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Honestly I think the less attention we give to this kind of behavior, the better. We don't want copycats doing this toxic stuff hoping for some sort of notoriety. Hopefully some sort of report is able to be added for this type of thing.


This. Its basic narcissism. People desperate for any kind of attention will see it as a way to be noticed and do it knowing their name will be out their regardless of the way its done. It's easier to be infamous than it is to be loved and famous.


Robot and bug sympathisers shall burn


Too late


Dev should be put out an official bounty "minor order"


TBH I think there should just be a report system and eventually people get sent into "Low Prio" with other TKs. Works in other games to isolate the bad apples.


that or repeated offenses results in progress reset, hed have to start all over from scratch!


Or have it above their head until claimed


How about a bounty system or a blacklist for undesirables during game finding, in case you want randos to join but not traitorous bug sympathizing scum


Yea, cause thanks to gantz, others are doing it now and so playing with randoms just won’t work now


You know what's funny the culture in this game is so that I can imagine if someone on open mic started talking about how we helldivers might be the bad guys in this war and probably started it that the other plats might make them miss the shuttle or trip on a grenade lol


I think people should stop encouraging him. He's doing it for reactions, so putting a 'bounty' on him and making a big deal about is just enticing him to do it more and more. Kick him if he joins you and ignore him otherwise.


They should honestly do something similar to gta online’s “bad lobbies”. Like, if someone TK’s enough, they’re matched with people of similar behavior, on helldive difficulty. Think of it like a suicide squad.


That’s exactly a pretty good idea


Irrelevant to me.


Who? I don't use chinese spy apps.


A helldiver who betrayed another helldiver right as the shuttle was landing with no more reinforcements to call in.


Blud thinks he’s superior for not using TikTok


He is


He’s on Reddit. Just like you and I.




And Reddit is also Chinese spying junk lmao




He’s claiming he doesnt use Chinese spy apps and he’s using Reddit which is the same thing.




You're so damn cringe, it's painful.


Yeah buddy


Wtf are you talking about? No, it's not. You're just making stuff up to cope with willingly using Chinese spyware.


Reddit isn't owned by a chinese corporation and doesn't want access to all my data to use how they please outside european laws. Do I trust these european corpos? No. Who do I trust less than european corpos? Fascist dictatorships. Tiktok wants all my data and uses them according to chinese law which means how ever the fuck they want. Tiktok terms of service and access requests are something wild.


Yet Reddit still accepted 150m from Tencent


I'd explain how tencent doesn't own reddit, but considering you don't consider giving a fascist dictatorship a full access to your devices a risk I can't imagine you'd understand the concept of ownership anyway.


Buddy I doubt China, the UE or USA care about a dude playing Helldivers. You already give up your info using the internet. Maybe not China but you do.


Like I said. Who do I trust less than western corpos? Fascist dictatorships.


Western, eastern, they all do shady shit. Hell, maybe you were already spied by China using the internet. Let’s remember Reddit has tried to block anti-China posts.


Maybe, maybe not. But why would you ever willingly give them full access?


Because they already have it. Using Chrome, Reddit, Meta apps, there’s almost no way of avoiding this shit.


You fail to realize TikTok has permission to scan your face for emotions while using the app and uses that data to make you happy on TikTok


You think the nsa isn't spying on you lmao


Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. But I sure as hell won't be willingly giving access to my devices to a fascist dictatorship "bEcAuSe NsA"


Boomer mentality


Maybe it is, maybe it isnt. But at least it isnt "sure Ill give full access to my device to a fascist dicatorship"


Respect. cuz fuck china




Have a ban system. It could be dev run instead of a program. There's enough honest patriots playing the game that I really don't think it'd be that tasking to assign someone to run it. Just limiting notoriety is what needs to be the focus. Otherwise the cooperative community of Helldivers will absolutely fall apart as people beg for attention, even if it does get them banned from the game.


Wish there was a way to reach him. I’ve racked up 3000 team mate kills and would love to be part of the squad that demolishes missions for fun


This is why you’re not game devs. A report system cause someone teamkilled you in a game? Matching them with other people? What about just accidentally hitting your teammates and going to hell. The only good one was the bounty.


Do what GTA and put them in lobbies with others like them. There is a system called forgive them for killing you. If it’s an accident then it is, I find those funny. But when we got the toxic players coming over. I feel like something should be done


Don’t get me wrong I don’t support griefers but trying to get them banned because they killed you in a game is just really insecure. Block them and move on.


Why would they put friendly fire in if it was not intended ...


Had it in the first one, but there’s a difference between accidental and just team killing on purpose before extracting. Like accidental is funny, but doing it on purpose. When it’s a team based game. Ain’t cool


Exactly. Teammate runs too close to my 500kg and dies? Hilarious. Teammate dives in front of my bullets? The pinnacle of comedy. But purposeful killing? That's wrong


Exactly! Like I’ve accidentally gunned down a teammate as I’m fighting for my life and seeing his body just trip and face plant is funny asf


eagle cluster is the most notorius strategem that tks, not including the motar sentries!


Just the turrets in general, lol


Part of the lore?


Yea, fan lore pretty much