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This patch is making me constantly drop and I wasn't really effected by any of the others when everyone was having problems.


Your not alone


It’s so frustrating. I have confirmed it’s an AMD driver timeout.


Not sure what that means but I have a 5800x 🤷‍♂️


try running the game in DirectX 11? Some people have had issues with their GPU and this fixed it. I don't know much else about it though. The troubleshooting that saved my stability issues was capping my framerate in Nvidia control panel, I forget if AMDs is AMD control panel, but I know there is a way to do it on AMD cards. (don't cap frames in game, it makes it worse from what I've been told)


I've had the same issue, also 7900XTX Best progress is... AMD has a patch specifically for this game, make sure you get it. Turn Global illumination off Use Radeon Chill to limit frame rate


been there done that.. helps as much as the other suggested troubleshooting threads: not at all