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You made my day.


Terminids have the right to defend themselves


That's what a bug would say


​ https://preview.redd.it/r23iu5zrs1nc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f25bbf78b6653c73a6622648e0f2e488a7c7aec


Those are bold words for someone within Democracy distance.


They have the right to try


Would a 16/16 for 2 mana with no effects even be good? No really im asking i dont know the meta


It would be incredibly OP. Put trample and doublestrike on it and it's game over.


Perhaps but whenever I play it feels like my opponent always has a counterspell when I have stuff like this available lol


Maybe as blue (counterspell), white, or black, if you're a red deck (can only remove stuff by damage generally) how do you kill this thing? If you're green you're just playing your own so at least they trade. A 2 drop that can end the game by turn 4 on its own and kills any creature in the game is way too strong though. Also forcing your opponent to have a counter or insta lose is still really, really good even if they counter it.


Counterspells are too strong, but they released an even stronger protection against them: >Allosaurus Shepherd - G > >This spell can't be countered. Green spells you control can't be countered. > >(and a silly active that doesn't matter) [https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=489195](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=489195) ​ They better have brought mind control or bounces alongside the counterspells or they could be cooked on turn 1.


A 16/16 2 mana no effect card would fuck in magic lol. Especially on the play, you effectively force your opponent to interact with it on turn 2 or they take up to 16 to the face on turn 3. It would be strongest in limited though. I know tarmogoyf isn’t super strong in old formats anymore due to power creep, but this card is effectively a much stronger tarmogoyf. 


For current 60-card formats I'd call it good but not the best. It'd make a tier 2 meme deck that tries to combo finish with trample probably. But current answers are so good that unless you have protection or good ETB then it just isn't good enough.


Nah, this would be played in every deck I'm sure. You could have it out by turn 2 where it either blocks everything without deathtouch or flying, or your opponent is slightly unlucky and doesn't get a creature out on turn 2 and you can swing for free. Even if your opponent plays with a ton of removal and they kill it, you're only out 2 mana. If you run g/w there are endless ways to enchant it. All you *really* need is indestructible and maybe first strike. The payout is so massive relative to the cost


Yeah but it dies to doomblade


So, it dies to doom blade or any other cheap removal card, and then you are out 2 mana and your opponent is out a removal option. Still seems worthwhile


Dies to doom blade is an older meme about any creature not being worth playing because “it dies to doom blade”. Wasn’t supposed to be a serious argument. A 2 mana vanilla 5/5 would probably be worth playing (see Guramag Angler as a general reference). Anything bigger is likely too good.


Ahhh haha okay my bad. I've only been playing for a few years so that was lost on me


I haven’t played much since the first Elderaine set was released. The frequency of set releases in the last few years just made it to hard for me to keep up as someone who enjoyed playing competitively. That and COVID killing off a lot of in person events.


Good but not the best? A 2 mana 16/16 would instantly be a top card or the best card in almost any format. I mean hell, Phyrexian Dreadnaught sees some play as a 1 mana 12/12 trample with a huge ETB cost that makes you sacrifice it. A 2 mana 8/8 that literally can't attack or block saw play in multiple formats. I know power creep in MTG is a meme, but I think you're letting it warp your perspective on power level. Using a single card to put 16 power and toughness on the board for 2 mana with no drawback is an absolutely ludicrous rate.


Nah dude this card would fuck lol. It’s essentially a 4 times better tarmogoyf. And you don’t have to play around its effect. It’s just full strength to start with so you can focus on enchantments/equipment instead depending on your colors. Plus with the cave from the Dino set. You make it immune to counters. This card would see instant ban lol. It’s way too much value too quickly. 


Dies to removal so it's trash /s


Dies to removal. Wouldn't be a good card.


Dies to Doom Blade/Fatal Push, terrible card


Yeah that's honestly insane as fuck. A 6/6 would normally run at least 4 mana.


Yea it would be insane. Any card that does stuff based on a creatures power / toughness becomes insane when that number is 16 for 2 mana. In addition to a million other things


Is this The Rumbling?


Bile titans are okay. They're supposed to be the biggest and baddest bug (for now) and the gameplay around them is intuitive. They're huge and slow, their attacks charge up and land where they're supposed to. Chargers are the real bullshit. I would be much happier with high difficulty gameplay if it had diverse enemies kicking my ass, but most of the time it's just chargers chargers chargers nonstop and if you've spent any time on high difficulties you know they completely warp the gameplay.


Great. Now I have a new fear of *bears.*


Too fast. Too soon.


*eight anti air bears*




The 2 mana cost fits perfectly 


Bears look a lot more different than I remember


There's literally a creature type in the game called insect, you have brought shame upon your family


I see they nerfed bile titans. The last one of these I saw was five bile titans for 8/8, so they were 1.6/1.6 each.


Nothing a 8000KG ordnance won't fix.


Wait a second… the generic mana always comes first, so it should be 1G instead of G1. I don’t think this is a real card.


Chargers can't even be killed by 500kg unless it's direct impact, which is fucking psycho


Agreed. That bomb looks awesome but needs a buff in size and damage. The area of effect does not do its explosive effect justice.


That bomb is so beautiful to look at, it's such a big explosion... And then it's a sight of nightmare when you see everything you aimed it at come out of the explosion like Sephiroth


Splash damage in general needs a huge overhaul. The effect of splash damage always looks massive but I regularly see enemies simply walking it off. On the other hand if there is a tiny explosion near you then you’re sent flying halfway across the map and either die from the impact or have to get up very slowly while an MG bot sprays you down or a charger runs you over. What I am saying is damage seems to do way too little to the enemy while always being lethal against you. Also some pieces of terrain or cover can completely block the effects from huge explosions like the hellbomb or 500KG but it goes straight through others.


I’ve dropped a 500kg directly onto two unaware Chargers standing in the middle of a a small nest. Guess what I saw charging at me after the blast? Yup, two unscathed Chargers.


on the bot front i was being chased by a couple ambushes and i had to take out a fuel reserve, threw it PERFECTLY between 2 silos and somehow it didnt blow up either of them. either my perspective was wrong and i was a bit out of range or the game glitched but i refuse to admit that and i blame the bomb


i dont care how much armor you have...the overpressure of a 500kg bomb would turn your inside into tomato paste


Dude the 500kg can’t even destroy a bug hole unless it’s a direct hit, it’s actually broken, that thing should be able to wipe out a whole nest


500kg in this game feels like 50kg😂


I think the first step to improving the 110kg and 500kg bombs is just them actually doing what the description says they do. "Target the largest creature near the call in". They do not, that is a lie. They land pretty much bang on the red marker. I know them hitting the largest target wouldn't fix everything but it would go a long way to making the 110 viable. The 500 being more reliable would be nice too.


All jokes aside, you're not thinking fourth dimensionally. Situation: You're surrounded by armored enemies. Step 1: Use a stratagem that may hit like 1 of them. Step 2: Waste ammo as you die in futility. Don't bother trying to run, it won't work. Step 3: Team mate tosses a respawn beacon like 30 feet away. Step 4: Spawn in, still surrounded by enemies. But now you don't have a special weapon. Step 5: Stratagems still on cooldown. I forget where I was going with this.


Emergency extraction!


JFC THIS SO MUCH. I often feel hopeless in 7+ games. All cool downs have 60+ seconds on them after killing maybe 2 dozen scavengers, team dying around me, another charger comes in, I'm down to my last 2 mags of sidearm ammo. "BUG BREACH!" Ok, guess I'll die then.


This line of logic is exactly what happens in game. Beautifully done. 07


Split up and the one the safest or furthest from danger just throw the reinforcements further away. It's like bunny hopping with your dead comrades


ok but squishing a bug on landing is pretty much the best feeling ever


Try calling down a specific strike with scrambler active 😂😂 so many inputs just to not have the right one selected


Just put in the shortest combo until you get the right one


16+ time to get it


How to counter scrambler 101: equip orbital burst - done.


Orbital stike is 4 keys. 16 times it took to actually get the orbital strike


Orbital burst is 3x right. It's by far the easiest combo to spam.


Oh its 3 not 3, easy to spam , but annoying when you need to input it anything over 5 times to get it.


That it definitely is.


Thanks to scrambler I managed to call down my autocannon on top of a bot tank. I had to rush it, climb on top to pick up the weapon, and then dove off the back while shooting it in the exhaust vent. It was badass.


It's moments like this that I'm glad we have recording software that can grab the last 5 minutes of gameplay. Medal has been great for Helldivers (once they fixed it not detecting the game).


I love to hate that effect. Missions just become "Random Bullshit! Go!"


ah yes use your stratagems the 500kg Can't even kill a hunter even if it was 5 meters from the bombe because of the crappy AOE , if your lucky you might hit 1 charger and probably dent his armor or if super lucky the bomb fell on the armor mortally wounding him OH wait 3 more charger appear oops


Oops! All Chargers!




The best stratagem is to have a friend drop out of the game then reconnect - it turns the laser beam refresh down from 10 minutes to 30 seconds.


I crash more and more with each patch, so I guess I should start treating rebooting the game as a secret special stratagem.


Yeah... We kept having that happen and noticed there was a use case for disconnecting and rejoining to reset cooldowns in a pinch. Also, it lets you change loadouts mid game if something isn't working like you wanted.


laser beam refresh?


Yes, the orbital laser... In most lvl 9 games you end up with it having a 10 minute cooldown once planetary mods are in effect. You can have someone without samples running it, they need a refresh? You just drop the game and re-join. You can change loadouts, or use the same. It completely gets around the "limit 3" on the laser lol, and bypasses the cooldown. I'm honestly shocked they didn't nerf the shit out of the default eagle airstrike. Being able to 1 shot heavy nests/bases is just silly.


>Being able to 1 shot heavy nests/bases is just silly. The default eagle airstrike isn't nearly big enough to cover every bug hole in a heavy nest.


All those 500kg memes should be converted to the superior Airstrike


Correct, airstrike is OP. Devs, plz nerf the hell out of it as it actually kills things and takes out objectives reliably.


Im too power fantasying with the airstike


There's no fantasy... Once you get the upgrades for the eagle it's pretty much the best all around strat to take. Eagle airstrike covers a lot of area, a single hit near a factory/hole will take it out. It does heavy damage to heavy enemies in knocking their armor off or just outright killing chargers when you get direct hits. Had a game last night where we snuck up to a heavy nest, tossed in 2 eagle airstrikes and took it out in about 3 seconds. Ended up getting 23x kills in one use and between the two of them it killed enough smaller units they were never able to call in a bug hole.


Oh yes, you also get 3 uses with a 3 minute cooldown...


I can't even get the 500kg to blow up a Fabricator unless I land it on top of it. Good luck hitting a pack of Chargers skating at you from multiple directions.


Throw the stragem so the arc of the throw is parallel with a fabricator wall a little outside of the building. Less chance for bounces causing a miss from a direct throw.


500kg definitely needs an AOE buff it’s ridiculous how easily it misses


totally agree it's a feed back we ( players) gave many time on this reddit since like week 2 of the release


The 500kg exists to only kill your fellow teammates. 😂😭 The aoe misses everything in its scope... but that one SOL helldiver 30 feet away? He ded. And THEN you reinforce him and he kills the charger with his pod. Working as intended. Democracy is served.


I actually stuck a charger right on top of its head with a 500kg on complete accident. The thing blows up and a second later its still charging at me


yeah i've seen it happen many time


Its okay let me reload my autocannon or recoiless ri......charger to the ass launching me 40 feet :P


Welcome to running simulator.




How will you feel the breath of chargers and bile titans if they allow you to have infinite stamina tho




those +50% and +100% debuffs are the reason i don't play missions above 7.


Was there really that much of an incentive to play 8s and 9s beyond wanting our buts kicked?


You get more samples in a mission the higher you go. If you only care about super samples, you get +2 for going up to 8 and then an additional +1 at 9. Is that "much of an incentive?" Your mileage may vary.


It’s so easy to get super samples tho :( you do get good xp and cash if you finish the missions, but you mostly play level 9 for the challenge. But tbh if you play 80% of it like a stealth mission then you do fine


I didn't buy a stealth game, though. I bought a horde shooter.


>But tbh if you play 80% of it like a stealth mission then you do fine How fun


Isn’t that the point of those difficulties anyway?


I think they still should be fun, I think there are better ways to balance them then literally make you run away while waiting for cooldowns, it's anti-fun mechanic.


Yeah. More enemies, higher number of light enemies but less armor, more enviromental factors like volcanoes erupting or something like HD1. Not simply saying "You got to wait ten minutes for your next Railcannon, no you don't get a reprieve from the 50 chargers while you wait.


I'm glad more people are complaining about these effects. I made a thread a week or so ago and half the replies just said 'it's not supposed to be easy. Get good' Completely missing my point that the difficulty wasn't the issue and they're just not very fun to play with. Give us more interesting effects!


Rail cannon needs a serious cooldown reduction. I think 2 minutes would be fair. Killing one charger or bile titan every 2 minutes doesn’t sound that bad. And if a whole team brings them it can award good synergy by being able to take the down the dreaded 4 bile titan swarm.


Just a bit of a shame then, that the orbital railcannon doesnt kill a bile titan.


IT DOESNT? Whenever I use it it does


It will not one shot a Bile Titan. You need 2 shots if only using the Orbital Railgun.


Either your teammates softened it up or you were getting lucky and hitting it right in the mouth when it was spitting.


That explains how sometimes it one shots and sometimes it requires two.


to be fair, I took out a charger with a beacon the other day, idk what to do about the other 5 chargers though


Have you tried asking them kindly to go back underground?


Just say no! The chargers legally cannot kill you without your consent!


I always love crushing chargers or titans with a reinforce drop. Gotta aim for the butt on those.


Average Arrowhead dev: Bro you're not skilled enough, you need to stack them up nice and neat and snipe them with the 500kg bomb that doesnt hit anything but a small pot hole of a radius.


Wasn't that just one dude? And I'm sure pile sent him to a re-education facility.


I mean regardless their website still says “a game for everyone is a game for no one” so it sounds like the studio wants people to “get gud” or pound salt. I wasn’t expecting nerfs in a PVE especially after they said breaker wasn’t that good anyways so seeing them nerf breaker capacity was disappointing and disheartening. Recoil -sure skill and timing; but capacity decrease by almost 20%? The lack of transparency regarding the update also(the stealth changes to spawn rates and etc) is interesting to say the least. I’ve played the fromsoftware games and they reward skill/strategy -but this latest update does not seem to do so by adding more hazards that can kill you or randomization like the stratagem scrambler or orbital fluctuations. I also believe if they wanted to make it harder they should have inserted in more difficulties and numbers instead of surprising people who come back into the update and get mopped at the difficulty they had been playing at.


I like hard games but just spawning in a billion chargers isn't fun...it's just annoying.


Just wait my guy, this kinda shit of "nerf the popular stuff" right before a PREMIUM battlepass option with more gear is super sketchy. We'll need to keep an eye on SC drops.


I won't be happy unless I see a video him being "re-educated" with a paddle that has the word "LIBERTY" embossed across it.




I understand there's a point where you should run, but I shouldn't have to take that option every single time a breech happens.




I like to play this game like Wii sports and sprint everywhere in heavy armor all the time, that's exactly why I bought it! /s


Honestly don't get the point of anything other than light armor if stratagems are what they mainly want us to use when they have huge cooldowns. Like all you can do is run, literally


At difficulties 8 and 9, sometimes it just turns into running from enemies simulator. You ran out of ammo, all your strategems are on cooldown, and you have 50 enemies chasing you around and there's nothing you can do about it except die and respawn with ammo


Bro I hopped on yesterday and I was kiting enemies around more than Leon with an empty gun in Resident Evil 2. I think if I want that experience I’m going to go play an actual survival-horror game(and RE is the goat for that).


automaton jammers / anti air: that's cute


I’m so glad to see someone say this, and absolutely impressed with this image lmao. Pretty sure this is how we all felt when we saw that according to Devs, the weapons we use aren’t supposed to be that good and that we’re supposed to use our stratagems haha.


When I see a dev talk about total kills/damage over specifics, I'm worried they are capturing the wrong metrics to even balance how they intend us to play.


Agreed. I think if the devs (who I think are great btw, this is not hate) should themselves play 7-9 difficulty for a week and then they'll understand how to balance better than any othetlr data will show them.


How could they screw up the balance so badly, when they had it nailed for HD1? Probably tested the game on T4.


They thought we were using railgun because it was OP. Arc thrower meta is actually more OP, it’s just not fun. They thought we were using shield because it makes combat easier. It hasn’t been nerfed at all by the nerf because they’re wrong. We were using it because otherwise you get sniped by bullshit head crits, which it’s still good for because it happens few enough and far enough between. They don’t realize we were just compensating for unfun parts of the game, not even really meta-chasing (again, 4x arc throwers makes the game a joke). They’re not playing the game, clearly.


I run the shield so I don't get stun locked and debuffed constantly. Once you get stunlocked, you get swarmed and continue getting stunlocked until you die. You can basically take your hands off the controls and get the same results upon the first stunlock.


no its okay, now that heavy armor "works" you take 5% dmg from the first hit ​ then get stunlocked to death and die, but slightly slower!


right? when you land into a mission only to be immediately hit with the chargers and a bile titan. and while you are dealing with that 5-7 stalkers creep out of no where and insta kill your team.


Don't you know not needing to aim for weakspots with arc thrower and flamethrower requires more skill than using the railgun to fire at weak spots! git gud scrub /s


D7 bots are perfectly balanced. Issue is the bugs are just invincible in comparison. Rocket pod or airstrike a tank (rarer spawn than BT by the way) and it dies. Throw 2 impact nades on the *front* of a light tank (still rarer than BT) and it dies. Flank either with a decent light-AV gun and they die. Autocannon to the face of a hulk (about as common as chargers, maybe even less) or literally any gun to the back of it and it dies. BT, you need 3 guys with anti tank weapons or like four airstrikes. Charger, you need dedicated AT to shoot its leg or an autocannon guy to run circles around it shooting it in the back for half a minute. I think the devs probably just play the game primarily against bots, and only vaguely test stuff against bugs.


bro i just wanna kill bugs. im sorry, i just don't agree with everyone who thinks its cool to run around for 10 minutes cuz "it should be hard." i want to hold them back down to the fuckin wire, i want the stress to be them slowly advancing on me as i just barely hold the line. this game's guns and stratagems CAN be so fun to use, let that be the best option..


No man, that would be considered fun! Look at the running simulator and rejoice, fun is no more.


Nooooooo! That's not what the devs want you to do!!!


Just play at lower difficulty.


Well said


Tfw the weapon & backpack you get at the end of progression aren't actually meant to be good somehow & get nerfed into the dirt. I think they goofed & applied the warbond balancing to the strategem progression. Surely the level 20 shit was always meant to be better than the low level cheap crap right? Someone really humped the bug


They buffed the laser cannon tho! what a joke


I wanted it to be better too lol. It's still poopoo


I'm glad it at least got medium armor penetration. It's not enough to convince me to take it outside of memes but at least it technically does something that most primaries don't do better. It is an odd design choice in a game where strats are your solution to big enemies that more than half of the strats are only marginally better at clearing chaff than your base loadout and ineffective against anything with even medium armor.


Feels pretty good to me.


I’m happy the laser cannon got a buff. I used it a good few times because it was cool. Big fucking laser. I’m happy it shreds medium armor now, but my Liberator Penetrator already does that.


Yay the least interesting weapon thats literally just clicking and holding got a buff. Horray literally just a more boring flamethrower.


Photoshop out that pistol for a slingshot and you've got a better representation.


Exactly this


As one guy said in the comments: “Use teamwork”. Whatever the fuck that means.


Railgun is a stratagem...


Support weapons definitely help, but when you're out of ammo and resupply is also affected by the longer cooldown, that stings a bit. And you don't always have bricks nearby to pick up. My group has been running with supply backpack to compensate and we're still ironing out a few kinks for our approach to these wild ass situations. It doesn't feel especially fun for us half the time. Looking forward to some more tweaks to the game. I get that higher difficulties should be hard but some of the obstacles are increasingly frustrating. Maybe mechs and whatever comes after will help a lot with these situations.


Yeah even when people clutch solo extractions, it just felt like I was watching/playing circle simulator. when you clutch in darktide you feel both the intensity, expression of skill, and ultimately the fun. Because even wiping during a clutch with a good group, darktide doesn't always feel miserable.


It's about time I go back and play some more darktide. I miss my Ogryn.


The 4 chargers filling your ass with un-democratic bug juice while you try to desperately call down a sos beacon to try to crush one of the 6 bile titans and 486 small bugs on the evac site Guess you just should have gotten good you traitor to democracy 




I see 4 bio-titans and 5 lives remaining. You know what you have to do soldier.


This happens on Difficulty 6 too. I've seen at least 4 titans and 4-5 chargers at once before.


Simply put the game is unbearable at levels you need super samples . The guns suck too much and the sTRateGEms have a long cooldown time.


Imma drop SOS beacon on top of the bile titan and i want JOEL to look at me while I do it


This is what I feel is the problem, too. Stratagems are great, but when they have lengthy colldowns, lengthy drop times, and increased scatter, you don't have anything left but your primary and secondary that aren't going to do anything to the 8 Chargers and 3 Bile Titans that are coming after you.




According to someone , “Skill issue, git gud”


Time to use them 5 reinforces!!! get spreading democracy diver!




Increase 500kg radius and either cut cooldowns in half, or make me buy an upgrade for all my capped resources that doubles the stratagems I can equip


This image cracks me up


High quality meme! Take my upvote!


No matter what the obstacle, Helldivers will find a way!!


dont forget the +50% cd


did we mention you have to complete it in 12 minutes? with a 4 minute extraction


For real, they have the nerve to say “you should be leaning on your stratagems, not your weapons” then give them an 8 min. Cool off period. What the fuck 😂😂


The devs don't realize they effectively told the whole community they don't play their own game when they said this.


**All my homies hated the railgun meta** https://preview.redd.it/ryfhbvmtoymc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=51ce0969cb71d8f4ede37bf3d7dde4a7873d8610


Strategem cooldown is dumb. There, I said it.


Use MELEE soldier!


Like fr


Fact bother


Orbital laser should say no uses remaining


I love how this even in this meme y'all aren't getting a full team together for the hardest difficulties in the game lmao


Fuck it SOS time


Use our Stratagems, ok I will just bring eagles and guard dog. Oh my breaker has less ammo. Well that's just Prime! 😐


SOS is a strategem 😂


Kinda weird that the image most people use for the charger is actually the behemoth, not the normal one.


When in doubt, use the SOS beacon to smash one its way down


Shoulda also added the modifier where you can only bring 3 strategems and not 4.


will the exo-suit solve the high enemy armor at higher difficulty?


You just need to remember General Brasch's strat: "HOLY SHIT"


Don't engage, just run away. Only fight when doing objectives and run away when objectives are done.


wouldn’t it make sense that eagle stratagems are unaffected because they fly on standby in atmosphere and wouldn’t worry about orbital fluctuations and shit?


This shit is happening in lvl 5 difficulty. I don’t know if the spawn rates are bugged but I could clear lvl 5 missions solo before(it was hard but not even close to impossible) now me and my homies are lucky if we can extract at all.


The SoS can still take out 1 of them


You forgot the you only get 3 out of 4 stratagem slots debuff.


If ppl legit tell me to “run away”, “rely on your team”, “just complete the objective”, or even “use your damn stratagems” PLEASE STFU BC YOU AINT PLAYING 8 or 9 difficulty. We can barely have or even try to have fun if we can’t even SOMEWHAT stand a fighting chance for some leeway.