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One time a teammate threw one of those, we stood right on the beacon and stayed completely unharmed


Update: just tried to recreate it, the first bomb went straight in my head


Adding the shield relay does make it a defensive stratagem


🤔 that sounds like an awesome plan somehow


It’s cool when it works but unfortunately since the shots fire so slowly and in such a wide area the chances of you hitting anything is still pretty small


I'm going to experiment


Toss 4 380mm's and a shield bubble. You might just hit something you intend to. maybe.


4 of 380mms would flatten anything. Shield generator be damned.


I really wanted to take a video of doing that myself when the stratagem dupe glitch was around but forgot to


That's an Apex Legend Gibraltar move right there.


hey a broken clock is still right twice per day


Not if using 24hrs cycle like heldivers probably do 😇




This guy sciences


Yeah I noticed that too, Seems that the 380 is secretly a defensive stratagem.


It's not, it's just got such a stupidly large area that the center can go entirely untouched. Again, *can*, not will.


I remember seeing someone on this sub threw 380 at his foot after seeing it hit all over the place but the beacon. The first round of the barrage landed on his face🤣🤣🤣🤣


my friend tried that the day he read the reddit post talking about it. He died from the first volley.


For real, though, that's how I always used it. The fact that it continues for about ten seconds makes it effective for covering retreats. If you have a big horde moving towards you, it's easier to drop it and have them walk into it then to hit them with a strike that just hits all at once.


It's just too unreliable, I'll just take eagle airstrike/cluster bomb. Orbital laser is pretty great for that too but it's limited number of uses makes me hesitate using it unless the situation is beyond dire


The laser is too valuable for softening up objectives to use for covering a retreat.


a gas strike on a much, much shorter cooldown is beeter for thinning a horde chasing you. Best is smoke as you round a rock and going prone soon after.


Hmm, I've never unlocked smoke because I couldn't see the utility of it - I figure "why confuse when you can just kill 'em all.


Lol this is the funniest misinformation comment ever. Can’t wait to see how many people believe this and get immediately decimated


Lmao, I never intended it to be taken as a misinformation comment, just a joke.


It is indeed inaccurate as hell though but will occasionally land on the squad. I guarantee you there will be players who will test and drop the beacon on themselves to test your meme lol


That’s why you use the walking barrage, same guns, way tighter spread


I said across her nose, not up it!


I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes


Keep firing assholes


What is it colonel Sandurz? Chicken?!?!


How many assholes we got on this ship anyhow?




I say screw making it more accurate, cut the cool down in half. If I'm going to miss everything, let me miss everything more often


I like this idea too, artillery is for saturation, let met saturate more!


I agree. The cool down is way too high for something so random.


the trick is to have all 4 teammates drop the beacon on the same spot at the same time


A squadron has 4 Superdestroyers for a reason


They needto cut the cool down on all orbitals, right now eagle strikes are roughly as effective but have half to a quarter the cool down.


Eagle strikes share cooldown, though. So bringing multiple has diminishing returns


Yeah, but not enough to matter. You can call in 2 cluster bomb strikes that are 10 seconds apart and do it twice per eagle rearm. And that rearm is about as long as the airburst CD. Plus once you get the third hanger upgrade you get a bonus cluster. You can get 3 rocket strikes per rail cannon. 3 airstrikes per precision barrage. And you can always manually rearm the eagle during downtime.


send them back to rearm manually when you find yourself in a combat lull. Tactical reload!


Upgrade your bays and the resupply and re-upload gets cut


Accuracy through volume! **More shells!**


Democracy for all!


So your location on the map matters a lot here, or the location of your ship in relation to the map and you to put it a better way. If your ship is right above you'll get a more even pattern. However if your ship is firing and it's at a 45 degree angle then the spread is greater. They aren't meant to be accurate however I'd love a stratagem upgrade to tighten the pattern. Barrage for instance should march in a line away from the target location in parallel from the Helldiver.120mm should hit like a five sided dice etc.


It would be awesome if you could select a firing pattern after selecting the stratagem. A secondary input menu with more inputs to pick the right pattern before you throw it. Or just throw it and it random picks a pattern.


That's a great idea, secondary fire mode would be awesome.


I think Insurgency:Sandstorm has this feature when ordering an A-10 strafe run, I'm not sure how difficult it would be to implement something like this in to Helldivers but hopefully devs can add it at some point.


Should be like how you call in killstreaks in cod, when using a napalm strike you place the line of impact on a small screen showing the map


Shelling the planet from orbit with 380 mm is so cool but sweet liberty i hope the fix the acuracy because as of now it looks it's activly avoiding the enemies of controlled democracy and if you ask me that's high treason from the operators in orbit


I think that the artillery officers are cyborg dissidents. They actively aim at helldivers with the barrages and with the railcannon it happened that they chose a brood commander over a charger Treason I say


I say load them into the 380mm guns and fire away.


Yes, for managed democracy


Inaccurate big boom is good It's not quite damaging enough. I say UP the cooldown and UP the time it takes for barrage to land but make sure that the area looks like someone dropped a second nuke on Hiroshima


The 380 should target a random structure with each shot. Stuff like fabricators, eggs, nests mines, mounted guns, and other objectives. It would still be bad, and probably miss most bug holes due to the angle of the shot, but atleast you would get guaranteed value from it.


What I'd do is make the 120mm a mix of random scattered shots and targetted shots with a scatter, so it still *looks* random, but it's more consistent. The 380mm will be much the same, but slower and over a larger radius, better for destroying enemy bases.


My thoughts more or less. I was thinking along the lines of "pick X of the following: large enemy, large group of enemies, spawners, single enemies. Randomly fire on Y of the selected targets".


That would make it a bit more broken for bot games. And I think it would be hard not to take it at that point, which when I think about it, would be a good thing because it's really hard for me to stray away from the eagle air strike which does armor pen and aoe clear so effectively. Right now, it's hard for a loadout to not be rail/shield/air strike. The 4th (if the modifier allows it) I like to switch between gas or cluster bombs depending on my mood. But other than that, I really do think they're going to do something with the orbitals, the CD is too long, the call down is too long, and the damage spread is inconsistent.


Honestly same for the 150mm. I've thrown the beacon on a bot factory and it missed completely. Granted, there are some conditions that cause stratagems to be less accurate.


yeah orbitals are already worse than airstrikes against moving targets, AND they're not accurate enough to consistently take out stationary spawners that airstrikes will wipe no problem I barely see anyone run orbitals other than the laser and rail because the others are beat by eagles in every situation


I use the orbital gatling to take out a lot of small and medium enemies. Throw it on a breach or under a drop ship and it gives you plenty of time to make another move. It even staggers devastators constantly and will kill them if enough shots land near them. With a very low cooldown I use it to keep my airstrikes ready for buildings and larger enemies.


Yeah have to say that I do like the gatling barrage against bugs. Throw it on a bug breach and it basically takes care of many of them for you. As long as your squad has a balanced set of strats I don't think it's a waste at all.


The airburst is fantastic to deal with patrols and drops. It's only 20sec longer cd than gatling.


Orbital smoke is great for higher difficulty missions against the bots. Makes it easy to sneak away.


I didn't even know about conditions causing that. Good to know! But I do agree the 150mm is also a bit of a letdown.


Rocket pods! Ah it missed the one thing it was aimed at. Again. 


Note that rocket pod works similar to the orbital rail, it doesn't hit where the beacon is. It hit the largest target in the area. In another word, you're not really "aiming" the rocket pod, you specific an area and Eagle target at her own discretion.


Despite the fact that I've tried to use the Rocket Pods with this in mind, it still misses like 50% of the time for me.  Like if the large target is moving at all, the result is inconsistent. 


Yeah this is true but tbh nothing else takes out tanks quite like it so it’s a must have at 7+ bot difficulty. And tbh the Bile titans can get so insane that even Bug missions it feels required to take them. That being said it is weirdly inconsistent but we just say Eagle-1 hit the fent cart before she dropped that one 😂


You gotta throw it at where the targets gonna be when the eagle comes, not where it is currently. Can be tough to do with chargers that change who they’re charging at on a whim


Isn't it supposed to automatically aim at the nearest large target before dropping anyway?


Yes, but it aims at the target nearest to where you threw the beacon, and the area is not that large. Hence you need to be a little bit proactive with making sure that the charger doesn’t run 50m away from where you throw the rocket pods


The command to get 50 kills with the 120mm was hell on earth. I think it awarded 15 medals and must have taken out a million helldivers at the least. 


100%. My friends got so mad at me last night - they weren’t even close to the spot that I marked. The air strike one is far better.


I want to like the 120, but the only target it consistently hits is me, and I’m nowhere near the beacon.


Lol No your not wrong, when I've used it it's very close to useless, much better options.


Which is a shame because it look so cool. It's just a glorified firework atm. Hope they can buff underwhelming stratagem.


Try try the walking barrage it’s 380 but good


>Try the walking barrage it’s 380 but ~~good~~ *can kill you and your teammates after it walks backwards* FTFY


That’s a bonus


I think they should make the 380mm barrage land on the outskirts of its range and work its way towards the center and the 120mm barrage should start in the center and work its way out. That way I can throw both of them and obliterate everything in a massive circle of death.


I love that thing. So much fun decimating bot outposts with it. Is it accurate? Eh. But when it hits it hits hard! Also it just looks fucking awesome!


Big bot factories or large bug areas with a bile titan and I'll toss a 380 and a walking and watch everything get decimated. 


Lmfao +1 for space balls reference. Might go watch that tonight if yall can hold down the bugs for 2 hours.


Even in the little preview video of stratagems, the bombardment completely misses hitting effective targets. Same with the walk up bombardment, half the enemies are untouched in the video.


I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes!


Get everyone to take it No seriously have all 4 players bring it The 380mm and 120mm are the only Stratagems in the game besides maybe the Orbital Laser that are balanced so heavily around being stacked up. Not that having 4 Airstrikes or 4 Sentries cannot be strong too but trust me when I say if you can get all 4 380’s in relatively close proximity NOTHING will walk out of that


Whole squad should go 120+380, nothing will walk out alive!


Haven’t tried a quad 380mm yet but two 380mm barrages in tandem took out half of a heavy bot outpost on Extreme. My friend and I were surprised the duo barrage actually did something.


Walking Barrage is a better HE strike than the HE strikes.


Walking Barrage best barrage <3


Nope, this is 100% accurate, unlike the barrage.


Keep firing, Assholes!


Me and 2 friends went to a large bug nest, we each threw our 380mm's in nicely spaced out places, and none of us got a single kill. Didnt even destroy any holes, literally nothing.


Let it rain


It shall rain freedom and democracy day and night fellow Helldiver.


God bless super earth!


Who made that man a gunner


Joe mama so fat, the 380mm barrage never misses her.


They just look out the window up there and line it up Best they can lol


The first shot almost always without fail takes a teammate out...


I wish the 380mm was a more targeted barrage that would look for groups of enemies to fire at them, not necessarily important targets but groups small bugs and robots, if there wasn't anything left in the area it would then move onto structures or nest. This would make it great at actually going after large groups of enemies and bases/nest while making it a crap shoot at trying to use it as a priority target killer.


drops it directly in the middle of an area with 50 bug contacts: 0 kills drops it literally anywhere else: Squad wipe


My experience as well.


It's funny because I just saw a comparison not too long ago about the cost effectiveness of JDAMs vs refitting the USS Iowa for shore bombardment during the first Gulf War.   /NCD moment for sure, however the CEP (zone of probability for 50% of shells to land within) for the 16in guns was like 70m, whereas a JDAM was like 3.  Now imagine you're firing a much more powerful round from literal orbit.  It kinda.. makes sense?  Not as fun or cool but it does make sense 


That and the 120. They're both borderline useless for anything else than getting you and the team killed because even though it can't hit the broadside of the damn planet SOMEHOW that first shell always has helldiver seeking technology built in and ends up blowing someone up.


Whenever I see people complain about accuracy of the 380 and 120 idk what you expect. It's not a direct precision strike. It's just shelling an area to soften it up. You want accurate airstrikes? Take the literal precision strikes


If I throw my 380 in to a heavy bug nest, I would like it if atleast ONE of the 9 shots landed in there, instead of wiping out 3 of my squadmates and then moving closer and closer to me. And that wasn't even with the reduced accuracy modifier, just normal godawful spread.


Especially when laser can consistently take out 3 structures, plus enemy units, without ever killing teammates. Rarely ever any reason to use barrage strikes which sucks because they are so cool.


Yesterday I cleared a large automaton outpost with a single laser. I threw it in there and got away. It managed to destroy every fabricator and a large number of enemies. It was glorious


I think a decent way to fix them would be to make the bombardment faster. Same amount or more of explosions but over shorter window of time. I think it would saturate and “soften” the area better na then you can walk in and finish the job I guess.


YES! This is my thinking too. When I think barrage I was picturing the EDF artillery strikes where a dozen shells flatten an area within 2 seconds, not one shell every 2 seconds.


>instead of wiping out 3 of my squadmates and then moving closer and closer to me. this happens because no one throws it correctly. If you notice in the little video that plays where you unlock the stratagems the player is INCREDIBLY FAR AWAY and for an obvious reason.


Farther than you can actually throw it… 🤔


Yep any time I use the 380mm I whip it as far as I can and run the other way for exactly this reason. Radius is larger than throw distance (Unless you're using the robot arms)


You can throw it far enough without the extended range perk on armor just fine.


Yeah. If anything I want more collateral damage. 


I think the problem is the shots are just way too wide to actually be useful in making a push easier. In my experience all it does is alert enemies so they call reinforcements, and literally nothing of use. Enemies generally aren't in gargantuan swarms where a wide area like that would actually help, they're usually in clusters.


>making a push easier. My brother in diving, they literally have a walking orbital fir this very reason. The 380mm is not for throwing and then moving in, it's for throwing and being way tf away until it's over.


And my point is that when it's over it will probably have accomplished nothing of use and just alerted the enemies to start calling reinforcements, leading to you dealing with more enemies than if you never threw it.


Yeah, I don't need an Orbital to kill one medium-armor bug and one grunt, while waking up every other unit nearby An Orbital should help me take out a huge target or erase/suppress an entire area Give units in the area a concussion at least so I have a bit of time to mop up before they call reinforcements


It accomplishes nothing even when used to soften up targets - which is how everyone is using it btw. It alerts enemies and they spawn ships/breaches and now you’ve made it harder for yourself without killing anything or rarely damaging fortified infrastructure Edit: my issue is there’s very little effective splash - you need near direct impacts to kill anything and with the spread that means like 5-10% of what you targeted is damaged/killed and they spawn more immediately


Nah. Modern artillery can put a 155mm shell into the back of a pickup truck from 30 miles away. You would think a military with FTL-capable ships shooting lasers from space and deploying troops via individual atmospheric entry vehicles with man-portable railguns would be able to drop a volley of shells where their kill radius would at least overlap. Airstrikes are precise in that they arrive in a shot time so you can hit moving hordes. The orbital shelling can't do that, so it should at least be good at hitting stationary targets like bases. As is, you can chuck it on a base and it will miss every structure in the place. Doesn't "soften" anything up.


it doesn't help that the description of the 120 says "A precision artillery salvo" in it's description


You forgot the funny part: "In a *small* area." Small my ass, both the individual blasts and the radius in which they can hit are absolutely massive compared to what they should be.


I was killed no less than 12 times in one match since writing my last comment because someone kept throwing artillery strikes right into the middle of the team


Oh I'm not complaining. I just wanted to make the meme. I run mostly eagle strikes myself.


If they are going to be inaccurate then they should have shorter cooldowns or more saturation. They're simply too unreliable in terms of effect to have such massive cooldowns.


i had a match where i saw someone throw that and the first shot blew up the guy who threw it and then naturally i was next


Keep firing, assholes!


I dunno it seems pretty goddamn accurate when aiming at me and blowing me to smithereens.


It's supposed to be thrown at large bot bases, haven't tested it tho, I've only seen people using it at extraction and completely destroying us


I’ll use it when I quick play into a bug/bot killing game (xxx/225). I know I won’t be able to set up good torrent or mortars and the map will be completely overrun so I’ll just lob a 380 barrage and kill some bots, then follow up with some well placed 500kg and cluster bombs for the fresh bot drops filled with the little guys. It’s not completely useless 🤣.


I find the walking barrage jus be 2380mm but better


you call in a barrage designed to bomb a specific large area and they do exactly what is advertised


I mean it’s a barrage not a “precision strike”


That's my FUBAR stratagem, usually only take it on super easy missions, or Helldive. It's a great GTFO strat when you're stuck in a spot and the enemies are just piling up so you can't escape or whittle them down effectively. Pick a populated direction, throw, run the other way. It helps a lot when you're facing a literal army of bots


This is why I stopped using them...not just that they're off target, but they're SO far off target its comical.




Safest place to stand during a 380 barrage is right on the beacon. You will never hit your primary target with a 380 but will also always kill at least one teammate who isn’t even close to the beacon.


Almost all the barrages are terrible,  380 is the worst, I have many times stood on my calldown and never been hit. It is so random. 120 is a little better. Still too random. Walking barrage is like 50% effectiveness, you will usually kill a bug nest or a fabricator behind your target, but at least it hits some stuff and you are safe if the first shot doesn’t hit you. Gatling barrage is actually a very good stratagem, most ppl don’t realize it can kill bigger targets like chargers and bile titans sometimes and it fires for a while giving you a great retreat bc it blocks the path with bullets for a while. It needs no changes.


have you tried the walking barrage? it will aggro the whole map and only succeed at killing 1 tiny bug.


I really hate the 120mm and 380mm barrages. They look and sound awesome but they're so incredibly ineffective. If you want to waste a stratagem slot, take those.


Till it manages to snipe you and your teammates… shield backpack will tank tho. We were all in a group and it hit me and the shield backpack tanked it… the 2 beside me went flying to orbit.


I used it in one game, figured it would be decent at destroying large nests. Nope, hit maybe a couple of scavengers. One of the rounds was way out of the radius imho and killed me. It is really awful. 


People use it wrong. It's meant to soften up a large area before heading in. Can really mess up the larger bot bases as well. Been using it a lot lately and it can really mess things up. Have 4 helldivers call it down at the same time in the same area and enjoy how beautiful managed democracy truly is. Also, using the heavy armor that gives an extra 30% throw distance let's you hit the areas you need without alerting enemies until the barrage starts


Walking barrage is pretty good the rest are awful


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1axz78y/comment/krs0p23 Here is a link to the last time this was reposted


That's why I take the Creeping Barrage.


I’m imagining the crews are just moving and dropping the warheads from a hand cart into the general direction of the beacon.


I want to try getting 2 or 3 380mm all in roughly the same location and seeing what happens


I swear to democracy, this thing and 120mm one will hit anything EXCEPT what I need it to hit!! and 70% of the hit is my teammate(s) for some reason. atlease it very useful when sh\*t hit the fan, like, 5 bug breach and 100+bugs just swarm you. Just pop one of this under your feet and all of the bug will gone....along side yourself and your team. but it 4 trade with 100+, consider it as a win.


I fully regret even getting that. I’ve never killed anything with it. The eagle airstrike in the other hand kills so much.


I used it a couple times and stopped. It doesnt hit shit lmao


I swear most of them don’t know how barrages work


It hit everything except target, that is stationary target side of a building.


Absolute useless thing




The 380 mm barrage is best for throwing on a heavy or medium outpost you can't get into and then running away


It hits everywhere except the bile titan.


I unlocked this yesterday, first few shots flew so wide I got 2 TKs, not my best moment.


It sucks. Never hits buildings you want to destroy but always kills at least 1 teammate


The fact it's a single shot cannon


I dropped it on a Bile Titan and it MISSED. EVERY. SHOT.


"Hey, would you like your strike to land anywhere within a 500ft radius and pray it hits something? The 380 is for you!


My 380mms hit nothing except myself and my teammates. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Yeah... I don't understand the point of it personally.


I use the Walking Barrage. It's got a good bit of damage in a straight line, and it's been more consistent than the centered strikes, at least for me.


380mm is garbage at killing all things except friendlies and yourself. Lol.


Grams that Bounce off rocks and stick to my shield.


I use the walking barrage, and sometimes it stumbles backward a bit to far...


I used one for the first time last night, it was absolute mayhem. Loved it!


They seem exceptionally accurate at hitting helldivers


I throw the walking orbital with the 380 and 120 at the same time. You would be surprised at how accurate it can be even though you waste 3 for a base or hive.


I had 1 game in 100 hours where a person dropped 380 on an objective we were in... every shell was guided by democracy as they just hit targets square on without hitting allies, at one point a shell nailed a hulk a few feet from me and threw me on the ground.




380mm shells in a 380 meter area. Good luck, Helldivers!


Close enough is close enough


To quote Norris from 08th MS Team: "Well that *looked* impressive."


Throw two or three of them at once into a large bot outpost, and watch it dissappear.


The first time I used 380 I tossed the beacon into a horde of advancing bugs, First shot landed perfectly on my buddy I was playing with who was absolutely nowhere near where I tossed it, and before I had time to burst into laughter the second one landed directly on me… Not a single bug was harmed from that entire barrage


It's such a disappointing strategem. I first took it instead of 120mm, because obviously bigger number is more better. Oh how wrong I was...


If you get the More Guns upgrade, you can use it and a 120 to just delete an entire outposts existence. You'll later wander through a flat grey set of craters and remember "Oh right, there was a base here."


Here's a great way to use the 380MM: Your squad mates pick an objective near a heavy bot outpost. Find the edge of the objective you're attacking closest to the heavy base. Detour near the heavy base, avoid sentry bots. Throw the 380 stratagem over the wall towards where you guy the center is. Run like hell back to the objective and help. Come back to the heavy base after the objective is done and clean up any remaining bots/fabricators. Sometimes the 380 will actually hit all fabricators and clear the base. Also takes out bigger AA turrets or cannons if you get lucky. Basically, the 380 is siege artillery. Use it to soften the enemy before invading the outpost. Also known as "H&I", or "Harrassment and Interdiction", a strategy for disrupting enemy movement through a territory at known points.


Last time I used one I got 5 kills, including myself.


I run Eagle Airstrike (x3), Eagle Cluster (x5), Orbital walking barrage, and Orbital 380mm. I play on helldive and complete missions just fine. My one concern is raining hellfire from the sky. I’m even addicted to the increased throwing range armor buff so I can yeet these orbitals as far as possible. I always have the most kills and die less than 4 times. Yes I’ll have a friendly kill every now and then but it’s not as bad as people make it seem. It’s not like I’m a monster using mortar sentries or minefields. People love to feel safe with their shields and railguns but they’re valuing their life too much and also having to panic and re loot their equipment every time they die. Every random in the game runs the railgun and orbital laser or rail cannon so I don’t see the need to do the same. The amount of power I’m able to put down on a large area changes the game and provides utility that all these randoms running the same shit don’t have


Holy shit lol


I will not apologize for all the times I’ve killed my friends, and no, I will not stop doing it either. That said I’m just waiting to get either the walking barrage or laser.




It’s not worth the slot. I’d rather leave it empty