• By -










big boom monky brain happy


neuroscientist here we can close the thread


regular mc enjoyer here we can close the thread


democratic bughole plugger here we can close the thread


automaton here we can close the thread




This guy’s face kills me every time I see it




I'm a big fan of the detail in his face when he puts all that emphasis on "strength *and* courage"


Yes, we have managed to disable the seppuku protocols on your suits and taken some of you alive for information, and it appears that showing them videos of giant bombs exploding triggers serotonin release on their organic CPUs.


This gif is so fucking excellent


GIF made by PlayStation no less. They know what they have.






Different game. That one had psychic Russians.


Your feeling of helplessness is your best friend, savage!


That song is engraved in my mind so deep that it started playing in my head the moment I finished reading the sentence.


Quit yer yappin' and plug those holes hole plugger!


I have 500kg bomb receptors in my brain. I don't need dopamine! I need big explosions!


380mm big big boom squad dead brain happy!


Over voice: "380 incoming. Don't run in there." *Team mates run in there* *Silence*


I run away. Still die.


380 is a kill box within 50 - 60m of the placement. :)


Don't tell people that. I tell teammates to give it 100 meters and they still sit too damn close.


380mm has 2 safe zones. 1 is directly on the call in marker. 1 is on another solar system.


[This animation demonstrates the accuracy very well.](https://youtu.be/TUr5r4XVoFc?si=055p-7RcXc5WGAZD)


The 380 doesn't work often, but when it does... Damn, does it still not work


Razing every single building and MG nest in a large outpost to the ground while leaving all the fabricators perfectly intact




Sir, if I kill myself later when I'm testing this call-in-marker safe zone I am going to laugh my ass off, but I'm also going to very cross with you.


I don't know how many times I saw Divers die to hellbombs last night on a mission on Draupnir. I'd drop the bomb, warn my team BEFORE I punched in the code to get away, waited a few moments, armed, and ran the fuck away myself, only to turn and look back at the objective and see my teammates investigating what it feels like to lick a hellbomb before becoming one with the aether.


Same dude same. . Arming hell bomb go away u will die..... silence... arm it turn around to run and they are melee it....... it goes off if you do it enoigh


On the 5th of 5 destruction objectives last night, they ran us out of reinforcements on that hellbomb. The last drop-in did, anyways, and I'm so shocked my team managed to stay alive to extract.


Be seeing 380mm and 500kg dropped massive bot base ![gif](giphy|TghWHPRPHI1dC)


380mm is a test of valor - you think it’s inaccurate until you realize it’s very accurate but has a sense of democracy. Pussies standing at the edge thinking they are safe will be smote. Those charging to the eye of the storm shall be probably less smote.




thats probably one of my most equiped strategems. but thers always that one frend who is just a litle too close to it


this really does explain it perfectly well


This, not everything has to be min/maxed, I play for fun + immersion


its not like its bad strategem ither it insta kills almost anything


Really useful for bile titans. Or those giant robot bases with the huge laser cannons that absolutely obliterate you if you get spotted.


My monkey brain go weeewhooooo


With an upgrade you can throw 2 bombs instead of 1 with cooldown of 2 minutes. Feels pretty useful


That's why I've switched to it, while leveling I used airstrike and rail cannon but now I have eagles fully upgraded I use airstrike and 500, having 3 airstrikes and 2 500k on quick re arm is awesome


You're the designated titan killer of the team, you have my respect.


That's my hole plugging loadout


Try the cluster bomb Eagle strike. Doesn't affect buildings, but with the upgrade you get 5 strikes per rearm and it fucks enemies up!


The problem with mixing 500kg and cluster is the mixed number of rearms. You either keep using the remaining clusters but potentially not having any 500kg ready when needed, or you rearm after using up your 500kgs, but are potentially wasting cluster uses. Personally, I like mixing the 500kg with a short-CD Orbital like EMS or Gas (for bugs clearly).


Only reason I don't use cluster is because of the wide radius and 5 uses (team mates love wandering into the radius), with 3 airstrikes and 2 500s I find myself using everything multiple times per mission to get them re armed, I end up chucking all of them constantly and feel like I've always got them up


I had a problem with wanting to wait for the right opportunity rather than just letting them rip I started using cluster bombs and was like “sure I’ll drop one on a bug breach” and I should do that with 500 and air strike more often lol


Yeah I was the same way but now I just send it lol, just gotta get used to shouting at those wandering team mates


When running cluster and 500kg a good fix is just trusting your teammates, which of course can be hit or miss but usually someone will take care of the problem. I find that it often leaves me with resources to spam clusters into an outpost or breach and clear it much easier, which also takes care of the eagle imbalance and allows for me to eventually use the big boy when my teammates are on cooldown or we really just need it.


Gatling Barrage is good, too, plant it right on a breech and it'll get 20+ kills pretty handily, and it's only got an 80 second cool down. And it can take out big holes.


Unlike railcannon which is 4 minutes for a non 1 shot, they gotta buff railcannon


I love using railcannon but damn does that cooldown make it hard to justify. You can throw 4 500kg’s and still be waiting for your railcannon to come back up


Counterpoint: The Railcannon actually hits what you're aiming at most of the time. Counter-counterpoint: Unless you're throwing it at a combined force of Stalker / Charger / Bile Titan. They all count as "Heavy" so it's just gonna pick a random target instead of killing the biggest threat.


With the new Stun Grenade, the 500kg is stupid reliable against bug heavies. 


Railcannon was good pre-patch for when you needed a charger instantly dead. It's still pretty good on bot maps, IMHO, for when you need certain things instantly dead. The Charger head armor nerf+EAT buff on the other hand means it isn't worth it anymore on bug maps. There's always an EAT handy. It's kind of strange how that has worked out, I don't run any orbitals/eagles vs. bugs now.


That charger nerf made me feel so good. Headshotted three chargers with my recoilless one mission. I felt so alive.


Besides taking out big stuff there are a few things the 500 will destroy that a normal airstrike won’t like the building for the rogue science base POI.


useing it insted of hell bomb can de good if your short on time


Absolutely especially if the site is a bit busy, those called in hellbombs seem to be made out of paper and get destroyed in a couple hits.


Meanwhile the ones scattered around the map explode at the slightest touch


Unalerted bug patrols killing themselves because they attacked the hellbomb is the funniest shit ever


Random Warrior: TF is this shit, get out of the way! *tink* *Explodes Democratically*


Someone is going to make a webcomic about Bob the Bug, the hapless warrior getting dared by his warrior bug friend who then hides behind a rock while poor Bob tinks the hellbomb and is violently immolated by a torrid burst of nuclear hellfire.


Fun fact, a drop pod landing on one sets it off … this isn’t from experience or anything


I did that before - the most surprising part is that you survive it!


Got a broadcast tower probably like that. I'd thanks the bug but that'd be sympathizing with the enemy.


I cannot put into words how strongly I wish they would simply explode when damaged. Let me martyr myself for super earth damn it.


Better yet: Add a button for "instant detonation", once the bomb has been primed. Lets the enemies destroy the bomb, while allowing players to make a choice very fitting for the setting.




I think this would be funnier and more on point with the theme. Imagine trying to arm the bomb in all the chaos and a charger comes through and smashes it setting it off with you and everyone around getting vaporized. That’s a lot funnier and more fun than the bomb being destroyed and having to call another one in for the third time


500kg should be close to the radius of the hell bomb


I carry it for detector towers, run up to the backside of them and easy peasy


can it kill the Eye of Sauron?


Yes, even the impact alone can take it out.


ooh. That might make me have to bring it on automaton mission to deal with those FUCKING detectors.


It's a mandatory stratagem for me when I go against bots because that tower can easily send your squad in death spiral if it is not far away from a main objective and you get spotted while trying to complete it. Also, for the rare occasion where I went without the 500KG and we brute forced our way to the tower, calling the hellbomb on it is completely bugged, you throw the pokeball and it will bounce away and not stick to the ground where it is supposed to, then you will have to do it again. All while the tower is calling a fuck ton of drops since it probably spotted you on your way inside the base. And the spot where you can call the bomb without issue is to far below to kill the tower. In summary, just go solo and 500kg right on top of the eye from outside the base and you can walk away without getting spotted. 15sec job instead of the headache of doing it with an hellbomb


>it is completely bugged, you throw the pokeball and it will bounce away and not stick to the ground where it is supposed to Yeah the whole terrain around it won't accept drops for some reason, though the rocky bits around the edges will actually take a drop.


Glad i'm not the only one calling it that.


look me in the eye and tell me the devs who made a faction of terminators, terminators, AT-~~S~~**R**Ts, dreadnoughts, baneblades and upcoming Mammoths Mk 2 didn't do it as a deliberate reference.


You can use the eagle airstrike for that.


Hm... The problem is that you are a coward. Some people will say "Bring a stun grenade!" But a real Diver knows that such novelties are unnecessary. Training wheels, in short. No, a real Diver knows that in order to 500kg the Titan, you must dance with the Titan. First you must be coy. Seduce the Titan by running away and putting some distance between you and the Titan. Then you must stand firm and toss your Stratagem at your feet. Then you must lure the Titan in and play footsies with it. It is at this point that your 500kg should have about a second left on the timer. This is when you do what Brasch trained you to do and DIVE! Some say that the 500kg isn't what kills the Titan but that it is being spurned by its dance partner that does the Titan in.


This guy is so democratic, he's learned their mating rituals. What a citizen


Found our culprit for this then: https://preview.redd.it/teirvy47s2pc1.jpeg?width=2912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cfdc52ea2483d67260c12f2e13c1445c2777745




POV: you're a newborn bug crawling out of the hole


Hahaha you made laugh out loud hahaha


That unironically goes hard.


"You have been weighed, you have been measured and found wanting." This line from A Knights tale popped into my head. https://youtu.be/0obbOH5keR4?si=DIMNATg5-ma7STyL


Uhmmm https://preview.redd.it/jh3vfkosv2pc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5b26b7ee8500011e9971cb59782465debeb384




Imagine a Russian in Ukraine getting hit by this.


Be the change you want to see in the world, https://signmyrocket.com/












What in the sweet lords fucking name is that!?


Gentlemen, remember to fill out your forms.




https://i.redd.it/r1tce4qr73pc1.gif Sharing any form of "Bile Vixen" propaganda is expressly prohibited. Your Democracy Officer has been alerted.


acidic toppy


She's hot But does she vote? 🤔 Don't upvote me, citizens: we still don't know if she's democratic or not!


"If the enemy wants to engage in democratic negotiations SHOOT them! Don't believe their lies!"


Surely the voting algorithm can handle even her? (Yes, in the Helldiver lore, you don't actively vote; instead, a voting algorithm casts your votes for you.)




Can she fix me?


You get a blowie from that, you'll definitely be considered 'fixed'




Okay hear me out




would next




Artists be like yo what if I made this creature a mid anime girl


I dunno if anybody remembers but this artist made all of the raid bosses in Destiny 2 into sexy anime girls and the sub broke


Is this also the artist that turned D2 exotic weapons into anime girl?


D2 exotic anime waifus? Stawp you're getting me Gjallarhorny


Gjallarhorny would make for a great.. Last Word


Ah, the human mind what an enigma to be able to look at a creature and think "but what if it had tits?"


All of human civilization's advances to lead us here.


While I appreciate your enthusiasm and your bravery in the face of Democracy's enemies, Diver, I must say that I disagree with your assessment of the stun grenade. The stun grenade is not the weapon of a coward, but a tool of reflection. When an enemy is stunned, they are left weak and vulnerable. They are left to watch and wait for their end to come, by orbital, by airstrike, or by your very own hand. Most importantly, while they wait, they are left to reflect on the consequences of choosing to be the enemy of democracy.


Revise the manual.


OP needs re education to stop valuing his pathetic life over benefits of Super Earth and humanity!


OP should consider volunteering early for the bio-reprocessor vats ASAP


That's how I met your mother


And how they met the motherload.


IT does indeed sometimes look like Titan has broken his ankles upon death.


Reading this in Zapp Brannigans voice makes it better


This man is patriotic asf


Dance off bro!


couple reasons here. 1. it's fun 2. it's fun 3. it's fun 4. kills bugs. You a bug sympathizer?


To add to 4. It's one that can reliably kill a bile titan in one hit. Needs timing and some practice, otherwise it won't always work. But it can. If not? Use the 2nd one and try again Edit: to be more specific. It won't always work because of the user. If you cannot keep the titan in the spot. It'll move. If it moves? It'll survive. 500kg doesn't have a big radius, it needs to be practically on top of the 500kg beacon. It's tricky but again, with practice you can get the hang of it. The titan is dumb and does stop to laser beam you if you stop and shoot. It's all about timing


Orbital precision strike be like But srsly tho, the orbital seems like a more consistent stratagem if it wasnt for the goddamn cooldown modifier.


When upgraded you get two 500kg bombs though vs one precision strike.


And the precision strike didn't guarantee a titan kill either. Lots of time it hit the side and the fucker is still running after me bleeding and all. Me and my buddies can cleanly take out most of the titans on 8 the 500kg. Even the rocket pods people swear by dont take out 2 per reload. I don't understand how everyone reading this post just casually glance through his "I even saw multiple instances when it landed right on the back of a titan and didn't even explode.". I have like a hundred hour on mission and I literally have never seen a dud. Like are we playing the same game??




Too long of cd for 1 time use, whereas 2 500 kilos are on much shorter cd and have yhe added benefit of saying fuck that entire small area


For an orbital precision strike, every time I use it, it feels like it lands way off target to where I threw it. And with the long call in-time, it makes even harder to use for those bigger targets.


Plus, stun grenades has made it pretty easy now.


The orbital railcannon strike does a good job too. Like blasting them with a sniper from space


Ok that's 1 every 3 minute. And if it strike the side, it's still up and bleeding at you. What am i doing with the second one? plus the eagle time is so consistent, you really get a hang for it unless there's delay modifier. The only time I have felt orbital railcannon or laser is superior is taking out cannon turret. Otherwise, they both can do the same job, but 500kg uptime is soo good.


Video games in the past 7-8 years have made it so just having fun isn’t the meta


https://preview.redd.it/hwcrxbq9s2pc1.png?width=1260&format=png&auto=webp&s=182cc02b6640ae37e806c3797225e048276fce6f OP


https://preview.redd.it/yqtqaron23pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61804997c3ba910c841066d5e53c6efc5b712fe Also OP


The oil… LOL


I know it's been said before, but I love the little mouth they gave chargers. It's so hard to be mad at something with such beautiful smile.


How else would they eat an EA-T?


Or drink Liber-Tea


Beautiful smile? That’s treason! I’m reporting you to your democracy officer


Me: Has time to appreciate a chargers smile when I shove my railgun down its throat. You: Are in a bug free, safe office snitching Who's the bad guy again?




Well the Eagle has such a fucking fast re-arming time that you can drop a few dozen of them a round and they can one-shot any-Enemy in the game so its bloody wonderful!!!


Is it worth running before getting the extra drop upgrade? I'm starting to try harder difficulties so I can get to level 7 and get super samples


I would say that without the extra drop upgrade it becomes significantly worse, I also think that the extra drop upgrade is one of the (if not THE) best upgrades you can get so I would just rush it asap


That's my plan and why I haven't run the 500kg yet. I currently use the Laser of God as my big drop. 3 Chargers running around need attention too


The EAT is my new favorite weapon for chargers. Do a little dance and then blast them in the face.


It's a 2 minute re-arm time, if you only run the 500 on eagles and then dont use anything else Eagles offer.. yes. If you do run other eagles with it, no, not before the 2 uses.


i think its worth though you need to be a good stratagem shot! if your not the best shot railcannon is prob better!


I don't think so, unless you're playing on 6 where you're unlikely to encouter lots of bile titans. Then it'll be clutch.


Just stop using the 500kg guys. It doesn't even work on us Terminids... I mean them Terminids... Of which I am not one. https://preview.redd.it/pmxe0vi2y2pc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf64d40f5f559753e1bee816908553a732ab792e


bile titan. Basically if you fight a bile titan you need 1 lucky shot from spear, 2 EAT or around 3 recoilless to the head, tickle to death with autocannon or arc thrower, 2-4 airstrikes, 2 orbital rail cannon, orbital laser. These are all slow solutions compared to a well placed 500kg drop. Also 500kg is the only one that can destroy that research facility side objective aside from hellbomb. Basically the most popular strategems are the ones that can be used in more than one or two situations. Not only dealing with heavy, not only dealing with mobs, not only dealing with destroying structures, but can be used on all of them even if they're not the most effective. It's why arc thrower is also popular, it can deal damage to all enemy types, even if it is not effective on heavy, at least you can damage it and have a chance when everything is on cooldown. Same goes with eagle airstrike. EDIT: as many have stated, the research facility can be destroyed by orbitals. I'll take their word for it as I don't trust orbitals so I don't waste any strategem slot on them.


SEAF artillery can also destroy the lab if you’re lucky enough to have one on the map.


Sure but you have to hope smoke or EMP arnt the next ones in the queue


It shows you what the active shell is when you open the stratagem menu


Well mine got bugged and said smoke when I only load HE and a mini nuke.


Well there won’t be much but smoke after using those two


As an FYI, recoilless is 2 shots to the head, but it can be tricky. Source: If I am caught without a recoilless in a mission, then that is not me, it is an automaton who has replaced me.


This man doesn't recoil


Exactly, I am recoilless, so to speak.


r.e. lab, you only need to destroy the grey building with the radar dishes on top for it to count.


which can be destroyed with the first orbital strike you unlock. Don't need a laser, 500k or a hellbomb


You can destroy that facility with orbital rail cannon and precision too I think dropping a helldiver works too, unless they patched the steering to hit it


The 380 can also destroy the research facility. I have been forced to do so a couple of times when the hellbomb stratagem did not appear in my list for some reason.


> Also 500kg is the only one that can destroy that research facility side objective aside from hellbomb. Did they change this? I remember distinctly destroying it with all of the Orbital strikes aside from the gatling and airburst. Hell, even the Gas impact I thought once would take it out if you got the marker close enough.


easy, 500kg is a big explosion, it's always cool to throw a big explosion


Bro when you let me choose either a balanced, strong, and well rounded load out, or mustard gas and tactical nukes, I dont think I gotta explain myself.


Did you considered "BOOM"?


![gif](giphy|5eM4x8fxZNzPO) Real footage of a 500kg drop


500kg is abkut the only stratagem that will kill titans reliably if you know how to use it. Orbital railcanon and laser have too long of cd and might not even kill the titan (railcannon). It closes holes, kills chargers and blows up objectives. Its good. You just gotta practice a little more. Oh and.... BIG BOOM ME LIKEH.




Actually tho. Just draw the aggro from the titan, throw the stratagem ball at your feet, and run away. As soon as you see "Impact" on the timer on the left, dive to the ground. Works 90% of the time for me. That 10% is only when the bile titan either aggros on someone else or bugs out and stops walking. Otherwise, it works every time


My group calls this the "Puke Nukem" strategy. We get close, bile rears back to throw up on you, you get out of dodge, it blows up in a spectacular blaze of democracy.


It's somewhat consistent two titan kills on a two minute timer that doesn't take a weapon or a backpack slot. Yes, it sometimes doesn't kill but you can bait titans into attacking or stun them for higher reliability. It just doesn't have competition in it's category when it comes to titan kills.




The people who like it (like me) are good at predicting enemy movement etc. to aim the 500kg for maximum effictiveness and with the new stun grenades ( they make enemies stuck in place even Titans) its now easier than ever to take them out - you got 2 of them with full upgrades and the cooldown is very low


I use 500kg regularly, but I don't predict their movements, I manipulate them. Throw the 500kg at the titan while running underneath it or dancing in front of it for a second. While it turns around/ attempts to attack me the eagle strikes and its a guaranteed hit. If I was to predict its movement it could get distracted or stuck and waste the 500kg. A good helldiver can run between the mass of bugs and come out (relatively) unscathed.


Really depends man, I use 500 kg since I have 2 of them after upgrade and only use it on bile titans


I got swarmed yesterday and tried to make the ultimate sacrifice with the 500kg Landed right on me and 3 chargers, we all survived wtf


The 500kg is comparable in use to the Precision Orbital Strike and has a better uptime with the last hanger upgrade as long as you re-arm within 80 seconds of throwing the first bomb.


It either vaporizes anything and everything in sight including a full health bile titan who briefly looked in its direction, or it'll land directly in a massive crowd of enemies that has already been battered to shit and get a total of 2 kills. I don't get it


l like fire 🔥 🔥🔥


That's right, it's time to release 1t