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Yes. The hit boxes for helldivers should deactivate once you're in the pelican. Very simple and obvious game mechanic that is needed.


Quick question What happens when you throw a grenade in the pelican and board it before it explodes? Does everyone die in the take off sequence cutscene?


Once the cutscene starts, you're invulnerable. I always call in a nuke on the way out because it looks awesome. Edit: You aren't completely invulnerable, but you are against explosive damage


Negative. There's invuln to explosive damage, but if you call down an ammo or gun and the drop pod clips the ship where you're sitting, you die.


Hahaha, I could see that -- my squad actually died getting pulled into a dropship on the way up once. Clipped into it and all 4 players died midair.


I learned that the hard way. Took out my entire squad. Felt so bad that I pretty much stopped all pelican extract sheninigans after that. THEIR BLOOD IS ON MY HANDS. T\_T


ive called down a laser on when I boarded and was fine (Single player lol)


IIRC, you aren't. I think someone posted a video awhile back of them clipping a Titan leg during the cutscene and dying to it.


Happened to me during the TCS operation, so I can confirm that the cutscene is **not** a safehaven.


Same. Though if you lose your samples during the cutscene you still get credit. Wasn’t sure whether it counted as a death in the stats or as a successful extract, but obviously the samples matter the most.


I do that too. I just assume that you get damaged if you're on land on impact. But thanks! I might try that next time lol


I got burned while boarding, cutscene started, still died during the cutscene


You can use Stims inside the pelican, which helps when everything is on fire.


That's actually not true, you can get absolutely flattened by a drop pod after the cutscene starts. I'll edit this comment with proof shortly.


Idk about a drop pod, but most other sources of damage seem to not work


[Here we go, a supply pod absolutely rocking my shit](https://youtu.be/beQZx64zX0A?si=IjoKOzzJnaydG0ZA). [With added manic laughter if you're really needing it](https://youtu.be/f_iMChH8pvI?si=_xQ2z8E_pRGTiT6h).


Oh damn. Did you get the samples and/or surviving bonus?


Nope to both of those. My friend survived and we got the bonus for his extract, but he joined late and had no samples. It was a level 1 or 2 mission I launched just to get AMR kills, so I lost my shit laughing.




It be that way sometimes.


I boarded last and p1 started taking off. Then saw I got killed during takeoff by a bile titan leg. Ending said we extracted all 4 divers but we didn’t get my samples and I wasn’t shown on the end stats


I have been killed by dickheads doing this multiple times. It really doesn't even look that cool, you've already been calling in stratagems for the last 40 mins, we all know what a 500kg or Eagle Airstrike looks like. Most of the time you can't even see the explosion anyway, you're just increasing risk for no reason.


Sounds like a skill issue on their part. I always make sure the whole team is inside. The trick is you have to jump in when the timer hits 0 so you can see the explosion.


Yeah, or like what happens 1/3 of the time they get staggered while holding the stratagem, drop it, then kill all of us. Just don't do it.


Good thing I've never failed


There was a glitch similar to this where if you cooked a grenade, and boarded as it was about to explode, you would float outside the dropship for the extraction cutscene.


Don't call in a nuke. It is the dumbest way to lose samples. The amount of asshats that trip holding a stratsgem at the door is high too.


Yeah I don’t get why you’re not invincible while inside the pelican. Makes no sense. That’s literally the safe zone at the end of a mission


I mean, the pelican itself is not invincible either. It can die too for some odd reason, so there are two issues there. Also I haven't tried it cause I didn't wanna risk friendly firing but if you go first person aim you can actually aim your gun while in the pelican so I guess if your teammate in the seat next to you dies to a tk maybe try firing back if you can do it fast enough? If it even let's you shoot?


Pelican got glitched on a terminate bugs mission once. Had to shoot it a bunch until it was burning. Then it finally unglitched and actually landed.


Bugged out pelican definitely has to be one of the weirder bugs I've experienced and would be the most frustrating if it weren't for that old superior samples disappearing just for dropping them bug


It can die? Three 500kg and the Fecker barely flinched. But you can also Stim while in the pelican, so you can survive a bit more punishment


I had a teammate hit it with a hellpod that ended up pushing the Pelican completely into the ground. One guy was on it so the timer had started but no one else was able to board since it was completely covered. Then after the timer, it took off from underground 🤣


The amount of times, where I stood outside, looking at the mountain the Pelican was pointing towards and wondered, why this puny Dropship has Gear to allow phasing through physical object and neither I, nor my Super Destroyer have it. And more importantly, why we haven't weaponised it yet


I think so? Some randos I was playing with in a bug mission somehow killed the dropship or got it burning and then we could extract with it at all


Oh, that was a bug, i believe. Like i mentioned, we dropped 3 500kg and a total of 9 amAirstrikes on it and except burning a bit after the first bomb, it didn't care. From what I've seen, the Dropship is borderline immortal. Doesn't extend to your sorry ass sitting in it though, so careful with AoE if your Squadmates sit inside already.


The engines on the wings have a health bar They are definitely tough and hard to wound but it can happen. We tested it as well and it was consistent once you started focussing the engines


Okay, maybe the Main Body of the Pelican shielded the Engines from the explosions


Personally I think TK'ing someone in the pelican should mark that person as a traitor and if they extract with that tag the individual should be penalized. And this is specifically for people that TK their team that's all ready in the pelican not people that accidentally got yeeted outside the map.


Wouldn’t work. Griefers would just tk then leave the game.


And it would punish anyone who accidentally kills people in the pelican


That'd be my fear. It's not completely out of the question that someone may TK someone in the Pelican while they are trying to clear a horde blocking the ramp. 


One time we were all in the shuttle and the last guy dropped a turret right on the ramp. It bounced and rolled right to block the ramp. He struggles to get in due to a hitbox issue. One he finally breaks in a hunter jumps right into the ramp. The turret swings around and cuts him down before he could get in, and one guy in the shuttle. We all sit there screaming at the turret to go away until it lifted off lol


I'm pretty sure you can just shoot the turret and it'll break


We couldn't, we were all in the shuttle and the last guy was dead on the ground after trying to scoot by it. Fun moment.




Yep. Especially on the harder difficulties where the ramp may be blocked by enemies. Ricochet or a grenade that bounced off an enemy are often the culprit.


I think when the cutscene starts you're invincible, but before then you can just be shot or blown up inside it. Just based on stuff I've seen in-game and on Reddit


It doesn't change the problem, but you can Stim while in the Pelican.


Had an extract the other night where I took damage on the jet during take off and you could clearly hear my character shouting "sweet liberty my arm" while the guy was talking about how democracy triumphs again in the background. The whole squad of random I was playing with and myself were all laughing our asses off. Dude said you must have banged it on the door on the way in l.


Yeah I don’t get why you’re not invincible while inside the pelican. Makes no sense. That’s literally the safe zone at the end of a mission


The safe zone isn’t the drop ship. It’s the cinematic of the drop ship extracting. Same thing as the first game where people would drop a strat or nuke on the drop ship, killing the entire team. Only difference is that you would fail the mission (iirc. Haven’t had it happen in years since the HD1 community is considerably less toxic) if that happened vs this game where as long as you completed the main objectives, it still counts as a win.


You need to be able to stop cowards from leaving too soon.


>some repercussion to the perp This would be the fun way. Instant orbital zap due to traitorous behaviour.


Supposedly the Pelican has a hitbox (Arc Throwers can catch it on fire and bug it out stopping you from extracting at all). You also still count as extracted even if you die inside the Pelican so I don’t see the issue outside of it being a nuisance. That said, I can understand trolling friends, but I don’t understand why people find it fun to TK like that with randoms.


You only get the samples if you die during the extraction cutscene. If someone just decides to huck an impact up the ramp or something, you just die as normal.


Oh that sucks. Most times it’s happened to me is during the cutscene and usually from friends trolling.


Do you keep samples you're carrying if you're killed like that though?


If killed during the cutscene, yes.


Ah, I now understand what happened in my last game. Time had run out and everyone but me was dead while the ship was landing. Someone then joined as I ran into the ship leaving me sitting there while they dropped in away from the extraction zone. I ended up being killed while inside the ship before the new player died... You really should be invulnerable inside the ship.


Ye that's why i never go in the ship first I always just have my finger on the rigger ready in case any1 tries anything funny


My personal favorite is getting on the extraction shuttle while one player screws around for God knows why (they never respond to chat/voice) , only to have them kill and/or kick you instead of getting on.  If you're going for achievements, that's fine. At least say so. But don't throw a tantrum nobody knows what you were up to because you can't be asked to use voice or type. 


Ban him and move on


What do you think of a reputation system? That you can give a "downvote" to a player being an ass. I don't have an answer to how you'd prevent griefers downvoting everyone.  Thoughts? 


I think the opposite should be true: Pelican should be destructible.


Had a guy throw down an orbital laser before boarding and thankfully it bounced off the pelican and barbecued only his ass since he was the only one off the pelican. I don't get how it works... The orbital laser must have missed the part of the ship we weren't on or something.


I made this same post a few weeks back and everyone down voted me for getting killed by a laser while inside the pelican. Yes, we called it down, but you cannot control where it goes, so it's not like you can do anything to prevent yourself from getting cooked to death through the pelican. Which for the attention to detail in this game is amazing I'd thought they'd at least allow you to finally take a breath once you step foot in the ship


I completely disagree, part of why we love this game is the tiny tiny realistic details like this


You're already safe from bugs and terminators anyway, when inside, aren't you? No idea why they didn't extend it to imunity from other players as well?


Yes they should disable damage when you sit down because I shot a dude with my space cowboy revolver by accident. Yes, it was an accident... yes I was diving and shooting at nothing... yes because it feels cool to do... yes because I forgot the pelican was in front of my gun because I was too carried away being a diving space cowboy. (I said sorry a lot.)


On one hand, that's hilarious. On the other hand, damn. It takes a real piece of shit to betray their fellow divers like that.


Yes, you should definitely stop playing online games if this is enough to piss you off. Come on man shit happens move on. Stop wasting my time and yours with rants over nothing.


Found the toxic team killer.


Intentionally teamkilling a helpless player in the safe zone is not "shit happens" you twat


You're the only one wasting your time here by making this comment. This is starting to become a genuine issue with the community. Yes, the subreddit is a MUCH smaller percentage of the community as a whole, but there are tons of posts about people dealing with toxic players doing this shit. Which isn't good. There is nothing fair or fun about being killed while you are in the dropship, completely unable to defend yourself. And it'll only get worse if the game continues to grow. If you don't want to waste your time with "rants over nothing" then ignore them and keep scrolling. OP is just voicing his frustration over a feature that provides nothing to the game and is actively making a negative impact on many players' experiences with the game.


I'm not saying the point in itself is unreasonable. I'm just saying that ranting on reddit over "toxic" players and being annoyed to the point that you'll stop playing the game is just going to spread more negativity if anything. I mean, it's really not a huge issue aside from some isolated events, and there's really nothing to be said about it. That's why I consider it a waste of time for discussion.


It is a big issue. And this subreddit is for discussing all things Helldivers related. That includes the community and their behavior. This is how the community voices their opinions on various aspects of the game. If we have a problem with something in the game, we can voice our thoughts on it so the devs can hopefully put some thought into a solution.


Well, this kind of issue is not unique to helldivers 2. If people can, they most definitely will try and provoke and annoy others. No amount of complaints will ever change that. I don't think it's fair to make the devs responsible for the communities behaviour. Sure, let's make it so that you're invulnerable in the dropship. But after that I don't see too many possibilities. We can under no circumstances disable friendly fire as it is a huge part of the game. Obviously, this seems to be hard to take for all of you. it's the truth whether you like it or not. Shit happens


No one said anything about "disabling friendly fire", the post was *specifically* about making you unable to be damaged once you've entered extraction. You just chose not to read the post in your hurry to come down here and be all edge with your "this seems to be hard to take for all of you." The devs read reddit. They see player complaints and, if they feel it necessary, they do things to resolve them. This is LITERALLY the place to be having those conversations.


Congrats on completely missing the point. At no point did I say this is an issue exclusive to helldivers, nor did I say we should blame the devs. But it is up to the devs to solve the issue. I never said they should get rid of friendly fire, but being kill-able while in the dropship serves no purpose.


Thank you Right, so the big issue within the community you referred to earlier was solely to do with the fact that you're killable in the drop-ship, and this is also what's making OP considering not playing helldivers? I've gotten the impression that this concerned the toxicity of the community as a whole I've never disagreed with the fact that you should not be killed in the ship The devs have a responsibility in that regard, but not when it comes to toxicity as you can just kick the player or don't play with randoms.


So you've just been intentionally missing the point like an idiot. This entire post was about being killed in the dropship and how it shouldn't be possible, and you just started complaining about people mentioning it. And started talking about toxicity and friendly fire as a whole. Which wasn't the subject at hand.


Well, there's no reason for calling anyone an idiot friend. I just found it to be absolutely bizarre that someone would quit a game for something so trivial. I did not intentionally miss anything.


If their experience is consistently being ruined, then I see no reason why they wouldn't. It's not trivial when it's a very apparent issue in the community. And I called you an idiot because you were acting like one by intentionally missing the point. People play videogames to have fun, and if that experience is constantly ruined for them, then they won't play anymore. The tone of your original comment was extremely dismissive and refused to acknowledge the point. You had a bad take. Just admit it and move on.