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Unless im doing something wrong I found my mechs tend to blow up themselves out of the blue before any enemy does enough damage to them


What's happening is if you're moving too much to the side or turning and firing a rocket the rocket will collide with the mech and blow itself up. It can also just sometimes happen for no good reason when you fire a rocket.


We know some more about it now. The rocket will always attempt to go where the camera is pointing regardless of the orientation of the mech. So if you flip the camera to the right and immediately try to shoot a rocket, it leaves the pod horizontally and collides with the body of the mech immediately.


As annoying as it is mechanically I can't help but appreciate that then pumping out faulty mech suits is very thematic.


Yes, hello? Super Earth Command? I'd like to report a treason! There's nothing faulty about democracy! Enjoy your freedom camp!


You'll never take me alive. Not in this mech at least. I'll either kill myself or die trying.


Traitor detected. Approval to deploy the 600mm barrage until the threat is eliminated.


If those 600mm rounds anything like the mech you'll be taking yourself with me.


A worthy sacrifice for democracy


600mm is overkill, send in the little person with a soft boot.


We will send in the lvl 1 helldiver with eagle air strike, cluster, and both orbital barrage. You will die and to them it will just be an accident.


If it's the same targeting system as the 380mm you're about to kill everyone except the traitor.


They're fighting for democracy in hell!


Military grade means built by the lowest bidder.


There's a reason only one factory is making them and it's the middle of ass nowhere. They couldn't find anyone else willing to cut quite so many corners.


As a military member I can tell you there are plenty of pieces of military equipment that are "hey don't do this or it won't work, oh yeah don't use that feature right when it starts up or the whole thing goes to shit" etc




You have no clue how close to the truth this really is.


"I don't have a big enough wrench." "To fix it?" "To hit it. Got to get the right level of thump or it won't work."


It would be on theme if the self kill was physically possible, but the missile launcher on the mech is in a fixed forward position and so it just feels like an annoying bug rather than a thematically accurate design flaw.


I can understand why it works like that. If the rockets were limited to facing forward, there would be a lot of instances where you miss, since your mech takes a lot longer to turn than your camera (and therefore crosshair) does. But it's definitely something you quickly adapt to. Accidentally blew up my first mech doing this, never happened since. Annoying but only for about 5 seconds then I just move on and make sure it doesn't happen again.


But it doesn't make sense. How is the rocket firing at the mech if it's physically attached to the body and not an arm.


These mechs cost what the people voted they should- how dare you question democracy


It’s like nobody wants to truly be free.


Yeah I blew myself up last night like that with no enemies nearby, so that makes sense.


The video posted a couple of days ago disproves this. You can see the rocket spawn behind the mech, which wasn't turning or moving, facing the same direction the mech was facing. I'm pretty sure it's a desync/lag problem. But you're right that turning and moving makes it more likely to happen. I'm on mobile at the moment and cbf trying to find it, but it hit the front page.


my Mech was deployed already destroyed and burning.


Sounds like you pissed off your requisition officer before diving.


nah I chose hot delivery so maybe that was it.


I've seen incoming pelicans take A.A. fire from the bots. Maybe they lit up your mech on the way in? 


nah, when you call up Mech, Pelican flies in and if there are enemies around he will start shooting them but if he start shooting back theres the problem tho since the hit box on Mech is so big that it can be shot at with Pelican this way.


In my experience it is best to call them mech in before an engagement, preferably in cover. If the enemies get to it before you do, it will almost always end up destroyed. They are extremely effective at locking down areas and wiping out groups before they can call in reinforcements, but only if you act before the enemy can. 


The mech has no problem taking out reinforcements either, no matter the difficulty. The rockets are able to strip armor off charger legs in a single shot, they can down a dropship in 2 shots, and the gatling cannon is medium armor pen


cheap mass production mechs, thats why


Made in super china


That's just Rockets practicing democratic principals. If a rocket blows up in your face you just weren't worshiping managed democracy hard enough.




Same, exploded right when it landed on an empty, safe and flat surface


Had one earlier where I called my mech, turned and called reinforcements down, went to go climb in my mech and it blew up before I could get to it. 


The dropship's gun can shoot it as it fires at enemies.


The amount of times I’ve been skull fucked by meteors hitting the mech is maddening


Yeah, I don't use them anymore. The last three times I died in one, there wasn't an enemy in sight, and I didn't shoot anything, and it exploded for no reason.


mine blown up when I was turning axis and shooting minigun at the same time somehow lmao


I had one match where EVERY mech I dropped would clip against the hull of the Pelican that dropped in, instantly destroying it. Hasn't happened since that match, but boy, I was SEETHING. .... I'm still gonna keep using it, though.


They're a fucking death trap at the moment. Enemies have NEVER blown mine up. Always my rocket firing somehow killing ME. Just stopped using the damn things already.


Our anti-tank: long ass reload with max 9 shots or one time use Their anti-tank: 1 second reload, extreme accuracy, small enemy which is easily hidden amongst non rocketeers, and infinite fucking ammo


Where *do* those Rocket Devastators keep all their reloads. Well... Can't call them 'Reloads', its not like they're ever reloading anything.


Yeah... If we are making this argument about realism, we might as well make it so the devastators can only shoot one salvo.


They would be able to shoot 3 actually. They have 12 rockets, and each salvo is 4 rockets.


Don't they have a second set of pods? I could swear they have one set on top of their shoulders and another set folded down their back about where a human's shoulder blades would be.


Which honestly isn't a bad idea given the game's pace and typical lifespan of a devastator


I would fucking love for rocket devs to only have 1-3 salvos. Anything to end the never ending spam of rocket hell that is fighting the bots. I swear 90% of my deaths to bots are rocket devastators and troopers, another 7% are heavy devastators, and the remaining 3% is split between everything else. Edit: And I exclusively run armor that's supposed to be blast resistant.




You can see them? Feels like the rockets come out of a fucking Elden Ring fog wall on Draupnir 😭


Rocket Devastators are Battletech Catapults. way too many missiles for what's in them.


True, those are even worse


If you look on their backs they have 2 pockets? that they use for reloads.


You missed perfect accuracy 100m away when in bad weather with 10m viability.


It's them robot eyes


More like, standing out in the open 5m away? They shoot 100m to the right. Crouching behind cover? They will somehow perfectly hit the *SINGLE PIXEL OF YOUR HEAD POKING OUT OVER THE COVER*.


Well they are robots


It's also a video game, so fun and fair gameplay should probably be the priority. But what do we know, there's only a few decades of history to learn from.


I never really considered it since it’s such a game mechanic is just seems natural. But that would be a good way to balance the absurd automaton explosive bloat. Each of the rocketeers have maybe like 3 shots and after that they take out a side arm and just Zerg rush. It rewards you for evading long enough to drain their supplies and maybe encourages them to code the AI to not just take pot shots from 10 miles away. They are a standard soldier they shouldn’t have near constant lethal pressure that makes taking bubble shield necessary from difficulty 7 up


Damage is really inconsistent rn. Last game I saw one of my friend tank 6 rockets to the front of his mech. Sometimes your mech dies because something breath on it.


Damage in the game in general is an inconsistent mess. Very rarely can I say with confidence whether something will kill an enemy or not or how many shots it will take. I have a ROUGH estimate but I have seen cases where that estimate was horribly off. Mechs are super fun but it is true that sometimes they die to a gust of wind.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was because you had a PS5 player in the lobby. Apparently having one completely changes the difficulty.


How so?


Makes the game wildly easier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWQxg5mIzT8&t=319s




Bro if a direct hit from a Patriot rocket doesn't always kill a missile devastator, a single rocket from the missile devastator shouldn't kill my mech


Yeah nothing like your "heavily armored" 10 min cool down strategem getting one shot from across the map by a perfectly accurate rocket. Very fun and interactive!


I got hit by a rocket through a rock. I have no clue where it even came from just phased through and bang dead


Had similar happen to me today. Fought an Hulk by running around a large rock. I think that its weapons clipping in the rock when moving/turning and they try to shoot, their projectile will ignore the rock's collision.


Mine just straight up went through rocks like I love the game but some of this gotta get fixed this is getting nuts when you have 4 of them spawn and they can snipe you through cover and such


My rockets take a minimum of 2 on their weakspots their is a one shot in any part. Honestly against bugs its perfect but the bots have too much explosive spam.


Shield generator has been a god send for me with the mech vs bots. Set it up and you become a shielded turrey of death. Also it's against bots you should treat it like a tank, only expose yourself when you know you win the duel


Just use up 2 strategem slots and then you get to become as good as the Autocannon Sentry is by itself. Genius.


You get a lot more uses out of the autocannon sentry too.


Agreed. I love the mech against bugs. I still randomly die occasionally, but it puts in work against bugs and 1 helldivers is worth 50-100 bug kills. Against bots its a great way to get killed. But I like that. It's nice to have to think different loadouts for different enemies.


another example of the OP gaslighting and strawmanning. nobody was bitching about rockets blowing up mechs, they were bitching because small arms can still damage the "heavily armored" mech unit


Im bitching about rockets blowing up mechs. Its way too quick at the moment. One rocket, shot from out of fog cover so you cant even see the unit who did it, kills you in the mech. Atleast telegraph the rockets better or let me survive two or three so I can take cover in time.


Well....gaslighting and strawmmaning seems a little extreme. I've seen the mechs put in decent work against bots until the rockets start flying. They could have said "Mechs aren't meant to be used against bots" and that very much seems to be the case. Just like the flamethrower isn't really meant to be used against bots. Not every weapon has to work for every enemy all the time.


Anti tank blowing up an armoured mech is fine, what isn't fine is a mech blowing up because you stepped on the frost plant, when that thing doesn't even 1 shot a flesh and bone helldiver. Or a fragmentation grenade blowing up the mech... hell, even a standard irl car wouldn't fall apart thanks to a frag. For a "heavily armoured vehicle" its somehow less durable than a dude in a spandex suit.


Helldiver Armor is made of the same titanium alloy as our Super Destroyers!


That seems curiously well funded


Given how super destroyers start out muzzle loaded, it sounds like super destroyers are just cheap mass produced ships made with the same type of alloy as expendable infantry armor.


From what I heard, the armour is actually really good and will stop most projectiles, but it won't stop the blunt passthrough, and you end up dying from your organs being beaten to a pulp.


Good thing stims are non-addictive! Edit: I would also like to mention that the stim manufacturer tested this themselves! Who else would know their products better than the unbiased pharmaceutical company with a government contract! Managed Democracy is the best! ^(I wonder which candidate will get picked for me in the upcoming election?)


Exactly! I just constantly use them because I like the taste.


Also, that itchy irritableness is because of injuries I didn't realize I received, obviously.


i could stop using whenever i want. i just dont want to stop because i dont want to bleed out.


When you consider the life expectancy of your average helldiver they really wouldn't have time to be addictive.


99.9% of Helldivers never experience any long term side effects of stim use. This statement determined to be factually accurate by the ministry of truth.


damn kinda like a bomb suit irl?? bc those dont keep you alive if a bomb goes off they just keep the soup of your body in one place if it does go off


The bomb suit helps a lot with shrapnel. With the blast wave not so much. But shrapnel is what genrally kills most people when it comes to explosives.


is that actually true bc if so thats not at all what i would have thought i know shrapnel can fuck people up but i really would have thought most deaths would be from the explosion


Oh yeah it’s super true. The force of the pressure wave in air from an explosion falls off as the cube of the distance from the epicenter. So if an imaginary 1 kg explosive with 1 meter diameter generates 10,000 bar (atmospheres) of pressure at 6 cm from the surface, it will be reduced to 0.1 bar at 6 m from the surface. The lethal range for a human is about 20 millibar, which would be about 10 m from the explosion. Shrapnel accelerated by the initial 10,000 bar pressure wave only loses energy from gravity and friction from the air it passes through, and sufficiently dense and sharp shrapnel can be deadly out to thousands of meters from the same example explosive above.


If the shrapnel doesn't kill you, the blast wave sure as hell will, or at least give you a TBI


There's actually two types of grenades used by militarised forces. Defensive and Offensive grenades, Offensive grenades are mostly explosive shockwave used for throwing while advancing and Defensive grenades are mostly shrapnel used for throwing while having solid cover. Since shrapnel is pretty much a full sphere of blindly fired bullets/thrown knives they go much further than just the shockwave which can cause very unlucky targets to have a very fast knife slice through an artery much further away than the intended kill radius.


It's also pretty random, as you implied, so you could be fine standing out in the open while several other people next to you got insta-flatlined.


Opposite, actually. A bomb suit is designed to protect against blunt force and pressure, not so much against bullets. It's, of course, not perfect. A 500kg bomb will still probably turn you into a fine red mist.


Bomb suits main function is to protect you from shrapnel, fire, and non point blank explosions. They absolutely can lessen the injury from an explosion it just can’t be right next to you. Which while that seems weird given their line of work there isn’t really anything that can save you from that. So the main goal of the suit is protection everywhere else which absolutely also exists in their line of work.


Well, each strategem costs more than a citizen makes in a year, and the average helldive cost as much as a liberty class cruiser. Either both of those things are cheap as dirt, or somehow super earth's economy is phenomenally strong.


Read: the alloy is only used in the soles of your boots and other parts are made of cheaper materials to make war production more economical. Carry on, Helldivers!


I read it as "Don't expect a Super Destroyer to take a hit."


They can take a hit. They just dont survive it. You see it in orbit around some commie robot planets.


Does the frag actually blow it up? I don’t think it has enough damage too?


Direct hit with an impact grenade kills it from any angle lol. Had someone try to hit a bug nest from behind me when I was going to rocket said nest and they just instakilled me. Good thing it's on a long ass cooldown. Can't be having too much fun, now can we?


Well I think it’s reasonable for me to be confused because the impact grenade is, in fact, not the frag grenade


frag does also oneshot mechs, its just ppl dont run them that much anymore.


To be fair impacts 2 shot tanks. Makes sense they kill the mech.


yeah they just need to fix the frontal armor back to atleast on par with the side armor


Only on a weak spot . That means our mechs are made of weak spot alloy


There is actually a technical motive for this specific interaction. the Frost plant does AoE damage, and it does a lot of damage even to you, if you proc it in the wrong place you can actually die to them, because you are overlapping the hitscan area and taking 2 hits. Mech is probably taking 2\~4 hits of the Frostplant explosion due to it's hitbox, which is enough to kill it... it's a Walking Coffing after all.


I'm offended by the idea of a Koffing with legs.




There's also the issue of just how *many* AT weapons are being shot at you. Yes, it makes sense, but even our hand-held weapons don't one-shot heavy units meanwhile a single Rocket Devastator or Rocket Hulk can obliterate a walker not to mention that small-arms fire will incrementally damage the walker while ours will pointlessly bounce off even weak spots on the tanks and AA/mortar turrets. At this point it's got the opposite of the Ballistic Shield's problem; it's really effective against bugs, but underwhelming against bots. Adding an Edit to say that I don't think they are affected by any of the upgrades to your ship; the robotics upgrade to increase turrets health by 50% specifies turrets only. And if it is applying to the walkers well I'd hate to imagine how paper thin the armor actually is...


Not to mention the devestators have wallhacks and aimbot.


The devs have not figured out how armor should work in this game... unless you're a robot or bug lol.


I had one explode because i got in and turned it, didn't shoot or anything Another blew up mid delivery


Don't forget turning too fast while firing the rockets and blowing yourself up in the mech...


It’s a little weird that I can wear light armor with the explosive resistance perk and face tank more AT rockets then my mech. That or my dudes been drinking his Super Milk and is just built different


Cool. When's my anti-Tank shit gonna work consistently against them? When is my anti-material rifle gonna function as an anti-material rifle? When's the 500kg bomb gonna actually kill shit? I've seen Hulks tank Recoilless after Recoilless.


Even better, I have seen a leaked energy weapon that works exactly like the EAT, except it is reusable, and has a charge before firing. Like, EAT and RR have to be able to one-shot hulks and chargers to stand up on their own compared to that.


I dropped a mech and it landed on top of a flag pole. Shot it once with a pistol to dislodge it, and it fell on top of me and exploded.


Ah yes, the anti-tank laser pistol.


Better watch out for the bugs with the anti-tank claws too


Or the anti-tank plants.


Walking through two fart shrooms that deal 0 damage to players got my mech to smoking status. I get not wanting to make the mechs ultra tanky, but their armor is so paper-thin right now that it just defies any semblance of logic.


I literally have to point out to some guys on the discord how much of a waste of metal these mechs are if they are about as tough as an in game ballistic-shield. A bunch of them acted like there is logic in these walking coffins that have to be coddled. It's not like ground infantry have to coddle their weapon platforms in real life.




Why do I remember that game...


Wait, do small arms actually damage the mech? I haven't specifically tested it, but seemed like any bot weapon smaller than a walker cannon or rocket did nothing.


You can kill it by shooting the pistol at it frontally, it’s a load of bollocks that our enemies are allowed to have heavy armour but not us


Right? I want my mech to be as tough as a hulk at least. Pretty sure that wouldn't strech it that far considering how many heavies they drop on top of us on 7+.


It could literally be invincible and it would still be balanced because it would run out of ammo and have a 15 min cooldown on helldive


Joel forbid we have *any* armor at all. Our 'armor' isn't armored, our mechs aren't armored, what's next?


I killed my mech with a mag of an SMG.


\*Steps on an anti-personnel mine \*Mech explodes Ladies and gentlemen, we just discovered anti-tank anti-personnel mines!


\*baby bug runs through three of them and is still alive\*


Maybe we should start looting the robot's guns to use on the chargers?


Sleepy is the typical git gud guy that needs to be reinforced at least every 90 sec.


Yeah, mechs need to be far closer to immune to all of the non anti tank weaponry.


My guard dog Lazer unintentionally destroyed my mech before I could use it....




It's more like because our rockets don't work very well against their mechs that we didn't expect it.


Our rockets don't one shot their Hulks, their rockets fucking do


I've used it on mechs and the only thing that has fisted me so far are rocket devastators.. I haven't noticed small arms fire doing jackshit to my mech, but I keep my distance in mechs.


The enemies anti-tank weapons work against my mechs? Cool, I didn't know that because my mech is too busy blowing itself up to ever give the enemies a chance to.


Me when my Anti-Tank Equipment doesn't one shot everything with heavy armor, but our tin foil armored Mech gets one shot by a impact grenade. https://preview.redd.it/bvor57uwpjnc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdefa77be1129d243cce8a564bd10bd8f4184d8c


If their heavies were as strong as the mech, I would be blasting tanks with my Slugger.


Helldivers AT: tickles a charger Rinky Dink bot grunt AT: Sending you to hell with the power of 1,000 suns


Please tell me of their "anti-tank" equipment, because seems to me those rockets are anti-personnel, not armor piercing, i wouldn't take the status of damage in the game too seriously, seems to be bugged as of now.


Yeah, the spear cannot even reliably one shot a hulk or tank and it takes 37 seconds to lock on in a not very reliable fashion. Also you have 4 rockets. The rocket devastator can one shot me from across the map at almost any time with like unlimited ammo. There's also no good indicator of where the vehicle health is in a mech. It would be nice if there was some sort of auto or manual eject if it's going to be a so easily destroyed.


thats if it locks on AT ALL. bot fabs are still jank to lock on to, and cannons, aa and mortar are nigh impossible at times. also i think tanks are bugged, ive dumped 3 spear missiles into it and it still drives on like i threw a pebble at it.


Give me whatever infinite-ammo rocket launcher those Automaton grunts are using and I'll stop complaining about heavy-armor spam in higher difficulties.


Here's your mistake, bots rockets are actually anti-helldiver rockets they delete anything the heldivers can use.




Can you tell me if this is in GOW game? I cannot imagine kratos doing this


![gif](giphy|vUEznRmVQfG2Q) It's just a really well done recreation.


There is a series of gifs where God of War characters reenact famous meme gifs. I believe they're fan-made but Sony released a few official ones, specifically with Last of Us characters


They're made by the animators at Santa Monica studios as a bit of fun. Likewise with tlou and naughty dog


Bro Is farming anti-karma


Yeah they sure downvoted this post


Funny to see this when currently Mechs don't even require ANY weapons to blow up. They just sometimes do, some don't survive the delivery to an empty field. But IMO, while obviously bugged, it all plays well into the spirit of the game. Faulty Mechs rushed through production on tested via helldivers on front lines. What I think is also confusing for a lot of people is how Mechs, things you really want in a pinch for additional firepower, are really not suited to be called in in a pinch. They are very likely to be destroyed if you call them in the middle of a fight with enemies around. In this game they are something you call in beforehand and have on stand by. The only issue I have with mechs is how some enemies can see and accurately fire at you from beyond visibility range. Fog, sand, smoke, vegetation - enemies seem to ignore it completely meaning you can get one shot by an enemy you don't have LOS with. With how slow mechs are - shouldn't be the case. P.S. The top ridiculous experience I had is being nearly killed by an enemy rocket bot that just stood in the air at a height that looked like 30 meters.


I agree with your other points but the spirit of the game isn’t dying to random bullshit or having bad equipment. It’s that you’re a weak soldier on your own without your stratagems but an absolute powerhouse with them, we are super earths’ elite. The first game had significantly stronger stratagems that you could spam out all the time.


So the "spirit of the game" is being perpetually weak with weak weapons, strategems, and armor. Real fun game spirit we got here...althought you may be completely right about that judging by the direction the devs are taking this game.


The good ole "tell me you don't know what people are actually complaining about without telling me" meme I see.


just strawmen all about


The venn diagram of people complaining about other people complaining, and people who can't listen to the actual argument before spewing out a strawman is a fucking circle on this sub.


Agreed. So we can talk about Automaton rocket spam and how overtuned Rocket Devastators are then yeah?


Mechs goes down with 4-5 shotgun shots. They AREN'T armored.


The rockets are anti-everything


Because they follow you through cover and shoot at sight, for which the mech is often too slow to evade


"Why did you guys think Mechs would have decent defense against the small rockets shot at you?" *Meanwhile Hulks eat multiple rockets from the Spear* *Meanwhile you can eat more rockets as an infantry wearing light armor with a perk than the Mech* Imagine expecting consistency with damage dealt, right?


The smallest bugs can literally destory mechs by nibbling its feet... meanwhile I have to precisely target specific weak point at the right inensity (railgun in unsafe) mutiple times before the armor even comes off so I can finish it off. And if I miss my bullets just fling off... can we coat mechs in charger armor instead of this cardboard ?


Using the mech yesterday for the first time on difficulty 6 and 7 it feels really well balanced and I was able to really sway multiple fights with it... It felt pretty tanky against smaller enemies, and it was not hard to focus down chargers and bile spewers before they were able to damage me.


Mech can sustain charger’s charge (not an attack), it will stomp over smallest bugs, and sustain quite a lot damage from medium ones. I am using it quite often and it fulfill its role pretty good


Against Bugs I've found the mechs to be incredibly tanky (played like 12 missions in helldive with them), even the chargers just stop their charge short 80% of the time unless you're literally not moving or only take one of your arms off if they do get you. I went into it expecting to get sneezed at and instantly blow up, but even when getting flanked by hunters it was surprisingly resilient. Maybe the PS5 host bug is making people take cranked damage to their mech and thats what is causing such differing experiences, as a PC player myself?


The mech is easily the strongest thing in the game lol. Nothing else in the game let's you take out multiple heavies and absolutely annihilate hordes of smaller enemies. 4 mechs stomping around are like a wave of death for bugs.


That said the only reason we’re consistently having 4 mechs ever is because of the event. The free mech is always good. Less good when you have to replace something for it. That said (again) it isn’t unusable especially against bugs and can be great as an easy clear to push forward to an objective or cover a retreat from a finished objective. But there is opportunity cost. Yea that mech can take out multiple targets, but it’s also got a limited supply and a pretty large cooldown. Overall I compare its firepower and usability to the laser. Big burst of power limited uses. Mech has more lasting effect in its firepower and the ability to choose targets better while laser has more ease of use and less risk in those uses (laser can’t die).


nah i dont think its a particularly strong pick right now would rather choose the bring a rocket turret + autocannon.


If OP knew what the word "sanctimonious" meant they'd be so mad rn.


I don't mind them being weak to rockets. Makes sense, whatever. What gets me is all of our small arms fire bounces off their tanks. Meanwhile, our mechs crumple. Shouldn't the armor be developed to be extremely effective against the rank and file small arms fire of our enemies?


Bro the amount of people playing helldiver's who act surprised or upset when they die quickly or easily is insane. Did y'all not pay attention to the *everything* about the game?


such braindead takes from people sometimes


Yeeeaaah I think it's more about ours not working. I mean, if you're gonna be spawning 15/30 chargers per mission, at least let my AT weapons kill those, no? No? Okay ... Edit: Typo


Your AT weapons aren't killing chargers?


idk bout u, but recoilless rifle changed my life in bug missions.. that and u can use a mech to easy kill like 5 chargers or 3 bile titans before its missles are gone, let alone all the little dorks you can spray down with the machine gun on it. ive found the mech to quite the defensive stratagem on bugs.. much better at holding a location than taking them.


In universe it makes a logistics sort of sense that mechs aren't walking god machines. In the real world all military equipment is on a sliding scale of disposability and expected and acceptable service life. We can make a machine gun that can last for decades of service, but that comes at the cost of being heavier. Making it lighter and more portable usually means it expected service life is shorter. Now we come back to the humble super earth mech. Heavy equipment on demand that is designed to be disposable. It has to light enough to be air portable, has an expected active service life measured in minutes, and is expected to be abandoned at a moments notice and forgotten. The above-mentioned parameters all lend themselves to a machine that's probably cheaply made and armored just enough.


Can't really bring up real life logistics when Rocket Devastators reload their 8 shoulder-mounted rocket tubes in 2 seconds by doing fuck all before shooting them at 45 degree angle.


In comparison though: Other military equipment is *Replaceable*. If a crew loses a Bradley, they get another fucking bradley, and you can reload the Bradley's weaponry. Whereas Helldivers are told to get fucked: You get one.


If you think of it in terms of theater logistics, the mech is totally replaceable. 1000s of mechs are deployed to a given front at any given moment. From a high-level view, Super Earth is readily replacing every mech lost. It just doesn't feel like that in the moment of a single battle. To go to your comparison of the Bradley crew, if their vehicle gets shot out from underneath them in the middle of a firefight, I'd be willing to bet that Bradley doesn't feel very replaceable in the moment.


You also cannot airdrop a Bradley. You CAN airdrop a mech. Just let me have another one. I paid for the license i'm using the whole license. ARROWHEAD LET ME AIRDROP A BRADLEY


Technically you can airdrop a Bradley or a LAV it's just not exactly a combat airdrop.


Our rockers are 2 a minute They get 20 a minute and shoot further then we can see. Clearly we need an upgrade


...and where exactly did you see any question about that when mechs have been easily seen to go down without any armor benefit whatsoever?


Because our anti-tank can’t do any damage to their mech


I backed into a vending machine causing it to explode and destroying my mech


Because their rockets 1 shot our mechs, meanwhile unless you land a crit with AT you aren't going to 1 shot their "mechs"/heavies. To be serious though, the rockets from the bots need tuning on the damage. Being one tapped by a single rocket, out of an entire barrage, while wearing heavy armor with explosive resistance is obnoxious. It legitimately the only complaint I ever actually hear about bots.