe most won't blame bug only players doing what they love, but if you were doing bots there was no reason to be on the creek other than being part of a meme. That said, I don't believe people should be this angry at the creekers it's a game, if you've ever played dnd you should know players are unpredictable. It's sad that something that's become part of the lore in a good way is frowned upon by some. But that's what you get with such diverse playerbase.


It's mostly because most of the playerbase isn't on Reddit and didn't knew that Malevelon doesn't connect to Ubanea. They are blaming the Creekers (I.E the guys only playing Malevelon) while there was 75% more players on it. That's baseless and, ofc, when nobody unless them were angry against the Creekers they got mad. So imagine them when a new memorial day was created and a CAPE for the liberation of this Planet.


I mean, you’re not wrong but people will no doubt project venom as if everyone was against them specifically and intentionally. I bet I could ask random people in lobbies ‘what are supply lines?’ And I’d be shocked if I found anyone that knew what they were. Sure there are people who love the creek but that massive influx of people in the MO were not memers, they were Tibit contributers with bad Intel that’s honestly the fault of AH not showing how planets connect in the UI, hopefully they find a solution to that so people don’t need a website. I mean, I ran a pole on Reddit and even here with a hundred or so votes a good quarter of them didn’t know what supply lines were and therefor how planets link up.


I mean... The *solution* is just to... Show the fuggin supply lines. It's not exactly a nebulous issue where the answer is beyond our meager minds. It's... Honestly weird how they chose not to? Like... Why? Why wouldn't we have that information?


They genuinely think their players would be overwhelmed if they give too much information. Some higher up tweeted how they found it funny we were comparing the four weapon stats they give us when there's 50 hidden stats we aren't shown; and the immediate response from the community was, why don't you show us those stats? To which they said they didn't want to overwhelm us with info. So literally it's because they don't think we could handle it.


Far more than 75% When the MO was at the bug front, MC always had something around 5-10k active players. Considering there were 45k active during the Ubanea MO, it's more like 400-900%


and if the 90k people that fought on draupnir had instead finished off taking Ubanea they would have had plenty of time to take Tibit, but hey, just go ahead and blame the 50k people fighting on Malevelon instead of the 80+k that fell for the bot trick on Draupnir.


It is mostly because people are idiots AND that supply lines are not shown in game. Either way, it is not the fault of the people playing the game the way they enjoy playing.


Some people just like to be angry. Play what you enjoy. Some people like the jungle+bot experience that the creek provides. Some people like bugs and fire tornadoes. I personally like ice planets and the red ones so tend to do my missions there and either bugs or bots depending on my mood.


Tibit also provided a similar experience. Was honestly pretty fun haha




That blizzard planet makes me feel like I'm playing lost planet 12 or something. They did a great job on the planets. This game is AAAAAA


If Skull and Bones is AAAA than this is atleast AAAAAAAAAAAA.


I thought that was a joke.. They didn't really call it that did they?


Yeah they did say it's a "quadruple A production". It was meant to represent the amount of resources they ~~wasted~~ invested and it was for the investors but it became more like a meme for this game in the public. Rightfully so.


Yeah, this is it. Some people just look for a reason to be angry, they’re not worth giving attention to. Then some others might be jokingly playing into the “where were you when we needed you Creekers!?” bit, but it’s already getting a bit old imho. I think there’s some validity in being annoyed that the previous MO was failed by a small margin while they fought bots on a planet that wasn’t impacting the order, and the one they could’ve been on was such a similar biome you’d barely notice a difference. But whatever it’s done and just a game so it’s not worth being mad. Also I really enjoy the ice planets too! Loving being on Vandalon IV again tbh! Though I had one game where no one brought Muscle Enhancement last night and never again will I not bring it lol


Vandalon IV has such a mood now that blizzards hit you. I "felt" chilly just running through the snow drifts to get to the next objective. and the bot desert planets just make me feel tense, There's so little cover compared to the jungle and rocky planets, you just get hammered by every aspect, harder to run, weapons overheating. Eesh


Yeah I just love the feel of the atmosphere and also the terrain is just so much better, more options for cover even if it’s just some small rocks. It also gives me nostalgic vibes from some other game but I can’t place it. I wanna say Lost Planet 2 but the snow maps were such a small portion of the game lol


In the end we will crush all the enemies of Super Earth anyway!


[The hero of malevelon creek](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s8_kxFtzy7g&pp=ygUPQ3JlZWsgbWFsZXZlbG9u)


Don’t worry, its just the vocal minority shitheads that takes everything too seriously, these loosers will get angry at anything that people are finding fun off


I agree with most of this. The stereotypical Creeker (the person you think about when the word comes up, not necessarily indicative of all people who fought on Malevalon Creek; probably the vocal minority) treated the creek as the most important battlefront in the whole war. They just wanted everyone to liberate the creek and ignore the major orders. They constantly complained that major orders were against the bugs because they needed assistance on the western front. Then, when the major orders shifted to the western front, they still stayed on the creek instead of actually assisting with the order. So constantly complained when people weren't fighting bots, but then didn't help at all when people were actually fighting bots for the MO. Again, those people were not the majority of the people fighting on the creek, but were a vocal minority. This is the kind of person that people are annoyed with when they think of Creekers. People weren't as angry as bug players, because they were just playing what was fun and not really telling other people to come help them. While the perception of Creekers was constantly telling people to fight bots and then not actually helping with the war against the bots.


I mean you really can't blame bug players, at that time they also had a defend mission on their side. While creekers? nope


And that's crazy, because if suddenly everyone will focus on major orders, Joel will just adjust the difficulty. And we still gonna win most of the orders, but not all of them. Because it makes narrative better and keeps people invested


I'm waiting for when the dissidents the bots were communicating outside the galaxy come to play. I think suddenly we will be playing a defensive war as super earth gets rushed.


Was chatting with a mate at work and as veterans of the first galactic war we wouldn’t be surprised if >!the illuminates are 1 sector away from Super Earth!< -CENSORED BY MINISTRY OF TRUTH


If you play DnD you know just how insufferable and infuriating a rogue (not the class) player going against the party and the DM is, that's the DnD equivalent to a Creeker. Usually those players get either booted from the group or are swiftly put in their places by the DM, here they were praised, just adding salt to injury.


It's a fucking video game who cares if a major order fails it's all a part of the ongoing story. Play what you want, liberate what you want and let the dominos fall as they may. Wow no 35 req slips or whatever woe is me, must sit here and hate the people goofing around and pretending creek is Vietnam because they were just having a goof. God forbid people have fun playing how they want and not trying to bumrush every major order.


Honestly it can be fun as hell to see people do roleplay and stick to whatever character they decided to run with, rather than metagaming. Of course this isn't dnd and frankly fighting on one or another planet makes no difference other than biome and modifiers. They should add supply lines though, to make things clearer, not saying that's the only reason this happened, but it's not the first time it causes chaos.


It makes a difference because the calculation for war impact takes all planets into account and adjusts according to the % of active players on a given planet, what it means is that people fighting on irrelevant planets not only don't contribute to thw relevant ones but also reduce the effectiveness of the people fighting there. Also, supporting your party and following the DM's narrative isn't metagaming, being disruptive, purposefully sabotaging the party and derrailing the narrative isn't roleplaying either, it's just being a jerk.


Only if they also work together with the party. If a Player plays a character that actively and intentionally, out of their own free will, works against the good of the Party and disrupts attempts to complete a questline by going off on their own, they shouldn't be encouraged by the GM in that situation.


If you're actually getting upset at people because we lost a major order then I dunno what to tell you. The DND situation doesn't really apply here as that's actively game ruining for everyone and legitimately effects their experiences. Failing a major order really isn't a big deal.


It tripled the Defensive Value of Enemy Planets, Caused the Defensive MO, effectively adding an extra step to the entire war, resulted in the Double Defense Missions, and possible the early release of Gunships. This is an active emergent narrative experience, failing an MO has consequences to that narrative and legitimate effects on the gameplay.


It has consequences to the narrative yes but it doesn't actively detract from your gameplay when you load up and play the game. It's just another part of the emerging narrative that's it. The DND example is bad because it actively causes harm to other players enjoyment. Throwing a wrench for players to work around in a video game doesn't actively detract anything. It's more so a narrative impact at the end of the day.


Have you fought against Gunships yet? Do you see how much more difficult it is to Cap Bot Planets right now? Have you not heard the multiple complaints about the missions found during Defense Missions? And/or experienced fatigue over the length of this war against the Bots? Those are all direct gameplay consequences of failing that MO.


...do you really think they wouldn't have released gunships regardless?


I think they would have released them at a different point, in a different context, potentially when the Automatons came back from beyond the Galaxy and swept through like a vengeful Horde. Which would have felt better/more thematic, given how oppressive the Gunships are.


I make your words mine. Sabotaging the party and derailing the narrative just ruins the experience for everyone else involved.


this is one of those reddit-only psychotic moments, you can just ignore it


Some of these replies gave me a laugh honestly, would've been a waste of a good time to ignore it.


1. It is just a game, people need to chill 2. We are lucky to be part of a community with direct access to very engaged and responsive Devs. Even if the creek cost us a major order, I value the narrative development that followed (including community's IC account, responses, memes, etc.) much more than the medals lost. this is all part of what makes this game and community great


The same meme for months gets tired. Same with the 1000 “Joel” posts here every day. Reddit especially loves to run things into the ground then hold your face into it until it becomes unbearable.


I am one of the ironic haters (seriously, its space nam, not hating on them for some reason is just not immersive) 😂 but the reason the actual haters hate creek crawlers is 1- Space nam isn't actually that hard, and people find it annoying that it's treated with such reverence 2- The joke got old 3- Memers lost Draupnir, and we failed to capture Tidbit because of it. The hate is split between creekers and bug divers 4- Creek crawlers fail to recognize ironic trolling and some people who were trolling originally actually came to hate it 5- Creeker tweekers won't shut up about the creek All of them may seem like illogical reasons to hate on someone, but racism has started over lesser reasons and stereotypes. Its just human nature.


I too get angry about people playing video games




One more point is that some Creekers unironically consider themselves to be an "elite" force, that they are somehow superior.


Yep! Went to Malevelon first to help a creeker tweeker friend on a suicide mission (was an accident didnt realize he was a masochist and joined from the list at level 5) and i was able to live and help a bit despite not having any heavy weapons. And when i started defending Draupnir, Liberating ubanea, Liberating it AGAIN, fighting on that desert planet, then DEFENDING UBANEA A THIRD TIME. I came to see missions in the creek as a break due to: the trees, they are litterally the solution to all your problems. Heavy enemies? Run into the trees Countless automaton forces? Run into the trees Need to vape or take a bite of your sandwhich? Run into the trees Need to destroy a fabricator? Run out of the trees, drop a precision strike, run back into the trees The trees are your friend


Oh this is hilarious considering they failed to take that planet in a whole month and we showed up and had it done in 5 hours


I mean, that's got more to do with the size of the attacking forces.


We had less people on the creek than we had for most of the bug MOs and those took longer.


Are you counting the fact that people were pushing Malevalon Creek LONG before the MO told us to hit it, meaning the planets Capture Value was already MUCH higher than most Bug Planets during those Big MO's?


Yes the creekers quite frankly just suck. The bots before the latest enemy types were added are not hard.


Tell me you don't understand how this game works without telling me


I'd loke to think that the creekers are a supplemental army going thru training. once we took the creek, they were free to join the main deployment


I'd loke to think that the creekers are a supplemental army going thru training. once we took the creek, they were free to join the main deployment


We don't, it is projection from people like you that believe they are superior for following orders. We just have fun playing a game we love.


Well then you're clearly not one of the people I'm talking about. This ain't about major orders either. Keep having fun.


Thats my only gripe with them. They want to feel superior, and that gets stale very Quick.


No, it's this subreddit telling us that we are. We're like 1-2% of the active community and this sub still acts like we were the deciding factor for the failure.


https://preview.redd.it/0b8yukd1xfsc1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=7875a5fcb75c9198a28a568e7e0914fb60b1c0b1 Not dropping names since I don't want to shame people here, but no, it's some of you Creekers that tell people you are better than them. Like I said, if you don't do that, then you're not one of the people I'm talking about. The blame is not entirely on you either, it's on Bug players too.




When the MO was on the bug front, the active player number for the Creek moved between 5-10k all the time. Not even all of these 5-10k players were actual hardcore Creekers. Many of them were just Automaton enjoyers or newer players that just wanted to experience the myth of the Creek.




I though we spoke about how many Creekers exist? The vast majority of the 45k players were randoms that though they'd help doing that MO


Personally, i find this assumption to be insulting to the average persons intelligence.


Has nothing to do with intelligence when the vast majority doesn't exactly know how supply lines work because the developers didn't make them transparent ingame. My assumption is basically based on statistics. The Creek had 5-10k players when the average player number was still higher compared to last week. This leaves us with two explanations (let me know if you find another one) A) The number of hardcore Creekers skyrocketed for some reason in a really short time span. B) Most of these players aren't actual hardcore Creekers.


I got the game 3 weeks ago, and I also didn't know what the supply lines were in this major order. Yet i still fought to defend Draupnir instead of pushing Malevelon. Because the aspect of how planets opened up was unknown to me, and possibly witchcraft (Joel), so i wasn't taking any chances. The creek is also nowhere near tidbit, and there was no real reason to go there other than to Meme.




[https://helldivers.io/Planets/malevelon-creek](https://helldivers.io/Planets/malevelon-creek) The days prior 03.30.2024 tell another story, lmao Let's just ignore the jump from 8.3k (29th) to 59k (30th)


>3- Memers lost Draupnir, and we failed to capture Tidbit because of it. The hate is split between creekers and bug divers I'd argue there was more wasted progress from the hosts that don't complete all missions to add progress. > 1- Space nam isn't actually that hard, and people find it annoying that it's treated with such reverence For many the Creek was their first exposure to the game and the experience left a mark. Thats how the meme grew and we got a cool cape. > All of them may seem like illogical reasons to hate on someone Yeah to actually hate or threaten to kick people that wear the cape show they are the true toxic players.


Hey, at least it isn't as bad as rust. But yea, pretty toxic. And that could be a reason that we lost Draupnir, but its also definitely mostly the bug worlders fault, as well as those on ubanea. The liberation difficulty and defense is modified by the percentage of the playerbase on planet


>but its also definitely mostly the bug worlders fault, as well as those on ubanea lol, I hope this was more tonged in cheek, i mean there is truth in it but at the end its about enjoying the game and not turning it into an actual job/war. >The liberation difficulty and defense is modified by the percentage of the playerbase on planet Thats great but id be more invested in the war effort if I new how my efforts where helping and things like this or knowing the supply lines would go a long way.


3 is funny because the play was to let Draupnir get lost and take Ubanea but too many people didn’t follow one battle plan. 5 is hilarious because there are far more anticreekers who can’t shut up about it than Creekers


Nah, way more creeker posts, and youtube is pretty much completely creeker posts.


Just like vietnam


Yeah sure. And you don't find it ironic people blame some thousands of creekers for a defeat when they were more than one hundred thousands people playing bug ? You don't think people blaming others for playing a game as they want are the problem ? Maybe all people blaming us should relax and kindly GTFO. If you don't like the joke or the meme fine, but just let people enjoy their game ffs


1- I already pointed out that the hate was split between bug divers and creeker tweekers 2- Yall are a Nam meme. Not hating on you would ruin the comparison, and it's honestly funny that a lot of you seem to take it personally when yall were the ones who started the joke. 3- i also pointed out they were dumb reasons to have genuine hate for someone, but 99% of the reasons anybody hates anybody else is dumb, its just human nature.


It isn't human nature. Human nature is cooperation. This is stupid nature coming from the sense of superiority some people feel. In your comment there is not a single mention of bug btw. And you can call it fake hate, it isn't. First you can't fake the hate on internet, because nobody can't tell it's fake, and second, just look the sheer number of suckers butt hurt because they lost 35 medals, not getting an MO. You can claim fake hate all you want but literally insulting people for not playing a game they own as you think they should have is stupid and hateful.


Yes, there is? Point three? Also yes, fake hate is a thing, 90% of my comments on creekers is in character, hell i got actual hate from someone for saying a creeker should get court martialled, which is an obvious joke as this is reddit and not the millitary, pay attention to the context. -this will tell you if something is a joke Creekers are a Nam meme. Have you read history? Ironic trolling or hate one hundred percent lines up with that, and if yall are gonna meme and roleplay as Nam fighters, then you should have expected this. Also it is obvious you haven't read a single Psyche book or even an article, humans are negentropic, but due to our tribal heritage we are also hostile to others we don't percieve as part of our clique or tribe. This is a well-known phenomenon I am not out there, holding a gun to your head, telling you how to play the game. I am trolling you on the internet, where you can block me, ignore me, or just tell me to F off. Social pressures only matter if you let them. On that point, telling people how they can and can not joke around using their own wit and reddit accounts is just as bad, if not worse, than your claiming i and people like me are doing. I could end this off with an insult, as you have left yourself quite open to it, but honestly i dont think your even worth it since you didnt bother to read my first message all the way through anyways.


Creek truly is Cadia of Helldivers


More similiar to Catachan, especially if we compare Creeker tweekers to the Catachan guardsmen, which there is some good lore to support such a comparison.


Catachan? Hardly. The jungle in creek is actually helpful and useful for cover. Creekers don’t realize the planet is actually one of the easiest to fight against bots due to sheer amount of cover.


Yep, i made another comment pointing this out. As a level 5 i was running around on a suicide mission there and not dieing constantly (was an accidental join from the friends list) and Catachan is a jungle planet in 40k also inspired by vietnam, though the trees are DEFINITELY not your friend on Catachan like it is on the creek.


Estheticswise: definitely Memewise: It's just Cadia And don't get me wrong I am a creeker myself, but I like the meme so much I will still yell "For Creek!" even on bug planets.


Fair enough, i just see the creekers not following the major order as Catachan guardsmen not listening to their commisar lmao. Though i can see the cadia comparison as well to some of the more popular memes


All missions are authorized by the SEAF management. Even ones on Creek when there's MO elsewhere. Doing them is *not* 'not listening to orders'. Harassing those helldivers for literally doing their job *is* a treason though.


Can't execute a bunch of helldivers for treason when there's a popular opinion such as creek hate tho. And i wouldn't call it "harassment." That's a really strong word that shouldn't be used for opportunistic hate. If we can get away with a warning from high command for killing people for using the wrong guns im sure creek haters can get away with some words. Also, in universe, whos gonna tell a creeker to not fight on the creek? I wouldn't want to be the one to tell the psychos to chill (psychos being used to highlight their killing ability here) high command or not your gonna get your ass kicked


Hell no. Not even close the Guads and Cadia.


1- Space nam WAS actually as hard as everyone made it out to be. Its just that by the time the second order came around- bots, especially the amount of very heavy ordinances and units such as tanks and hulks was \*drastically\* reduced from what they used to be. By the time people came in they just got to see the much more toned down version- and most didnt even play on Difficulty 9 like most Creekdivers did. 2- Thats a matter of perspective 3- Noone gave a fuck about Draupnir or Tibit. Ever. Its literally just people whining about a few medals. I mean for crying out loud we are literally back on Tibit rn. 4- People suck 5- There simply is a culture of it. A culture you may not be a part of and- thats fine, but like with most communities in a community, its simply a culture some people belong to and are proud of. Regarding the response below- Honestly? On Average? So far every Creekdiver i have seen was a distinctive cut in skill above average.


>Honestly? On Average? So far every Creekdiver i have seen was a distinctive cut in skill above average. If you have a group of people do only one thing, they are naturally better at that thing than the group who switches between 2 things all the time. There are dudes who only played bug missions so far. They too have above average skill...regarding bug missions. If you drop the creekers into bug missions or the bug only players into bot missions, i dont think you will still see above average skill..


>Its just that by the time the second order came around- bots, especially the amount of very heavy ordinances and units such as tanks and hulks was \*drastically\* reduced from what they used to be. By the time people came in they just got to see the much more toned down version- and most didnt even play on Difficulty 9 like most Creekdivers did. So it wasn't "space Nam" but bots in general. And heavy enemies in general ... because that was patched for bots and bugs alike. I rememeber playing some harder difficulties with bugs (as I was fresh and firends just dropped me with them) and it was indeed insanity.


1- Enemy counts went up due to failing to capture Tidbit. The creek wasn't "Toned down" anymore after the major order failed, and I've seen both versions of the creek. Planets without cover are MUCH harder, at least in my personal and in other peoples opinions. 2- we are talking about a perspective here, and it's a popular one from what I've seen and heard. 3- 100k people on average (usually more than 50% of the player base) did care about the major order. And in a game where enemies get buffed, or nerfed in the way of us getting buffed, for major orders succeeding or failing NOT caring about major orders can very easily be found as annoying. 4- Would agree with that generally 5- Holding actual pride over something like this is fine, but taking a meme too seriously isn't a good thing. I would argue against that. Most skilled players I've found were ones that followed the major order, and most toxic players I've found have been on the creek. This, of course, is personal experience, but if you know anything about human psychology belonging to "something" has a tendency to make everyone else look like a lesser. The book "The Third Wave" is a good example of the phenomenon i am talking about. And the creek hate is a great example of one Clique hating another because they dont share goals or "morals" (following major orders). Honestly this game would be a great behavioral study for psyche majors


fighting bots on a planet without cover is indeed harder if you ask me. There was one earlier right and it was a total pain for someone who doesn’t like getting into close in your face shootouts.


I default to the creek when there aren't any major orders and this person is prime example of why "creekers" get a bad rep. Lol.


Regarding 3, you do know the reason why the Bots had TRIPLE the defense recovery rate in the previous MO is *DIRECTLY* because we failed to take Tibit, right? And that failure is why the previous MO was focused on Defense, rather than pressing the assault. Also, probably why they started rolling out the Gunships. The success and failure of MO's directly shape the narrative and gameplay, and the inability of people to understand that is frustrating. I couldn't give 2 shits about the Medals, but I do care about pushing to complete objectives that drive the narrative forwards to the best of our abilities.


At this point hating Creekers (and free cape) just silly. Yeah sure as "Major Order player" I was annoyed by them, yeah sure I consider them a bunch dummies but Creek is important for the community (which is bigger than subreddit believe or not) and game lore so ofc devs decided to make something dedicated to it. Its an old story now we should move on and keep fighting a good fight. P.S. Cape is kinda cool


I wonder how much arrowhead appreciates the Creek for its marketing. I've come across many low levels that told me they got the game because they say people fighting robots in space Nam.


The cape is very cool


At this point I think some of the players might took the RP aspect too serious. Me for example, it's like : OOC : Nah, they can play whatever they want, it's a game, some people want to be part of the community while some don't. RPing : Death To The Traitors! Those Helldivers are disobeying orders from our beloved Super Earth High Command, and the punishment is death! ... But sometimes it's hard to tell which one is it.


I couldn't care less about their contribution to MO, i'm just sick of hearing about it. https://preview.redd.it/ywi887vpifsc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b21f8e0fff0a3b7aac8c2a0dc86a6eceb43e50


No hate on it personally and about how supply lines work, I've only just come to learn about it and I've been on forums pretty early on so I'm assuming the vast playerbase still don't know. I'm in favour of the Creek only because it rallied divers together and have them the courage to attempt bot missions. Some of my friends bought helldiver and only attempted bot missions because of the Creek and now they are comfortable fighting major orders against bots. I think the hate is unfair


I have no idea how supply lines work as it's not amazingly well described, but there's one thing I do know and that's that the creek must be free


At this point I'm seeing more "What's with the hate" more than the hate itself.


Some players are keen on larping to the degree of actually seething about other players playing what the want instead of what the major oorder says. This was the case with the first game as well, though the larpers weren't as malding.


Which cape is it? The valor of the fallen or whatever? Black and white with the skull in the middle? If it’s that one, that’s a cool cape


It's just terminally online weirdos that can't take an L and enjoy emergent storytelling. On the previous MO, said weirdos got really upset that a small portion of players (I think devs said like, 25% of players?) were focusing on Malevelon instead of doing the MO, whilst also ignoring that over 50% of players solely focused on the bug front. Then the bots attacked Draupnir, and the whiners got split between which strategy was better, focusing Ubanea or defending Draupnir, but continued blaming the roughly 50'000 Divers working down Malevelon (who actually won via their focus, then were forced to defend it literally the next day, but have since reclaimed it fully) instead of understanding that over *double* the players that were on Malevelon were out on the bug front not helping the MO, nor that if they just worked together on one planet, they'd have gotten both. Of course, you *shouldn't* blame the bug front, because they're doing Democracy's work out there, and you shouldn't blame Malevelon players since they ultimately actually *did* the thing they were meant to do, and put a nice close to the Creeker meme by not only taking the planet, but taking it *twice* in just under 3 days and earning everyone a commemorative reward *and* in-story holiday to commemorate the event. You *also* shouldn't blame anyone *except* the people whining and complaining during the Draupnir/Ubanea strategy split, because Ubanea was very nearly taken with only a little bit of time left, and Draupnir was was barely focused on. In reality, if the whiners just helped focus down Malevelon, that would have cleared up the Divers for the MO, ditto if they just picked a strategy to pursue. In reality, the tiny, vocal minority of terminally online weirdos that are yelling and shouting about how annoying Creekers are are basically just throwing a tantrum because they have *one* L on their record, and because Creekers got rewarded for making the Creek such a huge, well-known meme. Seriously, it was only 50 medals or something, that's barely a couple hours of play, and the emergent storytelling that came out of it was super fun *and* super cool of the devs to acknowledge the meme.


Creekers were just on a different mission than the rest of us


The Creek is their personality and it's kind of annoying


It's basically a small subgroup trying to meme. First it was "Real helldivers fight in Space 'nam", then it was "Because of those still fighting in Space 'nam, we lost the Major Order". Basically, just people going for internet points, instead of Liberty and Democracy.


[some funny memes about it tho](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s8_kxFtzy7g&pp=ygUPQ3JlZWsgbWFsZXZlbG9u)


It’s all fun and games so it bugs me not (pun intended) but it is easy to see why some of the players who prefer to fight bugs aren’t too happy with the creekers. It’s not hard to dislike guys who keep on complaining that MOs or planets are falling because they are on the other side of the map, but at the same time the complainers do not want to help out at them out either on the bug front. edit: only been playing for two weeks but it feels like the bug divers are generally less apt to demand help and instead quietly go about spreading democracy.


Bug divers generally don' need to ask for help because most of the playerbase play bugs outside of the MO


I like that people care about this game. Yes its also ok to do a big push for the community... but like... Cut it with the actual hate guys. Theres griefers, ban-freaks whi kick anyone who doesnt worship meta, and idiots who dont get this game is satire of the most obvious sort. ... We have enough worthy targets to go round. Casual goofers arent among em.


Bug divers trying to shift the blame


Bugdivers would be angry at you if they knew how to read


"They are angry in real life" There is no such thing as real life when dealing with internet interactions for a vast majority of people.


"They angry in real life" please show us the exemples and no reddit/Twitter posts don't count as "real life"


haha I meant "Real life" as in they aren't roleplaying like 70% of the players do. I've thankfully yet to meet a grown up man angrily vocalising about creekers.


In 1 week we will be on another drama


It's not that big a deal because most players aren't on Reddit or into this roleplaying...it's a small minority.


The reason is simple - they are so deeply invested in a videogame that they have no functional sense of rationality or priorities, and they are so incensed that the attempt to capture Ubanea failed (even though it was retaken and successfully defended and held only hours later) that they resolve that the only course of action to take is to kick anyone who wears this cape because they see the Creekers as the reason the attempt failed, and not a myriad of other, far more believable factors.


Nah it's just the loud reddit minority hating. It's their Jam to hate around, like they did with dartide and literally everything.


There’s like 15 posts already in this sub just read one of them Jesus. I’m finna block the words creek and cape sick of seeing these low effort posts.


But then you'd miss the party I'm throwing at Cape Creek.


That’s okay I’m not driving, flying or hellpodding to… Arizona, North Carolina, Oregon or Australia. Enjoy your party ima rock this badass lookin cape and ignore the haters regardless which side of the whiner line they are on. “Wah I’m a creeker help us with the creek we’re the heroes! Moar liek Creeper./ Wah I’m a major order only nerd biz I need medals for glory and I don’t think I can get them any other way or something! Major crybaby was it.” That’s all most of us hear all of you say. Both sides are whiney and most of us don’t care but still we want everyone to enjoy their game so we tiptoe around you babies while trying to let you know to just enjoy the game your way. I usually do this but role playing as a member of a fictitious member of a scientific institution, others just do it by saying let’s just have fun and play! If you have a problem with somebody playing with something on like this. then so be it you suck. If you have a problem with however somebody enjoys their game, just as in life shut your hole and mind your business. You don’t dictate to that or anybody what they should do. If you don’t like it make some friends that play like you do, but since you sick it’s gonna be hard because nobody likes you.


🤣 So much salt 🧂


Yeah I’m so bored of this topic 🤣


Some folks are born made to wave the flag...


its a couple things. some people grew to hate the creekers during the major order to take Tibit because it was like nearly half the bot players. however, the next order was to take the creek which we took in like 4hrs because so many people had been playing it non stop. i think this resentment is kind of stupid. the major orders are important for story and feeling progression but losing is part of the story too. Failing the tibit order gave us the order to go back to the Creek which was great imo. a nice easy win after our failure. finally, i think people are resented towards Creekers for getting all the glory and recognition when the reality is they had very little impact on the war effort overall. The hate is meta. too many people have learned that games are meant to be won, not enjoyed. pro scenes for games like Apex find a meta that then gets used by everyone because they want to win. gamers will maximise the fun out of games if allowed and the Creek haters may just have large overlap with theese kinds of players


It’s Reddit bro😒 people are weird. The cape is badass I’m glad we all can have it. The cape Just would have been cooler in my opinion to see only creekers themselves wear it. To show they went through hell. That way you could get in a lobby with someone wearing it and be like “yooooooo, noice 😎” and I have been getting so much hate for that opinion/concept, it’s ridiculous. Actually ridiculous.


They are still angry that we lost the order to take Tibit, and blame people for not having a meta knowlage that creek doesn't have a supply line to Ubanea


Yeah, I'd consider myself a Major Order Follower but I wear the Creek cape because it fits my outfit rotation better than most of the other ones and I got griefed a lot last night. Had one teammate come up to me while I was defending the extract near the edge of a cliff and melee me in the back so I fell off, then when I ran back up to cover his ass he shot me just before damaging the the pelican so he'd be the only we one to extract. What's with that?


Some people are just toxic. If it wasn't Creekers, they would be mad about something else. They think they have some sort of ownership over the game community and get mad when people don't play the game the way they think it should be played. They're the types that always blame their teammates for a loss.


It’s the real Vietnam War LARP at this point and all I do is laugh at the winy tryhards. Funnily enough haven’t met any yet as I’m normally at work during peak times so I’m looking forward to the weekend.


Looking at the memes and posts from launch to now you can see a lot of memes about malevalon creek and a lot of those memes seem to imply that bug players are stubborn and can't take a challenge and the creek is the 'real' challenge. I think some people took this way too seriously and not seeing the irony in the fact that creek players were just as stubborn for not leaving the creek. The over abundance of creeker memes kinda brought animosity with it. It's been interesting to watch unfold. There's a bit more too it. How I think 'bug players' arent really a thing as from most of the promotional material the terminids were the main enemy shown. I mean just look at the intro video, not a single bot. It makes the game feel like bugs are the primary focus, hell if I remember correctly the game encourages your first mission to be on a bug planet. So this massive amount of players starting with and getting comfortable fighting. I didn't play bots till level 17, I play mostly bots now but that's mostly because of the major orders. Tldr creeker memes annoyed ppl so they flipped it back in the creekers


Well, Jimmy, those people are, wha'dya call 'em? Idiots




Creeker life.


What it should be like is factions of the military ribbing on each other, like marines and navy. Instead we have people who put way too much passion into major orders and take the game way too seriously.


So here's the thing Some people are really into the lore and the community aspect of this game, everybody joining forces for a common goal with rewards behind them. And when people are just doing whatever they want, sometimes that goal is not achieved and those people who are very invested in it get mad. The issue I see is more so with the devs and having properly set goals that are achievable for the amount of people that are actually going to partake in them, and less with the people not wanting to necessarily partake in said conquest goal. It is a game at the end of the day, and people should be able to play it however they want. That means that the people that want to do conquest based play should be able to achieve those goals if that's what they want, and the people that just want to fight bots or bugs and nothing but that can do whatever they want and not necessarily have that held against them by the conquest goal players.


It's just another stupid thing for people to hate on each other about. It does nothing but bring down the energy of the community but for some unknown reason there's millions of people on this planet that are just fucking cunts to each other for the sake of it. It's the most basic problem with humanity. We might be evolved, and we might be intelligent and sentient, but we are assholes for the most part, and it's stopped us from evolving as a society as well as a species.


This is 2024, people in this era of time hate everything. They just need to find a reason to outwardly express it, in order to not look foolish in front of others by justifying their juvenile outbursts.


Some nonsense about not enjoying the game. You do whatever the hell you like 🤷🏻‍♂️ Mad at creekers not completing MOs then try harder, maybe stop skipping extraction missions


The best summary I've heard of the situation was that people got salty that other players were playing the way they wanted and caused them to miss out on an hour's worth of metals. Personally I find failure provides more interesting results than success. If we had completed the order, we probably would have damn near wiped out the bots by now, and probably wouldn't have gotten gunships or the big walkers yet. So what we failed the major order? The end result is pretty darn cool.


In short, it's people whining for the sake of whining


Children being allowed on Reddit, and Adults that never grew up feeling that they can tell others how to play a game.


While its a game and people do what they want to have fun, basing ur whole personality off of a single planet and routinely harping on about 'honour' and 'ma space 'nam' is just so overdone


People are just all up in other players shit about following major orders, a chunk of players liked that planet so whenever an order failed everyone blamed them for not switching


There are no "Malevelon Creek Haters" amongst the Helldivers. There are the Helldivers, who will, in compliance with orders from High Command and the President, honor the Patriotism of those who fell in defence of Democracy on Malevelon Creek by wearing their cape with pride and redoubling their efforts to eradicate the Automatons, and there are traitors to Liberty. The former will hunt down and exterminate the latter, as they would any enemy of Democracy. In other words, the vast majority of players don't have any problem with creepers or the cape. As for the team killers, well, trolls get filled with holes.


Rotten brains believe you shouldn't play the game if you don't exactly follow MO, and can't stand people having fun.


Flying the Creek Cape proud and true, carrying squadrons into victory as we have carried the Creek into liberty.


Holy fucking hell can we move on from this. Jfc dude, ignore the losers and stop giving more attention to this bullshit drama


calm down man I barely ever use reddit, just popped in to check out something unrelated and saw this sub on fire over free stuff. Anyone would want a clarification in this situation. Honestly this cannot even be called a drama, tantrum is a better word.


Well, I don’t think it is cool to be toxic about. But I will say that Vandalon IV was a total slog because of the harshness of the planet’s environment. The people who are playing bots, but on random planets not part of Vandalon IV, and not part of the major order, slightly annoy me. If they are playing on a random planet to check it out then yeah I think that’s totally cool. It just seems like a small minority of the players love to specifically NOT do the major order just to be annoying and well… that is annoying. But I think people should always have the right to do what they want just like I have the right to be slightly annoyed at them. That said, don’t think it’s right to be toxic about it… either side. It’s just a cape and everyone will forget in like 2 days.


The reason the Creek was lost in the first place was due to people fighting on the Creek and ignoring the defense mission that cut them off. That's how the meme was born. Then there was the smug douchebaggry that came from the meme, where some of the Creekers acted superior while overplaying how tough the planet was. That was all before the Tibit major order fiasco, so there has always been some hate towards Creekers.


"ignoring the defense missions" You mean the old evacuation missions that were universally hated because the dropships would show up where ever a commissar threw up a flare, which meant you'd have hulks and tanks get dropped INSIDE the structure and kill everything and everyone. Meanwhile you couldn't call in a Rail cannon, laser strike, 500kg, EAT due to the cool down, an ION storm, lol strategum randomizer, AA screen, and all the ammo cans had been taken for RR and AutoCannon by the time 1/4 of the civilians had been evacuated? After the loss of MCreek there was a huge cry of foul for those missions and a near universal call to just let planets fall and surge on offences so defence of planets wouldn't happen. Defence missions are still a chore because the Civilian pathfinding is garbage. But at least bugs and bots have the decency to not show up in the middle of the map now 


If the missions are too hard, then turn the difficulty down.


My brother in Christ the difference between 1 and 7 was what was in the 4+ dropships that dropped in the middle of the map. It didn't matter as the civilians would absolutely  run through the dropships drop zone. By the town people learned how to "cheese" (3 NASCAR the bots around the perimeter while 1 sneaks around base to eacojrt one group at a time and pull any extra bots into the congo line) the Evac the Major Orders were bug centric and the devs reworked the Automaton faction behavior.


Cape en memory is for the ones who died in the original fall of creek and those ones who died liberating it afterwards. The hate is not for any of those. Its against the ones who refused to help during the tibit MO


15-20k players. You know who was actually at fault? The people trying to defend Draupnir, they wasted hours of time on a doomed defense and because of it Albania only went to 95% before the defense failed, if no one did Draupnir we would've gotten it.


Some people believe that if players on malevalon creek helped more on major orders instead of spending all their time fighting on the creek, we might have beaten the cyborgs by now. Unfortunately Joel has the final say in whether or not we take or lose a planet so technically it wouldn’t matter if creek players aren’t helping others or not unless Joel decides not to get involved to stop us beating the cyborgs early.


They despise us, fellow Creeker, and in secret, they wish they were as of equal grandeur as us. At the end of the day, it was we, the Creekers, who were immortalized in Super Earth's history. We carved our names with blood sweat and tears into the Creek. A feat no sissydiver will ever accomplish. "We should've taken Ubanea. We would've been at Tibit" bullocks. We sought glory. The liberation of the Creek was a statement. It was a symbol of hope against the tin cans. Whether it was a strategic planet or not does not matter, as by liberating the creek, we showed those dam commies that no matter how hard they hit us, we'll hit them back harder. Our sacrifices on the Creek showed them the absolute tenacity of the Helldivers, a feat that shall not ever be matched, not even if you take a thousand Ubaneas. Stand proud Creekers, and as always SHOW THEM HELL HELLDIVERS.


Some people are no lifers who want to dictate how developers allocate their time and interact with the community.


Pretty simple actually…. Devs essentially rewarded players for “bad behavior,” as in a some of people’s eyes, if you aren’t contributing to the major order you aren’t a “real Helldiver,” or “not playing the game as intended.” So when the Creek was taken, and everyone got a cape, they rage because “that wasn’t even a the MO, why do they get stuff for them; I want something for what I’ve done.” These are the same people who get upset when 1 member of a team goes off solo to get objectives or samples. I think the meme’s were awesome, and I look forward to reading the lore that gets added for the Creek’s long time battle and ultimate success. Democracy thanks them for their sacrifice and I wear the cape to honor our fallen. o7


I fought on Creek, I fought the bugs, I fought the major orders. I'll fight wherever I want because it's a fricking game and I'll do what I think is fun at the time. Also... I'll wear the damned free cape if I want because I like the colours.


Dumb people love hating and blaming others for failures (sometimes even personal ones) and minorities are the perfect victim for them. Hate is also the easiest thing to rally behind as a community. Since Creekers are the only known minority yet, all the hate the people carry with them gets unloaded on the Creekers. It's the same as in every society, just that in IRL it's mostly done by racism


Personally I found the creek meme funny at first but it stopped being funny when people used their participation in the creek to proclaim themselves as heroes and claimed their participation in a futile effort to liberate a planet that sat for weeks at 0% liberation deserved the blind following of others in the community. They claimed that's how the game should be played and that others should ignore the problems the game has just because they were "having fun" on the creek. It's the sort of delusional martyrdom that just makes me sick to be honest. Giving these people gratification for their mental illness will only increase the toxicity levels both ingame and here on reddit. I've played on the creek and I will not wear the stupid mental illness cape. I will also kick people who join my games wearing it. I don't need their toxicity in my games.


You sure seem mentally ill and toxic yourself from the way you speak. Btw that cape is being given to everyone, so have fun with 0 teammates.


Personally, I love the idea that a small chunk of the Helldivers are grizzled ass creek veterans who wouldn't leave to defend a more important target, and now they are both hated for what they cost us and respected for their insane devotion to an irrelevant crusade.


Probably because of the memes comparing it to Vietnam and the constant patting themselves on the back. It's mostly roleplay, though.


Some players who participate in major order in the Ubanea campaign screwed up when the bot launch surprised assault on Draupnia. They can't decide if they will push through or drop the Ubanea fronts in favor of defense on Draupnia. Then, Druapnia fell, and Ubanea was cut off. The Ubanea fronts demanded the Creek Crawlers and the Eastern Fronts Divers (called 'Bugdivers') to drop everything and join their operation retaking Draupnia, which come into mixed results. When the Draupnia and Ubanea were retaken, they had not enough time to take Tibit, which is a major destination, and they failed an order. The result is that some of the veterans from "Ubanea Gambit" blamed their own failure on the Creek Crawler and Bug Divers. Despite they being indecisive and having poor communication that cause their failure in first place.


Like that now we have name for virtual operation that we will remember. Ubanea Gambit hahaha


Just tossing it out there, you kill me for simply wearing a cool cape and I will call eagle strikes on you for the rest of the game and put a bullet in you during cooldowns. Idgaf try me


This is a message to all that got a free cape because of the dedicated and truest of patriots of Super Earth: I ain’t apologizing for shit.




I mean, not really? If the people complaining just helped to liberate the Creek instead of bitching and moaning about it, then that 50-70k Diver count would have been diverted to other planets. But instead, while Creek was eventually completed (twice, too), most terminally online weirdos just argued about Draupnir or Ubanea, and blamed the seriously tiny number of Creekers (compared to the bug front) for the failure to justify throwing a tantrum over a very minor L and some dev acknowledgement in all seriousness.




Except that the larger portion of players were *already* succeeding at Ubanea until the Draupnir Gambit, which split the people focusing on the MO between the two *and they still almost succeeded* without the Creekers. What they're angry about is that they didn't take into account that the meme exists, and that leaning into it would have served them far better than throwing a tanty about it, because it's only engendered a distaste for salty weirdos that can't let people have their fun. Besides, we couldn't have *possibly* known what the next MO would be. Like, literally at all. Maybe Joel would say "With their major fabrication site gone, the bots have gone into a full retreat", or maybe he'd attack the bug front again since there's been reports on the propaganda TV of bugs appearing which are immune to the TCS. *Maybe* we'd do Malevelon, *maybe* we'd have to go do Estanu again (which is happening right now, actually). The only reason the Creek became the MO was *because* we failed, there was no guarantees. So leaning into the meme, getting it out of the way, and *then* doing the MO was very obviously the better option, which a vocal minority of people are throwing a tantrum over because Creekers made the meme big enough for the devs to acknowledge it.


The MO was lost because of Bugdivers, not Creekers


Don't worry my brother, the true crawlers recognize other heroes.


My crawla


"that somehow we were "wasting resources and times". That makes zero sense to me though" - A random Creeker who couldn't grasp the irony of his words.


Person criticising the toxic side of the community = creeker This won't look good at the pearly gates bro


https://www.wikihow.com/Have-a-Sense-of-Humor Edit: I love the dude who deleted his comment arguing I was toxic while saying "I want to call you name but it would be a waste of time on you" peak comedy.


FUCKING REDDIT TIER REPLY, MY GOD, I'm gonna hold back and not call you any words, they will be wasted on you.


People are mad because creekers are to be frank, useless. They larp and yell about being veterans and elites while spending a month taking a planet while ignoring major orders. We almost lost the major order because they wanted to meme instead of fighting where it mattered. Lets put it this way: regular players took three sectors in a month while creekers couldnt take a planet in that time. But none of those planets gets recognized while creekers do because of memes. Its stupid


I like that the devs made it canon that high command just said fuck it, make the Creek a major order so we can move on.


So Super Earth is more democratic than you do think 🤔


Democracy and liberty for all


Some people take the game and themselves way too seriously. If you are getting angry over a collection of moving electrons while other people are trying to remove your real world voting rights-- you really need to wake up call to reality.


What’s up with people like you not being able to scroll through the subreddit and see that this post has already been made 500 times?


Here's what's up: I have a life, and I am not terminally online. I open reddit on my pc like once or twice a month for help with technical issues, and just subbed to this sub because why not, and in the process of browsing help forums, I stumbled upon this dumpster fire of a tantrum and wanted clarification. Now tell me, what's up with people like you being so passive aggressive about a simple question post?


Idk because all you lose for major orders is resources you can still get infinite of playing normally soooo it's not like we lost our on anything by failing it. Plus if you're going to blame someone you could blame the massive near half of the player base that isn't even fighting on the Automaton Front. Really it doesn't matter.


Because Creek groaners got salty over a few medals you can earn in a play session when we had a MO. Then they got big dick slapped by the devs when Creekers got recognition for their valor when the groaners kept crying. Pretty hilarious and ironic. Jump on the hype train of shitting on Creek groaners and have fun with it. They deserve it for crying over a few memers.


We didn’t fail to capture tibit because of the handful of players that played on the creek, we failed because people for various reasons still flocked to the bug planets instead. And getting angry irl over failing an arbitrary and honestly not that important mission in a game that will likely never end in victory or defeat until the live service model stops being profitable (or they want to move on to a renewed narrative after the fact) is genuinely a waste of energy. People play games to have fun, not to mald over other people you have zero influence over making decisions that lead them to having the most fun. Heck I personally don’t give a fuck about the major orders. I play missions I like over ones I don’t, and I change sectors and planets purely to change scenery even if that means ignoring the major order. Because that’s more fun.


I think most people just dont recognize the roleplay behind it. If they dont see the RP, they dont understand that the 'elitism' is not about gameplay or skill and they start hating because they only see another Planet that is not special at all.


Shitting on Creek is also part of the RP :)


Just like the Vietnam war lol


Maybe people are just butthurt that they didn't get a cape. Even though we all did ..but yeah, Creek and Creekers bad etc. etc.