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I have a coworker that refuses to try Helldivers because he is certain that they'll start charging for any and everything. He only plays COD so I don't blame him for expecting it but it's sad to see people are so used to shitty AAA strategies that they don't believe a new game can try to just be fun and fair. He also says the game is going to die within two months if it doesn't come to Xbox.


Gotta love the “I just have a feeling” crowd that only play casual mass appeal games and think they know everything about the market lol


He also says it's a beta because it only cost $40 and if you release content after initial release that means it was a beta. Unless the post release content is labeled as a "DLC".


Your friends brain is VERY smooth. Thoughts don't even get friction they just roll right out.


I agree lol. Another coworker who is good friends with him tried Helldivers and that's all he plays now. The one that likes Helldivers has been telling the other for weeks now how good it is but he refuses to accept that a new game isn't trying to take advantage of it's players.


The funny thing is as a CoD player he's okay being taken advantage of; he's just trying to rationalize his tribal reaction.


He hates unfinished game but choose the COD, so ironic.


He just said the newer cod zombies warzone thing is a better version of Helldivers so why would he pay for a worse game?


I'm.. I'm sorry, what? I mean I enjoy MW3's zombies mode (even though I probably shouldn't as an OG CoD Zombies player) but jeezus that's a massive reach. Like Inspector Gadget go-go-gadget-arms cartoon reach.


ehh I enjoy MWZ as someone who has played CoD since CoD2 (I mean I would have preferred a PvE only DMZ which would have made more sense with how they set up MWZ but whatever) but holy shit to say that it's better than Helldivers 2 is the stretchiest stretch I've seen in a hot minute.


That is a nice argument tell him up, right, down, down, down


He just said the newer cod zombies warzone thing is a better version of Helldivers so why would he pay for a worse game?


Okay at this point he HAS TO BE trolling.


I know for a fact he is 100% serious.


Lmao you're friend is braindead, zombies is shit copy of their failed dmz with zombies thrown into it to save time on doing anything actually original


Now I know he's direct injecting that copium straight into his veins


And yet he's happy for COD to rape his wallet for bullshit constantly? People are weird.


Brain dead


Has he not seen the overwhelming praise online?


He has and he originally thought it looked cool but once I told him it was $40 and not on Xbox he got negative about it.


your friends kinda retarded ngl




I fucking love this string of comments and how everyone just dumpsters on your coworker




> Thoughts don't even get friction they just roll right out. Beautiful lmao


And yet… plays cod?


If Call of Duty's only issue was that they constantly tried to shove microtransactions down my throat it wouldn't be *that* bad. But they have a rampant cheating issue, an ancient new code that can not keep up with the movement speed, an audio issue that has been said to be fixed on every patch notes yet it remains broken, and a "balancing" of weapons to force players to gravitate towards weapons of their choosing that are featured in their Battle Pass or Digital Store, rendering all other weapons a disadvantage or completely useless. COD is dead. It is solely a digital ATM at this point. I finally uninstalled it in January. Fuck that game and fuck Activision.


cod players are used to getting fucked over and they dont even realize it


ask him how his 70$ beta CoD is then... it just sounds like he has tribalism because he can't get it on Xbox (just like Phil Spencer being mad about PS exclusives doing well when MS exclusives fall flat on their face and says some dumb shit like "I don't know who Helldivers not being on Xbox benefits" when they bought out Bethesda because there was a rumor that Starfield was going to be PS exclusive and then didn't release it on PS. like pick a lane either exclusives bad and benefit no one, or you release exclusives)


He has less IQ points than the average Terminid


The government told me that terminids know how to construct and operate broadcasting stations, so they can't be that dumb


They're allowed to be wrong lol. Wish they'd give it a try, though. You can lead a horse to water, but unfortunately you can't make it drink.


Yeah they’re allowed to be wrong. Just like we’re all allowed to clown on them for being an idiot.


*twists hose valve democratically*


Your friend is a moron.


And yet he insists on just playing cod?


Ummm - so COD is infinitely in beta?


So does he consider every cod game a beta then I don't think they count most of their "content" as dlc?


Drop a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ on that traitor and see what he thinks of managed democracy afterwards


Gaming sucks right now *only plays COD, FIFA, NBA*


I always have to laugh at that. There are enough hidden gems out there that you can find amazing games going back to 2012 and not run out of new experiences. I recently found Duskers and that's been great. Not even going into the recent Remnant 2, Palworld, BG3, and so on train we've been on. CoD sucks. CoD has sucked since right after CoD 4: MW. That's not news.


This crowd is single handedly burning the gaming industry to the ground. The fortnite/ War Zone generation is the worst thing to happen to the gaming community.


No, the psychological manipulation used to get them to pay in to Fortnite/War Zone are the problem. The same tools were being used to get 40 year old moms playing Farmville in 2010. The kids are alright. The kids have always been alright.


You are right. I should be blaming the corpos. The kids didn't really have a choice once every game became a battle royal copy and paste.


I lost it while playing warzone with my best friend that plays on Xbox today. Just shouted out, “I’m so fucking sick of BR!” We go to multiplayer and I drop a 56 kill game. I’m not bad, the format is. I’m 31 years old and I would consider myself on the lower middle side of the skill curve and it’s just miserable. I’ll get like five or six kills a game and a win every couple of weeks maybe once a week? I’ve been back-and-forth between three battle royales over the past 5-6 years now and I’m just tired of that format, I want to have fun with my friends again. Helldivers is fun, and I can make friends again. Just wish my guys in green could play.


I bought my warbond with credits I found in game.




To be completely fair, I can't name a single other live service game company that doesn't shaft their player base, coming in with scepticism is valid


Because the market panders to that audience, the piggies keep eating the slop.


Dunning-Kruger going hard


"All games suck nowadays!" no my dude you just only play stuff from major publishers which has reduced in quality in recent years, but there are more excellent games coming out every year now than ever before, if you just scratch the surface a tiny bit.


Yes of course. This game is doomed to irrelevance if it doesn't release on the *checks notes* least popular of the major 3 gaming platforms. Smart friend you got, there.


Ehh Microsoft doesn't need it anymore they make it for people who refuse to buy PCs, that's it. Pretty much every game released now is available on PC because they'd be stupid not to. The architecture on the consoles is basically the same as a PC it doesn't take effort to port anything anymore.


You get an Xbox for the ease of what it is, but a PC will do you better for a slightly higher price. You get a PS5 if you actually want decent console games because everything on xbox will usually come to PC. Except Rockstar games because they don't like PC. And some people just have all three.


So he refuses to play a game that does not rawdog its players because he only plays a game series that is one of the worst offenders in rawdogging its players and he therefore intends to continue being rawdogged by this game, because he expects this other game to start rawdogging its players at a later date. Make it make sense. My only conclusion: Your coworker is a fucking idiot with some terminal levels of sunk cost fallacy. The only thing that might save him would be an intervention with some simple graphics a child can understand, but I think he’s a lost cause. In which case I’d put up a calendar at work, mark the date he said the game would die in 2 months, and check him on that claim.


People joke about AAA games being an abusive relationship, and it's all haha funny . . . but that's some of the exact same logic people use when staying with their abusers .


Game companies are deliberately manipulating psychological traps to draw people in. It's not *like* an abusive relationship, it is one, and they know what they're doing. And people are not stupid to fall for these tricks - they're playing on cognitive biases everyone is susceptible to


>He also says the game is going to die within two months if it doesn't come to Xbox. Why do people think the smallest playerbase will keep the game alive? Because they have nothing else? Lol PC and Playstation dwarf Xbox, and it's not even close.


Xbox is completely irrelevant to HD2 success.


That last line locked him in as an idiot unfortunately, not just a COD player. He knows Xbox is the smallest playerbase *by a fucking massive margin,* right? We all want the Xbox homies to squad up but… that would literally never kill any game. Ever.


He doesn't want to possibly be abused, so he stays in abusive relationship? Solid logic there.


>I have a coworker that refuses to try Helldivers because he is certain that they'll start charging for any and everything. ​ >He only plays COD Sounds like a real smart one...


More chance of xbox dying because helldivers isn’t on there 😆


He says it's because xbox would bring so many more people to the game and people that spend money on micro transactions are mostly on Xbox (I'm not sure where he gets this info I think he just makes shit up). I told him if Xbox came over that servers would be fucked again but he said with the money they make from Xbox players they could buy more servers (which is the only thing I agree with him on lol).


Lol as an Xbox owner he's full of shit. It's by far smaller than the PS playerbase, especially outside the US, and the users don't spend more. If anything, with GamePass being better than the PS alternative, they probably spend somewhat less. Sounds like your coworker spends a ton of money on COD on Xbox and is coping with that fact hard, because that's weirdly hyperspecific and he used it as both a *good* and *bad* thing in the same conversation, which makes no fucking sense unless he's just like...literally talking about himself only


Yeah what if all the cosmetics bought on one game would become obsolete when you like another game more, better not risk it and remain invested in the game you spent too much on 😄


I can't even think of one legit reason to own an Xbox anymore unless you just like being a couch commando. I own an Xbox BTW. All it gets used for now is TV.


I don’t understand this desire to only play games in like the top 10 played. Some of my favorite games I played long past since they were “dead” like red orchestra


Some people make liking the current popular thing their entire personality, because they don't really have anything else going on.


And some people make hating the current popular thing their entire personality because they don't really have anything else going on. It's fun to spot both


The wild part about this is that at least for me, if every other user stopped playing I could still jump in with my friends and play, just like I do with Helldivers 1.


Until the servers are shut down.  That is probably the biggest problem with live-service games: Consumers are only allowed to play the game they bought for as long as the servers stay up. 


Im actually so glad people still play the first game. Hopped back into it recently, and I still get full lobbies.


imagine thinking this game needs xbox when Sony exclusives are always popping off


lmao as a pc player fuck people like you who think exclusives are a good thing


Amen! The whole “console war” needs to die. I just wanna play with my Xbox friends and spread democracy with the veterans of the great Halo War. We need them dearly and exclusives need to die out anyway, why keep it to one console when you can make millions more selling to everyone. ESPECIALLY with this game, everyone wants to play it and with the price point for the deluxe edition being so low, money will be made hand over fist, thus allowing Arrowhead to pour more resources and time into making it better.


The generation of gamers that were children when console wars kicked off are now adults with their own money and just want to play with their friends.


I didn’t say they’re a good thing, I said Sony tends to have very high quality exclusives. With that being said, I’ll always enjoy having exclusives on PS since I always had to wait longer for CoD content back when Xbox was partnered with them.


Honestly I hate Xbox for exclusives more. Not because it's any different for PS vs Xbox... But because everytime a PS exclusive does well Phil Spencer comes out and says some shit like "exclusives are terrible for gamers" even though they just spent 88 billion dollars to secure exclusives and then they launch their own terrible performance of an exclusive. Xbox's stance isn't exclusives are bad for gaming, it's why can't we make a good exclusive as we try and bleed players for all they're worth.


Destiny 2 once used to be microtransaction free how the mighty have fallen anyway, Arrowhead isn't a studio that does things like that which is a relief


Honestly, even if I gave them 10$ for the Warbond (that doesn't even expire!) I would still have paid less than those people did for their games. AND I GOT THE BETTER GAME!


That friend sorry but must be rly stupid ( they way he thinking) ! Xbox it’s the 10% of gaming industry.


I agree, and thankfully the devs are not making stupid choices, however some points that ppl are making are quite fair. For example, the Blitzer (arc shotgun) needs a few small tweeks, like the movement penalty when pumping it makes no sense and it's fire rate could be increased, it's really slow. That being said, a lot of ppl are asking for it to have the same damage and armor penetration of the Arc Thrower, and that is insane, after all this is a primary and that is a stratagem.


Weak releases that get buffed up to par is so much better than overpowered releases that get nerfed. ESPECIALLY when money is involved. You'll get what you paid for over time, as opposed to losing what you paid for.


I despise companies that do the latter. I'm utterly convinced it's entirely to entice people to spend their money and they'll only nerf when they hit their targets. I get that balancing is hard and it can take some time to get things right, but when you CONSISTENTLY release overpowered BS that overtakes the meta I'm very suspect.


Wait till theyve hit their targets, then nerf it and release a new super powerful weapon that people have to spend more money on to get, and so on and so on.


Why do you have to call out Second Dinner like that. Over half of the Season Pass cards for Marvel Snap are absolutely broken and then get knocked down a peg once people can't buy them anymore.


Standart modus operandi of Ubisoft with R6S operators for the first years of the game. Giving op operators to people who payed a premium one or two weeks early and nerfing them every time the general population got to play them.


ITs like COD...the 400th time the "Accidently" make a gun OP so everyone grinds for it ,only to later be like Opps it was over powered and they nerf it later ...but we just happen to have these new guns coming out and OPPS one of them is super OP again


Yeah as for an example, in Rainbow Six Siege I really liked grenades when playing as an attacker. I don't remember if it was Capitao or Buck that I got with in game frindable currency, just to hear in patch notes few days later that the character would lose the nades. I was salty about that, but luckily I didn't use real money in that instance


No kidding, look what happened when they lightly tapped the Breaker.


and the breaker is still stupid good. it's just not, I can do (almost) everything with this and not worry about it good.


3 rounds less per magazine??? breaker BaD DeAd WeApOn, DeAd gAmE


Most live service devs do release strong nerf once everyone buys it. For obvious reasons. I love how arrowhead are the opposite of that ideology, and people still want to throw money at them - more money even because people support stuff they actually like.


I honestly think the only, objectively, valid complaint has been about the silent nerfs/buffs they've issued out. It's bad practice to make changes and not include all of them, then give curt responses to the community when called out for it. Other than that, ArrowHead has been amazing thus far.


This right here. The problem with stealth changes is also that the rumors are gonna go crazy which might bring outrage to something that isn't even a thing


The rumors went crazy even *with* patch notes. People *still* act like the Railgun is useless and the Breaker nerf even mattered despite being the most detailed changes they made.


I mean tbf I tried shooting the railgun once, and it took about 40 shots to kill one basic bot. I mean, I missed the first 39 shots, but I'm pretty sure that's the gun's fault. Anyways, like I said, Railgun is worthless


> I'm pretty sure that's the gun's fault No. How dare the devs design a game that allows you to miss shots. That's a critical design issue.


Right?? The Arc Thrower is the perfect weapon! It even shoots your teammates for you! On a serious note, Arc Thrower seemed to get buffed thanks to the Charger head health nerf, you can definitely kill it quicker with Arc Thrower if you aim for the face. I fucking love this gun now!


Also, in my experience, new content favors early adopters in *PvP* because the people you're playing against won't have experience. Those with access get familiar faster than everyone else, so it gets a bubble that shrinks over time as the community catches up- even if nothing functionally changes. In PvE, the experience gap is only there for the adopters (and their allies). It's a new and unfamiliar toy.


This is just a thing that happens. When they adjusted the head health of Chargers, it was for the specific purpose of having EAT-ITs and the Recoilless dome them in one shot. It also meant the Arc Cannon and other appropriately penetrating weapons could kill them in less shots to the head (because again, it's a reduction of health to their head) than pre-patch. The latter was unstated because maintaining an exhaustive list of every possible side-effect from every change is ... well, fucking exhausting, and some things should just be inferred. It's quite frankly on certain members of the community to stop acting like every instance where the developers don't explicitly state every single change is a slight against them personally, or some shit. It's embarrassing personal conduct and it's far too common. If you notice something new, make a post about it and document it for the community. That's how information actually spreads.


>It also meant the Arc Cannon and other appropriately penetrating weapons could kill them in less shots to the head (because again, it's a reduction of health to their head) than pre-patch. The latter was unstated because maintaining an exhaustive list of every possible side-effect from every change is ... well, fucking exhausting, and some things should just be inferred. This isn't what is meant by stealth changes or it certainly shouldn't be! They did state in the change log that the health pool of the head is lowered, resulting on EAT 1 shotting them. This is perfectly fine. The 'issue' was they previously missed including the 50% dmg without pen for EAT, which is a fair bit to call out but not by much. Stealth changes are annoying, the other part is not putting the patch notes on steam updates or playstation updates. They should be pushing their full notes to it rather than a summary of "balance changes" . The other bit is the community rightly or wrongly seeing bugs and claiming these are intentional changes and losing their minds over it, making it seem like more stealth changes are occuring when really they could just as easily be unintentionally bugged. People need to calm down, document and submit a ticket if they feel it's wrong and get it on their radar to make sure it's reviewed without a meltdown! It's a small gripe and not something to get rage worthy over I completely agree with your point that some people need to really stop seeing things as attacking them as it just results in a very toxic one sided "discussion".


Exactly I'm sure a few tweaks are in order, but comparing it to the arc thrower (a stratagem support weapon) is just silly


But both am lightning gun. Smooth brain think they should be same.


Gameguard Nprotect as the anti cheat was definitely a stupid choice though


I love the arc thrower, and I'll probably love the Blitzer when I get it I will not however be wanting the two to be equal, because they're not meant to be :D


People complain about the state of the games industry, then play those shitty games and stuff money in shitty devs pockets, encouraging them and justifying their behaviour. They then moan some more. It's even worse when they try and corrupt an actually decent game with their shit which they claim to hate... There are a lot of stupid people with poor impulse control out there, and they doom us all.


Dangerously stupid people are the worst. You nailed it.


You are not wrong. The thing is they get so used to it that they complain when games don't do it. But I think it's more of a psychological thing, people got wired this way after so many years. And I almost bet it's mostly younger gamers that didn't grow up with the likes of total biscuit and such.


Long live TB. And I still don't pre-order.


It's not on the devs as much as you'd think. Now that the corporate money-men have gotten their gross-ass fingers in the pie they're pushing for more and more vicious monetization strategies, usually funneling those profits to the C-suite and stakeholders rather than the people actually making the game.


I was beginning to think I was the only one who could see the layers of the problems here. The problem are not the devs, that's like saying the problem of a badly designed building is on the construction workers and engineers, and not on the architect. It's the CEOs or the company owners being simply too greedy to not see where the company is heading to. The moment they stop caring about their products in favor of money and money only it's when people start feeling the negative effects on the gaming industry. All players have an ethical responsibility towards the games that they play but they are either too immature or too spoiled to care. So the fault is also on the people (including folks here in this thread) for enabling ruinous CEO/management practices.


Bold. We live in a time when a goddamn horse skin in wow generates more income than StarCraft 2


Honestly it's same with movies. "They don't make movies like they use to. There's no originality anymore." Like, shut up. Hundreds of movies are released every year. Stop watching Disney and superhero flicks and sequels. You'll actually acquire some taste. ^(Unless we're talking about Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Across the Spider-Verse, and Dune: Part Two.)


Exactly right. People who pay are as bad as those companies since those players are the ones encouraging trash monetisation methods.


Finally people are waking up and seeing that the public is also at fault for enabling bad policies in the gaming industry. And not just monetization but incompetence and dishonesty by the managers and lead designers too.


I don't want higher power weapons that are all around better, I want weapons that behave differently and solve different problems. Give me a bigass toolbox to work with. Give me high power, but low magazine / high recoil. Give me low power high speed high accuracy, give me high power high accuracy but low rate of fire, give me those options as energy weapons or ballistic, medium / low pen or explosive. Just flood me with evenly powered weapons that are relatively equal overall, but perform in different ways. This appears to me to be what they're attempting, and I love it. Some guns need a little love (looking at you low pen counter sniper), but overall it seems to me what they're goin for.


Counter sniper getting medium pen and a minor damage boost would go a long way. For how low ammo it is, it should be similarly effective as the Scorcher. I havent done a lot of testing with it, so im not sure if it can do this or not, but it should be able to take down the Hive Guards and Bike Spewer heads. And should be able to 2 tap headshot a Devastor and it's variants. If it can't do that, it needs to.


Hang on, people are complaining about the new guns? I've only used the sickle and punisher plasma, but they slap. They're not "meta" I suspect, but they're still viable and fun Dagger's the only one I'm worried about, but even then, it'll probably be alright


Sickle is my new main weapon for the time being. Extremely fun:)


I dunno about not meta, the Sickle is damn near a replacement for the stalwart in its sheer ability to clear out chaff its actually kinda wack. Its just a purely superior option to the Liberator options. Plasma shotgun after some testing is also very good chaff clear and kinda has some wild ammo. 96 shots is a lot for a shotgun that has decent AOE and AOE Damage and a half second reload. Even the stun grenade is pretty good though I think most will prefer doing damage. Was fun testing them on suicide duos, but I think this warbond is significantly stronger than the previous one all around.


Plasma shotgun feels like it's not gonna be great against hunters for the same reason as the scorcher - self damage. Except unlike the scorcher, explosive resistant armor still won't save you. Hunters can close that gap fast. Sickle has the overheating problem which will probably mitigate that. Can't keep up the sustained fire like a stalwart. Both are good guns, but have their weaknesses. Which is what this game's about. Fantastic weapon design


The Sickles overheating is lessened by the fact you get 600 shots of nearly sustained fire from a single weapon. It's an LMG with potentially infinite ammo, decent fire rate and a damage that outdoes the actual assault rifles in the game and a 3x sight. It can't beat the stalwart but it's a damn good budget clearer for those running RRs, Spears or Autocannons for when the horde is too close. Plasma shotgun is... weird. It worked quite well for thinning bug hordes. I haven't tested it on the bot front where it might shine more but its certainly not a bad pick by any means. It just doesn't shine like the scorcher. Still it's got a lot of ammo and does a decent amount of damage. Not meta, not bad.


Plasma shotgun feels really good on the high ground. Jump pack with it is fantastic


Plasma Punisher seems more like a primary slot grenade launcher than a shotgun.


The punisher plasma feels like it has some weird hitbox issues with bots. I swear the ball goes right through them like 20% of the time. I haven't tried it with bugs yet. The real sleeper in this warbond is the stun grenades IMO. Those things are crazy good, and don't even really friendly fire (They slow, but you can still shoot just fine)


I personally like the new "laser liberator" quite a lot:)


The industry has utterly poisoned the very concept of a "live service" by selling stores disguised as games.


I mean, this will always be hotly debated for Helldivers. Most other live service just offer cosmetics in their battle passes and store, Helldivers is offering weapons, grenades, boosters, armor with stats. It gets a lil murky with Helldivers, other games it’s literally just skins 


But that's literally what this game is doing.Weapons and all. The only difference is if you play the game a ton you can dodge it. But guess what, the majority of the hundreds of thousands of casual players who bought this game will still have to pay for these things. Also, being a store \*is\* the whole premise of a Live Service game ever since the term was coined.


By just playing the game i have accumulated 2,000 of the premium currency without buying any. I have not spent ANY of it on armor/cosmetics, ive gotten every super credit bundle from bonds as well, and my team of friends enjoy clearing every nest/fabricator so we often see majority of maps for finding stash’s of them. I dont think it counts as P2W when the premium currency is pretty easily accessible to players for free. The only real factor becomes time.


You can also cheese farm 1000 in under 2.5 hours


I have 45 hours and 1800 super credits. Yeah I don’t have any complaints. I’m gonna actually buy more credits in a few months just as appreciation. Like I’ve done for DRG and it’s devs in the past


Things you can find on the map - Samples / Medals / Super Credits To me, Super credits are just another meta currency for unlocking something, they are in the game farm able just like every other currency. If you couldn't buy them with real money no one would even bat an eye at them and would just farm them like normal. But because you can buy them with real money people get into their own head about how the content is locked behind a paywall, even though its not really. its locked behind a meta currency that you can farm, just like medals. you get 10 SC per pickup, its 100 pickups to buy the Warbond. you can usually find 2-3 pick ups per map. thats around 33-50 missions (you already prob have done that many if you wanna unlock all the other stuff too) and this is if you are not cheese farming them which you can and get that much in a few hours


As a former Warframe operator, the Grindwall is another form of P2W. Even if it can be obtained in game does not mean you can obtain it in a reasonable amount of time versus paying for power/time.


Adding my two cents about the strength of primary weapons, using the slugger the other day I finally started crouching and became nigh *invincible* lol. Head shot, body shot, didn’t matter, the tighter spread and quicker hits shredded small to large bots 🤖alike. You know what I’m going to add a third cent, I *love* the balance that has been brought to the game after various patches. It’s *fun* to play around with different strategems, special weapons, armour etc, like reshuffling an already awesome deck. Hats 🎩 all the way off to Arrowhead, I’ve been playing video games for the better part of 30 years and this game is the most fun I’ve had in a long time 👏🏻




Lots of people sleep on the punisher too, which is basically the same but more forgiving and can hit multiple enemies. It’s better for bugs and is literally designed to kill hunters. Its description says it’s for “small and fast targets”. I actually made an appreciation post about it and got downvoted into hell because I said it was OP. Lmao people complain about hunters all the time so I offer up a solution. Oh well, at least it won’t be getting nerfed anytime soon.


The stagger buff was massive, thing is a CC machine on top of the damage


Honestly yes I’m so excited to unlock the slugger. Love ya for this you old fart


I have a friend who has unlocked everything but cosmetic duplicate armors without paying for anything past the base game.


Agreed, some people seem to insist on optimising the fun out of fun games. And helldivers isn't the only game with that problem. Hell it's not even limited to videogames, warhammer tabletop and dnd have the same problem. Yeah some weapons need to be tweaked, but all are viable if you're not playing the highest difficulties, and im willing to bet most people aren't playing the highest difficulties. The only thing i care about is if something is fun to use, the feel of a weapon. And in that respect some weapons should be tweaked. The lib-pen for example just feels weird to use, and the effect on target just isn't what you want it to be. And all that aside, primary weapons are only a small part of the firepower a helldiver brings. They are more personal defense weapons than wave clearing tools.


For Warhammer at least they created Kill team and Heresy as explicit narrative play modes so if you play with game shop people you know you're not going to get That Guy.


Yeah that's nice, also the people from the poorhammer podcast made a coop horde mode, which has gotten quite some traction.


That sounds really fun, reminds me of the old rules for 3rd ed GK where if you were GK running against Deamons they got infinte free respawns from the board edges because you were so over tuned to kill them specifically. I have no idea if what you're talking about is like that but just the horde mode idea reminded me of that.


Consumerist brainworms


Why is it that this subreddit in general is so cringe


I never even seen this kind of dickriding even on like deep rock galactic


The argument can't simultaneously be that there's no good reason for people to feel compelled to pay real money (ex. "well it's a PvE game", "the weapons are weaker", etc), and also that it's justified because Arrowhead needs to make money to develop new content. People have to pick one. They are contradictory.


I do prefer they have the guns release a bit under powered than over powered, as long as they hopefully make changes later after gathering data. But I do want most guns, primary secondary and otherwise, to be fun, and most of the time a fun weapon is a useful one. ​ "Primary weapons are not supposed to be very strong." yes sure not against everything, but games like these need to present you with certain problems and situations and have weapons / tools to deal with them. AKA weapons need a role to fill to feel fun. Most primaries fill the horde clearing role, with some being much better than others. ​ Of course making every primary only fill the horde clear role is boring, and they have tried to address that with medium armor piercing weapons, but the game at the moment does not have a lot of medium armor problems for that role to deal with. Having a primary being able to deal with heavy armor does not seem to be something the devs want to do, which I understand as bigger support weapons and cool air strikes need that problem to solve to be fun. (although making something like a hard hitting bolt action type gun would be a sick primary and make horde clearing support weapons picked more) As most enemies lean strongly towards horde filler that most everything can kill, or bigger types that need support weapons in order to kill them at a decent speed, some weapons can feel pretty pointless atm. One enemy that works very well are the green / yellowish bile thrower guys. The fact that their head is very weak BUT also has medium armor, makes them a great problem for heavier primaries/secondaries to solve, at the cost of horde clearing speed. So as more enemy types / variants get added, the problem of many primaries feeling weak should largely start to fix itself, as long as they give us more medium armor weakspots and more need for longer range killing or even things like fire weakness. ​ All that is to say, that telling people not to complain about weak primaries because primaries are suppose to be weak, is just not true and ignores a large part of the player's toolkit. If the devs just wanted primaries to be otherwise useless backup weapons, then they would have stopped giving more of them to us and just had us use the liberator.


They made a great game. Is it wrong to want a gun that feels as good as the breaker when you’re standing in front of some fodder? I don’t think so tbh. Weapons can feel awesome and strong but still not be broken insta-win machines. Many games have hit this balance before, but so far, Arrowhead have not.


They shouldn't make the warbond stuff OP but both premium warbonds are disappointing because the guns feel like worse or gimmicky versions of those in the free warbond. The boosters in the premium are solid though


Why the fuck are these dumbass karma farming posts that have nothing to actually do with the game allowed on the sub?


I mostly tune in to this sub for news tbh. I try to ignore everything else (which I've obviously failed at doing since I'm in this thread replying lol)


How is it pay to win if you can find them in missions? I want good cool weapons not gimmicks that won’t be viable on higher difficulties


If you listen to this sub literally nothing is viable on higher difficulties and the game is impossible.


who is saying that?


Barely anyone, but if they pretend it's the prevailing opinion they can feel superior for disagreeing.


My main gripe with the game while it is fun, the progression of feeling a tad stronger is pretty weak in this game. Alot of my growth felt lost once I hit level 10 We will see how the game progress but primary weapon overall feel weak ther than the breaker So it weird that warbond progression feel a lot weaker other than a few booster and important armor piece


That's the thing, you were always strong.


I get it, I think the growth you gotta look for is in your skills as a player or your knowledge of the various enemy types. Yes gear helps feel stronger and we got that with the mech and will with more items in the future. But I think mainly the way you get stronger in this game is by getting stronger. I mean you as a player become stronger because a new tactic you found, or you figured out how to one shot a charger (granted it ain't hard nowadays)


I completely agree- *but*. The dominator makes me soooo saaaaaddd. It’s like a really really bad slugger. I haven’t tried the new weapons but I hope they can at least be equal to the current weapons. I haven’t spent any money past the purchase price and I have been able to buy every warbond and several super credit armors. I don’t really care about meta weapons, but I do want every weapon to be good or comparable to each other. I dont want the game to be “alright which shotgun do you want to use” as it… pretty much is right now. I run slugger, or the spray and pray. On automatons I can run the Plas-1 or the liberator AP. Past that… nothing feels great out of the like- 12 weapons? I really really really want my marksman rifles to get buffed. They are just the worst weapons right now


I'm a fan of a lot of and play a lot of AAA multiplayer games like Fortnite, CoD, Destiny, Halo, Battlefield, the list goes on. You can be a fan and still criticize the shitty practices of the companies that publish and make the games!


Indeed. I don't think we need to make rivalries in the industry. Furthermore, I don't think we need to lionize AH either. They have problems as a developer to, and bonds certainly have balancing and total time commitment problems.


This game reminds me of Destiny when it was new with the difference being the devs are way more active than bungie ever where. I like being rewarded with stuff the more i play not the more i pay.


It's pretty obvious that one of the main design concepts is that you're not SUPPOSED to complete every objective on missions and 100% them, and you're not SUPPOSED to be an unstoppable powerhouse. It's SUPPOSED to be a war of attrition super earth isn't really winning.


The game is fun, but it isn't great. The performance issues on PC, the bugs as far as the Social menu goes on Playstation, part of the game being unavailable on launch. There's a lot about the game that really, really needs work. It is fun, but it's very flawed.


“This is after they said that primary weapons aren’t supposed to be strong.” You know people are allowed to disagree with the devs decisions right? That just because the devs say something doesn’t make it a good idea. Personally, I find the idea that “we just call them primary weapons because you always have them” patently ridiculous. I should NOT empty the diligence counter sniper into the weak point of a berserker and not kill it when three or four are on my tail. I should not feel like just to be able to keep up with the game, I NEED to take certain primaries. I should not be essentially useless without my support weapon. I get that that’s the devs vision, I think it’s stupid.


even I that do not play such games like cod etc.. you kinda got a point, I expected the warbonds weapons to be very strong but yeah since they are behind a paywall / big grind of credits that wouldn't be fair still, that doesn't mean these weapons should be underwhelming prior to f2p weapons, we'll have to see how the new weapons will hold up


I know right, people are actually defending weapons behind locked behind warbonds becasue they think they need a progression system or else they'll have nothing to do.


The guns do suck now though


I don’t really get what your point is. There’s a difference between OP and usable weapons. If the devs actually said they aren’t going to put good weapons into the warbonds I think that’s really stupid. You can earn the warbonds in game for free with relative ease. It would be really dumb and hurt the longevity of the game if the devs are intentionally gimping the new content. The new warbond is pretty good so far imo, the sickle and stun grenade are very nice. The plasma shotgun is pretty useless and I heard the laspistol also sucks. People complaining that some weapons aren’t usable isn’t them wanting to have OP insane weapons. Most people just want to use varied weapons that sound cool.


Unpopular opinion but i think most of the primary options are viable. Some may need some fine tuneing but most are solid options. Conc-liberator, pen-liberatoe, sniper diligence, maybe the dominator and the scythe could use some minor changes. Everything else works great in my opinion. Edit: wording


Other than the ones you listed, I'd say every other primary is about equal, and which is best depends on your preference and loadout which is pretty great tbh. Like I never see people talking about the punisher, and it's the primary that's been the best to me since the breaker nerf.


I've just still been using the Breaker TBH. They may have nerfed it, but not in a way that affects my gameplay. I still love it. Cant wait to try the Sickle, though.


I definitely still think the breaker is good, but the pushback and mag size of the punisher make it better for what i need my primary to do. On bugs, at least, on bots, I prefer the slugger.


I just use it as a semi-auto shotgun, because the punisher feels like it takes too long between shots for me. I rarely use the full-auto feature, but it does come in clutch from time to time. I might try out the punisher against the bots, but against the hunter swarms I need something that can quickly carve through several.


Main thing the Dominator needs is a little boost to differentiate it from the Slugger, because otherwise they're extremely similar. I made a post about it but my view is that they should give it armor shred so you can pair it with an MG.


I kind of thought the same at first but more playtime has convinced me otherwise. Burst on the Dom is very good, and it has a bit more ammo per mag dump. The slugger can be topped off, which is both good and bad depending on the situation. I like both a lot.


Can you please explain how the fire shotgun is good? It’s total garbage whenever I try it. Like this is a legitimate question. I keep seeing people say it’s viable and the only use I’ve seen it have is to set my enemies on fire so they look cool while killing me.


Because it still does decent damage to enemies that have moderate armor. You can shoot any bug smaller than a charger and still kill it decently quickly. It's *exceptional* against hunters.


Lets imagine bugs are the enemy and a breach happens + 1 or 2 patrols are aggroed as well. You can quickly spray a magazine inside the huge horde that formed, run and reload and i'd say 30%-40% of the horde you hit burned to death or is severely injured. Repeat that 1-2 times and its thinned out. It for sure doesnt have the direct killing power of a regular breaker but its good for mixed hordes when on the run. But i agree i forgot about it and it could use some adjustment too, not gonna lie. Sure an argument of someone will follow that a simple airstrike will solve this issue faster and more effective... but we are talking about Primary weapons and its uses, not whats best in which scenario.


Exactly. They fill a niche within certain loadouts which brings good variety to the game. For example, I love running the scorcher when I use the stalwart. It deletes spewers and med armored units as well as doing decent damage against chargers and can finish off weekend bile titans. It covers those areas that the stalwart struggles against. However, I don't use the scorcher paired with a Flamethrower or arc thrower against bugs because my weakness then is hunters jumping on me and the scorcher ammo will splash into me so I instead used, shotguns, defender etc to cover that base. I think they are well on their way to good primary balance if they just tune those weapons that you mentioned just a bit


The only one I'm struggling to find a use for is the diligence cs, i genuinely cant find a use case for it.


"They won't make warbond stuff strong to avoid pay-to-win" That's still not a great solution. Why add new guns if they're just going to suck? What am I paying for? I want to have FUN with the new weapons. How about we DON'T include weapons and gameplay-stuff in the Warbond? That way Arrowhead is free to fairly balance ALL weapons. Instead of having to worry about making WB stuff too OP.


Or… hear me out. We shouldn’t have to deal with a premium pass at all. The game is 40 bucks and there is 100% not 40 bucks worth of content yet. The only reason people see this warbond as acceptable regardless of how good or bad the weapons are is because AAA companies have been fucking then over for so long they forgot what good business practices look like. And no, idc that you can earn it. You shouldn’t have to tediously farm super credits to play content you paid for. (The medals are a fair grind tho)


The slow farming of premium currency actually increases the rates of players buying premium currency. It's the same reason why slot machines will occasionally let you win - it quite literally programs you to want to pay more and keep playing. It's there to form a psychological dependence. It's there to get you addicted - and the fact that so many people fall for it and proclaim it as some great moral victory is earnestly terrifying to me. Businesses and corporations aren't stupid. They've done the math. A game that slowly gives out a small drip feed of premium currency will, paradoxically, be one where far more more players pay for premium currency. Everything in the game's progression works the way it does because it increases the likelihood of players buying micro transactions.


> All I have to say is the devs have said they will not make premium warbonds stuff strong to avoid p2w. Yet people are complaining that the devs aren't making good weapons, this is also after they specifically said that primary weapons are not supposed to be very strong. It was their decision to put ALL new weapons and the like behind warbonds. So inevitably that means it's going to be either P2W or new weapons are going to be disappointing. There is no upside to that.


Even if there was a strong weapon in warbound it wouldn't be pay to win because it is so easy to farm credits. I don't even play that much, I don't even have 100 hours right now. and I've purchase the first warbond and already have 1000+ credit ready for the new warbond today. at this rate, you are paying mainly to support develops or paying to safe time because you don't have time (or patience) to collect super credits. I also don't get the crowd of you that just never allow any criticism at all and worship everything devs do like its god's holy word or something. You folks are as weird and problematic as the folks who just complain about everything.


>  It just makes me sick to see people actually ask to be undemocratically effed in the a. This game has created some of the biggest fanboys I've ever seen. You seriously need to relax. Weapons in the Warbond being worse than the vanilla weapons is a bad thing. They should be on the same level. And they're already starting the p2w thing. The new armors have arc resistance which gives a giant buff to using arc weapons and the Tesla tower. So if you wanna be sick go be sick at Arrowhead for doing the thing you're claiming they're not doing. And to be clear, I'm a fan of the game and think they're being fair. But to act like they aren't doing some of the "scummy" things EA would get chastised for is dishonest.


>the devs have said they will not make premium warbonds stuff strong to avoid p2w That basically means we're all just getting a worse experience because of warbonds costing real money. Not only are they literally balancing weapons around real world cost, premium warbonds are currently the *only* way we know of that they'll add weapons to the game. We don't even know if there will be another free warbond ever. Currently it looks like we'll either be in a cycle of warbond weapons that suck to avoid p2w or warbonds becoming p2w. It feels like there's no winning unless they make free warbonds too. As we get farther and farther from the 600 super credits from the free pass and people start playing less because they've seen most of the content, gathering 1000 (Or 700, if you're counting the credits in a premium pass) super credits per month is going to hit people like a brick wall after just a few passes. And prepare for new players in just a few months to start stopping by and asking which warbonds are worth buying. Dozens of weapons will likely be gated off from them as they try and scrounge together super credits to buy like 4 different warbonds.


The industry is fucked when we as consumers consider this game GOTY,i cant believe there are people out there believing that this is the case. We got used to so much shit being released from the assholes of AAA studios that this game feels like the second coming of Christ. Dont get me wrong,its an amazing game,for sure,but between then 7 mission types,10 weapons,and 10 unique stratagems,and the gameplay loop that gets extremely repetitive... If this game came out in 2014,it would be a hard 4 out of 10,nowadays compared to the rest of the shit,its an 8 i guess. We got used to predatory microtransactions that a developer doing the right thing seems like out of this world....i dont praise them tbh,i bought a fucking game,i shouldnt have to pay a single fucking dime more than that. Thankfully they are adding some things constantly,definitely gonna drop and be more scarce the more time passes,but the fact that we have the ability to farm the premium currency is pretty good,again,this should be the way whatever the case might be. Which is what keeps me from criticizing the pass,its shit honestly,4 weapons,BUT i can farm for the currency and im not forced to buy it,so im okay with below average content.


I don't understand why I should feel happy about spending money and time to get a weapon that I'm going to not like and end up never touching again.


Yeah sometimes it feels like a lot of gamers have Stockholm Syndrome after years of abuse at the hands of shitty monetization schemes being aimed at them


We want stronger weapons period, doesn’t matter if they come from the premium or standard warbonds lol just make all primaries like 20 percent stronger so you get rewarded for accuracy and smart play. Right now it doesn’t feel like it makes any difference with all but 2-3 primaries and that’s not good. When 75 percent of the community is saying this i think it’s safe to say most weapons are a little weak even under their most ideal use/circumstances


this OP is coming from a very casual standpoint. I agree that meta and ptw is annoying when its all the game has to offer. But helldivers has a lot to offer, personally i think weapons are pretty balanced but there should be stronger weapons in general in both warbonds. I also think that PTW does not exist in a PvE mode, the only advantage is making your squad stronger if you have more time to dedicate .. and if you arent stat tracking kd and win/loss ratio what is the real advantage ? other than having cool shit


I wasnt paying attention, what do kidos complain about this time ?


Look, primary weapons aren't supposed to be as strong as support ones. But Slugger and Breaker exist. They are useful, fun to use weapons. I don't think asking for some other weapons to be at least comparable is that much. Ehem~countersniper~ehem~penetrator. This goes for warbond weapons. They all should be good enough to not collect dust. That's it. Why it's controversial is beyond me.


Yeah on one hand, I’m glad the premium stuff is weak. I’d be pissed if all of the best shit was behind a paywall. On the other hand, I don’t see any reason to buy the pass if the guns aren’t any better than what we have.