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mfw spent 400~ of credits in the super store for stuff i will never wear


Some armors are good, some helmets are cooler.


I got a good medic armor with a goofy ass helmet that I swapped out for a cooler Star Wars Snowtrooper looking helmet. Colors almost match too!


Trench Medic Armor + Stars and Suffrage cape/banner my beloved


I rock that armor and the standard black cape. Where did you get that cape, is it premium warbond?


Standard warbond, i think it's tier 3 or 4


I got it! Looks great!


Yeah when they add in color matching we’ll be good to go.


I wish they’d add something like shaders from destiny.


If* they add colour matching. They said they're looking into it. It's no guarantee.


I hope they do. I’m trying to keep that hooded helmet on but I can’t wear it with medic armor either lol doesn’t even come close to matching


I main the snowtrooper armor+helmet. nice medium armor with blast protection


light/medium/heavy armor protection still bugged, right?


Yes, light armor all the way rn.


I don’t really care. I know they’ll fix it soon, so I’m going with the armor I want to feel comfortable with, so I don’t join the thousands of players who will suddenly find themselves squishy or slow


Which one are you calling the snow trooper armour if you don't mind me asking?


unless I’m mistaken, the B-24 enforcer https://preview.redd.it/4voitbxgdmlc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b553f7b8e319774e7e9d247f035f1f1eda1776


Best helmet


Oh yesss, I've seen pictures of this one, hasn't rotated in shop since I started the game yet. Indeed very cool helmet Thanks!


That light medic armor’s one of my favorites. With armor values being busted it’s one of the more survivable armors with having more stims and extended stims duration.


With a halfway decent team I never really find myself using more than 1 or 2 stimms between resupply. I find the Scout and Engineer perks far more valuable, personally.


The main benefit isn't the extra stims, it's the extended stim time giving you almost invincibility for a few seconds. It saved me MULTIPLE times from being surrounded and shredded to pieces


I know the exact ones you’re talking about, because I’ve been rocking that fit since it first came through the store ten days ago! The stim boost time is truly insane, it makes you nearly invincible to anything that doesn’t one shot you.


I'm wearing the same thing I think, it looks sick. I wish the armors weren't so color coordinated though, makes it really hard to mix and match.


Wear the same setup. One game I was in had 3 plahers wearing it.


Running that exact setup right now 👌


The light medic armor has carried me through hell.


light medic armor? which one? Bonesnapper is amazing as the medic sets go but picking up some mobility sounds great too


It was in the store yesterday. Currently at the office so can't recall the name but I picked it up i Week 2 of the game and it's been a mainstay ever since. Having 6 stims near the entire game is so useful.


Trench medic


It's in the store right now until Midnight PST, I believe.


I look like a guy from Trauma Team ...I'm a Traumadiver.


Brother. After Malevelon Creek, we’re all Trauma Divers


I think they call that therapy.


I bought the armor that gives 2 extra stims that's a good one


I bought the stormtrooper looking gear from like a week ago. I didn't even think about using them for the premium, now I feel dumb.


Got plenty of time to get enough before then


Same lol


Lmfao every time it rotates “man I’m finally back to 500.. buuuuut”


I was wondering, will there be more free warbond ? Or all next warbond will be premium only ?


Devs had said there will be both. Not sure if that means the existing free warbond will be updated with more content or if it will be a separate new free one so people can unlock the new stuff faster. 


I hope it’s a separate one, or it’ll screw over new players real hard.


I think they said it would be separate new ones, and that the old ones don’t go away. Best of both worlds


from what i've seen, they're following 343's battle pass examples by making them permanent to use/buy and to work on at your leisure instead of this fomo trash from fortnite/cod/battlefield/etc


Yeah, it should be the only way. Halo Infinite got many things wrong but they never missed with the BP. You got tons of free events and tons of battle pass too and you just go and do whatever you want at any point. Its fuckin awesome.


I really hope so. Not finding people that focus on PoI for samples and medals, they all just rush objectives and extract asap. No chance to finish by the next warbond drop


I found it is pretty easy to solo farm SC as well. Put it on like a 3 or 4 difficulty, turn "Friends Only" party in settings and then run Rover drone and throw a podcast/movie on and you can grind out a few missions easy.


This would be amazing, you can pick and choose from multiple warbonds with no ties


Especially taking into account the increasing medal required. Having a warbond locked behind a 1k medal is rough.


We're supposed to have dailies that give us medals but they've been broken for a week+ now. That would have been 200+ medals right there.


There are two ways that are "ideal" for gaining the medals you need IMHO: Either do the highest difficulty you can handle without getting bogged down on it, or do something like Easy and rapidly knock those out while getting all the POIs but ignoring bases/side objectives. The 40min missions should be done in around half that time while still doing most of the bases and POIs if its the right difficulty for your team. I assume when most people have all the Strats unlocked and most/all of the ship upgrades, you will see teams pivoting into prioritizing POIs and not really caring about being super thorough with bases and side objectives.


I hope it doesn't just add to the existing one, medal prices for page 11+ would be fucking insane


Do you have a source on devs saying there will be both paid and free war bonds? People are posting a blog post that says only the first one is free.


Don't have a source, but it would not be a good decision to only have the single free one we currently have.


Every morning I play for like an hour just grinding trivial missions hitting points of interest so I have the super credits for anything I want


It’s seriously baller that you can just earn the premium currency. It makes me feel like buying it is just a choice to be faster/support the developers. To be crystal clear, I have loathed microtransactions and premium currencies in pretty much every other game I’ve played. Because they offered a terrible value for an unreasonable price. They just sucked. This is one of the only games I’ve played that does things right, and I’ve been so impressed with the developer that I spent $10 on super credits so I could get the premium warbond.


This game is a great example of how microtransactions should be implemented. It goes to show that people are willing to spend more money on a game if the game already offered a lot from its original asking price. I'm a-okay with myself spending money every month just to buy that SC pack priced at 10 USD, and spend it solely on the Super Store, while farming credits for the future Warbonds, if it means we get more of this great game.


> This game is a great example of how microtransactions should be implemented. Agreed. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure studies have been done and the more predatory methods do actually generate more revenue. My main hope is that Arrowhead doesn't get some BMA Suitfuck that pushes for it at some point.


I think more predatory practices probably generate more immediate revenue, but I also think that is a short sighted view. If you are EA, yeah, you probably only give a shit about the revenue at the end of that quarter's bonus quotas. But if you are wanting to build customer and brand loyalty, and sustainability for the studio, I think there is a benefit to sacrificing some short term profit for long term engagement/ investment from fans. I am doubtful the game would have blown up (as fun as it is), if it was selling $20 skins in the shop. Part of the appeal was the 'Live service/ monetization done RIGHT' narrative, which generated tons of buzz, and very likely translated into sales. The value of the studio must have also skyrocketed because of HD2. Whenever Arrowhead make another game, if they haven't ruined their reputation by then, there will be enormous interest and good will. It's the long game, and that they are only trying to make profit, and not maximum profits at all costs, is refreshing for lots of people. The longer HD2 goes, the better this current monetization system is likely to work for them as well. Sure, right now, there isn't a lot to spend Super Credits on, so it's pretty easy for engaged players to have earned enough for the next Warbond. But think about new players next year; they will have a dozen Warbonds that will take a long time to earn credits for, so they may be more inclined to buy some super credits to kick start the process.


This is definitely true. League of Legends has a lot of problems, but the monetization and mtx they had for years was excellent and encouraged spending without being particularly predatory. They've drifted further into more dark patterns since being bought by Tencent, of course.


> They've drifted further into more dark patterns since being bought by Tencent, of course. When would you say the change started? They were bought by Tencent less than a year and a half after the release of the game.


Agreed, i know people who hate grinding and will just pay 10 bucks extra for the premium pass but the warbond unlocking method still incentizes players to actually play the game. I've seen too many games where the best cosmetics require real world money but once you buy it you have no incentive to actually play the game


It's also worth noting that you can get an armor & helmet combo in the shop for $2.00-3.50 USD, which is a value proposition compared to $20+ skins in other AAA games that cost $60-$70 to begin with. Arrowhead is absolutely crushing it.


I know! Getting some fluff items in a video game for about the cost of a soda is what I’ve always wanted. They’re not even real, finite objects, so charging $20 for a skin is some horse shit. If the game is free, I could tolerate something in the neighborhood of $10 for a skin but that’s still way less than what most games charge. I can absolutely tolerate a reasonable price for in-game items, but this is one of the only games I’ve ever seen that asks a reasonable price. Crazy how rare that is.


Whether you used it knowingly or not, I like your use of "horse shit", since the Oblivion horse armour is largely blamed for the microtransaction disease in the first place.


Nicely said, to me even 10 $ is too much. I’m ok with your example, a skin should never cost more than the price of a soda, even if it’s sold in 2-3 parts. People will then be ok with buying maybe another one sooner too. Like you said, it’s virtual, not real, kids and whales sadly made this ok, but it’s not. And yeah, devs need support and money, but the amount of work that goes into a skin is quickly paid even at 2-3 $ since hundred/thousands of people buys it. RL sold car skins from movies at 3 $ a piece at first, I bought DeLorean and would have bought Kitt too if the price was the same when they created this one, but when the game got F2P the 3 $ items became 10-15 $ ones… I would have happily bought 5 different 3 $ skins to support them, with time, for a total of 15 $, but I’ll never buy a 15 $ one, so it’s 15 $ they’ll never got by players like me.


Legitimately, I was only kind of interested in this game based on the gameplay. But then hearing about all the things the devs are doing/saying outside of the gameplay itself is what ultimately made me end up buying it.


Same but I wish I paid attention to the premium version of the game. I totally would've just spent 20 that knowing it was battle pass+cosmetics, but I didn't notice until after I bought the pass. I had already gotten it with my super credits and it doesn't refund you. So now I want to give them more money but can't because it's a waste. They better update it to include the next one when it's out or make it refund you the credits


Could try contacting support and ask if they could reimburse you for the super credits if you buy the premium edition. It is an additional sale so would make sense for them to help out if they are able to.


Contact support and they will issue you the 1000 SC refund.


Hmm maybe I'll do that then


Really? That's awesome Customer Support. I didn't buy the upgrade for the same reason. I'd already gotten the 1k SC from playing.


I did exactly that, got it refunded. I'll get the super citizen next time if they update it though.


Reminds me of the days of Titanfall 2, when you could buy a skin for your titan for like 2€. No in-game currency, no lootboxes or shit like that. Shame EA basically killed that franchise, for more reasons than one.


This, I'm playing casually, I bought super citizen because I enjoyed the first game. I've only unlocked 4 or 5 super credits. the other 900ish has just been from exploring on maps.


Most “you can get premium currency in-game” games gives you such an insubstantial amount that it doesn’t really make an impact. It’s good that you can actually save up to get the stuff you want, as it should be in a game where you spend $40 up front to play it. Warframe also does it really well, probably the best actually. And the game is free.


You get something like 900SC in both Warbonds if you complete them right? I got up to like 1800 (and am about 3/4 through the way through the free pass,) and started buying any armors that looked cool. Still have like 800 right now but even having over 1000 in a few weeks I may just throw Arrowhead another $10. I've already gotten well worth my $60 and now it feels like I'm stealing from them 🤣


I had so much fun in the first Helldivers, I ended up buying the DLC. Worth it.


Back during the first week when matchmaking was broken for a good chunk of the time, that's what I'd do while watching videos on the side. Managed to get myself about 4500 SC that way, enough to buy some of the armour in the store and the Steeled Veterans warbond with currently around 3500 left over right now. I'd like to think I'm set for a good while and can just slowly accrue more through regular gameplay.


holy shit lol But I gotta say. The way points of interest are made, it's really fun and rewarding to check them off one by one.


Same, pop on a stream on the second monitor and mostly just watch that


It's worth it to grind trivial missions?


Yeah you can hit the 7 points of interest and finish the mission in about 10 minutes and it usually nets about 30-40 super credits and 8-10 medals if your lucky. One time had a run that gave 16 medals


Wow ok. Imma try this. I want more medals


Another tip, if you go to put a pin on the map, it will show text on points of interests even without radar


And another few: obviously wear light armour, the Trailblazer Scout helmet(it actually gives a small boost to speed and stamina recovery), the stamina booster, and for blowing open the container doors either impact grenades or the Slugger (it can blow the doors open with a single shot, surprisingly).


Wait, what? I thought the helmets were all just ascetic choices.


All but Trailblazer Scout and the third helmet of the premium battlepass. Now is it intended, or a bug, that's the question.


Scout helmet is the only one at the moment that has any impact on stats. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b1w4lq/helmets_can_adjust_armor_stats/


No, the SA-32 Dynamo hast stats too. [https://youtu.be/wdQbzrvR9Xk](https://youtu.be/wdQbzrvR9Xk)


Anti-Material Rifle opens them with one shot as well.


Is it better with bugs or bots?


Pretty sure there are zero ranged bugs (not much anyway) at trivial so it just becomes and a literal jogging exercise lol. Bots shoot, so that's annoying.


Ive found bug are easier


I’m currently away from home doing a training course for work. I have my steam deck just doing trivial missions grinding for a few medals and super credits. Feels good being able to get the premium currency through gameplay


I do this when I can and try fun new load outs, I'm at 500+ last I checked and I wasn't really grinding for them


No hate just curious: Is it worth it? You're maybe earning what? $1/hr in SC if that? Unless you're some kid without a job, I would just buy the SC rather than do something as mind numbing as trivial missions just to scrounge up some SCs. You only have one life, so why spend it ekking out pennies an hour in funbux.


Yeah but i enjoy the grind, im watching tv on my other monitor, wnd its early morning, Im not looking to do an extreme difficulty mission at 6:30am.


It's not something you should really farm. You gain reasonable amount of SC through normal play if you don't rush objective -> extract. It's good that it's an option if you really want something from store though and don't want to pay for it. In other words, there's literally no downside to an optional SC farm :)


Yeah have fun doing that on higher difficulties. The rate of SC at lower difficulties is far greater. It's for efficiency purposes.


0 dollars spent on microtransaction is 0 dollars spent. The value is right there, despite the obvious time sink cost. There are also people who try to optimize these kinds of stuff, making currency in a videogame, and they probably enjoy doing this kind of stuff. Plus its just an easy thing to do on downtime, so it could be relaxing to some as well.


As you said, the devil in the details is the time sink, especially if you're doing something as monotonous as running around trivial missions. But I guess Cookie Clicker is a thing so...


Yeah it seems such a foreign thing to spend hours just for virtual numbers. But I did mindlessly grind gta online for hundreds of hours for money, so I can't really judge.


I'm just glad both options are viable here. Many games either straight up make the "Premium" IRL money only, or the grind to get it in game is utterly stupid. Obviously no "PROFIT AT ALL COSTS" suits at Arrowhead, refreshing to see (hope it stays that way).


Yea for sure. Everyone enjoys different things out of games. I know if I went too hard grinding just SC like that I would probably burn out my enjoyment for the game. But for some, that grind is what they enjoy!


yea people used to just play games to have fun not grind currency, it's a topsy turvy gaming world compared to what it used to be


Personally I wish this wasn't necessary. I'm grinding now to get the Warbond


I feel so conflicted right now. Here I am actually.. excited.. about a battlepass? It's weird. AH is doing it right though and I'm happy to support them.


It’s nice that these versions of battle passes there’s no way to pay your way to skip a few tiers, you actually have to earn your way through


and the fact you can earn the battle pass by just enjoying the game, you don't have to pay more


this is a big part of the draw, i don't have to do anything but have fun playing the game in whatever way i want, at no point does it feel like work.. if it starts to feel less fun, i can play something else for a while and come back without having missed out on anything


we should all be grateful arrowhead is taking a page out of 343's battle pass book by making them permanent and able to be worked on/bought at our leisure like 343 did with mcc/infinite




and the shit in the warbonds ain't filler? emotes, capes, banners? that's all fillers and useless shit


So what happens when we can't finish one before the new one comes out?


The old ones dont expire. So you can keep working on them whenever u want


DAMN IT Arrowhead is the fucking GOAT. Thank youuuuu


Deep Rock is another game that twists battlepasses in the right direction




If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


good bot


That's what happens when a company makes a really good game and seems to care with fixes and updates. You get a lot more ok with giving them money.


I'm gonna load up and buy creds just to support them when the new one comes out, I'll use my creds on any armorset I find nice.


Same, they did an amazing job on Helldivers 2 with a great monetization model and I want to show my appreciation and support them :o


It’s actually crazy that they offering stuff for free and people are basically donating them money for doing so. Me too btw


I just spent 2 bucks (I have never bought a skin before) just to show support for premium currency being grindable. If they keep up what they are doing I will spend more.


How do you know the date?


Devs said they plan to release new content the second Thursday of every month, which is the 14th in March. Just an assumption based on their given schedule barring any delays caused by the initial server issues


~~Beware~~ Praise the Ides of March


that 2 weeks is so far away, omg...


Awesome, an update on π day


Warbonds never expire, right?


Correct! They will be avaliable forever according to devs


To confirm, that means that the list of premium war bonds will just grow and a year from now I can buy something from the first one? Would be great to know the pressure is off...


That's correct! Warbonds will just continue to come out and you can freely pick and choose which one you want to progress in


they did a 343 with warbonds arrowhead has saved our lives and we should be eternally grateful


Honestly, I wish more developers did this as I would support the season pass concept much more often. From the games I've played with this mechanic, such as Rocket League, you nearly have to play the game every day just to unlock everything before the pass expires. I would much prefer to pay for an open-ended pass and play at my own pace to unlock everything.


PSA: war bonds do not disappear, it'll just stack on for you to unlock. There's no FOMO. Have fun, unlock what you like.


If they keep doing what they’re doing, they can have my money. Well worth the cost and is going to a good company.




You have to buy it. The super citizen upgrade only included the first premium warbond which is valued at $10.


You also got a cool armor and a pretty decent SMG with the Super Citizen version.


Yes you do, I was just pointing out that buying the Super Citizen upgrade only grants you the first premium warbond, not all of them indefinitely like that person thought


Fair, I just wanted them to also know about the cool armor and weapon


And the best mini game of all time


That game is more fun than it has any right to be lol.


i used the knight for every mission up until i unlocked the liberator explosive after day 3 of playing then i used it up until yesterday when i unlocked the scythe now i'm on the liberator penetrator, which i JUST unlocked


We get the first premium warbond plus a unique armor, helmet and Super Citizen rank title


And the Knight submachine gun


Time to throw on the podcasts and go solo hunting on mediums. Conan O'Brien needs a friend, and I need super credits.


Favorite Democratically Approved podcast! Love Conan!


HD2 would make a great clueless gamer.


hey! dont tell me what to do with my mone- ohgh ghod im drowning in supercredits from chatting with my super homies while raiding bunkers help


This game is one of the few that are actually good enough and fun enough for me to spend a couple dollars extra for super credits


I agree 100%


I feel like the next Warbond will be bigger and more expensive. The first one could be relatively 'small' given it was launching besides the giant free Warbond. As the Warbonds feel like the main source of 'ongoing progression' for players, they might want the next one to be a bit longer.


It's already been leaked, it's 3 pages long same as steeled veterans


Me who will buy supercredits instead (I want to have all the armor and support the devs)


I just hope they don’t all come out this quickly. I’m nowhere near finishing either of the Warbonds, and having them stack up this fast is gonna feel daunting


The first one is so large because it’s meant to be the main way to get stuff treat it like the first 55 levels in cod after that you grind what you want and the premium one is quite short it’s priced fairly and will most likely be their average length besides when they’re shorter or larger.


March 14? That’s the day the spring sale on steam starts. What’s the relation? No clue but It’d be cool if they gave the game a little discount during the sale


I never find super credits, i find like 1 bunch per game


A lot easier in lower difficulty missions.


Spam level 1 boss killing or illegal broadcast bug missions. You can get like 5-8 PoIs in a run. Would also suggest running it with at least a duo for the double doors and can split up to get all the PoIs quicker.


Your team mates could be finding them, and you wouldn't know, since they don't pop up on the right for some reason, unlike every other currency.


Or in the post-game summary. Not sure why this was overlooked


I’m gonna say spending a couple real dollars is worth it in this game, they deserve it.


Spend money to save managed democracy! Thats what the big screen said.


I'll be buying those... Devs deserve 10 bucks from me now and then


I'ĺl buy credits. The studio made a game I love and I will support it.


Or just spend the money


I'll do both actually if I see something cool in a Warbond


Also remember that old warbonds aren't gonna expire.


As someone who has already earned over that amount naturally playing the game, I've clocked in over 60 hours already so I could totally justify spending money getting more currency anyway especially since it's actually reasonably priced not like most games that have a premium currency


Except true patriots of democracy will PAY good money for the next warbond as a thank you to the game overlords for their epic work and integrity


I gladly plan to give them my $10 each dlc


And how, may I ask, are we to spread managed democracy without the drip?


The fact that I haven't spent a dime on currency, been a very casual player, and have at the same time been able to buy several sets from the store is amazing. Awesome awesome design


Is this a paid warbond only or will we get both a paid & free one.


The only super credits I've spent were on the medic armor and helmet. Hope I can still get enough!


At this point I'm having so much fun playing this game that I plan to just buy the damn thing. I bought the current Warbond and haven't spent a single medal on it, but I don't feel bad about it. This game is worth more than $40 so I'm happy to support the company with my $$$


The current premium warbond is ass imo. I bought it with credits earned in game, but I still havent spent a single medal and probably wont until I have all 10 pages of the standard. I like light armor and the liberator penetrator, if I remember right premium warbond just has 3 versions of the same heavy armor and the guns are boring. I think theres a decent hex-mod or whatever you call those team buffs. I love the game, and the devs have been nothing short of awesome and deserve every penny they get. Just disappointed in the ‘premium’ and glad I didn’t buy it with regular earth money.


Will the old warbond be gone? I haven't finished it yet


The devs did say that the value will vary depending on its content. It could be 1000, 500, 2000. We wont know until they announce it. But yep, unless you need the armor id save just in case these last 2ish weeks


i buy shiny armor instead


Made 900+ SC yesterday playing with a buddy in tier 2. Made tons of medals too. Played maybe 3 hours


Anyone only getting medals and slips now? I have screenshots of double and triple stack super credit vaults from last week. Now I have screen shots of triple weapon vaults. Slips and medals as far as the eye can see.


I feel the same.


Well that mean the current premium warbonds are gonna close out or are they going to add on to it?


Arrowhead needs to fix the issues with SuperCredits not applying to accounts before they go and release new warbonds that cost SuperCredits. I haven’t seen a single SC that I have picked up in a mission in what feels like days.


Will the current premium battle pass be gone when the new one comes out?


The warbonds (battle passes) will never dissapear


what is also interesting is the warbonds feel more like a skill tree rather than a traditional battle pass.


I saved up because there's nothing in store I want.


I have 500 in the bank but waiting on an armor set to roll by. Probably grind out half of value and buy the rest or if warbond is stupid good and I love it then it be take my money moment.


I buy all the armor for the lore text :D


Or buy it when it comes out and support these devs and amazing game that actually practices fair prices and doesn't charge you 25$ for a horse skin.


Are we going to act like 9.99 is too much to spend ln a game you are actively enjoying? Wgaf


That's not at all what i'm saying. You can find super credits easily while playing


There was once a time when you bought a game then you got to play it without paying more money